NYBMA 9_2012_Final_Bulletin sep
NYBMA 9_2012_Final_Bulletin sep
VOL. 92 SEPTEMBER 13th, 2012 NO. 7 Thursday, SEPTEMBER 13, 2012 The Old Castle Pub 160 West 54th Street – 2nd Floor educational seminar BioFuels and Local Law 43 by Robert Leavy, Metro Energy Group, LLC 6 PM Dinner • 7:30 PM Meeting Members & Associates: $30 • Guests: $50 Price includes three hour open bar during meeting from 6:30 - 9:30 pm No Exemptions from Payment • Order of Dress is Jacket & Tie September 2012 The Bulletin Associate Member Associate Member Plumbing & Heating Company I N C O R P O R AT E D E S TABLI S H E D 1 9 1 4 P H ILI P K R AU S – LI C EN S E D P LUMBE R # 6 2 0 – F I R E S U P P R E S S ION LI C EN S E # 0 2 6 9 B Plumbing • Heating • HVAC • High Pressure Steam Drain Cleaning • Fire Suppression • Pump Repair Roof Tank Cleaning • Water Purification • Private Repairs Serving Manhattan’s luxury coop and condo communities 1674 First Avenue, New York, NY 10128 Tel: 212-744-1300 • Fax: 212-249-3420 The Bulletin NYBMA The Bulletin 2013 ASSOCIATE MEMBERS A monthly bulletin devoted to the business and social activities of the New York Building Manager’s Association BULLETIN COMMITTEE Izzy Betancourt, Bulletin Chairman (212) 675-4003 Send all communications to: 410 West 24th Street, New York, NY 10011 The New York Building Managers’ Association reserves the absolute right, in its sole discretion, to accept or decline requests or submissions for advertising or other copy in its Bulletin or in any associated publication. Any opinions expressed here are those of the writers and not necessarily those of the New York Building Managers’ Association or its agents Jose Rodriguez, President 123 West 93rd Street, New York, NY 10025 • 212-662-5977 Garry Farrell.................... Vice-President James Grosberger.........Financial Sec. Curt Burgeest..........................Treasurer Chris Hayes..........................Secretary 88 Leonard Street, New York, NY 10013 • 212-343-1519 470 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 • 212-813-1847 825 West End Ave., New York, NY 10025 • 212-666-4490 403 East 62nd St, New York, NY 10065 • 212-752-1070 BOARD OF DIRECTORS James Higgins Scott Casazza William Waldren Peter J. McGoey George M. Beibel Mark Roytman Joseph A. McGowan Michael G. Leahy Joseph Pino Thomas Riordan Edward Dietz Claudio Dallafiora Patrick Geoghegan Stanley Jawor Patrick Ryan Matthew Kells Ted Connolly Elected Members of the Board Zef Smajlaj Felix Pagan Sham Hosein Brian Moore Terms Ending 2015 Gus Nascimento Terms Ending 2014 Barry Riordan Larry Williams Terms Ending 2013 Gary Farrell Conall Tompkins Irwin Berger Robert Horstmann Margaret Bever Philip Kraus Jerry Blumberg Phillip Levine James S. Bode James Mazzo Lucille Consorti Mickey McCreesh Joseph A. Dee Brian McLaughlin Aiden Devaney Joseph J. Montalto Eddie Dowling Michael Narcisco Neal Geffner Greg Quattlander Andrew Giaccomazza Andy Rosenwach Larry Greenberg Eddie Scott, Jerry Brown George Hannon Vincent Tolins David Hochhauser Michael Weiss Magic Clean Co. Lucidity Signage Systems Kew Forest Maintenance Supply JBF Installations OFFICERS Tom Smajlaj Niall Cremin Veteran Pipe Covering JAD Bags Corp. Starcel Waterproofing Corp. The Padded Wagon Abbey Locksmiths Inc. Kenny Building Services Pearlgreen Corporation A C Klem Isseks Bros., Inc. John O’Mahoney Bill Murphy The Bulletin September 2012 Marlande Heating Co. Fred Smith Plumbing Major Air Service Corp. Leardon Boilers Duce Construction The Securecom Group, LTD Tri-State Supply Dun-Rite Movers, Inc. New York Plumbing Rosenwach Tank Co. Sullivan Floor Service Pro-Tech Plumbing & Heating Co. Response Electric, Inc. Visit your website: nybma.org The Bulletin NYBMA Minutes Of the New York Building Managers’ Inc. Annual Night Meeting held at the Old Castle Pub The President’s Message for September 2012 My Fellow Members, Associate Members and Friends: Hope everyone had a safe and an enjoyable summer with families and friends. As your new president I am looking forward to a new and fresh start with all our members, associate members, friends and supporters. It is time to move our association and membership forward to the next level. To achieve this our memebrs need to work together, get more involved in what we do and learn what our association is all about, and what it has to offer. I call upon our members to join a committee get to know our association from the inside out, meet our associate members up close. We joined the NYBMA for a good reason, because of its diversity, to be involved in the building industry, to learn from our senior members, etcetera, etcetera, and etcetera. The new NYBMA dais awaits our members’ new members and senior members alike to come and join our committees. I would like to thank and congratulate my dais and the new members of the board of directors on their election, and for getting involved with our association. We look forward to working together for the coming year and making the NYBMA stronger and better The Bulletin September 2012 June 14th, 2012 A regular meeting was held at the Old Castle Pub located at 160 West 54th Street. President Higgins opened the meeting at 7:32 PM. Sham Hosein led the invocation. Francis McLaughlin led the Pledge of Allegiance. President Higgins welcomed past Presidents Scott Casazza, PP Mark Roytman and PP Eddie Deitz. Life members Jim Grossberger, L/M Marvin Diaz, Francis McLaughlin, President of the Manhattan Building Managers, and Frieda Deitz from NYARM. Associate members Mickey McCreesh of Duce Construction, associate member Andrew Giacomazza of Kenny Building Services, Angel of SecureCom Group, Ken Nadal of Pearlgreen and Associate member James Bode of JBF Installations. Various guests were also welcomed. May Minutes President Higgins asked Secretary Smajlaj to read the regular meeting minutes from May. A motion to approve the reading of the May regular meeting minutes by Miguel Norat and seconded by Eddie Deitz. The NYBMA annual golf outing was held on Thursday, August 9, 2012 at Dykers Beach Golf Course in Brooklyn. It was a great outing, weather was great, we had an enjoyable time with members and friends. I want to say thank you to all our associate members, and our vendors that supported our 2012 golf outing. Congratulations to NYBMA Member Robert Andrezjewski on winning the John Flanagan Perpetual Trophy. Thank you to Golf Chairman Chris Hayes, Ticket Chairman PP Scott Casazza, and German Negron for the great job setting up everything at Dykers Beach. Thank you and job well done to all involved. Order of dress to all meeting is jacket and tie. All guest must be approved by the President to attend our meeting. Visit us on the Web at www.nybma.org. Looking forward to seeing you at the September 13th meeting. Fraternally yours, Jose Rodriguez, President, NYBMA The Bulletin NYBMA Good News, Sickness & Distress President Higgins asked Vice President Rodriguez for a report. Chris Panzarella of JAD Corporation, his son was recently hospitalized. Vice President Rodriguez also wished to congratulate all of this year’s graduates, including his daughter, Ashley Rodriguez on her Graduation from the Art Institute of New York The membership voted on Adnan and Ferenc’s membership. A motion to approve Adnan and Ferenc for membership by Miguel Norat and seconded by Felix Pagan. The present membership welcomed them into the NYBMA. They will both be sworn in at September’s regular meeting. Bulletin & Website Report Membership President Higgins asked Vice President Rodriguez for a membership report. Adnan Lekic and Ferenc Bever attended their third meeting. Michael Gartner, Kevin Patrick Meegan and Vincent Gartner missed this meeting. Izzy Betancourt made it known that the NYBMA has a Facebook presence. He asked members to “Like” us as it increases our search engine rating for our website. He also made it known that Andrew Giacomazza of Kenny Building Services was in charge of our Facebook postings. September 2012 Old Business Past President Casazza asked if the matter regarding membership dues was rectified satisfactorily between President Higgins, Vice President Rodriguez and Financial Secretary Negron. President Higgins reported that the members and life members in question were notified via certified mail, return receipt requested. New Business President Higgins announced the new dais would be sworn in. He thanked the membership for their sustained support for the past 2 years and congratulated the impending dais members. The Bulletin Past President Casazza swore in Christopher Hayes as Secretary, Jim Grosberger as Financial Secretary, Curt Burgeest as Treasurer, Gary Farrell as Vice President and Jose Rodriguez as President. Past President Casazza also swore in Zef Smajlaj, Gus Nascimento and Tom Smajlaj as members of the board. Newly sworn in President Rodriguez wished to thank all for bestowing the honor of the Presidency on him. He also expressed looking forward to the future of the NYBMA and building a stronger Association amongst the members. He also wanted to remind the membership for their continued support of the Associate Members. Associate Member CORPORATION OF AMERICA BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES Joseph A. Dussich, Jr. Account Executive 1-800-523-2247, ext. 132 • 718-762-8900 • Fax: 718-463-8190 e-mail: jdussich@jad.com 20-48 119th Street, College Point, NY 11356-2123 Outgoing NYBMA President James Higgins “passes the baton” to incoming President Jose Rodriguez as members of the new dais look on. The Bulletin NYBMA September 2012 The Bulletin 50/50 President Rodriguez asked Frieda from NYARM to draw a ticket for a pair of Yankee tickets donated by Horizon. Also, a pair of Yankee tickets was offered by Duce Construction. There was also drawings for the 50/50 and the year end prizes for two hundred fifty dollars, five hundred dollars and one thousand dollars, respectively. Congratulations to the winners! MEMBERS ALERT A motion to close the meeting by Miguel Norat, seconded by Zef Smajlaj. The meeting was closed at 8:14PM monthly meeting. Nominations for Board of Directors will take place at the September 13th It is with much regret and deep sorrow that we inform you of the passing of our good friend and long time Associate Member Irwin Berger, of Magic Carpet Services. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends in this time of sorrow. Please plan to attend. Respectfully yours, Thank you. Tom Smajlaj Tom Smajlaj Secretary, NYBMA ---Ê,"-°]Ê ° Associate Member !SSOCIATE-EMBER 7> Ì i À /> à ӣӮÊÓÈÇÓÈnn 10 11 The Bulletin NYBMA The Bulletin September 2012 • SANITARY MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES • CLEANING CHEMICALS • FLOOR & CARPET CLEANING EQUIPMENT • HARDWARE • PLUMBING • ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES • GREEN CLEANING SUPPLIES • JANITORIAL SUPPLIES • PAPER PRODUCTS • PAPER TOWELS • PLASTIC BAGS • MARBLE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT • TWO WAY COMMUNICATIONS JERRY BLUMBERG Associate Member 59-16 BROADWAY • WOODSIDE, NY 11377 Incoming NYBMA President Jose Rodriguez Jr at center poses for the camera with others at the NYBMA annual outing held once again at Dykers Beach GC in Brooklyn.  877-KEWFOREST • Tel: 718-205-5300 • Fax: 718-205-3459 www.kewforest.com 2ESPONSE%LECTRIC)NC Associate Member !SSOCIATE-EMBER WHEREQUALITYDOESNTCOSTITPAYS 3INCEWEHAVEBEENCOMMITTEDTOTHEHIGHESTLEVELOFCUSTOMERSATISFACTION /UR HIGH STANDARDS AND KNOWLEDGE OF ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND CONTROLSAREUNRIVALEDBYOURCOMPETITION 7E ARE AVAILABLE HOURS FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE OR JUST A QUESTION /UR HIGHLY TRAINEDTECHNICIANSWILLREPAIRYOURSINGLEOUTLETREWIREYOURHEATINGCOOLINGAND PUMPINGSYSTEMSORINSTALLANENTIREELECTRICALSERVICE $ATACOMCOMPUTERWIRINGAND)NFRAREDSERVICESAVAILABLE 12 Golfers enjoying coffee after dinner on what’s become a tremendous NYBMA fundraiser. 13 The Bulletin NYBMA The Bulletin September 2012 ABR Plumbing & Heating Contractors 24 Hour 7 Days a Week Emergency Service Full Stocked Radio Dispatched Trucks 212-989-5900 Thomas Scorcia Director of Operations Robert Brofsky NYC Master Plumber Sean Carlson Operations Manager .%79/2+2%0,!#%-%.4 0!243#/20 /&&)#%7!2%(/53% 3CHOOL3TREET 9ONKERS.9 &AX Chairman Hayes (left) with this year’s John Flanagan Perpetual Trophy winner Mr. Robert Andrzejewski, flanked by German Negron. 14 3(/72//,EXINGTON!VENUE .EW9ORK.9 ,EXINGTON!VENUE .EW9ORK.9 &AX 6)3)4/527%"3)4%WWWNYRPCOM WWW.NYRPCORP.COM 15 The Bulletin NYBMA The Bulletin September 2012 4HE"ULLETIN N.Y.B.M.A. INSURANCE CORNER *1 Ê Ê/ ÊÊÊÊIÊÊÊÊ**Ê Ê, Ê Ê-* -/*°"°Ê"8ÊnÎänÊ°° °]Ê °9°Ê£££ä£ Ó{Ê"1,Ê, 9Ê-,6 Associate Member ,"Ê-*/ Ê/,1 0(/.% &!8 If you have not updated your insurance information please pick up a form from Treasurer Curt Burgeest. Curt can be reached at (212) 813-1847. Advantage Plumbing 24 hours Emergency Service 34-29 37th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101 If you have questions regarding the life insurance or the disability insurance or what benefits to which you are entitled, please contact Insurance Agent, Paul Fogarty at (718) 706-8537. License # 1286 • 718-491-1010 • Associate Member Ronald C. Pescatore American Pipe and Tank Lining Company c/o Steven Silver 11-42 46th Road, LIC, NY 11101 Phone: 212.736.6618 www.americanpipeandtank.com 3!,%33%26)#% !.4,%2 %,%#42)#-/4/23%26)#%#/).# 4HE"ULLETIN *%&&2%9$2%)&53 3%#/.$!6%.5% .%79/2+.9 &!8 %,%#42)#-/4/237!4%205-03&!.3",/7%23 !.$!)2#/-02%33/23 %34 %-%2'%.#93%26)#%"%%0%23 ,)#"9.9#&$4%34!)2#/-02%33/22%#%)6%23s !0%85.)&/2-3).# !0%85.)&/2-3).# A & L Cesspool Service Corporation A Lot for Less Sewer Ejectors and Sump Pump Tanks Cleaned Grease Traps Cleaned, Video-Camera Inspections Catch Basins, Dry Wells - Pumped and Cleaned High Velocity Jet Rodding - Sewer Lines - We Pick Up Cooking Oil 718-729-3018 (TEL) • 718-729-5799 (FAX) 9ÊÊ" -/-ÊÊ ° !SSOCIATE-EMBER Associate Member SERVING ALL MANHATTAN EAST SIDE • WEST SIDE • UPTOWN • DOWNTOWN ALL WORK GUARANTEED • LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED 535-2289 24 HR. EMERGENCY SERVICE CALL (212) LE 5-2289 1558 SECOND AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10028 ABR PLUMBING & HEATING CONTRACTORS 24 hours/7 days a week Emergency Service Full Stocked Radio Dispatched Trucks • 212-989-5900 Robert Brofsky NYC Master Plumber Sean Carlson Operations Manager • Thomas Scorcia Director of Operations 16 h1UALITY#OMBINEDWITH3ERVICEv ,!229!"2!-3 "OULEVARD 181 Boulevard, Suite 1A (ASBROUCK(EIGHTS.* Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604 Associate Member 4EL 4EL &AX EMAILAPEXUNI AOLCOM 1733 Beechwood Avenue New Rochelle, NY 10801 Email: rblaser@atlasboilerrepair.com Richard Blaser, PE, President Phone: 718-293-3300 • Fax: 914-636-1300 Specialists in hoisting furniture, pianos, and oversized pieces to unlimited heights. Storage – Packing – Crating 1721 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10035 • Phone: 212-427-7800 • Fax: 212-996-8298 www.auersmoving.com • email: info@auersmoving.com 17 4RUCKS2ADIO%QUIPPED ($ -AINTENANCE#OMPANY)NC &INE)NTERIOR2ESTORATION 0HONE&AX 4HE"ULLETIN %.').%%2).').34!,,!4)/.AND 3%26)#%FOR!,,490%3OF !)2#/.$)4)/.).' AND2%&2)'%2!4)/. WWWHAMILTONAIRCOM #)497)$%7).$/7#,%!.).' Fuel Oil • Natural Gas • Electricity • Demand Response • Green Energy #/--%2#)!,s2%3)$%.4)!, PO Box 21865 (ILLSIDE!VENUE -ICHAEL(OSZOWSKI Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-1865 2ICHMOND(ILL.EW9ORK $5.2)4%30%#)!,):%$#!22)%23,,# 4EL E !SSOCIATE-EMBER Associate Member %LGOT One Hess Plaza Woodbridge, NJ 07095 emorse@hess.com EDWARD C. MORSE Executive Account Manager Energy Marketing www.hessenergy.com Office: 201.313.7996 732.750.6325 Cell: 908.510.0049 Fax: 201.313.2470 Edward W. Beagan / ebeagan@ieusa.com 55 West 39th Street, Suite 805, New York, NY 10018 T.212.575.7687 EXT.102 / F.212.575.7949 / C.201.394.5052 After Hours Service 800.289.4726 CCTV • Security • Card Access • Communication +)4#(%.!.$"!4(2//-$%3)'.!.$).34!,,!4)/. !)2#/.$)4)/.%23 s4HRU7ALLs7INDOW5NITS HESS CORPORATION &AX (OISTINGAND2IGGING 0IANO-OVINGAND3TORAGE 3OUTHERN"LVD"RONX.9 4HE"ULLETIN 7ESTTH3TREET.EW9ORK.9 -!*/2!00,)!.#%3 ,EXINGTON!VENUE.EW9ORK.93ALES 3ERVICE %8#%,3ECURITY#ORP !SSOCIATE-EMBER %IGHTH!VENUETH&LOOR .EW9ORK.EW9ORK 0HONE &AX .EAL'ARELIK0RESIDENT MEMBERS ALERT Should you move, please update your mailing address and other contact information. Call Jose Rodriguez at 212-662-5977. The Bulletin NYBMA See you at the the September 13th meeting The Bulletin September 2012 MARLANDE HEATING CORPORATION 700 East 133 Street 718-993-4350 FAX # 718-402-3481 Bronx, NY 10454 %FFICIENT%NERGY-ANAGEMENT3YSTEMSs(EAT4IMER®)NSTALLATIONS3ERVICE "OILER"URNER)NSTALLATIONSs$!24RIENNIAL2ENEWALSs,OCAL,AW#OMPLIANCE /VERHAULS6ACUUM#LEANINGS Associate Member !SSOCIATE-EMBER !,-)#()43#(s"/"(/234-!.. Licensed Installers Associate Member Architectural Aluminum Architectural Aluminum Windows & Doors •3M Authorized Dealer/Installer 3M Authorized Windows & Doors Specializing in Window & Door Repairs/Installations • All Types of Glass Replacements Dealer/Installer Security and Solar Custom Storefronts • Safety & Security Window Films • Solar Control & Anti-Graffiti Window Films Protection Films James S. Bode, President • Tel: 631-587-5381 • Fax: 631-587-1281 Associate Member 4HE"ULLETIN Ó£Ó®ÊnÇÓ{ÎÈÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ>ÝÊÇ£n®Ênn£ÎÇ{ .OLAN4REANOR&LOORING Sales • Service • Installation Serving the Greater NY area since 1982 330 West Associate Member Specializing Giacomazza, in Window & Door Repairs / Installations Andrew Executive VP All Types of Glass Replacements • Custom Storefronts 38th Safety Street., New York 10018 • Tel: 212.290.2552 • Fax: & Security Window Films • Solar Control & Anti-Graffiti Window Films212.290.1116 *iÌiÀÊ/Ài>ÀÊÊ James S. Bode, President • Tel: 631-587-5381 • Fax: 631-587-1281 4HE"ULLETIN !SSOCIATE-EMBER Associate Member &AX %ASTTH3TREET.EW9ORK.9 !SSOCIATE-EMBER vÀÃÊLÞ Associate Member >}VÊ >À«iÌÊ-iÀÛVi )RWIN"ERGER (212) 619-2002 “Specialists in the Fine Art of Moving” Associate Member The in: Fine Arts & Antiques • Local, Long Distance & Padded Specializing International Service • Commercial Moves & Mechanical Installations Wagon® Packing, Crating & Art Hanging Service Since 1953 All Carpet Expertly Repaired Entrance & Walk Off Mats >À`Ü`ÊÊÀÃÊÊÃÌ>i`ÊÊ>`ÊÊ,i«>Ài` i>V }ÊÊUÊÊ-Ì>}ÊÊUÊÊÊ À 7>Ý}ÊÊUÊÊ-VÀ>«}ÊÊUÊÊ,ivà } ÊÊÈäxnÊÈÌ Ê>iÊÊ ÊÊ>ëiÌ ]Ê 9Ê££ÎÇn 24 Hour Service, 7 Days a Week • (212) 222-4880 /&&)#% &AX02%34)'%,!"/2!4/2)%3).# 30%#)!,49#(%-)#!,3&!34%.%234//,3 ).$5342)!,3500,)%3 Residential/Corridor/Lobby/Carpet Cleaning Oriental & Area Rugs Cleaned in Our Own Plant /!+342%%4%!34254(%2&/2$.* !SSOCIATE-EMBER Associate Member -AJOR!IR3ERVICE#ORP 0HILLIP,EVINE !SSOCIATE-EMBER Associate Member 3%26).'4(%).#2%-%.4!,4(254(%7!,, &AX !#!.$&!.#/),).$534293).#% TH!VENUE %LMHURST.93%26)#%#/.42!#43s3!,%3s2%0!)23 %LMHURST.93%26)#%#/.42!#43s3!,%3s2%0!)23 0LUMBINGAND(EATING#ORP 0HONE WWWPROTECHPLBGCOM &AX -!.(!44!.3(!$%',!33#/).# 6ENETIAN"LINDS'LASS7INDOW3HADES "UTTERFIELD 20 4HIRD!VENUENEARTH3TREET.EW9ORK.9 MEMBERS ALERT Should you move, please update your mailing address and other contact information. Call Jose Rodriguez at 212-662-5977. 21 The Bulletin NYBMA Associate Member Our Skill and Strength Turn Fire into Power! The SecureCom Group, Ltd. Security / Fire Systems, Intercoms CCTV and Electrical Services Brian McLaughlin President Tel: (718) 353-3355 • Fax: (718) 353-2243 "OONE!VENUE"RONX.9 &AX 34!2#%, 7ATERPROOFING2ESTORATION#ORP All Types of Wood Floor Installations & Repairs • Commercial & Residential Contact us today for a Free Estimate Hard wood Flooring Members National Wood Flooring Association New York Building Manager Association, Inc. 1455 Cromwell Ave, Bronx, NY 10452 Tele: (212) 353-3490 • Fax: (212) 987-1071 • sullivanfloors@verizon.net Associate Member Associate Member 556 South Fulton Avenue Mount Vernon, NY 10550 914-665-3500 INSIST ON THE GENUINE ARTICLE !SSOCIATE-EMBER Associate Member 6ETERAN0IPECOVERING#O)NC )NSULATION &OR2OOF4ANK0IPING"OILERS0IPING$UCTS#ONDENSATION#ONTROL 7EATHERPROOFINGANDFROSTPROOFINGOFINSULATEDPIPINGANDEQUIPMENT 2EINSULATION #ONTRACTORS %!344(342%%4s.%79/2+.9 !SSOCIATE-EMBER 4%,%0(/.%53!4&/2&2%%%34)-!4% Associate Member The Bulletin September 2012 Attention: BOARD DIRECTORS! BUILDING MANAGERS! When you bought an Industrial Combustion burner, you insisted on getting the best burner on the market - and you did. To keep your IC burner operating like new and at peak performance you should insist on genuine Industrial Combustion Parts. While there are “non-genuine” or imitation aftermarket parts on the market intended to service your IC burner, how can you be certain these impostors provide the best operation and maintain the highest integrity of burner and boiler systems? The answer to that question is...you cannot be certain. Most assuredly, these imitations components have not been built to the same timetested and precise OEM specifications of factory authorized and genuine Industrial Combustion components. Imitation parts can actually cause a loss of burner performance, lower combustion efficiencies, decreased burner and boiler reliability and up-times, and can ultimately increase overall fuel consumption. Wymbs Inc / HEV-E-Oil Burner Distributors is the only authorized distributor of Industrial Combustion burners and parts in New York City. If your service company is not buying parts from Wymbs Inc., then they are probably not supplying you with authorized, genuine Industrial Combustion Parts. To assure you and your residents maximum up-time and burner boiler availability, we would like to help boards and building managers verify they are receiving genuine Industrial Combustion Parts when their burners are being serviced. Please call Wymbs Inc. at (718) 295-3500. We will be happy to explain the various ways you can ensure you are receiving genuine Industrial Combustion Parts. Thank you. -ICHAEL"RADY TH3TREET #OLLEGE0OINT.9 0HONE &AX 7)2%#2!&4%23).# 7IRE-ESH3TORAGE,OCKERS 3OLID3TEEL3TORAGE,OCKERS "IKE2ACKS 3HELVING 9ELLOWSTONE(ARDWARE3UPPLY#ORP 22 !LDERTON3TREET2EGO0ARK.9 Todd Wymbs, Vice-President & Burner Salesman Richard Bocanegra, Field Technician Frank Wymbs, Tech Support • Scott Wymbs, Parts Manager 2395 Washington Avenue, Bronx, NY 10458 • www.wymbs.com Tel: 718.295.3500 • Fax: 718.295.4526 23 Associate Member Associate Member ! ! ! ! " # $ %"& ' ! ( !)( !"" *+,- . /!0 " 12342,5+*5 #671234*3,+88
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