Oracle Service Cloud/Field Service Cloud Reference Integration
Oracle Service Cloud/Field Service Cloud Reference Integration
Oracle Service Cloud/Field Service Cloud Reference Integration ORACLE IMPLEMENT ATION GUIDE | AUGUST 2015 Disclaimer This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or de-compilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. 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This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services. Documentation Accessibility For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at Access to Oracle Support: Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired. 1 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Table of Contents Overview What can the Accelerator do? Prerequisite Skills and Documentation Uses Cases addressed in the Accelerator Implementation Steps (detailed out in following sections) Integration Process Flows 2 3 4 6 6 7 Oracle Service Cloud Configuration Download GIT Source and Artifacts Import and Deploy Custom Objects Create Integration User Create the required Configuration Settings Compile, Import and Configure Add-Ins Import and Configure Reports Import and Configure Workspaces Import PHP Endpoint and Supporting Pages Configure Customer Portal Page 8 8 8 9 12 15 21 25 29 31 Oracle Field Service Cloud Configuration Bucket Configuration (Resource Settings -> Resource & Bucket Info) API Configuration Business Rules Capacity Categories Link Templates Message Scenarios Notification Triggers Outbound Configuration Properties Time Slots Work Skills & Conditions Work Zones Setup and Ongoing Administration Product Catalog and Inventory Types Work Order and Activity Types Data Mapping Work Order Use Cases 33 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 37 38 38 39 39 41 41 43 50 64 Appendix: Field Service APIs Capacity API Inbound API 72 72 73 Glossary 77 1 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Overview Service Cloud Accelerators are designed to demonstrate how an integration scenario could be built using the public integration and extension capabilities of the Oracle Service Cloud (OSvC). This Field Service (OFSC) Accelerator is provided to help customers and partners confidently leverage our platform and proven design patterns to meet their own unique needs. In the pages that follow, we document the detailed setup steps required to deploy the Accelerator solution and present a commentary on the design we implemented to Integrate OSvC 15.2 + and OFSC 4.5. This guide accompanies the downloadable Accelerator Package that contains the source code for the example addins, workspaces, custom object definitions, reports, widget and other necessary components to setup and demonstrate the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) integration presented here. It is a starting point that shows how Oracle Service Cloud and Oracle Field Service Cloud can be connected to create a value-added business process and user experience. An implementer must enter the documented configurations and install the documented patches to create the MVP integration. However, it is not meant to be a turnkey solution. Each customer’s implementation of Oracle Service Cloud and Oracle Field Service Cloud is unique, and each customer has different needs that have led them to implement customizations that support their unique business requirements. While the steps in this document describe how to connect a non-customized Oracle Service Cloud instance to a non-customized Oracle Field Service Cloud instance, they could be combined with other customizations that have already been applied to a customer’s instances. If you have not received the source code please obtain it here: Although the code delivered through the Accelerator Program has been developed thoughtfully, you should test and review it thoroughly in your own environment to ensure it meets your specific goals, including security and scalability. 2 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 What can the Accelerator do? Capability Highlights: » Service Agents » View all Service Work Orders for a Contact » View all Service Work Orders for a Service Requests » Create Service Work Orders for a Service Requests which create corresponding Activities in Oracle Field Service Cloud » Book, Schedule, Update, Cancel and Reschedule Work Orders/Activities » Field Service Agents » Assign/Schedule Resources to Activities » Update and track work against Activities which updates corresponding Work Order in Service » End Consumers » View Work Orders associated to Service Requests Key Benefits: » Ability for Service Agents to create, update and manage Service Work Orders which automatically create corresponding Field Service Activities that allow customer work to be scheduled » Ability for Service Agents to Cancel, Reschedule and Update Work Orders/Activities Figure 1: Field Service Accelerator Overview 3 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Prerequisite Skills and Documentation In order to fully evaluate and successfully implement a solution based on this Accelerator your team should be familiar with C#, PHP, web services and the following Oracle Service Cloud (OSvC) and Oracle Field Service Cloud (OFSC) technologies and documentation: Oracle Service Cloud Oracle Service Cloud (OSvC) Version February 2015 (15.2) or later Custom Objects, Reports, Configuration Settings help/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm Customer Portal elp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm?context=crm&topic=developer_guide Agent Desktop Add-in Framework nect_AddIn_Framework/Default.htm Connect Web Services for SOAP nect_Web_Services_for_SOAP/Default.htm Connect PHP API nect_PHP/Default.htm Oracle Field Service Cloud Oracle Field Service Cloud (OFSC) Version 15.2 or later Capacity SDK Inbound SDK Outbound SDK 3rd Party Development Microsoft Visual Studio (version 2012 or greater) ASP.NET(version 4.0 or greater) ASP.NET MVC (4.0 or greater) (Only required if developer using Microsoft Visual Studio to compile AddIns does not have “system.web.helpers.dll” on their computer) The document is intended for integrators configuring Oracle Field Service as well as and administrators working on integration of OSvC with OFSC via the accelerator. Common Terms and Acronyms (please see the appendix for a more exhaustive list) Platform Acronym / term Definition Oracle Service Cloud OSvC Oracle Service Cloud (OSvC) is a SAAS based solution that makes it possible for customers to better understand their customers and quickly deliver the right answers at the right time through preferred service channels and devices. Oracle Field Service Cloud OFSC Oracle Field Service Cloud (OFSC) is a SAAS based solution that is built on timebased, self-learning, and predictive technology, empowering customers to solve business problems while evolving their field service organization. OSvC Customer Portal (CP) Service Cloud Customer Portal is a framework for building the end user pages on 4 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Platform Acronym / term Definition your Service Cloud site. OSvC CP Widget A widget is an encapsulated part of a page within the OSvC Customer Portal that serves a specific purpose. Within CP, pages are made up of several widgets (e.g., navigation, search, reports, etc.) OSvC Connect Web Services for SOAP (CWSS) A SOAP 1.1 compatible API based on the Connect Common Object Model. or_SOAP_February_2011/Default.htm OSvC Connect PHP (CPHP) A PHP API based on the Connect Common Object Model. This can only be used from PHP code running on a RN server. OSvC Managed API A managed API will be backward compatible and provide “like-for-like” functionality when upgrading. Some examples of managed APIs are APIs built on CCOM (CWSS, CPHP, etc), Desktop Add-In Framework, and Customer Portal. OSvC Add-In Framework Service Cloud Desktop Add-in Framework is a framework for creating components which can interact with the Service Cloud desktop application. These components are built in .Net and can interact in various locations within the application including workspaces, dashboards and the navigation set. Documentation: OSvC OSvC Site A “site” is a collection of interfaces that have shared data (most commonly answers). A site has ONE database that the interfaces share. The version of Service Cloud CX being used is tied to the site, so all interfaces on the site will be running the same version of Service Cloud CX. OSvC Custom Business Objects (CBO) The ability to create “custom business objects” was added in the November 2011 release of RN CX. This feature provides the ability to create custom objects in the RN CX system. These objects are fully integrated into RN CX. They are available via the Connect Web Services (CWS) This replaces custom tables, custom schema, and custom APIs to interact with the custom tables. Custom tables should not be used. If a situation arises where they are required, an exception from the ARC (Architecture Review Committee) will be required. Documentation: OSvC Work Order The OSvC entity that represents the information about the order received by the Client from the Customer. OSvC Work Order Type A customer configuration specific attribute which is associated with skills and other specifics within OFSC. OSvC Product Catalog The Product Catalog in OSvC is used to define products that are used in Sales Opportunities and to create Assets which can be registered by customers, associated to Incidents and sent to Field Service as part of the Work Order. OSvC Work Order Area Location where a Work Order is to take place as defined by zip codes and configuration within OFSC, OFSC Capacity API SOAP-based application program interface which enables request and set quota, queries for used and available capacity for a specific time-slot/worktype/day or list of them OFSC Inbound API SOAP-based application program interface which enables creation and updates of activities within OFSC. OFSC Outbound API SOAP-based application program interface which enables updates to external system related to changes that have occurred in activity-based information in OFSC. OFSC Activity Time spent performing work by a mobile employee that includes customer-facing, a break in work day (lunch break, truck maintenance) or any non-customer related work. OFSC Activity Type A key field used in OFSC for identifying work categories for the purpose of identifying performance patterns and managing work skill conditions. 5 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Platform Acronym / term Definition OFSC Inventory A list of items managed within OFSC and can include various inventory pools as well as serialized and non-serialized parts. See Inventory Pools, Trunk stock, Nonserialized Inventory , and Serialized Inventory for more information. OFSC Quota Bucket An OFSC entity that defines the amount of work (per work skill and time slot) that company can perform for a specific area (bucket in TOA) for a specific day. Uses Cases addressed in the Accelerator This release of the Field Service Accelerator addresses the following use cases: » As a Service Agent, I can create Work Orders and request an available date and time slot for an Incident through OSvC Desktop which will automatically create an Activity in OFSC. » As a Service Agent, I can create Work Orders for an Incident through OSvC Desktop which will create an Activity in OFSC and automatically assign a date and time slot based on the OSvC Resolution Due. » As a Service Agent, I can create Work Orders for an Incident and request an override for an unavailable date and time slot through OSvC Desktop. » As an OSvC user assigned a profile with Override permissions set, I can request a date and time slot for a Work Order that is unavailable. Implementation Steps (detailed out in following sections) 1. Download source code: 2. Create OSvC user to use in OFSC Outbound API 3. OSvC: Create configuration settings 4. OSvC: Import and deploy Custom Objects 5. OSvC: Import Add-Ins 6. OSvC: Import Reports 7. OSvC: Import and configure Workspaces 8. OSvC: Deploy ofsc_int_v1.php and supporting files 9. OFSC: Mapping Overview 10. OFSC: Fully Company Setting Configuration with particular focus on: » Activity Types » Inventory Types » Outbound message configuration 11. Create/Sync OSvC Work Order Types with OFSC Activity Types 12. Create/Sync OSvC Product Catalog with OFSC Inventory Types 6 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Integration Process Flows OSvC: Service Agent creates and manages Work Order: Figure 2: Flow to create Work Order in OSvC and Activity in OFSC. OFSC: Dispatcher and Field Service Rep assign and manage Activity: Figure 3: Flow for OFSC Outbound call and confirmation by OSvC. 7 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Oracle Service Cloud Configuration Log in to the CX Agent Desktop with Administrative permissions to perform the configuration. The following sections will guide you through the OSvC setup: Download GIT Source and Artifacts 1. Download the source code from: 2. Click on “” to get the CP widget and save to your local drive 3. Click on “” to get the CX Add-in Source, Custom Objects, Workspaces and Reports and save to your local drive 4. Click on “” to get the php endpoint and supporting files and save to your local drive Import and Deploy Custom Objects The following steps guide you through the import and deployment of the following Custom Objects: » TOA: Work_Order » TOA: Work_Order_Type » TOA: WO_Type_Inventory » TOA: Override_Request » TOA: Reminder_Time 1. Extract the “” file 2. From within OSvC CX Desktop, click on Configuration -> Database -> Object Designer 3. Click on the “Import” button in the ribbon 4. Select the zip file “Field Service Custom” within “toa\cx\imports\custom objects\” from the archive extract 5. After “Save”, you need to deploy the definition by clicking on “Deploy” button on the ribbon area. Select “Deploy immediately” and wait for the deployment process to be finished before performing any other operation or changes 8 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 4: Custom objects after import Create Integration User To enable the outbound api calls from Field Service to Service, a user must be created in Service and the credentials stored in Field Service. The Field Service configuration section will guide you through setting the credentials that are created following the steps below. For security, it is highly recommended to create a user with minimal permissions that is only used for the integration. The user credentials are stored in a protected administrative page in Fields Service, however, since the credentials are stored in clear text in Field Service, following the steps below will ensure if someone does try to login to the CX desktop using these credentials, they will not have access to any data or administrative functions. The following will create a profile and user that has access to authenticate through SOAP API or logging into the CX desktop. However, if the user logs into CX desktop, they will not have a navigation set and no access to customize the navigation. The user can access through SOAP API. In either case, they only have permissions to read and update Work Orders so they will not have permissions to update any other objects. 1. From within OSvC CX Desktop, click on Configuration -> Staff Management -> Profiles 2. Click on “New” in the ribbon to create a new Profile 3. Set the following: » Name the Profile “Field Services Integration” » Check the “Access” checkbox for the default Interface » Navigation Set leave blank » Customize Navigation Sets leave unchecked 4. In the following tabs, leave all unchanged: » Workspaces / Workflows 9 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 » Add-Ins » Deployment » Other Figure 5: Profile Setup 5. In the Permissions tab, only check “Account Authentication” under “Public SOAP API” Figure 6: Profile Permissions -> Administration 6. In the following tabs, leave all unchecked: » Organizations » Contacts » Service » Opportunities » Outlook Integration 10 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 » Outreach » Feedback » Tasks 7. In the Custom Objects tab, only check the Read and Update for the Work_Order custom object Figure 7: Profile Permissions -> Custom Objects 8. Click on the “Analytics” tab in the ribbon and leave everything unchecked: Figure 8: Profile Analytics settings 11 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 9. Click “Save & Close” in the ribbon 10. Click on Configuration -> Staff Management -> Staff Accounts by Profile 11. Click on “New” in the ribbon to create a new User 12. Set the following fields User Name: fs_int Click Change Password and create a secure password Uncheck “Password Expires” Uncheck “Force Password Change” Uncheck “Invalidate Password” First Name: Field Service Last Name: Integration Display Name: fs_int Profile: “Field Service Integration” Group: “Integration” Default Currency: <select a currency> Default Country: <select a country> Figure 9: Account Details 13. Click “Save & Close” in the ribbon Create the required Configuration Settings The following steps guide you through the creation of the Custom Configuration Settings: » CUSTOM_CFG_FS_Accel_Integrations 12 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 1. From within OSvC CX Desktop, click on Configuration -> Site Configuration -> Configuration Settings 2. Click on “Cancel” in the search window. 3. Click on “New” in the ribbon and click on “Text” to create a new text type custom configuration setting with the following settings: » Key: CUSTOM_CFG_FS_Accel_Integrations » Data Type: Text » Type: Site » Required: No » Folder: Custom » Default: { "rnt_host":"<Oracle Service Cloud Site>", "integration": { "server_type":"Field_Service", "fs_base_url":"< Field Service url to login", "username":"soap", "password": "<Field Service soap password>", "company_name":"<Field Service company name>", "fallback_id":"<leave blank>", "FSServiceTimeout": 30000, "inbound_api_url" : "OFSC Inbound API URL", "capacity_api_url" : " OFSC Capacity API URL ", "activity_api_url" : " OFSC Activity API URL ", "history_api_url" : " OFSC History API URL”, "red_quota_cutoff" : "30", "green_quota_cutoff" : "80", "valid_ipv4_hosts": "<customer to requires IP range from Field Service Support and enter>" } } » Maximum Length: 300000 » Pattern: <leave blank> 13 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 10: JSON file location and details Below is an example of an updated configuration string with each parameter highlighted that will need to be completed for the Accelerator to work. .{ "rnt_host":"", "integration": { "server_type":"Field_Service", "fs_base_url":"", "username":"soap", "password": "ad4Mekr4g5", "company_name":"sample1234.demo", "fallback_id":"12345", "FSServiceTimeout": 30000, "inbound_api_url" : "", "capacity_api_url" : "", "activity_api_url" : "", "history_api_url" : "", "red_quota_cutoff" : "30", "green_quota_cutoff" : "80"", "valid_ipv4_hosts" : "," } } NOTE: All fields are required in CUSTOM_CFG_FS_Accel_Integrations custom configuration setting, EMPTY string of any field will result into incorrect configuration and show error message “FS Integration Configuration 14 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Verb is not set or is incorrect” in Message Box. The “valid_ipv4_hosts” or "valid_ipv6_hosts" is used to add additional security so the incoming SOAP calls will only be accepted if they come from a Field Service instance. The “agentauthenticator.php” file contains the code that will verify the incoming SOAP call originates from a valid IP that falls within the range entered. If the range is not entered correctly, the SOAP call from Field Service will fail and return an “Authentication Failed” error message. At this time, Field Service only supports ipv4; however, the code is already in place to support ipv6 when Field Service adds support. The correct format for ipv6 would be: "valid_ipv6_hosts" : "21DA:00D3:0000:2F3B::/64, 21DA:00D3:0000:2F2B::/64". It is highly recommended to utilize the IP Range to help secure the integration. To receive the valid IP Range for our Field Service instance, please submit a help ticket to the Field Service help desk requesting the IP Range for your instance. 4. Click “Save & Close” in the ribbon Compile, Import and Configure Add-Ins The following steps guide you through the compile, import and configuration of the following Add-Ins: » Oracle.RightNow.Toa.Client: This add-in acts as a client for other add-in, its responsibility is to connect to other systems (RightNow and ETADirect) and invoke appropriate API’s and retrieve responses. » Oracle.RightNow.Toa.MonthlyViewSchedulerAddIn: This add-in provides the functionality of the Scheduler to book a Work Order. » Oracle.RightNow.Toa.WorkOrderAddIn: This is the add-in which invokes/leverages functionality of all other add-ins. It allows users to create and update Work Orders. » Oracle.RightNow.Toa.WorkOrderAreaAddIn: This add-in updates the Contact Area of a Work Order. Work Order Area is dynamically populated from the buckets configured in ETADirect. » TestServices: This is C#.Net console project which could help to test OSvC Public SOAP API and OFSC Public SOAP API without deploying Add-ins. “App.config” can be used to provide credentials. 1. Extract the file 2. Start Visual Studio 3. Click on “File -> Open -> Project/Solution” 15 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 11: Open a project in Microsoft Visual Studio 4. Select the “OracleRightNowToa.sln” file within “/toa/cx/projects” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 16 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 5. Click on “Build -> Configuration Manager…” Figure 12: Use Microsoft Visual Studio to build 6. From the “Active solution configuration”, select “Release” 7. Click on “Close” 8. In the “Solution Explorer”, expand the “Oracle.RightNow.Toa.Client” project folder 17 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 9. Under the “Oracle.RightNow.Toa.Client” project folder, expand the “References” folder Figure 13: Location of References folder in Microsoft Visual Studio 18 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 10. Click on “System.Web.Helpers” and in the “Properties” window, change “Copy Local” property to “True” Figure 14: Location and settings to add System.Web.Helpers as downloaded content 11. Click on “Build -> Build Solution” to compile all the Add-Ins 12. When the build has completed, you should see “Build succeeded” in the bottom left of Visual Studio 13. Using Windows File Manager, go to “toa/cs/projects/Oracle.RightNow.Toa.Client/bin/Release” 14. Create a zip file named “” which contains the following two files: Oracle.RightNow.Toa.Client.dll, System.Web.Helpers.dll and 15. From within OSvC CX Desktop, click on Configuration -> Site Configuration -> Add-In Manager 16. Click on the “New” button in the ribbon 17. Change the drop down list in the bottom right from “Add-In Files (*.dll)” to “Compressed Add-In Files (*.zip)” 19 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 18. Select the “” within “/toa/cx/projects/Oracle.RightNow.Toa.Client/bin/Release/” and click on “Open” Figure 15: Select the right .zip file 19. Click on the “Profile Access” button in the ribbon 20. Click on the “Apply All” button in the ribbon 21. Click on the “Save” button in the ribbon 22. Click on the “New” button in the ribbon 23. Select the “Oracle.RightNow.Toa.MonthlyViewSchedulerAddIn.dll” within “/toa/cx/projects/Oracle.RightNow.Toa.MonthlyViewSchedulerAddIn/bin/Release/”and click on “Open” 24. Click on the “Profile Access” button in the ribbon 25. Click on the “Apply All” button in the ribbon 26. Click on the “Save” button in the ribbon 27. Click on the “New” button in the ribbon 28. Select the “Oracle.RightNow.Toa.WorkOrderAddIn.dll” within “/toa/cx/projects/Oracle.RightNow.Toa.WorkOrderAddIn/bin/Release/” and click on “Open” 29. Click on the “Profile Access” button in the ribbon 30. Click on the “Apply All” button in the ribbon 31. Click on the “Save” button in the ribbon 32. Click on the “New” button in the ribbon 33. Select the “Oracle.RightNow.Toa.WorkOrderAreaAddIn.dll” within “/toa/cx/projects/Oracle.RightNow.Toa.WorkOrderAreaAddIn/bin/Release/” and click on “Open” 34. Click on the “Profile Access” button in the ribbon 35. Click on the “Apply All” button in the ribbon 36. Click on the “Save & Close” button in the ribbon 37. Close and Exit Visual Studio 20 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Import and Configure Reports The following steps guide you through the import and setting validation for the following reports: » Contact Incident Work Order » Incident Work Order » Override Account Search » Work Order Primary Asset » Work Order Required Inventory » Work Order Type » Work Order Type Inventory » My Override Work Order Requests » CP Incident Work Order 1. Click on the Analytics icon in the Navigation Panel 2. Click on the Reports explorer 3. Create the following new folders and subfolders: » Accelerator/Field Service 4. Click on the “New Report” button in the ribbon 5. Click on “Import Existing Report Definition” in the New Report window 6. Select the “Contact Incident Work Order.xml” file within “/toa/cx/imports/Reports” from the “” extract and click on “Open” NB: An error message will occur if you have not first deployed the custom objects before importing the reports (see above section “Import and Deploy Custom Objects). 7. Verify the following commands are enabled for the report by clicking on the “Records” button in the “Properties” section in the ribbon. Figure 16: Find the “Records” button in the Properties section of the ribbon 8. After clicking on the “Records” button in the “Properties” section in the ribbon, all other should be unchecked: » Work Order: Open 21 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 9. Set the following parameters at the bottom of the Customize Record Commands window: » Level: Grid Report » Default Record: Work Order » Default Action: Open Figure 17: Example of proper configuration for Contact Incident Work Order 10. Click “Save & Close” button in the ribbon 11. Name the report “Contact Incident Work Order” and save the report in the “Accelerator/Field Service” folder 12. Click on the “New Report” button in the ribbon 13. Click on “Import Existing Report Definition” in the New Report window 14. Select the “Incident Work Order.xml” file within “/toa/cx/imports/Reports” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 15. Verify the following commands are enabled for the report by click on the “Records” button in the “Properties” section in the ribbon, all other should be unchecked: » Work Order: New » Work Order: Open 16. Set the following parameters at the bottom of the Customize Record Commands window: » Level: Grid Report » Default Record: Work Order » Default Action: Open 17. Click “Save & Close” button in the ribbon 18. Name the report “Incident Work Order” and save the report in the “Accelerator/Field Service” folder 19. Click on the “New Report” button in the ribbon 20. Click on “Import Existing Report Definition” in the New Report window 21. Select the “My Override Work Order Requests.xml” file within “/toa/cx/imports/Reports” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 22 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 22. Verify the following commands are enabled for the report by click on the “Records” button in the “Properties” section in the ribbon, all other should be unchecked: » Work Order: Open 23. Set the following parameters at the bottom of the Customize Record Commands window: » Level: Grid Report » Default Record: Work Order » Default Action: Open 24. Click “Save & Close” button in the ribbon 25. Name the report “My Override Work Order Requests” and save the report in the “Accelerator/Field Service” folder 26. Click on the “New Report” button in the ribbon 27. Click on “Import Existing Report Definition” in the New Report window 28. Select the “Work Order Primary Asset.xml” file within “/toa/cx/imports/Reports” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 29. Click on the “Records” button in the “Properties” section in the ribbon, all commands should be unchecked 30. Set the following parameters at the bottom of the Customize Record Commands window: » Level: Grid Report » Default Record: <leave blank> » Default Action: <leave blank> 31. Click “Save & Close” button in the ribbon 32. Name the report “Work Order Primary Asset” and save the report in the “Accelerator/Field Service” folder 33. Click on the “New Report” button in the ribbon 34. Click on “Import Existing Report Definition” in the New Report window 35. Select the “Work Order Required Inventory.xml” file within “/toa/cx/imports/Reports” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 36. Click on the “Records” button in the “Properties” section in the ribbon, all commands should be unchecked 37. Set the following parameters at the bottom of the Customize Record Commands window: » Level: Grid Report » Default Record: <leave blank> » Default Action: <leave blank> 38. Click “Save & Close” button in the ribbon 39. Name the report “Work Order Required Inventory” and save the report in the “Accelerator/Field Service” folder 40. Click on the “New Report” button in the ribbon 41. Click on “Import Existing Report Definition” in the New Report window 42. Select the “Work Order Type Inventory.xml” file within “/toa/cx/imports/Reports” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 43. Verify the following commands are enabled for the report by click on the “Records” button in the “Properties” section in the ribbon, all other should be unchecked: » WO Type Inventory: New » WO Type Inventory: Open » WO Type Inventory: Open Separately » WO Type Inventory: Copy » WO Type Inventory: Delete 44. Set the following parameters at the bottom of the Customize Record Commands window: 23 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 » Level: Grid Report » Default Record: WO Type Inventory » Default Action: Open 45. Click “Save & Close” button in the ribbon 46. Name the report “Work Order Type Inventory” and save the report in the “Accelerator/Field Service” folder 47. Click on the “New Report” button in the ribbon 48. Click on “Import Existing Report Definition” in the New Report window 49. Select the “Work Order Type.xml” file within “/toa/cx/imports/Reports” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 50. Verify the following commands are enabled for the report by click on the “Records” button in the “Properties” section in the ribbon, all other should be unchecked: » Work Order Type: New » Work Order Type: Open » Work Order Type: Open Separately » Work Order Type: Copy » Work Order Type: Delete 51. Set the following parameters at the bottom of the Customize Record Commands window: » Level: Grid Report » Default Record: Work Order Type » Default Action: Open 52. Click “Save & Close” button in the ribbon 53. Name the report “Work Order Type” and save the report in the “Accelerator/Field Service” folder 54. Click on the “New Report” button in the ribbon 55. Click on “Import Existing Report Definition” in the New Report window 56. Select the “Override Account Search.xml” file within “/toa/cx/imports/Reports” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 57. Click on the “Records” button in the “Properties” section in the ribbon, all commands should be unchecked 58. Click “Save & Close” button in the ribbon 59. Name the report “Override Account Search” and save the report in the “Accelerator/Field Service” folder 24 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 18: Field Service Reports properly configured Import and Configure Workspaces The following steps guide you through the import and setting validation for the following Workspaces: » Field Service: Contact FS » Field Service: Incident FS » Field Service: Work Order » Field Service: Work Order Type » Field Service: Work Order Type Inventory 1. From within OSvC CX Desktop, click on Configuration -> Application Appearance -> Workspaces / Workflows 2. Create the following new folders: 3. Click on the “New Workspace” button in the ribbon 4. Click on “Import Workspace from an Exported Workspace File” in the New Workspace window 5. Click “Next” in the Import Workspace Wizard 6. Select the “Contact FS.xml” file within “ofsc_cx_src/toa/cx/imports/Workspaces” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 7. Click “Next” to accept the Workspace Definition File 8. Accept the Workspace Type and click “Next” » Accelerator/Field Service » Initial Type is set to “Map To Type” » Contact is set to “Contact” 9. Click “Finish” to complete the Contact FS workspace import 10. Update the following Report Control: 25 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Work Orders tab: select the report control, click on “Report” in the ribbon and select “Accelerator/Field Service/Contact Incident Work Order” Figure 19: Add Report to the workspace 11. Click “Save & Close”, select Folder = “Accelerator/Field Service”, Name = “Contact FS” and click on OK 12. Click on the “New Workspace” button in the ribbon 13. Click on “Import Workspace from an Exported Workspace File” in the New Workspace window 14. Click “Next” in the Import Workspace Wizard 15. Select the “Incident FS.xml” file within “/toa/cx/imports/Workspaces” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 16. Click “Next” to accept the Workspace Definition File » Initial Type is set to “Map To Type” » Incident is set to “Incident” 17. Accept the Workspace Type and click “Next” 18. Click “Finish” to complete the Incident FS workspace import 19. Update the following Report Control: » Work Orders tab: select the report control, click on “Report” in the ribbon and select “Accelerator/Field Service/Incident Work Order” 20. Click “Save & Close”, select Folder = “Accelerator/Field Service”, Name = “Incident FS” and click on OK 21. Click on the “New Workspace” button in the ribbon 22. Click on “Import Workspace from an Exported Workspace File” in the New Workspace window 23. Click “Next” in the Import Workspace Wizard 24. Select the “Work Order.xml” file within “ofsc_cx_src/toa/cx/imports/Workspaces” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 25. Click “Next” to accept the Workspace Definition File 26 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 » Initial Type is set to “Map To Type” » TOA.Work_Order is set to “Work Order” 26. Accept the Workspace Type and click “Next” » Package: TOA; Record Type: Work_Order; Map To Record Type: Work Order (TOA$Work_Order) » Package: TOA; Record Type: Work_Order_Type; Map To Record Type: Work Order (TOA$Work_Order_Type) 27. Click “Finish” to complete the Work Order workspace import 28. Update the following Report Controls: » Schedule tab: select the “Override Assigned To” field, click on “Search Report” in the ribbon and select “Accelerator/Field Service/Override Account Search” » Assets tab: select the report control, click on “Report” in the ribbon and select “Accelerator/Field Service/Work Order Primary Asset” » Inventory tab: select the report control, click on “Report” in the ribbon and select “Accelerator/Field Service/Work Order Required Inventory” 29. Click “Save & Close”, select Folder = “Accelerator/Field Service”, Name = “Work Order” and click on OK 30. Click on the “New Workspace” button in the ribbon 31. Click on “Import Workspace from an Exported Workspace File” in the New Workspace window 32. Click “Next” in the Import Workspace Wizard 33. Select the “Work Order Type.xml” file within “/toa/cx/imports/Workspaces” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 34. Click “Next” to accept the Workspace Definition File » Initial Type: TOA.Work_Order_type; Map To Type: Work Order Type 35. Accept the Workspace Type and click “Next” 36. Click “Finish” to complete the Work Order Type workspace import 37. Update the following Report Control: » Required Inventory tab: select the report control, click on “Report” in the ribbon and select “Accelerator/Field Service/Work Order Type Inventory” 38. Click “Save & Close”, select Folder = “Accelerator/Field Service”, Name = “Work Order Type” and click on OK 39. Click on the “New Workspace” button in the ribbon 40. Click on “Import Workspace from an Exported Workspace File” in the New Workspace window 41. Click “Next” in the Import Workspace Wizard 42. Select the “Work Order Type Inventory.xml” file within “/toa/cx/imports/Workspaces” from the “” extract and click on “Open” 43. Click “Next” to accept the Workspace Definition File 44. Accept the Workspace Type and click “Next” 45. Click “Finish” to complete the Work Order Type Inventory workspace import 46. Click “Save & Close”, select Folder = “Accelerator/Field Service”, Name = “Work Order Type Inventory” and click on OK 27 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 20: Field Service Workspaces after importing. 28 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Import PHP Endpoint and Supporting Pages The Oracle Service endpoint allows the Field Service Outbound API to call the custom endpoint to update Work Orders when Notification Triggers are fired based on the following conditions: » New Field Service Activity is added, created from Inbound API when Work Order created in Service » Field Service Activity is moved » Field Service Activity is started » Field Service Activity is completed » Field Service Activity is suspended » Field Service Activity is cancelled » Field Service Activity is not done The following pages are required for the PHP endpoint to work. No modifications are required unless the default field mappings need to be modified. » ofsc_int_v1.php: This file contains the code which is the main entry point for all HTTP outbound(originating from ETADirect to RightNow) requests. It initializes the ToaSOAPController and also defines the ‘OFSC_ROOT‘ Path. This Path should point to the ROOT deployment folder. » toasoapcontroller.php: This file contains the code for the SOAP Controller(class ToaSOAPController). ToaSOAPController handles all requests for the outbound WSDL and SOAP request. The method ‘handleSOAPRequest’ in the class ToaSOAPController is the entry point for all HTTP and SOAP request. ToaSOAPController currently implements on ‘send_message_request’ from the Field Service’s outbound WSDL. It contains code for following functionalities: SOAP Request Parsing Initializing Work Order model Initializing AgentAuthenticator model Response creation(for SOAP and HTTP) Exposing outbound WSDL » agentauthenticator.php: This file contains code for authenticating each SOAP Request. It logs failure and successful authentication. It also initializes ConnectPHP API. » workorder.php: This file contains code for updating a specific(single) Work Order. It is the model class for Work Order custom object. It invokes ConnectPHP API’s for updating the Work Order. It also contains business validations for some fields. » xtree.php: This is an external library used for parsing SOAP payload. It is recommended not to do any changes to this library. If any changes are to be done please contact Oracle for newer versions and features. » toa_outbound_client_wsdl.php: This file contains the WSDL definitions of the outbound API supported by this endpoint. Please change this file only when the there is an issue with endpoint URL or changes to outbound API. The following steps guide you through the setup of the php endpoint which is called from the Field Service Outbound API to send Work Order updates from Field Service to Service. For more information about each of the php pages, please see additional documentation in the Appendix. 1. Extract the “” file 2. From within OSvC CX Desktop, click on Configuration -> Site Configuration -> File Manager 29 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 3. In the “Switch to” drop down list, select “custom scripts” Figure 21: Reference location and proper “Switch to” setting 4. Click on “Browse” 5. Select the file “ofsc_int_v1.php”” within “ofsc_outbound_endpoint_src\toa\scripts\custom\php\” from the archive extract 6. Click on “Open” to upload the file 7. Repeat steps 4 - 6 for the following files: » agentauthenticator.php » itoalog.php » ofsc_int_v1.php » toa_outbound_client_wsdl.php » toadefaultlog.php » toalogservice.php » toasoapcontroller.php » workorder.php » xtree.php 30 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 22: PHP endpoint files properly imported Configure Customer Portal Page To display the list of Work Orders associated to an Incident in Customer Portal, you can choose one of the following two options: Upload the included modified detail.php file from the extracted file at “\TOA Integration\Accelerator Artifacts\Build93\toa\scripts\cp\development\views\pages\account\questions” Modify the existing detail detail.php file by adding the following section: <h2 class="rn_HeadingBar">Work Orders</h2> <div> <rn:widget path="reports/Grid" report_id="<Id for CP Incident Work Order> "/> </div> 31 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 23: Customer portal configuration and relationship of Incident Work Order 32 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Oracle Field Service Cloud Configuration Oracle Field Service is highly configurable and should be performed by a person familiar with the product. The below details are there as an overview of the unique configuration steps they should consider around an implementation with an accelerator. This configuration process goes through company settings from top to bottom to explain configuration settings needed to work with the OSvC Accelerator “out of the box”. Please note…customer requirements will vary and changes will almost inevitably need to be made to the draft code; however, the below settings enable OFSC to work with the Accelerator as initially available. Bucket Configuration (Resource Settings -> Resource & Bucket Info) To access the Bucket Configuration, from within Field Service, click on “Resource Settings ->Resource & Bucket Info”. A few configuration points to keep in mind when setting up a bucket: » The External ID will be the visible “work order area” in OSvC » Ensure quota management is turned on » Time slots are pulled by bucket & capacity categories (not by activity type) so ensure that all activity types within a each capacity category and bucket have consistent time slot options » Minimum of one month quota needs to be loaded » Date format: use mm/dd/yy format API Configuration To access the API configuration, from within Field Service, click on “Company Settings ->API Configuration”. Review the mapping spreadsheet (plus any changes necessary) to be sure the API settings are configured for appropriate access (read or read/write). Although not an exhaustive list, it is wise to go through the field mapping and reference all of the properties in column B within OFSC to ensure that their API Configuration settings are properly configured. The below example walks through how to use the field mapping spreadsheet as a reference for API configuration for “appt_number” Figure 24: Reference for configuring the API settings for each property from mapping spreadsheet Figure 25: Correlating reference in OFSC configuration for API settings 33 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 26: Property configuration verification Business Rules To access Business Rules, from within Field Service, click on “Company Settings->Business Rules”. The Inbound API format the accelerator was configured to work with is “Free Post code”. Figure 27: Properly configured ZIP code format for accelerator Capacity Categories To access Capacity Categories, from within Field Service, click on “Company Settings->Capacity Categories”. » Quota-based Booking: OFSC supports direct assignment of an activity to a specific resource; however, the accelerator is focused on a quota basis (related to “bucket” aka “work order area”). In order to provide “available time” the accelerator must provide enough information from the OSvC interface to OFSC for OFSC to resolve which bucket (aka “work order area”), which activity type, and which capacity category is being specified in order to provide capacity information. » No Overlapping Work Skills: OFSC provides flexible options around configuring work skills across multiple capacity categories. However, the accelerator does not natively map the capacity category between systems and, for this reason, the work skills either needs to be in a 1:1 relationship (i.e.: not duplicated) 34 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 between capacity categories OR an additional field should be mapped that allows a user to select the capacity category direction or criteria that will allow logic to resolve which capacity category should be referenced for quota. » Capacity Category Configuration: It can be easy to forget after creating capacity categories (Company Settings -> Capacity Categories) that they must also be associated at the resource level (Resource Settings -> Resource & Bucket Info ->…scroll down to “Quota Management” section and add “Capacity Categories”) and also be associated with Time Slots (Company Settings -> Time Slots). Each of these areas acts as a filter. Link Templates To access Link Templates, from within Field Service, click on “Company Settings->Link Templates”. There is no “link object” configured as part of the accelerator. OFSC has two different processes for managing activity relationships depending on the customer’s needs. For customers who need this functionality, a selection on which of the two processes a customer would like to use and a custom object in OSvC as well as mapping needs to be added. Login Policies (Company Settings -> Login Policies) Login policies will be based on the availability OSvC single sign on protocols that are expected to be in OSvC release 15.5. Message Scenarios To access Message Scenarios, from within Field Service, click on “Company Settings->Message Scenarios”. Below is the Message Scenario we support in the Accelerator. This can be modified to meet your requirements: <username>Use the user credential created during Create Integration User step</username> <password> Use the user credential created during Create Integration User step </password> <appt_number>{appt_number}</appt_number> <customer_number>{customer_number}</customer_number> <aid>{aid}</aid> <cphone>{cphone}</cphone> <cemail>{cemail}</cemail> <ccell>{ccell}</ccell> <time_slot>{activity_time_slot}</time_slot> <date>{date}</date> <astatus>{astatus}</astatus> <end_time>{activity_end_time}</end_time> <eta_end_time>{activity_start_time}</eta_end_time> <ETA>{ETA}</ETA> <delivery_window_start>{activity_delivery_window_start}</delivery_window_start> <delivery_window_end>{activity_delivery_window_end}</delivery_window_end> <pname>{destination_resource_name}</pname> <travel>{activity_traveling_time}</travel> <duration>{activity_duration}</duration> <XA_ACTIVITY_NOTES>{pr_XA_ACTIVITY_NOTES}</XA_ACTIVITY_NOTES> The additional notes are important to keep in mind when configuring message scenarios: Testing & Timing: It is critical that the code used in the Message Scenario be carefully tested before any updates to production are made. Timing is very important in the communication loop between OFSC Outbound and the PHP 35 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 page and, for this reason, there is neither code checking nor key verification for Outbound message scenarios coming into the PHP page. To add this checking and verification functionality would create a slight delay for every update send from OFSC to the PHP endpoint. Because of this, it is especially critical that code be properly formed and that key fields are always passed between the systems. OFSC Over-Writes OSvC: When a Message Scenario arrives from OFSC to the PHP page, it is considered the most accurate and up to date information available. As such, the configuration is set so that OFSC over-writes its mapped value already existing within OSvC. Also, for all non-key fields, if a no value is provided from Oracle Field Service Cloud then the PHP page creates a “null value” and over-writes any value existing in OSvC. An example of a time when no value is provided is the {ETA} variable before assignment has occurred (no value is assigned to that variable within the OFSC engine and a null value is assigned by the PHP page when the empty value arrives in the message scenario body. Notification Triggers To access Notification Triggers, from within Field Service, click on “Company Settings->Notification Triggers”. There are many different notification trigger options within OFSC. The notification Triggers that are part of the accelerator include: » Add » Start » Complete » Cancel » Not done » Move Activity With each Notification trigger, a message scenario can be associated with it. Figure 28: Notification Trigger setting example 36 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Outbound Configuration To access Outbound Configuration, from within Field Service, click on “Company Settings->Outbound Configuration”. Outbound settings can be performed in the OFSC GUI. First you should identify the <site url> and the <interface> <site url>: From within the OSvC environment, find the <site url> address by going to File -> Links -> and “>Enduser”. Acquire the <site url> by removing the “https://” and include everything up to and include “.com” Figure 29: <site-url> location and example <interface>: From within the OSvC environment, find the <interface> by going to Site Configuration -> Interfaces and copy the “Display Name” and use that for the <interface> (see image below) Figure 30: <interface> location and example 37 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Set Up Outbound Configuration: » Submethod: RN » Port : 443 » Host: <site url> (example: » Port: 443 » URL Path: (example: /cgi-bin/toa_integration_pr4.cfg/php/custom/ofsc_int_v1.php) » WSDL URL (example: » Bulk Size: This varies by customer environment. For questions, please consult OFSC Outbound SDK. Figure 31: OFSC Outbound Configuration example Properties To access Properties, from within Field Service, click on “Company Settings->Properties”. See the data mapping section for field mapping details. Customer data mapping requirements will vary but the fields and properties included in the spreadsheet should be referenced in your implementation. Because not all “blank environments” are truly “blank”…its worth going through the spreadsheet to identify which properties already exist and which ones need to be added. Time Slots To access Time Slots, from within Field Service, click on “Company Settings->Time Slots”. OFSC is the “master” of time slots. There is no “time slot object” built in OSvC to mimic the options in OFSC. Data about time slots and 38 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 availability is parsed from the Capacity API call and then returned in the Inbound API call. Details about which time slot are chosen are included on the Work Order Object. Because OFSC is the “master” and because closed quota results in zero information about time slots, there is an assumption that time slots do not change for each activity type. If it is important to change time slots for an activity type while in production, then the recommendation is to make that change in the middle of a month and to test the effects of closing quota in a non-production environment to ensure that the expected results in the quota calendar are achieved. Work Skills & Conditions To access Work Skills & Conditions, from within Field Service, click on “Company Settings->Work Skills & Conditions”. When the Scheduler Add-In within OSvC calls OFSC for information about quota, the query is based on activity types. For this reason, it is essential that work skill conditions be properly set up. The accelerator is configured to accept only work skill conditions that do NOT overlap (you cannot have the same work skill in two different groups). Figure 32: Work Skill Conditions configuration example Work Zones To access Work Zones, from within Field Service, click on “Company Settings->Work Zone Dictionary”. This could be based on a number of fields/properties in OFSC; however, for the accelerator zip codes are the “work zone key”. This can be changed in OFSC in the Work Zone Dictionary and updated in the add-in as well as the Work Order workspace rules which are expecting zip code and activity type to provide the two, essential components to acquire available quota. 39 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 1. Set Work Zone Dictionary (Zip in OFSC correlates to “Postal Code” in the accelerator) and associate work zone names with zip codes. The image below shows 5-digit work zip codes; however, they can be as long as 9 digits. Figure 33: Work Zone Dictionary properly configured 2. With Work Zone Dictionary configured, associate each “bucket” with work zone names (from the Work Zone Dictionary) under main menu item “Resource Settings” -> “Resource Work Zones” Figure 34: Resource Settings properly configured with Work Zone details 3. Configure Bucket Name and External ID. Note…the External ID will be parsed and made visible in the Work Order Location Add-In so make sure that the value for External ID will make sense to a CSR. The value for “Name” is the value that will appear in the Field Service resource tree. Figure 35: Location and example of External ID and Resource Name 40 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Setup and Ongoing Administration Both Oracle Service and Field Service have additional required administration, however, the following sections review the administration specific to setting up and supporting this integration. Please see the other sections and additional help documentation for general administration. Product Catalog and Inventory Types For the Integration between Oracle Service and Field Service, the Product Catalog in Service will need to be kept in sync with the Inventory Types in Field Service. The key fields between the two that are used in the Inbound and Outbound web service calls are: » Field Service Inventory Type: InventoryType.Label » Service Product Catalog: Product Catalog.Id Field Service Cloud Inventory Types To access Field Service Inventory Types, login to Oracle Field Service Cloud, and click on “Company Settings -> Inventory Types”. To add Inventory Types: 1. Click on “Add New” 2. Enter the following fields: » Label: Field used to sync with Oracle Service and needs to be unique » Active: Check box to make Active » Non Serialized: Check box to make Active. If a product is non-serialized, it can only be associated with a customer’s assets in a 1:1 relationship unless a “quantity” field is mapped specifically for non-serialized products. » Model Property: Select “Model (Inventory Model)” » Name: Give a descriptive name of the product for each language used Figure 36: Example of Inventory type configuration 3. Click on “Save” to save the new Inventory Type 4. Repeat steps 1 - 3 to add all Inventory Types 5. After creating all Inventory Types, you need review the list then recreate each of these in Oracle Service Cloud: 41 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 37: Example of Inventory Types configured properly Service Cloud Product Catalog To access Service Product Catalog, login to Service Cloud with a user that has the appropriate access to Product Catalog in the Configuration. The following steps guide you through creating and editing the Products in Product Catalog:. 1. From within OSvC CX Desktop, click on Configuration -> Opportunity Tracking -> Product Catalog 2. Click on “New” in the ribbon to create a new Product 3. Enter the appropriate information based on the Field Service Inventory Type, to sync with Field Service, the Id must equal the Field Service Label: » Product Name: Descriptive name which does not have to match Inventory Type Name in Field Service but should be similar » Id: Key field which must match the Field Service Inventory Type Label » Serialized: Identifies if a product is serialized or non-serialized, does not have to match the Field Service Inventory Type Non Serialized option but should. If the “Serialized” option in Service is checked, the “Non Serialized” option should be unchecked. If the “Serialized” option in Service is unchecked, the “Non Serialized” option should be checked. » Service Catalog: Allows the product to show up for Assets as a Serviceable product so should be checked. 42 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 38: Correlation between ID in OSvC and Label in OFSC 4. Click on “Save” in the ribbon to save the new Product 5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 to add all Products 6. Click on “Save & Close” to complete Work Order and Activity Types For the Integration between Oracle Service and Field Service, the Work Order Types, which is a custom object in Service, will need to be kept in sync with the Activity Types in Field Service. The key fields between the two that are used in the Inbound and Outbound web service calls are: » Field Service Activity Type: Activity Type.ID » Service Work Order Type: Work_Order_Type.Wo_Type_Code Field Service Cloud Activity Types To access Field Service Activity Types, login to Oracle Field Service Cloud, and click on “Company Settings -> Activity Types”. The only Activity Types used in the integration are in the Custom Group. To add Activity Types: 1. Click on “Add Activity Type” 2. Under “Activity type info”, for the “Group” option, select “Customer” 3. Under “Features”, ensure the following Options are selected by checking the appropriate box, if any of these are not selected based on your business requirements, modifications may need to be made in Oracle Service cloud to prevent errors from occurring: 43 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 » Allow creation in buckets » Allow reschedule » Support of not-ordered activities » Allow non-scheduled » Support of work zones » Support of work skills » Support of time slots » Support of inventory » Calculate travel » Define duration manually » Allow to create from Incoming interface » Support of required inventory 4. Complete the additional options for “Activity type info” 5. Complete the additional options for “Available time slots” 6. Choose the “Color schemes” 44 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 39: Example of Activity Details properly configured (although most settings are flexible based on customer needs) 45 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 After creating all Activity Types, you need review the list then recreate each of these in Oracle Service Cloud: Figure 40: Activity Types properly configured…note the ID field that is the key for the accelerator Service Cloud Work Order Types To access Service Work Order Types, login to Service Cloud with a user that has the appropriate access to Work Order Type Custom Object. The following steps guide you through creating and editing the Work Order Types:. 1. Click on Analytics and Open Report Explorer 2. In the “Accelerator -> Field Service” folder, Open the “Work Order Type” report 3. Click on “New” in the ribbon to create a new Work Order Type 4. Enter the appropriate information based on the Field Service Activity Type, to sync with Field Service, the WO_Type_Code must equal the Field Service ID: » Labels: Descriptive name which does not have to match Activity Type Name in Field Service but should be similar » Wo_Type_Code: Key field which must match the Field Service Activity Type ID » Manual Duration: Flag that will trigger the Manual Duration field to be visible when creating a Work Order, this should also match the “Define duration manually” option for the corresponding Field Service Activity Type. Service Work Order Type “Manual Duration” option set to “Yes: and Field Service Activity Type “Define duration manually” Not Checked = Manual duration passed to Field Service will be ignored Service Work Order Type “Manual Duration” option set to “No” and Field Service Activity Type “Define duration manually” Checked = Manual duration not passed to Field Service and create will fail since Field Service expects a manual duration number Service Work Order Type “Manual Duration” option set to “No” and Field Service Activity Type “Define duration manually” Not Checked = Manual duration not passed to Field Service and duration assigned by Field Service Service Work Order Type “Manual Duration” option set to “Yes” and Field Service Activity Type “Define duration manually” Checked = Manual duration passed to Field Service and duration set on new Activity » Manual Duration Default: The default number of minutes that the type of work will take to complete. This number is displayed on the Work Order when the “Manual Duration” is set to “Yes” for the Work Order Type selected. » Display Order: The order the Work Order Types will be displayed in the menu list on the Work Order. 46 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 41: Correlation between WO Type Code (in OSvC) and Activity ID (in OFSC) Next steps are to add Required Inventory to the Work Order Type which will pass the inventory over to Field Service as part of the Field Service Activity creates and update. Before adding Required Inventory to the Work Order Type, the previous section “Product Catalog and Inventory Types” must be completed. 5. In the “Required Inventory” tab, click on “Add New” 47 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 6. Complete the following fields: » Work Order Type: Defaults based on Work Order Type being created/edited » Product: Select from drop down list which is populated by Product Catalog » Model: Not required, general information to pass to Field Service » Quantity: the number or amount required (i.e.. 1 Line Set) » Unit: Additional information pertaining to the Quantity field (i.e.. qty, ounces, feet, etc) Figure 42: Example of Work Order Inventory properly configured 7. Click on “Save & Close” in the ribbon 8. Repeat steps 1 - 3 to add all Required Inventory Updating Oracle Service Cloud from Oracle Field Service OFSC offers flexibility in both trigger notification as well as Outbound Message scenarios. A full list of Notification triggers is available under company settings -> notification triggers. Additional triggers are not possible without a product change; however, the existing triggers currently support a broad range of customer requirements. Message scenarios, on the other hand, are completely flexible. For any event that triggers a notification scenario, there can be inner and outer steps for the associated message scenarios. For every property that needs to be updated from OFSC in OSvC, that can be added. The steps in the process are: 48 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 1. Create custom property in OFSC. Notice the prefix “XA” which is a convention used by many people who configure OFSC so that the custom properties can be quickly filtered. Figure 43: Example of new OFSC custom property properly created 2. Add to Outbound message scenario. (Custom objects in OFSC have special prefixes that are important in the Outbound key and configuring OFSC should reference the Outbound Messaging SDK documentation or contact support for any help needed configuring the keys within the message scenarios.) Notice the prefix “pr” which is used for String fields. For other field types (enumeration or integer) check the Outbound SDK. Figure 44: Example of new OFSC custom property included in Message Scenario body 49 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 45: Update flow for OFSC Outbound API call to OSvC PHP endpoint with response Data Mapping The Accelerator has the following fields mapped between Oracle Service and Oracle Sales: Field Service Format APIs Service Custom Objects KEY appt_number varchar(40) Appointment Number Id KEY customer_number varchar(40) Customer Number Contact cmessagetime int(11) customer's reminder notification time Remind er_Tim e cphone phone language used in customer IVR or Portal Contact _Phone cemail email customer email Contact _Email ccell phone Customer's cell phone number Contact _Mobile _Phone cname text customer's name Contact caddress text Address Contact _Street ccity text Customer's city of residence Contact _City czip text customer's zip code (postal code) Contact _Postal _Code text state of the customer's residence Contact _Provin ce_Stat e cstate contact s.c_id full_ nam e 50 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Field Service Format APIs Service Custom Objects time_slot text Reference time slot WO_Ti me_Slo t sla_window_end string Service Window End time Resolut ion_Du e aworktype Enum Activity / Workorder type WO_Ty pe date YYYY-MMDD date of slot WO_Da te astatus enum('delet ed', 'cancelled', 'complete', 'suspended' , 'started', 'pending', 'notdone') astatus WO_St atus end_time time end_time End_Ti me eta_end_time time start-end time (both in one field) Start_E nd_Tim e ETA datetime ETA ETA aid int(11) aid Externa l_ID time delivery window start Deliver y_Wind ow_Sta rt delivery_window_e nd time delivery window end Deliver y_Wind ow_En d pname text resource name Resour ce travel smallint(5) unsigned travel Travel_ Time auto_routed_to_dat e date auto_routed_ to_date Auto_R outed_ Date atime_of_booking datetime atime_of_boo king Booked _Time auto_routed_to_pro vider_name mediumint(9 ) unsigned auto_routed_ to_provider_i d Auto_R outed_ Resour ce XA_CASE_NOTES string (blob) Case notes Case_ Note XA_ACTIVITY_NO TES string (blob) Field service notes Field_S ervice_ Note delivery_window_st art work_o rder_ty wo_ type _co de 51 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Field Service Format APIs Service Custom Objects duration int(11) unsigned Duration Duratio n invsn varchar(32) Inventory Serial Number Asset assets. asset_i d seri al_n umb er invtype_label int(11) unsigned Type of Inventory Item Asset assets. asset_i d prod uct_ id product_ catalog. product_ id id invsn varchar(32) Inventory Serial Number Id work_o rder_a ssets. work_o rder ass et assets.a sset_id seri al_n umb er invtype_label int(11) unsigned Type of Inventory Item Id work_o rder_a ssets. work_o rder ass et assets.a sset_id prod uct_ id varchar(32) Type of Required Inventory Item WO_Ty pe wo_typ e_inve ntory.w ork_or der_ty pe prod uct product_ catalog. product_ id id varchar(32) Required Inventory model. WO_Ty pe wo_typ e_inve ntory.w ork_or der_ty pe mod el int Number of required inventories required for the activity. WO_Ty pe wo_typ e_inve ntory.w ork_or der_ty pe qua ntity Contacat Organization, No Sync Organiz ation Incident Reference Number, No Sync Incident Work Order Area, No Sync WO_Ar ea Reason for Canceling, No Sync Cancel _Reaso n Reason for Rescheduling , No Sync Resche dule_R eason invtype_label inventory_model quantity 52 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 product_ catalog. product_ id id From Oracle Service Cloud to Oracle Field Service Cloud Field Service Service Inbound API Custom Objects KEY appt_number Id KEY customer_number Contact cmessagetime Reminder_Time cphone Contact_Phone cemail Contact_Email ccell Contact_Mobile_Phone cname Contact caddress Contact_Street ccity Contact_City czip Contact_Postal_Code cstate Contact_Province_State time_slot WO_Time_Slot sla_window_end Resolution_Due aworktype WO_Type date WO_Date astatus WO_Status XA_CASE_NOTES Case_Note duration Duration invsn Asset assets.asset_id invtype_label Asset assets.asset_id contacts.c_id invsn work_order_assets.work_order invtype_label work_order_assets.work_order invtype_label WO_Type wo_type_inventory.work_order_type inventory_model WO_Type wo_type_inventory.work_order_type quantity WO_Type wo_type_inventory.work_order_type From Oracle Field Service Cloud to Oracle Service Cloud Field Service Service Outbound API Work Order Custom Object KEY appt_number Id KEY customer_number Contact cphone Contact_Phone cemail Contact_Email ccell Contact_Mobile_Phone time_slot WO_Time_Slot date WO_Date astatus WO_Status end_time End_Time eta_end_time Start_End_Time ETA ETA aid External_ID 53 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Field Service Service Outbound API Work Order Custom Object delivery_window_start Delivery_Window_Start delivery_window_end Delivery_Window_End pname Resource travel Travel_Time auto_routed_to_date Auto_Routed_Date auto_routed_to_provider_name Auto_Routed_Resource XA_ACTIVITY_NOTES Field_Service_Note duration Duration The following sections walk through adding a new custom field in Service and custom Property in Field Service and mapping these so updates will flow from Service to Sales and Sales to Service. Oracle Field Service Cloud Configuration 1. Create Property » Company Settings -> Properties -> Add “x” Property (where x is string, enumeration, integer, or file) » Add property details (below example is String Property with name and label added). Take note of the Entity this custom property is associated with (here: “activity”) as this will be needed later. Note: Using XA as a prefix for custom properties is a convention within OFSC so that the custom properties can be quickly filtered for support and troubleshooting processes. Figure 46: Custom property properly created 2. Update API Configuration for new property (set » Company Settings -> API Configuration -> Check “soap_API” under profiles and then select “Layout” (see screenshot below) 54 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 47: Location of API Profile configuration settings » Select the appropriate Context, Entity, and Interface. The original Accelerator configuration uses the Inbound Interface and the property will be associated with an entity (see above screenshot on property creation and the entity listed is “activity”) Figure 48: Location of Structure settings for OFSC API configuration » Select Structure and scroll down to bottom to find select “Click to Add” » Type in the property name and select the new custom property. Figure 49: Example of adding custom property to OFSC 55 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 » Select “Add New Visibility” and choose the direction of the visibility (read or read/write). » Recalculate structure (don’t forget this step!) 3. Add to Message Scenario (if this property should be included in the OFSC Outbound call) » Company Settings -> Message Scenarios » Find the scenarios’ name where you want to add the property and click on the “steps” link » Go to the “modify” link in the actions column » In the pop-up go to the Patterns tab and see the body content on the right-hand side » Within the body, add the PHP pages reference name in XML format with the property name (the key for the variable to be pulled from OFSC) in curly braces. Note...for message scenarios, custom properties need an additional prefix based on the information sent. To receive the value within the custom property use “pr_” to send the enumerated value (and not the string) use “pr[num]_”. » Update the message scenario Figure 50: Message scenario updated in the OFSC to incorporate the new custom property. 4. Create the custom field in OSvC. » Go to Configuration -> Database -> Object Designer and select TOA to see the custom objects associated with the Accelerator (custom objects may include Override_Request; Reminder_Time; Work_Order; Work_Order_Type; and WO_Type_Inventory). » Select the Work_Order custom object » Select “Add New Field” and create the appropriate type of field (this example will use a Text, or string, field type) » Add the field name and label. Notice that the “Label” in OSvC is the ‘user-friendly and readable name that is not referenced by the API or system configuration’ while in OFSC the “Label” is the ‘API reference able name that might be hard to use in a GUI’. » With the Name and Label created, save the new custom field. 56 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 51: Location and example of where to add a custom property in OSvC » Deploy the object (from the button in the ribbon). Figure 52: Example of what Deploy message looks like (note the “Deploy Immediately” box is checked) 57 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 5. Update the toasoapcontroller.php (NB: the process used below requires no IDEs...for multiple additions an integrator might prefer to perform these tasks in Visual Studio and then upload the files). » Go to Site Configuration -> File Manager -> » Use the drop down “Switch to” and select “Custom Scripts” » Select “toasoapcontroller.php” (this will set the value in OSvC to what comes from OFSC Outbound) Figure 53: Steps and example for where and how to access the PHP scripts » Two sections to update in this file (both sets). look for the following line and add a new line with the new variables: o $workOrder->setOSvC_VARIABLE($messages->body->OFSC_VARIABLE->_[‘value’]); look for the following line and add a new line with the new variables: o $workOrder->setOSvC_Variable($val->body->OFSC_VARIABLE->_[‘value’]); 58 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 54: Example of PHP code and where the OSvC and OFSC variables are added » Save file after both additions have been made. 6. Update the workorder.php page (still within Site Configuration -> File Manager) » Select workorder.php Figure 55: Location of the workorder.php file 59 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 » Four areas to change Create the object as a private object within the Work Order class. o Add a new object: “private $OSvC_Variable;” Set function (see screenshot below) Get functions (see screenshot below) Figure 56: Location and example of the get & set functions in the PHP code and where the additional field is added Update the statement that updates the Work Order object (see screenshot for details) 60 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 57: Example of PHP code which updated the Work Order object and where the new field should be added 7. Update Work Order Workspace to include new field (if needed) » Application Appearance -> Workspaces / Workflows » From within file structure, select Accelerator -> Field Service -> Work Order Figure 58: Location of Work Order Workspace 61 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 » Drag and drop the new custom field into the workspace (see screenshot below) Figure 59: Drag and drop new custom field into Workspace » Save & Close the Workspace 62 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 8. Update the Oracle.RightNow.Toa.WorkOrderAddIn.dll to enable OSvC to send property via OFSC Inbound API » From within Visual Studio, select Oracle.RightNow.Toa.WorkOrderAddIn » Select ViewModel -> ViewModel.cs » Search for similar field (example is to look for other custom properties starting with “XA_” » Add new property value (see screenshot below) Figure 60: Location and example code addition within Visual Studio for the Work Order Add In » Save File within Visual Studio » Recompile by going to Build -> Build Solution » Back in OSvC go to Site Configuration -> Add-In Manager » Select Oracle.RightNow.Toa.WorkOrderAddIn.dll and hit Update in the Ribbon. 63 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Figure 61: Location of Work Order Add In and update button » Select the path for Visual Studio File previously edited and click on “Open” » Save & Close the Add-In Manager » Log out of OSvC and then Log back in to pull the updated Add-In into the client Work Order Use Cases The following use cases are cases supported by this accelerator: » Create a Work Order which does not include a selected date and time slot but does include an SLA Resolution Due from the Incident and the Activity creates in Field Service when saved » Create a Work Order with a date and time slot selected in Service, manual duration not required and the Activity creates in Field Service » Create a Work Order with a date and time slot selected in Service, manual duration required and the Activity creates in Field Service » Create a Work Order with an override requested, date and time slot selected in Service and the Activity creates in Field Service » Create a Work Order with an override requested, date and time slot not selected in Service and the Activity not created in Field Service 64 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 . Utilize SLA Resolution Due For companies utilizing Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in Oracle Service, the calculated SLA Resolution Due can be used to have Oracle Field Service automatically assign a data and time slot. If an SLA has a Resolution Time defined in the Response Requirements or if no SLA is assigned but the Interface Default Response Requirements has a Resolution Time defined, the date and time will be automatically calculated on the incident. When a Work Order is created, the Resolution Due is pre-populated from the Incident. After selecting the Work Order Type and populating all required fields, Save the Work Order and it will be sent to Oracle Field Service and an Activity will be created as a Non-scheduled Activity. For this to work, ensure the corresponding Activity Type in Field Service has the “Support of not-ordered activities” property checked. Before following the steps below to test out utilizing the SLA Resolution Due to have a date and time slot assigned by Field Service let’s first review how the SLA Resolution Due is calculated. The SLA Resolution Due automatic calculation was released in the Service February 2015 release. This calculation is based on the two scenarios: » Default Response Requirements for the current Interface has a value for “Resolution Time (Minutes)” greater than 0 Figure 62: Resolution time location and example within OSvC 65 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 » Response Requirements associated to the SLA assigned to the Incident, has a value for “Resolution Time (Minutes)” greater than 0 Figure 63: Correlation between support type and resolution time 1. Select a contact 2. From the Incident tab, create an Incident for the Contact 3. Either select an SLA Instance assigned to the Contact or use the Interface default Response Requirements 4. Save the Incident 5. Go to the Work Order tab 66 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 6. Click on “Add New” to create a Work Order Figure 64: Location of Add New button for creating new Work Order 67 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 7. The following fields will be defaulted: » Incident: Incident subject » Incident Ref#: Incident Reference Number » Contact: Incident Contact » Organization: Contact Organization » Email: Contact Email » Phone: Contact Home Phone » Mobile Phone: Contact Mobile Phone » Street: Contact Street » City: Contact City » Province/State: Contact State/Province » Postal Code: Contact Postal Code » Assets Tab Primary Asset: Incident Asset Figure 65: Work Order Workspace with Work Order Type highlighted If any of the required fields are not populated on the Contact record, the fields will need to be manually populated on the Work Order. The Email, Phone, Mobile Phone, Street, City, Province/State and Postal Code can be changed on the Work Order but the Contact record will not be updated. The changes will only apply the specific Work Order and nothing else. 8. Select the appropriate “Work Order Type” from the drop down list 68 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 9. Update the following fields as appropriate: » Case Note: Any notes to share with the assigned Field Service » Reminder Time: Select from drop down list the time in minutes a reminder should be sent to the customer » Email » Phone » Mobile Phone » Street » City » Province/State » Postal Code Figure 66: Work Order Workspace including manual Duration 10. Select the “Work Order Area” which is based on the “Postal Code” Select date and time slot, manual duration not required For companies with a quota-based process, this is the default process for booking & scheduling. After creating an incident and selecting a Work Order Area and Work Order Type, a CSR views available quota in the scheduler (those slots that have green and yellow shading) and selects a time slot that is both acceptable to the end customer as well as available. Duration is estimated by OFSC and no manager override or SLA is associated with the Work Order. 69 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Select date and time slot, manual duration not required After creating an incident and selecting a Work Order Area and Work Order Type, a CSR views available quota in the scheduler (those slots that have green and yellow shading) and selects a time slot that is both acceptable to the end customer as well as available. Duration is provided by a default by pulling from the Work Order Type custom object that is part of the OFSC & OSvC accelerator and can be manually edited by the CSR. There are three scenarios when manual duration is typically required. » Greatly varied work order durations with a new implementation: OFSC requires a work order type to be performed 7 times to establish baseline duration. That statistic gets progressively more accurate and individually specific over time; however, for a brand new implementation there is only one default time available system-wide. Customers may choose to have manual duration turned on for the first week or two after “go live” especially when their work order types vary substantially in duration and a single “default” time will cause a significant operational challenge in the first days. » Highly uniform environments: In some highly uniform environments (sometimes driven by union requirements), creating a performance pattern profile is not allowed. In these situations, default duration is needed and supported through the accelerator. » Outside systems estimate duration more accurately: This is a rare occurrence. Typically, outside systems can provide “statistical keys” which OFSC can use as calculation references. Before using an outside system for duration accuracy, an OFSC configuration expert should be consulted to ensure that this is the best process to use. Override requested, date and time slot selected After creating an incident and selecting a Work Order Area and Work Order Type, a CSR views available quota in the scheduler (those slots that have green and yellow shading) and selects a time slot that is NOT the end customer’s first preference but still acceptable. The Work Order is sent to OFSC and an activity is created while, at the same time, a manager override request is created. With no response or a rejection by the manager, the Work Order will maintain the original date and time slot. From the manager profile (or one with access to the override workspace), an override can be accepted or rejected. If the manager accepts the request and changes the time, then when the updated work order is saved, the OFSC Inbound API call will update the activity and the time slot and or date will change. If the customer’s instance of OFSC has PCC (predictive customer communication) configured, then the end customer will be notified of the change per the configuration settings within PCC. Override requested, date and time slot selected After creating an incident and selecting a Work Order Area and Work Order Type, a CSR views available quota in the scheduler (those slots that have green and yellow shading) and cannot select a date and time slot that is acceptable to the end customer. The Work Order can be saved within OSvC but will not be sent to OFSC until a manager accepts the override, selects the desired time slot and saves the activity. From the manager profile (or one with access to the override workspace), an override can be accepted or rejected. If the manager accepts the request and changes the time, then when the updated work order is saved, the OFSC Inbound API call will create the activity with the time slot and date in OFSC. If the customer’s instance of OFSC has 70 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 PCC (predictive customer communication) configured, then the end customer will be notified of the change per the configuration settings within PCC. 71 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Appendix: Field Service APIs Capacity API Method: get_capacity <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:toa:capacity"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <urn:get_capacity> <user> <now>?</now> <login>?</login> <company>?</company> <auth_string>?</auth_string> </user> <date>2015-03-10</date> <!--Zero or more repetitions:--> <determine_location_by_work_zone>true</determine_location_by_work_zone> <calculate_duration xmlns="">true</calculate_duration> <calculate_travel_time xmlns="">true</calculate_travel_time> <calculate_work_skill xmlns="">true</calculate_work_skill> <return_time_slot_info xmlns="">true</return_time_slot_info> <activity_field xmlns=""> <name>czip</name> <value>32771</value> </activity_field><activity_field xmlns=""> <name>aworktype</name> <value>64</value> </activity_field> </urn:get_capacity> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> 72 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Inbound API Method: inbound_interface Note: There is no “create_activity” command...both create and update are done through the “update_activity” command. <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:urn="urn:toatech:InboundInterface:1.0"> <soapenv:Header/> <soapenv:Body> <urn:inbound_interface_request> <user> <now>?</now> <login>?</login> <company>?</company> <auth_string>?</auth_string> </user> <head> <upload_type>incremental</upload_type> <properties_mode>update</properties_mode> <appointment> <keys> <field>appt_number</field> </keys> </appointment> <inventory> <keys> <field>invtype</field> </keys> </inventory> </head> <data> <commands> <command> <!--scheduled, ordered activity--> <date>2015-03-26</date> <type>update_activity</type> <external_id>North Florida</external_id> <appointment> <appt_number>220151</appt_number> <customer_number>67890</customer_number> <aworktype>62</aworktype> <name>Jeff McCrory</name> <phone>987-999-4444</phone> <email></email> <address>530 Sunrise Dr.</address> <city>Casselberry</city> <zip>32799</zip> <state>FL</state> <language>1</language> <daybefore_flag>0</daybefore_flag> <reminder_time>0</reminder_time> 73 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 <time_slot>10-12</time_slot> <inventories> <!-- adds inventory to customer/activity pool --> <inventory> <properties> <property> <label>invsn</label> <!-- serial number property --> <value>98731112</value> </property> <property> <label>invtype_label</label> <value>AT</value> </property> </properties> </inventory> </inventories> <properties> <property> <label>invtype_label</label> <value>FILTER</value> </property> <property> <label>quantity</label> <value>2</value> </property> </properties> <required_inventories> <required_inventory> <!--Inventory Type label--> <type>HNDLR</type> <model>bbb</model> <quantity>1</quantity> </required_inventory> </required_inventories> </appointment> </command> <command> <!--scheduled, unordered activity--> <date>2015-03-26</date> <type>update_activity</type> <external_id>North Florida</external_id> <appointment> <appt_number>240151</appt_number> <customer_number>67891</customer_number> <aworktype>62</aworktype> <name>Mahatma Ghandi</name> <phone>555-555-5555</phone> <email></email> <address>433 Ranch Trail</address> <city>Casselberry</city> <zip>32707</zip> <state>FL</state> <language>1</language> <daybefore_flag>0</daybefore_flag> 74 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 <reminder_time>0</reminder_time> <time_slot>10-12</time_slot> <links> <link_start_after> <appt_number>220151</appt_number> <customer_number>67890</customer_number> </link_start_after> </links> <required_inventories> <required_inventory> <!--Inventory Type label--> <type>AT</type> <!--Model (string)--> <model>Analog Telephony</model> <quantity>1</quantity> </required_inventory> </required_inventories> </appointment> </command> <command> <!--un-scheduled activity--> <date>2015-03-26</date> <type>update_activity</type> <external_id>North Florida</external_id> <appointment> <appt_number>24500</appt_number> <customer_number>7890</customer_number> <aworktype>62</aworktype> <name>Bob Wall</name> <phone>555-555-5565</phone> <email></email> <address>475 Rainbow Dr.</address> <city>Casselberry</city> <zip>32707</zip> <state>FL</state> <language>1</language> <daybefore_flag>0</daybefore_flag> <reminder_time>0</reminder_time> <time_slot>13-15</time_slot> </appointment> </command> <command> <!--activity with SLA--> <date>2015-03-26</date> <type>update_appointment</type> <external_id>North Florida</external_id> <property> <atime_time_of_booking>2015-02-0208:08:08</atime_time_of_booking> </property> <appointment> <appt_number>5555</appt_number> <customer_number>63330</customer_number> <aworktype>62</aworktype> <name>Hulk Hogan</name> <phone>555-555-5555</phone> 75 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 <email></email> <address>530 Sunrise Dr.</address> <city>Casselberry</city> <zip>32707</zip> <state>FL</state> <language>1</language> <daybefore_flag>0</daybefore_flag> <reminder_time>0</reminder_time> <time_slot>08-10</time_slot> <sla_window_start>2012-07-20 09:00</sla_window_start> <sla_window_end>2012-07-21 17:00</sla_window_end> </appointment> </command> <command> <!-- adds inventory to resource pool --> <date>2015-03-26</date> <type>update_inventory</type> <external_id>33023</external_id> <inventories> <inventory> <properties> <property> <label>invtype</label> <!-- serial number property --> <value>12456ABC_9$%^</value> </property> <property> <label>invtype_label</label> <value>AT</value> </property> </properties> </inventory> <inventory> <properties> <property> <label>invtype_label</label> <value>FILTER</value> </property> </properties> </inventory> </inventories> </command> </commands> </data> </urn:inbound_interface_request> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope> 76 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Glossary Platform Acronym / term Definition Oracle Service Cloud OSvC Oracle Service Cloud (OSvC) is a SAAS based solution that makes it possible for customers to better understand their customers and quickly deliver the right answers at the right time through preferred service channels and devices. Oracle Field Service Cloud OFSC Oracle Field Service Cloud (OFSC) is a SAAS based solution that is built on timebased, self-learning, and predictive technology, empowering customers to solve business problems while evolving their field service organization. OFSC Add Time A feature in OFSC that allows a resource or other user to add additional time to an activity when the activity extends beyond the estimated end time. OFSC Agent Any standalone application that interacts with the OFSC platform via the OFSC API or OFSC kernel OFSC Aggregator A high level entity on the resource tree that functions as a parent directory for other resources. An Aggregator cannot be assigned activities. OFSC All Day Activity An activity that can be done any time during the day without violating any obligations of the company. In OFSC terminology, All-day activities are activities without a Service window. Pay attention that sometimes people mix All-day activity (without service window) and Not ordered activity (without ETA). OFSC API An Application Programming Interface (API) is a particular set of rules and specifications that a software program can follow to access and make use of the services and resources provided by another particular software program that implements that API. It serves as an interface between different software programs and facilitates their interaction, similar to the way the user interface facilitates interaction between humans and computers. All OFSC APIs are based on standard protocol – SOAP (version 1. 1). The interfaces process SOAP requests received by HTTP protocol. APIs have no limitations on the location, technology or platform used for integration (i.e.: Java, . Net, C/C++ on Windows or Unix). OFSC Appointment See Activity. OFSC Assigning Attaching an individual activity or a queue of activities to a resource. OFSC Assistant In a Teamwork activity, the resource that assists another resource. In the Resource Tree, the arrow points away from the Assistant. See Teamwork and Team Leader for more information. OFSC Billing System System where customer details are held, customer billing takes place, and/or activities are entered. OFSC Booked Activities The numbers of activities that are either in an OFSC bucket or located on a route. OFSC Bucket Element of the Resource tree representing place where jobs are kept before they are assigned (manually or automatically) to specific resources. OFSC Business Rules A number of settings in OFSC that align the functions of the system with the strategies and practices of your company. OFSC Calendar A view of the schedule for a resource, group or bucket. OFSC Capacity The workforce with the necessary work skills to manage the activities of a defined period of time OFSC Capacity Bucket Bucket used for Quota management. See also: Work Order Area. OFSC Capacity Categories A set of work skills and time slots that are bundled together to estimate the time and skills required for a particular task. This information is sent through an API to your company’s activity system so that agents can tell whether qualified resources are available before they book an activity. OFSC Capacity Management A process of managing a workforce to ensure that a company has enough people with the specific skills to do a certain amount of work. There is a related process, Quota management, which defines the reverse relationship. OFSC Company Boundaries The area where your company performs customer service. Company boundaries are defined under Business Rules. Use the coordinates of the upper left corner 77 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Platform Acronym / term Definition and the lower right corner to define the area. OFSC Company Settings A screen in OFSC that contains many of the configuration settings. Companies may have different access levels to affect company settings. If you are unable to change your configuration settings, contact TOA support. OFSC Compliance Following the route as predicted by OFSC. A resource is in compliance if he or she starts the activity at the estimated arrival time, completes the activity at the estimated completion time, has minimal idle time, and does not detour from the calculated driving directions. OSvC CSR Customer Service Representative. A person who speaks with customers and sets activities. OFSC Customer-Facing Activity A task that must be performed at the customer’s home or business. Examples include installations, upgrades, and deliveries. See Activity for more information. OFSC Daily View A view that shows the calendar of a resource, group, or bucket for a whole week. This view is useful for making small changes to individual calendars in the current week. OFSC Delivery Window The time that OFSC estimates that the resource is expected to arrive at the customer’s home or business. The window includes a buffer to account for travel time and the potential for delay. This timeframe is shorter than the Service Window. OFSC Dispatcher A person who allocates activities and monitors the progress of activities and resources. OFSC Display A screen in OFSC that contains configuration settings used to control what properties and layout structures users can see within the forms of the interface. These settings also control the format of some information, for example, the first day of the week in calendar views. OFSC Equipment See Inventory. OFSC Estimation A term used in Capacity Management also referred to as "capacity estimation" which determines the number of man-minutes available for a particular time slot based on resource calendars. OFSC/OSvC ETA Estimated Time of Arrival The time that OFSC predicts that the resource will arrive at the customer’s location. ETA for pending activities is calculated dynamically from historical data. For completed activities, the ETA is the time when the resource actually arrives at the customer’s location. OFSC Field Property present in the system by default OFSC Filters A set of parameters used to reduce the results of a search. Filters are also used in routing plans to predefine the information that routing uses to distribute activities to resources. OFSC Forecasting New feature of OFSC allowing to forecast the company workload on the basis of historical data OFSC Glossary The configuration dictionary that maps default names, labels, and phrases used in the interface to the client’s preferred names, labels, and phrases. Note: Property names are managed in the Properties screen. OFSC GUI Graphical User Interface, allowing people to use software by manipulating images rather than by issuing text commands. OFSC Group A container in the Resource Tree used to sort and organize the other items in the Resource Tree. Groups are typically used to sort resources by location. Groups cannot own a route and you cannot assign activities to them. OFSC Hint A pop-up window that displays additional information about the activity or resource that you select. Hints also contain actions links that can take you directly to the action that you want to perform on the item. OFSC Historical data Data of the past periods available in the database or from other sources OFSC Holidays Screens in OFSC where you can define the dates that outgoing communications of notifications are blocked, due to customer unavailability on that date. OFSC Idle Time Any time that a resource spends not in transit or not working on an activity. 78 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Platform Acronym / term Definition OFSC Internal Activity A task that is not performed directly for the customer. Internal activities typically do not take place at the customer’s home or business. Examples include vehicle maintenance and company meetings. See Activity for more information. OFSC Inventory A list of items managed within OFSC and can include various inventory pools as well as serialized and non-serialized parts. See Inventory Pools, Trunk stock, Nonserialized Inventory , and Serialized Inventory for more information. OFSC Inventory Pools Items associated with a resource, typically Trunk stock, end customer, or warehouse. OFSC Jeopardy Situation A situation in which OFSC predicts that the activity will miss its promised service window. Predicted jeopardy situations are colored pink in the OFSC interface. OFSC List View A chronological list of the day’s activities for the selected resource, group or bucket. Activities are ordered by estimated start time. OFSC Login Policies A screen in OFSC that sets the requirements for logging in and for usernames and passwords. OFSC Manage The core module of OFSC. Includes all of the main functions including monitoring, routing, and reporting. OSvC Manual Duration OSvC Manual Duration Default OFSC Map View A view of the day’s activities for the selected resource, group, or bucket. This view displays the activities on a map. OFSC Mass Activity An activity involving 2 or more resources. OFSC Max Available The maximum capacity available by calendar on the selected day, time slot or capacity category OFSC Message Scenarios A set of rules that specifies how to process a message notification or transaction. Message Scenarios are launched by Notification Triggers. See Notification Triggers for more information. OFSC Min quota The minimum number of minutes to be allocated for booking of the activities belonging to the selected time slot (only on time slot and capacity category level). OFSC Mobility The user interface for OFSC that is accessed through a mobile device. Field service representatives typically use this interface. It is a separate module of OFSC. OFSC Non-Instantiated Activities All activities not part of quota management (for which no capacity category associated with work skills exists) OFSC Non-Scheduled Activity An activity that is not assigned to a specific date. OFSC Non-Serialized Inventory Inventory associated with a part that is generically defined within OFSC so that Trunk stock might be decremented based on required inventory associated with activities. (Note: Any part can be defined as "non-serialized inventory" even those parts with serial numbers on them. For example, a cable modem with a serial number can be "Non-serialized inventory" within OFSC so that Trunk stock inventory levels can be managed daily and associated with a route). See Serialized Inventory and Required Inventory for more information. OFSC Non-Working Reasons A calendar setting used when a resource is absent. Typical non-working reasons include illness, vacation and bereavement. OFSC Not Done Activity A status used to identify an activity that cannot be completed today. For activities that cannot be completed right away, but can be completed today. See Suspend for more information. OFSC Not Ordered activities Activities that do not have ETA. Resource, dispatcher or routing may define the order (for example command change order in mobile interface or edit activity command in web interface). OFSC Notification Message activity related information sent by OFSC to a customer, a resource, a dispatcher, or another system. Notification can be received through telephone, email or SMS. OFSC Notification Triggers Workflow events that invoke Message Scenarios when a particular internal event occurs. As a result, messages are delivered to customers. For example, if you use 79 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Platform Acronym / term Definition a post activity survey, you might have a notification trigger to launch the post activity survey message. In this case, when a customer-facing activity is completed, a Notification Trigger launches a Message Scenario that sends the post activity survey message to the customer. See Message Scenarios for more information. OFSC Ordered Activities Means that the order of execution is defined - resource, Smart Routing or dispatcher has already defined that this activity will be executed after another defined activity. In this case activity gets an estimated time of arrival and is classified as ordered. OFSC Other Activities All repeating, mass and shift activities, including those without instances, which are not part of Quota management OFSC PAS Post Activity Survey. A survey that you might send to your customer after the activity is completed to measure their satisfaction. OFSC Pending Activity An activity status used for activities that are scheduled but not yet started. OFSC Percent Quota Percent of the capacity that is available for booking. OFSC Percentage to Stop Booking The percentage of the used quota at which activities booking is to be stopped. OFSC Permissions A screen in OFSC where you can configure which features users can see and use. Permissions are applied to Profiles, not individual users. See Profiles for more information. OFSC Placeholder ID A number used to identify names, labels, and phrases used in the OFSC interface. Each name, label, and phrase has a unique number. OFSC Planning Company's estimation of the workforce or workload required at a certain moment. OFSC Profiles A screen in OFSC where you can configure groups of users. Those groups are then assigned Permissions to control which features they can see and use. See Permissions for more information. OFSC Properties A screen in OFSC where user interface fields are defined. You can specify details such as field length, field type, and valid values. OFSC Provider See Resource OFSC Quota A limitation set on the number of activities booked within a selected day, time slot or capacity category. OFSC Quota Management A process of defining the amount of work (per work skill and time slot) that a company should perform for a specific area (example: bucket) for a specific day. There is a related process, Capacity Management, which defines the reverse relationship. OFSC Quota Matrix Grid that displays Quota and Capacity information for a period of time defined by the user. Data can filter and displayed by day, time slots, or capacity categories. OFSC Regular Work Zone A region where a resource’s activities are typically located. OFSC Repeating Activity An activity recurring with a predefined frequency in a predefined period. OFSC Required Inventory When a particular resource's route includes activities associated with nonserialized inventory, OFSC can highlight where Trunk stock is insufficient. In the event that a resource's Truck stock is insufficient for a particular route, required inventory highlights the job and indicates which Non-serialized inventory components are missing. OFSC/OSvC Resource An element in the resource tree representing a defined company asset. A Resource is the OFSC entity representing someone (or something) which provides service on behalf of the company. OFSC Resource Calendars A view that displays the details about an individual resource’s schedule. This view is useful for making changes that involve more than one day or more than one resource. See Calendar and Daily View for more information. OFSC Resource Tree A hierarchical view of the organization’s resources, typically sorted by geographical region. It is displayed on the left side of the screen in Manage. OFSC Resource Types A set of characteristics that you can apply to a resource. Default Resource Types are Groups, Buckets, and Resources. See Group, Bucket, and Resource for more 80 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Platform Acronym / term Definition information. If you want to change the Resource Types that you use in OFSC, contact TOA support. OFSC Route A list of activities assigned to a resource for a specific date, or a list of nonscheduled activities assigned to a resource. OFSC Route by Inventory A concept within OFSC that limits routing options based on each resource's trunk stock and those activities associated with non-serialized inventory. OFSC Routing The act of assigning activities to resources. OFSC routes activities to resources using a sophisticated algorithm that considers a number of factors including OFSC calendars, work zones, and work skills. OFSC Routing Plans Provides the rules that OFSC uses to route activities to resources. Routing plans work together with the other OFSC components to apply your business goals and strategies to the routing process. OFSC Routing Profiles Containers that hold routing plans. Routing Profiles can be assigned to buckets. You can use Routing Profiles to assign several routing plans at once. OFSC Scheduled Activity An activity that is assigned to a particular day and a particular time slot. OFSC Scheduled, Not Ordered Activity An activity that is assigned to a particular day, but is not assigned to a particular time slot. OFSC Serialized Inventory Inventory parts that are unique and cannot be decremented based on a route's activities. See also: Non-serialized inventory, Required inventory. OFSC Service Level Agreement The time window that the activity must be completed in. This window is promised to the customer. OFSC Service Window The time window that the activity must be started in. This window is promised to the customer. This time frame is longer than the Delivery Window. OFSC Shifts Patterns of working time. You can create separate shifts for each of the different working time patterns within your organization. OSvC SLA Service Level Agreement. A contract-based definition between a service provider and customer that articulates service response time. SLA contract terms can vary significantly and are related to the entitlements a customer has with regard to “initial response”, on-site presence, resolution, etc and may be contractually associated with customer name, address, or to a specific asset. The customer may also have “available hours” when service can be provided so a “24-hour SLA” may only have 8 “available hours” for a service representative to be on-site. OFSC SmartCollaboration A separate module for OFSC that provides a real-time, context-aware collaboration tool for all OFSC users. A user can, for example, locate nearby, working resource and share details about a resource, activity, or inventory item. Also, Smart Collaboration supports a confirm-receipt process for moving an activities or inventory which is always valuable but even more so when resources are in remote locations and potentially off line. OFSC SmartLocation Smart Location uses geo-location information to display a resource’s actual location on a map in real time. In addition, the feature can compare the resource’s actual route to the projected route within OFSC. Resource location can be derived either from a vehicle-installed GPS device communicating via API to OFSC and / or through a GPS-enabled mobile phone with an open HTML5 browser. OFSC Statistical Parameters A screen in OFSC where you can configure the elements used when collecting and analyzing statistics. OFSC uses statistical data on actual activity and travel duration to calculate estimated time of arrival and delivery window. Additionally, Routing uses the statistics to assign activities to resources in the most effective manner. OFSC/OSvC Status A term with specific and different meanings depending on the OFSC module used. l Capacity and Quota management status refers to a specific work zone and whether it is open or closed. l Smart Manage and Smart Mobility, the term "activity status" (but sometimes shortened to "status") refers to whether a routed job is pending, started, completed, not done, suspended, canceled, or deleted. See also: Activity Status for more information. 81 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Platform Acronym / term Definition OFSC Suspend An activity status that allows an activity to be postponed if the work cannot be completed right away. Suspend allows the activity to be completed at a later time during the day. For activities that cannot be completed in the same day. See Not Done Activities for more information. OFSC Team Leader In a Teamwork activity, the resource who is being assisted. In the Resource Tree, the arrow points to the Team Leader. See Teamwork on page 70 and Assistant for more information. OFSC Teamwork An activity that is performed by two resources. One resource is the Team Leader and the other resource is the Assistant. See Team Leader and Assistant for more information. OFSC Technician A resource that performs technical services on behalf of the company. OFSC/OSvC Time Slots Intervals that define when an activity has to be started; this time is typically agreed to between the customer and client. l A fixed service window defined with a name and label, specifying when certain types of activities can be performed. l Service Window (if the activity type does not support time slots) OFSC Time View A view of the day’s activities for the selected resource, group or bucket on a Gantt table. Activities are displayed on timelines, with each activity as a block of time. OFSC Travel Areas Define the maximum allowed travel territory for a company. OFSC Trigger Code that executes before or after specific data manipulation. OFSC Truck A default Resource Type. See Resource Type for more information. OFSC Trunk Stock Inventory carried in a vehicle. See Inventory pools) for more information. OFSC Unscheduled Activity An activity that could take more than one day to complete. OFSC Used A term in Capacity and Quota management representing the duration of all activities booked for the selected day, time slot or capacity category. OFSC Used Quota Percentage The percentage of the quota used by the booked activities. OFSC User A person who uses OFSC, or an entity used for authentication and authorization, allowing people or external software to access OFSC. OFSC Visit A group of activities that are all performed at the same location on the same day. OFSC Web Services Description Language WSDL, an XML-based interface description language that is used for describing the functionality offered by a web service. A WSDL description of a web service (also referred to as a WSDL file) provides a machine-readable description of how the service can be called, what parameters it expects, and what data structures it returns. OSvC Customer Portal (CP) Service Cloud Customer Portal is a framework for building the end user pages on your Service Cloud site. OSvC CP Widget A widget is an encapsulated part of a page within the OSvC Customer Portal that serves a specific purpose. Within CP, pages are made up of several widgets (e.g., navigation, search, reports, etc.) OSvC Connect Web Services for SOAP (CWSS) A SOAP 1.1 compatible API based on the Connect Common Object Model. or_SOAP_February_2011/Default.htm OSvC Connect PHP (CPHP) A PHP API based on the Connect Common Object Model. This can only be used from PHP code running on a RN server. OSvC Managed API A managed API will be backward compatible and provide “like-for-like” functionality when upgrading. Some examples of managed APIs are APIs built on CCOM (CWSS, CPHP, etc), Desktop Add-In Framework, and Customer Portal. OSvC Add-In Framework Service Cloud Desktop Add-in Framework is a framework for creating components which can interact with the Service Cloud desktop application. These components are built in .Net and can interact in various locations within the application including workspaces, dashboards and the navigation set. 82 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Platform Acronym / term Definition Documentation: OSvC OSvC Site A “site” is a collection of interfaces that have shared data (most commonly answers). A site has ONE database that the interfaces share. The version of Service Cloud CX being used is tied to the site, so all interfaces on the site will be running the same version of Service Cloud CX. OSvC Custom Business Objects (CBO) The ability to create “custom business objects” was added in the November 2011 release of RN CX. This feature provides the ability to create custom objects in the RN CX system. These objects are fully integrated into RN CX. They are available via the Connect Web Services (CWS) This replaces custom tables, custom schema, and custom APIs to interact with the custom tables. Custom tables should not be used. If a situation arises where they are required, an exception from the ARC (Architecture Review Committee) will be required. Documentation: OSvC Work Order The OSvC entity that represents the information about the order received by the Client from the Customer. OSvC Work Order Override Request Function that allows one profile (example: CSR) to only schedule a Work Order against time slots that are green or yellow color (color based on JSON file settings) while another profile (example: Manager) can schedule for time slots that are green, yellow and red color. OSvC Work Order Override Assigned To Provides a profile without override privileges the ability to search for an assign a user with appropriate privileges the task of scheduling an appointment for a date and time slot that is already “red”. Note: any user with appropriate privileges can perform an override and it does not need to be the one person to whom the override is assigned. OSvC Work Order Area Location where a Work Order is to take place as defined by zip codes and configuration within OFSC, OSvC Work Order Status One of seven different attributes assigned to a Work Order: » » » » » » pending started completed suspended not done canceled OSvC Work Order Asset Customer owned products associated with a specific Work Order. OSvC Work Order Duration Either an estimate for the amount of time a Work Order will take or an actual amount of time a Work Order did take. OSvC Work Order Resolution Due When Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are associated with Work Orders, this OSvC capability (only available in OSvC 15.2 or later) provides OFSC a time for when the work must be completed. OSvC Work Order Cancel Reason When an OSvC user no longer requires a Work Order to be performed, the Work Order can be removed from the OFSC bucket (except for a placeholder artifact that is left for reference). When the event occurs, a documented rationale (or reason) is required. OSvC Work Order Reschedule Reason When an OSvC user wishes to change the time of a Work Order, a documented rationale (or reason) is required. OSvC Work Order Date Day of the month when a Work Order is scheduled (does NOT include time slot). OSvC Work Order Time Slot Intervals that define when a Work Order must be started; this time is typically agreed to between the customer and client and can vary depending on Work Order Type. OSvC Work Order Contact An individual (commonly 18 years old or older) for whom the Work Order is scheduled. Typically, this individual has attributes that include phone number(s), address, and email. OSvC Work Order Contact Email The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address for a contact associated with a Work Order. 83 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Acronym / term Definition OSvC Platform Work Order Contact Phone A number assigned to a contact that is used to call that person (assumption is that this is a land-line device). OSvC Work Order Contact Mobile Phone A number assigned to a contact that is used to call that person (assumption is that this is a mobile device). OSvC Work Order Contact Street The location details (including house number) for a contact associated with the lowest location level of location specificity (ex: “138 Elm Court”). OSvC Work Order Contact City An area that has a name and defined boundaries, within which a Work Order Contact resides (or where the activity will take place) OSvC Work Order Contact Province/State The administrative division with defined boundaries and a higher level of location specificity than either City or Street within which a Work Order’s activity will occur. OSvC Work Order Contact Postal Code A state-assigned numeric code that defines a geographic area (sometimes called zip code, postal code, pincode, etc). OSvC Work Order Delivery Window Start The earliest time by which the activity on a Work Order is estimated to start. OSvC Work Order Delivery Window End The latest time by which the activity on a Work Order is estimated to start. OSvC Work Order External ID A unique reference (key) value generated by OFSC specific to an activity. OSvC Work Order Booked Time The estimated amount of time that a Work Order should take (including activity and driving time) associated with a Work Order and removed from OFSC “available quota” calculations. OSvC Work Order Incident A one-to-many parent structure for a Work Order. OSvC Work Order Case Note A field that moves one direction (from OSvC to OFSC) that provides information about a Work Order to users of OFSC. OSvC Work Order Field Service Note A field that moves one direction (from OFSC to OSvC) that provides information about a Work Order to users of OSvC. OSVC Work Order Reminder Time The amount of time before a mobile resource arrives to an end-customer’s site that a predictive notification should be sent. OSvC Work Order Type A customer configuration specific attribute which is associated with skills and other specifics within OFSC. OSvC WO_Type_Code Unique identifier (key) attribute associated with an activity in OFSC. OSvC Work Order Type Inventory Trunk stock asset requirements associated with a specific type of work. OFSC Work Schedules Work schedules are templates made up of a combination of shifts and nonworking times. When grouped as a work schedule, these shifts and non-working times can be applied all at once to a bucket or to an individual resource. To change, add, or remove Work Schedules, contact TOA support. OFSC Work Skill Work skills are sets of skills or competencies that resources are qualified to perform. Companies may have different access levels to affect Work Skills. If you are unable to change, add, or remove Work Skills, contact TOA support. OFSC Work Skill Conditions The data that OFSC uses to assign work skills to activities. OFSC Work Skill Levels OFSC matches resources to activities through shared work skills and work skill levels. As a result, the way you configure work skills and work skill levels has a direct impact on the matches that OFSC creates between resources and activities. l An activity that a resource is qualified to perform (resource property) l The qualification required to perform an activity (activity property) OFSC Work Zone The defined geographical area in which a resource can perform an activity. OFSC Work Zone Dictionary A screen in OFSC where Work Zones are defined. The Work Zone Dictionary lists all defined work zones and their associated keys. To add, change, or remove work zones, contact TOA support. OSvC Work Order The OSvC entity that represents the information about the order received by the Client from the Customer. OSvC Work Order Override Function that allows one profile (example: CSR) to only schedule a Work Order against time slots that are green or yellow color (color based on JSON file 84 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Platform Acronym / term Definition Request settings) while another profile (example: Manager) can schedule for time slots that are green, yellow and red color. OSvC Work Order Override Assigned To Provides a profile without override privileges the ability to search for an assign a user with appropriate privileges the task of scheduling an appointment for a date and time slot that is already “red”. Note: any user with appropriate privileges can perform an override and it does not need to be the one person to whom the override is assigned. OSvC Work Order Area Location where a Work Order is to take place as defined by zip codes and configuration within OFSC, OSvC Work Order Status One of seven different attributes assigned to a Work Order: pending started completed suspended not done canceled OSvC Work Order Asset Customer owned products associated with a specific Work Order. 85 | ORACLE SERVICE CLOUD/FIELD SERVICE CLOUD REFERENCE INTEGRATION IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE V1.0 Oracle Corporation, World Headquarters Worldwide Inquiries 500 Oracle Parkway Phone: +1.650.506.7000 Redwood Shores, CA 94065, USA Fax: +1.650.506.7200 CONNECT W ITH US Copyright © 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only, and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to any other warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or implied in law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.0115 White Paper Title January 2015 Author: [OPTIONAL] Contributing Authors: [OPTIONAL]