Public Community Meeting Summary Report
Public Community Meeting Summary Report
Kruger Energy Chatham Optima Wind Project Public Community Meeting Summary Report Prepared for: Kruger Energy Inc. 3285, chemin Bedford Montréal PQ H3S 1G5 Prepared by: Stantec Consulting Ltd. Suite 1 – 70 Southgate Drive Guelph, Ontario N1G 4P5 File No. 160960976 August 14, 2015 KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 2.1 2.2 CONSULTATION PROCESS............................................................................................. 2 NOTIFICATION OF THE PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING ................................................. 2 PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING ........................................................................................ 6 3.0 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................ 9 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: Project Contact List Appendix B: Notice of Public Community Meeting Appendix C: Display Panels Presented at Community Meeting Appendix D: Completed Sign-in Sheets Appendix E: Completed Comment Forms and Communications Log KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT INTRODUCTION August 14, 2015 1.0 INTRODUCTION In November 2014 the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) released a Request for Proposal (RFP) for up to 300 MW of wind energy, as the first phase of its Large Renewable Procurement (LRP) process. RFP responses are due September 1, 2015 and the IESO targets to award contracts by the end of this year. The IESO undertook a Request for Qualification process (RFQ) in 2014 to qualify eligible proponents (Applicants) to respond to the LRP. Kruger Energy Inc. (Kruger) was one of the successful qualified Applicants allowed to move forward into the RFP. A Public Community Meeting is required under Section 3.2.5 (c) of the LRP Rules, and a Public Community Meeting Summary Report must be provided to the Clerks of the Project Communities, and made public on the Project website. This Summary of the Public Community Meeting held on Thursday, June 18, 2015 is part of Kruger’s commitment to inform and consult with local communities and stakeholders regarding the proposed Project. The Public Community Meeting was organized by Kruger to present an overview of the LRP process and to gather input and comments on the Project. This Report presents a summary of the consultation activities and feedback associated with this Public Community Meeting. 1 KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT CONSULTATION PROCESS August 14, 2015 2.0 2.1 CONSULTATION PROCESS NOTIFICATION OF THE PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING In the early stages of the LRP process, Kruger developed a contact list wherein regulatory agencies and those with a potential interest in the Project were identified. This list was also developed to ensure adherence with the requirements for notification under Section 3.2.5(d)(i)(4) of the LRP Rules. As Kruger received feedback, contacts were added or removed from this list. The Notice of the Public Community Meeting (Appendix A) was distributed via Canada Post on May 30, 2015 as follows: Delivered to How we reached to them or N/A If N/A, explain why every assessed owner of Property located within one hundred and twenty (120) metres of the boundaries of the Properties that, in whole or in part, constitute the Site, and every assessed owner of Property within one hundred and twenty (120) metres of the proposed Connection Line, if the Large Renewable Project utilizes a Renewable Fuel other than On-Shore Wind N/A Project uses On-Shore Wind as its Renewable Fuel every assessed owner of Property located within five hundred and fifty (550) metres of the boundaries of the Properties that, in whole or in part, constitute the Site, and every assessed owner of Property within one hundred and twenty (120) metres of the proposed Connection Line, if the Large Renewable Project utilizes On-Shore Wind as its Renewable Fuel; A map indicating properties within 550 m of the properties that constituted the Site was provided to the Municipality of ChathamKent, with a request for Assessment Roll information for all properties within the indicated area. There is no Connection Line proposed for the Project. The Municipality of Chatham-Kent provided address information for all assessed landowners within the area. A letter with accompanying Notice and Invitation to Public Community Meeting was sent by regular mail (Canada Post) to all addresses on the mailing list on May 30, 2015. every assessed owner of Property Abutting the Properties that, in whole or in part, constitute the Site, and every assessed owner of Property on which the proposed Connection Line is to be situated, other than an owner described in Subsections 3.2.5(d)(i)(4)i or ii; All Properties Abutting the Site were included in the above category There is no Connection Line proposed for the Project. every Provincial Crown Land Leaseholder NA The Site is not located 2 KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT CONSULTATION PROCESS August 14, 2015 Delivered to How we reached to them or N/A with a Provincial Crown Land Lease located on Property on which the Site is located If N/A, explain why on Crown Land. every Provincial Crown Land Leaseholder with a Provincial Crown Land Lease located within one hundred and twenty (120) metres of the boundaries of the Properties that, in whole or in part constitute the Site, and every Provincial Crown Land Leaseholder with a Provincial Crown Land Lease within one hundred and twenty (120) metres of the proposed Connection Line, if the Large Renewable Project utilizes a Renewable Fuel other than On-Shore Wind NA The Site is not located on Crown Land. every Provincial Crown Land Leaseholder with a Provincial Crown Land Lease located within five hundred and fifty (550) metres of the boundaries of the Properties that, in whole or in part, constitute the Site, and every Provincial Crown Land Leaseholder with a Provincial Crown Land Lease within one hundred and twenty (120) metres of the proposed Connection Line, if the Large Renewable Project utilizes On-Shore Wind as its Renewable Fuel NA The Site is not located on Crown Land. every Provincial Crown Land Leaseholder with a Provincial Crown Land Lease that Abuts the Property on which the Site is located, other than a Provincial Crown Land Leaseholder described in Subsections 3.2.5(d)(i)(4)iv, v or vi; NA The Site is not located on Crown Land. every Aboriginal Community that, in the judgement of the Registered Proponent, acting reasonably, may be affected by or otherwise interested in the Large Renewable Project or proposed Connection Line; The Notice was provided by regular mail (Canada Post) to the following Aboriginal Communities on May 30, 2015: • • • • • • • • • Caldwell First Nation Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation Munsee-Delaware Nation Delaware Nation (Moravian of the Thames First Nation) Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Aamjiwnaang First Nation Bkejwanong Territory (Walpole Island First Nation) Oneida Nation of the Thames Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation 3 KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT CONSULTATION PROCESS August 14, 2015 Delivered to How we reached to them or N/A • • If N/A, explain why Métis Nation of Ontario (MNO) MNO Windsor-Essex Métis Council the clerk of each Municipality in which the Large Renewable Project or proposed Connection Line is proposed to be situated; The Site Considerations information, Community Engagement Plan, and Notice were provided by courier to the Clerk of the Municipality of Chatham-Kent on May 29, 2015. the secretary-treasurer of each local roads board of a local roads area in which the Large Renewable Project or proposed Connection Line is proposed to be situate NA There is no local roads board, as the Project Site falls within the Municipality of Chatham-Kent the secretary of each Local Services Board of a board area in which the Large Renewable Project or proposed Connection Line is proposed to be situated; NA There is no Local Services Board, as the Project Site falls within the Municipality of Chatham-Kent the secretary-treasurer of any Planning Board that has jurisdiction in an area in which the Large Renewable Project or proposed Connection Line is proposed to be situated NA There is no local Planning Board, as the Project Site falls within the Municipality of Chatham-Kent the chair of the Niagara Escarpment Commission, if the Large Renewable Project or proposed Connection Line is in the area of the Niagara Escarpment Plan; NA The Project Site is not within the area of the Niagara Escarpment Plan the Director, Environmental Approvals Access and Service Integration Branch, Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change; The Notice was provided to the Director by regular mail (Canada Post) on May 30, 2015 the secretary of every company operating an oil or natural gas pipeline, if a pipeline right of way for the pipeline is located within two hundred (200) metres of the Large Renewable Project or proposed Connection Line, The Notice was provided to the Secretary of Union Gas by regular mail (Canada Post) on May 30, 2015 the Engineering and Development Branch, Environment Canada at if the Large Renewable Project uses On-Shore Wind as its Renewable Fuel; and The Notice was provided by email on May 30, 2015 4 KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT CONSULTATION PROCESS August 14, 2015 Delivered to How we reached to them or N/A the secretary-treasurer of each conservation authority established by or under the Conservation Authorities Act, RSO 1990, c C.27 or a predecessor thereof in whose jurisdiction the Project is proposed. If N/A, explain why The Notice was sent by regular mail (Canada Post) on May 30, 2015 to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority, and the Essex Region Conservation Authority. In addition, Kruger provided the Notice to the following: • Local MP; • Local MPPs; • Canadian Wind Energy Association • Lambton Kent District School Board; • Chatham Kent Fire and Emergency Services; and, • Government agencies, including: − 8 WRISS, CFB Trenton − Radio Advisory Board of Canada − Canadian Coast Guard − Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency − Canadian Broadcasting Corporation − Department of National Defense − Electrical Safety Authority − Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs − Health Canada − Fisheries and Oceans Canada − Hydro One Networks Inc. − Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport − Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Affairs − Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services − Independent Electricity System Operator − Infrastructure Ontario − Ministry of Education − Ministry of Energy − Ministry of Environment and Climate Change − Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing − Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 5 KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT CONSULTATION PROCESS August 14, 2015 − Ministry of Northern Development and Mines − Technical Standards and Safety Authority − Royal Canadian Mounted Police − Ministry of Transportation − Ontario Heritage Trust − NAV CANADA − Ontario Energy Board − Natural Resources Canada − Ontario Provincial Police − Parks Canada − Transport Canada The Notice of a Public Community Meeting was published at least 15 days before the Community Meeting on two separate days in the local newspaper, as detailed in Table 1. Copies of the newspaper advertisements are presented in Appendix B. Table 1: Newspaper Publication Schedule Notice Newspaper & Location Publication Date Notice of Public Community Meeting Chatham Daily News (Chatham-Kent) June 1, 2015 Notice of Public Community Meeting Chatham Daily News (Chatham-Kent) June 2, 2015 The Notice of a Public Community Meeting and a Public Community Meeting Reminder were advertised on the Project website at (Appendix B). 2.2 PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING The Public Community Meeting for the Project was held on Thursday, June 18th from 2:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Merlin Community Centre in the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. Seventeen representatives for the Proponent were available at the Public Meeting to discuss the Project and answer questions. The Community Engagement Plan and Site Considerations Information were made available for public review at the meeting, and panels prepared by Kruger were on display to provide further information regarding the Project and Proponent (Appendix B). Attendees were encouraged to participate by asking questions, providing opinions and feedback, and signing a register to be placed on the Project Contact List for future Project updates (Appendix D). In total, there were 96 attendees at the Project’s Public Community Meeting. Comment forms were available at the public meeting and could be submitted at the meeting, or submitted after the meeting to the Proponent by mail or email. One form was returned, as presented in Appendix E. A summary of all comments received by the Project team is also presented in Appendix E. 6 KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT CONSULTATION PROCESS August 14, 2015 Copies of the Notice, Site Considerations information and Community Engagement Plan (orange binders) were on display at the Public Community Meeting. Attendees discussing the Project with Kruger staff. 7 KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT CONSULTATION PROCESS August 14, 2015 Attendees discussing the Project with Kruger staff. 8 KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT CONCLUSION August 14, 2015 3.0 CONCLUSION Overall, there was a positive interest in the Project as a socio-economic benefit to the Municipality of Chatham-Kent. A number of attendees expressed interest in possibly hosting a turbine or other project-related infrastructure on their properties. From the comments received, concerns were raised with respect to: • • Location of proposed roads in woodlands or agricultural lands; and, Proximity of wind turbines to residences and a private aerodrome. 9 KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT Appendix A: Project Contact List Kruger Energy Chatham Optima - Aboriginal Contacts Salutation First Name Last Name Title Representing Address Chief Louise Hillier Chief Caldwell First Nation P.O. Box 388 Chief Greg Peters Chief Delaware Nation (Moravian of the Thames First Nation) 14760 School House Line Chief Burton Kewayosh Chief 117 Tahgahoning Rd. Chief Thomas Bressette Chief Chief Chief Joe Sheri Miskokomon Doxtator Chief Chief Chief Chief Roger Chris Thomas Plain Chief Chief Chief Bryan LaForme Chief Mr. Mr. James Jon Wagar Rochon Manager, Natural Resources and Consultations Metis Nation of Ontario 75 Sherbourne St. President MNO Windsor-Essex Métis Council East Bkejwanong Territory (Walpole Island First Nation) Chippewas of Kettle and Stony Point First Nation Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Oneida Nation of the Thames Munsee-Delaware Nation Aamjiwnaang First Nation Mississauga of the New Credit First Nation Address 2 Town Province Postal Code Phone Email Leamington ON N8H 3W3 (519) 326-6914 R.R. #3 Thamesville ON N0P 2K0 (519) 692-3936 RR #3 ON Wallaceburg Kettle & Stony Point FN ON N8A 4K9 519-627-5700 N0N 1J0 (519) 786-2125 6247 Indian Lane 320 Chippewa Road 2212 Elm Avenue R.R. #1 RR #2 Muncey Southwold ON ON N0L 1Y0 NOL 2GO (519) 289-5555 (519) 652-3244 289 Jubilee Road 978 Tashmoo Ave. R. R. #1 Muncey Sarnia ON ON N0L 1Y0 N7T 7H5 (519) 289-5396 (519) 336-8410 8545 Townline Road R.R. #1 Hagersville ON N0A 1H0 (905) 768-3858 Suite 311 Toronto, Windsor, ON ON M5A 2P9 N8X 4X9 416-977-9881 ext.107 1-899-243-5148 Kruger Energy Chatham Optima - Elected Officials Salutation Honourable Honourable Honourable Mayor Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. First Name Rick Rick Dave Randy Mark Bryon Karen Trevor Frank Steve David Joe Leon Carmen Jeff Michael Darrin Brock Bob Derek Douglas Last Name Nicholls Nicholls Vankesteren Hope Authier Fluker Hermen Thompson Vercouteren Pinsonneault VanDamme Faas Leclair McGregor Wesley Bondy Canniff McGregor Myers Robertson Sulman Title MPP MPP MP Mayor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Councillor Representing Chatham Kent-Essex Chatham-Kent Chatham-Kent Council Ward 1 Ward West Council Ward 1 Ward West Council Ward 2 South Kent Council Ward 2 South Kent Council Ward 2 South Kent Council Ward 3 East Kent Council Ward 3 East Kent Council Ward 4 North Kent Council Ward 4 North Kent Council Ward 5 Wallaceburg Council Ward 5 Wallaceburg Council Ward 6 Chatham Council Ward 6 Chatham Council Ward 6 Chatham Council Ward 6 Chatham Council Ward 6 Chatham Council Ward 6 Chatham Address Room 447 Main Legislative Building, Queen's Park Suite 100 111 Heritage Road 48 Centre Street 315 King Street West 38 Stewart Avenue 10 Elmwood Avenue 7895 Talbot Trail 8667 Talbot Trail P.O. Box 1089 93 Lemuel Street 30109 Oakdale Road 368 Hughes Street 7744 St. Philippe’s Line 8142 Starkweather Line 28750 Island View Road 117 Victoria Avenue 7 Cherokee Crescent 436 King Street West 43 Christina Place 4 Crocus Court 202 Chippewa Drive Address 2 PO Box 640 PO Box 941 RR #1 RR #1 PO Box 32 RR #2 PO Box 977 RR #1 Town Toronto Chatham Chatham Chatham Tilbury Tilbury Blenheim Cedar Springs Blenheim Thamesville Croton Dresden Grand Point Wallaceburg Wallaceburg Chatham Chatham Chatham Chatham Chatham Chatham Province ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON Postal Code M7A 1A8 N7M 5W7 N7M 4W2 N7M 5K8 N0P 2L0 N0P 2L0 N0P 1A0 N0P 1E0 N0P 1A0 N0P 2K0 N0P 1K0 N0P 1M0 N0P 1S0 N8A 4L3 N8A 4K9 N7L 3A4 N7M 6J7 N7M 1G4 N7L 5K4 N7L 5L5 N7M 5S1 Phone 416-325-9099 519-351-0510 519-358-7555 519-436-3219 519-436-3228 519.436.3254 519.436.3206 519.350.3715 519.436.3207 519.436.3253 519.436.3252 519.436.3208 519.436.3221 519.350.3659 519.436.3229 519.436.3246 519.436.3218 519.350.2537 519.436.3216 519.350.8709 519.436.3234 Email Kruger Energy Chatham Optima - Agency Contacts Salutation Mr. First Name Last Name Alex Trandafilovski Michael Lucking Ms. Sarah Paul Mr. Martin Mr. Ms. Title Representing Levert Land Use Specialist, Aeronautical Information Management (AIM) Civil Aviation Safety Inspector, Aerodromes and Air Navigation Director, Environmental Approvals Access and Service Integration Branch Engineer Jose Fernando Anjala Mojicac Puvanathan Director, Service Delivery Director, Ontario Region Canadian Coast Guard Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency Mr. Robert Hornung President Mr. Jean-François Nolet Vice-President Policy and Government Affairs To whom it may concern Address NAV Canada 1601 Tom Roberts Transport Canada Ontario Region 5431 Flightline Drive Ministry of Environment and Climate Change 135 St. Clair Avenue West Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Canadian Wind Energy Association 1400, boul. René-Lévesque Est, Bureau A10-9 200 Kent Street 55 St. Clair Avenue East, 9th Floor Suite 710, 1600 Carling Avenue Canadian Wind Energy Association Suite 710, 1600 Carling Avenue Address 2 P.O. Box 9824, Stn T 1 st Floor Town Province Postal Code Phone Email Ottawa ON K1G 6R2 Mississauga ON L5P 1A1 Toronto ON M4V 1P5 416-314-8171 Aleksandar.Trandafilovski@navcanada.c a ; Montréal QC H2L 2M2 514-597-6359 Ottawa Toronto ON ON K1A 0E6 M4T 1M2 613- 998-1505 416- 952-1575 Ottawa ON K1Z 1G3 Ottawa ON K1Z 1G3 Canadian Wind Energy Association Mr. Chris Forrest Vice-President Communication and Public Affairs Canadian Wind Energy Association Suite 710, 1600 Carling Avenue Ottawa ON K1Z 1G3 Ms. Mr. Mr. Mr. Brandy Mark Drew Jim Giannetta Bartley Craig Hawkes Ontario Regional Director Electronic Engineering Development Officer EEDO - Engineering - Airfield Siting-Crystals - Wind Turbines Canadian Wind Energy Association Department of National Defence 8 WRISS, CFB Trenton Department of National Defence PO Box 1000 - Stn Forces Stn. Forces, PO Box 1000 Astra Astra ON ON K0K 3W0 K0K 3W0 Mr. Capt. Mario Adin To whom it may concern Rob Lavoie Switzer Spectrum Engineering Technician AEC Liasion Officer Military Air Defence and ATC Radars Department of National Defence Department of National Defence Department of National Defence 8 Wing Trenton Astra ON K0K 2W0 613-392-2811 ext. 4834 Dobos Environment Canada Burlington ON L7R 4A6 905-336-4948 Environment Canada Fisheries and Oceans Canada - Southern Ontario District Fisheries and Oceans Canada Health Canada 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5050 3027 Harvester Road Unit 304 73 Meg Drive 180 Queen Street West, 10th Floor 580 Booth Street, 17th Floor, Room B7-3 580 Booth Street, 3rd Floor, Room A8-3 580 Booth Street, 3rd Floor, Room A8-3 930 Carling Avenue (CEF, Building 7, Observatory Crescent), 2nd Floor, Room: 28B 77 Metcalfe Street 280 Hunt Club Road 1601 Tom Roberts P.O. Box 9824, Station T Burlington London Toronto ON ON ON L7R 4K3 N6E 2V2 M5V 3L7 905- 639-2935 519-668-3897 416-954-2206 Toronto ON K1A 0E4 613- 996-5762 Ottawa ON K1A 0E4 613-947-1591 Ottawa ON K1A 0E4 619-943-0773 Ottawa ON K1A 0Y3 613-992-8766 Ottawa Ottawa Ottawa ON ON ON K1P 5L6 K1V 1C1 K1G 6R2 613-563-5588 613-248-7554 1-866-577-0247/ 613-248-4094 1+888+902-5768 Mr. Ms. Mr. Ms. Chantal Dan Kitty Larochelle Thompson Ma Manager, Environmental Protection Operations Division, Ontario Region Engineering and Development Branch District Manager Habitat Team Leader - Southern District Regional Environmental Assessment Coordinator Mr. Anoop Kapoor Director, Renewable and Electrical Energy Division Natural Resources Canada Ms. Jessica Coulson Team Leader- Environmental Assessment Natural Resources Canada Mr. John Clarke Director, Environmental Assessment Natural Resources Canada Program Manager, CHIS Natural Resources Canada To whom it may concern Mr. Mr. Chris Dave To whom it may concern Csatlos Ferris Land Use Specialist, AIS Data Collection NAV Canada Civilian ATC Radars NAV Canada Aeronautical Information Services, Data Collection Unit/Land NAV Canada Use Office Radio Advisory Board of Canada 613-392-2811, ext. 7042 Mr. To whom it may concern Alex Beckstead Radio Spectrum Engineer Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1200 Vanier Parkway Ottawa ON K1A 0R2 613-949-4519 Ms. Francine Boucher Senior System Engineer, Mobile Communications Directorate Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1200 Vanier Parkway Ottawa ON K1A 0R2 613-998-7338 Mr. To whom it may concern Debra Barry Michael Environmental Coordinator Clifford Mr. Ms. Mr. Walter Maria Tony Kloostra Agnew Ierullo Mr. Mr. Aleck Murray Dadson Campbell Chief Operating Officer Director, Corporate Communications Ontario Energy Board Ontario Power Authority Ms. Kristin Jenkins Acting Vice President, Communications Ontario Power Authority Ms. Mr. Mr. Mobile Communications Services Royal Canadian Mounted Police Taylor Putt Stephenson Regional Director General, Ontario Regional Manager, Navigable Waters Protection Regional Director, Civil Aviation - Ontario Transport Canada Transport Canada Transport Canada Transport Ccanada - Ontario Region 4900 Young Street 100 Front Street South North York Sarnia ON ON M2N 6A5 N7T 2M4 416-952-2170 519-383-1862 4900 Young Street Toronto ON M2N 6A5 416-952-0485 Frank Action Regional Manager, Aerodromes and Air Navigation Unit Transmission Lines Sustainment Manager Real Estate Management Transport Canada 4900 Young Street Toronto ON M2N 6A5 416-952-0248 Hydro One Networks Inc. Hydro One Networks Inc. Hydro One Networks Inc. 483 Bay Street, 15th Floor 185 Clegg Road 483 Bay Street, 15th Floor, North Tower 2300 Yonge Street, 27th Floor 120 Adelaide Street West, Suite 1600 120 Adelaide St. West, Suite 1600 3300 Bloor Street West Toronto Markham Toronto ON ON ON M5G 2P5 L6G 1B7 M5G 2P5 416- 345-5338 416- 345-5213 Toronto Toronto ON ON M4P 1E4 M5H 1T1 416-481-1967 Toronto ON M5H 1T1 416-969-6288 Toronto ON M8X 2X4 (877) 682-8772 Mississauga ON M8X 2X4 (877) 682-8772 Independent Electricity System Operator 155A Matheson Blvd., West, Suite 202 Station A, Box 4474 Toronto ON L5R 3L5 905-507-4949 To whom it may concern To whom it may concern To whom it may concern Mr. Mr. Technical Standards and Safety Authority Electrical Safety Authority Warren Cooper Vice President Operations Manager, Environmental and Land Use Policy Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Independent Electricity System Operator Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Agriculture Information Contact Centre Station A, Box 4474 1 Stone Road West, 3rd Floor 1 Stone Road West, 3rd Floor Toronto Guelph Guelph ON ON ON L5R 3L5 N1G 4Y2 N1G 4Y2 905- 403-6900 519-826-3117 1-877-424-1300 Ms. Kim David To whom it may concern Jo-Ann Hutchison Regional Advisor Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration 2nd Flr. 659 Exeter Road London ON N6E 1L3 519- 873-4055 Ms. Ms. Mr. Mr. Mary Paula Blair Steven Olijnyk Kulpa Rohaly Mitchell Manager (Acting) - Central Region Manager (Acting), Culture Services Unit Manager (Acting), Archaeology Programs Unit Pupil Accommodation Unit, Business Services Branch Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport Ministry of Education Toronto Toronto Toronto Toronto ON ON ON ON M7A 2R9 M7A 0A7 M7A 0A7 M7A 1L2 416-314-6682 416-314-7144 416-314-7452 416-325-2015 Ms. Mirrun Zaveri Deputy Director - Renewable Energy Facilitation Office Ministry of Energy 400 University Avenue, 4th Floor 401 Bay St., Suite 1700 401 Bay St., Suite 1700 Pupil Accommodation Unit, Business Services Branch 900 Bay Street, 21st Floor, Mowat Block 880 Bay Street, 2nd Floor Toronto ON M7A 2C1 416-212-7701 Notes Salutation Mr. First Name Last Name Title Representing Address Sweet Senior Advisor – Gas Supply, Energy Markets Renewable Energy Facilitation Office Ministry of Energy Ministry of Energy 880 Bay Street, 3rd Floor Ms. Ms. Edward To whom it may concern Annamaria Barbara Cross Slattery Manager, Strategic Policy Branch EA/Planning Coordinator -– Hamilton Regional Office Ministry of Energy Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change- West Central Region Ms. Jane Glassco District Manager- Guelph District Office Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Ms. Sarah Paul Mr. Mark Fox Mr. Mark Christie Mr. Louis Bitonti Director, Environmental Approvals Access and Service Integration Branch Network Radio Engineer, Government Mobile Communications Branch Manager- Community Planning and Development - Central Municipal Services Office Planner- Community Planning and Development Ms. Kazia Milian Mr. Mr. Ms. Ian Dan Sandra Ms. Postal Code Phone Email M7A 2C1 416-325-6884 1-877-440-7336 880 Bay Street, 3rd Floor Ellen Fairclough Bldg 12th Flr 119 King St W Toronto Hamilton ON ON M7A 2C1 L8P 4Y7 416- 326-8995 905- 521-7864 Guelph ON N1G 4Y2 519-826-4258 Ministry of Environment and Climate Change 1 Stone Road W, Ontario Government Bldg, 4th Flr 135 St. Clair Avenue West 1 st Floor Toronto ON M4V 1P5 416-314-8171 Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services 222 Jarvis Street 7th Floor Toronto ON M7A 0B6 416-327-0383 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 777 Bay Street, 2nd Floor, College Park 777 Bay Street, 2nd Floor, College Park 300 Water Street, 4th Floor, South, PO Box 7000 1 Stone Road West 659 Exeter Road Exeter Road Complex 659 Exeter Road Toronto ON M5G 2 E5 416-585-6063 Toronto ON M5G 2 E5 416-585-6563 Peterborough ON K9J 8M5 705-755-3268 Guelph London London ON ON ON N1G 4Y2 N6E 1L3 N6E 1L3 519-826-4931 519-873-4635 519- 873-4638 Peterborough ON K9J 8M5 613-732-5506 Toronto ON M7A 1C3 416-327-6469 South Porcupine ON P0N 1H0 705-235-1622 Downsview ON M3M 18 416-235-5544 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Natural Resources Ministry of Natural Resources Amy Cameron Southern Region Renewable Energy Operation Team Ministry of Natural Resources Ms. Joan Van Kralingen Manager, Policy Analysis & Development Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Mr. Glenn Seim Acting Land Use Policy and Planning Coordinator Ministry of Northern Development, Mines and Forestry Mr. Barry Duffey Manager, Planning and Environmental Office Ministry of Transportation Mr. Jason White Manager (Acting), Engineering Office Ministry of Transportation Ms. Mr. Mr. Beth Sean Michael Hanna Fraser Burger Ms. Paula Brown Director, Heritage Programs and Operations Manager, Acquisitions and Conservation Services A/Director, Facilities, Emergency Management & Security Branch Operational Policy and Strategic Planning Bureau Mr. Anil Wijesowindoriya Ms. Lisa Myslicki Mr. To whom it may concern Ron Grozelle Mr. Mr. Ms. Mr. Don Bruce Judy Don Shropshire McAllister Smith Pearson Mr. Richard Wyma Stuebing Province ON Hagman Elliot Gilbert Ken Town Toronto Land Use Planning Supervisor (Acting) District Manager Manager - Petroleum Resources Centre Program Administrator-Petroleum Operations Section Chief Address 2 300 Water Street, 4th Floor, South, PO Box 7000 99 Wellesley Street West, Whitney Block, Room 5360 PO Box 3060 Downsview ON M3M 1J8 416-235-5575 Ontario Heritage Trust Ontario Heritage Trust Ontario Provincial Police 1201 Wilson Avenue, 3rd Flr, Bldg D 1201 Wilson Avenue, 5th Flr, Bldg D 10 Adelaide Street East 10 Adelaide Street East 25 Grosvenor Street, 17th Floor Toronto Toronto Toronto ON ON ON M5C 1J3 M5C 1J3 M7A 1Y6 416-325-5000 416-325-5019 416-314-1016 Ontario Provincial Police 777 Memorial Avenue, 3rd Floor Orillia ON L3V 7V3 705-329-6903 Vice-President, Development Planning Infrastructure Ontario 19th Flr. 1 Dundas St W Toronto ON M5G 2L5 416- 212-6183 Environmental Advisor Infrastructure Ontario 19th Flr. 1 Dundas St W Toronto ON M5G 2L5 416- 326-4856 Parks Canada 25-7-N Eddy Street Gatineau QC K1A 0M5 1-888-773-8888 Secretary Union Gas Ltd. Chatham ON N7M 5M1 519-436-5247 CAO Director of Planning Services Clerk Municipality of Chatham-Kent Municipality of Chatham-Kent Municipality of Chatham-Kent Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority 50 Keil Drive North, P.O. Box 2001 315 King Street West 315 King Street West 315 King Street West 100 Thames Street Chatham Chatham Chatham Chatham ON ON ON ON N7M 5K8 N7M 5K8 N7M 5K8 N7L 2Y8 519.436.3241 519.360.1998 Essex Region Conservation Authority 360 Fairview Avenue West Essex ON N8M 1Y6 Lambton Kent District School Board 476 McNaughton Avenue East P.O. Box 1000 Chatham ON N7M 5L7 519-776-5209 x 353 519-354-3770 Chatham Kent Fire and Emergency Services 5 Second St. Chatham ON N7M 5X2 (519) 436-3270 General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer Fire Chief P. O. Box 640 P. O. Box 640 P. O. Box 640 Suite 311 519-354-7310 x 244 Notes Updated address and organization as per April 14, 2015 email KRUGER ENERGY CHATHAM OPTIMA WIND PROJECT PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING SUMMARY REPORT Appendix B: Notice of Public Community Meeting NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMUNITY MEETING FOR A PROJECT PROPOSAL UNDER THE LARGE RENEWABLE PROCUREMENT Kruger Energy Chatham Optima Wind Project ne ir ke St. Cla h ne Li se La s Q se Baptiste Road Li d ad Sh um ne h 8t D Te c A h Ro a d County Road 39 hwa Hig ue ad Ro 1 ay 40 Highw Line ens Que lin Port Road County Road 46 rt Po ad ad Ro ad Ro Ro TOWN OF LAK e ttl lin er M hi W th or ad Ro Ro St en ev h so W n OF LEAMINGTON OF CHATHAM-KE MUNICIPALITY MUNICIPALITY ot Talb il Tra Legend ad NT Ro This notice is being distributed to notify members of the public of a public community meeting that has been scheduled to discuss the Optima Wind Project proposal. Information regarding the proponent, the Optima Wind Project proposal, and the meeting details are described below. M Goodreau Line ad y le t ea Li id & ESHORE ng Ki sw at Co COUNTY OF ESSEX e dl d Line ne a Ro Middle The LRP is a competitive process for procuring renewable energy projects generally larger than 0.5 megawatts (MW). At the conclusion of the LRP, the IESO may award contracts to successful projects up to the specified procurement targets for each renewable fuel: 300 MW for wind, 140 MW for solar, 75 MW for waterpower, and 50 MW for bioenergy. ± 1 y 40 Li en m cu Te er M The proponent identified below is proposing to submit a proposal to the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to design, build, and operate a Wind Project for the generation of electricity under the IESO's Large Renewable Procurement (LRP). The Kruger Energy Chatham Optima Wind Project, proposed to be located in the Municipality of Chatham Kent, consists of approximately 10 to 15 turbines in the same geographic area as the operational Port Alma and Chatham wind projects, generating a potential 30 to 40 MW of electricity. Study Area Highway Major Road Minor Road e e Eri Lak il a Tr ot Municipal Boundary, Lower Waterbody Base features produced under license with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2015. lb Ta This public community meeting is being held as part of the early community engagement requirements of the LRP. The public community meeting will present details about the Optima Wind Project and its proposed connection line. Representatives of the proponent will be available to discuss the proposal and the overall LRP process. Should the Optima Wind Project be awarded a contract, it would need to obtain all required permits and approvals and conduct any further required community engagement activities. 0 2.5 5 km Further details regarding the LRP are available at Proponent and the Optima Wind Project proposal Proponent: Kruger Energy Chatham Optima, LP Qualified Applicant from the LRP Request for Qualifications stage associated with the proponent: Kruger Energy Inc. Name of the Project proposal: Kruger Energy Chatham Optima Wind Project Renewable fuel of the Project: On-shore Wind Proposed capacity of the Project (MW): 30 - 40 MW Proposed connection point of the Project: C23Z/C24Z Proposed location of the Optima Wind Project and proposed connection line Municipality of Chatham Kent Public community meeting information Location: Merlin Community Centre, 150 Aberdeen Street, Merlin, Ontario Date: Thursday, June 18, 2015 Time: 2:00pm-9:00pm Contact information for the proponent Gilles Côté, Manager Sustainable Development Kruger Energy Inc. 1-844-946-3674 3285 Chemin Bedford, Montreal, Quebec, H3S 1G5 LIFE Monday, June 1, 2015 B n LIFE: Cool cocktails and entertaining tips for warmer nights Party al fresco @ritademontis Q: What are a few no-no’s as the host of the party? (Like — don’t get too drunk) Obviously, do not get carried away with your drinking as more than anyone else, you need to have a clear mind throughout the night so that everyone else can enjoy their evening. Be attentive to your guests and spend as much time with them as possible. Plan ahead so you’re not spending all the time in the kitchen. Most importantly relax, everything will go according to plan. 3 parts soda 2 lime wedges Mint sprig In a glass with ice, squeeze one lime wedge and discard it. Add vodka, top with chilled soda and garnish with lime and mint. Serves 1. �� � � �� �� �� �� ������ ���� �� � ���� ���� �� � �� �� �� � �� � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � ��� ��� �� �� �� ���� �� ��� �� � ������ ��� �� � �� �� �� �� � �� �� ���������� ������������ �� �� �� fix” process started. My esthetician mixed the self-activating oxygen mask with some water that turned into a frothy consistency. She then let it hang out on my skin for a few minutes and I could feel the bubbles working. It was tingly, and there was an intense effervescent feel on my face. The great thing about the mask is that it works on all skin types and it’s fast. The key active ingredients include vitamin C, a triple oxygen complex, grapeseed extract, rice bran and aloe: All these ingredients help the skin look and feel more toned, as well as give it a nice glow. After the facial, I sat down with �� REVAY We tried it ���� �������� �������� ����� ������� ���� ��� ������� �������� �� ������� ��������� ��� �������� � ������� ������� ��� �������� ����� ���� ������ ��������� ������� �� ����� ���� �� ���� �� ��� ����� ��������� ���������� ������������ �� ��� ���� ��� ������ ��������� ������� ���� ������� ������� ����� ��� ������ ���� ������� ��� ��� �������� ���������� ����� ��������������� �� ��� ��������� ���� �� ��������� �� ������� ��� �������� ��� ��� ������� ��� �������� ������ ��� ������ ���� ������� �� ������� � ��������� �� ����� ���� �� ������ ��� �������� ������� ��� ��������� ��� ������� ��� ������� �������� ��������� ���������� ����������� How do you find your bliss? H VICTORIA ow do you find your bliss? For me, it can be as simple as getting a great night’s sleep. Some days call for more therapy than others, though, and then I’m all about hitting the spa. I first discovered Bliss Spa in Los Angeles when I lived there and life was — to say the least — hectic! Then on a trip to New York, I stumbled into their SoHo location and I was hooked. No matter where I was, as soon I walked into Bliss, I was a happy girl again — and I came out looking like a better version of myself. So when I heard about a media opportunity to try some of Bliss’s new products and score their signature mini Triple Oxygen Facial, I could hardly wait for the appointment. (Having the Sky Suite on the 40th floor at the Trump Hotel in Toronto as the makeshift spa wasn’t bad business either.) The mini facial started with a quick cleanse and then the “quick �� n BEAUTY: Triple Oxygen Instant Energizing Foaming Mask Mike Indursky, president of Blissworld, to get the scoop on all things beauty, and of course, oxygen. He says that he is very happy to be working with ACI beauty distributors for the Canadian market, a new direction for the company that will help the brand “come to life the way it should.” As for how the oxygen gets into the mask, he admits to knowing more about why people love the mask and the treatment so much. “Globally, there is an increase in pollution and sometimes it doesn’t seem bad, but it’s really bad,” says Indursky. “Environmental aggressors and free-radicals.. rob your skin of oxygen, and the anti-oxidants and oxygen in our products help destroy (these) which will prevent premature aging.” Preventing aging , getting healthy glowing skin and looking like you just got 12-hours of sleep — all from a mask? Sounds like bliss to me. � � husband had an emotional affair and then is able to run into this person and act as if nothing had happened, isn’t that a good thing? If he acted all weird, secretive and intimate — that would be an indication that this contact was a trigger for him. But really, it seems to be a trigger for you. If your husband truly IS addicted and you want to stay with him, then you should take a page out of the addiction and recovery playbook and understand that you are powerless to control him. You may choose to love him through this, or you may choose to leave him over this. You might also realize that if you see this person and hold your head up and “act” like nothing has happened, it is one way to reclaim your own life and get some of your power back. �� nence. Otherwise these social functions provide a fix rather than a cure to his problem. Your advice? — HEARTBROKEN Dear Heartbroken: You equate your husband’s emotional affair with an addiction. So yes, it would be easiest on you if your husband would agree to totally abstain from social contact with this person. But he won’t. So the only question you need to answer for yourself now is: “What’s next for me?” My own take is that, if your ������ ������ ������� ������ ���� ������� ��� ��������� ���������� ����� �� ��������� �� �� ��� � �� �� ��� � �� �� � �� ��� �� ������ � �������� �� ��� ����������� � �� �� ��� �� � � � � � � �� ����������� ������ �������� ������ �� ������� ������ ��� ������� � ���� ������� ��� ��� �� �� ���������� �� ����������� ����� ��� ������ � �� � ����� ��������� ����������� ������ ��� �� �� ����� ������ ������ ������� ������ ���� ���� ��� � � � �������� �������� �� �� ������� �� ��� �� �� � ������ ������������ �� ������� ����� �������� �� �� ���� �� � ������������� �� �� �� �������� �� ��� ���� ������ ���� �� ���������� ���� �� ��� ����������� ���� ������ ���� ��� ������� ���� ��������� �� ����� ���������� � ��������� �� �� �� �� �� ������������ �������� ���� ��� ��� �� � ����������� ������� ��� �� �� � ��������� ��������� ������ �������� ��� � �� � ��������� ������ ���� ��� ��������� ����� �� ������ �� ��� ���������� �� ��� ���� ��� ���� ��� ��� ����� ���� �� ���� ������� ����� ��������� �� ���������� �������� �� �� ����� ���� ��� ��������� ����������� ������� ��� ���� ����� ���� ��������� ��������� ����� � �� ��������� ����� ��� �� ��� ����� ��� �� ��� � � ��������� ��� � �� ������ �� �� ��� ����������� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� � �� ���������� � ��� � �� ���� ������ �� ����� ����������� �� ������ ������� �� ��� ������ �� � ������ ��������� ������� ���� ��� ���� ��������� �� ������� ��� ������ ���� ������� ��������� ����������� ��������� ��� ���������� ��� ������ ���� ������� ��������� ��� ��� ������� ������� ��� ��������� ������ � DICKINSON Ask Amy Serves 1. ������ �� ������ ��������� ������� ��� � ������� �������� ����� ��� ����� ��������� ����������� Wife says husband is addicted to emotional affair AMY In a glass with ice, squeeze one lemon wedge and discard it. Add vodka, top with chilled soda and garnish with lemon and basil. 1½ parts orange vodka (Grey Goose L’Orange suggested) 3 parts soda 2 lemon wedges n ADVICE Dear Amy: Am I asking too much to expect my husband to eliminate all contact and exposure to his (former) emotional affair partner? He feels my requests are unreasonable and continues to attend social functions, knowing full well that she will also be in attendance. He remains friendly with her as though nothing happened. This affair nearly ended our marriage and I long for a total commitment without further exposure to his past addiction. My former therapist felt that my husband should understand my position and be willing to make that commitment to me and to our marriage. I relive the entire heartbreaking period of our marriage each time I see him choose to be around her. I can only assume this is truly an addiction that must be dealt with, beginning with total absti- Basil leaves �� 1½ parts favourite vodka (Grey Goose suggested) ORANGE VODKA AND SODA �� A classic summer cocktail — crisp, refreshing and easy to serve. s Julien Lafond, ambassador for Grey Goose. � VODKA AND SODA Q: What are some must-have garnishes, and mixes to guarantee the most versatile list of cocktail options? Very simple choices like orange, lemon, lime and grapefruit to start with, followed closely by olives and onions if you are adding dry martinis to your menu. Always try to get a few seasonal ingredients too — strawberries and raspberries are great options — they are cheaper during the summer season and they obviously add great flavour and colour to your cocktails. �� Q: How many different drinks options should you give your guests? I would go for two alcoholic cocktails and a non-alcoholic option, plus classic sodas and water. For the alcoholic cocktails, a long refreshing cocktail and a slightly stronger option is always good. Don’t forget it’s almost summer, and it’s getting warmer and you want everyone to be able to enjoy themselves. �������� ���� Q: What kinds of snacks are best for an al fresco party, and how much should you plan to serve? I tend to think of barbecues for summer soirees, as it is always a perfect opportunity to get the fire going and a great atmosphere when you organize one. Salads and snacks always work well too; ceviche and salads will bring a fresh note to the evening and will help guests to enjoy their evening without getting too full. Plus you can prepare them in advance. If you start with canapés or amuses bouche, I would recommend five to seven pieces per guest. If there is dinner afterwards, that should be enough for a two hour-long aperitif, otherwise double the amount for the same timings. �� Eat �� ���������� DEMONTIS ������������ RITA Summer entertaining is all about crisp, refreshing cocktails, where one is encouraged to utilize fresh herbs alongside the usual cast of delicious characters — spritzes of citrus, freshly sliced fruit, sparkling juices and water. Perhaps you’re planning a gathering for an intimate handful of friends or something more substantial. Either way, Julien Lafond, ambassador for the iconic Grey Goose label, recently offered the following tips and ideas for the perfect party when the season’s daytime heat spills well into the evening’s coolness: ������� ������� ��������� ��� ��� ��� ��������� �� ���������������� ��������� ��� ��� ������ ���� ������� �������� ���������� ������ ������ ������� ������� �� ��������� ��������� ���� ��� ��� ������� ��� �������������� ����� ���������� ���� ��� ���������� ������ ������ ���� ���� �� ��� ������� ��������� ������ ������ ������� ������ ���� ������� ��������� ���� �� ��� �������� �������� ���� �������� �������� �� ��� ������� ����� �� � �� �� �������� ���������� ����� �� ��� �������� ��������� �������� �������� �� ��� ������ ���� ������� ��� �������� ���������� ���� ������������ �� ������� ���� ������ ��������� ������� ����������� ��������� ����� ����� ������ ��������� ������� ��� �������� ������� ������� ������� ��������� ���� ��� ���� ������������� ������� ����������� ��� ��� ��������� ������ ����� ������� ����������� ����������� ������ ������ ���� �������������� ���������������������� ���� ������ �������� ��������� ������� ��� ��� ��������������������� AD{TS3992569} A2 n THE CHATHAM DAILY NEWS n TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2015 n HEALTH: Dr. Ranjith Chandrasena first within Erie-St. Clair LHIN to get award 2 POLICE BRIEFS PAGE Gun collection pinched in Wheatley The owner of 12 long guns has informed Chatham-Kent police his collection was stolen sometime over the last month from his home in Wheatley. The firearms include a Ruger .233-calibre semi-automatic rifle, an Antonio Zoli 12-gauge double barrel shotgun, a 1903 Winchester .22-calibre single shot and four Remington shotguns. The weapons are valued at about $4,000. Police are asking anyone who knows anything about the break and enter to contact Const. Pete Bakker at peteb@ or 519-4366600, ext. 81296 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) and may be eligible for a cash reward. CONTACT US Canoe stolen in Dresden CHATHAM DAILY NEWS Contact us directly: 519-354-2000 138 King Street W., Chatham ON N7M 1E3 (Public Entrance at Fifth Street) 2nd floor, stairs or ELEVATOR Chatham-Kent police are looking for assistance regarding a theft investigation late Saturday night or early Sunday morning in Dresden. Police said someone entered a fenced area on Metcalfe Street West and stole a canoe valued at $1,500. Anyone with information is asked to contact Const. Wayne Plaquet at or 519-436-6600, ext. 87040 or Crime Stoppers. GROUP ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Dean Muharrem, ext. 4700 Email: dean.muharrem@ MANAGING EDITOR Peter Epp, ext. 4709 Crash in Ridgetown OFFICE MANAGER Rachel Blain, ext. 4701 Email: rachel.blain@sunmedia. ca A 58-year-old Ridgetown man is facing charges following a two-vehicle collision on Harold Street near Main Street Sunday afternoon. Emergency crews were called to the area at about 2:45 p.m. Police said no one was injured and total damage was set at $1,000. CUSTOMER SERVICE/ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Lisa Lammens, ext. 4702 Fax 519-354-3448 CIRCULATION For any delivery concerns, call 1-855-533-5596. HOME HUNTING GUIDE/ REAL ESTATE TABLOID Eleanor Reeve, ext. 4706 Fax 519-354-3448 Doctor feted for technological innovation tor for southwestern Ontario, credited Chandrasena’s visionary efforts for providing psychiatric clinics to several areas of the province. “Under his leadership, telepsychiatry clinics at CKHA have improved access to psychiatry services in under-served areas and communities in this region and beyond, including Leamington, Wallaceburg, Newbury, Grand Bend and even out to Woodstock,” said Feltz. He is also using the videoconferencing service to reach out to family members of patients who live outside the province. Saying the award is a partnership, Chandrasena noted that OTN provides a secure connection, which is vital for keeping patient information private. “It ’s extremely impor tant because we are dealing with patient information that is confidential and that is why you need an organization such as OTN that secures that information and guarantees the security that we need for confidential information going to and fro between organizations,” he said. OTN is a not-for-profit organization that is funded by the Ontario government and Canada Health Infoway. OTN launched the new awards program to recognize leaders in each of Ontario’s Local Health Integration Networks. Chandrasena is the first to receive the award within the Erie St. Clair LHIN. John Bozzo, OTN executive BLAIR ANDREWS Postmedia Network Chatham psychiatrist Dr. Ranjith Chandrasena is among the first healthcare leaders in Ontario to be recognized for using innovative telemedicine technology to improve patient care in their communities. Officials with the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN) were in Chatham Monday to present Chandrasena with an inaugural Champion of Telemedicine award. With telemedicine, providers use information and communication technology to deliver healthcare to patients or collaborate with each other to improve care delivery. Chandrasena, the chief of medical staff and chief of psychiatry at the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance, pioneered a form a videoconferencing. Saying it didn’t make sense to move a bed-ridden patient with dementia from Wallaceburg to Chatham, Chandrasena sought to establish a link between Chatham and the Sydenham campus of the Health Alliance. This was well before the OTN was established in 2006. Over the years, Chandrasena has used the system to reach more patients in any location while lowering costs. “The cost savings are enormous,” he said. “The ability to deliver service which they would not get otherwise is priceless.” Lori Feltz, OTN regional direc- ened her father outside a local grocery store. In a statement of facts, an assistant Crown attorney told court the former girlfriend was not injured in the earlier incident and the defendant shouted at her father last fall, stating, “I’m going to f***ing kill you.” Defence lawyer Gudrun Mueller-Wilm told court a probation report of her client’s more recent behaviour proved “he is doing everything right. “He’s finishing his education,” Mueller-Wilm said. A joint submission for sentenc- VICKI GOUGH The Daily News A young man left the Ontario Court of Justice in Chatham Monday promising never to be in trouble with the law again. Earlier, the 19-year-old defendant pleaded guilty to one charge of assault when he was a young offender and one charge of uttering a threat as an adult. Court heard the Chatham man gave his ex-girlfriend a twohanded shove during an argument over money sometime between Aug. 1 to 31, 2013. Last Oct. 11, the accused threat- ������ ������ ������� ������ ���� ������� � �� �� � �� �� �������� ���� � �� �� �� � � �� �� ������ ���� �� � ���� ���� �� �� �� �� � �� � �� �� �� �� �� �� �� � ��� ��� �� �� � � �� ���� �� ��� �� � �� ������ ��� �� � �� �� �� � �� LOTTERY �� �� �� �� ���������� �� ���������� �� ������������ ������������ ENCORE MIDDAY: 4713926 ENCORE EVENING: 2671594 PICK 2 MIDDAY: 3 2 PICK 2 EVENING: 3 6 PICK 3 MIDDAY: 0 0 4 PICK 3 EVENING: 4 4 0 PICK 4 MIDDAY: 5 0 4 6 PICK 4 EVENING: 8 8 9 4 KENO MIDDAY: 07 18 19 20 21 31 35 38 39 43 44 45 47 50 51 52 59 66 67 69 KENO EVENING: 02 07 08 09 10 11 14 15 18 21 26 27 29 30 34 52 56 59 64 70 �� Monday Unofficial winning numbers �� 1537 10 ���� �������� �������� ����� ������� ���� ��� ������� �������� �� ������� ��������� ��� �������� � ������� ������� ��� �������� ����� ���� ������ ��������� ������� �� ����� ���� �� ���� �� ��� ����� ��������� ���������� ������������ �� ��� ���� ��� ������ ��������� ������� ���� ������� ������� ����� ��� ������ ���� ������� ��� ��� �������� ���������� ����� ��������������� �� ��� ��������� ���� �� ��������� �� ������� ��� �������� ��� ��� ������� ��� �������� ������ ��� ������ ���� ������� �� ������� � ��������� �� ����� ���� �� ������ ��� �������� ������� ��� ��������� ��� ������� ��� ������� �������� ��������� ���������� ����������� ������� ������� ��������� ��� ��� ��� ��������� �� ���������������� ��������� ��� ��� ������ ���� ������� �������� ���������� ������ ������ ������� ������� �� ��������� ��������� ���� ��� ��� ������� ��� �������������� ����� ���������� ���� ��� ���������� ������ ������ ���� ���� �� ��� ������� ��������� ������ ������ ������� ������ ���� ������� ��������� ���� �� ��� �������� �������� ���� �������� �������� �� ��� ������� ����� �� � �� �� �������� ���������� ����� �� ��� �������� ��������� �������� �������� �� ��� ������ ���� ������� ��� �������� ���������� ���� ������������ �� ������� ���� ������ ��������� ������� ����������� ��������� ����� ����� ������ ��������� ������� ��� �������� ������� ������� ������� ��������� ���� ��� ���� ������������� ������� ����������� ��� ��� ��������� ������ ����� ������� ����������� ����������� ������ ������ ���� �������������� ���������������������� ���� ������ �������� ��������� ������� ��� ��� ��������������������� AD{TS3992570} work. “We’ve got the greatest system in the world but if nobody’s using it, it doesn’t matter,” said Bozzo. ‘I will not be back,’ says young defendant ��� ��������� ���������� ����� �� ��������� �� �� ��� � �� �� ��� � �� �� � �� ��� �� ������ � �������� �� ��� ����������� � �� �� ��� �� � � � � � � �� ����������� ������ �������� ������ �� ������� ������ ��� ������� � ���� ������� ��� ��� �� �� ���������� �� ����������� ����� ��� ������ � �� � ����� ��������� ����������� ������ ��� �� �� ����� ������ ������ ������� ������ ���� ���� ��� � � � �������� �������� �� �� ������� �� ��� �� �� � ������ ������������ �� ������� ����� �������� �� �� ���� �� � ������������� �� �� �� �������� �� ��� ���� ������ ���� �� ���������� ���� �� ��� ����������� ���� ������ ���� ��� ������� ���� ��������� �� ����� ���������� � ��������� �� �� �� �� �� ������������ �������� ���� ��� ��� �� � ����������� ������� ��� �� �� � ��������� ��������� ������ �������� ��� � �� � ��������� ������ ���� ��� ��������� ����� �� ������ �� ��� ���������� �� ��� ���� ��� ���� ��� ��� ����� ���� �� ���� ������� ����� ��������� �� ���������� �������� �� �� ����� ���� ��� ��������� ����������� ������� ��� ���� ����� ���� ��������� ��������� ����� � �� ��������� ����� ��� �� ��� ����� ��� �� ��� � � ��������� ��� � �� ������ �� �� ��� ����������� ��� �� �� ��� �� � �� � �� ���������� � ��� � �� ���� ������ �� ����� ����������� �� ������ ������� �� ��� ������ �� � ������ ��������� ������� ���� ��� ���� ��������� �� ������� ��� ������ ���� ������� ��������� ����������� ��������� ��� ���������� ��� ������ ���� ������� ��������� ��� ��� ������� ������� ��� ��������� ������ ADVERTISING SALES Dean Muharrem, ext. 4700 Email: dean.muharrem@ Dave Gervason, ext. 4704 Mike Gleeson, ext. 4703 lead for marketing and communications, noted the awards recognize that OTN provides the foundation, but it’s the efforts of the healthcare providers that make it n COURT: Chatham man apologizes for behaviour ������ �� ������ ��������� ������� ��� � ������� �������� ����� ��� ����� ��������� ����������� EDITORIAL News desk, ext. 4716 Diana Martin, ext. 4715 Ellwood Shreve, ext. 4714 Vicki Gough, ext. 4711 Trevor Terfloth, ext. 4712 Mark Malone, Sports, ext 4713 Newsroom fax: 519-436-0949 Newsroom email: BLAIR ANDREWS/POSTMEDIA NETWORK Dr. Ranjith Chandrasena received a Champion of Telemedicine award Monday. The chief of medical staff and chief of psychiatry at the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance was honoured for his efforts to adopt videoconferencing as a way to advance patient care. ing called for a suspended sentence with three days credit of pre-disposition custody on the uttering threat charge and a $100 fine on the assault charge. The defendant told court he “lashed out” when he learned his baby was about to placed into a specific vehicle. “I want to apologize. The reason I threatened her father is because he was going to put my child in his car and he was driving without a licence (he lost) driving while under the influence (of alcohol),” the defendant told court. The accused was also sentenced to 12 months probation, not to possess any weapons, provide a DNA sample, have restricted access to his child and ordered to enroll in counselling for anger management, substance abuse and domestic violence. When asked by the judge if court would see him again, the defendant quickly replied, “No, your honour, I will not be back.” Focus on facts An assistant Crown attorney and defence lawyer met in the judge’s chambers Monday to discuss facts in an attempted murder investigation in Wallaceburg one year ago. Taylor Ermatinger, 21, of Walpole Island was charged with attempted murder following an altercation at Sam’s Hotel on Dufferin Avenue on March 20, 2014. Chatham-Kent police responded to the location just b e f o re 1 2 : 3 0 a. m. t o i nv e stigate a fight between two m e n k n o w n t o e a c h o t h e r. One man was transported to the Sydenham campus of the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance in Wallaceburg with life-threatening head injuries and was later transferred to a hospital in London. A publication ban prevents reporting on evidence given in court until the charge is either dismissed or a trial is completed. Two days have been set aside for a preliminary hearing on Aug. 24-25. n HEALTH: No charge to attend, registration required Stroke congress planned Daily News Staff The first-ever Stroke Survivor Congress to be held in southwestern Ontario will take place Friday, June 12 at the John D. Bradley Convention Centre. The Chatham-Kent Health Alliance has partnered with the New Beginnings, ABI & Stroke Recovery Association and the Heart & Stroke Foundation for the event. It will provide information to help not only stroke survivors, but their families, caregivers and health-care providers. Guest speakers for the congress include: • Dr. David Alter: “Keep your engine running - Can Music Fool the Brain into Pursuing Healthy Activity?” • Dr. Sarah Palmer: “Power of Love - Helping Survivors of Stroke and Family Members Understand Each Other.” • Dr. Ricardo Viana and Heather Beecroft-Rock: “When Lightning Strikes the Clock Tower - Stroke Under 50.” • Jenny Iszakovits: “Getting Back into your Delorean - Driving Post-Stroke.” • Leqin Lu: “The Road Ahead - Heart and Stroke Foundation Focus Group.” There is no charge to attend, however, registration is required. Register online at www.ckha. n AGRICULTURE C-K grows for the world FROM PAGE A1 Bendo said Chatham-Kent lives with a high rate of chronic disease and are some of the lowest consumers of fruits and vegetables in Ontario despite access to a wide variety of locally grown produce and meats. “Chatham-Kent grows for the world,” Bendo said. “And while the economic benefits are important, I want to highlight the many health benefits that come along with eating healthy local foods.” The Kent Federation of Agriculture’s free Buy Local Buy Fresh map is the easiest way to connect to food to the plate for locals across the municipality and has a list for what is in season for easy shopping. “It’s bringing it (local food) into the forefront,” said Kathy Delanghe, KFA secretary. “People are recognizing the benefit of buying local from the point of economic impact, health and affordability.” She’s quick to add Chatham would benefit from a permanent and consistent farmer’s market, similar to the one that operates in Ridgetown, where produce could be made available to those who are transportation challenged. North Kent councillor Leon Leclair said he’d love to see the development of a permanent market space but it needs to have good leadership organizing it and the support of the community to make it viable. “It’s the big picture, it’s liability, a good spot, consistency,” said Leclair. “Years ago we used to have the slogan ‘Farmers Feed Cities’. I’d like to change it up a little bit, farmers need cities also.” Local Food Week will include a number of farmers sharing their stories with local media and Delhaven Orchards being recognized as the Chatham-Kent Chamber of Commerce’s feature industry of the month on Friday. Appendix C: Display Panels Presented at Community Meetings Welcome Chatham Optima Wind Project Public COMMUNITY MEETING Thursday, June 18, 2015 2 to 9 p.m. Purpose of the Public COMMUNITY MEETING • To provide information on the Chatham Optima Wind Project and the Large Renewable Procurement (LPR) Process; • To provide information on the proposed layout; • To receive input on the project and identify issues to be considered during the LRP Process. Community input is an important part of the project planning and the LRP Process. Please assist us by : • reviewing the information panels • speaking to a representative from Kruger Energy or Stantec • filling out our questionnaire You can also provide input by contacting Kruger Energy at 1-844-946-3674 (1-844-WindNRG) or About the Proponent • The proponent of this project is Kruger Energy Chatham Optima LP (KECO), an affiliate of Kruger Energy Inc. • Kruger Energy is a business unit of Kruger Inc. that specializes in the development and management of renewable energy power plants. • Founded in 1904, Kruger Inc. is a major producer of publication papers, tissue, corrugated cartons from recycled fibers, biomaterials, green and renewable energy and wines and spirits. • The Company is also a leader in paper and paperboard recycling in North America. Kruger operates facilities in Quebec, Ontario, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and in the United States. • Number of employees: 5,000 Kruger ENERGY OVERVIEW Established in 2004 95 employees A business unit of Kruger Inc. 500 MW of prospective projects under development Major independent producer of renewable energy Installed Capacity: 545 MW 50 MW under construction Annual Production Capacity: 2,224 GWH 35 facilities in Canada and the United States Our Commitment Kruger Energy is committed to developing renewable energy projects in keeping with the values of their host communities and with the principles of sustainable development. When developing new projects, Kruger Energy: 1 becomes part of the community for the long term; 2acts as a responsible and committed corporate citizen; 3builds relationships based on mutual respect and cooperation with its neighbours. ENERGY PRODUCTION SITES 9.9 MW Lidya Energy L.P. Lachute, QC 22.0 MW 100.0 MW 129.0 MW Zeballos Kruger Energy Montérégie L.P. Deer Lake Power Vancouver Island, BC Montérégie, QC Deer Lake, N.-L. 99.4 MW Kruger Energy Chatham L.P Chatham, ON 9.9 MW Hydro Bromptonville Inc. Brompton, QC 17.6 MW Corner Brook Pulp and Paper Ltd. (Cogen) 101.2 MW 50.0 MW Seville Solar Borrego Springs, CA Corner Brook, N.-L. Kruger Energy Port Alma L.P. 33 MW Multi-Fuel Port Alma, ON 22 sites in the United States HYDRO NEW YORK MAINE VIRGINIA 26.5 MW WIND Kruger Energy Bromptonville L.P. BIOMASS COGENERATION Landfill gas Brompton, QC SOLAR Wind Farms in Chatham-Kent Operated by Kruger Energy • The Port Alma and Chatham Wind Farms are located on the north shore of Lake Erie • Total installed capacity: 200.6 MW • 88 wind turbines • Electricity is sold to the Ontario Power Authority under 20-year agreements • Expected total annual production: approximately 660 GWh (enough electricity to power the equivalent of some 60,000 homes) OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT • An optimization project within the area of the existing Port Alma and Chatham wind farms • 10 to 15 wind turbines to be installed • Total capacity of 30 to 40 MW of renewable power • Ancillary facilities including access roads, underground collector lines (no new overhead lines) and expansion of existing substation Wind Turbines TECHNICAL SPECS Turbine Capacity Tower Height 3 to 3.5 MW 100 m Rotor Diameter 110 – 115 m Total Height 155 – 157 m Wind Speed for Operation 10 - 115 km/h PrePARATION OF A TURBINE LAYOUT Turbine Locations are decided on the basis of a scientific process that includes consideration of: • Wind Resource Characteristics • Environmental Setbacks / Municipal Setbacks • Noise Assessment • Constructability • Presence of Other Turbines PRELIMINARY PrePARATION OF A TURBINE LAYOUT COMMUNITY BENEFITS In addition to providing clean renewable energy for Ontario consumers, the following benefits will accrue to the Municipality of Chatham-Kent (based on a 40 MW project): Community Benefit Contribution $2,200,000 Maintenance Contract to Entegrus $2,400,000 Building Permits $200,000 Road Use Agreement (20 years) $200,000 Estimated Taxes (20 years) $750,000 Moreover, Kruger Energy is investigating the possible installation of an Automatic Aircraft Detection System which will mitigate the impact of tower lighting. If not feasible, a Supplemental Community Benefit Contribution of $500,000 will apply. The Ontario Government and Renewable Energy • The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) is responsible for determining the long-term energy supply mix for the Province of Ontario. • Through the Long-Term Energy Plan, the Government of Ontario is committed to increasing the amount of installed capacity from wind, solar and bioenergy to 10,700 MW by 2021. • By 2025, about half of Ontario’s installed generating capacity will come from renewable sources. • In 2014, a new competitive procurement process was developed by the IESO for future renewable projects larger than 0.5 MW. This new process is called the Large Renewable Procurement (LRP). The Large Renewable Procurement (LRP I) Process In July 2014, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) released a Request for Qualifications for proponents wishing to participate in an upcoming Request for Proposals (RFP) for up to 300 MW of wind energy. Kruger Energy qualified to move forward into the RFP stage of LRP I. The RFP is based on a set of criteria including: • Price • Ability to successfully develop wind projects • Ability to fund project development • Consideration of the natural environment (Site Considerations) • Consultation with the project community, Aboriginal groups, government agencies and other interested parties (Community Engagement Plan and Community Meetings) Kruger Energy will prepare an application for submission to the IESO by September 1, 2015. The IESO will announce their decision by the end of 2015. The Renewable Energy Approval (REA) Process If the Kruger Energy Chatham Optima Wind Project is selected in the LRP, it will be subject to the Renewable Energy Approval (REA) process under Ontario Regulation 359/09. This process involves detailed studies of the following: •Natural environment including wetlands, woodlands and waterbodies •Social environment including noise and setbacks from property lines •Cultural environment including protected properties, heritage resources and archaeology There will be extensive consultation with the local community, agencies and Aboriginal groups. The Renewable Energy Approval (REA) Process adapted from the Technical Guide to Renewable Energy Approvals, MOECC 2013 Meeting with Key Agencies/ FIT Contract Launch Meeting Scoping the Project Concept •Project Class •Project Location •Ancillary Equipment •Activities for construction/ operation •Participants will typically include: Project Developers and Consultants, Municipalities, MOECC-Environmental Assessment & Approvals, MNRF, MTCS, OPA, ENERGY-REFO. •Others as required: MOECC-District/Regional office, Local Conservation Authority, Federal Agencies (DFO, CEA Agency, EC). Others determined by the applicant. Conduct Site Assessments & Other Studies •Natural Heritage Assessment •Cultural Heritage/ Archaeological Assessment •Water Assessment •Other as required •Obtain Confirmation/ Comment Letters from MNRF and MTCS Completing REA Reports •Project Description Report •Construction Plan Report •Design and Operations Report •Decommissioning Plan Report •Consultation Plan Report •Additional Reports as required Municipal/Public Consultation Consultation Aboriginal Consultation Application Submission & Review •Completeness Check •Environment Registry Posting •Minimum 30-day comment period •Applicant posts REA documents to project website •Applicant notifies the public when the application has been submitted •Focused Review (6-Month Service Standard) Appeals Process (If Applicable) REA Decision Other Potential Approvals PERMIT/LICENSE/AUTHORIZATION ADMINISTERING AGENCY RATIONALE Aeronautical Obstruction Clearance Transport Canada — Aviation Division Turbine lighting and marking Scientific Collectors Permit under the Migratory Bird Convention Act, 1994 (MBCA) and the federal Species at Risk Act (“SARA”) Environment Canada/ Canadian Wildlife Service Will be required for construction monitoring programs Land Use Clearance NAV CANADA Aeronautical safety mapping and designations Development, Interference with Wetlands, and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Permit Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority Work within floodplains, water crossings, river or stream valleys, hazardous lands and within or adjacent to wetlands. Projects requiring review, Fisheries Act authorization and/or assessment under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act are forwarded to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) Registration under the Endangered Species Act Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Permit to potentially impact habitat or individual Species at Risk Road Use Agreement Municipality of Chatham-Kent Required for use of municipal road allowances for collector line siting Entrance Permits Municipality of Chatham-Kent Entrance from Municipal and/or County roads Road Condition Survey Municipality of Chatham-Kent Assessment of pre- and post-construction conditions of municipal roads to be used for material delivery and construction equipment movement Traffic Management Plan Municipality of Chatham-Kent Adherence to road safety and suitability, including adherence to load restrictions on municipal roads Ongoing consultation with the local community, Aboriginal groups, and government agencies we are here 2015 2016 / 2017 LRP I RFP Application Preparation | April-August Application Submission | September IESO Decision | December Site studies (Natural environment, archaeology, noise, etc.) April 2016 - February 2017 Application of Renewable energy approval application February 2017 - August 2017 Submission of REA application to MOECC Third quarter of 2017 MOECC decision First quarter of 2018 Construction Fourth quarter of 2018 - Fourth quarter of 2019 2018 / 2019 HOW WIND POWER WORKS Wind turbine Underground cables (telephone, electricity) Underground cables Access road Transformer substation Connection to public electrical network YOUR INPUT IS IMPORTANT Please let us know your ideas, comments and suggestions on the Chatham Optima Wind Project. You can contact Kruger Energy by: Telephone toll free: 1-844-946-3674 (1-844-WindNRG) Email: Website: Thank you for attending our Public Community Meeting Appendix D: Completed Sign-in Sheets Appendix E: Completed Comment Forms and Communications Log Kruger Energy Chatham Optima Project Communications Log Date Object Action Status 6/3/2015 Requested a map showing the location of all new turbines. Was refered to the Site Considerations Report. E-mail sent June 4 Completed 6/8/2015 Requested how close is the nearest turbine to her property. Answer provided by e-mail. E-mail sent 12 June Completed 6/8/2015 Interested in receiveing new turbines on their property. Not possible due to constaints. Answer provided by e-mail and invited to Community meeting. E-mail sent June 10 Completed 6/9/2015 Unable to attend June 18 meeting but would like to receive new turbines on his property. Directed to the website for copy of the layout and invited to call back if additional questions. E-mail sent June 10 Completed 6/9/2015 E-mail from CEAA regarding potential applicability of Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. Sent to Stantec by JR Poulin E-mail sent 10 June Completed 6/10/2015 Received an empty envelope from Stantec. Is interested to receive turbines on his property. Invitation resent by e-mail and refered to website. Invited to attend the meeting to discuss further. E-mail sent 11 June Completed 6/10/2015 Owner of land in Chatham. Wants more information to receive turbine on his land. E-mail was sent to confirm that it is not possible at this time. Call by G Cote. E-mail sent July 13 Completed 6/11/2015 Interested in having new turbine on his property. He was called back and invited to attend the Community meeting to discuss further. Call by G Cote Completed 6/12/2015 E-mail from Infrastructure Ontario regarding potential impact on IO lands. Sent to Stantec by JR Poulin for follow-up. E-mail sent 17 June Completed 6/17/2015 Wants more information on the project. After 2 calls, citizen was reached. He had attended the June 18 meeting and saw that there was no turbine on his property, so he had no more questions. He would have liked to have a turbine. Message left June 17, 23, no reply. Final call June 24 Completed 6/17/2015 Informed of change of address. Call to validate but he didn't call back. He was finally reached on June 25 (see e-mail for new address) Completed 6/17/2015 Wants more information on the project. After 2 calls, citizen was reached. He wanted to know if there were turbines south of Talbot Trail. I confirmed that there were none. Paule left message. Was reached June 25 Message left June 17, 23, no reply. Final call June 24 6/17/2015 Wants a better map of the project. Call returned June 18. He would like to receive a paper copy showing the location of his property with respect to the wind turbines. Letter and map sent June 26 Completed 6/17/2015 Interested to have a turbine on her land. Call back next week to confirm if there is a possibility of receiving a turbine. After validation, it is not possble to add turbines on this property due to noise regulations. Answer provided by phone June 27 Completed 6/17/2015 Left message - "I don't support the project. I will be very loud about this." JJ Davis called him and had lengthy discussion with him. Several concerns were discussed including during contruction and operation. He was reasonably Call returned by JJ Davis. Was met satisfied with the answers. He participated in the June 18 meeting afterwards. at the June 18 meeting. Completed 6/18/2015 Wants to know how close are new turbines to his property. Send distance and articles on effect of windfarms on value of houses. Completed 6/18/2015 6/18/2015 Completed Verbal request at Community meeting. Citizen wants copy of preliminary layout sent by mail to his address. Map sent June 25 by mail. Call returned by G Cote. Letter sent June 29. Letter sent June 25 Completed Verbal request at Community meeting. Wants to know the dsitance to the closest turbine from her home. She also wants to have a contact at Pattern Energy because their turbines are noisy. E-mail sent 26 June Completed 6/18/2015 6/18/2015 6/18/2015 6/23/2015 Met at Community meeting. Asked why nobody has installed turbines towards St-Thomas. Wind map was sent to him. Met at Community meeting. Wants map of layout. Met at Community meeting. Want position of her home on map of layout.. Unable to attend the Community meeting and wanted more information. She was concerned with property values but was generally supportive of the project. Send paper copy of studies on property values. Completed Completed Completed Completed 6/23/2015 6/27/2015 Wants a map showing the location of all new turbines. Map was sent June 24 by e-mail. Interested in having a turbine on his property. I asked for his exact address. After validation, it was determined that it is not possible. E-mail June 23 Letter sent June 29 Letter sent June 29 Call June 23 no reply. Call on 24. Letter sent June 29. E-mail sent June 24 E-mail sent June 29. Answer sent July 13 7/14/2015 Request from Union Gas for a confidentiality agreement. They will then evaluate the possibility of conflict with their infrastructure - Will be followed up if project is retained in bidding process. Answer provided by e-mail 21 July Completed 7/14/2015 Wants information on setback requirements for wind turbines including aerodrome and commercial properties. Answer provided. Acknowledgement sent July 15, answer July 25 Completed 7/15/2015 Formal objection to addition of 3 turbines on the grounds that it will impact the ability to use the aerodrome safely. Letter sent on July 31 offering to visit the aerodrome to better understand concerns. Acknowledgement sent July 15. Letter sent July 31 Completed 8/12/2015 7/16/2015 Question on the meaning of No Build Zone. Agrees to Kruger visiting the aerodrome. Formal objection to addition of 3 turbines for reasons of health, infrasound, flicker. Letter sent July 31 offering visit of windfarm and web address for Health Canada study and infrasound study. Letter sent July 31 Completed 7/30/2015 Notice from Transport Canada regarding the determination whether the project will affect federal lands. Page 1 de 1 Completed Completed