The Evangel - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
The Evangel - Our Saviour Lutheran Church
The Evangel Vol. 31, Edition 1 January 2014 Our Saviour Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We welcome all to share in life with Christ as a community of faith in mission. OSLC Mission Statement God calls us to make Christ’s love real in our daily lives by: Many kids are hungry, all around the world: 10.9 million children under five die in developing countries each year-60% of the deaths are from malnutrition.1 More than 26% of households with children in Indiana reported suffering food hardship in 2009-2010.2 In Guatemala, chronic malnutrition is the single biggest contributor to the deaths of children under five. 3 Protein and vegetable consumption is virtually non-existent among Mayan families in Guatemala.3 The State of the World's Children, UNICEF, 2007) 2 Food Research and Action Center, August 2011 Report 3 ghi-targets-chronic-malnutrition-guatemala How can you make a difference? Growing in faith and discipleship Our Saviour Lutheran Church, together with our partners, will be packing meals on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, January 20th. Join us! Make your reservation to help pack by visiting Loving and serving God and neighbor Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ Sunday Worship Three shifts are now open: 9:30am, 12:30pm and 3:00pm. We have also received a $4, 000 donation from Meijer in the form of gift cards. Talk with Pastor Will to purchase gift cards. Jan 5: 9:30 A.M. Jan 12, 19, 26: 8:30 and 11:00 A.M. Attended nursery available on Sunday mornings Fellowship 10:30 A.M. JAN 5 9:30—9:45 A.M. JAN 12, 19, 26 Sunday School for all ages 9:45—10:45 A.M. Will Peugeot, Pastor Steven Rye, Campus Pastor OSLC Annual Meeting Sunday, January 26th There will be a pot luck lunch following the 11A.M. service. Please bring food to share. Plates, utensils, and drinks will be provided. The meeting will begin at about 1:15 P.M. Council Highlights December 12, 2013 Jan. 2014 “Listening for the Word of God is the beginning of obedience (to the will of God.)” With these words in the sermon on December 22nd, I invited the congregation to join me in reading through the Bible in one year. I am informed that this can be done with ten minutes of reading each day. Is it possible? Ten minutes doesn’t seem that difficult to find each day, does it? There are several ways to do this. One can begin at the beginning book, Genesis, and read from beginning to end. Or, one could make a plan to read an Old Testament book in its entirety and then a New Testament book. In my searching, I have found the NRSV Daily Bible. This follows the beginning to end format. In addition this has a daily verse to meditate upon, some wisdom from a Christian spiritual classic to contemplate, and a brief prayer. I will be using this Bible for my devotions this year. If you would like to use the Daily NRSV Bible, I am ordering some from the publisher at a cost of $13 plus shipping. Let me know if I should include one for you in the order by January 2nd by emailing me at or by phoning me at 743-2931. Most important is our listening for the Word each day. God wants to give us good things. Pastor Will Peugeot’s Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am - Noon Office: 743-2931; Home: 463-5057 Friday is Pastor Will’s day off. Page 2 There was a review of the Stewardship Campaign; all agreed that the Temple Talks were excellent. The Evangelism Team is looking at updating OSLC’s signage and photo board. The Finance Ministry is finalizing the budget for 2014. The Operations Ministry continues to work on the OSLC Bylaws. The Council retreat will take place on Saturday, Jan. 18th from 8am to noon. The Nominations Ministry is hard at work, filling the eight open spots. There is a Habitat for Humanity Family in need of assistance. Pastor Will shared information about the upcoming Mission Guatemala trips. January Jim Ahlrichs 1 Jo Amstutz 1 Sue Axtell 1 Jim BeMiller 1 Pari BeMiller 1 Ruth Ewbank 1 Wes Gearhart 1 Sherri Guido 1 Allen Hammer 1 Jo Johannsen 1 JoAnne Johnson 1 Sonya Margerum 1 Charlotte Ohland 1 Judy Ohm 1 Brian Wagner 1 Vera Weiser 1 Gentry Byers 13 Suzanne Rye 16 Bill Baumgardt 17 January Book Discussion: The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway You are welcome to attend the book discussion whether you’ve read the book or not. We meet in the room at the back of the nave during the Sunday School Hour. The Evangel The Evangel is the monthly newsletter published twelve times annually by Our Saviour Lutheran Church, 300 W. Fowler, West Lafayette, IN 47906. Members receive a copy of The Evangel with additional copies placed in the church narthex. Please send address changes to the attention of “Sandra” at the above mailing address or via e-mail to: The Evangel, January 2014 OSLC Bulletin Board-News & Notes Coffee Hour Hosts Needed It’s a new year, full of lots of opportunities. One of them is the chance to serve as host or hostess for the Sunday morning Coffee Hour. The new schedule is posted by the kitchen door. Sign up alone or with a buddy. If you have questions, talk to Charlotte Erdmann (743-8656) or shoot her an email ( Thanks for considering it! Tippecanoe Taizé 7:00 P.M., January 28th @ First Christian Church (329 N 6th St, Lafayette) 2nd Wednesday Concert Series St. John’s Episcopal Church 600 Ferry St Lafayette January 8, 12:10 P.M. Mary Heller & Margo Marlatt, piano & cello Jubilee Christmas Day A Snowy Success Despite the blizzard-like conditions, families and volunteers from all over the area gathered at Jubilee host churches for the LUM Jubilee Christmas 2013. Jubilee Christmas is such a joyous day. Our Jubilee Christmas families are wonderful, loving parents -- and our loving volunteers are excited to assist and to make these parents the "heroes" on Christmas morning. LUM Jubilee Christmas is truly a community effort. Over 600 Jubilee families and 1800 Jubilee children will be affected by this program. Each Jubilee family also received a ham and homemade Christmas cookies to make Christmas dinner special too. Thank you to all the church coordinators who organized the best Jubilee Christmas day ever! Most people will never appreciate how much work and love you put into making Jubilee work well for everyone. Thanks also to Ron Smith, Linda Hicks and Sylvia Mohler for so marvelously holding up the LUM end of Jubilee. One-thousand volunteers along with donations of $250,000 worth of toys, food and gift certificates all combined to guarantee that Christmas morning will be a special time for more than 1,800 low-income children in our community. We even had Christmas snow on Jubilee Saturday this year! God bless each of you for your wonderful work! - Joe Micon, LUM Executive Director Purdue Lutheran Ministry “A Lutheran Ministry on the Campus of Purdue Not Just a Ministry to Lutherans.” On a related note, many thanks to all who helped out here at OSLC to make Jubilee Christmas happen. Thanks for the many donations of toys, money, and time. It takes many hands to make this program a success, so thanks for participating! - Nancy Peters Contact Info: 330 W Fowler Ave, West Lafayette (across from Knoy Hall) 765-743-2398 Free Ride to the 11:00 A.M. Worship Service at Our Saviour The Evangel, January 2014 Page 3 Two mission trips to Guatemala are planned for 2014, May 11-19 and June 28July 6. The cost will be around $1400. Youth (14 years and older) can go with a parent or guardian. High School juniors or seniors can go with a pastor’s permission. Each team is limited to 12-14 people. To register, one must complete an application form along with a $100 deposit returned to the Our Saviour office or to Pastor Steve. See Pastor Steve, Pastor Will, or Sandra for the forms. The registration deadline for the May trip is January 31st. The deadline for the June/July trip is March 14th. Pastor Steve will be the pastoral leader for the May trip. Pastor Scott Mann, Christ United Methodist Church will lead the July trip. College students and youth are eligible for a subsidy that reduces the cost. For those who might find a mid-winter trip to a warm climate inviting, a January 2015 trip is in the works. This will replace the September trip of the last two years. We go to serve. This is the most important qualification. We go to meet Jesus, to experience God working in a different culture, and to give and receive blessing with the people of Guatemala. Epiphany Experiment We continue our experimenting with our nave arrangement in Epiphany. The season begins with Jesus going down to the Jordan for baptism. It ends with Jesus going up the mountain with Peter, James, and John, and then coming down the mountain in the Transfiguration. The Sermon on the Mount is a primary text for many of the Gospel readings this season. The nave arrangement will help us experience the movement of ascent and descent. The epiphanies of God occur in high and low places. Come experience the mystery and wonder of God’s appearing. “Glory to God in the Highest!” Thanks to all who attended the Sunday School Christmas Program on December 15th! We took a brief respite from our hectic schedules so that we could indeed “Listen to Christmas”, and try to exHolly Black is willing to perience the simplicity of that first Christmas in just make and distribute copa little bit different manner. Many youth and adults ies of the Christmas prohelped to make this happen, and I would like to be gram. Please supply her certain each person knows that their contribution with a blank DVD-R was deeply appreciated. Parents of Sunday School with your name on it, students – a special thank you for helping your and she will see to it that youth to be present so that we could prepare this you receive a copy. special program. Thanks to all! As we move into the new year, please mark your calendars that Sunday School classes will resume on January 12th. We will continue our emphasis on the fight against hunger, as the youth bring their offering money each Sunday. Please keep those conversations going at home about why they can help with their offerings. Look for more details about one exciting project that the Tweens class will be bringing to us at OSLC. The Tweens class is planning a Bake Sale! You’ll be able to take a break from your baking or getting your baked goods at a grocery store. You’ll have the opportunity to shop right here at Our Saviour! The tentative date for the “Fight Against Hunger” Bake Sale is Sunday, February 9th, beginning after the first service and continuing through the end of second service. Perhaps you’ll even need some baked goodies for Valentine’s Day later in the week as well! The Tweens class will announce soon how the profits from the bake sale will be used to fight hunger right here in our community. More details soon to come. Ardeth Ohm-Moser Director of Christian Education and Outreach Page 4 Adult Forum in January What would it be like to be a Christian in Egypt? On January 12th, Adult Forum will watch a recent segment by 60 Minutes on just that topic. On a Sunday following, Adult Forum will host Egyptian Christian Nancy Shalaby, hearing what life in Egypt is like for Christians currently, as well as her personal experience raised in a Christian home. The Shalaby Family make their home in California, but Nancy is here in West Lafayette while her daughter is attending Purdue. We look forward to hearing from her! Pastor Will also plans to lead two sessions on Bible Study: Biblical resources to help busy people study the Bible without being overwhelmed, and Creative ways to engage in Bible Study. The Evangel, January 2014 Family Promise Update With the help of our Unitarian Universalist partners, OSLC hosted Family Promise guests from December 15-22. There were two families with us during this time, Yolanda with her 4 children, Ashton (13), Antone (12), Aden (9), and daughter Ryanne (14 months) and Anne with her daughters Serenity (7), Skylar (16 months). Anne’s 3rd daughter Acelynn (9) was with us over the weekend. By the time you are reading this, Anne hopes to have been placed into transitional housing as a step toward her own apartment. During the evening hours of that week the fellowship hall was alive with sounds of children building with Legos, playing with the Wii, and involved with the volunteers with other games and conversation. A couple of evenings it was difficult to get the children away from the activities to eat the delicious food prepared by our wonderful volunteer cooks! A big thank you to the many OSLC and UU volunteers who made this week possible: Trailer pick-up, set-up, and teardown: Wes and Krista Gearhart, Wayne and Ruth Ewbank, Suzanne and Eric Nielsen, Jean Tyner. Dinners: Julie Huetteman, Josh Prokopy, Jo Johannsen, Ruth Ewbank, John and Laurel Branstrator, Laura Helms, Mike Tripodi, Jo Amstutz Evening hosts: Ruth Anne Hammer, Jean Tyner, Marcia Daehler, Sonya Margerum, Jo The Evangel, January 2014 Johannsen, Bob and Barb Kenley, Ruth and Wayne Ewbank, Tom McConville, Reuben Peterson, Cindy Modlin Adams, Sherri Guido, Vera Weiser Overnight hosts: Vicki Mills, Dick Rahdert, Mike Myers, Reverend Charlie, Pastor Will, Chris Johannsen, Suzan Windnagle, Matt Ohland, Tom McConville, Vera Weiser Saturday breakfast: Vera Weiser Sunday Day Center: Jason Rubsam Logistic and Communications support: Sandra Vana and Ardeth Ohm-Moser After serving as coordinators for 5 years, Sherri Guido and Vera Weiser are stepping down from these roles (but still intend to be volunteers) and Ruth Ewbank and Phil Cardella will take over as co-coordinators for OSLC’s Family Promise participation. They will be helped by two new co-coordinators from the UU congregation, Gabriela Weaver and Mike Tripodi, as Josh Prokopy is stepping down as the UU Coordinator and will become the President of the Family Promise Board in January. Family Promise thanks outgoing President Dave Ertmer for all his work over the past two years. Sherri and Vera want to thank the congregation and the UU congregation for all their support as OSLC and UU, along with the rest of the churches involved, navigated the ins and outs of this new community ministry as it started up five years ago. It was a new experience for all, but as is always the case, God’s Spirit and hand have been, and will continue to be, a good guide to us all. Sherri and Vera also want to thank Ruth and Phil for being willing to take over the responsibilities of organizing each of the four weeks that we host families. Please mark your calendars for OSLC’s 2014 hosting weeks: February 2-9 April 6-13 September 7-14 November 30- December 7 Other Family Promise News Recently the organization has been the recipient of several major gifts: Family promise was the recipient of $1000 from First Source Bank’s Anniversary celebration. Thanks to all of the OSLC people who took the time to fill out a nomination form in support of Family Promise. Family Promise received a large donation from Kids Konnected (a local non-profit). Their organization closed and they distributed remaining funds to other non-profits in the area Family Promise was quite surprised to be a recipient of some of their funds. Thank you to Chuck and Lucia Anderson for applying on our behalf! A$1000+ grant from the Subaru Foundation. The grant was given to fund bedding purchases for the next year as guests arrive. Every guest will be given a pillow and comforter to use here and take with them as they leave. PetSmart established a partnership with the Family Promise national organizations last summer and began providing services to local affiliates. Our FPGL was awarded a free fish tank and stand for the guests to enjoy at the Day Center. The tank was set up in mid-December. Supplies needed currently: Copy paper for the office bottled water Family Promise of Greater Lafayette 765.838.3651 Day Center 2203 N. 19th St. Lafayette, IN 47904 Laurie Mann, Executive Director Page 5 Advent Celebration: Good Food & Good Fun! Thanks to all who contributed to the success of the Advent Celebration (especially Julie Huetteman & Sara Behnke) and the Sunday School Christmas Program (especially the Sunday School kids, parents, teachers, and Ardeth OhmMoser). Everything was super! Page 6 The Evangel, January 2014 “Listen to Christmas” Sunday School Christmas Program Participants: Barb Kenley, Stacia Cardella, Jacqueline Gloy, Abigail Black, Isabel Cardella, Meredith Gloy, Ben Henderson, Anders Ohland, Carson Ohland, Kristofer Rye, Philip Cardella, Cindy Modlin Adams, Ken Musselman, Krista Gearhart, Wes Gearhart, Clara Gearhart, Cam Avery, Anna Henderson, Emma Henderson, Evan Smith, Hayden Smith, Nicholas Huetteman, Molly McKneight, and the OSLC Congregation Behind the scenes: Ardeth Ohm-Moser, Suzanne Rye, Julie Huetteman, Bob Moser, Sue Axtell, Holly Black, Emily Ohland, Charlotte Ohland, Bob Nielsen, and Carl Behnke The Evangel, January 2014 Page 7 News items for the February Evangel are due to Sandra Vana ( by 1/21/2014. Please type “Evangel” in the subject line. (765) 743-2931 Will Peugeot, Pastor Ardeth Ohm-Moser, Director of Christian Education & Outreach Beth Dana, Music Director Sandra Vana, Secretary Congregational Officers President: Matt Ohland Vice President: Ruth Ewbank Treasurer: Sue Hermodson Financial Secretary: Ossama Rasmy Congregational Council PLM Purdue Lutheran Ministry (765) 743-2398 Steven Rye, Pastor 330 West Fowler Ave West Lafayette, IN 47906 Carl Behnke Ruth Ewbank Allen Grady Julie Huetteman Evaro Krause Davis Kuykendall Bea Lamb Bob Moser Matt Ohland Committee Contacts Altar: Renee Rasmy Arts: Christian Ed.: Sandra Vana Congregational Life: Julie Huetteman & Sara Behnke Evangelism: Sonya Margerum Family Promise: Vera Weiser & Sherri Guido Finance: Steve Belter Foundation: Vince Guido LUM Liaison: Allen Grady Mutual Ministry: Bob Moser Operations: Chris Johannsen PLM Liaison: Davis Kuykendall Property: Matt Ohland Social Ministry: Carol Grady & Scott Vana Worship & Music: Mark Hermodson The Evangel Our Saviour Lutheran Church 300 West Fowler Avenue West Lafayette, IN 47906 OSLC Church Staff