File - Campion Seventh


File - Campion Seventh
October, 2015
“All About People”
Koinonia: Fellowship in Music
by Jenny Sigler
Campion Seventh-day Adventist Church
300 42nd St. SW
Loveland, CO 80537
together. Music also creates fellowship through shared
worship, something Koinonia does as the touring group.”
Campion's groups visit about 10-12 schools and church
services each year. "It's a form of service," said Melissa,
"You work hard to create the music, and you're serving
people's spiritual needs through the message in the music."
Koinonia and orchestra will be touring October 2-3 to
Denver South Hispanic and Fort Morgan Seventh-day Adventist churches.
Lead Pastor: Micheal Goetz
Associate: Nestor Soriano
Chaplain, Nick Clark
photo: Nestor Soriano
Campion's select choir, Koinonia, sang with Steve
Green at the Adventure Church in Greeley, September 20,
joining a ministry that emphasizes Jesus and His grace
through music.
"It's an experience I'll never forget," said senior Gabrielle Williams, who sang with Green at her home church. "He
is such an amazing musician and inspires me as a singer.
He does what he loves, and you can tell."
Senior Madi Uhrik also noted how Green uses music as a
ministry. "I hadn't really seen famous people use music as
a ministry before. I've
seen other Christian
artists market their
music -- but not call it
a ministry. I really enjoyed the worship experience."
Commenting on the
ministry of music at
Campion, Melissa
Clouzet, choral director, explained how
various music groups
are serving the church
and community.
“Koinonia is Greek for
'fellowship,' and that is
indeed what happens
when groups create
bonds because of the
music they're creating
Saturdays: Sabbath School 9:30 am
Church Service 10:45 am
From Pastor Micheal
The Hill Worth Dying On
By Micheal Goetz
I still haven’t forgotten the image on a full two-page picture in Time Magazine. The photograph was taken in
front of a town hall in Krasnoarmeysk, Ukraine, and in it are 6 armed soldiers guarding the entrance, having just
knocked a man down the front steps with the butt of a rifle. There is still another man standing in a blue tank top with
arms crossed. The note on the side of the page says that shortly after the picture was taken the man standing in the
tank top was shot dead. Why? Because he wanted to enter and vote for an unauthorized referendum.
Obviously, his death was uncalled for and wrong. But I wondered – did it really mean so much to him? Did he
believe this was worth resisting even to the loss of his life? It surely gives me something to think about… what are the
hills, the causes, worth dying on? And the follow up question is, how do I live in a way that clearly communicates
For which causes are we living? The question is most honestly answered by taking note of what we most often
converse at our dinner table or in social media posts. Mistakenly, we often identify our causes by what we opinionate
in formal committee conversations.
The best place to start is the hill that Jesus lived for and finally died on. The only reason Jesus died on that hill
was to seek and save the lost. He wasn’t interested in proving Satan wrong or proving himself right. The hill Jesus died
on was all about people—everybody and anybody.
Campion, let’s live for the hill Jesus died on.
While we are busy doing many good things from worship to service to discipleship, heaven’s appointed purpose of the church is to rescue a lost world. Our church board has taken that appointment seriously and this summer
took action:
First an evangelism council was organized to be a working committee of the church board.
Second, a definition of the term evangelism was established to set the agenda for the evangelism council: Understanding that all we do at Campion Church is tied to evangelism; the purpose of the “term” evangelism is work
or effort that will intentionally focus on taking the Advent message to the world and the equipping of the membership for the same.
The third step was taken by the church in the September business meeting to corporately claim God’s promises
(Malachi 3:10, Matthew 6:33) and step out by faith financially to accomplish His purpose for the church. For
2016 it was decided to take a tithe (10%) of the church budget and spend it on evangelism as defined.
While God has blessed our finances we are not currently meeting our budget; however, evangelism should not be
what is cut. Our evangelism council will work to plan creative and traditional approaches and give God our best in
reaching our community.
That’s living for the hill Jesus died on.
Our Mission: We serve and glorify God through Christ-centered worship, individual spiritual growth,
youth involvement, and community interaction.
Welcome to Campion
Phil and JoAnne Jones
Interview by Muriel Indermuehle
Pastor Phil Jones and his wife JoAnne have recently joined our congregation from
the Boulder area where they moved in 2010. Previous to that, they lived in California where for 28 years, Phil served as a conference evangelist. He has also traveled
to numerous countries spreading the gospel. It has been his privilege to witness
over 12,000 baptisms.
JoAnne is a practicing Marriage and Family therapist. Though retired, Pastor Phil is
involved in church growth consulting and is happily committed to working with the
youth at Campion Academy. It is his dream to see the students become competent,
enthusiastic preachers of the gospel.
Phil and JoAnne love to snow and water ski, read, travel and study the Bible. They
have been happily married for 52 years. They have two children and four grandchildren, the loves of their lives.
We are so pleased to welcome you both to our church family.
Kim and Mary Mehlenbacher
Photo: Dan Turk
Interview by Ken Albertsen
Could it
ever have
been predicted that
a boy
father repaired
broken concrete bridges and dams would meet and marry
a girl that would become a nurse assisting doctors repairing broken bones? Michael “Kim” Mehlenbacher was
born and grew up in Lakefield in northeastern Ontario,
Canada, was baptized in Toronto, and attended Andrews
University in 1972. He couldn’t get a work visa yet so decided the following summer to visit his college roommate
who was working at Camp Au Sable in Grayling, Michigan.
mont, Colorado. Because of Kim’s college training in carpentry and experience in general contracting the Mehlenbchers went to Malawi, Africa, in 1987 to build hospital
additions and campus buildings. “We enjoy mission trips
and try to go whenever we can,” he said.
For about thirty years they attended church in the Boulder, Colorado, area and recently moved their memberships to Campion Church to support their son, Brett, and
his wife Amanda. They were very soon captivated by Harold Alomia’s pastoral ministry and now currently the ministry of Micheal Goetz of the Campion Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Kim’s hobbies include sports of all kinds, particularly fishing and ice hockey. A few years ago he coached a student
hockey team at Campion Academy. Mary likes tennis,
swimming, and fishing.
Who should also be working there but Mary who soon
became his wife. She took classes at Andrews University They have a son, Brett, who works with Kim building
homes and a daughter, Jodi, who is a nurse practitioner in
and Walla Walla College to receive an RN degree and curChattanooga, Tennessee.
rently works for an orthopedic surgery center in LongWelcome to Campion Church!
Welcome to Campion
Interview by Ella Jean Albertsen
The Bravattis composed of Edwin, Nelly, Chantelle and Lauren moved to
Loveland, Colorado, from Southern California. Edwin, known as Eddy works with
the Voice of Prophecy Bible School and
helps coordinate Evangelism under the
direction of Kurt Johnson Director of the
Bible School. Nelly is the Customer Service
supervisor, which oversees VOP’s resources and donations.
Eddy, born in Guatemala, is of
Italian descent from Mantova, Italy. He
obtained his education in Business Administration. Eddy and Nelly owned an Elder
Care Facility in California. He was the associate producer for Viva Mejor Adventist
Health International Television Ministry.
He joined the Adventist Media Center
producing and editing It Is Written Spanish
and English telecasts. As a young boy, Eddy recorded with the King’s Heralds album
songs for kids in 1978. From time to time
he has sung with them in
double quartets. Eddy was
also a regular member of an
Adventist Singing group
Opus 7 traveling many countries in Europe and America.
Nelly, born at the
Montemorelos Adventist
University while her father
was a student of theology
and who is of Scottish descent to a small Scottish
community in the islands of
Honduras. Nelly graduated
from a school of dentistry in Mexico.
Eddy and Nelly met at an Adventist camp retreat in California. They
both have a cooking class on the Hope
Photo: Dan Turk
Edwin and Nelly Bravatti
with daughters Lauren
and Chantelle
herself to become a medical doctor, with
a specialty in orthopedics or cardiology.
Lauren also enjoys music, plays
flute, guitar, and piano and loves to sing.
They have two daughters who
She wants to follow mom’s steps in becurrently attend Campion Academy. Chan- coming pediatric dentist.
telle likes music, plays guitar, piano, flute,
We welcome the Bravatti family to our
and loves to sing, has recorded along with
her sister Lauren, a CD with Jim
McClintock, former bass of the King’s Heralds. She loves sports and is preparing
Nestor and Katherine Soriano
Interview by Ardis Stenbakken
He went to school in the Chicago
area and Andrews University, and she
attended schools near Jakarta, Indonesia,
and the University of Wisconsin. So how
did Nestor and Katherine Soriano get together? They met in a small group where
Nestor was pastoring near the University
of Wisconsin. So we can assume Nestor
Here at the Campion Church Nesand Katherine are in favor of small groups. tor will be responsible mostly for worship
and evangelism, but will also have special
Nestor and Katherine have been responsibility for the children’s programs,
married for two years now, and have
prayer ministry, the Ministry Developcome to us from a four church district in
ment Team, hospitality, and Wednesday
Wisconsin. Nestor was ordained in July
prayer meetings—and of course small
this summer. They are both very musical groups.
and will be sharing their talents with
voice, piano, and guitar.
Besides music, Nestor’s hobbies
are writing, running, and reading.
Katherine has her degree in food
science and is looking for employment in
Nestor and Katherine have purthat field. Her hobbies include music,
chased a home in Johnstown, so will be
cooking, and painting, and she wants to
learning about landscaping and lawn care,
be involved in the church in the areas of
something they did not have to worry
young adult ministry and Sabbath School. about in their previous apartment.
Our Church In Action
What is Family Ministry Doing?
By Sandy Eickmann
"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." Psalm
90:12, NIV
Recently Family Ministries showed how to apply that text in practical ways to a group of Campion students. Nick Clark,
the Academy chaplain, has been organizing small group seminars for the academy students on Wednesday nights. During September, Dick Stenbakken led one of the small groups on how to organize time, develop study skills, and manage
academic challenges.
In the last few months the Campion Church Family Ministries has conducted grief recovery, parenting classes, marriage
seminars, communication trainings, and talks to Academy students on procrastination and stress control.
Now Family Ministries needs to know what you would like to have in the way of services. The following questionnaire
will be inserted in the church bulletin, but this will give you opportunity to think about it as well. Please either fill it out
at church and turn it in with the offering or contact Sandy Eickmann at 970-460-8477 or
Family Ministries has the resources to provide workshops in the following areas. Please select as many as are of interest to you and indicate the preferred format.
Communication Skills ______
Dating ______
Active Parenting – Please choose which age group would
be of interest:
Parenting skills for ages 1-5 ______
Parenting skills for ages 6-12 ______
Parenting skills for teens _____
Family worship _____
Stress control on steroids ______
Divorce recovery ______
Marriage workshop ______
How to forgive ______
Family Finances______
It would be best for me if the seminar could be:
during Sabbath School for a few weeks ______
on a Friday night/Sabbath afternoon
combination ______
during prayer meeting time ______
a onetime meeting on a Sunday ______
Anger management ______
Emotional Intelligence Training for parents of young children ______
Helping Victims of Sexual Abuse ______
How to Study the Bible ______
Personal Devotions ______
Grief ______
I wish you would have seminars in the following areas
Mountain Church
By Jenny Sigler
national park to have church and
lunch, and then provided guided hikes
and a bus trip to the Alpine Visitor
Center on Trail Ridge Road at an elevation of nearly 12,000 ft. Many Campion church members joined the academy students for the day.
Photo: Dan Turk
Photo: Dan Turk
Photo: Dan Turk
Photo: Dan Turk
Mountain Church began several years
ago when Cindy Santana, our biology
teacher, decided Campion needed to
make sure every student had the opportunity to see the grand vistas in the
Rocky Mountains. Since then, we've
used an outdoor amphitheater in the
Keeping Connected
Pastrana Recommits Life
All of heaven rejoiced when he was rebaptized on September 19
by Pastor Nestor Soriano.
Anthony Pastrana attended Campion Academy several years ago. While going through a
major struggle this past March, he decided
to surrender his life back to God. “A friend
invited me to church in May, and I’ve been
going to church ever since. Jesus changed
my life,” says Anthony.
Florence Anderson Remembered
Florence was preceded in death by her husband, sister, and four
brothers. Florence is survived by her children Joellyn Akerley,
Lynette Anderson, Mardee Coats and William Anderson; three
granddaughters and one great granddaughter. The memorial service will be held at 3 p.m. Wednesday, September 23, 2015 at
Campion Seventh-day Adventist church. Her cremains will be inurned at Cedar Hill Cemetery in Paonia, Colorado.
Published in on Sept. 21, 2015
Send suggestions, comments, or letters to the editor to:
Campion Connections Newsletter Staff: Ardis Stenbakken, Communications Chair; Ella Jean Albertsen, and Anita Busby, Layout Editors; Ken Albertsen, Muriel Indermue hle, Jenny
Sigler, Kathy Smith, Donna Webb, Teresa Johansen, Correspondents; Dan Turk, Photographer.
Photo : Dan Turk
Florence Anderson age 94 of Loveland, Colorado, died September 18, 2015 at the Medical Center of the Rockies. She died at
7:55 a.m. surrounded by her family. Florence was born in Mankato, Minnesota, to Ella and William Hadt. She moved with her
family to Eau Claire, Wisconsin. She married Joseph Anderson
August 24, 1940. They were married for over 50 years. They
moved to Colorado in 1968. She was a devoted mother and
homemaker while also working outside the home full time. She
enjoyed a myriad of interests including gardening, canning and
knitting and led a very active life. She was an active church member. She was always surrounded by beloved pets. In her later
years she took up drawing and painting.
Davin Hammond, Principal
HMS Outdoor
School – Huron
Peak 14,003 ft.
By Paul Bragaw
Our annual outdoor school always
involves team work, getting to know
Jesus better through His awesome
creation, and a LOT of fun! This year’s
theme was “THE CLIMB,” and our adventure began when 28 5th-8th grade
students and 11 adults headed to
Clear Creek Reservoir near Huron
Peak. Three of the students and one
adult joined us from the Canyon City
Adventist School. While we do a fourteener climb each fall, this is the first
year we’ve incorporated the climb
into outdoor school.
After setting up camp, we formed
climbers woke early, spent time with
teams. Each group received their team Jesus, ate breakfast, and loaded their
bandana, and the team
building challenges and
activities began. Then it
was time to prepare for
the next morning’s
climb. It’s no small feat
to plan for forty people
to climb a fourteener!
Making lunches, gathering the proper clothing,
and making sure each
person had plenty of
water, were all part of
the prep.
That evening the hungry climbers
were fed by our amazing chef, Kevin
Michalenko. Later we had great
time singing songs and telling stories
around the campfire under brilliant
stars with zero artificial light!
gear into the vehicles. After 10 miles
on a rugged dirt road, we finally arrived at the Huron Peak trailhead.
Both the purple and the green climbing teams worked hard to make sure
each team member reached their
team goal of 12,200ft.
Thursday, September 10 was a perfect Colorado blue sky day. The
Some climbers decided this elevation
was high enough, and the rest of the
Continued on page 9
Birthdays in October
Barb Williams 1
Shirley Turner 3
Joe Philpott 4
John Clegg 5
Michaela Day 5
Jacob Graybill 6
Nathaniel Marin 6
Jackie Sullivan 6
Christina Chavez 7
Sherry Hay 7
Lynn Arrington 8
Kimberly Howard 8
Mary Ann Romans 8
Yuan Chang Hu 9
Shanell Turk 9
Dayle C Webster 9
Joyce Williamson 9
Rachel Lonning 10
Dale A Beierle 12
Karen Ensley 12
Robert Sinclair 12
Sara Lange 13
Rita Smith 13
Connie Dupper 14
Nolan Eickmann 15
Laura English 15
John L Fagan 15
Jeannine Stacey 15
Kyle T Cate 16
Gabriel Cuny 16
Michael A Patrick 17
Rebecca Fagan 18
Dale J Rasmussen 18
Lorraine Trujillo 18
Larissa R Ward 18
Mark Yearous 18
Sigourney J Garner 19
Mark A Herber 19
Kelly Geiger 20
Kris Orrison 20
Dennis Jurs 21
Eric Metzler 21
Roy Neidigh 22
Jeffrey D Ward 22
Jennifer Gould 23
Nick Schnell 23
Cortney Yearous 23
Amelia Zimmerman 23
Christopher Donohew 24
Julie Pope 24
Abigail Kelley 25
Jordan J Madonna 25
Cory R Furst 27
Shawn Boonstra 28
Chad Foley 29
Cleon L Wilson 29
Duane Kelley 30
Debra Neidigh 30
Kenneth Sandoval 31
HMS Outdoor School – Huron Peak 14,003 ft. continued from page 8.
green and purple teams merged into one
climbing team in pursuit of the summit.
All 28 students made it half way up the
mountain with 18 reaching the summit
successfully! God gave us the most
beautiful day possible for a climb, and
that night we celebrated by going to Mt.
Princeton Hot Springs and devouring
s’mores! An adventure like this can only
happen with dedicated adults who give
of themselves and their time.
THANK YOU to everyone who helped
make THE CLIMB possible !
Donavan Reeder, Principal
Fourteen Baptisms at Senior Survival
by Jenny Sigler
worship together around the
The seniors returned from Senior campfire and learn what it means
Survival at Glacier View Ranch in to follow Jesus as a community of
late August, having slept in shel- believers. In other words, we talk
a lot about the communal aspects
ters they built with their own
of faith rather than just individual
hands and eaten meals cooked
over an open fire. Ultimately, they aspects."
encountered God and gained a
Senior Stephanie Tolalu explained
greater understanding of their
that the trip is all about bonding
class identity. Kyle Rushold, a 4with classmates and learning to
year senior, said, "We learned
trust them. “There were some
who is willing to work together
people in my class that I didn’t
when the going gets tough."
expect to check on me, but once
when I was crying, one of my
What does he mean by "tough
classmates asked if I was ok and
going"? The class tackles many
challenges presented by chaplain spent a couple hours listening to
Nick Clark and other Campion fac- me. I realized that people in my
ulty--some of them mentally chal- class care about me. I learned I
lenging, others just grueling, like could count on these guys,” she
the death march. Some students said.
may simply be referring to camping for 5 days without a shower.
But, the greater purpose is not to
just survive.
Both Rachel Hammond and Destaney Bohlender thought the
trust fall challenge was the most
impactful part of the trip. For this
As Nick Clark explained, the pur- activity, students fall from a
height backwards into a “basket”
pose of Senior Survival is for the
of their team’s arms. Hammond
Seniors to grow closer as a class
and encounter God. The weekend thought this was so powerful beis filled with team-building initia- cause “Physically falling and actually giving something to God was
tives that help them learn more
matching your intentions with an
about themselves and othaction. It was a commitment, just
ers. "Every morning they have
like getting baptized is the action
time to read Scripture, journal,
that matches your promise.”
and pray. Each night we have
Bohlender also remembered the
spiritual significance of the challenge. “When I fell, I gave away all
of my worries. Those worries
were a giant brick wall between
me and God,” she said.
Bohlender, along with Cameron
Sellers and 12 others, decided to
be baptized or re-baptized in the
lake on Sabbath. Sellers said, “My
spiritual experience is different
after Senior Survival. Pastor Nick
told us he hoped we would have
an encounter with God. I didn’t
expect it, but it definitely happened. I can’t tell you how or
why, but it did. I ended up being
baptized. I was able to let things
go, and trust my friends and
God—something I haven’t done
for a while.”
October 2015 Calendar
† Campion
Church: blue
Academy: red
HMS Richards
School: green
Every one: black
Sunday School
RMC Community
Service Training.
Fellowship Hall,
1:00 pm
Wedding Shower
for Miriam Velez
Fellowship Hall.
†Elders’ Meeting
6:00 pm
*Walk with the
Ladies 9:00 am
Home Leave
Oct. 7-12
7:00 pm
Fall Week of
Walk with the
Ladies 9:00 am
Pathfinder Club
6:30 – 8:15 pm
6:30 – 8:00
†Power of Prayer
6:30 Church
Fellowship Hall
Walk with the
Ladies 9:00 am
Fall Week of
†Power of Prayer
6:30 Church
Fellowship Hall
Ministries event,
Fellowship Hall,
3-5 pm.
Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 26-30
†Church Board
Meeting 7:00 pm
Walk with the
Ladies 9:00 am
Quilting Ministry
Fellowship Hall
Music Tour
Oct. 2-4
Adventure Clubs
6:30 in the church.
HMS Fall Break
Sunset: 6:43
HMS Fall Break
*Pathfinder Club
6:30 – 8:15 pm
6:30 – 8:00
†Power of Prayer
6:30 Church
Fellowship Hall
7:00 pm
Fall Week of
Oct. 19 -24
ACT Tests
Jr. College Days
Union College
Oct. 25-27
Photo Club
9:30 – 11:3- am
Fellowship Hall
All church potluck
Pastor Soriano:
†Offering: World
Church Budget:
VOP/La Voz de la
Visitor potluck:
Paulien class
Sunset: 6:31
Quilting Ministry
Fellowship Hall
End First Quarter
†Speaker: Pastor:
Pastor Soriano
HMS Program
Offering: Local
Church Budget
Visitor potluck:
Stenbakken Class
Fall Week of
Sunset: 6:21
Fall Week of Prayer
Noon Dismissal:
Sunset: 6:10
Parent Weekend
Oct 30-31
Ladies’ Luncheon
1:00 pm
Power of Prayer
6:30 CA Chapel
†Sermon: Pastor
Local Church
Fall Week of
†Sermon: Pastor
†Offering: RMC
Visitor Potluck”
Trujillo Class
Sermon: Pastor
Baptismal Sabbath
Offering: NAD
Visitor potluck:
Sunset: 6:01
Actions of the Board
Campion Seventh-day Adventist Church Business/Board Meeting
September 21, 2015
Board Members Present: Jeannette Fortner, Sadie Torrez, Paul Bragaw, Doug
Krehbiel, Jerry Ellquist, Mert Molgaard, Pastor Micheal Goetz, Tim Clegg, Steve
Eickmann, Dave Oden, Pastor Nestor Soriano, Ben Trujillo, Bill Hay, Kim Mehlenbacher, Kent Kast, Yves Clouset, Jonathan Gibbs, Jennifer Gibbs, Macee Santana,
Lindsey Santana.
Church Members Present: Many church members attended the business
Leadership Expectations:
Discussion: The pastor presented recommendations for leadership expectations in following the standards of the church. After some discussion, a motion
was made that the board look further into this and it will be presented at the
December business meeting.
Action: No action taken.
Funding for Evangelism:
Discussion: Very little has been budgeted for evangelism up to this time. The
church needs to invest in whatever will help to save the lost. The church now
Letter to Drop Membership:
has a pastor of evangelism and also an Evangelism Council. The church needs to
Discussion: A church member sent a letter to the board asking to have his membe totally committed to evangelism. The proposal is that evangelism should be
bership dropped from Campion Church. A motion was made that we accept his
approached by funding evangelism through a tithing of our church budget. If
our church budget is $100,000, then evangelism would get $10,000 making the
Action: Voted and Approved
entire budget $110,000. A motion was made that the church “tithe” next year’s
budget beginning at 10 percent and continue going up in a step of faith. This
Board Meeting Minutes:
money will be used to seek the lost.
Discussion: A motion was made that we accept the August, 2015 minutes as
Action: Voted and Approved.
Action: Voted and Approved
Nursery Church:
Discussion: Pastor Micheal indicated that some of the young families have
Clerk’s Report:
asked if it would be feasible to have a Children’s Nursery ages zero to 5 years of
Discussion: The first reading was made for the following names to transfer to
age. It would be a parent led program on rotation so that a parent would be
Campion and to transfer out.
free to give attention to the sermons on weeks when not leading.
Transfers out are Kaitlyn Kast Boutot to Jacksonville, NC; Tim Hufman to Lincoln
Action: This will be reviewed further but no action at this time.
Northside Church; and Zach and Karyn Owen to Scottsbluff, Nebraska. Transfers
to Campion are Charles Segedi from Livingstone, CA and David Marroquin from
Campion Church Org Chart:
Newbury Park, CA.
Discussion: Pastor Micheal reviewed the church org chart showing that Pastor
Action: Names will be in the church bulletin next week for second reading.
Micheal will be responsible for Administration and Preaching and Pastor Nestor
will be responsible for Evangelism and Worship. Names will be added showing
Finance Committee Report:
which elders will be assigned to the different ministries in the church. This org
Discussion: Macee presented the August highlights as follows: Combined budgchart shows how each ministry is part of the whole and how the pastoral and
et received $18,110. Tithe was $106,657 and a variety of giving to ministries:
elder leadership is part of each ministry team.
Student Financial Aid, Bible Study Ministry, and Sabbath School. Year-to-date
the combined budget is behind by $19,105. Giving tends to increase in the final
End of Business Meeting.
months of the year so the deficit may be made up. The reserve budget has
grown to $52,198 from $48,768 last month. Budgeting will begin early this year
Minutes of Board in Executive Session with Only Board Members Present.
with the first meeting on September 30. The budget must be complete and
ready for board approval on November 16. Capital fundraising: Discussions
Nomination for New Elders and Head Elder (lead plus two):
have started with an expert in fundraising for projects like the upcoming buildDiscussion: Nine names were suggested for conversation to nominate as church
ing project. This expertise will help guide the church with this campaign.
elders. Six names were nominated and three were decided as recommendaAction: Voted and Approved.
tions from the church board. Conversations will be held with these three before
any more information is included. It was also decided to wait until the additionAnnual Planning:
al elders are selected before nominating a head elder. A motion was made to
Discussion: A Flow Chart and SMART Goals (Specific Measurable Attainable
send the question of lead elder back to Elder’s council for recommendations.
Related to mission Time bounds) was put together showing goals and initiaAction: Voted and Approved
tives which can be used for annual planning and includes individual ministries in
moving each area and the church as a whole forward. This flow chart showing
Evaluation Forms for Pastors:
goals and initiatives can be used for their annual planning. Plans are to start
Discussion: Pastor Micheal will be sending two forms via e-mail that board
with one-year goals and eventually come up with five-year goals. The main goal
members need to fill out and return to Teresa. One form should be filled out for
is to seek and save the lost and grow the kingdom of God-“we are all about
each pastor.
people.” Directors also have a role to play using SMART as a guide for setting
Action: Fill out forms when board members receive them. Two forms to be
goals. Every director would have a ministry plan that is submitted and reviewed
filled out by each board member regarding the two pastors.
by the elders and pastors. The pastoral staff would make sure that the directors
are doing what they have submitted as their goals. A motion was made that we
Closing Prayer: Paul Bragaw
accept this concept and have a flow chart in place for this next year.
Action: Voted and Approved.
Respectfully submitted by:
Sadie Torrez, Assistant Clerk
Worship and Prayer: Pastor Michael