April 21, 2015 Regular Council
April 21, 2015 Regular Council
CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 7-2015 TUESDAY – APRIL 21, 2015 AGENDA 1. 2. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting called to order at 5:00 P.M. ADOPT AGENDA: Adopt agenda dated April 21, 2015 MINUTES: A) REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING NO. 6-2015 3. DELEGATIONS April 7, 2015 5:05PM A) Canadian Cancer Society - 2015 Healthy Choices Healthy Lifestyles Award B) Prairie Spirit School Division – Bonnie Hope 4. CORRESPONDENCE: Acknowledge List of Correspondence to Council. 5. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Accept Committee Reports and Recommendations A) COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE: April 14, 2015 B) RCMP REPORT TO COUNCIL: none C) CITY MANAGERS REPORT: April 21, 2015 6. FINANCE: A) EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION: Approve Expenditure Appropriation No. 7-2015 B) BANK RECONCILIATION: March 2015 7. MOTIONS: A) MR63 – Lake Vista Park & MR Development Council will be asked: to approve the proposed MR63 plan B) 2015-2019 5 Year Capital Council will be asked: to approve the proposed 5 Year Capital Plan C) Assignment of Lease Agreement – Bylaw 25-2002 Council will be asked: to approve the transfer of a lease agreement from one party to another D) Water and Sewer Accounts/Write Offs Council will be asked: to approve the write offs of uncollectable Water & Sewer Accounts. 8. BYLAWS: A) Bylaw 9-2015 (second & third readings) B) Bylaw 10-2015 (second & third readings) 9. DISCUSSION ITEMS: A) Taxi 10. IN-CAMERA ITEMS: A) Strategic Plan – 1st Quarter Update B) P4G 11. ADJOURNMENT: A) NOTICES & MOTIONS: Council members raise notice of issues or bring motions to the floor. B) ADJOURN: CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 6-2015 TUESDAY APRIL 7, 2015 MINUTES PRESENT: , Deputy Mayor Tyson Chillog, Councillors: Darren MacDonald, Jamie Martens, Travis Wiebe, Bob Blackwell, City Manager Scott Blevins, Director of Infrastructure & Planning Joe Doxey, Director of Recreation & Community Service Dave Bosch, Director of Finance Lorraine Postma, Community Economic Development Manager Dillon Shewchuk REGRETS: Mayor Kent Muench, City Clerk Carla Budnick LOCATION: Council Chambers, City Hall RECORDING SECRETARY: Finance Clerk Martha Krahn, CALL TO ORDER: Deputy Mayor Tyson Chillog called the meeting to order at 5:00 P.M. RES: #94/04072015 (MacDonald/Martens) AGENDA “That we adopt the agenda dated April 7, 2015” CARRIED RES: #95/04072015 (Blackwell/Wiebe) MINUTES – MARCH 17, 2015 “That we accept the minutes of the Regular Council Meeting No. 5-2015 dated March 17, 2015.” CARRIED RES: #96/04072015 (Kostyna/MacDonald) EXPENDITURE APPROPRIATION “That we authorize Expenditure Appropriation No. 6-2015, $599,000.63 as attached hereto and forming part of the minutes.” CARRIED RES: #97/04072015 (Wiebe/Blackwell) ADOPT BUDGET “That we adopt the 2015 Budget as attached to and forming part of these minutes.” CARRIED RES: #98/04072015 (Martens/Wiebe) SPECIAL EVENT PERMIT/BUSTER DAYS “That we Grant a Special Event Permit to Martensville Buster Days for a slo-pitch tournament with beer gardens to be held June 6, 2015 at the Martensville Kinsmen Park Ball Diamonds, in accordance with their application, as attached hereto and forming part of these minutes.” CARRIED RES: #99/04072015 (Martens/Kostyna) 2015 SASK LOTTERIES GRANT “That we accept the proposed funding application proposal as attached.” CARRIED CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 6-2015 TUESDAY APRIL 7, 2015 MINUTES RES: #100/04072015 (Kostyna/Martens) PUBLIC HEARING “That we now recess the Regular Council Meeting to hold a Public Hearing in regards to Zoning Amendment Bylaw 6-2015 at 5:08 P.M. The purpose of this amendment is to allow larger commercial sites with multiple users to provide additional signage. CARRIED RES: #101/04072015 (MacDonald/Blackwell) RESUME REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING “That we resume the April 7, 2015 Regular Council Meeting at 5:09 P.M.” CARRIED RES: #102/04072015 (Wiebe/MacDonald) BYLAW NO.6-2015 (SECOND READING): “That Bylaw 6-2015, being a Zoning Bylaw Amendment be read for the second time” CARRIED RES: #103/04072015 (Martens/Kostyna) BYLAW NO.6-2015 (THIRD & FINAL READING) ““That Bylaw 6-2015, being a Zoning Bylaw Amendment be read for the third and final time” CARRIED RES: #104/04072015 (Blackwell/Wiebe) BYLAW NO.9-2015 (FIRST READING): “That Bylaw 9-2015, being a Tax Administration Amendment be read for the first time. CARRIED RES: #105/04072015 (Wiebe/Martens) BYLAW NO. 10-2015 (FIRST READING); “That Bylaw 10-2015, being a Consumer Utility Rates Amendment be read for the first time.” CARRIED RES: #106/04072015 (Kostyna/Martens) BYLAW NO. 11-2015 (FIRST READING); “That Bylaw 11-2015, being a 2015 Property Tax Bylaw be read for the first time.” CARRIED CITY OF MARTENSVILLE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING 6-2015 TUESDAY APRIL 7, 2015 MINUTES RES: #107/04072015 (Kostyna/Martens) BYLAW NO. 11-2015 (SECOND READING); “That Bylaw 11-2015, being a 2015 Property Tax Bylaw be read for the second time.” CARRIED RES: #108/04072015 (MacDonald/Martens) BYLAW NO. 11-2015 (THIRD READING); “That we give Bylaw 11-2015, three readings at this meeting.” CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RES: #109/04072015 (MacDonald/Martens) BYLAW NO. 11-2015 (THIRD & FINAL READING); “That Bylaw 11-2015, being a 2015 Property Tax Bylaw, be read for a third and final time.” CARRIED RES: #110/04072015 (MacDonald/Martens) ADJOURN “That we adjourn this meeting at 5:13 P.M.” CARRIED ______________________ MAYOR _______________________ CITY CLERK REPORT 4-2015 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING TUESDAY – APRIL 14, 2015 MINUTES PRESENT: Deputy Mayor Tyson Chillog, Councillors Travis Wiebe, Bob Blackwell Terry Kostyna, Darren MacDonald, City Manager Scott Blevins, Director of Infrastructure & Planning Joe Doxey, Community Economic Development Manager Dillon Shewchuk, Finance Director Lorraine Postma REGRETS: Mayor Kent Muench Deputy and Councillor Jamie Martens and Director of Recreation & Community Services Dave Bosch LOCATION: Council Chambers, City Hall RECORDING SECRETARY: City Clerk Carla Budnick CALL TO ORDER: Councillor Travis Wiebe called the meeting to order at 5:02 P.M. 4. DELEGATIONS 4.1 Lake Vista Landscape Plan MR63 – Amber Lyons (Stantec) Amber Lyons presented council with the updated landscaping plan for the MR63. It was noted that MR63 will be a scaled back version of MR56 the focal point of the whole subdivision. Some concerns were raised regarding lack of irrigation for the proposed small hill. North Ridge Developments representative David Calyniuk agreed that the hill would be irrigated to eliminate any future concerns. Another area of concern was the transition from irrigated grass and pathways to natural area at the south east corner, it was explained that this was done as no decision has been made on the adjacent development (commercial or multi-family), which would impact the final design. An updated plan showing the irrigation of the small hill will be forwarded to administration and a motion will be brought forth at a future council meeting. Councillor Wiebe thanked both Amber Lyons and David Calyniuk for their time. 5. REPORTS 5.1 City Manager 5.2 City Clerk 5.3 Director of Finance 5.3.1 Outstanding Water & Sewer Accounts 2014 Director of Finance Lorraine Postma reviewed with Council the outstanding Water & Sewer Accounts for 2014. Since the passing of the Water & Sewer Utility Administration Amendment Bylaw 26-2014 all property owners of rental properties and renters have been notified of the new regulations allowing unpaid utility fees to be added to the property owner’s taxes. Director Postma explained with this bylaw update there will no longer be outstanding balances that need to be written off. Council had no further questions and a motion will come to the next council meeting for formal approval. REPORT 4-2015 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MEETING TUESDAY – APRIL 14, 2015 MINUTES 5.4 Director of Recreation and Community Services 5.5 Director of Infrastructure & Planning 5.6 Community/Economic Development Manager (CEDM) 5.6.1 CEDM Report The Community Economic Development Manager Shewchuk gave an overview of things he has been working on over the past month. Various business inquires continue to come in and information is provided as requested. The recent Homestyles 2015 attendance was a great opportunity to showcase Martensville and all it has to offer. Updates to the current website continue and hope to be completed by the end of next week. Gearing up for the upcoming Martensville Expo for May 1 & 2. 8. IN-CAMERA ITEM: 8.1 – Crosby Hanna 8.2 – 5 Year Capital Budget ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 7:01 pm. _______________________ Mayor Kent Muench CITY MANAGER’S REPORT April 21, 2015 MANAGER - - - RCMP and old City Hall area – The work will be out for tender prices shortly. RCMP have reviewed and signed off on security measures. Traffic division will be moving into the old City Hall area when the renovations are complete. S/Sgt. Howard Nodwell is in-charge of this division and I have invited him to meet with Council. City Hall Mechanical Issues – A meeting took place with all concerned parties. There is a plan for testing, balancing and increasing the return air. Other deficiencies are being addressed by Gabriel Construction. To date there has been no news on the Building Canada Application. Lanes – Concrete swales on each side of residential lanes are being investigated by Catterall & Wright to deal with lane drainage and sump pump discharge. They are working on designs and estimates. We will want to test a short troubled lane to document how it works. If positive we will want to discuss with Council about proceeding as a local improvement and forego future lane paving options in current residential areas. We have had the lane paving option as a local improvement and the estimates have been too costly for residents. CITY CLERK - Strategic Plan updates for 2015 first quarter have been completed. Grade 4’s from Venture Heights visited City Hall. I will be attending the Saskatchewan Association of City Clerks meetings in Lloydminster at the end of the month. FINANCE RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES - Pool Boiler tube cleaning and welding of small tear in pool liner being scheduled. Met with Minor Soccer regarding upgrades to soccer pitch behind Sports Centre. Parks staff checking condition of playground equipment/bleachers/sportfields/paths. Senior Funding application was approved for $15,000 for renovations. City Directors meeting May 27-29 and will be co-hosted between Martensville & Warman. Working on a Zero Tolerance Policy for Recreational Facilities & Parks Bylaw report for March attached. Bylaw will be patrolling parks the next few weeks in regards to dogs being off-leash as we have received several complaints. INFRASTUCTURE AND PLANNING Water and Sewer Utility - Regular operations. - Lagoon drain line has thawed tested and is prepared for spring discharge. Water pumping station #4 is approximately 90% complete. Electrical equipment is now installed and the contractor is nearing substantial completion. The station will be operational in June / July following the remaining work on the water supply line. Roadways - Street sweeping and pavement maintenance has begun in earnest. Prior to posting for parking restrictions, a fast sweep through will be made to get rid of large amounts of winter debris. Following this, regular summer operations will proceed where notification is posted to provide a narrower range (typically 3 days) for specific blocks to abstain from parking vehicles on the roadway. - Major potholes are being repaired, as well crews are prepping and patching prior pavement cuts, manhole adjustments and locations where utility cuts took place. - Spring run-off was early this year, and it is also expected that lane maintenance can begin a little bit earlier. - C&W will be providing several options for possible traffic calming alternatives to go along with 4th Street South, street rehabilitation. If undertaken at the time of reconstruction it is anticipated that measures could range in the 10 to 15 thousand dollar range per block. Options and costs will be presented to Council prior to going to tender to determine if and what option(s) should be implemented. - Development of transportation policy is proceeding well with consultants. A workshop for administration and available Council is scheduled for Wednesday May 10th from 11am to noon. Planning New businesses applications include: • SF - JP Massage (relocation) • SF - Gail Adams Studio of Art • SF - Happy Feet • HBB - Little Shop of ElleSee • HBB - Revolution Auto Accessories Ltd. Total Development Permits Issued to Date – 83 Total Construction Value: over $11.4 Million This includes: 10 Single Family Housing Starts 8 Multiple Units started 8 Commercial/Industrial Commercial/Multiple Unit/Institutional Developments Notable commercial/multiple unit/institutional projects worked on April to March: 1. Canadian Tire, 701 CDN strip mall, Razor Tip, Boston Pizza and Dollarama – permits have been issued and construction initiated. Subdivisions: 1) Future Recreational Site – Adjacent to MR62 – Future School Site Applicant: City of Martensville Status: Community Planning has received application from surveyor. It is now been sent out for referrals. Motions must be provided from RM of Corman Park as this is within their jurisdiction. 2) South Industrial – Previous City Lands Applicant: North Ridge Developments Status: PPS received from Community Planning this week. Administration reviewing prior to sending to Council for May 5th, 2015. Land Sales Agreement and Development & Servicing agreement to be created. Appeals: Development appeals for the City were heard by the District Development Appeals Board on April 2nd. All were approved by the Board. 1) Address: 954 Glenview Cove Appeal basis: SFD with a deficient required side yard. 2) Address: Lake Vista various Appeal Basis: non-conforming lots approved by Community Planning 3) Address: 922 Salmon Way Appeal Basis: side yard for a single family dwelling with a flanking street under 18m wide is 2m. They would like to construct their home at 1.2m. - - Regional Planning - The Martensville members of the ROC will meet again on April 30th in Warman for the quarterly meeting. The agenda items include the Vision document and work towards the Interim Development Strategy. The IDS will be in place for the region until the actual Regional Plan is prepared and adopted. The goal for this is June 2016. The regional website is www.partnershipforgrowth.ca. OCP and Zoning Bylaw Review - Crosby Hanna met with Council to present their proposed amendments to the Zoning Bylaw. Public consultation will now be undertaken. Outstanding work (as of April 16th, 20151) includes: OCP and Zoning: 1. The OCP proposed amendments to be received by the City. (reflective of recommended zoning changes) 2. Main Street Cross Section to be finalized after engineering wrapped up. Outstanding work, part of Public Consultation / Open House 1. An outline of key themes to present to the public at the open house to be drafted. 2. Public consultation meetings (Overall Zoning Bylaw and Core Area Bylaw) Meeting to occur between consultant and land developers Public Meeting for general public. 3. Package to be received from the consultants summarizing public comments and recommendations based on the consultations for further tweaks to the bylaw. 4. Council provided comments regarding above back to consultant. Final approval of OCP and Zoning Bylaws First Reading of the OCP and Zoning Bylaws Advertising 4 week waiting period (mandatory within Act) Public Hearing and 2nd & 3rd Reading of the OCP bylaw and Public Hearing and 2nd Reading of the Zoning Bylaw can occur 5. Ministry Approval of the OCP amendments prior to hearing the last reading of the Zoning Bylaw. 6. 3rd Reading of the Zoning Bylaw can occur. 1. 2. 3. 4. CITY OF MARTENSVILLE BYLAW ENFORCEMENT STATS MON TH: MARCH 2015 COMPLAINT OFFENSE PATROL CALLS WARNINGS FINES TOTAL TRAFFIC BYLAW PARKED OVER SIDEWALK 5 5 5 REC. VEHICLE ON STREET 1 1 1 PARKED ON WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD PARKED IN NO PARKING AREA 10 10 5 5 5 PARKING TO CLOSE TO HYDRANT BLOCKING DRIVEWAY 1 1 1 1 PARKED ON BLVD 1 1 1 1 TRAILER UNHITCHED 6 6 5 1 6 PARKED MORE THEN 72 HRS ON 2 2 2 2 STREET Unreg. Vehicle parked on Street 1 1 1 1 ANIMAL CONTROL BYLAW DOGS AT LARGE 1 1 1 1 WITH TAG OR MICROCHIP CATS AT LARGE 2 2 2 2 WITH TAG OR MICROCHIP # OF DOGS TAKEN TO VET # OF DOGS TAKEN TO SPCA # OF CATS TAKEN TO VET # OF CATS TAKEN TO SPCA 2 2 OFF LEASH 2 2 2 2 DEFECATION NOT PICKED UP 1 1 1 1 # OF TRAPS LENT OUT # OF ANIMALS TRAPPED NOISE BYLAW ZONING BYLAW NO BIN Shipping container NUISANCE BYLAW OVER GROWN WEEDS AND GRASS BARKING DOG 9 9 8 1 9 UNTIDY AND UNSIGHTLY PROPERTY 1 1 1 1 Fireworks FORESTRY‐ diseased tree SNOW REMOVAL WASTE Waste deposited in alley TOTAL FOR LAST MONTH 37 TOTAL FOR THE MONTH 40 TOTAL FOR THE YEAR TO DATE 103 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE BANK RECONCILIATION FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH 2015 BALANCE AS OF FEBRUARY 28, 2015 PLUS: INTEREST REVENUE: Credit Union Pertpetual Care Interest (March) over/short 5,117.54 0.88 0.02 CASH RECEIPTS: Taxes TIPPS 56,159.17 293,271.00 Utilities Pre-Authorized Payments 214,704.49 41,175.87 General Revenue 5,118.44 $ 993,640.12 $ 14,902.57 4,959,832.83 $ $ 1,013,661.13 5,973,493.96 $ $ 1,868,418.38 4,105,075.58 $ $ 4,461,304.33 4,142.32 $ $ 40,617.58 4,506,064.23 $ $ 401,187.65 4,104,876.58 $ 199.00 4,105,075.58 349,430.17 255,880.36 $388,329.59 MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: SaskEnergy (JANUARY) $ $ 14,862.57 BEO-Fine 40.00 SUB-TOTAL: LESS: A/P AND PAYROLL: A/P MARCH 2015 Payroll #5 (February 15-28) Payroll #6 (MAR 1-14) 1,707,372.58 78,157.39 80,462.20 1,865,992.17 Debentures MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS: GG-Debit machine MAP-DEBIT Machine SW-Debit Machine Canada Post Stale date cheque Written off 41.13 66.09 35.00 2,264.61 19.38 $ 2,426.21 ADJUSTED GENERAL LEDGER BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2015: BALANCE AS PER THE BANK STATEMENTS: Credit Union Balance Perpetual Care Account PLUS: OUTSTANDING DEPOSITS: MARCH 2015 EFT pymts SUB-TOTAL: OUTSTANDING CHEQUES: LESS: MARCH 2015 OTHER: bank charges Bank Error - Cheque #27948 ADJUSTED BANK STATEMENT BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2015: $ $ 29,084.11 11,533.47 401,187.65 24.00 175.00 NC FE FENCE - SIMTEK N E R ME -A R TA IS FENCE - SIMTEK PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE E NC FE ME -A N S RI R TA F1 FENCE - SIMTEK F1 FOUNTAIN SEED MIX #2 SEED MIX #2 N P S F2 F2 FENCE - AMERISTAR S C B P SE ED #1 MIX FENCE - AMERISTAR F2 F2 SE ED #1 MIX WATER AND SEWER ACCOUNTS/WRITE OFF: “That the following Water and Sewer Accounts in the amount of $16,699.48 be written off as they are uncollectible: ACCOUNT # FINAL BILLED COLLECTION AGENCY REASON FOR WRITE-OFF 4-1112-1 AMOUNT OUTSTANDING $ 363.49 AUGUST 15/14 OCTOBER 31/14 5-3036-2 $ 390.70 JUNE 30/14 AUGUST 18/14 1-2005-0 $ 13,367.50 SEPT.12/14 3-69-1 $ 349.79 NOV.6/14 MNP LTD TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY RENTER - SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER - SENT TO COLLECTIONS BANKRUPT 3-1038-1 $ 87.24 OCT.1/14 DEC.2/14 7-7301-1 $ 133.94 SEPT.18/14 DEC.2/14 1-9-5 $ 281.69 JULY 31/14 SEPT.29/14 4-99942-0 $ 81.41 FEB.21/14 JUNE 4/14 2-9337-1 $ 68.52 AUG.5/14 SEPT.29/14 2-5942-9 $ 146.67 NOV.1/13 FEB.10/14 5-2538-1 $ 153.10 APRIL 30/14 JUNE 11/14 1-2344-3 $ 56.52 JULY 31/14 SEPT.29/14 6-6211-3 $ 63.98 OCT.24/13 FEB.10/14 2-575-1 $ 182.96 AUG.1/14 SEPT.29/14 1-30-1 $ 182.14 JAN.23/14 APRIL 2/14 2-133-5 $ 789.83 JULY 31/14 SEPT.29/14 BANKRUPT RENTER - SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER - SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER - SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER - SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER - SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER - SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER - SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER-SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER-SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER-SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER-SENT TO COLLECTIONS RENTER-SENT TO COLLECTIONS CITY OF MARTENSVILLE TAX ADMINISTRATION AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 9-2015 A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF MARTENSVILLE TO AMEND TAX ADMINISTRATION BYLAW NO. 19-2011 The Council of the City of Martensville in the Province of Saskatchewan enacts as follows: 1. Tax Administration Bylaw No. 19-2011 is amended by: a) Delete Schedule “A” b) Add Schedule “A” 2. This Bylaw shall come into effect upon final passage thereof. Read a first time this 7th day of April, A. D. 2015. Read a second time this 21st day of April, A.D. 2015 Read a third and final time this 21st day of April, A.D. 2015 MAYOR CITY CLERK CITY OF MARTENSVILLE TAX ADMINISTRATION AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 9-2015 SCHEDULE OF FEES SCHEDULE “A” Assessment Appeal Fees: SFD Residential or Condo Commercial Assessed Value: - 499,999 or less - 500,000 to 1,000,000 - Greater than 1,000,000 $100.00 $200.00 $500.00 $750.00 Tax Search Statement (SAMA Field Sheet) $15.00 Tax Certificate $15.00 CITY OF MARTENSVILLE CONSUMER UTILITY RATES AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 10-2015 A BYLAW OF THE CITY OF MARTENSVILLE TO AMEND THE CONSUMER UTILITY RATES BYLAW NO. 21-2004. 1. The Consumer Utility Rates Bylaw No. 21-2004 is amended as hereinafter set forth: a) By deleting Schedule “A” and substituting Schedule “A” as attached to and forming part of this bylaw. 2. This Bylaw shall come into force and take effect on May 1st, 2015. Read a first time this 7th day of April 2015. Read a second time this 21st day of April 2015 Read a third and final time this 21st day of April 2015 ____________________________ MAYOR ____________________________ CITY CLERK CITY OF MARTENSVILLE CONSUMER UTILITY RATES AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 10-2015 SCHEDULE “A” MONTHLY WATER RATES AND CHARGES 1. FLAT RATE: Flat rate minimum charge of $12 per month. 2. CONSUMPTION RATE: Additional consumption charge for water used of $3.21 per cubic metre ($14.59 per 1,000 gallons).
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