camdenton news and views
camdenton news and views
CAMDENTON NEWS AND VIEWS __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Issue 04-15 City of Camdenton, Missouri November, 2015 MUNICIPAL CALENDAR November 17 19 19 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 4:00 PM Board of Aldermen Municipal Court Airport Board December 1 1 1 3 8 15 17 12:00 Noon 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM **Storm Siren Testing *Board of Adjustment Board of Alderman Municipal Court *Planning & Zoning Board of Aldermen Municipal Court January 5 5 5 7 12 19 21 12:00 Noon 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 5:30 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM **Storm Siren Testing *Board of Adjustment Board of Aldermen Municipal Court *Planning & Zoning Board of Aldermen Municipal Court February 2 2 2 4 12:00 Noon 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM **Storm Siren Testing *Board of Adjustment Board of Aldermen Municipal Court *Meeting dates are subject to change. **Unless severe weather is imminent Complete calendar is available online at: IN THIS ISSUE Message from the Mayor Bulletin Board Leaf/Snow Information Leaf Removal Map Christmas on the Square Dog/Cat License Renewal Police Updates Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 RECENT COUNCIL ACTION Our most recent council actions and the complete City code are available on the City's web page. The newest ordinances are available after the council meeting in which they are passed. Just go to, click on "City Government", click on "New Ordinances", then click on the ordinance in which you are interested. For the complete City code, click on "City Government" then click on "Municipal Ordinances". From Mayor McNabb… Fall finally seems to have arrived this past week. Temperatures have finally dropped and we have received some much needed rain. The holiday season is fast approaching and I know that my family has much to be thankful for. Holiday decorations are up on the square and at City Hall. Thanks to the Public Works Department. They do a great job with the decorations. Speaking of Public Works, the schedule for leaf pickup is out and available at City Hall and on the City website. I thank the Board of Aldermen for continuing to authorize us to provide this service. Pickup begins on November 2. The 5th annual Lake of the Ozarks Air Show was a big success. I hope you were able to enjoy the show. The Veteran’s activities on Friday evening were well received and the fly-over at the Laker football game was thrilling again this year. Thanks to our Police and Fire Department for their work during the airshow. I was honored to receive an award at the recent Governor’s Conference on Tourism on behalf of the City and the Air Show Committee. The group was honored with the Innovator Award. This award was one of seven awards presented and was the only award presented to a group, as all other awards were given to individuals. Special thanks to the Air Show Committee, Co-chairmen Tim Jacobsen and Cory Leweurke, Camdenton Area Chamber of Commerce, Trish Creach - Executive Director, and all City employees. City employees spent a lot of time preparing the airport for this event. Special thanks to all who volunteer their time on the day of the air show. The Comprehensive Plan work is progressing well. Our last Steering Committee meeting will be held November 16th. I appreciate the time that the committee members have given to this project. We will be having an open house in January to finalize the plan. At that point it will go to the Planning and Zoning committee and then to the Board of Aldermen for approval. WCA, our new trash collector for the City, has begun work. We had a few obstacles early but everything seems to be going well. They have worked well with City Hall to correct any problems. A new service that they will be providing is the large item pickup. Each month you will be allowed to place one large item curbside for pickup. This service will be provided during the 4th week of each month. If you have questions please call WCA at 417-426-5001. Also, the Holiday pickup schedule will be available in this newsletter. The airport will host a kick-off event for fund raising for the Veteran’s Memorial at the Camdenton Memorial – Lake Regional Airport on Tuesday November 10th at 10:00am. It is our hope that the community will help to raise funds for this project. Plans are nearing completion for the monument, which we hope to erect in the spring of 2016. The Committee has been working since May on this project, and I am grateful for their dedication to this project. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our city. If you have questions or concerns feel free to contact me by phone or e-mail at city hall. 1 Mayor John McNabb BULLETIN BOARD WCA trash company observes the following holidays (offices are closed and no trash pickup): For all your shopping needs TRY CAMDENTON FIRST! Thanksgiving Day-if picked up Thursday it will be Friday, if picked up Friday it will be Saturday Christmas Day-if Christmas falls on a week day your pick-up day will be the following day example: Monday pick-up would be Tuesday and so on New Year’s Day-if New Year’s Day falls on a week day your pick-up will be the following day example: Monday pick-up would be Tuesday and so on. Welcome New Businesses! Motorcycle DR SVC Center ..... 19 Niangua Dr Scoops Ice Cream..................... 86 W US Hwy 54 BFG Flooring LLC……………..79 Court Circle SW “THE DRAFTING TABLE” Thoughts from the Building Department Who Needs Building Codes? GENERAL MUNICIPAL FILING & ELECTION We all do – whether in our homes, offices, schools, stores, factories or places of entertainment. We rely on the safety of structures that surround us in our everyday living. The public need for protection from disaster due to fire, structural collapse and general deterioration underscores the need for modern codes and their administration. Last Day to Register to Vote – March 9, 2016 Election Day – April 6, 2016 Filing for candidacy for one Alderman from each of the Wards I, II, and III (2 year terms) and one member of the Special Road District R begins at 8:00 AM on December 15, 2015 and ends at 5:00 PM on January 19, 2016, Office hours are 8:00 AM-4:30 PM, MondayFriday, excluding holidays. Candidates should file with the office of the City Clerk. How reliable are they? Most aspects of building construction – electrical wiring, heating, sanitary facilities – represent a potential hazard to building occupants and users. Building Codes provide safeguards. Although no code can eliminate all risk, reducing risk to an acceptable level helps. What is a building code? Practically, it is the government’s official statement on building safety. Technically, it is a compendium of minimum safety standards arranged in a systematic manner (codified) for easy reference. It embraces all aspects of building construction – fire, structural, plumbing, electrical and mechanical. CALENDAR OF EVENTS November 11....................................*Veteran’s Day November 25....................................Occupant Protection Enforcement Day November 26-27 ..............................*Thanksgiving Holiday December 5 .....................................Christmas on the Square December 7.......................................Pearl Harbor Day Dec 18-Jan 3...................................... Statewide DWI Saturation Patrol December 25….. .............................*Christmas Holiday January 1.. .......................................*New Year’s Holiday January 19..........................................Martin Luther King Jr Day February 14 .....................................Valentine’s Day February 15 .....................................*President’s Day February 19.......................................Occupant Protection Enforcement Day What if I want to do a building project myself? Building departments have information available, in detail, on how to obtain a permit and design and construct a safe structure. Why should codes apply to my own house? For several reasons: For your personal safety and that of your family and guests. To ensure the economic well-being of the community by reducing potential spread of fire and disease. For the conservation of energy. To protect future home purchasers who deserve reasonable assurance that the home they buy will be safe. *Indicates City Hall Closed 2 Get Ready for Winter! Help Us Help you When Snowfall is expected The Public Works Department will pre-salt the street to try to keep ice from forming and to aid in the removal of snow. The department has over 25 miles of road to clear as well as City properties and parking areas on the square. When the Snow falls When two or three inches of snow have accumulated or more is expected, plowing becomes more effective than salting. All main roads and residential streets will be plowed by the PWD, which assigns its crews to five plow zones. The department has five trucks for plowing. The first priority is to open the main roads to provide safe access for emergency vehicles and to maintain traffic flow, since most residents live within a few blocks of the main roads. The plows then continue to all streets in each zone until all the streets are clear. If the storm continues, the crews continue working in the same pattern until the storm abates. Then the trucks begin to widen out all roads by pushing the accumulated snow back to the edge of the asphalt and curbs and clearing the intersections. The crews will be out working throughout a storm to clear away the snow. Please do not go out during or immediately after a snowstorm unless it is really necessary. Less traffic on the roads means the crews will be able to do their job more quickly and completely. Under the best conditions, it will take 8 to 10 hours after the snow has stopped falling to complete the snow removal operations. Snow removal is an arduous and time-consuming task. Please understand that the Public Works Department cannot shovel out your driveway entrance nor can it plow out any private property After the Storm Is Over Crews continue to monitor all roads for icy conditions and where winds may redeposit snow onto the roadways. Usually salt is applied so that all surfaces remain safe to drive on. Residents can assist by not throwing snow into the roadway when clearing driveways and sidewalks or push snow across a cleared street. Pushing snow across the street removes the salt laid down for ice control. Tips and Suggestions If snow is expected, move your cars into the driveway. Parking on the streets during a snowstorm prohibits snow removal. Do not park at the end of dead end streets or in cul-de-sacs. These are needed to push the snow thru and are Fire Lanes. If you are shoveling out the entrance to your driveway, do not throw snow directly into the street; shovel onto the side of the driveway or other area of your property. If possible, finish clearing your driveway entrance AFTER the final widening pass by the snow plow, which will come about 8 to 10 hours after the snow stops falling, depending on the severity of the storm. The Public Works Department is committed to the safety of our citizens and providing them with drivable streets. LEAVES…. It’s already the time of year when the air begins to chill and leaves begin to fall. That means the City will be filled with the sights and sounds of leaves being raked, mower’s mulching up leaves and, in some cases, the smell of leaves being burned. If you do plan on burning leaves, please be sure to call the Camdenton Fire Department (573) 346-3262 to make sure conditions are favorable for burning. One of the best methods for ridding your yard of leaves is to mulch them into the yard with your lawn mower. It not only provides a good nutrient base for next year’s growth cycle, it takes less time than raking and is easier on the body. For those of you who are not going to mulch, burn or, rake your leaves into the woods behind your house, the Camdenton Public Works Department will begin the annual leaf pick-up starting November 2, 2015. Use the map on page 4 to locate what section your property is in and what week your leaves will be picked up. For pick-up, please place your leaves in a pile next to the ditch (NOT IN THE DITCH OR STREET) and be sure there are not any limbs, rocks or other debris mixed in with the leaves. Please ensure your leaves are out the week of your area. We plan on working only on the week specified for your area. The leaf pick-up schedule may be adjusted for weather or other unforeseen circumstances as needed. 3 4 Get your Cats & Dogs Licensed Recently, there have been some important changes made to the Animal Control Ordinances for the City of Camdenton. For any cat newly licensed after January 1, 2016, cat owners shall identify their free-roaming cats by means of a microchip that registers the owner with a national computer recovery network. This shall not apply to cats which have been registered with the city prior to said date. All freeroaming cats shall be sterilized unless the owner's veterinarian, licensed by the state, certifies in writing that the animal is physically unable to reproduce or that the animal is medically compromised to the extent that it cannot be sterilized safely. The City has also implemented a Potentially Dangerous Dog Ordinance. If the owner of a potentially dangerous dog meets all requirements set forth by the City Ordinance, they will be allowed one dog within the City of Camdenton. In addition to their annual dog license, owners will be required to pay a $50 annual registration fee to be in compliance. Another change in the ordinance regarding dogs is that they can no longer be tethered to a stationary object, such as a tree; they must have a dog house and must have a water bowl that will not tip. You are encouraged to contact Community Service Officer Chasity Ivey for more information regarding these changes or visit the city’s website at: ___Exhibit_A.pdf Cat and Dog Licenses for 2016 and annual registration for Potentially Dangerous Dogs are available beginning November 15, 2015, and must be renewed by December 31st to avoid a penalty. Bring in your current Rabies vaccination slip and proof of neuter/spay (if applicable) to City Hall Monday – Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm. 5 MAYOR JOHN MCNABB CITY OF CAMDENTON 437 W US HWY 54 CAMDENTON, MO 65020 Ward I Gerry Rector Dan Hagedorn Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Phone: 573/346-3600 FAX: 573/346-2926 For more community information visit our web site: City Hall: cityhall @ Police Dept: policedept @ Fire Dept: cfdmo @ Aldermen Ward II Sandy Gentry Steve Eden Ward III Gary Shepherd Sandy Osborn City Administrator – J. Jeff Hancock City Clerk – Renee Kingston Police Chief – Laura Wright Fire Chief – Drew Stark Public Works Director – Bill Jeffries Building Director – Dennis Croxton Parks Director/Assistant to the City Administrator – Larry Bennett City Attorney – Phil Morgan Municipal Judge – Gene Hilton IF YOU MUST DRINK, DON’T DRIVE, CALL FOR A RIDE! Camdenton Police Officers make DWI Enforcement a priority throughout the year, but will be stepping up enforcement to protect everyone this holiday season thanks to a grant received from MODOT. Officers will be conducting DWI Saturation Patrols as part of the National Holiday DWI Enforcement Campaign from December 18, 2015 through January 3, 2016. Missouri's DWI law states that a person commits the crime of driving while intoxicated if they operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs, and/or medication - regardless of his or her blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level. If your BAC level is .08 percent or above, you're presumptively legally intoxicated. If you are caught driving impaired, you won't just get a ticket - you can land in jail, lose your license and pay significant fines and legal expenses! In 2013, 223 people were killed and 728 seriously injured in crashes involving an impaired driver. Impaired driving contributes to nearly 30 percent of all Missouri traffic fatalities. Many times innocent lives are lost because someone made a poor choice. The choice is yours and we hope you make the right one by choosing not to drive impaired! Visit or for more information on Impaired Driving The Camdenton Police Department offers residential checks while you are away this holiday season and throughout the year. It’s FREE and EASY! Just call our office during business hours at 573-346-3604 or complete the online form at to request a Residence Check before you leave. You can also e-mail us at 6
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