CENTENNIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER November / December / January 2013-2014 CREATIVE MINDS SUCCEED “Junk” Art sculptors from Mr. Arbini’s art class. New in this issue: Pg 3-Upcoming events Pg 5– New Student Luncheon Pg 6 & 7—Millage information Pg 8 & 9—PTO minutes for October List of Staff 2013-2014 Brian Toth, Principal Kelly Gallagher, Assistant Principal SECRETARIES Kellie Angelosanto 6th grade office Cindy Dobrovic, 7th/8th grade office Nancy Horvat, Data processor COUNSELORS Jason Gilders Lisa Judd th 6 GRADE TEACHERS Tamara Besco Maureen Cauchi Shelly Demoss Marcy Gallagher Andrew Kaschalk Leann Lambert Brenton Montie Jaclyn Payne Bonnie Sevakis Tracy Steffes Math Language Arts Science Math Language Arts Math Social Studies Language Arts Science Social Studies 7TH GRADE TEACHERS Tamara Besco Justin Chamberlin Jesse Christner Holly Hare Stephanie Jordet Darcy Lab Brooke Ortwine Derrek Ross Michelle Sanderson Kimberly Staley Heather Thomas Lisa Welch Algebra Social Studies Social Studies Algebra Social Studies Language Arts Social Studies Science Science Social Studies Language Arts Math 8th GRADE TEACHERS Jennifer Barshaw Tamara Besco Justin Chamberlin Stephanie Ferguson Carol Hildebrandt Stephanie Jordet Rachelle Kalbfleisch Andrew Kaschalk Erin Lowery Brooke Ortwine Kimberly Staley Brian Wilson Social Studies Algebra Social Studies Language Arts Science English Algebra English English Algebra Social Studies Science LEARNING RESOURCE TEACHERS Megan George T.M.I. Lucy Gilders Heidi Host Math Liz Rhoad Stephanie Rohrbach Math/LA Paula Sullins T.M.I. ELECTIVE TEACHERS Anthony Arbini Tamara Besco Art 7 Math Lab 6 Jon Cadwallader Kevin Cort Paul Eibler Bill Fransee Carol Hildebrandt Stephanie Jordet Andrew Kaschalk 6 Jill Lemerand Erin Lowery Jenna Mate Brian Pearson James Reddy Melinda Towns Lidong Yuan Spanish 8 Band Performing Arts 7 Technology 6,8/ Keyboard 6/ Journalism 6 Performing Arts 8 Keyboard , Journalism 6 Writing Lab 7 Performing Arts 8,Writing Lab Health 6, 7 Writing Lab 8 Spanish 8 Woodwinds 6 Health 6 Choir Chinese PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHERS Misty Bratcher 6,7,8 Keith Niedbala 6 & 7 Kari Smith 6 TEACHER CONSULTANT Heidi Host Debbie Ross MEDIA CENTER Laurie Ketron PARAEDUCATORS Patricia Barlow Linda Browne Lori Gasparotto Cynthia McPhail Anne Marie Noyes RESTORATIVE PRACTICES Monica Mapley BUILDING ENGINEER Jim Shekell CUSTODIANS Bridget Koslowski Kathy Nichols Kathy Vines KITCHEN Rebecca Hull Manager Jennifer Miller Helper Jeanne Morris Helper HALL MONITOR Julie Miller LUNCH AIDES Laura Elwood Robbie Levett Devona Narita Sharon Vinson MISCELLANEOUS Stacey Bean Social Worker Amy Dietz Speech Pathologist Kristina Hughes Social Worker Jennifer Kluesner Career Devel 2 REQUESTS FOR HOMEWORK If a student is absent three or more days, a parent may call the office to arrange for work to be collected. We request that you not contact individual teachers directly as it is much more efficient and less disruptive for arrangements to be handled by the office staff. Please note that teachers require 24 hour notice to prepare homework. Work can then be picked up in the office at the end of the next school day. Additionally, if a student will be gone for a pre-arranged absence (such as a vacation), there is a form which must be completed in advance. When work is requested for a long period of time (such as an extended vacation), teachers will do their best to anticipate what will be covered based on their lesson plans; however, at times, these plans may be altered while the student is gone. Therefore, it is always important for the student to speak with the teacher when turning in assignments upon return to school. Vacations will be considered as unexcused absences. UPCOMING EVENTS AT CMS December 4 - Winter Band Concert @ SLHS December 12- Winter Choir Concert, 6:00 PM-6th Gr. 7:15 PM-7/8 Gr. MEDICATIONS Over the counter or prescription medications can only be given in school with authorized school forms filled out and signed by a physician detailing dosage and time intervals with the name of the medication. Parent’s portion must also be filled out and signed. Forms must be renewed annually. Medications need to be in their original container with student’s name on them and need to be brought to and picked up from school only by a parent. No medication will be kept for more than one school year. 3 Class Time Schedule Student Drop Off Hours/Bells Student drop off will continue to be the same with parents dropping off/ picking up in the front loop. The south-east doors off 9 Mile will remain locked. Warning Bells Students are not permitted in the building until 7:20 am at which time supervision will take place. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call the main office. 7:20, 7:30 a.m. 1st Hour 7:35 a.m.—8:36 a.m. 2nd Hour 8:41 a.m.—9:40 a.m. 3rd Hour 9:45 a.m.—10:44 a.m. 4th Hour (includes lunch) “A” Lunch—6th “B” Lunch—8th “C” Lunch—7th The south-west doors off 9 Mile and bus loop doors will be open. Regular Schedule 10:49 a.m. to 12:18 pm. 10:44-11:14 a.m. 11:16-11:46 p.m. 11:48-12:18 p.m. 5th Hour 12:23 p.m.—1:22 p.m. 6th Hour 1:27 p.m.—2:28 p.m. Dismissal CELLULAR PHONE USE POLICY Please be advised that if your child brings a cell phone to school it must not be heard, seen or used. Cell phones at the middle school level are not allowed during the instructional day and should be kept in their lockers. If a student is caught with a phone that is not off and out of sight it will be confiscated and they can pick it up at the end of the day in the office. Parents, we ask that if you need to speak with your child during the course of the day, please call the office and we will call them down to speak with you. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 4 2:28 p.m. SCHOOL CLOSINGS - HOTLINE For up to date school closings and transportation information, including cancellations and double Bus runs, please call - 248-573-8251 NEW STUDENT LUNCHEON New students to seventh and eighth grade were invited to a “New Student Luncheon” where they met administrators and counselors along with restorative personnel Mrs. Mapley. PTO provided pizza and refreshments. Students were given time to mingle and get to know each other as well as staff. The luncheon was a wonderful success enjoyed by all! BREAKFAST PROGRAM UPDATE We are pleased that a large number of students take advantage of the Breakfast Program in the CMS cafeteria. However, if students do not carefully manage their time, it will result in an unexcused tardy to first hour. The serving line will open at 7:20 am and will close promptly at 7:30 am to prevent students from coming to the cafeteria at the last minute. If students would like to buy breakfast, they should go to the cafeteria as soon as they arrive in the building; they can socialize after eating. Students will be expected to eat, go to their lockers, and arrive on time to their first hour classes. We do not expect issues with late busses, so students should have ample time to accomplish these tasks. Passes will not be issued from the cafeteria. If there are extenuating circumstances, students should see an administrator. If a student is not able to manage his/her time, then perhaps purchasing breakfast at school is not a viable option for that student. ENERGY DRINK ADVISORY Parents, please do not send students to school with ultra high-energy drinks. Not only do your sons and daughters have enough adolescent energy already, but many of the products currently on the market have warning labels that indicate use by children is not recommended. Previously, we had a student experience a negative reaction after drinking several of these. 5 South Lyon Community Schools Election Information November 5, 2013 On November, 5, 2013, South Lyon Community Schools will have a question on the ballot regarding Non-Homestead Millage. Below are the answers to frequently asked questions. I’m a homeowner, does this millage impact me? No. This is not a tax that is paid by homeowners. Who pays this millage? This millage is paid by non-homestead property owners. Non-homesteads include industrial, commercial and some agricultural property and “second homes.” It does not include a family’s primary residence. What is this millage for? This millage is part of the Proposal A funding for schools. The State of Michigan requires districts to levy this millage in order to receive the full funding per student. . Is this a new tax? No. This is a renewal of an existing tax. Why a 10 year millage? The Non-Homestead millage approved by voters in 1995 and 2004 were each for a ten year period. We would like to follow the same pattern and avoid additional elections and their related costs. I have a business in the community, how will this impact me? The 18 mills which will be levied are the same as for your current taxes. The only increase in taxes in the future would be related to taxable value increases, which are limited under Proposal A. I thought schools no longer received funding through property taxes, so why are you talking about a millage election? Funding for school districts changed significantly in 1994 when Proposal A was passed by the Michigan voters. Under Proposal A, the state pays the majority of the cost, but to receive full funding, the State requires that schools must levy 18 mills on non-homestead property in their district. Why ask for 19.972 mills when you can only levy 18 mills? Originally, voters approved a total of 20 mills in 2004 for Non-Homestead taxes. This amount has been reduced to 19.972 mills due to Headlee Rollbacks. By asking for 19.972 total mills (which is the current allowable mills), it allows the district to use some of the 1.972 extra mills to offset future Headlee Rollbacks. If the voters only approved 18 mills, then any Headlee Rollbacks would result in the district dropping below 18 mills and losing the associated funding, which the state will not make up. 6 Will you ever levy more than the 18 mills? No. We cannot by law levy more than 18 mills. Has the District always levied 18 mills? Yes, we have levied 18 mills each year since 1995. Why are we voting this November, if the millage doesn’t need to be renewed until June of 2015? Two reasons. First, by having the election in November, we are saving taxpayer dollars since there is already a scheduled municipal election. Second, due to election law, this millage must be approved by the voters prior to June of 2014 in order to call this millage a renewal. In other words, if we had to place this on an election after June of 2014, it would be categorized as a millage increase, even though the millage amount would not have changed. This is because the previous millage would have technically expired with the summer 2014 tax bill. What if the millage is voted down? The revenue generated from the 18 mills totals over $7.5 million annually, greater than 11% of the school district’s budget. If this millage does not pass, the State WILL NOT replace the funding. By law, to obtain the Total Foundation Allowance, South Lyon Community Schools must collect a local “non-homestead” millage for this portion of its budget. The State reduces its obligation to districts by this amount and only pays the balance. The Election for the non-homestead property tax is: November 5, 2013. QUESTIONS?? Please contact us! James Graham, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance South Lyon Community Schools 248.573.8125 grahamj@slcs.us 7 Minutes from the CMS October PTO Meeting – Friday, Oct. 11th, 2013 Meeting was called to order at 9:05. In attendance was Brian Toth, principal, Laura Steffes, Debbie Olekszyk, Cheri Sexton, Dan Pardy, Deb Healy, Kim Clary, and Mr. Kaschalk. Secretary Report The board approved the Sept. minutes electronically. Motion to approve the minutes at the meeting was done, and then approved. Brian will send Skylert to let everyone know the Secretary position is open. Cheers – Kim Clary Kim has lots of new ideas for the next Activity night which is scheduled for November 14th and will support the Choir groups again. They may purchase pizza from a different place and plan for this activity much earlier. Conference night dinner (Oct. 24th) for the teachers was purchased from Alekos the past few years. Kim suggestion is to change it to Mexican theme. She will be looking at Lyon Cantina and another restaurant for quotes. Kim will need donations from parents for desserts and drinks. Brian suggested using something like sign-up genius for volunteers. Treasurer – Cheri Sexton We will have about $11,000 after we pay for the requests from the teachers. We received $206.00 from DQ. We brought in $4000.00 from parent donations for the PTO. Dan would still like to purchase a plaque for DQ to thank them for supporting us. Fundraising – Debbie Olekszyk We have a big fundraiser with 5 Below in Brighton on Black Friday (Nov. 29th) and every weekend in December. A percentage of their profits that day will be donated to our PTO if customers present a coupon/invitation that will be available on Skylert. This coupon can be handed out to friends and relatives. We have another fundraiser with Pinz Bowling on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving (Nov. 27th). We don’t have school this day. More details to follow. We are checking into having Hillers as another grocery store we can use as a fundraiser. (Similar to Target and Kroger’s). Laura suggested having Candy-grams around Christmas time for students to give to each other. These would be delivered the last day before Winter Break during 6th hour. We may look into other holidays to do something similar. Debbie is going to look into Red Wing tickets as a fundraiser. 8 Brian suggested an outdoor activity night with bounce houses and dunk tank with teachers in the spring. Principal Brian thanked the board for the recent purchase of scanners . MEAP testing is currently going on. Brian is looking into an event about social networking/drug abuse. A liaison officer at the Farmington High School gave Brian the name of someone in our community to do some kind of event like this. School Pictures - Brian checked into possibly switching our vendor for school pictures because they are more expensive. We currently have a 2 year contract with Lifetouch, so we can’t change anything till the 2015-2016 school year. We will soon be receiving information on skylert and/or phone call about signing up for conferences this year online. SIP report The district is looking into allowing E-readers or anything similar (except a phone) to be brought into school for pleasure reading. Cell Phone use in school is an ongoing discussion. Video announcements may happen soon. They discussed different ideas for the 8th graders at the end of the year. (Having lunch instead of the breakfast celebration) Old Business Dan will get a quote for a plaque for DQ. Cheri did look into procedures for bank deposits and check requests. Two people must sign paperwork before deposits can be made. New Business Dan talked to Ms. Barshaw about 8th graders going on a field trip this year. They are looking at the Henry Ford Museum or the Ford Rouge Factory Tour. It is $8.00 per student but PTO would have to cover the transportation cost. (Buses) We are not sure what this amount is, so Ms. Barshaw will look more into the details of this trip. Maybe students can also cover the cost of transportation ($1.00 to 2.00) It is critical that the field trip aligns with the 8th grade curriculum. We also need 1 chaperone per 10 students. Meeting adjourned at 10:34 Next PTO Meeting – NOVEMBER 8th at 9:00 a.m. 9 ***Important Safety Notice*** Attention Parents We continue to ask your assistance in not parking by the “drop off” loop prior to school. The loop was designed to standing for parents to drop students off at the right curb and then continue to the exit. The concern has been that parents park and wait for the bell before releasing their student thus creating backups and safety concerns. Please adhere to the following: Please proceed to the furthest point available in the loop to drop off your student. Stopping on the curve will only create problems. Do not park or remain in the line of the traffic pattern. Please keep right. Drop off on the left side requires students to cross traffic. The loop is not designed to hold cars for long periods of time. If you would like to wait with your student until school is open, please move to the parking areas behind CMS: there is enough space. Do not use the parking lot area or the sidewalk by the cafeteria as a “drop off” loop. This also has created safety issues as staff is entering the building. In the interest of student safety, your cooperation is appreciated E-MAIL INFORMATION If you would like to e-mail Mr. Derrek Ross, please be sure to add the #2 after his name, rossd2@slcs.us With well balanced meals being prepared by our kitchen staff we ask that outside food not be brought in for groups of students. If you would like to bring in food for your child only it may be brought to the office and will be taken to the cafeteria. Thank you for your support. 10 Please remember to send a note with your child to the office before school if he/she will be picked up early. Students will then receive a pass with the appropriate time they need to leave to show to their teacher. This will keep classroom interruptions to a minimum. Upon return, please bring doctor/dentist slip for attendance. SOUTH LYON COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 2013-2014 CALENDAR November 5 ......................................................................... All Teacher Curriculum Day /No students November 7 ..........................................................................High School Parent Teacher Conferences November 12 & 14 ................ Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences / Elementary Students ½ Day November 27 ....................................................................................... Compensatory Day; No School November 28-29 ...................................................................................................Thanksgiving Recess December 23– January 3 ..................................................................................................Winter Break January 21-23..........................................................Middle School Students.....½ day for Assessments January 21-23.......................................................... .High School Students ......½ Day for Assessments January 24 ............................................Records Day - Teachers A.M. Only.......No School for Students February 17-21......................................................................................................... Mid-Winter Break March 12 ............................................................All Teacher Curriculum Day....no school for students April 7-11............................................................................................................................Spring Break April 18…..………............................................................…..Good Friday(1 more off due to Good Friday) April 21 ...............................................Elementary Records Day ....No School for Elementary Students May 26 ............................................................................................................................ Memorial Day June 10-12................................................Middle and High School Students.....½ Day for Assessments June 11................................................................. Elementary Assessments .....½ Day for Assessments June 12 ........................................................Last Day of School; Students A.M. Only ...Teachers All Day June 13 ...............................................................................................Records Day; Teachers A.M. Only 11 CENTENNIAL MIDDLE SCHOOL 62500 NINE MILE ROAD SOUTH LYON, MI 48178 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 2 SOUTH LYON, MI Return Service Requested Mission Statement The Centennial Middle School partnership of staff, parents, and community will provide its students with an opportunity to achieve their individual potential through diverse and challenging educational experiences in a safe, cooperative environment that respects individual differences and fosters productive, independent and responsible citizens. CMS PHONE NUMBERS Please feel free to make copies for your home and car. 7TH/8TH GRADE OFFICE - 248-486-4302 6TH GRADE OFFICE - 248-573-8590 7TH/8TH GRADE FAX - 248-486-4303 6TH GRADE FAX - 248-573-8612 ATTENDANCE - 248-573-8610 Section 504 Notice of Nondiscrimination Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents, employees, sources of referral of applicants for admission and employment, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with the South Lyon Community School District are hereby notified that this District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age, height, weight, marital status, genetic information, or any other legally protected characteristic, in its programs and activities, including employment opportunities. Any person having inquires concerning the South Lyon Community School District’s compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Section 504 is directed to contact Melissa Baker, Assistant Superintendent for Administrative Services, 345 South Warren, South Lyon, Michigan 48178, 248-573-8130, who has been designated by the South Lyon Community School District to coordinate the District’s efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, the ADA, and Section 504. 12