Spring Training Cycle at the Home Training Center 1950 Linden


Spring Training Cycle at the Home Training Center 1950 Linden
Ken Chertow Wrestling
Spring Training Cycle at the Home Training Center
1950 Linden Hall Road, Boalsburg, PA 16827
WHEN: Every Wednesday 7 - 8:45 PM, Feb. 11 - April 15
COST: $150 for membership and all sessions (includes significant
discounts on weekend camps & Gold Medal Training Camps)
- $20 per individual session
- First time at HTC = Free Trial (1 night)
WHO: Dedicated wrestlers of all ages. Students of varying skill levels will be present. The
curriculum and training will be challenging to all in attendance.
TRAINING PLAN: Learning, drilling, wrestling, peak performance training tips, mental
preparation, and motivation. Focus for experienced wrestlers will be on hard drilling and
live situations with intense live wrestling.
FATHERS/COACHES: You are welcome to video tape or participate at no charge.
Community Discount Program
An unlimited number of wrestlers from your school of ALL ages can
attend all sessions of our Spring Training Cycle through April 15 for
a team fee of $950. In addition to this community fee, there is a $10
individual membership fee per wrestler. You must e-mail us ahead of
time to let us know your plans. We will accept Booster Club Checks.
We will conduct 4 weeks of camp across Pennsylvania
this summer. Wrestlers from throughout PA and the
nation will join us in State College and Allentown.
Details are on KenChertow.com.
Office Use Only
Name: Address: City: Phone: (
) Age:
State: Zip: Wrestler’s Email: USA Wrestling Member?
School/Club: Parent’s Name: Parent’s Email: Coach: Coach’s Phone: (
Spring Training Cycle
Home Training Center
) Coach’s Email: Please charge my credit card in the amount of: $
State College, PA
Credit Card #: Expiration Date:
Applications submitted via credit card will be charged in full.
We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover.
All sales are final. No Monetary refunds.
Signature below is authorization for use of credit card.
Check #: Cash
We authorize our child or ward to be treated by a licensed physician, EMT, registered nurse, physician’s
assistant, dentist, or athletic trainer, if necessary, while attending camp. In submitting this entry, we
waive, release, and forever discharge Chertow, Ken Wrestling, Inc. t/d/b/a Ken Chertow’s Gold Medal
Wrestling Camp (“Camp”), HTC, and all camp directors and staff, and the host facility for and from any
and all injuries, losses, or other damages suffered by our child or ward or us at this camp, while traveling
to and from this camp, or while participating in this camp. We agree to indemnify and hold Camp, and all
camp directors and staff, and the host facility, harmless from and against any and all claims or demands,
including reasonable attorneys’ fees, made by any third party, to include our child or ward, due to or
arising out of our child or ward’s participation in this camp. We acknowledge that participation in this camp
poses risks for our child or ward, and we represent that our child or ward is physically able to participate in
this camp, and has trained sufficiently to do so.
Parent’s Signature KC
Check box that applies:
Wednesdays - $150
Single Session - $20
Free Trial, 1st time only
Register online at
Date Visit wearandgear.com
for all your gear, merchandise
and instructional DVD needs!
KENCHERTOW.COM | 814-466-3466