March 2005 Lakelands Leader
March 2005 Lakelands Leader
LOG ON TODAY! L • WWW.LAKELANDS.ORG L AKELANDS eader The March 2005 Yard Sale Season Is Upon Us Mark your calendars! The community yard sale is coming soon. See page 3. Ice Skating Season Cut Short The Kentlands Ice Rink has gone out of business, details on page 14. Neighbor to Neighbor Lakelands photographer shares his favorites on film, story on page 10. What Happens In Lakelands Stays in Lakelands Las Vegas Night Coming Soon By Andrea Escher & Jim Wakefield L Our Town Chipotle, 2Golf, Hollywood Tan and others have opened in town, page12. Coming Attractions There are lots of upcoming events coming to Lakelands, check out page 15. Empty Nesters Mingle Laklelands empty nesters gather for a meet & mingle event. See page 10. Why not try your hand at a little luck and good times at the Lakelands Las Vegas Night. akelands isn't exactly Sin City! There is an obvious lack of wild nightlife, no all night gambling. So, the Lakelands Social Committee has decided to bring the thrill and excitement of Las Vegas to Lakelands! Mark your calendars and great ready! Las Vegas Night is on its way. Join your friends and neighbors for an unforgettable Vegas style event, Saturday, April 16th from 6:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at the Lakelands Clubhouse. The Social Committee has plans to turn the Clubhouse into a Las Vegas casino. It will be just like going to 'Vegas' without having to take your shoes off at the TSA security checkpoint. See VEGAAS continued on page 3 Covenants: An Answer to Rage? Lakelands Establishes a Covenants Committee By Gregory Allen Edwards Return Address: The Lakelands Leader 960 Main Street Gaithersburg, MD 20878 R age! The word is quickly becoming iconic in American language. We have angry employees going on rages, road rage, airline rage, and even electoral rages. Not to mention anything fashionable is now "all the rage." There is another kind of rage slowly entering the lexicon: homeowner rage. Sadly, simple disputes have erupted in violence between neighbors in communities as disparate as San Diego, California, and Buffalo, New York. The American Way, of course, is to sue! See COVENAANTTS continued on page 7 Lakelands Leader, Five Years and Still Going Strong! By Andrea Escher D PRSRT-STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit #163 Dulles, VA espite recent rumors, the Lakelands Leader HAS NOT been bought out or sold to our local newspaper competitors. The Lakelands Leader continues to be the "OFFICIAL" source for community news, and events. If you want to know about life in Lakelands, the Lakelands Leader is the publication for you. We work hard to bring you the most up-to-date, factual information every month. Thank you to all the residents and advertisers who have supported us over the past five years. We couldn't have done it without you! Cheers to many more future issues of The Lakelands Leader. L New Property Manager Comes Aboard Lakelands Welcomes Debbie Durham By Andrea Escher R esidents were concerned it would take months to find a new community manager. However, the Lakelands Board of Directors is excited to announce the hunt is over and a new on-site manager has been hired. Congratulations and welcome to Debbie Durham, the new Lakelands community manager. Durham joined the Lakelands management team on February 14th and has already begun settling into her office and adjusting to life in Lakelands. "So far everyone I have met has just been wonderful," says Durham. "There are a lot of really dedicated residents." During her first week in Lakelands, Durham was busy touring the community, meeting with the committee members, and jumping right into the daily tasks of managing the neighborhood. Durham is no stranger to the property management industry. In her previous position as a portfolio manager for a local Gaithersburg property management firm, she Lakelands extends a oversaw the man- warm welcome to agement of the new on-ssite manager Debbie Durham.. Kingsview Village community in Germantown, and the neo-traditional community Clarksburg Town Center in Clarksburg. Durham says what attracted her to the position here in Lakelands, was the opportunity to work on-site for one community. "Being on-site I can really focus my attention on communicating with the residents, committees, and the Board, while improving the quality of life in Lakelands," says Durham. The on-site manager's office is located on the 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. You can reach Durham by calling 240-631-8338 or via email at We extend a warm welcome to Debbie Durham, and wish her all the best in her new position! We also encourage residents to stop by and say hello. L Photos Courtesy: Andrea Escher what’snews? Volume 7 Issue 3 Now You Can Own And Enjoy Our Unique Design In Every Area Of Your Home... Call Closet Stretchers Today! FREE Call U Today s For A Consul Design Limite tation! d T Offer! ime Closet Designs Garage Designs Shown Here Is Just A Sample Of Our Many Custom Designs! Office Designs Entertainment Designs • Custom Designs • Nobody Beats Our Prices • Portable & Adjustable • One Day Installations • Top Quality Material • Get Organized Today • Make The Most Of Every Inch • FREE In-Home Consultation • The Area’s Best Designers • The Area’s Best Installers The Original Closet Company Since 1979 VIRGINIA (301) 468-2004 MARYLAND (301) 468-1090 WASHINGTON D.C. (301) 468-1091 12201 Nebel Street Rockville MD Visit us on the web at: 2 The Lakelands Leader March 2005 fromtheboard By Jed Tonelson, LCA Director T he new Board has been working as a team since we were elected a few months ago. Shortly after the election, Jim Wakefield, the Association's President, suggested the following as an unofficial theme for the year: "The LCA is here to serve the community in a positive, proactive manner." It's an excellent mission statement that guides our ideas and initiatives. It certainly covers an important goal that I have which is to ensure that the communications between the residents, property management company, and the Board of Directors is as effective as possible. The team is very committed to responding quickly and accurately to residents. The Board has created a group email address: In addition, the five of us have individual Lakelands email addresses, which are published each month in the Leader, and are posted on the Lakelands web site. We have also established an email address for the new property manager, Debbie Durham, which is Our assistant community manager Sandra Berry's email address is . In the near future, we plan to establish a group email address for each committee, which should make it easier for the residents to communicate with our committees. our new property manager will establish an excellent rapport with the residents, and that her responses to issues will be viewed as both accurate and timely. Finally, we established this column in the Leader as a means to communicate our thoughts on issues affecting the community. The team has agreed to take turns writing the column. As we work throughout the year, please let us know how we are doing. Send comments to our email address, visit, participate in committee and Board meetings, and then hold all of us accountable for timely, accurate, and responsive communications. L The Board has assigned members as liaisons to each of the HOA committees Jim Wakefield - Social Committee Mark Ezrin - Communications & Facilities Lake Coulson - Environmental and Beautification & Livework Pat McCalley - Budget & Design Review Jed Tonelson - Community Relations & Swim Team We have informally committed to attending as many of our assigned committee meetings, as possible. I have attended the last three Community Relations Committee meetings and have worked with the members as they addressed some difficult issues. By attending the meetings we are available to answer questions, take action items, and learn about issues that have the potential to be elevated to the Board's agenda. It is my belief that issues will be sent to the board only after we have attended the committee meetings and listened closely to the discussions. Then we will be better positioned to make the correct decisions in a timely manner. The Board and its committees have been using the Lakelands Website,, to post meeting dates, agendas, and other important information for the community. The web site includes a very active bulletin board, with many interesting postings every week. Board members regularly access the web site and often participate in discussion threads. Since not every resident has Internet access, the web site is not the perfect HOA communication medium, however, it certainly is a valuable community resource. The Communications Committee has done a masterful job of managing the web site and ensuring that its content is both timely and accurate. As part of the hiring process, CMI invited the Board to meet with the top candidates for our open property manager position. As I participated in the process, I was looking for a candidate that genuinely enjoyed communicating with residents and understood the importance of responding quickly and accurately to issues and problems. Every candidate that I met possessed these skills. I'm confident that Lakelands C ommunity Y ard S ale R eturns By Lori Wakefield I t's that time of year again. Time to clean out your garages, basements, and guest rooms. The Lakelands Community Spring Yard Sale will be held on Saturday, May 21st from 8a.m.-12p.m. A rain date has been scheduled for Sunday, May 22nd. There is no charge or RSVP required, and every resident is welcome to participate. Due to the confusion and traffic problems caused last time when shoppers sought out individual homesparticipating in the sale, the yard sale will be held at Four Corners Park on Lakelands Drive. Residents are welcome to put out their own signs/balloons directing people to their homes for sales as well. Just a word of yard sale advice: plan to price your items at 1/4-1/3 of the original price. Mark all items with a price tag, and be sure to organize items and hang clothes on hangers so they will be presentable. If you have any questions, please call Lori Wakefield 301-926-7577. We hope to see you then. L VEEGASS Continued from page 1 All the major casino tables will be set up ready for action, along with a Las Vegas dinner buffet line and drinks. The evening's entertainment will include the Chairman of the Board (aka Old Blue Eyes), "Frank Sinatra" singing songs like only he can. The King himself, "Elvis" will be officiating over nuptials for any lovers who wish to tie the knot in a traditional quickie wedding… Vegas Style! Prizes will be awarded to the luckiest players of the evening! Cost for this event is $15 per person in advance, $20 at the door. Dinner, drinks, entertainment, a wedding and gambling too! Where else can you get married, eat, drink and generally party and gamble for $15 per person Please RSVP with your payment at the Clubhouse or by calling Sandra at 240-631-8338. Deadline to register is April 13th. We hope to see you there and remember, what happens in 'Vegas, stays in 'Vegas. Whoops... we mean Lakelands! L March 2005 The Lakelands Leader 3 Block Captains Needed The L L AKELANDS eader The Official Newspaper of Lakelands LCA Board of Directors Jim Wakefield President Mark Ezrin Vice President Lake Coulson Secretary The following sections of the community are in need of Block Captain volunteers: Chestnut Hill Street Cross Green Street Gatestone Street Main Street area Phelps Street Rockborn Street Block captains are responsible for the delivery of the monthly Lakelands yellow flyer. If you are a resident who MARCH 2ND MARCH 3RD MARCH 7TH Treasurer Jed Tonelson MARCH 14TH Member at Large MANAGEMENT CMI Debbie Durham 240-631-8338 EDITOR & ADVERTISING MANAGER Andrea Escher 301-519-1678 CONTRIBUTORS/WRITERS Gina Dropik Gregory Edwards By Andrea Escher lives on any of the above mentioned streets, and you would like to volunteer your time, please contact Joe Mills at Thanks in advance for you generosity. Rent the Clubhouse Spring and summer are right around FEBRUARY calendarofevents MARCH 9TH MARCH 12TH Pat McCalley lakelandsinbrief the corner! Now is the time to start thinking of where you will host your next big celebration. Is there a baby shower, birthday party, or family reunion on the horizon? Why not host your next event at the Lakelands Clubhouse? Community events and activities are being organized, and room availability is limited, so be sure to contact Sandra Berry at 240-631-8338 today to reserve your spot. Rental rules and regulations, a fee schedule, and rental application are available online by logging on to MARCH 14TH MARCH 15TH MARCH 15TH MARCH 16TH MARCH 17TH MARCH 22ND MARCH 23RD MARCH 25TH Community Relations Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Clubhouse. Contact Katherine Gilbert via e-mail at for more information. Lakelands Playgroup, meets every Thursday 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Green Room at the Lakelands Clubhouse. For more information, please contact Nora Fitzpatrick at or call 301-208-1632. Design Review Committee Meeting, 7:15 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Eric Kessler at emkessler@ for more information. Facilities Committee, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of Lakelands Clubhouse, contact Scott Fischthal at or 301-963-2308. Lakelands Family Movie Night. 7:00-9:00 p.m. 1st floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact the Social Committee at Lakelands Networking Club, 8:30 a.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Wayne Zussman at for more information. Communications Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Kerri Donnelly for more information at Deadline for contributions & advertisements for the Lakelands Leader. Budget & Finance Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Peter Frey at for more information. Environmental & Beautification Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of Clubhouse. Contact Bev Frey at for more information. Lakelands St. Patrick's Day Happy Hour! 6:00-8:00 p.m. 1st floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. For more information email Social Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Judy Mills at or 240-683-0125. Board of Directors Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact the Lakelands Clubhouse for further information at 240-631-8338. Deadline for Design Review Applications. Please contact the on-site management office at 240-631-8338 to get an application. Beverly Frey Ben Laimon Jeff Parker Genie Tillisch Lori Wakefield The Lakelands Leader is the monthly, published means of communicating information of itnerest to Lakelands residents. It does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service. Articles and letters submitted for publication must be signed and may be edited for length and content. CMI and the LCA do not endorse the products or services advertised herein, nor are they responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The Leader is published by the Association, which is responsible for form, content and policies. LAYOUT & DESIGN Cristina Strigel 703-777-7676 PRINTING Silver Communications 4 The Lakelands Leader March 2005 Change Your Light Bulbs The community alleyways are looking pretty dark! Please take a moment, step outside your garage, and change the burned-out bulbs (and pick up your Gazette). By simply changing your light bulb and turning your lights on, you will help to deter any potential vandals. After all, what thief will venture down a brightly lit alley? If you forget to turn your lights on, consider purchasing a dawn/dusk sensor, this way your fixture will turn on and off without your help! Thanks in advance for changing those burned out bulbs! Are You New to Lakelands? Welcome! Please take a moment to stop by the Lakelands Clubhouse on Main Street to pick up your copy of The Lakelands Leader, phone directory, Clubhouse access card, and any additional information you may need to help you easily transition to your new home in Lakelands. Just a quick FYI: trash is removed on Monday and Thursday, and recycling is collected on Thursday. To obtain a recycling bin, please contact the City of Gaithersburg at 301-258-6370. For more information about life in Lakelands, please contact the on-site management team at 240-631-8338. Tot Lot in the Lane Not anymore! The Lakelands Leader has learned the site located on Still Creek Lane, which was originally intended for the installation of a tot lot, will be a landscaped pocket park. Stephenson & Good Landscape Design Architects have been retained to design the area. Plans will include perennials and woodland plantings. Keep an eye out for landscape activity on the site soon. March 2005 lakelandslistings Landscape Improvements Continue The Environmental Management Committee reports more community landscape improvements will continue this spring, as additional areas around Lakelands will be beautified. With Phase I projects completed in the fall, Phase II is set to being with improvements to the Kersten Street Tot Lot, Main Street Commons, and Chestnut Hill Park. The landscaping plans were previously approved by the Board of Directors in late summer, so residents should not panic if they see re-development and reconstruction of the sites. We hope you enjoy the new improvements. Compiled by Jeff Escher/Long & Foster Realtors UNDER CONTRACT Address Housing Type Model Builder List Price 613 Chestnut Hill Mews Townhouse Fairgate Ryan Homes $520,000 352 Chestnut Hill Street Townhouse Georgetown Miller & Smith $594,900 430 Danbridge Street Single Family Bartholomew NV Homes $854,900 720 Gatestone Street Single Family Ryan Homes $799,999 646 Gatestone Street Townhouse Georgetown Miller & Smith $599,000 30 Golden Ash Way Townhouse Vintage Miller & Smith $504,900 102 Golden Ash Way Townhouse Vintage Miller & Smith $514,900 505 Helene Street Townhouse 605 Linslade Street Townhouse 489 Lynette Street Towhouse 645A Main Street Condo-Townhouse Georgetown The Lakelands playgroup continues to meet every Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Green Room of the Lakelands Clubhouse. This is a great opportunity for tots of all ages to gather for some playtime fun and the chance for parents to enjoy adult conversation. The playgroup is open to all Lakelands residents and more tiny tots are encouraged to join the group. Stop by the Clubhouse, or contact playgroup coordinator Nora Fitzpatrick at nfitz10@ or 301-208-1632. 728 Market Street East Townhouse Classic Address Housing Type Model Builder Rent Price 328B Cross Green Street Condo-Townhouse Georgetown Ryland $1,695 690 Healthwalk Mews Cottage Main Street $1,900 402 Kersten Street Townhouse NV Homes $1,975 March Lakelands Board Meeting Participate in the Playgroup The Lakelands Community Association Board of Directors will conduct their monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 23rd at 7:00 p.m. Meetings will take place on the 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. We hope to see you there! $569,900 Georgetown Miller & Smith $598,500 NV Homes $549,900 Ryland $380,000 $569,900 FOR RENT SOLD Address Housing Type Model Builder Sold Price 33B Golden Ash Way Condo-Townhouse Mt. Vernon Ryland $419,900 696 Healthwalk Mews Cottage 441 Phelps Street Townhouse Main Street $439,900 Turnberry Classic $504,900 473 Lynette Street Townhouse Vanderbilt NV Homes $584,900 575 Market Street East Townhouse Turnberry Classic $497,600 657B Main Street Condo-Townhouse Mt. Vernon Ryland $415,000 Listings as of 02/18/05 The information above was obtained from MRIS. Information is believed to be accurate, but should not be relied upon without verification. These were not listing/sold exclusively by Jeff Escher/Long & Foster Real Estate. The Lakelands Leader 5 news&events Young Artist Award Recipients to Perform An exceptional panel of judges recently juried more than 50 applicants for the Second Young Artist Award Competition-an event designed to provide musicians aged 12-18 with an enriching artistic and resume-building experience. The competition is presented by the City of Gaithersburg in partnership with the Kentlands Community Foundation. These exceedingly talented young winners will perform at the Young Artist Award Concert, Saturday, March 19th at 7:30 p.m. at the Arts Barn, 311 Kent Square Road, Gaithersburg. The winners, names will be announced at the concert, which is sponsored in part by Fitzpatrick Glass Studio and Lashof Violins. Tickets are $8 for City residents and $10 for nonresidents, and may be purchased by calling the Arts Barn at 301-258-6394. Tsunami Relief Fund Update The Kentlands Community Foundation helped create a neighborhood fund of $1,700.00 for UNICEF by gathering donations from neighbors. This money will provide access to clean water for 195 households in Indonesia. According to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF (, the water kits will allow survivors to access safe water and avoid deadly diseases while elements of infrastructure, such as plumbing and heating, are rebuilt. These kits will include detergent, soap, wash basin, towels, bucket, and water purification tablets. Thank you to all who participated in this relief effort! "Just Give" Tee-S Shirts To Aid Tsunami Victims In an effort to raise money to help the victims of the Tsunami, the newest ladies fashion boutique Emily Grace, is excited to offer their "Just Give" tee-shirt. The store will donate 100% of the proceeds from the sale of the shirt to UNICEF. This shirt retails for $40, and comes in small, medium, and large. Emily Grace owner Stacy Soler says, "This tee-shirt is a win-win. It is super comfortable, and a great way to help others!" Emily Grace is located in the Traville Village Shopping Center off Shady Grove Road in Rockville. Emily Grace looks forward to seeing you at the store, and remember the best way to help another is to "Just Give." Gaithersburg Area Newcomers Welcome Coffee The Gaithersburg Area Newcomers Club will hold a Welcome Coffee for prospective new members on Friday, March 11th, at 10:00 a.m. The meeting will be held in a private home in the Gaithersburg area. For information and directions, call 301-528-5139 or 301-924-3737. The Gaithersburg Area Newcomers Club is a nonprofit social organization established to 6 The Lakelands Leader promote friendship and help new residents become familiar with the community. It offers a variety of interest groups and monthly socials. Award Winning "Proof" Comes to Gaithersburg Arts Barn The City of Gaithersburg, in partnership with Montgomery Playhouse, presents David Auburn's "Proof," the award winning drama that speaks of family troubles, love, ambition, self-sacrifice, and inner strength. Produced by special arrangement with Dramatists Play Service, the show will run weekends March 4-6, and March 11-13 at the Gaithersburg Arts Barn, 311 Kent Square Road. When a disputed mathematical proof is found among the abandoned notebooks of a brilliant but unstable professor, his daughter searches for the truth while confronting her family's twin legacies of madness and genius. "Proof" has won both a Pulitzer Prize and a Tony Award. Show times are 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and 3 p.m. on Sundays. Tickets are $10 for City residents and $12 for nonresidents. For information and ticket purchase please call 301-258-6394. City Plans American Girl Place Excursion for April Enjoy the comforts of a fully-appointed motor coach as you head off to New York City and the American Girl Place. The full day excursion on Saturday, April 9th includes transportation, lunch at the American Girl Café, and admission to the American Girl Revue Show. Built into the day are two free hours for shopping and sightseeing near Rockefeller Center and Times Square. The bus departs at 7 a.m. from the Activity Center at Bohrer Park, 506 South Frederick Avenue, and will return to Gaithersburg at approximately 10 p.m. Cost is $100 for City residents, and $130 for nonresidents. Children must be at least six years old to attend the Revue Show. Register by calling 301-258-6350. March 2005 Covenants: An Answer to Rage? cannot be appealed. Lawsuits over simple disputes in the In today's atmosphere, a simple dispute community association setting have could escalate into a legal battle in court become so common and widespread that a where the only winners are lawyers. So the number of state legislatures have adopted challenge is on! measures requiring alternative mechaThe Lakelands Board of Directors nisms for resolution of these disputes in wants to do something about this. They order to keep them out of the courts. want you to do something about this! In our own backyard, Montgomery They want volunteers to serve on the County requires every member of a Lakelands Community Association's first homeowners association or condomini- ever Covenants Committee. um to pay an annual fee to support the The Committee needs to be at least Commission on Common Ownership three strong, but no more than seven. to hear these disputes as an alternative A working knowledge of your to civil court. Governing Documents is important for For a number of years, the Lakelands any volunteer wishing to be on this Community Association has functioned Committee and the Board will appoint without a Covenants all the members. Committee. This im- There are a number of benefits to forming a There are a numportant committee is ber of benefits to Covenants Committee and the LCA described in your forming a Covenants Community Con- Board of Directors is in need of volunteers Committee. As noted, stitution. One of its one benefit to memto serve on the first ever Lakelands primary purposes is bers is that an autoCovenants Committee. to, "make reasonable matic right of appeal is efforts to resolve conbuilt in to the system. flicts relating to the Governing Documents I'm not kidding. It can be found under between and among Owners on an informal Article 8, Section 8.3 of the Community and amicable basis." Constitution. That paragraph is even It can also investigate allegations of vio- titled, "Appeal." lations of the Governing Documents, issue Second, having a separate Covenants cease and desist orders regarding alleged Committee means your Board of Directors violations, impose fines, and even inter- can focus on the big issues affecting the pret the Governing Documents. Association. Through the years the Board of Third, it means you don't have to - you Directors has attempted to resolve these probably will, but you don't have to - spend disputes between neighbors. The Board money on a lawyer telling you what the has heard these allegations of violations. documents mean. Of course, the same Board has even Fourth, it gives you another great imposed fines. Committee with which to train future Unfortunately, without a separate Board members. Covenants Committee, the residents If you're interested in being on this have no avenue for appeal. Any dis- important Committee, contact the manputes with the Association that are not agement office at 240-631-8338 or the resolved by an Enforcement Hearing Board via email at L COVEENANTSS Continued from page 1 March 2005 10% off next visit. Limit one per family. Expires March 30, 2005. The Lakelands Leader 7 commiteecorner Design Review Committee Expands The Lakelands Board of Directors recently approved the expansion of the Design Review Committee from five members to seven members. At the January Board of Directors meeting, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Featherstone Street resident Emily Steinberg and Andrew Inkeles of Pheasant Street. We would like to thank these two residents for volunteering their time. Budget Committee Welcomes New Chairman The Lakelands Budget & Finance Committee welcomed the appointment of a new Chairman, Market Street East resident Peter Frey. Frey, who will replace former chairman Wayne Zussman, began his new position with the February committee meeting. He is no stranger to this committee, having served for the past several years. Frey reports the committee will now meet monthly instead of bi-monthly. If you have questions regarding the Budget & Finance committee, please contact Peter Frey at or attend the upcoming committee meeting on March 15th at 7:00 p.m. Congratulations Peter, we wish you the best in your new position. Social Committee Update By Judy Mills Peter Frey Environmental and Beautification Update By Beverly Frey, Committee Chair Spring is right around the corner and the EBC is hard at work addressing community needs and concerns. As the March winds blow, so does the trash and recycling throughout the neighborhood. Please be sure that trash is placed in a closed receptacle, and recycled papers are bundled securely and placed in recycle containers, which are available from the City of Gaithersburg (301-258-6370). Placing recycled papers in brown grocery bags on a wet and windy day is a "mess" waiting to happen! And, in this day of identity theft, do you really want your bank statements, credit card applications, and personal information blowing around the neighborhood? A few reminders…please know that those pesky packing peanuts can be reused or recycled. Contact a local parcel-shipping store for details. There are trash receptacles placed throughout the community. Please dispose of coffee cups, soft drink cans, and snack wrappers in the proper way and not by tossing on the ground, a neighbor's lawn, or in the gutter, which then ends up in our lakes. And, as you walk by the lakes or on the nature trails, please do not leave behind your bottles, cans, and trash. Our trails are nature at its best, please don't spoil them for others. Association fees pay for the cost of tidying up our community, an expense that can be reduced if we all try a little harder! 8 The Lakelands Leader The grounds maintenance contract was reviewed and additional maintenance scheduled to keep our community looking attractive. Most exciting is the continuation of the landscape improvement plan. The plans were first presented to the community in April 2004, and are still available for review. Phase I of the plan was implemented last fall, and we invite you to enjoy the greenery and benches at Market Street East, Phelps Tot Lot, and Sheila Street Commons. Phase II begins this spring with improvements to Kersten Street Tot Lot, Main Street Commons, and Chestnut Park. Once again, Stephenson & Good Landscape Design Architects have been retained to design the last area of our community - Lane in the Woods. Plans will include perennials and woodland plantings, which will add to the charm of this neighborhood. The next Environmental and Beautification meeting will be Wednesday, March 16th at 7:00 p.m. in the clubhouse. As always, meetings are open to all! Please bring your concerns, ideas, and enthusiasm. See you then. February Bingo night was enjoyed by all! Sadly, the March Family Night Talent Show has been CANCELLED due to a lack of applicants. Instead, we will be turning to an old favorite, Movie Night. Lakelands Movie Nights have proven to be a great way to take the kids out for a movie, popcorn and a beverage without needing to visit the ATM machine! March Happy Hour will be on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Last year's St. Patrick's Day event was our highest attended Happy Hour of the year and everyone had a blast, even the green beer drinkers! This year O'Donnell's Seafood Restaurant will provide the munchies, so the Irish hospitality should be overwhelming. Mark your calendars for the April 9th Family Night, when Montgomery College Professor Debra Guenther and her health and fitness students will sponsor Family Fitness Night. Children and parents will rotate stations learning about physical fitness, the food pyramid, and healthy snacking, while competing against the clock, each other, and their parents to win prizes. This year's first big party, Las Vegas Night, will be held April 16th. We're pulling out all the stops for this one, with regulation gaming tables, dinner buffet line, drinks, headliner entertainment, and Elvis will perform weddings and sing a number or two! Even though it's still cold outside, we're already getting ready for pool season! Egan Barbequer's will return on Saturday, May 28th for the pool opening party. More details to follow as the date approaches. Singles! We haven't forgotten about you! We're planning a Lakelands Singles Event and we'd appreciate your input! Keep reading the Lakelands Leader for important updates and we hope to see you out and about at a Lakelands social event! And don't forget, volunteers and sponsors are always appreciated! March 2005 Mike Hurt says Liberty Tax is open seven days a week and depending on how complicated your taxes are, forms can be prepared in one hour. Liberty Tax is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.; Saturdays from 9:00 a.m.-5:00p.m.; Sundays from noon-5:00 p.m.; and by appointment. After tax season Liberty Tax will continue to operate one day a week and by appointments. As the tax deadline nears, it is best to book your next appointment by calling 301-963-1050. Chipotle Is C alling Y ou I t was exactly one year ago the community learned Chipotle would be coming to Kentlands. So attention all burrito lovers: Chipotle has finally opened for business next to Blockbuster. To the excitement of many, the store held its grand opening in mid February and so far business has been booming. Lunch hour lines have been out the door and residents are raving. If you haven't had a chance to enjoy the "Chipotle experience," be sure to stop by and give it a try. Mirch M asala Indian C uisine By Andrea Escher Hollywood T ans Is H ere G et a deep, dark tan before you hit the beach and pool. Hollywood Tans opened at 201 Kentlands Boulevard (next to Lowes), in early February. For your convenience and tanning preferences, Hollywood features three methods of tanning. There are three stand-up booths, the instant tan, a six-second spray-on tan that lasts for approximately five to seven days, and a high pressure booth. Memberships at Hollywood Tans are available for $19.99 a month and include unlimited use of the HT42 stand -up booth and 50 percent off all other services. Hours are Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m-9:00 p.m.; Saturday, 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.; and Sunday, 11:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. So grab your tanning lotion and check it out. Liberty T ax Opens i n T own A pril 15th is right around the corner and if you have been procrastinating, a professional tax preparation service is right around the corner! Liberty Tax has held its grand opening at 331 Kentlands Boulevard (near Giuseppi's Pizza) in late January. Owner M irch Masala, an Indian restaurant, has opened at 200 Main Street, at the corner of Kentlands Boulevard. Owner Poonam Chopra says the restaurant specializes in vegetarian dishes, and all dishes are served to taste, mild or hot. The lunch menu features sandwiches, wraps, salads and more. Mirch Masala also offers weekend breakfast specials, Indian breads, beer, and desserts. Mirch Masala is open daily from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and will reopen for dinner from 5:00 -9:00 p.m.; and Fridays and Saturdays until 10:00 p.m. Calling A ll G olfers! T he Kentlands Square shopping center is now home to a full service golf store. 2Golf recently opened in the former Bagel Capital location at 255 Kentlands Boulevard. This specialty retailer offers golf clubs, bags, balls, gloves and more for men, women and juniors. They offer free on-course demos so that players can try out the latest technology on the course. 2Golf is also certified to custom fit clubs from all manufacturers free of charge. In addition, they also buy and trade equipment. Hours are currently Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m., Saturdays, 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., and Sundays, noon-5:00 p.m. Why P ay 6 % C ommission . .. ...when commissions are not set by law? Spicer Real Estate offers sellers more options and more cash at closing! Listing Fee $495 • Settlement Fee as Low as $1995 Our a-la-carte fee schedule allows us to customize our services to your needs - SAVING YOU MONEY! Call MARILYN APOLITO on 240-498-4304 or visit for more information today! S PICER REAL ESTATE 1700 Rockville Pike, Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20852 • 301-622-2222 March 2005 The Lakelands Leader 9 neighbortoneighbor Empty N esters Celebrate F irst Social G athering By Beverly Frey T Photo Courtesy: Beverly Frey he Lakelands Empty Nesters Club recently held its first get together, and a good time was had by all! Thirty empty nesters gathered on February 19th at the Lakelands Clubhouse to share their thoughts and ideas, and enjoy lots of good food. The consensus was the group would be busy planning future events! A few suggestions for activities include trips to Strathmore Music Center, the Kennedy The gang's all here! The Lakelands Empty Nesters Club! Center, a Nationals baseball game, dinner out, mystery trips, and even a co-ed softball game. Interests were varied with individuals looking for friends to share tennis time, cycling, games, needlework, and day trips. The Club is also interested in sponsoring a welcoming program for new Lakelands residents. Mark your calendars. The next get together will be "Game Night" on Sunday, April 10th at 6:30 p.m. at the Clubhouse. Please bring your favorite game, snack or dessert to share, and don't forget your enthusiasm. For more details about the Lakelands Empty Nesters Club, please contact Bev at or 301-330- 6197 or Leslie at or 301258-1058. Hope to see you there. L 10 The Lakelands Leader By Gina Dropik Lakelands Freelance Photographer, A Slice Of Life Behind The Lens L akelands resident Randall Scott's life is far different now than it used to be ten years ago. Today, his days are spent playing at the tot lot or taking walks around the lake with his three-year-old daughter Katya. But ten years ago, Randall was jet-setting around the world taking pictures for major magazines. As a professional photographer, Randall photographed the likes of Bill Gates, Senator Jim Jeffords and actor/musician Donnie Wahlberg. Today his life is a little simpler. He still works as a freelance photographer, going on shoots three to four days a week, but for now the pace is much slower. Randall's interest in photography started at a young age. He took pictures for his high school newspaper and earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in photographic arts at California StateFullerton. During his last couple of years of college, he began exhibiting his work in solo shows in New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. After graduation, he opened an alternative art gallery in Los Angeles, where he showed abstract paintings and photographs. In 1993 he went to the Ukraine, to work as the art director for a news service "In a portrait shoot, the gloves come off and sometimes, most times, you get to see, hear, and experience the amazing things that people think and believe," says Scott. Photos Courtesy: Randall Scott called Intelnews. The opportunity presented itself suddenly, and he had only five days to get there. He bought a cheap plane ticket to New York where he caught the nine hour flight to Kiev. During an embarrassing mishap in the airport where he had to empty one of his bags in front of a large group of people, he noticed a girl watching him. As fate would have it, the girl ended up sitting next to him on the long flight March 2005 and a relationship began. This woman , tographed a host of celebrities and thouAnna, would eventually become his wife. sands of people for countless magazines, I After a year in the Ukraine, Randall wish I could remember," Randall said. "In and Anna moved to Seattle, where she a portrait shoot, the gloves come off and studied theoretical physics, and he worked sometimes, most times, you get to see, on his own as a freelance photographer. hear, and experience the amazing things He started photographing editorial por- that people think and believe." traits and travel stories. "All I ever wanted "When 9/11 happened worked stop to do was to travel the world and take pic- everywhere. I didn't work for two years," tures," said Randall. "I always thought what said Randall. Shortly afterward, their a great way to learn about people, and daughter Katya was born, and Anna was experience a slice of life that most people offered a job in Maryland. Life then are not welcomed into." One of his fondest slowed down and Randall took time off memories is what he describes as the greatest Randall Scott with wife Anna posed for an impromptu photo shoot of his life in while on a recent vacation. Lisbon, Portugal. "I slept three hours in three days," Randall said. The rest of the time was spent experiencing life in Lisbon and photographing it all the while. It was here that he believes he took his best picture ever. The picture was taken at 3:00 a.m. in a bar in a residential neighborhood. It was of a man, tired and weary, with lots of other men dancing behind him. Anna earned her PhD, and got a job in Silicon Valley, so Randall spent a lot of time traveling between Washington and California. During this time, which he to spend with Katya to really get to called the hey day, he was shooting lots of know her. small independent stars at the Seattle film Living in a nearby apartment complex, festival, and lots of business people includ- Randall happened upon the Whole Foods ing CEOs of top companies such as Intel in Kentlands. He toured the neighborand Cisco. His mainstay was editorial por- hood and figured it would be a great place traits, having photographed for Time, to move to. The couple bought a townNewsweek, Forbes, Fortune, and The New house on Golden Ash Way. Although he York Times Magazine. "I have pho- misses the hustle and bustle of the big March 2005 cities and all they have to offer, Randall says he does like the security that Lakelands offers. He is enjoying spending his time with his daughter and wife, while still being able to pursue his career as a profession- al freelance photographer. He is still taking pictures for many major magazines and is doing corporate shoots as well. But for now, he has time to pursue other interests such as golf, squash, painting, and playing with Katya. L The Lakelands Leader 11 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! who’snews It’s a Girl! C ongratulations are extended to Elie and Danielle Ashery of Market Street East upon the birth of their first child, baby girl Lilah Rose Ashery. Lilah made her debut on January 20, 2005 weighing 7lbs, 10 oz, and measuring 19 ¾ inches long. We extend our warmest congrats to Elie and Danielle and welcome baby Lilah to Lakelands! H appy belated birthday wishes to Aliza Kim of Lake Varuna Drive. Aliza was busy celebrating her 3rd birthday on January 31st with a birthday party full of family and friends. We hope you had a great day, and got lots of presents! H appy 1st birthday wishes are extended to Abigail Taylor Moon of Lynette Street. Abigail will celebrate her birthday on March 31st with a party of family and friends. She is excited to have her Grandma Sharon and Aunt Ginger, who both live in the neighborhood join her on her special day. We wish you a wonderful birthday! C ongratulations to David and Lori Shell of Market Street East, who welcomed a second daughter into their family, baby girl Lindsay Hannah Shell. Lindsay arrived on January 2, 2005 at 1:29 a.m. (talk about a New Year's baby!) weighing 6lbs and measuring 18 ½ inches. Her big sister Samantha loves her new baby sister. Congrats to David, Lori, and Samantha and welcome to Lakelands, Lindsay! H appy 1st birthday to Matthew Rubin of Kersten Street! Matthew will celebrate his big day on March 24th with lots of birthday cake. Don't forget to make a wish when you blow out your candle. We hope you have a fantastic birthday! H Mardi Gras Madness H appy belated birthday wishes to Sandy Krems of Lakelands Drive. Sandy celebrated her big day on February 12th surrounded by her friends and neighbors. We hope you had a great birthday Sandy! (L-R Shannon Loane, Denise McGovern, Sandy Krems and Linda Hartley) 12 The Lakelands Leader Photo Courtesy: Albert Krems appy birthday 7th birthday to McCabe Berteling of Linslade Street. McCabe will be celebrating on March 24th with a party of family and friends. We bet you get lots of presents, and hope you have a great day. Lakelands neighbors sure know how to live it up, especially at Mardi Gras time. Gatestone Street residents Audrey and Scott Najdowski (shown here with a friend) threw a Mardi Gras party on February 12th for their friends and neighbors, complete with decorations, food and, fun. Everyone in attendance had a great time. March 2005 March 2005 The Lakelands Leader 13 Kentlands Ice Rink Out of Business By Andrea Escher H ang up those ice skates! The Kentlands Ice Rink located in the heart of Market Square has officially gone out of business. Skaters took their final twirls around the ice in February and now city officials will direct their focus on finding the perfect use for the site. Will it be turned into a park or performance pavilion? Its fate has yet to be decided. The NonProfit Community Development Corporation (which operates the rink/mini golf) say the sucIt's time to hang up your ice skates; cess of their venture has been a constant battle, the Kentlands rink is out of business. with uncooperative weather conditions, and flack from nearby merchants, residents, and city officials, who they say never agreed with their enterprise. So when the opportunity came to terminate their lease early, the Corporation realized it was time to close their doors. With the rink out of business, Beatty Management has agreed to turn the site over to the city of Gaithersburg for future redevelopment. It is unclear if the site will be added into the city's Market Square Master Plan Special Study area, or if immediate consideration on its fate will be a priority. Kentlands Ice Rink Closing Down In a spirited discussion on the message The Kentlands ice skating rink in Market Square will be board, residents voiced their reac- going out of business at the end of the season. It is still to tions to the news the rink was be determined how the site will be used. What are your closing. Some residents com- thoughts on this? mented the rink has been an eyesore and are happy to see its clo- Total Community Surveys Received: 70 sure, while others are more optimistic about the future use of the "I'm sad it's going out of business!" 29 votes site. Many say they would enjoy 41% seeing the site as a grassy area and "I'm glad it's going out of business!" 21 votes a concert pavilion. 30% The city says they will seek input from both Kentlands and "I don't care either way!" 16 votes Lakelands residents for their 23% ideas and suggestions for its use. "I can't believe it's going out of business!" 4 votes Be sure to stay tuned for future 6% updates and meeting dates. L RESIDENTS R EACT N U R S E RY 301-990-6689 TOP SOIL • MULCH • LEAFGRO FULLY STOCKED NURSERY sod • straw • seed • fertilizers • annuals • perennials pavers • slate • stone • ornamental grasses Trees, shrubs & ornamentals arriving daily Open 7 Days Delivery available on all items 8135 SNOUFFER SCHOOL ROAD, GAITHERSBURG Looking for Family Footcare? We’re now in your neighborhood! Montgomery Foot and Ankle Associates, LLC Adam K. Spector, DPM Herman R. Zarate, DPM Sharon T. Siebold, DPM Specialists in the Medical and Surgical Treatment of the Foot and Ankle 14 The Lakelands Leader SILVER SPRING NORTH POTOMAC WHEATON 1111 Spring Street Silver Spring, MD 20910 Phone: 301-589-8886 11906-G Darnestown Road N. Potomac, MD 20878 Phone: 301-987-7450 3909 Ferrara Drive Wheaton, MD 20906 Phone: 301-949-8833 March 2005 March 2005 • Family Night, Saturday, March 12th from 7:00 - 9:00 PM at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Due to an overwhelming lack of talent (nobody signed up), we've switched our talent night for movie night! This month’s flick is the SpongeBob SquarePants Movie (PG)! Popcorn and drinks will be provided. Free Admission! • Happy Hour, Thursday, March 17th from 6:00 - 8:00 PM at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Although Happy Hours are usually planned for the last Friday of the month, it didn't seem fittin' to let St. Patrick's Day slip by without a proper celebration. Beer (green and otherwise), wine and appetitizers will be provided. Adults only, please! Proudly sponsored by… 311 Kentlands Boulevard Gaithersburg, MD 20878 301.519.1650 April 2005 • Family Night, Saturday, April 9th from 7:00 - 9:00 PM at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Family Fitness Night. Children and parents will rotate stations learning about physical fitness, the food pyramid and healthy snacking, while competing against the clock, each other, and their parents to win prizes. Sponsored in part by Montgomery College. • Las Vegas Night, Saturday, April 16th from 6:30 - 11:00 PM at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Our first big party of the year! The Lakelands Social Committee turns the Clubhouse into a Las Vegas casino. We'll have all the major casino tables in action along with a Las Vegas buffet line, drinks and entertainment, including the Chairman of the Board, "Frank Sinatra" singing songs like only he can. The King himself, "Elvis" will also be officiating over nuptials for any lovers that want to tie the knot in a traditional quickie wedding… Vegas Style! Coming Attractions! Upcoming Events Produced by the Lakelands Social Committee Prizes will be awarded to the luckiest players of the evening! Cost for this event is $15 per person in advance, $20 at the door. Please RSVP with your payment to Sandra at the Clubhouse by April 13th. We hope to see you there! Sponsored by... • March 2005 Since we're having Las Vegas Night, there will be no Happy Hour in April. The Lakelands Leader 15 gardengate Pilates C lass C ontinues i n M arch By Genie Tillisch By Jeff Parker, CPI Fitness S wimsuit season is right around the corner and its time for you to start thinking about getting back in shape. For those residents interested in Pilates, Complete Physique Inc, will be starting the Pilates mat class beginning on March 3rd at the Lakelands clubhouse. Pilates is a method of exercise created by Joseph Pilates in 1926. The Pilates mat class is a total body conditioning workout. Through well-designed exercise sequences, Pilates focuses on proper alignment, posture awareness, and core stability. Pilates is an ideal complement to any fitness program, and will result in an improved posture, an enhanced feeling of balance, a reduction in aches and pain, greater flexibility, and a longer, learner, more toned body. Overall, Pilates helps to improve the ability to do every day activities, and you will feel more relaxed and less stressed. Class space is limited, so please sign up as soon as possible. Complete Physique intends to keep class size small to improve the interaction between the client and instructor. For more information on the classes or to sign up, please contact Jeff Parker at 301-908-2940. L Photos Courtesy: Genie Tillisch This class will meet Thursdays from 7:20 to 8:20 p.m. The next session of classes will start March 3rd and will run another 6 weeks. The cost for this series is $60.00. Glory of the Snow 'Pink Giant' is tiny but not timid. S ometimes the smallest thing can have a major impact. Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow, the seemingly pathetic mouse gnaws the ropes to free the majestic lion, and a host of so-called "minor bulbs" provides the first major color of the gardening season. Some bulb vendors even take offense at the term, "minor," preferring to call them "specialty bulbs" or "the best of the rest." These diminutive wonders have a lot going for them. First, their bulbs are so small they only need to be planted three or four inches deep, unlike their big tulip-daffodil-hyacinth cousins that require six inch- Minor Bulbs es or more. When working in our heavy clay soil, three inches sounds so much more pleasant than six or eight. Second, these small bulbs tend to reproduce themselves, producing a larger patch of color every year, rather than dwindling away to nothing in the habit of the large tulips. Third, their early bloom makes them good candidates for locating in the partial shade of deciduous trees. Their flowers usually precede the leafing out of the trees, so they get plenty of sun and by the time the leafy canopy is complete, the tiny bulbs have closed up shop until next year. Fourth, they can be naturalized in your lawn, and We’re Ahead of Our Time Mission Statement “My associates and I are sincerely committed to providing you with the most advanced dental techniques and pain-free treatments, in a friendly and comfortable environment.” Robert J. Kelly D.D.S. and Associates, P.A. 301-948-0058 832 Quince Orchard Blvd., Gaithersburg 301-949-2280 10335 Kensington Pkwy., Kensington 301-519-3232 220 Main Street, Kentlands, Gaithersburg 16 The Lakelands Leader March 2005 you'll have a carpet of color every spring. intense blues of any garden plant in any The earliest to bloom are often the season. Whereas many very good "blues" Snowdrops (Galanthus). These heralds of are in truth tinged with lavender or purple, true spring hail from the Mediterranean the squills offer an unadulterated, eye-popregion, and have pendant, white blooms ping blue. The color is carried by dozens with bright green tips on the inner tepals. of nodding, half-inch flowers like so many Common Snowdrop is properly known as little standards from some imaginary G. nivalis and presents a number of cultivar Caribbean nation. At least, that blue will choices such as 'Flore Pleno' (double flow- take you there in your daydreams. If you ers) and 'Sandersii' (yellow markings). G. require white squill, you can try the cultielwesii or Giant Snowdrop is larger than most snowdrops, growing 5-9 inches in height and providing sweetly scented flowers with green markings. G. ikariae boasts broad, glossy green foliage more striking than most. Another early beauty is Glory of the Snow (Chionodoxa), again from Greece and Turkey. The 3-8 inch plants produce racemes of star like flowers in late winter or early spring. C. forbesii, an heirloom species introduced around 1880, provides rich blue flowers with white centers. C. luciliae (also called C. gigantea) is similar Snowdrops appear early, but offers slightly larger and snow or no. slightly fewer blooms. Two commonly available cultivars of C. forbesii are 'Alba' (white) and 'Pink Giant' (pink fading to white). var 'Alba', and if you require an even deepThe Spring Starflower (Ipheion uniflorum) er blue, 'Spring Beauty' will provide its own sends up its leaves in the fall. It looks fine little rhapsody. and dandy through the harshest of winters, A Middle Eastern relative of both Glory then in early spring it shoots up hundreds of of the Snow and Spring Squill is Striped tiny stars that hover over the foliage. All Squill (Puschkinia scilloides). The bevy of starflowers are blue, but the shade is the bell-shaped bluish flowers is striped with a thing. The species provides a reliable pale darker blue and quite fetching. A white blue, while 'Rolf Fiedler' boasts a bright peri- version, sans stripe, is also available as P. winkle, and 'Wisley Blue' shows off with scilloides var. libanotica (sometimes P. libanlarger blooms of lilac blue. otica), but I'm not sure what sort of garSiberian or Spring Squill (Scilla siberica) dener would want their Striped Squill to provides one of the truest and most be stripeless. Everyone knows the Large Flowering Crocus (Crocus vernus). These are the big gaudy hybrids that provide major landscape impact in April. But do you know their dainty and brightly colored ancestors, the species crocus? Species crocus bloom about two weeks earlier and possess an old fashioned charm not found in their boisterous offspring. C. chrysanthus cultivars include 'Blue Pearl' (pale lilac-blue), 'Cream Beauty' (soft yellow with a bronze base), and 'Ladykiller' (white interior and violet exterior). C. sieberi 'Tricolor' offers a clear periwinkle blue with a white band and yellow throat, while C. tommasinianus 'Ruby Giant' will stop you in your tracks with its rosypurple blooms. Blue Grape Hyacinth (Muscari armeniacum) is almost as common as dirt, but this stalwart favorite has some interesting relatives. The white version of Common Grape Hyacinth (Muscari botryoides f. album) is refreshingly pure in a mixed planting. For the historical garden, try Tassel Hyacinth (M. comosum) introduced circa 1596 with its bright purple fringe or Feather Hyacinth (M. comosum plumosum) introduced circa 1612 with its reddish violet plumes. We couldn't overlook M. latifolium and its two-toned brilliance or M. armeniacum 'Valerie Finnis', the sweetest shade of baby blue under the sun. I'm sorry to report that you'll have to wait until fall to add any of these minor miracles to your garden. All of these bulbs must be planted in mid- to late-fall to provide their cheerful end of winter blooms. But your patience will be amply rewarded, so just clip this column and stash it in your sweater drawer! L Newnt! r e Undageme Man IN-HOME COMPUTER DOCTOR! Get the most from your home computers In-House Service (small business, too) • Install and Configure a Wireless Network • Software Upgrades and/or new installations • Router /Firewall/Broadband setup • Internet Security Check and Audit • Protect against viruses and spyware audit • Data Transfer or Backup • Software Service • Free Estimates ~ 15+ Years Experience Training Serving your Community Call Eric at 240-506-1237 Taste of Hong Kong FREE General Tso’s Chicken or Sesame Chicken with any order of $25.00 or more. We Deliver! (301) 926-7718 621 Center Point Way Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (In Kentlands Market Square) March 2005 The Lakelands Leader 17 atthemovies By Ben Laimon “Million Dollar Baby” I decided to put my "movie capital" into an Oscar contender. I went to see Million Dollar Baby and I am very glad I did. Million Dollar Baby was excellent. Clint Eastwood plays Frankie Dunn, the owner of a small grungy gym in a run down area of Los Angeles. Together with Eddie "Scrap-Iron" Dupris (played by Morgan Freeman), they run the gym and train wannabe boxers. Frankie and Eddie could be the seminal odd couple as they "butt heads" and bicker, but they manage to maintain a relationship that is unshakeable. The days go by, and its business as usual until Maggie (Hilary Swank) shows up. You guessed it, she wants to box. Frankie summarily rejects her, but her doggedness prevails. Frankie reluctantly gives in and agrees to train her. This superstar trifecta with Eastwood at the helm is uncannily magnetic. I was quickly drawn into the humanity of the characters. Freeman plays the sage guiding us through the film, filling in the details ah la The Shawshank Redemption in a style that only he can deliver. Swank shines as the simple and determined Maggie. Her generosity and tenacity make her character easy to root for. Eastwood is the driving force of the film. He carries burdens that resonate on the most basic levels. The film is nearly flawless. The way it is presented feels simple and natural. The story flows without an artificial dependence on effects or wild editing to hold our interest. It is truly great story telling in action. The Academy was right on the mark nominating this picture along with Eastwood, Swank and Freeman. If you are looking for a well made film that explores the strength and depth of human bonds, you'll find that in Million Dollar Baby. Two thumbs up! L assignmenteducation Rachel Carson Silent Auction Update Mandatory Testing in March By Kim Chaikin Rachel Carson's Silent Auction will be held Friday, April 22nd. With a beach party theme, the tide is coming in, and we are in full swing trying to pull it all together. We have had a great response for volunteers, but with an event this large we can always use more help. We are also in need of donations, so if you or someone you know has something of value to donate to the auction, we would appreciate your help. If you have a suggestion of an item you think we should try to get donated, let us know. No idea is silly or too big. We really want this year's auction to be exciting, new, and a BIG money maker. So please give us your ideas. Anyone interested in helping with the auction, or making a donation should contact Kim Chaikin at 301-9906642 or at Variety Show Coming Soon State and county mandatory testing for Rachel Carson Elementary students will take place during the month of March. The tests will include the Maryland School Assessment (MSA) for third, fourth, and fifth graders, which will take place March 1-10; and the Comprehensive Test of Basic Skills for second graders, which will take place March 17-22. Kindergarten Orientation Rachel Carson will host Kindergarten Orientation on Thursday, April 28th and Friday, April 29th, during which parents will have an opportunity to visit the kindergarten classes. All children who are five years old by September 30, 2005 are eligible for kindergarten in the fall. Spread the word to your neighbors who have children entering kindergarten next year. For more information regarding registration and orientation, please call Mrs. Feeter, the school secretary, at 301- 840-5333. The third annual Rachel Carson Variety Show has been scheduled. This year's show Spring Break! will be held at the Quince Orchard High School auditorium on Friday, May 6th at Remember, Montgomery County 7:00 p.m. The show will include many acts Public School students will be on spring featuring the talents of Rachel Carson stu- break from March 25th-April 4th. Be safe, dents and staff members. and have fun! 18 The Lakelands Leader March 2005 The S urvey S ays…. Here are what residents are saying about the hot community topics recently posted on the website. Avalon Residential Development Avalon Bay is proposing the development of a 650-uunit housing development adjacent to Lakelands on the site of the former GE property off Main Street. In order for the development to become a reality, the City of Gaithersburg would need to re-zzone the site from Industrial/Warehouse use to Mixed-UUsed Development. What are your thoughts on this? Total Community Surveys Received: 77 "I AM in favor Mixed-Used and the residential development" 34 votes 44% "Leave the site zoned for Warehouse/Industrial Use" 15 votes 19% "I AM NOT in favor of Mixed-Used and the residential development" 15 votes 19% "I AM in favor of Mixed-Used but NOT this residential plan" 13 votes 17% Hot D og P arty D ate A nnounced By Andrea Escher A s reported in last month's edition of the Lakelands Leader, Sheila Street resident Joe Mills thought it would be fun to host a dog party/social for his daschund Buddy. He invited all Lakelands daschunds to attend the fun. Mills has announced the official date of the daschund "Hot Dog Party," will be Saturday, March 12th at noon. Only daschunds will be allowed to attend the party. Food and treats will be served and costumes are strongly encouraged. As you can see, Buddy and his girlfriend Schatzie are can't wait for the event. Stay tuned to next month's issue to see photos of the 'Hot Dog Party!" L While the "real" hot dogs haven't hit the grill, the canine hot dogs Buddy and Schatzie, dressed in their party costumes, can't wait for March 12th. Photo Courtesy: Joe Mills The Lakelands Leader vs. The Town Courier Should the Lakelands Community Association get rid of the Lakelands Leader newspaper to save costs and pay a fee to publish community information in the independent Town Courier newspaper publication? Total Community Surveys Received: 100 "Keep the Lakelands Leader" 75 votes 75% "Get rid of the Leader and publish info in the Town Courier" 20 votes 20% "I have no opinion on this topic" 5 votes 5% N. Potomac / Quince Orchard March 2005 The Lakelands Leader 19 community FOR SALE Tiffany & Co: Are you or someone you know thinking of purchasing something from Tiffany & Co? I have $1150 in transferable Tiffany store credit that I would like to sell at a discount. If you are interested please call 240-631-6536. Become an Egg Donor Give Anonymously Egg donors hold the key to completing a couples long journey to have a child of their own. For a variety of medical reasons some women are unable to conceive using their own eggs. Their only option for conception is egg donation. These women are everyday women like your sister or your friend, whose only goal is to have a baby of their own to love for a lifetime. As an a egg donor, you’ll gain reward and personal satisfaction knowing your generous contribution will have a profound effect in the life of another woman and her partner. Excellent Financial Compensation Ask About Our Referral Reward Program If you are between the ages of 21-33 with a healthy lifestyle and would like to know more about egg donation please call: 1.888.529.6382 SHADY GROVE FERTILITY Apply Online: 20 The Lakelands Leader R E P R O D U C T I V E S C I E N C E C E N T E R Queen-ss ize S tearns & F oster m attress and box spring: Premium quality, likenew condition. Owner has developed allergy to synthetic fibers, must sell. Purchased at Bloomingdale's 3 1/2 years ago for $1500. Make an offer! Call Mark or Gail at 301-987-7058. We live in Lakelands. Rugs & Furniture: 2 Karstan rugs 9x12 and 8.5x12, one semi-antique Persian rug 10x14. All offers considered. Contact Athletic Equipment: Olympic weight bench with 300 pounds of weights ($200 OBO); Reebok Treadmill (hardly used) ($500 paid $1,000 in 2003); Back Extension ($40 OBO). Contact Matt at 301-6577332. Miscellaneous F or S ale: Vintage '60's Thomasville Dining Room Set Oval table with one leaf; 2 arm chairs, 4 side chairs - recently re-covered professionally, China Closet - glass top with 4 shelves and glass door; bottom has 3 center drawers flanked on each side with a door which conceals 2 additional shelves. Hostess cart with 2 drawers, one of which is lined for silver. Extends on each end with a small pop-up leaf. Table mats included. Also have a decorative wall table with one drawer. All pieces in excellent condition. Asking $1,750; buyer to pick up. One other item if there is space - navy blue aubusson carpet, 9'9" x 7'7" with floral design around the perimeter. Asking $500. Excellent condition. Call Nancy at 301-977-2030. Harley D avidson U ltra C lassic P eace Officers Edition: Year 2000 8,500 miles. Never dropped, cadet blue/midnight patrol blue, 2 custom painted helmets, engine blanket, heated handgrips (not installed). Everything an Ultra has to offer, am/fm stereo cassette w/4 speakers and handgrip controls, weather band, C.B., cruise control, travel compartments, full lowers, 2 voice activated headsets, THE WORKS!! This model can only be ordered new by law enforcement. $15,500, Call Chris (240) 401-2235. Moving Sale: Sleigh baby crib w/mattress, natural wood coloring $150.00. Pottery Barn "Madeline" style bumper & crib March 2005 classifieds skirt $35.00. Glider $40.00. Blue & white stripped sofa $125.00. Queen Anne style sofa table w/white wash finish $40.00. Electric lawnmower $75.00. Scuba Gear (flippers, boots, snorkel mask, mesh bag) never been used in boxes $50.00. Call 240-631-7226. HELP WANTED Legal Assistant Position: Hirschel, Savitz, Parker & Hollman (located on Kentlands Blvd) is seeking a full time legal/administrative assistant. Hours 9:30 to 6 or 10 to 6:30. Please forward resume to Heather France at or to 177 Kentlands Boulevard. See Help W anted: Part time Orthodontic Assistant needed for an Orthodontic practice located in a convenient North Potomac office. No experience necessary, wiling to train! Dental assistants from all fields encouraged to apply. Fax your resume to 301-977-0746. Help Wanted: Lakelands Clubhouse monitors needed. Part-time hours available. Perfect for students or retired persons. Call Debbie at 240-631-8338 or stop by the Lakelands Clubhouse between 9 and 5 p.m. FOR RENT Beach House: Enjoy breath taking summer sunsets over the Currituck Sound in Monteray March 2005 Watza Network? Shores, Corolla, NC. Beautifully furnished and decorated, this well-equipped vacation home will delight your family for a fun-filled time of leisure at the beach. Appropriately named "Island Time!" Please call Brindley Beach for more information 1-877-642-3224 or go to Island Times' website: Personalized, In-Home Computer Help • PC Hardware & Software Repair and Upgrades • Virus and Spyware Network • Wireless & Wired Network Expertise • Router/Firewall/Broadband Setup Gorgeous Outer Banks Home: Available for private rental; 200 ft. from beach; 6 bdrm.; 5 1/2 bath; swimming pool; hot tub; bed linen provided. Very reasonable. Call 301-258-7803. Lakelands Roommate Wanted ASAP: To share large three bedroom townhouse/condo ('B' unit) with one female. Can't pass up the features and location; must see for yourself!! Male preferred, Smoking and pets not allowed, Unfurnished bedroom with private bath, Rent: $750/month, Deposit: negotiable, Lease: Six months, Kitchen: full privileges, Laundry: washer and dryer on bedroom (3rd) level, Utilities (gas/electric) / cable: shared, Telephone: can establish separate line. Contact Karrie at • Home of the WATZA Private Label Never-Fail Router • Even Laser & Ink Jet Printer Repairs! Bob Mann 10+ Years Experience Free Initial Consultation ~ Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed! Serving the Kentlands and Lakelands Communities Call 301-495-3390 email: web: Watzanetwork? is a service of WATZA, LLC. Sell It, Find It, Rent It in the Lakelands Classifieds. To submit your FREE Lakelands classified, email or call Andrea at 301-519-1678. The Lakelands Leader 21 To advertise in The Lakelands Leader, please call 301-519-1678 or e-mail Professional Directory 22 The Lakelands Leader Elizabeth Ayala, D.M.A. Teacher of Piano The Kentlands 301-977-5424 • Yard Clean-ups • Mulching and Wood Chips • Landscape Design/Installation • Shrub/Tree Installation Avi Chertock • Lawn Renovation — Seeding/Fertilizing • Landscape Consultations • Shrub Pruning and Removal • Flower — Perennial-Annual Installation (301) 593-0577 March 2005 THE LAW OFFICE OF KENNETH S. SAVELL Call 301-675-9626 or e-mail to ask questions or to schedule an appointment Professional Directory Wills • Durable Powers of Attorney Advance Medical Directives Revocable Living Trusts • Estate Administration Tax, Estate, Financial Planning • Tax Preparation Tax Controversies To advertise in The Lakelands Leader, please call 301-519-1678 or e-mail Only 42% of all adults have a will. Don't make your plans at the last minute. Weight Loss: The Perfect New Year’s Resolution! March 2005 The Lakelands Leader 23 24 The Lakelands Leader March 2005
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