pollen analysis of the sequence from the peat bog tăul mare


pollen analysis of the sequence from the peat bog tăul mare
Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 5, (2008), "The Maramureşului Mountains Nature Park"
Sorina FĂRCAŞ*, Ioan TANłĂU**, Marcel MÎNDRESCU***,
Bogdan HURDU*, Liviu FILIPAŞ*, Tudor URSU*
* Institute of Biological Research Cluj-Napoca, 48 Republicii Str., Cluj-Napoca, Romania, RO 400015, soryna001@yahoo.com
** Babeş-Bolyai University, Department of Geology, 1 Mihail Kogălniceanu Str., Cluj-Napoca,
Romania, RO - 400084, itantau@bioge.ubbcluj.ro
*** Ştefan cel Mare University, Str. Universitatii, nr. 9, Suceava, Romania, RO - 720225,
marcel.mindrescu @gmail.com
KEYWORDS: Romanian Carpathians, Maramureşului Mountains, “Natura 2000” site, Glacial
cirque, Bardău peat bog, Palynology, Holocene
ABSTRACT: Pollen analysis of the sequence from Tăul Mare - Bardău (Maramureşului
This paper presents the results of the pollen analysis carried on the sequence Tăul Mare
- Bardău (1850 m altitude) from the Northern Maramureşului Mountains. The peat bog lies on
an ancient glacial cirque. The history of the holocene vegetation in the region, beginning with
the Atlantic period (C14: 6090 ± 40 B.P. at 378 cm depth), is described. Within the pollen
diagrams there were separated 9 pollen zones, which are partially superposed on the last tree
classical forest phases- known in the history of the late- and postglacial forests in Romania as
Picea – Quercetum mixtum – Corylus, Picea – Carpinus and Picea – Fagus – Abies phases.
RESUME: L’analyse palynologique de la séquence du marais Tăul Mare - Bardău (Les
Monts Maramureşului)
Dans le papier il sont présentés les résultats de l’analyse palynologique effectuée dans
la séquence Tăul Mare - Bardău (1850 m altitude) de Monts Maramureşului de Nord. Le
marais est situé dans un ancien cirque glaciaire. On décrit l’histoire de la végétation holocène
de la région, à partir de l’Atlantique (14C: 6090 ± 40 B.P. à 378 cm de profondeur). Dans les
diagrammes obtenus on a séparé 9 zones polliniques, superposées partiellement sur les
dernières trois phases silvestres classiques; elles sont connues dans l’histoire des forêts tardi- et
postglaciaires de Roumanie sous le nom de Picea – Quercetum mixtum – Corylus, Picea –
Carpinus et Picea – Fagus – Abies.
REZUMAT: Analiza palinologică a secvenŃei din tinovul Tăul Mare - Bardău (MunŃii
În lucrare sunt prezentate rezultatele analizei palinologice efectuate în secvenŃa Tăul
Mare - Bardău (1850 m altitudine) din MunŃii Maramureşului de Nord. Tinovul este situat întrun fost circ glaciar. Este descrisă istoria vegetaŃiei holocene din regiune, începând cu Atlanticul
(C14: 6090 ± 40 B.P. la 378 cm adâncime). În diagramele polinice obŃinute au fost separate un
număr de 9 zone polinice, ce se suprapun parŃial peste ultimele trei faze silvestre clasice;
acestea sunt cunoscute pentru istoria pădurilor tardi- şi postglaciare din România sub numele
de Picea – Quercetum mixtum – Corylus, Picea – Carpinus şi Picea – Fagus – Abies.
S.Fărcaş et al. –Pollen analysis of the sequence from the peat bog Tăul Mare – Bardău (1 ~ 10)
Maramureş Mountains are, by their location at the northern border of Romania, their
vastitude, their complex geomorphology with traces of glaciation and their biodiversity, an
extremely interesting area from the scientific point of view, which resulted in their recent
inclusion in the "Natura 2000" list.
More or less recent studies have revealed the current biodiversity of flora and fauna of
the Maramureş Mountains, but their paleobiodiversity and development towards the current
situation is still insufficiently studied. This is one of the reasons for the selection of some peat
bogs and ponds, partially or completely colmatated for pollen studies, during the field
campaigns in Maramureş Mountains.
In this paper we refer to the results of the pollen analysis performed in Tăul Mare Bardău, located below Pietrosul Bardău peak (1850 m) in the Northern Maramureşului
Mountains. The peat bog Tăul Mare - Bardău (latitudine - 47050’09”; longitudine - 24036’01”)1
is located on the top terrace of the glacial cirque Bardău, at an altitude of 1615 m (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Peat bog location within the glacial cirque, and in the Northern Maramureş Mts
Morphometrical data and water analysis. The peat bog has a rectangular shape, with a
surface of 8410 m2 and 375 m perimeter (size that matches a soccer field). As result of the
field measurements performed on 20 June 2008, the following values concerning the water
chemism in the central part of the peat bog have been obtained: pH – 3.40, solved oxigen –
8.70 mg/L, electric conductivity – 39 µS/cm. These values, typical to high altitude peat bogs,
are a result of climatic conditions and the supplying of the peat bog only from the rainfall
water, poor in nutrients.
The measurements were carried out at the emergence of the emissary from the peat bog Tăul Mare Bardău
Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 5, (2008), "The Maramureşului Mountains Nature Park"
Lithology. The glacial cirque where the peat bog lies is carved in well cimented
cenomanian conglomerates, similar to those from Ceahlău Mountains. The hardness of these
rocks facilitated the preservation of these barrier basins where peat deposits stored up
subsequently (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Geological profile
through Pietrosul
Bardăului Mt. (autor M.
Relief. At the beginning, the microdepression where the peat bog lies, was a glacial
barrier basin, carved by the glacier cirque developed there. Its placement on the upper glacial
terrace, in the very proximity of the cirque headwall (the side of the cirque) facilitated, by soil
erosion at the headwall level, the premature colmatation of the former glacial barrier basin.
Thus, it gradually turned into a high mountain peat bog. Beside the peat bog Tăul Mare, there
are another two bogs of smaller size. The second peat bog, known as Tăul Mic and placed on
the lower terrace (Fig. 1), is also conspicuous having quite large dimensions (a surface of
nearly 5000 m2). Both of them have glacial origin, which is proven by evidence as the presence
of cirque moraine (I. Sîrcu, 1963), and recently the occurrence of the glacial striae found on a
block from the bed of the Tăul Mare peat bog emissary (M. Mîndrescu, June 2008).
Climate. Using climatic data (with the required corrections) from the nearest
meteorologic station Iezer (Rodnei Mountains, 1785 m altitude), located on the northern slope,
the same slope on which Tăul Mare peat bog is located, it seems that the studied site belongs to
the subalpine climate; it is characterized by low temperatures (t average annual = 0,60 C)2 during
almost the entire year, and rich rainfalls (Pp average annual =1100 mm), mostly as snow. Climatic
conditions, as well as the supplying of the peat bog almost exclusivelly from rainfalls, led to
the building-up of the peat deposits. Thus, after death, instead of decomposition or
mineralization the plants enter the process of peat formation.
Cores of peat sediment were taken with a modified Russian corer, up to 380 cm depth,
for pollen analysis. These cores were equidistantly sampled in the laboratory, both for
chemical preparation in order to obtain the microscopic slides, and for C14 dating.
The amount of sediment taken for a sample was, usually, of about 1 cm3. Chemical
preparations were done after Erdtman method (1954), also known as kalium hydroxide
method, modified according to Goeury and Beaulieu, 1979. Concerning the moss samples
Annual temperature calculated for the period 1996-2006, after the application of the vertical gradient
S.Fărcaş et al. –Pollen analysis of the sequence from the peat bog Tăul Mare – Bardău (1 ~ 10)
from surface or other samples containing various vegetal fibers and coarse rests, the procedure
of filtration by bolt of 200µ caliber was applied.
Fig. 3. Tăul Mare - Bardău
The residues containing pollen grains and spores, obtained as result of chemical
preparations, were preserved in pure anhydrous glycerol in Eppendorf microtubes, being
subsequently used for the microscopic slides.
Sampling for C14 dating was done after a brief preliminary examination of microscopic
slides, to assess the most significant levels for vegetation dynamics.
Determinations were done at family, genus or species level. Reading of the
microscopic slides was performed on average for 250 pollen grains, regarding tree pollen
(A.P.= "arborum pollen") of each slide, plus the corresponding pollen of herbs (N.A.P. = “non
arborum pollen”) and spores.
Identification of pollen grains was performed using various handbooks and
determination keys (Hyde and Williams 1944; Faegri and Iversen 1964, 1989, Moore et al.
1991; Punt et al. 1994), but especially after Reille's pollen atlases (1990, 1992, 1995, b, 1998,
1999). Nomenclature used for vascular plants is that of "Flora Europaea (Tutin et al., 19641980).
The database was created with the special pollen software GpalWin (Goeury, 1997)
and includes the taxa list (and families, respectively) corresponding to the analyzed sequence,
the number of samples and the numerical values obtained for each taxon, and family
respectively, of each level in part. For the interpretation of the sporo-pollen results, we
followed the method of pollen zones (Birks 1974, 1986), without using numerical methods for
zoning. Empirical zoning of diagrams was based on vegetation dynamics, especially according
to changes in the frequencies of major pollen taxa.
Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 5, (2008), "The Maramureşului Mountains Nature Park"
The stratigraphical study of the cores was accomplished before the laboratory
sampling. Its results are presented in Table 1.
Table 1 – Stratigraphic aspects of the analysed cores from Bardău sequence
Microstratigraphic characteristics
Lacuna in peat sedimentation, only undecomposed Sphagnum
Light brown peat, very lax, lacunary, slightly decomposed, with many macrorests
More compact peat, similar to the one from the above layer
Brown, lax peat, lacunary in some parts, with plenty of macrorests
Brown peat, more compact, more decomposed, with few macrorests
Brown peat, more compact, very unctuous, decomposed, with macrorests
Light brown, lax peat, slightly decomposed, with dark intercalations and many macrorests
Brown-darkish peat, lax, humid, slightly decomposed, with light intercalations and many
Humid, lax, light brown peat, slightly decomposed, with dark intercalations and many
Humid, dark brown peat, compact, unctuos, with intercalations and few macrorests
Brown peat with dark intercalations, ± decomposed, unctuos, semicompact, with fibres
and macrorests
Brown, compact peat, with dark intercalations and macrorests
Brown-darkish peat, unctuos, compact, with microcrystals and macrorests
Brown-greyish peat, unctuos, with microcrystals, macrorests and pebbles
The samples for C14 dating were sent to Poznan Radiocarbon Laboratory (Poland), for
their absolute dating using AMS method. C14 dating results can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2 – Chronological aspects of the analyzed cores in the sequence from Bardău
- C14 datings Site & depth (cm)
Bardau B 260
Bardau B 300
Bardau B 340
Bardau B 378
Laboratory code
Uncalibrated C14 Age
2905 ± 30 B.P.*
3285 ± 35 B.P.
5930 ± 40 B.P.
6090 ± 40 B.P.
* B.P. = Before Present
In the microscopic slides obtained, the following categories of pollen taxa (including
families) were identified using the optical microscope:
◊ tree pollen : a). conifers; b). deciduous;
◊ shrub pollen
◊ herbaceous plants pollen: a). families; b). taxa;
◊ moss and ferns spores;
Unidentified pollen grains or spores were framed in the category "indeterminable”.
S.Fărcaş et al. –Pollen analysis of the sequence from the peat bog Tăul Mare – Bardău (1 ~ 10)
By graphical representation of pollen spectra within the data bank sporo-pollen
diagrams were obtained, in which each taxon and family are related to the total AP + N.A.P.
(Figs. 4-5). The ratio of AP and NAP is also represented in the diagrams, to better illustrate the
type of dominant ecosystem, depending on the climatic period.
A number of 9 pollen zones were established from base to surface, partially
superposed over the last three classical forest phases described by Pop (1929, 1932):
1. The phase of spruce fir with mixed oak and hazel (Picea - Quercetum mixtum –
Corylus) (9000-5000 B.P.)
2. The phase of spruce fir with hornbeam (Picea - Carpinus) (5000-2700 B.P.)
3. The phase of spruce fir - beech - fir tree (Picea - Fagus - Abies) (2700 B.P. present)
The continuous curve of hazel, with high values, suggests the Atlantic age for the
beginning of peat storage in the analyzed sequence. As it can be seen in the diagram of tree
and shrub pollen (AP), the presence of Picea in the region is substantial and consistent, higher
in value than that of Corylus, but lower than that of Alnus viridis, which is favored by both
edafic factors and the high altitude of the site, located above the upper limit of spruce forests in
the area.
The first pollen zone corresponds to the phase of spruce fir with mixed oak and hazel,
also characterized by significant percentages of pollen of Ulmus and Tilia, among mixed oak,
still under-represented because of altitude.
Pine, alder, birch, ash, oak and willow trees are also present in the first pollen zone,
still with low percentages. The continuous curve of hornbeam has small values at first, than,
towards the end of the interval, exceedes 5%. We also notice the first, constant, occurrences of
beech in the pollen spectra of this pollen zone, with low percentages, while fir pollen is absent.
The sudden increase of fern spores in the pollen diagram, as well as the herbaceous
pollen with significance of anthropic indicator (Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Urticaceae, Artemisia,
Plantago, Cannabis type), suggests the existence of some clearings, forest cuts, human
pressure being still low at the time in the region.
The subboreal period, and the phase of spruce fir with hornbeam described above,
respectively, correspond to the following two pollen zones, while all the other 6 pollen zones
belong to the Subatlantic period and to the phase of spruce fir - beech - fir tree, respectively.
The main characteristics of the pollen zone 2 are: the absolute maximum percentage of
Carpinus, specific to its own phase, the bimaximal curve of Picea, a new maximum of Alnus
viridis percentages, the first maximum, more moderate, of Fagus and a dramatic reduction of
Corylus. For the rest, the same tree taxa mentioned in the first pollen zone are present with
small fluctuations, induced by climate and to a lesser extent by human impact. Among the
herbaceous plants we notice the first appearance of Cerealia pollen, and the absolute
maximum of fern spores in the sequence.
In pollen zone 3 the accelerated growth of Fagus curve is conspicuous, and contrasts the
decreasing one of Alnus viridis which, while Carpinus and Picea are maintaining percentages
similar to the previous zone. The decrease in the curves of Cyperaceae pollen and fern spores,
respectively is also noticeable.
The pollen zone 4 already belongs to Subatlantic age, the last climatic period of the
Holocene, which started around 2700 years B.P. At the beginning of this zone the Fagus curve
reaches its absolute maximum for this sequence, and also the first appearance of Abies pollen, still
sporadic and with low values. The curves of hornbeam and spruce fir are maintaining high values
in this pollen zone. Pinus, Betula, Ulmus, Fraxinus, Quercus, Tilia, Corylus, Alnus, A. viridis are
Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 5, (2008), "The Maramureşului Mountains Nature Park"
the other tree taxa with constant presence in pollen spectra of this pollen zone, while Juniperus
and Larix appear only sporadically, with very small values. Concerning pollen of herbaceous
plants, an increase of the Cyperaceae curve is visible, and there is also the first appearance of
Secale pollen, proving the increase of agricultural activities in the region.
The pollen zone 5 records the start of the continuous curve of Abies. Fagus maintains its
high values through the entire zone, while Carpinus, after a new maximum, decreases towards the
end of the zone.
In pollen zone 6 the ascending curve of Abies can be noticed, also the maintenance of
Fagus at high values with a bimaximal curve, and the decrease of Carpinus curve to units. The
pollen of herbaceous plants as human impact indicator is varied (Cerealia, Cannabis type,
Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Plantago, Rumex, Apiaceae, Urticacaeae), even if it doesn’t reach
high values, except the Poaceae and Cyperaceae pollen, which is very well represented.
In pollen zone 7, Abies reaches a first maximum percentage, while Fagus pollen remains
relativelly constant, with high values, in the pollen spectra. Towards the end of the interval, a
sharp maximum of the Cyperaceae pollen can be observed, reflected in the reduction of the curves
of the main tree taxa characteristic to this phase, i.e. beech, spruce fir and fir tree. It is the first
pollen zone in which the ratio A.P./N.A.P. is favoring the herbaceous plants pollen.
The delimitation of the next pollen zone was based on the increase of Abies (that reaches
the absolute maximum of the sequence), Fagus and Picea curves. The phenomenon of
“Subatlantic recovery of hornbeam", found in almost all the pollen diagrams from Transylvania
and Romanian Carpathians, though much reduced in amplitude because of the site’s high
altitude, can still be observed. In this pollen zone, like in the next one, “the recovery” of birch
and pine cand be noticed, phenomenon induced by human impact. An absolute maximum of the
Artemisia curve for the entire sequence, also induced by human intervention, is well visible.
In the last pollen zone the reduction of the pollen values of Fagus, Abies and Carpinus,
can be noticed along with the increase of the pollen values of herbaceous plants, indicators of the
human impact, like Cerealia, Urticaceae, Poaceaea, Cyperaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Plantago,
Cannabis type, Thalictrum, Fabaceae, Brassicaceae etc.
In what concerns the dynamic of the main tree taxa in the sequence from Tăul Mare Bardău, some basic aspects, confirmed by the pollen analysis carried out in the glacial cirque
Cristina, situated nearby (Farcas et al., 2009 - oral presentation), can be emphasized.
Regarding spruce fir (Picea), since the age of the sequence is not old enough, its presence
in Lateglacial or at the beginning of the Holocene could not be verified. At maximum depth, 380
cm, the spruce fir values prove its already significant presence in the region, which continues with
some oscillations, through the entire sequence.
Mixed oak elements (Quercetum mixtum) appear under-represented in the sequence
because of the high altitude of the site. Elm curve (Ulmus) is more visible in the base of the
sequence. The continuous curve, with substantial percentage values of hazel (Corylus), suggest an
Atlantic age for the beginning of peat storage in the analyzed sequence.
The absolute maximum of hornbeam (Carpinus) percentages, specific to its own phase, is
modest, because of the high altitude of the site and of its considerable distance from the hornbeam
forests in the region. Beech (Fagus) is reported from the base of the sequence, with constant but
low percentage appearances. Its curve maintains high values on almost the entire interval,
certifying its substantial and not very far presence in the region.
S.Fărcaş et al. –Pollen analysis of the sequence from the peat bog Tăul Mare – Bardău (1 ~ 10)
With respect to fir tree (Abies) pollen, in the sequence of Bardău the exact date of its first
occurrence is not known but it is approximated at about 3000 years ago, close in range with the
certification of fir tree in the sequence of Cristina, or from CăpăŃâna in the Apuseni Mountains
(Fărcaş et al., 2005). C14 dating at the base of the sequence from Taul Mare - Bardău (6090 ± 40
BP) attest its Atlantic age.
Fig. 4. Pollen diagram of tree taxa and the main herbaceous taxa
from Tăul Mare - Bardău sequence
Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 5, (2008), "The Maramureşului Mountains Nature Park"
Fig. 5. Pollen diagram of herbaceous taxa and spores from Tăul Mare - Bardău sequence
These results were obtained within the PNCDII Programme project “The study of the
biodiversity of spruce and fir forests from Natura 2000 protected areas through multidisciplinary modern
methods”, contract No. 31-015/2007.
The authors want to thank to the enthusiast people from “Poienile de sub Munte” commune
(prof. MaşniŃă Mihai and Maria, prof. Coroian Constantin, ing. Recalo Ştefan), and to geographer
PuşcuŃă Răzvan, for their kind support during the fieldwork in Maramureşului Mountains.
S.Fărcaş et al. –Pollen analysis of the sequence from the peat bog Tăul Mare – Bardău (1 ~ 10)
Thanks is also due to the Administration of the “Maramureşului Mountains Nature Park” for
the authorization of studies and research within the park.
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Transylv. Rev. Syst. Ecol. Res. 5, (2008), "The Maramureşului Mountains Nature Park"