Winter Program Guide - Lindenhurst Memorial Library


Winter Program Guide - Lindenhurst Memorial Library
Winter Program Guide
Dec. 2015 - Feb. 2016
Lindenhurst Memorial Library
One Lee Avenue
Lindenhurst, NY 11757
(631) 957-7755
This will be our final issue of the
Lindenhurst Memorial Library
quarterly newsletter. But don’t despair;
news about our library’s programs and
services will continue to be published.
Check out these sources:
South Bay Newspaper monthly ad - our library’s website
Posters and fliers in our library,
and, as always, you can reach us by
phone-957-7755, and by
Lindenhurst Memorial Library
welcomes Lisa Kropp as the new
Assistant Director. Ms. Kropp
has worked in public libraries for
over 25 years, where she was the
Early Learning Coordinator at
the Middle Country Public
Library, and most recently the
Youth Services Coordinator for
Suffolk County via the Suffolk
Cooperative Library System. “The public library is
such an important piece of the puzzle that makes up
each individual community on Long Island, and I’m so
excited to have the opportunity to work within the
Lindenhurst community”, said Ms. Kropp.
Please stop in and say hello the next time you are in
the library, and let her know of programs and services
that you would like the library to consider.
List all books read and come
in once per week for
prizes/raffle tickets. See the
Reference Desk for details.
List all books read (or listened to) on your sheet. Bring the sheet into
the Children’s Room once per week to get prizes. Readers who make
three visits will receive an award certificate and be entered in an extra
prize drawing. Register and pick up your sheet beginning Jan. 4.
Page 2
“Love is in the Air” ~ Chris Pinnella
and his 10 Piece Orchestra
tors Phil Boyle, Michael Venditto and the NYS Office of
Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Services (NYS OASAS)
for an Opioid Overdose Prevention Program Training
Class. Learn overdose facts & statistics, recognize the
signs and symptoms of Opioid abuse and how to identify
and prevent an overdose, and how to administer the lifesaving antidote Narcan. Receive a free nasal Naloxone
kit. (18 years or older). Please RSVP to Senator Boyle’s
District Office at 631-665-2311 or Senator Venditto’s
office at 516-882-0630.
Tues., March 15, 2016. Bus departs approx.
noon. 2:00 pm show ~ NYCB Theater at
Westbury, dinner to follow at Verdi’s. Chris
Pinnella has appeared worldwide, Broadway
National tours, off-Broadway, and regional theatre, to touring and recording as a lead vocalist with the Trans-Siberian
Orchestra, Lincoln Center and the Rainbow Room. Nonrefundable fee of $87 pp ($85 cash or check payable to
LML, plus $2 pp bus driver tip in cash), includes transportation, concert ticket, dinner and gratuity. Reg. begins January 9. Open to all. LNABT4
Nassau-Suffolk Hospital Council
City Island & Bartow-Pell Mansion
December 10, January 14, February 11
2:00 pm
The Nassau-Suffolk Hospital Council will have insurance
navigators on site to assist individuals and families in
obtaining health insurance through the New York State
Health Benefit Exchange. Insurance plans include Family
Health Plus, Child Health Plus, Medicaid, and others .
Tentative dates: Tues., April 19 or April 26, 2016.
Bus departs approx. 9:00 am. Enjoy a
day on charming City Island, a 1.5 mile
historic seaside community which feels
more like a New England fishing village
than the Bronx. Take a guided tour of
Bartow-Pell Mansion, a national landmark, with its splendid Greek revival interiors, and an important link to the social and architectural history of New
York. After lunch at Sea Shore Restaurant, we visit the City
Island Nautical Museum before heading home.
Non-refundable fee of $101 pp total ($99 cash or check
payable to LML plus $2 pp bus driver tip in cash).
Reg. begins February 6. LNABT15
Thurs., December 3, 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Join NYS Sena-
Medicaid Enrollment Assistance for the
Aged, Blind and Disabled
December 10, January 14, February 11, 2:00 pm
The Nassau-Suffolk Hospital Council will have staff
trained by the NYS Department of Health stationed at the
library to assist the aged, blind, and disabled with enrollment into the following programs: Medicaid, Medicaid
Buy-In for Working People with Disabilities (MBI-WPD),
Medicaid Spend-down, Medicare Savings (MSP), and
Medicaid for Institutional Care in a Nursing Home. Enrollment will run on a first-come, first-served basis, free of
charge, the second Thursday of every month. No appointment is necessary. For more information, please call the
Nassau-Suffolk Hospital Council at (631) 435-3000.
Overnight: Niagara Falls
Thurs., May 12 - Sun., May 15, 2016.
Get your passport ready for this
wonderful trip! We are in the planning
stages. Details to follow.
Reg. begins February 27. LNABT17
Mon., December 28 and February 22, 10:00 -11:30 am.
Receive assistance with Medicaid, food stamps, senior
housing, and more from a representative of the Suffolk
County Office of the Aging. No registration required.
St. Francis Hospital Community
Outreach Mobile Bus
Tues., February 23, 10 am - 2 pm
St. Francis Hospital Outreach Bus will visit the library to
provide free health screenings, patient education and
referrals for patrons 18 years and older. The free screenings include a brief cardiac history, blood pressure check,
and a simple blood test for cholesterol and diabetes.
No registration required. For further information call the
Cardiac Intervention Group at (516) 629-2013.
LIRR “NYC On Your Own”
Sun., December 27,
Reg. begins December 1.
Enjoy a day on your own, via the
LIRR. Non-refundable round-trip
ticket cost is $9.25 per person,
(children 5 years & under free) payable in cash. You will be taking the
9:33 a.m. train out of Lindenhurst, so
please be at the train station ticket
office at 9:00 a.m. to meet a library
staff member who will give you your
individual return ticket in exchange
for your library receipt. Return any
time you wish.
Prices valid for this date only. LNABT6
Afternoon Book Club
at 1:00 pm LNA500
Moderated by Paula Bornstein
Wed., December 16
What Alice Forgot/Moriarty, Liane.
Suffering an accident that
causes her to forget the
last ten years of her life,
Alice is astonished to
discover that she is thirtynine years old, a mother
of three children, and in
the midst of an acrimonious divorce. Reg. is ongoing.
Page 3
Cookbooks with an Attitude
Scrabble Play
December – February
noon-5:45 pm.
Equipment provided.
Bridge & Mah Jongg Play
Tues., December 1, 8, 29,
January 5, 19, February 2.
1:00-4:00 pm. Informal, noninstructional sessions. Bring your own
equipment. No registration.
Wed., January 20, The Boys in the
Boat: Nine Americans
Save 10% on
and Their Epic Quest
your insurance &
for Gold at the 1936
qualify for a liBerlin Olympics/Brown,
Proper ID reDaniel James. Traces the
quired when registering an absentee
story of an American rowperson.
ing team from the UniverAARP Smart Driver LNAMO300
sity of Washington that defeated elite
Fri., December 11, Reg. 11/28
rivals at Hitler’s 1936 Berlin Olympics,
Fri., January 15 Reg. 1/9
sharing the experiences of their enigFri., February 12, Reg. 1/30
matic coach, a visionary boat builder,
9:00-3:30 pm
and a homeless teen rower.
$20 per person AARP member.
Reg. begins December 16.
(Bring AARP card to register.)
$25 per person for non-member.
Check payable to AARP-No Cash
Wed., February 17, The History of
Love/ Krauss, Nicole. Sixty years after **1st day of registration is limited to
Lindenhurst Library cardholders.
a book’s publication, its
author remembers his lost
Empire Safety Council
love and missing son,
while a teenage girl
Sat., January 16, Reg. 1/2.
named for one of the
Sat., February 20, Reg. 2/6.
book’s characters seeks
10:00 am-4:00 pm. $27 pp fee,
her namesake, as well as
cash or check payable to Empire Safety
a cure for her widowed
Council. Open to all.
mother’s loneliness. Reg. begins
January 20.
Pre-Licensing Course
Sat., April 9, Reg. begins March 24.
Tues., December 15, 6:30-8:30 pm.
Bring your
recipes and
share your life
stories when you
join authors T.S.
Bradley and
Laura Torres for
a cookbook writing workshop.
Reg. begins December 1. LNA106
GRASP Home Study LNA100
Mon., January 11, 5:30 pm.
This program is for adults 21 years and
older who would like to prepare for the
HSE/TASC exam, (GED), but are unable
to attend classes on a regular basis. Certified instructors provide you with individual
assignments to complete at home. Western Suffolk BOCES. For more information
call (631) 667-6000 ext. 454. Reg. begins
December 28. LNA100
Herbs for Winter Health
Wed., January 13, 7:00 pm.
Today’s modern culture seems to have
forgotten the simple and natural healing
herbs that are available to us. Gina
Kearney, a practicing herbalist will discuss
ten medicinal herbs that support the
body’s natural defenses and teach you
how to make herbal teas.
Reg. begins December 30. LNA160
The Essence of Chinese
Wed., February 10, 7:00 pm. Join
George Wei for an insightful introduction
to the foundation of traditional Chinese
culture and values. It will explore aspects
of Chinese history, such as different dynasties (Ming, Tang), martial arts, Tai-Chi,
Chinese medicine, music, and more.
Reg. begins January 23. LNA159
Computers for Home Use 1-
Sat., January 30, 10:00 am-noon. In this hands-on class,
you will learn how to write a letter, create a newsletter and make a flyer or sign. Learn how to edit
and format text, work with graphics and more. Prerequisites: Computer K, Computer 1st Grade or
equivalent. Reg. begins January 16. LNA151
Computers for Home Use 2 -Sat., February 27, 10:00 am-noon. Use your computer to
help manage your personal finances: create a check register and format a bank reconciliation, keep track of investments
and expenses and create a simple database. Prerequisites: Computer K, Computer 1st Grade or equivalent. Reg. begins
February 13. LNA153
Both programs are conducted by Sharper Training Solutions, Inc. Attend one or both classes.
Page 4
New Advances in Shoulder
A 100th Birthday Tribute
to Frank Sinatra
Sun., December 6, 2:00pm.
Jerry Cardone returns
to the library with his
popular tribute to Frank
Sinatra in celebration
of his birth. Whether
it’s a saloon song,
ballad or swing tune,
enjoy an afternoon of Frank’s music
with the talented Jerry Cardone.
Reg. begins November 21. LNA150
Snowman on a Tile Craft
Wed., January 6, 6:30-8:30 pm.
Get rid of those after the holiday blues
as Rinette Napolitano illustrates how
to paint an adorable snowman on a
tile, perfect for the “snowy” season!
Bring flat and liner brushes. $4 pp fee,
cash or check to Rinette Napolitano.
Reg. begins December 19.
Heroes to the End
Sun., January 10, 2:00-3:30pm.
Former Newsday sports
reporter and copy editor
Jim Smith, will discuss
his self-published book
Heroes to the End: An
Army Correspondent’s
Last Days in Vietnam.
The book is a memoir of
Smith’s 1971-72 year-long tour in
Vietnam, during which he wrote more
than 75 articles for the Stars and
Stripes newspaper. Smith is the board
chairman of the Bay Shore, L.I. nonprofit United Veterans Beacon House,
which runs 32 homeless shelters for
veterans and others. Proceeds from
the sale of his book, which will be
available after the program, will go to
Beacon House.
Reg. begins December 19. LNA158
Thurs., January 28, 7:00 pm.
Meet Dr. Bryan Hanypsiak from
Peconic Bay Medical Center who will
offer a wealth of knowledge regarding a
variety of shoulder ailments, and
discuss the latest options to ensure
patients can maintain mobility and
quality of life.
Reg. begins January 14. LNA165
Love is in the Air
Floral Arranging Workshop
Sun., January 31, 3:00-4:15 pm.
Floral designer Irene Morgan helps you
create a beautiful fresh floral centerpiece for your home to display
during the season of love. $8 pp materials fee, cash or check payable to Irene Morgan. Bring scissors.
Reg. begins January 16. LNAMO107
First American
Art Form
Sun., February 21,
2:00-3:30 pm. Join Professor Craig Boyd as
he examines Jazz music from its conception to the present
through musical performance, fascinating lecture, visual reinforcement and
plenty of audience participation and
fun. Reg. begins February 6. LNA155
Township Theatre Group
presents: Going Places
Sun., February 28, 2:30-4:00 pm.
An entertaining collection of four short
plays about life’s interrupted
Traffic Jam/Bonnie Corso. Isolated in
their car by a traffic jam, a couple is
forced to confront their problems.
Love is a Four Letter Word/Arnold
Kane. Love blooms during a chance
The New World Ain’t Cheap/David
Vazdauskas. Columbus has money
Stations in Life/Linda Prussen.
Four strangers stuck on a subway
become involved with each other.
Reg. begins February 13. LNA124
December 3 Ricki and the Flash
Ricki, a guitar heroine who gives up
everything for her dream of rock n’ roll
stardom, now returns home to make
things right with her family. Meryl
Streep, Rick Springfield. PG-13
December 17 Glen Campbell I’ll Be Me
Musician Glen Campbell starts a farewell tour after he is diagnosed with
Alzheimer's disease, and he and his
family navigate the unpredictable
nature of the disease through love,
laughter and music. Documentary. PG
January 7 - Rear Window /1954
Dir. By Alfred Hitchcock. Sitting in a
wheelchair, his leg in a cast, a photographer (James Stewart) spies on courtyard
neighbors and sees a murder.
Grace Kelly. PG
January 21 -12 Angry Men/1957
Dir. By Sidney Lumet. Following the closing arguments in a murder trial, the 12
members of the jury must deliberate, with
a guilty verdict meaning death for the accused, an inner-city teen. As the dozen
men try to reach a unanimous decision,
one juror (Henry Fonda) casts considerable doubt on elements of the case.
Lee J. Cobb. PG
January 28 - Some Like It Hot/
1959 Dir. by Billy Wilder. After witnessing a Mafia murder, slick saxophone player
Joe (Tony Curtis) and his long-suffering
buddy, Jerry (Jack Lemmon), improvise a
quick plan to escape from Chicago. Disguising themselves as women, they join an
all-female jazz band and hop a train bound
for sunny Florida. Marilyn Monroe. PG
December 13- Ant Man PG-13
December 20-Mission:
Impossible-Rogue Nation PG-13
December 27- A Christmas Story
Sit back, relax & enjoy the show!
Page 5
Rockin’ Readers
Winter Reading Club
Write It Up! - Earn community service for reviewing
books you are reading. Pick up the forms in the
Children’s Room. 3 reviews max. during the school year.
Lindy Scrabble Club
Wednesdays, 3:00-5:30 pm.
Join us for Scrabble play. LNJ114
Book Buddies LNY133
Wed., December 2, 4:15-5:30 pm.
Grades 6-12. Read book to kids and
do crafts with them. Community
service credit. Reg. is underway.
Make It! Fridays @ LML
Jan. 4 to Feb. 29, Grades 6-8.
List all books read & come in
once a week for prizes. 3 visits
and you are entered into a raffle.
Chess Workshop LNCR12
Mon., December 14 & Wed., December
16, 6:30-7:30 pm. Grades 3-8. Play chess
against an opponent. Participants should
have a basic knowledge of chess play.
Reg. begins December 2.
Gaming Club LNCR22
Tues., January 26, February 23,
4:30-5:30 pm. Grades 5-12. Play video
games, Minecraft and board games!
Reg. begins 1/12 for January 26.
Reg. begins 2/9 for February 23.
YLC (formerly Young Adult Council)
Valentines for Vets
Thurs., February 4, 3:00-4:00 pm.
Grades 6-12. Join Youth Library Council!
Work on various projects for the library
and community. Receive 1 hour of community service credit.
Reg. begins January 21. LNY103
Fri., February 5, Grades 6-12.
3:00-5:00 pm. Sat., February 6,
All Grades. 2:00-3:30 pm. Make a
valentine for a vet! Community service
credit. No registration.
December 4, January 8, &
February 12, Grades 6-12. Drop in at
the Children’s Room between 3:00Lego Buddies
4:30 pm to create masterpieces like Fri., March 4. 3:00-4:00 pm. Grades 6-12.
9, 4:15-5:30 pm.
Help out with setting up the Pet Food
robot pendants, fabric pens, junk jewGrades
younger kids for
Drive! Community service credit.
elry, marshmallow shooters and more
fun! CommuReg. begins February 19. LNY103
using our supplies and your imaginanity
Pet Food Drive - 3/7-3/13/16.
tion! No registration.
Reg. begins January 26. LNY111
Snowman Fleece Pillows
Wed., December 9, 3:00-4:00 pm.
Grades 6-12. Make snowman fleece
pillows to keep or give as a gift.
Reg. begins November 25. LNY140
Vacation Movie
Wed., December 30, 11:00 am.
ALL GRADES. Come to the library and
see a holiday movie! No registration.
Paper Beads
Mon., January 11, 6:30-7:30 pm. Grades
Thurs., December 10, 6:30-8:30 pm. 4-8. Create beads from paper to make a
Grades 6-12. For those who have tak- unisex bracelet or earrings. Participants
keep tool and extra beads as well as proen Intro to Garage Band, or have a
ject. Reg. begins December 21. LNCR4
basic familiarity with the program. In
this hands-on class you will expand on
your previous experience on how to
Tween Bingo LNCR3
play, record, and create music with
Tues., January 12, 4:30-5:30 pm.
Garage Band.
Grades 3-8. Play bingo and win
Reg. begins November 25. LNY139
prizes! Reg. begins December 29.
Garage Band 2
Board Game Afternoon in
the Teen Zone
Fri., December 11, January 8,
February 12. Grades 6-12. Stop by
between 3:00 - 4:00 pm and play
some board games! No registration.
Star Wars Day! Volunteers
Cards for Hospitalized Kids
Fri., January 15, 3:00-5:00 pm.
Grades 6-12. Make cards for children in
the hospital, the agency that distributes
them. Community service credit.
No registration.
Computer Animation
Wed., January 20, 6:30-8:30 pm.
Sat., December 12, noon - 2:00 pm.
Grades 6-12. Participants will learn basic
Grades 6-12. Help us out with Star
Wars Day! Sign up in the Children’s computer animation skills in this hands-on
class. Reg. begins January 6. LNY138
Room. Community service credit.
Handmade Pretzels LNY115
Thurs., February 18, 6:30-7:30 pm.
Grades 5-9. Join the Baking Coach and
learn how to make your own pretzels
from scratch! Take your pretzels home.
Reg. begins February 4.
Spy Academy Volunteers
Fri., February 19, 10:00-11:30 am.
Grades 9-12. We need Teen Volunteers to act as Spy Academy teachers
and help our future spies with their
stealth, cryptography, and other skills.
Community service credit.
Sign up in the Children’s Room
beginning February 5.
Upcoming Programs
Pre-Licensing Course
Sat., April 9, Reg. begins March 24.
Teen Video Challenge
Its not too early to start thinking about
summer! The Collaborative Summer
Program needs you! Create a video to
promote summer reading (Get in the
Game Read!). Go to: for details!
Mother Goose Time
Wed., January 6 - February 24, 9:45 am. Babies and
toddlers up to 35 months, with an adult. Encourage
language development with songs, rhymes and finger-play. The program ends
with an informal playtime to facilitate social interaction. No registration.
Check in at the librarian’s desk upon arrival.
Winter Story Time
Wed., January 6 - February 24, 11:15 am. Ages 2 ½ - PreK, with an adult. Come to the library for stories and a project.
The program ends with an informal play time. No registration. Check in at the librarian’s desk upon arrival.
1000 Books Before Kindergarten!
Preschoolers and parents: sharing books with your child is a fun and easy way to
spend quality time together. Pick up a booklet from the children’s librarian and
start reading! You will earn prizes and a certificate, but the real reward is the
special time you spend together. Sign-up is ongoing; you can join at any time.
Winter Fun with
Thurs., December 10, 10:00 -11:00
am. Ages 2 years - Pre-K, with an
adult. Winter-themed fun for parent
and preschooler. Reg. begins November 25. LNJ155
Activity Hour
Tuesdays, January 5-26,
February 2, 9, 23 10:00 –11:00 am.
Ages 2 years - Pre-K, with an adult.
Free play and social interaction for
preschoolers and parents.
No registration.
Celebrate with Books!
Thurs., January 7, 11:00 –11:45 am.
Ages 2 – 5 years. We will have a
birthday party for author/illustrator
Norman Bridwell. Join us for stories,
projects, and playtime!
Reg. begins December 23. LNJ124
Winter Preschool Hour
Thurs., January 21
or Fri., January 22,
10:00 am.
Ages 2 – Pre-K, with
an adult. Stories, a
simple project, and
time to play! Reg.
begins January 7.
Valentine Preschool Hour
Thurs., February 11 or Fri., February
12, 10:00 –11:00 am. Ages 2 years Pre-K, with an adult. Share a Valentine
story, make a simple project and play
with our toy collection.
Reg. begins January 28. LNJ106
Parent Child Workshop
Tuesdays, March 8 - 29, 10:00 am.
Ages 18 to 35 months, with an adult.
In this four-week series, parents and
toddlers enjoy playing with others while
parents have an opportunity to speak
with a facilitator on a variety of childraising issues.
Reg. begins February 23. LNJ127
Book Buddies
Wed., December 2, 4:30 pm.
Ages 4-7 years. Join teen volunteers
for stories and projects.
Reg. begins November 18. LNJ150
Star Wars Day!
Sat., December 12, 12
noon. Celebrate the
release of Star Wars:
The Force Awakens
with a drop-in project
between 12 noon and
2:00 pm, and a showing of the original
movie at 2:00 pm. No registration.
Drop-In Art
Sat, December 19, January 23,
February 13, 10:00 am -2:00 pm. Stop
by the Children’s Room and design
your own art projects using the materials provided. December and February
will feature holiday themes, January
will be animals. No registration.
Valentines for Vets
Fri., February 5, 3:00 – 4:30 pm.
(Grades 6-12) Sat., February 6, 2:003:30 pm. (All Grades). Make a valentine for a veteran! They will be distributed to vets at the Northport VA Hospital. Community service credit is available upon request. No registration.
Take Your Child to
the Library Day!
Sat., February 6, 10:00
am-1:00 pm. All Ages.
Drop by the Children’s
Room for projects and activities. Check
out all we have to offer: Books, CDs,
DVDs, video games for Wii and
Playstation, and Launchpad tablets are
all free to borrow with your library card!
No registration.
Lego Buddies
Tues., February 9, 4:30 pm. Ages 4-7
years. Join older kids for stories,
projects, and Lego fun!
Reg. begins January 26. LNJ102
Page 7
Kid’s Bingo
Tues., February 16,
10:00-11:00 am.
Grades K-5, K-2, with an adult. Enjoy
Bingo with your friends and try to win
books and other cool prizes!
Reg. begins February 2. LNJ100
Build It!
Chess Workshop
Tues., February 16, 2:30-3:30 pm.
Grades K-5, K-2 with an adult. Join us
for lots of Lego fun! Use the library’s
supply of Lego to make a construction
of your choice. Constructions must be
dismantled at the end of the program
for re-use. Reg. begins February 2.
Family Magic Show
Wed., February 17, 6:30 pm.
Ages 3-10
years, with
an adult.
McEntee for
magic, comedy, audience participation, a magic
game and more! Reg. begins February 3. LNJ130
Drop In Dinos
Thurs., February 18, 2:30–3:30 pm
Ages 3-9 years. Drop by the Children’s
Room and make dino projects and
play with our toy collection.
No registration.
Spy Academy
Fri., February 19, 10:30– 11:30 am.
Grades 3-6.
Attend our
spy training
camp and
develop the
skills you
need to be an accomplished spy: code
breaking, stealth and more.
Reg. begins February 5. LNCR5
Lindy Scrabble Club
Wednesdays, 3:005:30 pm. Join us for
Scrabble play.
Equipment provided.
Reg. is ongoing.
Collage Art
Mon., December 14 & Wed., December 16, 6:30-7:30 pm. Grades 3-8. Participants gain a better understanding of
chess through a combination of instruction and supervised play against an
opponent of
similar ability.
Equipment is
should have a basic knowledge of
chess play and plan to attend both
Reg. begins December 2.
Paper Beads
Crafty Kids
Mon., January 11, 6:30-7:30 pm.
Grades 4-8. Create beads from paper
to make a unisex bracelet by stringing
beads onto elastic to be worn doubled
on the wrist or as earrings. Keep your
tool and bring home any extra beads
for future projects.
Reg. begins December 21. LNCR4
Tuesdays, December 22,
January 26, February 23, 7:00 pm.
Grades K-5.
Join us each
month for a
craft project.
Check the library website for details.
Reg. begins 12/8, 1/12, 2/9 LNJ135
Tues., January 26, February 23,
4:30-5:30 pm. Grades 5-12. Play video
games, Minecraft and board games!
Reg. begins 1/12 for January 26.
Reg. begins 2/9 for February 23.
Wed., December 9, 6:30-8:30 pm.
Grades K-5, K-2nd, with an adult.
Choose from a selection of items and
decorate with sequins, feathers,
beads, whatever! No registration.
Winter Wonderland
Wed., January 27, 6:30 - 7:30 pm.
Grades 1-4. Where do insects go?
How do plants
and animals
Explore winter
with an educator from Long
Island Center for Arts and Science.
View slides, play a team game, and
make a plaster cast of an animal
Reg. begins January 13. LNJ110
Gaming Club
Academic Quiz Bowl
Fri., February 19, 2:00-3:00 pm.
Grades 4-8.
Richard Knox will
host a competitive
and fun quiz show
Friends/Parents may
attend to cheer on
the contestants.
Subjects will include
current events, pop
culture, literature,
sports and science.
Reg. begins February 5. LNCR8
Important Information…
Scholarship Blood Drive
When library hours are
changed due to inclement
weather, information can be
found through:
Tues., December 22, 1:00-7:00 pm.
In conjunction with
Long Island Blood
Services, the Lindenhurst Memorial
Library is sponsoring
a Scholarship Blood
Drive. Your life-saving
blood donations help
many patients enjoy another tomorrow. If
you are between 16-75 years old
(16 & 17 years old with parental consent)
and weigh at least 110 lbs., you can donate and help save lives. For further information, please call 1-800-688-0900.
Our Homepage:
Flipster is our new online
magazine subscription
service. Through the use of
Flipster you can access full
publications on your
computer, tablet or
smartphone. All you need is
access to the JPL website at and your
library card.
Our email:
Our Facebook & Twitter pages
TV Station: News 12
If uncertain, call the library at
631-957-7755 before you make the
trip. No fines are accrued for days the
library is closed.
Donate a new unwrapped toy for
a child in need.
The deadline is December 14.
Mon-Thurs: 9am-9pm
(mid Sept. to mid-May)
Thurs., December 24
Christmas Eve
Fri., December 25
Christmas Day
Thurs., December 31
New Year’s Eve
Fri., January 1
New Year’s Day
Mon., January 18
Martin Luther King Jr.
Mon., February 15
Presidents’ Day
Winter 2015 - 2016
December - February
LINDENHURST, NY 11757-5399
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 50
Lindenhurst, NY
Jane Dietz , President
Garry Biggs, Vice President
Antoinette DeLuca, Secretary
Diana Coyne, Trustee
Bob Shetty, Trustee
Peter Ward