camdenton news and views


camdenton news and views
Issue 04-13
City of Camdenton, Missouri
November, 2013
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
4:00 PM
Board of Aldermen
Municipal Court
Airport Board
Another summer has come and gone, and the holiday season is fast upon us.
The end of summer might mean school is back in session and the pool is
closed but, it doesn’t mean people are ready to stay indoors. Fall is a great
time to enjoy the outdoors in the City Park.
**Storm Siren Testing
*Board of Adjustment
Board of Alderman
Municipal Court
*Planning & Zoning
Board of Aldermen
Municipal Court
As a continued commitment to updating and adding to the City Park’s
amenities, the Board of Aldermen and the Park Board have approved the
addition of three more holes to the Dragon Ridge Disc Golf Course. The new
holes will be located near the tennis courts and will tie in to the existing Disc
golf course to bring the total number of holes to 13. The new holes will be on
fairly level ground, offering an accessible option for players not willing and/or
able to navigate the more challenging terrain of some of the other disc golf
Municipal Court
**Storm Siren Testing
*Board of Adjustment
Board of Aldermen
*Planning & Zoning
Municipal Court
Board of Aldermen
Despite closing early for much needed repairs and being closed for weather
more than normal, the Pool had a good season. The plaster surface of the pool
was 14 years old and had developed cracks, so the pool was closed in midAugust, the old plaster was removed and a new coat of plaster was put on.
The pool looks brand new again.
12:00 Noon
6:00 PM
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9:00 AM
5:30 PM
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
12:00 Noon
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
5:30 PM
9:00 AM
7:00 PM
12:00 Noon
6:00 PM
7:00 PM
9:00 AM
From Mayor McNabb…
**Storm Siren Testing
*Board of Adjustment
Board of Aldermen
Municipal Court
*Meeting dates are subject to change.
**Unless severe weather is imminent
Message from the Mayor
Bulletin Board
Leaf/Snow Information
Leaf Removal Map
Christmas on the Square
Dog/Cat License Renewal
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
September brought the Annual Lake of the Ozarks Air Show. For those of
you not able to attend, 2013’s Air Show was another success. The Camdenton
Memorial Airport was filled with thousands of people that came to see vintage
military aircraft used in World War II, the Korean and Vietnam Wars, as well
as stunt planes doing death defying acts and a jet truck roaring down the
runway at over 300 miles per hour. City staff, City Police, Fire and Public
Works departments, Camden County Sheriff’s department and Mid-County
Fire Protection District are to be commended for their commitment to making
the Air Show a safe and fun environment for all. Also to be commended are
the Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce, the Lake of the Ozarks
Convention & Visitor Bureau and Lake Aviation Center. Without the
coordinated efforts of all of these groups the Air Show would not be a success.
The plans and specifications for the Clint Avenue water main replacement
project have been reviewed & approved by the Missouri Department of
Natural Resources (DNR). The project will be bid out and completed in
conjunction with the Clint Avenue street overlay project from N. Business
Route 5 to Willow Terrace and 200 feet of Layman Avenue where it ties into
Willow Terrace.
The City’s Public Works department will begin vacuuming up leaves soon.
Please refer to pages 3and 4 for information on the program and to see what
week your area of town is scheduled for pick-up. A copy of the map is also
available on the City’s website,, and at City Hall.
437 W US Hwy 54
Camdenton, MO 65020
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Phone: 573/346-3600 FAX: 573/346-2926
For more community information visit our web site:
City Hall: cityhall @
Police Dept: policedept @
Fire Dept: cfdmo @
As always, thank you for your continued support. If you have questions or
concerns please feel free to contact me at City Hall. And please don’t forget
to keep our Camdenton businesses in mind to meet your shopping and service
Mayor John McNabb
Your community needs you-Volunteer today!
The Camdenton Fire Department consists of both career and
volunteer personnel who respond to all types of emergencies,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week in any weather conditions. For
more information, please call 573-346-6260.
Thoughts from the Building Department
Natural gas has arrived in the City of Camdenton and you are
converting your propane fired appliances to use natural gas.
In July of this year the City of Camdenton adopted the 2012
International Residential Code. In this new code it is required to
install carbon monoxide (CO) detector(s) wherever fuel fired
(propane, natural gas, wood, coal, oil or kerosene) appliances are
installed or converted in residential structures. In new construction,
carbon monoxide detectors must be installed when fuel fired
appliances are installed or when an attached garage is included in the
Carbon monoxide detector(s) must be installed outside of each
separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms. In
many cases this will mean that you only need to install one (1)
detector if your bedrooms are grouped in one area of the house. If
they are separated by other rooms then you may need to install more
than one.
If your home is new enough that it has an existing smoke detector
system that is wired to the home electrical system (120 volts) with a
battery backup then you may need to only replace the existing smoke
detector(s) outside the bedrooms with a combination smoke and
carbon monoxide detector. Try to use the same manufacturer as the
smoke detector unit that you are replacing. If you live in an older
home that has only battery powered smoke detectors or has none
then you may install either a battery powered carbon monoxide
detector or a unit that plugs into an available electrical receptacle.
On average there are approximately 170 deaths per year in the
United States with thousands of emergency room visits directly
attributed to carbon monoxide poisoning. Installing a CO detector(s)
in your home is a basic life safety issue.
If you are a new natural gas customer you will be receiving a letter
from the City of Camdenton in the near future detailing the
requirement for CO detectors and how the inspection process will
function to determine if the detector(s) have been installed per code.
If you have any questions feel free to contact either the City Building
Department at 573-346-3600 or the City Fire Department at 573346-6260.
For all your shopping needs
Welcome New Businesses!
Dollar Deals USA LLC ........... 772 E US Hwy 54 Ste 6
Best Deal Car’s....................... 573 W US Hwy 54
Howe Unique Nails ................. 1152 W US Hwy 54 Ste A
Friends Restaurant.................. 53 S Business Rt 5
Court Probationary Service..... 86 W US Hwy 54
J & J Marine........................... 515 W US Hwy 54
Heritage Bank of the Ozarks.... 226-B E US Hwy 54
Last Day to Register to Vote – March 12, 2014
Election Day – April 8, 2014
Filing for candidacy for one Alderman from each of the
Wards I, II, and III (2 year terms) begins at 8:00 AM on
December 17, 2013 and ends at 5:00 PM on January 21,
2014, Office hours are 8:00 AM-4:30 PM, MondayFriday, excluding holidays. Candidates should file with
the office of the City Clerk.
November 11....................................Veteran’s Day
November 15.................................... Occupant Protection Enforcement Day
November 28-29 ............................ *Thanksgiving Holiday
December 7.......................................Pearl Harbor Day
December 7 ................................... Christmas on the Square
Dec 13-Jan 2...................................... Statewide DWI Saturation Patrol
December 25 ................................. *Christmas Holiday
January 1 ....................................... *New Year’s Holiday
January 20..........................................Martin Luther King Jr Day
February 14 ................................... Valentine’s Day
February 17 ................................... *President’s Day
February 21....................................... Occupant Protection Enforcement Day
*Indicates City Hall Closed
Our most recent council actions and the complete City code are
available on the City's web page. The newest ordinances are
available after the council meeting in which they are passed. Just
go to, click on "City Government", click
on "New Ordinances", then click on the ordinance in which you are
interested. For the complete City code, click on "City Government"
then click on "Municipal Ordinances".
Get Ready for Winter! Help Us Help you
When Snowfall is expected
The Public Works Department will pre-salt the street to try to keep ice from forming and to aid in the removal of snow. The
department has over 25 miles of road to clear as well as City properties and parking areas on the square..
When the Snow falls
When two or three inches of snow have accumulated or more is expected, plowing becomes more effective than salting. All
main roads and residential streets will be plowed by the PWD, which assigns its crews to five plow zones. The department has
five trucks for plowing. The first priority is to open the main roads to provide safe access for emergency vehicles and to maintain
traffic flow, since most residents live within a few blocks of the main roads. The plows then continue to all streets in each zone
until all the streets are clear. If the storm continues, the crews continue working in the same pattern until the storm abates. Then
the trucks begin to widen out all roads by pushing the accumulated snow back to the edge of the asphalt and curbs and clearing
the intersections. The crews will be out working throughout a storm to clear away the snow Please do not go out during or
immediately after a snowstorm unless it is really necessary. Less traffic on the roads means the crews will be able to do their job
more quickly and completely. Under the best conditions, it will take 8 to 10 hours after the snow has stopped falling to complete
the snow removal operations. Snow removal is an arduous and time-consuming task. Please understand that the Public Works
Department cannot shovel out your driveway entrance nor can it plow out any private property
After the Storm Is Over
Crews continue to monitor all roads for icy conditions and where winds may redeposit snow onto the roadways. Usually salt is
applied so that all surfaces remain safe to drive on. Residents can assist by not throwing snow into the roadway when clearing
driveways and sidewalks or push snow across a cleared street. Pushing snow across the street removes the salt laid down for
ice control.
Tips and Suggestions
If snow is expected, move your cars into the driveway. Parking on the streets during a snowstorm prohibits snow removal.
Do not park at the end of dead end streets or in cul-de-sacs. These are needed to push the snow thru and are Fire Lanes.
If you are shoveling out the entrance to your driveway, do not throw snow directly into the street; shovel onto the side of the
driveway or other area of your property.
If possible, finish clearing your driveway entrance AFTER the final widening pass by the snow plow, which will come about
8 to 10 hours after the snow stops falling, depending on the severity of the storm.
The Public Works Department is committed to the safety of our citizens and providing them with drivable streets.
It’s already the time of year when the air begins to chill and leaves begin to fall. That means the City will be filled with the sights and
sounds of leaves being raked, mower’s mulching up leaves and, in some cases, the smell of leaves being burned. If you do plan on
burning leaves, please be sure to call the Camdenton Fire Department (573) 346-3262 to make sure conditions are favorable for burning.
One of the best methods for ridding your yard of leaves is to mulch them into the yard with your lawn mower. It not only provides a
good nutrient base for next year’s growth cycle, it takes less time than raking and is easier on the body.
For those of you who are not going to mulch, burn or, rake your leaves into the woods behind your house, the Camdenton Public Works
Department will begin the annual leaf pick-up shortly. Use the map on page 4 to locate what section your property is in and what week
your leaves will be picked up. For pick-up, please place your leaves in a pile next to the ditch (NOT IN THE DITCH OR STREET) and
be sure there are not any limbs, rocks or other debris mixed in with the leaves.
A new leaf vacuum has been purchased but, may not be delivered by November 4 th. Until then, repairs have been made to the old
vacuum with the hope it will last until the new one arrives. The leaf pick-up schedule may be adjusted for weather or other unforeseen
circumstances as needed.
Don’t want a ticket, don’t want to spend a night in jail, don’t want to pay
an attorney - THEN DON’T DRIVE IMPAIRED!! Yes, it’s really that
Camdenton Police Officers make DWI Enforcement a priority throughout
the year, but will be stepping up enforcement this holiday season thanks to
a grant received from MODOT. Officers will be conducting DWI
Saturation Patrols as part of the National Holiday DWI Enforcement
Campaign from December 12, 2013 through January 2, 2014.
In Missouri, driving while intoxicated (DWI) is illegal and a criminal
charge, and Missouri's DWI law states that a person commits the crime of
driving while intoxicated if they operate a motor vehicle while under the
influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, and/or medication - regardless of his or
her blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level. If your BAC level is .08
percent or above, you're deemed legally intoxicated. Chapters 302 and 577
of the Missouri Revised Statutes state it is a criminal offense to operate a
motor vehicle at or above .08 percent BAC. But you can also be convicted
for DWI with BAC levels lower than .08 percent if an officer can
determine your driving was impaired by alcohol, illegal drugs or
Here are some of the consequences if you are caught driving while
For a first offense (or first offense in over five years), your
license will be revoked for 30 days followed by a 60-day
A second offense could result in a $1,000 fine, a year-long
revocation of your license and up to a year in jail. You will also
be required to install an ignition interlock system on your vehicle,
preventing your car from starting when you have alcohol on your
breath. Ignition interlock systems cost an average of $800 a year
plus installation costs.
Third and subsequent offenses can be penalized with up to a
$5,000 fine and/or up to seven years in jail.
If you cause a fatal crash while intoxicated, you could be
charged with Involuntary Manslaughter, a felony resulting in up
to seven years of jail time, a $5,000 fine or both.
In 2012, 230 people were killed and 868 seriously injured in crashes
involving an impaired driver. Impaired driving contributes to nearly 30
percent of all Missouri traffic fatalities. Many times innocent lives are lost
because someone made a poor choice. The choice is yours and we hope
you make the right one by choosing not to drive impaired!
Visit or for more
information on Impaired Driving.
437 W US HWY 54
License renewal due by December 31 --- Be sure to
bring the current rabies vaccine certificate. For more
information contact Community Service Officer Ivey at
License required – Owners residing in the City shall obtain a
license from the city for all dogs and cats over the age of six
months. All licenses issued shall be effective from January 1st to
December 31st of each year. License fees are $10 ($5 if spayed
or neutered). Certificate of current rabies vaccination is also
required. Any license fees due and unpaid thirty days after it
becomes due and payable shall be subject to a penalty in the
same amount as the renewal fee. Replacement of a dog tag shall
be $2.
No animal running at large – Fines are assessed for impounded
animals. There have been increased complaints in some
neighborhoods regarding animals at large and therefore the
Community Service Officer has increased patrol of these
neighborhoods. If your animal is found with a City tag, the CSO
will attempt to contact the owner and the animals returned with a
warning or violation notice before transporting to an animal
shelter. Should your animal be found without a City issued tag,
the animal will be transported to an animal shelter with
additional fees incurred.
Nuisance animals – Frequent howling, barking, baying or
yelping is not permitted.
Limitation on number of animals – No household/ residence
in a residential zone shall have more than three (3) dogs and not
more than three (3) cats at any time.
Pit Bull dogs not allowed – It is unlawful to possess or own a
pit bull or pit bull mix dog within the City limits.
Quick Review:
Top 3 Reasons to License/Renew
To control/prevent the spread of rabies and other
transmitted diseases
Easy identification to return lost animals to their
City Ordinance SECTION 210.090 requires you
license your animals by January 31 each year or face
penalties and/or fines.
Going Somewhere?
The Camdenton Police Department offers residential checks while
you are away. It’s FREE and EASY! Just call our office during
business hours at 573-346-3604 or complete the online form at to request a Residence Check before you
leave. You can also e-mail us at
Ward I
Gerry Rector
Dan Hagedorn
Ward II
Sandy Gentry
Steve Eden
Ward III
Gary Shepherd
Sandy Osborn
City Administrator – Brenda Colter
Asst. CA/ED Development Dir – Mike Nichols
City Clerk – Renee Kingston
Police Chief – Laura Wright
Fire Chief – Drew Stark
Public Works Director – Bill Jeffries
Building Director – Dennis Croxton
City Attorney – Phil Morgan
Municipal Judge – Gene Hilton
The City is asking for assistance from citizens to decrease a
hazard: Trash Containers left too close to the road edge.
Citizens place the trash containers at the road edge on trash
day; however we have found that many citizens are leaving
them at the road edge all week. This is causing a hazard,
especially on our narrower streets.
The City received a phone call recently that when two cars
met on a narrow road, one car moved over and in doing so,
struck the trash container that was sitting very close to the
road edge. Some driveways are very steep causing the top of
the container to lean out even closer to the roadway. If not
corrected, it will cause further problems when the snow
plows begin their work. As city officials looked into it, they
found many citizens have got in the habit of leaving the trash
containers out by the roadway all week.
Ordinance 520.010 says no person can place anything on the
roadway that causes an obstruction and ordinance 250.010
states that trash containers need to be stored on the
residential premises.
We are very proud of the fact that motor vehicle crashes have
decreased in Camdenton and strive to correct hazards when
identified to try to prevent future crashes so are asking your
Please place the trash container out on trash day for
collection but once collected please move it away from the
road edge as soon as possible. We recommend the trash
container be taken back near the house if possible as it
projects a neater appearance but if not, pull it at least fifteen
feet (15’) away from the road edge. (On your property – not
the road easement)

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