spring benefit
spring benefit
38T H A N N UA L SPRI N G BEN EFIT H O N O RI N G A L A N L AY T N E R Recognizing the graduating seniors of Next Generation, DOROT’s Teen Leadership Board Wednesday, May 28, 2014 The Museum of the City of New York 1220 Fifth Avenue, New York City A N E W YO R K F R A M E O F M I N D Dear Friends, More and more, we hear about creating senior-friendly communities for the unprecedented number of older adults who are remaining in their homes, despite the challenges of urban living. Fortunately, DOROT’s founders embraced that vision 38 years ago, choosing to get to know their elderly neighbors instead of ignoring them and changing the outlook for countless New Yorkers. As a result, DOROT has become a resource for others who want to the follow in their footsteps. The agency’s dedicated staff makes regular connections and ongoing relationships with trusted volunteers possible for seniors who could easily remain out of touch with their community. As a volunteer recently shared with us “Aging sure is hard. I honestly think the Friendly Visiting program is one of the most important things… because people need socialization and stimulation. And they need to know they are cared about.” I am inspired by the enthusiastic commitment of DOROT’s volunteers, from the individuals and groups representing communities throughout New York who gather to deliver packages to homebound seniors four times a year, to the stellar young professionals comprising Next Dor, who recently gathered (in my home) to pledge their support for the vulnerable elderly. Whether it is a willingness to prepare and serve a meal at our transitional housing facility, deliver a birthday cake and visit with a senior to celebrate this milestone, teach a senior to Skype or regularly visit a new older friend, our dedicated volunteers improve the quality of life of so many older adults in our community. Our honoree, Alan Laytner, embodies DOROT’s commitment to enhancing the lives of older adults. We extend our heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to Alan and the graduating members of Next Generation for their devotion to creating an inclusive community for our elders. NANCY RANKIN President, DOROT Board of Director TIME AFTER TIME Dear Friends, Each year takes us closer to a future we never expected, giving the eldest among us longer lives in a whole new world. For 38 years, DOROT’s leaders, volunteers, and supporters have remained focused on honoring the older members of the community – sharing traditional values throughout changing times. DOROT confronts the harsh challenges seniors face as they live longer with time-honored programs and innovative initiatives that alleviate social isolation. I am grateful to our dedicated staff who work so hard to provide excellent programs and services that serve older adults and bring the generations together. Throughout the past year, we have engaged more students to get to know the seniors in their community. I enjoy hearing the wonderful stories of how the young and old interact and engage with one another. It is exciting to learn how seniors are embracing the tools of the digital age through music-sharing and computer tutoring, and are especially touched by the timeless bonds seniors and youth volunteers make while participating in activities like sharing meals, discussing literature, and playing chess. We are grateful for the dedication of our honoree, Alan Laytner, who has helped us shape DOROT’s vision of improving the lives and health of the elderly. To the graduating members of our teen leadership board, Next Generation, thank you for mobilizing your peers to creatively engage isolated seniors and bring critical attention to DOROT’s work. We extend our heartiest congratulations to these committed young leaders and their families. Deepest thanks to DOROT’s Board of Directors, the Benefit Chair, Joel Kazis, and the Committee members, and to our extraordinary President, for this cherished celebration of the community of hope we create by bringing the generations together and envisioning a brighter tomorrow for older adults. MARK L. MERIDY Executive Directors TRADITIONS Dear Friends, Each year, DOROT supporters and friends gather at the Spring Benefit, which brings people together - thousands since DOROT’s founding - to celebrate an honoree, to show pride in the year’s accomplishments, to demonstrate that caring for the elderly is a priority and to show great respect for the intergenerational community of volunteers. I am so pleased to welcome you all to this wonderful DOROT event. Your presence here demonstrates that DOROT’s mission is important and matters to all of us. Tonight is a special evening as we honor Alan Laytner, a dedicated leader of DOROT and of our community. Alan’s deep commitment and loyalty to DOROT and to its mission sets an example for all of us. His generosity and concern for this community along with his leadership on the Board has played a key role in the continuing excellence of the organization. I have known Alan and his wife Rachelle for many years. When I first approached Alan to join the Board I knew that DOROT’s mission was a perfect fit for him. Both Alan and Rachelle are dedicated leaders in our community. Alan’s work over many years with DOROT has guided this organization and set a high standard for all of us. I am so pleased that we are honoring Alan at DOROT’s 38th Spring Benefit this evening; it is a fitting tribute to a committed leader. We are saluting a group of teens who have made DOROT a priority in their service to the community throughout high school. You will hear from Morgan Shear tonight, an inspiring teen leader, along with her fellow graduating seniors on the Next Gen Board: Molly Kaiser, Elena Krasnoff, Jamie Lichtenstein, Jared Mandelbaum, Max Slepian, and Carly Steckel. This year we celebrate anniversaries of two exceptional programs: the 30th anniversary of University Without Walls, and the 25th anniversary of the Homelessness Prevention Program. In addition to our ongoing programs, this year we launched an intergenerational chess program, piloted digital University Without Walls classes, escorted seniors to musical and cultural events, and taught elders how to use iPads. I extend my appreciation to DOROT’s Development Committee, chaired by Ethan Horwitz, and the members of tonight’s Benefit Committee and the DOROT Board. This team of leaders created a festive gala event for our community and for our honoree and his family. Enjoy the evening and please know that your presence is part of a tradition. We thank you for continuing what our founders created 38 years ago and look forward to furthering the tradition for many years to come. Sincerely, JOEL KAZIS Benefit Chair BLESSED IS THE GENERATION IN WHICH THE OLD LISTEN TO THE YOUNG. AND DOUBLY BLESSED IS THE GENERATION IN WHICH THE YOUNG LISTEN TO THE OLD. -Talmud, Rosh Hashanah 25B A B O U T A L A N L AY T N E R Even while pursuing an MFA at Columbia, Alan became increasingly engaged in the family business. He soon joined full-time and within a few years, he had quadrupled the size of the store. “He loves business,” said his older brother, Mel. “He has always worked incredibly hard and has a never-give-up intensity that is amazing. He brings that same drive to whatever he does, whether it’s martial arts, textiles, or philanthropy.” Alan began volunteering at DOROT after a chance meeting with Joel Kazis, a board member, at a dinner for the Abraham Joshua Heschel School. “DOROT appealed to me because it strives to give people dignity,” Alan said. “When people grow older they often feel irrelevant and less needed. DOROT makes sure they feel valued and lets them share their life experiences and memories with others. This may be the age of ‘social networking,’ but social isolation is still a serious problem, especially for many of our seniors.” Essayist EB White famously wrote that the true New York native “takes the city for granted and accepts its size and its turbulence as natural and inevitable.” He gives New York its “solidity and continuity.” White could have been describing Alan Laytner. Born in Manhattan and bred on the Upper West Side, Alan is a product of that neighborhood: intellectually intense, gregarious -- and generous. He was educated exclusively on the west side of Manhattan – from elementary and high school to college (City College of New York) and graduate school (Columbia University). What’s more, the family business, Laytner’s Linen & Home, has been an Upper West Side fixture since 1969, when his parents, Joseph and Helen Laytner, converted their 400 square foot candy store to a home furnishings shop. “My parents were Holocaust Survivors who came here with two cardboard suitcases and dreams of a better life for their children,” Alan said. “They set a high moral bar and an intense work ethic for my brother and me. They had little patience for laziness or insincerity.” At the time, “my father was at an age when many men start thinking of retiring,” Alan said. “Instead, he was starting all over again in a totally unfamiliar business. Talk about setting an example for your children!” Alan was still in college when he negotiated a new store lease on behalf of his parents. “The West Side was just awakening from the decline, grime and crime of the 1970’s,” he said. “I thought it would be a mistake to move out just when the neighborhood was taking off.” He quickly involved his wife, Rachelle, and three young daughters in DOROT’s annual Thanksgiving Banquets and seasonal Holiday Package Deliveries. Alan served on DOROT’s Board of Directors for 10 years and has chaired the Program Committee, which he particularly enjoyed. “It allowed me to help with the strategic planning while adhering to the organization’s mission. It was a fascinating learning experience, very inspirational and fun.” He credits late Board members Freddi Finegood ז״לand Anne Heyman ז״לwith “setting the tone and a standard of excellence for the organization.” Alan also serves on the Board of Directors for the Hebrew Free Loan Society and sits on the Microenterprise Committee, and is the co-chair of the Development Committee. Besides his own parents, Alan credits his in-laws, Dr. Irwin and Harriet Gribetz, with whom he is exceptionally close for his community involvement. “I’m lucky to have the relationship with them that I do - they are special people. They, with my parents, set an example of what chesed is all about.” “Being part of DOROT is a huge honor in my life,” Alan says, “the honor is based on the people in the organization, their love and commitment to this work, and fellow board members I’ve worked with.” DOROT is proud to honor Alan for his devotion to excellence within the DOROT community and his unwavering commitment to enhancing the lives of the elderly and bringing the generations together, right here where he grew up: in New York City. N E X T G E N E R AT I O N Next Generation, DOROT’s leadership board for students in grades 10-12, was launched in 2001. Teen interns who have demonstrated a high level of leadership and dedication are invited to join Next Generation. Each year, Next Generation welcomes approximately 14 students from 10-12 different schools. They meet once a month during the school year to plan activities, participate in leadership training workshops, and provide input about teen volunteer initiatives. Sessions also include informal Jewish learning and group reflection. Trained in public speaking, Next Generation members conduct school workshops, present orientations for teen groups at Holiday Package Deliveries, and serve as DOROT youth representatives in other programs. They also plan and implement fundraising activities for their peers. Next Generation’s lasting initiatives include “The Word,” a blog on the DOROT website in which members share personal DOROT experiences and thoughts on both volunteering and agingrelated issues, as well as an annual intergenerational program on a Sunday afternoon to introduce their peers to DOROT and encourage them to volunteer in the future. DOROT is proud to present the fourth annual Next Generation Honor Roll at our 2014 Spring Benefit. As the vanguard of our community’s future volunteer leadership, Next Generation plays an important role in DOROT’s mission of bringing the generations together. The Next Generation Honor Roll recognizes each year’s graduating seniors as an expression of our appreciation for the time and effort they have devoted to building a better world for the aged. The graduating seniors’ views on their Next Generation experience and on the importance of building an agefriendly community are shared below. M O L LY K A I S S A R GRADUATING: The Chapin School WILL BE ATTENDING: Carnegie Mellon University My participation in Next Generation has been life-changing. I have always been interested in volunteering, but before I started with DOROT, I did not know where to look. Once I got involved with DOROT, I instantly fell in love with the organization. A few years ago, I was invited onto the Next Generation Teen Council, and since then DOROT has given me so many opportunities I would not have come across otherwise. It is extremely important to build an intergenerational and age-friendly community. New York City is a small space with a lot of people, so if we create a network of people willing to lend a hand, the city will be much more age-friendly. I try my hardest to lend a hand directly to the seniors in need, and I also try to create more of an intergenerational community by bringing more teens and children to DOROT to help create a larger network. ELENA KRASNOFF GRADUATING: Bard High School Early College WILL BE ATTENDING: Binghamton University My participation in Next Generation has allowed me to form a stronger connection with the DOROT community. I have learned a lot through both DOROT and Next Generation and I hope to continue to use the things I’ve learned in the future. The seniors I have visited have taught me so much about life and that is something I will be forever thankful for. Building an intergenerational community is crucial; it’s important that we teach younger generations to respect their elders. JA MIE LICHTENSTEIN GRADUATING: Columbia Prep WILL BE ATTENDING: Wake Forest University My participation in Next Generation has taught me how important connecting the generations is. Building an intergenerational and age-friendly community is very important to me. I cherish the time I spend with seniors. Not only am I able to learn invaluable life lessons and hear wonderful stories, but I am able to forge new friendships. My work with DOROT prompted me to create onelifelesson.com, a website that encapsulates the lessons of our elders and bridges the gap between generations. I admire the work DOROT does and I am lucky and proud to be part of such a warm, dedicated, and supportive community. C A R LY S T E C K E L GRADUATING: Staples High School WILL BE ATTENDING: Cornell University My participation in Next Generation has allowed me to remain an active participant in working towards this amazing organization’s mission. I believe that no person should be isolated or made to feel insignificant, but unfortunately, many seniors often experience both. Creating an intergenerational and age-friendly community is the only way to ensure that one can find happiness at any stage of life. The necessity of such a community is not only for the benefit of current seniors, but also for our own benefit, because if we are lucky, we all will reach advanced age eventually. I see myself as working towards this ideal by treating seniors with the respect they deserve, and encouraging others to do the same. Top from left to right: Jared Mandelbaum, Alex Cohen, Carly Steckel, Leora Nevins, Max Slepian, Elena Krasnoff Bottom from left to right: Hannah Gallan, Morgan Shear, Maud Mayer, Jamie Lichtenstein JARED M ANDELBAUM GRADUATING: The Dalton School WILL BE ATTENDING: Hamilton College My participation in Next Generation has been an invaluable and fulfilling experience. I have learned important skills and I feel like I have truly helped the elder community in New York City. I think it is vitally important to foster an age-friendly community, as I feel that intergenerational relationships are beneficial for members of both older and younger generations. There is obviously a natural divide between older and younger generations, and the closure of this gap can lead to life-changing experiences. DOROT does a great job of creating relationships that span multiple generations, and I feel that I have played a part in this effort by volunteering and working with Next Generation. Many younger people are hesitant to reach out to elders; I hope I was able to set an example for my peers through my involvement with DOROT. MAX SLEPIAN GRADUATING: SAR High School WILL BE ATTENDING: Binghamton University I have been volunteering with Next Generation for three years. I think it is very important for the younger generation to learn as much as they can from the older generations and to give back to them for their amazing life accomplishments. I hope to continue volunteering with the elderly and encourage more friends and family to do so. MORGAN SHEAR GRADUATING: The Spence School WILL BE ATTENDING: Georgetown University My participation in Next Generation has provided me with the confidence and leadership skills to go out into the world and make meaningful change. Oftentimes, I feel that the elderly go unheard; their needs are overlooked and their problems are not always understood. As a young adult, I believe it is important to spread awareness about the plight that these valuable members of society face, and to create a supportive and compassionate intergenerational community. Bridging the generations is important on many levels. Not only can the young learn from elders’ unique perspectives and experiences, they can, in turn, bring life, joy, and companionship into many isolated seniors’ lives. From my personal experience of watching my grandparents age, and from my time here at DOROT, I have recognized it is my duty to help foster these intergenerational relationships and to be a voice for the elderly, ensuring that they are always heard. As I move into the next chapter of my life, I see myself becoming a political advocate for the elderly, a friend, and a listener. DOROT VISION & MISSION OUR PROGR AMS Friendly Visiting matches volunteers with seniors based on mutual interests for weekly visits, forming meaningful friendships that often last many years. Holiday Package Deliveries involve volunteers bringing seasonal food packages to seniors at least four times a year, and staying for a visit. The Thanksgiving Banquet and Meal Delivery is the largest annual program and includes a festive on-site banquet for older adults who VISION DOROT will be an innovative leader in mobilizing volunteers of all ages to improve the lives and health of the elderly, addressing the challenges of an aging society. are mobile and a meal delivery and visit for those who are homebound. Kosher Meals for the Homebound delivers nutritious frozen kosher meals each week to seniors who are unable to shop or cook for themselves. Emergency Meals provides meals to elders in urgent need, and the Lillie Schussheim Chaffkin Shabbos Meals program delivers freshly cooked meals in celebration of Shabbat. Door to Door (formerly Shop and Escort) provides trained travel companions to accompany seniors to medical appointments or to shop, and to run errands on behalf of seniors who are homebound. The Homelessness Prevention Program MISSION DOROT alleviates social isolation among the elderly and provides services to help them live independently as valued members of the community. We serve the Jewish and wider community, bringing the generations together in a mutually beneficial partnership of elders, volunteers and professionals. Our work provides an effective model for others. provides homeless elders with transitional housing, meals, counseling, case assistance, and relocation to permanent housing. Aftercare provides relocated clients with continued support in their new homes to ensure they never become homeless again, and builds community among formerly homeless older adults through shared meals, social gatherings, and volunteerism. University Without Walls offers educational courses, support groups, and holiday celebrations over the telephone. Similarly, Russian University Without Walls serves Russian-speaking seniors, and To Your Health enables seniors to get information about health concerns from healthcare professionals over the phone. Caregivers’ Connections offers teleconference workshops, information, and support groups to family caregivers of the elderly. The Resource Line provides callers with information, guidance, and referrals to DOROT programs and to other organizations serving seniors and caregivers. The Wellness Program offers exercise, nutrition, and other wellness classes on-site at DOROT. Cemetery Visits, scheduled during the summer, give seniors the opportunity to visit loved ones who have passed away, with transportation and volunteer travel companions coordinated by DOROT. Hand-in-Hand brings seniors and volunteer travel companions together to appreciate and explore the arts, including museum visits, concerts and more. Volunteer Services invites individuals of all ages, families, and groups representing community organizations and corporations to serve older adults, with the goal of matching volunteers with seniors who have similar interests to develop mutually beneficial relationships. The Gimprich Fellowship and Internship Programs provide training for students (high school through post-graduate) and professionals from diverse disciplines to work with the elderly. To learn more about DOROT’s programs and services for seniors or to inquire about volunteer opportunities, please contact DOROT at 212-769-2850 or visit us at www.dorotusa.org. NEW THIS YEAR Since 1976, DOROT has provided food, housing, companionship, education, and cultural enrichment to thousands of older adults in the New York metropolitan area. Most of our core programs serve seniors in Manhattan on the Upper West Side from 59th to 125th Street and on the East Side from 14th to 96th Street. DOROT also provides a range of services to the elderly in Westchester County and in northern New Jersey. Every year, we strive to improve upon our programs. Here’s what we did this year: The Friendly Visiting Memory Loss Pilot, conducted in partnership with the New York City Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, supported volunteers matched with seniors who had mild memory impairments. Volunteers participated in workshops where they learned how to interact with and be sensitive to the specific needs of the elders they visit each week. DOROT provided training sessions to volunteers and staff to help identify and address elder abuse, in partnership with the Harry & Jeanette Weinberg Center at The Hebrew Home at Riverdale. Additionally, a DOROT social worker was appointed to investigate and address any concerns of elder abuse reported. Our intergenerational iPad tutoring project taught seniors how to establish e-mail accounts and Skype, with guidance from youth volunteers, and we launched a video-conferencing pilot for computer-savvy participants of DOROT’s University Without Walls program. With help and urging from a 12-year-old volunteer who was matched with an 89-yearold Holocaust survivor to play chess with, DOROT initiated an intergenerational chess program this spring. Sunday and after-school sessions brought seniors and youth of all levels together to learn from chess masters, partake in the game, and build new friendships. The new DOROT Next Dor Committee is a group of philanthropically-minded young adults whose leadership will help DOROT grow now and in the future. Representing one of the many generations that makes up DOROT’s intergenerational model, the group supports the organization and generates awareness to future leaders and fellow philanthropists. Thank you to the DOROT Family. Our lives have been enriched by honoring the elders in our community. I am truly grateful. AL AN L AY TNER Our congratulations to Alan Laytner on an honor richly deserved. GLORIA KINDMAN & ETHAN HORWITZ To my favorite committee chair. It has been a pleasure serving with you on the DOROT Board these many years. Congratulations Alan! DIANE K ATZIN Thank you, Alan, for your devotion and hard work on behalf of DOROT. A much deserved honor! BARBAR A & JOE ELLIS IN HONOR OF Alan and Rachelle for their continued leadership in support of DOROT. TALIA, HARRY, RONNY, PEGGY, ETAI, ANYA, & SARAH GROSS We salute Alan Laytner for his service and devotion to DOROT. JUDY & JOHN OPPENHEIMER To Alan Laytner Congratulations on this well-deserved honor and thank you for so many years of leadership and service. PAUL A & IR A RESNICK We honor the service and dedication to DOROT THE HERMAN FORBES CHARITABLE TRUST of Diane Katzin and Rick Kurnit MIRIAM & JEROME K ATZIN Congratulations to Alan Laytner for all your years of service to DOROT. Thank you Alan for your dedication, commitment, and generosity to DOROT and the community of elders it serves. Your commitment and dedication are only succeeded by your generosity and your vision. It has been a pleasure serving with you on the Board. DIANE OSHIN, SID, DAVID, & JARED MANDELBAUM RENÉE ADLER ASCHER In honor of our son-in-law Alan Laytner We are delighted to support DOROT for his dedicated commitment to in honor of our friend DOROT, Alan Laytner. an amazing organization. HARRIET & IRWIN GRIBETZ LEVIN & GL ASSER, P.C. Kol Hakavod to Alan Laytner on this well-deserved honor. Congratulations to DOROT for your outstanding work Thank you to Mark Meridy, in the community. the DOROT staff and the many DOROT volunteers for the important work you do on behalf of the seniors in our community. ELLIOTT SCHEINBERG HARRIET & JOEL SHAIMAN A ARON, SYDNEY & BENJAMIN Mazal Tov and Yasher Koach to Alan Laytner Dear Morgan, As you take your place in society and travel to your new chapter in life, and to all who contribute to the wonderful work of DOROT. never forget who you are and where you come from. May you continue to go from We have no doubt that your work at strength to strength. DOROT has reinforced our family values of Tzedaka and as we are so PROUD of you, we know your B’Vracha, grandparents would be too. Love, MOM AND DAD ANN WIMPFHEIMER & EDDIE SNYDER The staff and clients of DOROT’s Homelessness Prevention Program (HPP) IN LOVING MEMORY OF join with the community in thanking ANNE HEYMAN and honoring Alan Laytner, a true friend. RENÉE & ARTHUR ASCHER CONGRATULATIONS TO DOROT To Joel Kazis, Ethan Horwitz on your 38th Year and the members of the Benefit and Development Committees THANK YOU for your dedication to the success of the Your friends at 38th Annual Spring Benefit NANCY R ANKIN, MARK MERIDY & THE BOARD & STAFF OF DOROT Congratulations to Alan Laytner Remembering - Anne Heyman He who pursues righteousness and loving kindness, finds life, success, and honor. - Proverbs 21:21 SANDR A EDELMAN & R ABBI BURTON VISOTZKY THE HAMLIN-K ANDEL-DEAKINS FAMILY DOROT honors the memory of Anne Heyman and remembers her vision, wisdom, kindness and generosity. Congratulations Alan. You have set an example for all of us. Her spirit will always live on at DOROT. JOEL K AZIS & SAR A NATHAN In honor of our friend Alan Laytner for his dedication to DOROT DOROT thanks LED Next for retrofitting our building with LED lamps through the Con Ed Green Team initiative. For a free survey of your small business contact them at Contactus@lednext.com or 516-531-3533 APRIL & PAUL KL AUSNER In honor of Alan Laytner and In loving memory of Mortimer and Eugenie Propp Seymour Propp Ephraim Propp THE PROPP FAMILY Congratulations to our Next Generation Graduating Seniors Molly Kaissar Elena Krasnoff Jamie Lichtenstein Jared Mandelbaum Morgan Shear Max Slepian Carly Steckel With all the best to a truly fine organization. Thank you for your devotion to the elderly of our community and for your outstanding service. Alu v’hatzlichu! Go forth and succeed! NANCY R ANKIN & THE BOARD MARSHALL B. RUBIN, D.D.S. To The DOROT Staff We admire your deep compassion, your unwavering commitment, and your professional expertise. In Loving Memory of We are proud to be your partners Freddi Sue Finegood in DOROT’s vital work. With deepest appreciation, respect, admiration and gratitude, NANCY R ANKIN & THE BOARD ETHAN, JESSICA, MATTHEW, EMILY, JASON, LIBA, & MICAH DOROT is deeply grateful to DOROT’S mission of serving seniors and the examples set by your staff has been crucial for enlightening our children. We are eternally grateful for this multi-generational inspiration. THE SHEAR & KR AUT FAMILIES for its longtime partnership and commitment to our intergenerational mission. While enhancing the lives of disadvantaged people throughout the community, you have helped us alleviate the isolation of the elderly and provide vital services to frail, homebound, and homeless seniors. As we celebrate our 38th Anniversary, we thank you for your decades of support and look forward to working with you in the years ahead to enhance the lives of a burgeoning aging population. Elders Share The Arts congratulates DOROT Your success in enhancing the lives of older adults and engaging generations Congratulations to the volunteers and staff of DOROT. in meaningful ways is an inspiration to us all! www.estanyc.org SHARRI POSEN Mazel Tov to Bettina Equities Management, LLC Alan Laytner Proudly Supports Our Friend Alan Laytner and DOROT’s 38th Annual Spring Benefit With great admiration for all you do for DOROT! LOUISE & BOBBY COHEN Proud to support DOROT HERSH COHEN Laurie, Your involvement with DOROT is a shining example of teaching values to your children. We honor DOROT’s extraordinary service to our community. With admiration and love, ELLEN & ED DAVIDOWITZ ELLEN K A ZIS-WALKER & DON WALKER Mazel Tov to ALAN LAYTNER on this outstanding honor. You are an inspiration to the DOROT community and to the entire Jewish people. The Jewish Center YOSIE LEVINE, R ABBI VIRGINIA BAYER HIRT, PRESIDENT Congratulations to Jared Mandelbaum and all the Graduating Seniors of The Next Generation Board for their devotion to the good work of DOROT. NOR MAN & KIM BRYNN, CALI, REMY & IAN KURL AN Mazel Tov to, Morgan Shear, President of Next Generation Teen Council, and to all those that participated in another outstanding year of service to our community. With love and admiration, CARLYN KR AUT SHEAR HER MAN H. KR AUT BEN, DIANA AND LEO SHEAR Thank you to The Visual Image for photographing To our wonderful dear friends, DOROT’s 38th Annual Spring Benefit. Diane and Rick, congratulations on another wonderful DOROT Gala! Your Simchah. Our Imagination. Our Creativity. Now two locations to better serve you Brooklyn - 718.377.1360 Teaneck - 201.836.1000 Appointments in your home at your convenience Danny Fischman • Neil Sambrowsky CL AUDIA & MICHAEL MACHAVER facebook.com/thevisualimage We are delighted to work with Audrey Stein, Lindsay Smith and the Development staff Congratulations to Alan. Kol Hakavod! on the DOROT Benefit. CARYL FERBER POSER & PETER POSER Love, DOROTHY & MICHAEL WEISS Congratulations to Molly Kaissar and all the graduating seniors. THE K AISSAR FAMILY Congratulations to Alan Laytner Athens Electric, Inc. 1980 63rd Street Congratulations! Brooklyn, NY 11204 RICHARD FITZBURGH JOEL CHASE SA M MCGUIRE Mazel Tov Congratulations to our longtime friend, Alan Laytner, Mazel Tov to Alan and Rachelle on this well-deserved honor. RUBY & JOSEPH GOT TLIEB THE GREENGR ASS FA MILY “I am an old man, but in many senses a very young man. And this is what I want you to be, young, young all your life.” - Pablo Casals Congratulations on You are a source of strength 38 years of service to friend and stranger alike. MAZAL TOV! Keep up the great work. to the community. With all our love, THE JACOBS FA MILIES ROSE, ELI & MONA & JOSH & ARIELLE, FREDDY & DANIELL A & DAVID A MELIA PROUNIS STEVE REICH & BERYL KOROT In honor of Nancy Rankin LANGSAM PROPERTY SERVICES CORP., AMO® Congratulations to DOROT In loving memory of Ethan Horwitz on another successful year! Bruno Korn and Rita Linhart and Freddi Finegood For all they have done A COMPREHENSIVE REAL ESTATE SERVICE ORGANIZATION 1601 Bronxdale Avenue Bronx, New York 10462 Tel: (718) 518-8000 Fax: (718) 518-8585 Visit our website at www.langsampropertyservices.com for DOROT MITCHELL MOSS VANESSA GELM AN & YAEL MIKE, JOY, L AUREN, & M AT THEW SADOWSKI SUE & JON KORN Cast me not off in the time of my old age When my strength fails, forsake me not Mazel Tov to Alan (Psalms 71:9) Dear Alan We honor your goodness and caring for others. You have always been a Congratulations Alan! source of strength to these in need. With affection, IRVING & CEIL SKYDELL CAROL & HARVEY SOBER ZABAR’S & CO., INC. and LORI-ZEE CORP. WOULD LIKE TO For our dedicated staff, CONGRATULATE Thank you. ALAN LAYTNER ON THIS WONDERFUL HONOR! BEVERLY ZUCKER LISTINGS 7 Ocean Group, Inc. To our generous, talented, dear cousin Alan, you touch our hearts with your stories, wit and humor. A-B Rustin – Toronto Apthorp Pharmacy Terry Marks & Stephen Arpadi Bagel Basket Beltech Communications, Inc. Jeannie Blaustein Love, DIANE GOLDKOPF, SAR AH & JACOB SOFFES Millie & Alan Fell Susan & Martin Fox Richard I. Gribetz Rebecca Reitz & Sidney Gribetz Shirley M. Henschel Ira Kellman Kosher Marketplace Congratulations, Dr. Robert Lebovics Alan! Patrice & Jamie Listfield Marlene & Steven Noveck You set an example for all of the cousins. Katharine & Bret Parker Beth Brodsky & Amir Shaviv Lesley Slepian Michael Sugarman Town Shop PAULA & MICHAEL GOTTLIEB & FA MILY DOROT wishes to express its deepest gratitude to the foundations, corporations, and agencies whose commitment and generous support enable us to enhance the lives of the elderly. Anonymous The Joan and Alan Ades-Taub Family Foundation Joseph Alexander Foundation Altman Foundation American Chai Trust American Red Cross Assurant Atran Foundation Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation Robert and Toni Bader Charitable Foundation Rose M. Badgeley Residuary Charitable Trust Bank Hapoalim The Barker Welfare Foundation The David Berg Foundation BJ’s Charitable Foundation Edith C. Blum Foundation Coleman & Grace Brandt Fund Brenner Family Foundation Build-A-Bear Workshop Bear Hugs Foundation Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Charina Foundation The Concordia Foundation Corporation for National & Community Service The Helen and Philip Delman Foundation Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation The Miriam and Arthur Diamond Charitable Trust Dorot Foundation EGL Charitable Foundation Eileen Fisher, Inc. The Eisner Foundation Emergency Food and Shelter Program Harold and Isabel Feld Foundation in loving memory of Harold and Isabel Feld Fink Foundation FJC - A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds John J. Flemm Foundation Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center, Inc. Dr. Gerald J. & Dorothy R. Friedman Foundation Meyer and Pepa Gold Family Foundation The William P. Goldman and Brothers Foundation Joyce and Irving Goldman Family Foundation Herman Goldman Foundation Goldman Sachs GRACE Communications Foundation The Hyde and Watson Foundation Jewish Community Center of Manhattan Jewish Federation of Princeton Mercer Bucks Jewish Journey Project The Joelson Foundation J-Serve Kassner Family Foundation The Katzin Foundation Keller-Shatanoff Foundation Walter H.D. Killough Trust Lavanburg Foundation Alice Lawrence Foundation Legacy Heritage Fund Limited The Fay J. Lindner Foundation The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Lillian Lorber Charitable Trust Manhattan Chamber of Commerce Metzger-Price Fund Henry and Lucy Moses Fund National Center for Creative Aging Newman’s Own Foundation New York City Council New York City Department for the Aging (DFTA) New York State Assembly Assemblymember Linda A. Rosenthal, Assembly District 67 Office of the Manhattan Borough President Borough President, Scott M. Stringer SYNAGOGUE PARTNERS The Omer Foundation DOROT gratefully acknowledges our synagogue partners working with us for tikkun olam. Moses L. Parshelsky Foundation Posner-Wallace Foundation The Potter’s Wheel Foundation QBE Foundation The Ridgefield Foundation Roland Foods – Bruno Scheidt Charitable Foundation May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. The Samberg Family Foundation The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation Rowland & Sylvia Schaefer Family Foundation Adolph and Ruth Schnurmacher Foundation Charles and Mildred Schnurmacher Foundation The Robert Sillins Family Foundation The Silverweed Foundation May and Stanley Smith Charitable Trust The Sprint Foundation Ernst C. Stiefel Foundation Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund Michael Tuch Foundation Isaac H. Tuttle Fund Ullmann Family Foundation United States Department of Health and Human Services New York State Office for the Aging Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services van Ameringen Foundation The Laura B. Vogler Foundation The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation Youth Service America M.B. & Edna Zale Foundation Adath Shalom Astoria Center of Israel Beth El Synagogue of East Windsor Beth El Synagogue Center-New Rochelle Bnai Keshet Brotherhood Synagogue Central Synagogue Chabad Lubavitch of the West Side City Congregation for Humanistic Judaism Congregation Agudath Israel of West Essex Congregation Ansche Chesed* Congregation Beth Ahm Congregation Beth Chaim Congregation Beth El Congregation Beth El of South Orange Congregation Beth Elohim Congregation Beth Simchat Torah Congregation B’nai Jeshurun Congregation Emanu-el of the City of New York Congregation Emanu-El of Westchester Congregation Habonim Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun Congregation Kol Ami Congregation Ohab Zedek* Congregation Ohav Shalom Congregation Or Zarua Congregation Ramath Orah* Congregation Rodeph Sholom Congregation Shaare Zedek Congregation Shearith Israel Congregation Shir Chadash Darchei Noam East End Temple Edmond J. Safra Synagogue Fifth Avenue Synagogue Garden Jewish Center Hebrew Institute of White Plains Hillcrest Jewish Center The Jewish Center JCC of Harrison Larchmont Temple Lincoln Square Synagogue Lisker Congregation Morristown Jewish Center Nanuet Hebrew Center Mount Sinai Jewish Center New City Jewish Center Oheb Shalom Congregation Park Avenue Synagogue* Park East Synagogue Park Slope Jewish Center Shaarei Tikvah Society for the Advancement of Judaism* Stephen Wise Free Synagogue Sutton Place Synagogue* Temple Beth Abraham-Tarrytown Temple Beth Am of Parsippany, NJ Temple Beth-El Temple Beth Israel Temple Beth Sholom Temple B’nai Abraham of Livingston, NJ Temple Chaverim of Plainview Temple Emeth Temple Israel Center of White Plains Temple Israel of the City of New York Temple Israel of Great Neck Temple Ner Tamid Temple Shaaray Tefila Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel Temple Sholom, Milford, CT Town and Village Synagogue The Actors’ Temple The Shul in Florida The Village Temple United Synagogue and Temple Shalom Union Temple West End Synagogue* Westchester Reform Temple Young Israel of Scarsdale Young Israel of the West Side *Partner synagogues through Partners In Caring of UJA-Federation of New York GENERATIONS SOCIETY The Generations Society honors DOROT’s supporters who provide for the agency through planned giving. Bequests and charitable gift annuities help to secure DOROT’s future so that we can meet the needs of seniors for generations to come. We pay tribute to the following individuals who have included DOROT in their estate planning. J. David Abrahams Jack Abrams Alice Adelberg Edith Adler Dorothy Ain Ruth Albert Sondra R. Albert Sonia Alden Rachel Alper Harry Alpert Edith Altberger Gertrude Andauer Sylvia Antonier-Scher Eugene Aretsky Trust Joseph T. Arenson Renée and Arthur Ascher Stanley August Ruth Awner Trude Baker Anna Balos Mary Balos Frank Bamberger Marcus Bartfeld Florence Baskoff Ruth L. Bauman Theodore Baumritter Sam Begun Fanny Beiner Martin M. Bell Doris Bergmann Gertrude Berkowitz Hetty R. Berman Lisa D. Bernheim Al Bernstein Leo Bernstein Leonora Bernstein Lisa D. Bernstein Lotte S. Bilgrey Erna S. Blade Sylvia Blechman Morton Blick Florence Bloch William Bluestone Lilly Boehm Charles Braverman Corinne Breen Cecilia Florence Brestiker Rhoda Brookman Susan Byk Merle S. Cahn Paula Catell Ruth Chapman Ann Chary Helen and Claire Chasnov Fund Hazel Cinberg Estelle Cobin Ruth L. Cohen William Cohen Hugo Cohn Lillian Copperman Ray P. Corsini Sybil Cotler Lottie Dannenberg Hazel Horn Davis Frieda and Leonard Davis Abe Delson Samuel P. Deutscher Lucille DeWeil David Dorfman Ruth Druss Eli Drusskoff Shirley Eagle Lionel Echtman Phyllis and Jerome Edelman Sandra Edelman Rose Enselman Bill Epstein Julius Epstein Helene Ertag Irma Falk Fred Fassler Miriam Y. Fawcett Miriam Feldman Shirley and Joel Feldman Ida Feryszka Nedda Feuerstein Felix Fibich Murry Fiderer Michael Fiegen Albert Fink Ida Fink Edna Fishman Gertrude Fligel Elise Florsheim David J. Fox George Fox Harriet and Leon Fox Lorraine Fox Hannah E. Fraenkel Rena R. Frank Estelle K. Franks Stella Freiheiter Mari Freudenthal Janet and Robert Freund Ida Fried Sam Friedlander Frances Friedman Sidney Friedman Robin Fries Mollie Popkin Galub Stanley Ganer Shelley Gardiner Edith Gellman Ilona Gerstel Jerome Gewirtz Alice and Jack Gish Jason M. Gladstone Harry Glass Anna Gold Della Goldberg Mae Goldsmith Albert Goldstein Sanford H. Goldstein Carole Goodman Lillian Goodman Pamela Goodwin Barbara Gottlieb Dorothee Gottschalk Marilyn T. Grayburn Lorri M. Greif Gertrude Green Edith K. and Alfred E. Grossman Martha Gruen Barbara H. Guggenheim Gerhard J. Haas Gertrude Haas Martha Hack Miriam Halpern Helen R. Hamlin Norman C. Hamond Lillian Heitler Selma Henig Shirley Henschel Sheila Hershkowitz Edith Kavey Hershon Anna Hess Estelle Hess Margarete H. Hess Rolf Hirschberg Monica E. Hollander Jonathan Horn Shirley Horn Dorothy Dall Horowitz Mildred P. Horowitz Mildred S. Horowitz Marjorie Hort Pauline A. Howe Alma A. Hunter Clare Isenstein Magdalena Izsak Miriam Jacobs Myrna K. Jacobs Stanley Norman Jacobs Gertrude Jelinek Jean Jellinek Florence Jonas Warner Joseph Rose Julius Mamie Kaffel Rose Kalich William Kanter Seymour H. Kantrowitz Gladys Kaplan Sophie Kaplan Rose Karliner Lillian Katz Bertha Kaufman Henrietta Kaufman Janet Kaufman Janet W. Kayes Eleanor and Abraham Kestenbaum Shirley Kirsner Jules V. Klahr Rosanne Klass Henry Kleiman Florence Klein Elsie Kleinberg Trust Bryan Knapp Rose Kohlberg Maxine Stein Kohler Bruno Korn Katherine Ruth Kornblum Fred Koven Beulah Kramer Barbara Krashes Sara Selma Kronengold Toby Kronengold Frieda Kummermann Samuel Kunda Gerda Kurtz Jules D. Kurtz Elli Landerer Lilly Landsberger Elliott Landsman Ruth Lasher Alicia Latzer Abraham Laufer Genevieve Lebendiger Elizabeth Lehrman Regina and Bernard Leitman Walter Lener Lore Lennon Anne Lerner Ursula Lerse Alice Rush Levy Ruth Lichtman Judy Liegner Johanna Loeb Lottie Loeb Martha J. Loewenstein Helen Galland Loewus Amalia Goldstein Lorber Sylvia Malawsky Isabel K. Maller Ides Mandl Harold Margolis Emma Mark Judith Marks Jerrold M. Marshall Werner Marx Trust Gertrude Matrick Norma McWilliams Abraham Melezin Judith Melrose Harold B. Meltsner Anita Mennella Clarice W. Mertzel Harriet Messinger Bruce Meyers Gussie Miller Mascha Miller Ira Millman Nathan Mitler Arthur P. Morgan Isabel Morton Bertha Moser Anna Moszcynski Elie Naim Gerda Neumann Margot Neumann Joel A. Newman Phylllis Nissim Deborah Offenbacher Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Olden Therese Ornstein Diane Oshin Mollie Oschowitz Saul Ostrow Rose Palley Nancy Pasternack Bert Pearlberg Frances Pinckney Eloyse Pollack Betty G. Popper Mildred Popper Geraldine Poritz Rosa Pressel Janice Puner Lucia Radl Lilly Joss Reich Elsie Reyman Matt Reynolds Estelle Richmond Rudy Robak Winifred Gollin Robbin Anna Robins Ilse Rosanes Barbara Rosen Louis Rosen Rose Rosen Marvin B. Rosenblatt Jenny Rosendahl Eleanor Rosenstiel Yvonne Rosenzweig Maria Rosner Florence G. Roswell Ruth Y. Roth Robin and Larry Rubinstein Samuel Ruchman Bertha Rusitzky Marianne Salzberg Gerta Scharf Cecile Schey Molly Schiffren Regina Schindel Carole Schragis Charlotte Haas Schueller Martin Schwarzschild Judith Seltz Ludmila Semiatin Donald M. Shachat Virginia Sharkey Marilyn Silberstang Jerome Simon Harold Michal-Smith Helene G. Shomer Amelia Rice Shone Hermine Shulsinger Marilyn Silberstang Harry Siegel Ruth Sieyman Katherine Simon Esther Betty Singer Ruth and George Skolsky Harold Michal Smith Nathan Solomon William Solomon Rose Sommer E. Mildred Speiser Bella Spewack Maxine Stein-Kohler Friderika Steiner Mildred A. Steiner Eleanor and Charles Stendig Arlette B. Stern Esther Stern Isabelle Stern Joseph B. Stiefel Margaret Stolbach Theodore Stone David Harrison Storper Zelda Strickon Jack Sundelson Hilda Sussman Rachel Sussman Jutta Tannhausser Naomi F. Tepfer Blanka Theamen Carola S. Trier Sylvia Troy Selma Uslaner Frieda Vadasz Frieda Vankeymuelen Selena Viess Dorothea Vyse Marcia and Morton Wachspress Stella Wand Evelyn Wechsler Gertrude Weil Ilona Weinberger Florence Weinstein Lois Weinstein Sylvia Weinstein Ellen M. Weiss Herbert Weiss Estate of WilliamWernick Stephen R. Wiener Mildred Wiesenfeld Alexander Wincberg Fannie Wisniewski Florence Westin Mildred Wiesenfeld Lottie Wolf Roslyn Wolf Margot Wolff Gloria F. Wolinsky Irving Yeckes Rhoda Zimet Beverly Zucker Harriet S. Zucker DOROT ENDOWED PROGRAMS DOROT expresses deepest thanks to its generous donors who made major gifts to fully or partially endow our programs. Murry Fiderer Center for Community Services Friendly Visiting partially endowed by Holly and Sam Merrin in memory of Morris and Rose Bienenfeld Harriet S. Zucker Center for Nutrition and Health Kosher Meals for the Homebound Emergency Meals partially endowed by Edith Hershon The Simcha Program partially endowed in honor of Loretta and Herb Mehl by their children The Mezuzah Program partially endowed in honor of Edward and Rochelle Berkowitz by their children Sylvia & Chester Kessler Center for Homeless Services Homelessness Prevention Program Lilly and Richard Reich Dr. Frederick and Ilona Gerstel Aftercare partially endowed (anonymous) The Moosa Haghani Cash Relief Fund endowed by Victor Haghani (principal funder), Hilibrand Foundation, and Meriwether Foundation Belle Abramson Center for Volunteer and Educational Services Holiday Package Deliveries Rosh Hashanah Package Delivery partially endowed by the late Mrs. Bella Wexner in memory of her parents, Lena and Harry Cabakoff University Without Walls BOARD OF DIRECTORS partially endowed by friends of J. David Abrahams OFFICERS HONORARY BOARD Estanne and Martin Fawer President Nancy Rankin Chair Marilyn Katz Vice Presidents Sandra Edelman, Esq. Donna Jakubovitz Diane Katzin Diane Oshin Tamar and Eric S. Goldstein Ruth L. and David S. Gottesman Anne E. Heyman, Esq.*, ז״ל, and Seth Merrin Deborah and Lawrence Hilibrand Neil and Amy Katz Stanley M. Katz Wilma and Howard Kaye Joel Kazis* and Sara Nathan Michele and Jeffrey Landau Bryna and Joshua Landes Teri and Martin Monas Paula Stamler Resnick* and Ira Resnick Fiona and Michael Scharf Shonni H. Silverberg and John M. Shapiro Ruth and Andrew Suzman Regina Ullendorff Marvin Fenster in memory of Anna and Isaac Fenster In memory of Frances Frisch Curtis Katz The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation Holly and Sam Merrin Vivian and Edward Merrin Estelle Richmond Scholarship Fund DOROT General Operations partially endowed by Treasurer Rodney A. Cohen Secretary Barbara I. Ellis Executive Director Mark L. Meridy Altman Foundation DIRECTORS Helen G. Loewus Joan C. Schwartz Renée Adler Ascher* Laurie Davidowitz Emily S. Finkelstein, MD Elissa Fishman Alfred E. Grossman Ethan Horwitz, Esq.* Ellen Marram Ira Millman John Oppenheimer Geoffrey Raicht Marla Schlenoff Harriet Shaiman Doris Ullendorff Sirota Center for Intergenerational Arts Friendly Music Concerts “Afternoon Concerts with Friends” endowed in loving memory of Henry “Uli” Ullendorff by the Ullendorff family Gimprich Center for the Generations New Intergenerational Initiatives partially endowed by the Gimprich Family Foundation Polonsky Family Emergency Fund Freddi Finegood, ז״ל Past President *presidents emeriti BENEFIT COMMITTEE Chair Joel Kazis Claire Ellis Lisa Heffner Rachelle Gribetz Laytner Ann Wimpfheimer Denise Wyse
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