March 2006 Lakelands Leader
LOG ON! L • WWW.LAKELANDS.ORG L AKELANDS eader The March 2006 what’snews? They're Back! The Lakelands Playgroup is back for the spring, check out page 9 for new days and times. Committee Corner The latest news from the Environmental Management and Beautification Committee, on page 7. New Pool Pass Procedures Check out page 3 for details on the new pool pass polices in Lakelands. Neighbor to Neighbor Lakelands couple brings GREAT STRIDES Walk-A-Thon to Market Square. See page 11. Rachel Carson Selected for New County Program New access entrances/exits slated for coming year for Rachel Carson, story on page 10. Volume 8 Issue 3 Join Us for Lakelands Family Fun Day Magician, Arts & Crafts, And Dora the Explorer! By Andrea Escher T he first ever Lakelands Family Fun Day has been scheduled and you won't want to miss it! The Lakelands Social Committee has prepared an afternoon of magic, arts and crafts and a few special surprise visitors. Join us on Sunday, March 19, 2006 from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The children will be amazed by the talents of magician Wendy Wand. The magic show will begin promptly at 3:00 p.m. Wendy is sure to have quite a few tricks and surprises up her sleeve. After the magic show, Andy's Parties of Main Street will host arts and crafts activities for children ages 3-12. Rumor has it special balloon treats are in store for the children as well. Lakelands children will definitely not want to miss the special guest visitors, Dora the Explorer and Scooby Doo! Parents, be sure to bring your cameras to capture photos of your children with their Magician Wendy Wand and special favorite characters. guests Dora the Explorer and Pizza snacks will be provided courtesy Scooby Doo can't wait to see you of Potomac Pizza on Center Point Way. at the Lakelands Family Fun Day We hope to see you there! L on March 19. Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day! Lakelands Hosts Happy Hour Event By Andrea Escher Photo Courtesy: Jim Wakefield Return Address: The Lakelands Leader 960 Main Street Gaithersburg, MD 20878 T PRSRT-STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit #2666 Gaithersburg, MD he newly reorganized Lakelands Social Committee is excited to invite you to join your friends and neighbors at the first event of the New Year, which is just a few weeks away! Join your friends and neighbors for a special St. Patrick's Day Happy Hour on Friday, March 17, 2006 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. This event is open to all Lakelands residents ages 21 and over. This year's event will be catered courtesy of O"Donnell's in Kentlands. Appetizers, beverages, and green beer will be on hand! Be sure to come dressed in your St. Patty's Day best (anything green Lakelands residents have been cooped up of course!) and ready to for the winter and now it's time to party celebrate the holiday. We with 2006’s first event, the St. Patrick’s Day look forward to seeing Happy Hour on Friday, March 17. you there!L City Schedules Town Hall Meeting To Discuss GE Tech Park Special Study Area Residents Encouraged To Attend March 15 Meeting To Share their Comments O n Wednesday, March 15, 2006 the City of Gaithersburg will conduct a Town Hall Meeting to present the current status of MP-2-04, the GE Tech Park Special Study Area (formerly the National Geographic property). The meeting will be held in the multi-purpose room of Lakelands Park Middle School, 1200 Main Street, from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to educate residents about the City's Master Plan process, and to receive further input from residents and other interested parties on the four proposed land use options that are under consideration for this Special Study Area. During the course of the meeting, staff will provide a summary of the public process to date, review the four proposed land use options, and provide an overview of the terms and effect of the existing annexation agreement. The Mayor and City Council's record remains open on MP-2-04. The Town Hall meeting will be recorded, and included in the official record of the GE Special Study Area. All of the proposed land use options are available for review on the Master Plan section of the City's website at Select "MP-2-04 GE Technology Park Special Study Area." For additional information please contact Director of Planning and Code Administration Greg Ossont at 301-258-6330 or visit the City's website at L SNOW Lakelands children grabbed their sleds and headed outdoors to celebrate the first major snowfall this winter on February 12. See more Lakelands snow pictures on page 9. Now You Can Own And Enjoy Our Unique Design In Every Area Of Your Home... Call Closet Stretchers Today! FREE Ca Todayll Us For A Consul Design Limite tation! d T Offer! ime Closet Designs Garage Designs Shown Here Is Just A Sample Of Our Many Custom Designs! Office Designs Entertainment Designs • Custom Designs • Nobody Beats Our Prices • Portable & Adjustable • One Day Installations • Top Quality Material • Get Organized Today • Make The Most Of Every Inch • FREE In-Home Consultation • The Area’s Best Designers • The Area’s Best Installers The Original Closet Company Since 1979 VIRGINIA (301) 468-2004 MARYLAND (301) 468-1090 WASHINGTON D.C. (301) 468-1091 12201 Nebel Street Rockville MD Visit us on the web at: 2 The Lakelands Leader March 2006 Let's Be Careful Out There… Over all Lakelands is a very safe community. But remember, crime prevention is everyone's business. The police need your eyes and ears to protect your neighborhood! Follow these simple steps to a safer neighborhood: • Be alert to things happening on your street. • Know your neighbors. • Be alert to unfamiliar faces and their activities. • Make note of suspicious vehicles — write down license numbers — be accurate. • Watch for the unusual — React • Keep your garage closed ** If you suspect anything out of the ordinary — call the police. The City of Gaithersburg Police Department wants to know about all suspicious activity. Don't wait until after crime strikes to call. Watch for: • Unknown persons or strange cars loitering in the community. • People entering an area when you know that it's closed or off limits, i.e. clubhouse, playgrounds and/or pool area. • Strangers entering your neighbor's house when it is unoccupied. • Broken or open doors or windows. Report all vandalism to the police and the on-site manager. The community manager will work with police identify the trouble areas. POLICE NON-EMERGENCY NUMBER 301-279-8000. ** During my daily inspections of the community I always see at least 5 – 6 garage doors open. March 2006 managementmentions By Debbie Durham, Community Manager Property Owners are Responsible for their Renters When a violation of the Declaration of Restrictions occurs, the Association is legally bound to send a Violation Notice to the "property owner of record". The Association has virtually no formal way of knowing whether or not a renter occupies a dwelling unit. If the property is rented, it is the property owner's responsibility to resolve the violation issue with his/her renter. Failure on the part of the owner to act, may result in legal action taken by the Association against the property owner to resolve the violation. If you rent your unit, please notify the on-site office of your mailing address so that you can be made aware of any issues surrounding your property. 2006 Pool Pass Procedure By now all residents should have received their 2006 Pool Pass information packet. If you have not received your packet, please call the management office. Pool passes will be required for all residents regardless of age. Please be advised that if you have roommates, proof of residency may be required before pool passes are issued. Please complete the Pool Pass Application and return it to the management office via fax (240-631-8311) or mail your completed application to: Lakelands Community Center 960 Main St. Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Pool passes will be available after April 21, 2006. If you have any unusual circumstances regarding pool usage, please contact the on-site management office at (240)-631-8338. Ask the Manager: Resident: Kids are riding skate boards right in front of my home. I work from home and the noise is very disruptive. Manager: There are two areas in the community that are experiencing this issue, Chestnut Hill Mews and Gatestone Square St. The Association understands that skateboarding is very popular. But we do ask that residents talk to their skateboarding children and ask them to be respectful of other residents, stay off of the railings and clean up after themselves. community property will be responsible for the repairs. I would like to thank everyone their cooperation with the new pool pass procedures. To date approximately150 residents have returned their completed applications. Please remember, I am here not only to work with the Board of Directors and LCA committees, I am here to assist residents too! Please send your questions/concerns to L Resident: As a guest of mine was driving on Lakelands Dr. towards Market Street East the car was hit with a water balloon from one of the townhomes approaching the square. Have you had this complaint from anyone else? Manager: This is a new complaint and I hope an isolated incident. If your guest can identify which house the water balloon came from I will be happy to contact the residents. Resident: My neighbor is driving across community property and parking on the grass in front of their home. Manager: After a violation letter was sent to the resident, I had the occasion to speak with this resident regarding their driving and parking habits. Their excuse was they had heavy boxes to carry to the car. This is not a reason to damage community/resident property. Unless you are driving an ambulance and there is an life or death emergency, there is no reason to drive on the grass! Per the Lakelands documents; any resident causing damage to FIREWOOD Oak Firewood $200.00 per cord $125.00 per ½ cord Delivered & Dumped Stacking Available Call 301-990-6689 The Lakelands Leader 3 The L L AKELANDS eader The Official Newspaper of Lakelands LCA Board of Directors Jim Wakefield President Lake Coulson Vice President Mark Ezrin Director Pat McCalley Treasurer Bev Frey Secretary MANAGEMENT CMI Debbie Durham 240-631-8338 EDITOR & ADVERTISING MANAGER Andrea Escher 301-519-1678 CONTRIBUTORS/WRITERS Katie Axley Gina Dropik Larry & Richard Prigal Ron Smith Genie Tillisch F or some, living in a community governed by a Home Owner's Association (HOA) such as the Lakelands Community Association may be be nothing new, while for others it can be an eye-opening new experience. Believe it or not, there are over 230,000 community associations within the United States. So who really does what around here? I thought I'd use this month's column to provide an overview on HOA management. For the most part, 99% of the day-to-day operations are handled by our on-site property management company. They collect assessment fees and distribute funds, manage the various contracts related to trash collection, pool management, clubhouse cleaning, snow removal, grounds-keeping, answer the phones, reserve the rooms, etc. and generally oversee the well-being of the community. The property management company is under contract as well and works at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors are elected vol- from theboard By Jim Wakefield, LCA President Who Does What Around Here? unteers from within the community that serve to maintain and preserve the community. They each serve a term ranging from one to three years. Among their many tasks, they establish sound fiscal policies, establish, publicize, and enforce rules and penalties, authorize legal action against owners who do not comply with the rules, appoint committees and delegate authority to them and select an attorney, an auditor, insurance agent and other professionals for the association. While it may seem like the Board of Directors brandish a lot of power, they are kept in check by the community's found- ing documents that include the Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Constitution and other documents. These documents serve as a series of checks and balances to ensure that the community is properly managed. You should have received a copy of all of these documents prior to your settlement. Last, but definitely not least, are our ten committees: Budget & Finance, Covenants, Environmental, Social, Facilities, Live/Work, Design Review, Community Relations, Swim Team and Communications. These committees serve a wide range of functions and set the tempo for various programs and improvements within the Lakelands. We're very fortunate in that we have 60+ volunteers within the community working in various aspects of the committees. In fact, many of our residents that have served or are currently serving as Board of Directors began by serving on at least one or two committees prior to being elected to Board positions. I hope this helps provide a better understanding of how our HOA operates. L from the designreview committee At the regularly scheduled February meeting of the Lakelands Design Review Committee, the following seven (7) applications were reviewed. Daniel & Suzanne Kahn 929 Gentlewood Street Modify pattern of fence: Approved with stipulations: Trim board must be added to bottom, middle and top. A cap must be added at the top of fence. All previously mentioned items must be added at the exterior of the fence, reflecting the design which was previously approved. Install an Arbor: Approved with stipulations: Arbor frame must be cut to flush with cross beams: additional cross beams must be added to each side for consistency. Karen & Steve Mazzo 527 Helen Street Install Direct TV Dish: Approved Phil & Marcia Robins 488 Market Street East Install (12) twelve colonial red snow guards: Approved Charlotte Reppy, "Grammies Attic" 255 Market Street West # 200 Install a blade sign on second floor front: Approved Install a flat sign on second floor rear: Denied: Rear flat sign on second floor Pending Amendment to sign guidelines: rear signs by the Live/work Committee. Sal Saah 601 Lake Varuna Drive Install a Fence: Denied: Pending clarification of fence location, design and disposition of existing picket fence Charles & Kristine Hartman 927 Linslade Street Install deck & stairwell with storage beneath: Deck approved, storage denied: material & design do not meet guidelines: Storage shed shall be attached or immediately adjacent to the garage or rear of unit, & must be adhering to the guidelines. Shed should be compatible with design of the home. Install trellis: Approved: Must be painted white or stain white. Kevin & Cheryl Krissoff 717 Turtle Pont Lane Install a Deck: Approved with stipulations: Lattice must be installed around the deck bottom. The area beneath porches or decks shall be skirted by frame lattice. Please see page 16 # 6 of the Lakelands Community Standards & Guidelines. Lattice and posts be painted or stained the same color as the deck. Install a flagstone patio: Approved with stipulations: Drainage: Any adverse drainage requirements which might result from construction of a deck, patio, or screened porch must be considered and remedied. Landscaping: Declined: Pending clarification of materials (description of types of screening plants).All plantings must be approved by DRC Committee. Install Water Fountain - Approved Install Screen Door - Approved NOTE: Applications must be submitted before March 24, 2006 for the April DRC Meeting. The Lakelands Leader is the monthly, published means of communicating information of itnerest to Lakelands residents. It does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service. Articles and letters submitted for publication must be signed and may be edited for length and content. CMI and the LCA do not endorse the products or services advertised herein, nor are they responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The Leader is published by the Association, which is responsible for form, content and policies. LAYOUT & DESIGN Cristina Strigel 703-777-7676 4 The Lakelands Leader March 2006 March 2006 The Lakelands Leader 5 lakelandsinbrief By Andrea Escher Rent the Clubhouse Spring and summer are right around the corner! Now is the time to start thinking of where you will host your next big celebration. Is there a baby shower, birthday party, or family reunion on the horizon? Why not host your next event at the Lakelands Clubhouse? Community events and activities are being organized, and room availability is limited, so be sure to contact Sandra Berry at 240-631-8338 today to reserve your spot. Rental rules and regulations, a fee schedule, and rental application are available online by logging on to Scoop the Poop Yes, it's that time of year again! Those little stinky piles of poop are starting to pile up around the grassy areas (and some sidewalks), and with the warm weather, it hasn't been too pretty. Children are out and about playing at the tot lots and in the common areas. Unfortunately, pet owners are not picking up their pets poop. As a pet owner, you have the responsibility to clean up after your pet. Do your part to help keep the community clean and feces free! Everyone will thank you for your cooperation. Are You New to Lakelands? Welcome! Please take a moment to stop by the Lakelands Clubhouse on Main Street to pick up your Clubhouse access card and any additional information you may need to help you easily transition to your new home in Lakelands. Just a quick FYI: trash is removed on Monday and Thursday, and recycling is collected on Thursday. To obtain a recycling bin, please contact the City of Gaithersburg at 301-258-6370. For more information about life in Lakelands, please contact the on-site management team at 240-6318338. Building a Deck or Fence? The spring and summer seasons are prime time for the installation of fences, decks and other landscaping improvements to homes. The Lakelands Design Review Committee (DRC) reminds homeowners a Design Review Application MUST be submitted PRIOR to any modifications to the exterior of your home. Applications are reviewed by the DRC the first Monday of every month. The Lakelands on-site management office must receive applications by the 25th of each month. Applicants will be notified in writing regarding their change requests. To eliminate the possibility of a delay, it is helpful to include designs, sketches, photographs, color samples, etc. This will help the committee gain a better picture of the changes you intend to make to your home. Applications are available for downloading on or at the on-site management office. If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact Community Manager Debbie Durham at 240-631-8338. March Board of Directors Meeting The Lakelands Community Association Board of Directors will conduct their regularly scheduled Board meeting on Wednesday, March 22, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lakelands Clubhouse, 2nd floor. We hope to see you there. L 6 The Lakelands Leader MARCH 2 MARCH 6 MARCH 8 MARCH 13 MARCH 14 MARCH 16 MARCH 17 MARCH 19 MARCH 21 MARCH 20 MARCH 22 MARCH 28 MARCH calendarofevents Lakelands Playgroup, 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Green Room of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Kim Wilkes at for more details. Covenants Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Debbie Durham at for more information. Design Review Committee Meeting, 7:15 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Eric Kessler at for more information. Facilities Committee, 7:30 p.m. 2nd floor of Lakelands Clubhouse, contact Scott Fischthal at or 301-963-2308. Communications Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Kerri Donnelly for more information at Lakelands Environmental Management & Beautification Committee, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Debbie Durham at for more information. Swim Team Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Email Debbie at for more information. Lakelands St. Patrick's Day Happy Hour, 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Red Room at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Lakelands adults 21 and over only! Contact for more information. Lakelands Family Fun Day, 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Red and Green Rooms of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact for more information. Budget and Finance Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact Peter Frey at for details. Deadline for submissions for the April Lakelands Leader. Contact Andrea at or call 301-519-1678. Lakelands Community Association Board of Directors Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Contact for more information. Deadline for Design Review Applications. Please contact the on-site management office at 240-631-8338 for an application. Social Committee Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 2nd floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. Email for more information. March 2006 lakelandslistings committeecorner Compiled by the Prigal Brothers, Re/Max Realty FOR SALE Address 333A Cross Green Street 29A Golden Ash Way 413 Kersten Street 658A Main Street 560 Leaning Oak Mews 423 Leaning Oak Street 471 Market East Mews 724 Market Street East 713 Still Creek Lane 837 Still Creek Lane Housing Type Condo-Town Condo-Town Townhouse Condo-Town Cottage Townhouse Cottage Townhouse Single Family Single Family UNDER CONTRACT Address 713 Bright Meadow Drive 335B Cross Green Street 955 Featherstone Street 658 Gatestone Street 565 Helene Street 524 Kersten Street 441 Leaning Oak Street 817 Linslade Street 448 Lynette Street 407 Main Street 415 Main Street 650B Main Street 1127 Main Street 1203 Main Street 539 Market Street East 709 Market Street East 506 Sheila Street 725 Still Creek Lane Housing Type Single Family Condo-Town Single Family Townhouse Townhouse Single Family Townhouse Single Family Townhouse Townhouse Townhouse Condo-Town Townhouse Single Family Townhouse Single Family Townhouse Single Family SOLD Address 432 Clayhall Street 656B Main Street 658B Main Street Housing Type Single Family Condo-Town Condo-Town FOR RENT Address 508 Kersten Street Housing Type Single Family Model Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Georgetown Builder Ryland Ryland Miller & Smith Ryland Main Street Turnberry II Dartmouth Bartholomew Main Street Classic NV Homes NV Homes Model Medinah Mt. Vernon Builder Classic Ryland Georgetown Georgetown Melville Miller & Smith Miller & Smith Ryan Homes Tarquin Mt. Vernon Tarquin Emory Fairgate Michener Tarquin Chesterfield Model Mr. Vernon Mt. Vernon Model Builder NV Homes Ryland Ryland Classic Ryan Homes Parkwood Parkwood Ryland Ryan Homes NV Homes Ryan Homes Ryan Homes Ryan Homes NV Homes List Price $1,075,000 $469,000 $475,000 Builder Ryan Homes List Price $438,500 $437,900 $629,926 $437,000 $544,000 $579,900 $575,000 $570,000 $984,900 $1,199,000 DOM 33 180 11 166 9 117 202 48 56 4 List Price $822,500 $479,900 $884,500 $599,900 $599,900 $749,999 $559,900 $1,200,000 $579,900 $674,900 $684,999 $479,999 $669,900 $919,900 $579,900 $849,900 $685,586 $1,020,000 DOM 98 20 7 4 18 2 18 113 14 4 25 13 23 44 9 4 47 21 Sold Price $957,500 $460,000 $473,000 DOM 79 22 28 Rent Price $2,450 Listings as of 02/22/06 The information above was obtained from MRIS. Information is believed to be accurate, but should not be relied upon without verification. These were not listing/sold exclusively by Prigal Brothers/Re/Max Realty. March 2006 Environmental Management & Beautification Committee Update By Ron Smith & Katie Axley W ith spring just around the corner, the Environmental and Beautification Committee is looking forward to doing even more to make Lakelands a showplace community. The Committee starts this year with new co-chairs, Ron Smith and Katie Axley. Ron can be reached at and Katie can be reached at The Committee is very grateful for the tireless efforts and dedication of the past co-chairs, Bev Frey and Marcia Robins. Their contributions have made a significant difference in the beauty of our community. The original five-year plan for landscaping improvements in Lakelands, now in its third year, has already yielded easy-to-see results. The areas addressed so far have been upgraded with a variety of amenities, including new bushes, ground cover, trees, pavers and benches. With the addition of the final section of Lakelands, Lane in the Woods, the original plan has been expanded into a seven year plan to incorporate the additional areas. This year, residents can anticipate similar improvements at the Stonemason tot lot and the Heathwalk sitting area. At the tot lot, benches and pavers will be installed so that parents can supervise their children from a sitting position, and maybe even read the paper. Chestnut Hill Park, the one adjacent to the tennis courts, will also receive additional plantings this year. As in the past, homeowners in the immediate vicinity of the improvements will be notified prior to the work beginning, and the landscaping plans will be posted for all to see. The Committee is also planning for our annual Spring Cleanup Day. So far, Lake Varuna and the Stone Mason tot lot have been identified as cleanup areas. If you have any additional suggestions, please forward them to Ron or Katie. The Committee's new co-chair, Ron Smith, believes that keeping Lakelands beautiful is more than just a matter of esthetics. "Sure, we all enjoy living in a really attractive community," says Smith. "Just driving into this place after a busy day is like a visual tranquilizer. It's one of the reasons people love living here. But there's a practical side to it, too. The beauty of Lakelands is one of the things distinguishes us from a million other suburban developments, and I think it has been an important factor in keeping our property values high. This means that the relatively small investment our community is making in landscaping and other beautification projects can yield big results in the future. In a sense, making sure that Lakelands stays beautiful is what our Committee is all about." L The Lakelands Leader 7 Young Artist Award Winners Announced; Concert To Be Held March 25 The City of Gaithersburg and the Kentlands Community Foundation announce the winners of the third annual Young Artists Award, a juried event designed to provide young musicians ages 12 to 18 with an enriching artistic and resume-building experience. From a field of nearly 70 applicants, judges determined which young musicians would win top honors and perform for the public at the Young Artists Award Concert Saturday, March 25, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Arts Barn 311 Kent Square Road. All students who won top prizes will be presented in the Third Annual Young Artists Award Concert. The overall grand prize winner is Kelsey Tamayo who performed on percussion (marimba/xylophone). In the instrumental category, the first place winner is Vlada Kalutsky, violin. Second place went to Jared Schneider, cello, and third place honors went to Aimee Moores, violin. In the piano category the first place winner is Joanna Cornell. Ashley Seto was given the second place prize, while Robert Chen earned third. In the vocal category, soprano Claire Lyon received first place honors, while baritone Eric Handy received the second place prize. Honorable Mentions were also awarded to Pla String Quartet; TLC Violin Quartet; Emily Weiner, flute; and on piano, Elizabeth Weiner, Bobby Crawford, Yvonne Jih, and Peter Weng. The City of Gaithersburg and the Kentlands Foundation would like to thank this year's Young Artists Award sponsors: Audio Express Recording Services, Jordan Kitts Music, Fitzpatrick Glass Studios, Whole Foods Markets, Lashof Violins, L&L Music Shop, Foxes Music Company, Victor Litz Music, Joel Bitman, ERA Realty, Village Settlements, Gaithersburg Floral Arts, Sandy Spring Bank, Seven-Eleven, Spring Mill Bread Company, Midnight Blue Photography and Jaspers. Tickets for the concert are $8 for residents and $10 for nonresidents and may be purchasedby calling the Arts Barn at 301-258-6394 or online using Kentlands Mansion Presents Spring Bridal Showcase Brides and grooms-to-be are invited to explore how easy it can be to plan a beautiful wedding at the Kentlands Mansion Bridal Showcase Sunday, March 26, 2006 from noon to 4 p.m. Located at 320 Kent Square Road in Gaithersburg, the historic Kentlands Mansion is the ideal setting to meet with wedding professionals, including caterers, photographers, wedding planners, and more. The first 25 news&events brides-to-be will receive a free goodie bag. Admission is $4 per person in advance, $5 at the door. For reservations and information please e-mail or call 301-258-6425. Upcoming Events at the Gaithersburg Arts Barn Theatre The Glass Menagerie - February 17 - March 12, Fridays & Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 3 p.m. This play by Tennessee Williams is presented in partnership with Montgomery Playhouse. Join us for this timeless drama of great tenderness, charm and beauty as Amanda Wingfield strives to give meaning and direction to her life and the lives of her children, Tom and Laura. $12 resident / $14 nonresident. The Comedy and Mystery Society - Wed., March 1 & Fri., March 17 at 8 p.m. In its third season, The Comedy and Mystery Society (formerly known as Wednesday Wizardry) continues to delight audiences with amazing feats of theatrical magic. Three of the world's best magicians perform at the Gaithersburg Arts Barn, creating a theatrical setting for astounding sleight of hand. Alain Nu, Mark Phillips and Bob Sheets continue to amaze audiences around the world. From winning prestigious magic awards, to being featured in television specials on The Learning Channel, to appearing at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas, to headlining on Cunard Cruise Lines, Nu, Phillips and Sheets are recognized by their peers and audiences as among the best and most entertaining magical artists around. The family friendly shows are suitable for ages ten and up. Wednesdays - $15 resident / $18 nonresident; Fridays - $18 resident / $21 nonresident. "The Science Guy" - Fri., March 31 at 1 p.m. During the School's Out For Arts program, Mike Offutt conducts fast paced experiments using chemical reactions, air pressure and small explosions. This show is highly interactive, fun and memorable for all … the perfect program to awaken a child's natural interest in science! $5 resident / $6 nonresidents. AccessAbility - March 31 through April 2, Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday & Sunday at 3 p.m. In partnership with the Iris and Icarus Companies at Imagination Stage, "Grimm Reality" combines characters from famous fairy tales and reality TV into a funny mix of icons from cultures old and new. "Cinderella Around the World" brings 4 different versions of the cherished age old tale (with a twist). Come see the stories told with music, movement and a few surprises! Please note the ASL interpreted performance will be on Friday. $8 resident / $10 nonresidents. Classes, Workshops and Events Preschool Songs and Stories - Tues., March. 14 & 28, 10:30 - 11:15 a.m. Preschoolers, ages 3 -5, with their parents or guardians, join us for story time and songs in the theatre. Free! The Red Hat Book Owls - Fri., March 17 at 1 p.m. GAB Book Club - Mon., March 27 at 7 p.m. - Breaking Her Fall by Stephen Goodwin Each month the Gaithersburg Arts Barn hosts lively and insightful discussions of popular literature in two separate book clubs. There is no club fee, and new members are encouraged to join. For additional information on the book clubs, please call Judy Hockey at 301-258-6350 x126. Beginning/Intermediate Oil Painting - Mondays, March 13 - April 24 (no class 4/10) -or- Wednesdays, March 15 April 26 (no class on 4/12), 10 a.m. - Noon. A class for both new and developing artists wanting to study painting. Supply list available at the Arts Barn. For ages 13 & older. 6 Sessions - $144 resident / $168 nonresident. After School Art Blast - Tuesdays, March 14 - April 25 (no class on 4/11) for 5 - 7 year olds -or- Thursdays, March 16 - April 27 (no class on 4/13) for 8 - 11 year olds, 4 to 5:30 p.m. School's out and the fun begins! Each class will touch on a new medium, with a variety of subjects explored by the students. Class size is small, so there is lots of individual attention. Art is a blast; here is your chance to play! Supply fee of $30 payable to the instructor. $108 resident / $126 nonresident. Colored Pencils - Tuesdays, March 14 - April 25 (no class on 4/11), 7 - 9 p.m. Take your basic drawing skills to the next level by adding color. Learn the technique of layering colors and color theory to create works with richness and depth. Supply list available at the Arts Barn, $2 supply fee for color handouts. For ages 13 & older. 6 Sessions - $144 resident / $168 nonresident. Beginning/Intermediate Watercolor Painting - Wednesdays, March 15 - April 26 (no class on 4/12), 4 - 6:30 p.m. Learn the techniques of watercolor and you study its materials and color mixing. Materials list available at first class, a fee of $5 due to instructor for some supplies. For ages 13 & older. 6 Sessions - $180 resident / $210 nonresident. Acrylic Painting - Wednesdays, March 15 - April 26 (no class on 4/12), 7:30 - 9 p.m. An introductory course that focuses on painting, form, composition, and color. Supply list available at the Arts Barn. For ages 13 & older. 6 Sessions - $108 resident / $126 nonresident. Your Quilt, Your Story Studio Nights - Thursdays, March 16 - April 27 (no class on 4/13), 7:30 - 9 p.m. Directed instruction of a semi-private lesson PLUS the fellowship and stimulation of learning from others. Each student will work on their own project. Classes will address design, color and technique lessons appropriate to their projects. Please bring your own supplies. Choose 4 of the 6 offered sessions, with all students attending the first class. For ages 15 & up. 4 Sessions - $72 resident / $84 nonresident. Create a Family Event Quilt - Saturday, March 4, Noon - 2 p.m. A quilt made from pieces contributed by a group or created by lots of people during an event can be a special memento of an important occasion. Advance planning and choices of materials, techniques, etc. can make the project go more smoothly. Come for ideas and encouragement. Any projects, in progress or completed, are welcome for show & tell, as well. For ages 15 & older. $24 residents / $28 nonresidents. How to Finish the Edges of Your Quilt - Saturday, March 18, Noon - 2 p.m. The edge finish, or binding, can make or break the overall polished look of a quilt. We'll discuss various ways to finish edges and when to use them. Then we will practice applied bindings. Supply fee of $10. For ages 15 & older. $24 residents / $28 nonresidents. For more information, tickets, or registration, please visit our website at or call the Arts Barn at 301258-6394. The Arts Barn is open to the public on Wed. - Fri. from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. & Sat. - Sun from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and is located at 311 Kent Square Rd. L 8 The Lakelands Leader March 2006 Lakelands Snow Scenes Lakelands Playgroup Back Up and Running By Andrea Escher T he Lakelands Playgroup took a brief hiatus but is happy to announce they are back for the spring! The group will welcome their new Playgroup Coordinator Kim Wilkes and a new day and time. The Playgroup will now meet every Thursday beginning March 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in the Green Room at the Lakelands Clubhouse. The Playgroup is open to all Lakelands children infant to toddler. Wilkes, a new resident to Lakelands, was excited to learn of a playgroup within the community, but heard that the group had taken a break from their weekly play dates. "I decided it would be a great way to meet other neighbors and children in the community," said Wilkes. Wilkes says a few of her neighbors have already told her they are happy she has stepped up and taken over as Playgroup Coordinator and plan to attend regularly. If you would like more information about the Lakelands Playgroup, please contact Kim Wilkes at 301-963-1444 or L We’re Ahead of Our Time Mission Statement “My associates and I are sincerely committed to providing you with the most advanced dental techniques and pain-free treatments, in a friendly and comfortable environment.” Robert J. Kelly D.D.S. and Associates, P.A. 301-948-0058 832 Quince Orchard Blvd., Gaithersburg 301-949-2280 10335 Kensington Pkwy., Kensington 301-519-3232 220 Main Street, Kentlands, Gaithersburg March 2006 The Lakelands Leader 9 By Gina Dropik Thyme O ut S et T o D ebut I n S pring T 10% off next visit. Limit one per family. Expires March 31, 2006. hyme Out, a new and unique home meal assembly store, announced the opening of its first retail location in the Kentlands. The store is set to open this spring at 341 Main Street and will be the first meal assembly store to market in Montgomery County. Chef owned and operated, Thyme Out will offer consumers a fun and convenient way to save time and money, yet offer families a variety of fresh and delicious dinners. Recipes are tested and chosen by professional chef and caterer Missy Carr, who ensures that guests are creating healthy yet flavorful meals. Not your typical meal preparation store, Thyme Out rewards its customers with outstanding service and detail to every aspect of the store, from offering a variety of fresh recipe choices to creating a warm and relaxing atmosphere. Thyme Out will focus on educating the consumer about the specific monetary and time saving benefits of meal assembly. "At Thyme Out we offer guests a chance to prepare meals for their families without the feeling of completing a chore," says co-founder Kathleen Wilks. "Customers can socialize with friends or other guests while soaking up the inviting atmosphere and creating healthy dishes that they are proud and excited to serve to their families." Since 2002, meal preparation companies have become more popular around the nation. The concept is simple --- customers visit the company's website, choose the meals from a monthly menu, purchase a meal package, and designate a date and time for their visit. Once at the store, guests are shown how to prepare the meals and are encouraged to personalize the recipes to meet their individual tastes. Once meals are prepared, they are packaged in freezable containers so they can be enjoyed at the customer's convenience. For customers who don't have the time or desire to assemble the meals themselves, Thyme Out will offer a service, "Thyme to Go" in which consumers can preorder meals which are created by our business associates and ready for pick-up or delivery at a specified time. About Thyme Out: Thyme Out is an independently owned, home meal assembly store created by busy moms for busy moms. Thyme Out benefits customers by organizing the dinner-making process, thus giving time and variety back to the consumer and their families each month. Thyme Out provides high quality ingredients and unique dinner recipes which are prepared by the customers in our comfortable and fun environment and taken home to be cooked at their convenience. For the price of roughly $200 for 12 meals, serving between 5 and 6 portions, Thyme Out does all the shopping, chopping and clean-up for the consumer. Market S quare A nnounced a s S ite f or G reat S trides Walkathon f or C ystic F ibrosis K entlands Market Square will be one of 500 sites for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) Great Strides walkathon on May 21, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. According to Julie Puzzo, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Washington Chapter of CFF, GREAT STRIDES is the CFF's largest national event held annually throughout the country. The Metropolitan Washington Chapter sponsors the walkathon at 10 sites throughout the region. In previous years, designated sites have been held locally in Rockville/Bethesda; however, Puzzo was eager to add a walkathon in the Gaithersburg area. "Kentlands Market Square is such a great location, and I think we will draw people from a larger region," said Puzzo. Although it has not yet been confirmed, the walk is expected to be a 5K. Participants will gather in Market Square in the morning for breakfast before the walk, and after the walk will celebrate with hot dogs, pizza, ice cream and games. "It's a great event for everyone," said Puzzo. GREAT STRIDES focuses on raising money to help find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. The walkathon is an opportunity for family, friends and co-workers to get together not only for a good cause, but fun as well. There is no registration fee to participate in the event; however, participants are encouraged to raise money for the cause. "Everyone who raises $100 or more will receive a t-shirt," said Puzzo. Local businesses, families See OUUR TOWN continued on page 15 10 The Lakelands Leader March 2006 neighbortoneighbor By Gina Dropik Hoping To Find a Cure For their Children who’snews HAPPY B IRTHDAY! H appy birthday wishes to Austin Patrick O'Connor of Featherstone Street. Austin will be celebrating his 11th birthday on March 11. We hope you have a great birthday and get lots of presents! Lakelands Couple Brings GREAT STRIDES Walkathon To Market Square this May H appy birthday to Peyton Buck O'Connor of Featherstone Street. Peyton will celebrate her 9th birthday on March 22nd. Peyton says she will be enjoying her big day with a party full of her friends and family. Be sure to enjoy that cake and ice cream! Chelsea and Cameron Pratt, along with their children Lauren and Ben, are hoping Lakelands residents will become involved in helping find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis with the GREAT STRIDES walk-a-thon this May in Market Square. H appy 3rd birthday to Nathaniel Anthony Trujillo! Nathaniel will celebrate his birthday with a special party with family. We hope you have a great birthday! I sn't it fun turning one? It is for Kiran Modi of Market Street East. Kiran celebrated his 1st birthday on February 3. We hope you had a great birthday! L akelands residents Cameron and Chelsea Pratt are working with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) to help coordinate the Great Strides Walkathon to be held in Kentlands Market Square on May 21. The Pratt's have a personal commitment to help fund research to find a cure for Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Their two children, Ben (4) and Lauren See NEIGHBOR continued on page 16 H appy birthday wishes to Carter France of Lake Varuna Mews! Carter, who will celebrate his 4th birthday on March 23, will be busy celebrating his birthday at the local fire station and then will be heading off to the Caribbean with his family. We hope you have a great birthday. H appy birthday to Bella and Emma Neal of Linslade Close! The twins celebrated their 2nd birthday on February 10th. The girls enjoyed celebrating with a dress up party and a special visit from Barney! We hope you both had a great day and received lots of presents. H appy birthday to Hensley Smith of Helene Street. Hensley celebrated her third birthday on December 29th with a birthday party at Little Sprouts in Darnestown. The kids had a great time and Hensley enjoyed her birthday party, especially the cake and ice cream. Share Your News! Celebrating babies, birthday and other major milestones? Share it with your friends and neighbors in the Lakelands Leader “Who's News” announcements. Email us today at or call 301-519-1678. March 2006 The Lakelands Leader 11 assignmenteducation Rachel Carson Elementary School will host their final Kindergarten Open House for parents who will be sending (or are considering sending) their children to Kindergarten at RCES next fall. The Open House will be held on March 10 at 9:15 a.m. Principal Vilkinofsky will meet with prospective Kindergarten parents to discuss the school's programs and answer questions, and parents will have an opportunity to visit the Kindergarten classes. Please inform your neighbors whose children will be attending Kindergarten during the 2006-07 school year (turning five years old by September 1, 2006). It is essential that we know how many children will be attending Kindergarten early to ensure appropriate staffing, and to keep class sizes down. These meetings are not for children. Parents and children will attend the April Kindergarten Orientation. SPREAD THE WORD!!! For more information please contact the school at 301-840-5333. Photo Courtesy: Gina Dropik Last Chance for Kindergarten Open House & Registration By Gina Dropik Kindergarten Open House Schedule & Parent Information Meeting Friday, March 10 at 9:15 a.m. April Kindergarten Orientation - April 27 & 28 (appointments are scheduled) Rachel Carson Selected for Improved Access to Schools Project The two entrance areas of Rachel Carson Elementary school at Little Quarry Rachel Carson Elementary School (RCES) parents and students are well aware of the Road and Kent Oaks Way will be redesigned through Montgomery County's safety issues concerning the intersection of Little Quarry Road and Kent Oaks Way. It is Improved Access to Schools project. a heavily congested area for both pedestrians and vehicles during drop-off and pick-up times at the school. At the point where Little Quarry Road intersects with Kent Oaks Way there are two According to James Song, MCPS Director of Division of Construction, the plan side-by-side entrances to the school. One entrance is for buses entering into the school is to modify the entrances to the school. "We want the community to be involved in driveway to drop off and pick up students. The other entrance is the school parking lot, the planning of this project," he said. As the Crier goes to press, a public meeting is where staff members park and parents drop off their children. In addition, this area sees scheduled for February 14 at RCES to begin the process. Additional meetings will significant pedestrian traffic with students walking to be scheduled as needed. school from both Kent Oaks Way and Little Quarry "Before charging ahead with a design solution, we Road. Student safety patrols, as well as the recent want to be sure that we are fully aware of all of the site The IAS program is a MCPS Capital Improvement addition of a crossing guard at the intersection, have access needs of the school and have given the adjaProject which provides funds to implement helped to move traffic safely and efficiently; however, cent neighborhood ample opportunity to provide improvements to Montgomery County Schools. safety concerns still exist. input into the project," says Ray Trout, Site Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Development Coordinator for the project. Division of Construction has selected RCES for Kentlands resident Bridget Edell who resides at the Improved Access to Schools (IAS) project. The IAS program is a MCPS Capital the corner of Little Quarry Road and Kent Oaks Way, has two children at RCES. "I'm Improvement Project which provides funds to implement improvements to really happy to hear that something is going to be done," says Edell. "It will be great to Montgomery County Schools. These improvements are aimed specifically at issues see less congestion and safer conditions for the kids." involving safe and efficient access to school sites, including but not limited to, Song says a civil engineering firm has been selected to work on the effort. Once the school bus operations, pedestrian access, parent/student drop off/pickup, parking, plan has been designed and plans have been formalized, construction is expected to and service vehicle access. begin in the summer of 2007. L 12 The Lakelands Leader March 2006 daytripping By Genie Tillisch It’s Showtime! Photo Courtesy: Genie Tillisch W inter's end-the last few weeks are often the hardest. Who knows what the weather will bring? It's warm, it's cold, it's warm, it's cold-it's enough to make your head spin just trying to figure out what to wear in the morning. In any case, the good folks just up the road in Pennsylvania have figured out a way to circumvent your end-of-winter blues. For 177 years, it's been called the Philadelphia Flower Show, and it's sure to bring a day of color and fragrance to your March calendar. The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society staged its first show in 1829 and held the display of its members' finest botanical specimens in the 69 x 82 foot Masonic Hall. Since then the show has expanded to the point of laying claim to be the "largest annual indoor flower show in the world" and the "oldest U.S. flower show," encompassing 33 acres of the Pennsylvania Convention Center with up to 300,000 visitors each year. This year's theme, "Enchanted Spring … A Tribute to Mother Nature," is designed to take visitors on a journey "from the fantastical to the practical." Enter the show beneath the 16-foot Floratopia Tree created by Valley Forge Flowers using fragrant cut flowers woven into an immense canopy complete with birds and butterflies to start your adventure. Discover J. Franklin Styer Nurseries' 25 x 60 foot reclining statue of Natura, composed of thousands of foliage plants, trees, flowers, and as if that isn't enough, a waterfall descending from her outstretched hand. Don't miss Mother Nature's Floral Gems, created by the award-winning designers of Life3 from the Netherlands, which enliven Natura's six grottoes with sculptural and gravity-defying floral arrangements. Wander past Mother Nature's Garden, a scenic meadow with a Gothic ruin, fountains, gargantuan lily pads, kites, and desert plants mimicking a lava field, all representing nature's elements of water, wind, and fire and presented by Stoney Bank Nurseries. Return to the practical side of gardening with Meadowbrook Farm's Garden Delights, which offers real solutions for real gardeners using alpine plants, begonias, succulents, and orchids. Continue on with the landscape and floral exhibits to your heart's content. Although space limitations preclude a complete description of each, allow these tantalizing titles to whet your sensory appetite: A Night at the Wild Things Café & Lounge (bar band floral dream), Flirtation (a fairy's garden), Moroccan Delight (exotic Mediterranean setting), The Birth of a Garden (the cycle of life), Love Springs Eternal (Romeo and Juliet's secret Take a trip to the tropics at the Philadelphia Flower Show. gazebo), and Earth 9595 (the future of gardening!) to name only a few. When you're satiated with the eye-popping displays, calm yourself with a visit to the Show's Individual and Club entries. Two main categories, Artistic and Horticulture, offer hundreds of classes for every imaginable type of plant. Here is the place to examine the very best examples of whatever species it is that interests you the most. Find orchids of every type, bromeliads, lavenders, ferns, euphorbias, prim roses, Lenten roses, ivies, begonias, cacti, and bulbous plants. Here also, learn how to apply every possible artistic technique in the art of horticultural presentation: pedestals, niches, arches, arrangements, window boxes, and lamp posts. Don't miss the Show's educational exhibits. Watch a live demonstration about how to raise African violets, learn about earth-friendly gardening from the American Horticultural Society, or experience a tableau-vivant with rhododendrons and azaleas as the actors on both a shady and sunlit stage. Explore the specialized vocations of rock gardening, Ikebana, and bonsai. Over 140 merchants will ply their fine wares and offer one-stop shopping convenience for "everything garden." Browse among baskets, clay and ceramic containers, wall hangings, window planters, sachets, dried flowers, potted plants, kitchen accessories, furniture, sculpture, glassware, fountains, folk art, potting sheds, barns, gazebos, botanical soaps, deer fencing, gourmet food, books, birdhouses, jewelry, candles, framed photography, door knockers, seeds-the list goes on and on. The Philadelphia Flower Show runs from March 5-12 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center at 12th and Arch Streets in Philadelphia. Hours are 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. on Sundays, 10 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 8 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. on Saturday. Tickets sell for $20 for adults and $12 for children for one-day admission and are available online. For tickets, directions, parking information, and additional exhibit information, visit the Show website at L Watza Network? Personalized, In-Home Computer Help • PC Hardware & Software Repair and Upgrades • Virus and Spyware Removal • Wireless & Wired Expertise • Router/Firewall/Broadband Setup • Home of the WATZA Private Label Never-Fail Router Bob Mann • Even Laser & Ink Jet Printer Repairs! 10+ Years Experience Free Initial Consultation ~ Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed! Serving the Kentlands and Lakelands Communities Call 301-495-3390 email: web: Watzanetwork? is a service of WATZA, LLC. March 2006 The Lakelands Leader 13 March 2006 Montgomery Foot and Ankle Associates, LLC Happy Hour, Friday, March 17th from 6:30 - 8:30 PM at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Although Happy Hours are usually planned for the last Friday of the month, it didn't seem fittin' to let St. Patrick's Day slip by without a proper celebration. Beer, wine and appetitizers will be provided. Adults only, please! *Please note, there will not be a Happy Hour on the last Friday of March! Adam K. Spector, DPM Herman R. Zarate, DPM Sharon T. Siebold, DPM Specialists in the Medical and Surgical Treatment of the Foot and Ankle SILVER SPRING NORTH POTOMAC WHEATON 1111 Spring Street Silver Spring, MD 20910 Phone: 301-589-8886 11906-G Darnestown Road N. Potomac, MD 20878 Phone: 301-987-7450 3909 Ferrara Drive Wheaton, MD 20906 Phone: 301-949-8833 Proudly sponsored by… 311 Kentlands Boulevard Gaithersburg, MD 20878 301.519.1650 Coming Attractions! Looking for Family Footcare? Upcoming Events Produced by the Lakelands Social Committee We’re now in your neighborhood! Family Fun Day, Sunday, March 19 from 3:00-55:00 PM at the Lakelands Clubhouse. Enjoy a Magic Show with magician Wendy Wand followed by a special visit from Dora the Explorer and Scooby Doo. Andy's Parties will provide craft activities for children ages 3-12 and balloon fun. A pizza snack will be provided courtesy of Potomac Pizza. Proudly sponsored by… 625 Center Point Way, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 • 301-977-9777 14 The Lakelands Leader March 2006 OUR R TOWN Continued from page 10 and friends are encouraged to form teams and raise money together. In 2005, GREAT STRIDES raised more than $33 million dollars. The Metro DC Chapter alone raised $1,000,000. Their goal for 2006 is $1.5 million. "We're really proud of our organization," said Puzzo. "Nationally 90 cents of every dollar raised goes straight to research and for our local GREAT STRIDES program that number increases to 97 cents for every dollar." Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease affecting approximately 30,000 children and adults in the United States. A defective gene affects the respiratory and digestive system making the simple acts of breathing and eating a challenge. More than 10 million Americans are unknowing, symptomless carriers of the defective CF gene. CF occurs in approximately one of every 3,500 live births. About 1,000 new cases of CF are diagnosed each year. More than 80 percent of patients are diagnosed by age three; however, nearly 10 percent of newly diagnosed cases are age 18 or older. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation was established in 1955 with the mission of assuring the development of the means to cure and control cystic fibrosis and to improve the quality of life for those with the disease. The Metropolitan Washington, DC Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is housed in Bethesda, and serves Washington, DC, Montgomery, Prince Georges and St. Charles Counties in Maryland and Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax and Loudon Counties in Virginia. The Chapter conducts more than twenty fundraisers a year and in 2005 had a net profit of more than $4.1 million dollars. To learn more about the CFF or to register for the walk call the Chapter office at 301657-8444 or go online to Menus change monthly and include a variety of dishes, from family favorites to exotic culinary adventures. Sample menu items include California Pesto Pizza, Chicken Tetrazzini, Flank Steak with Caramelized Onions and Balsamic Glaze, Italian-Style Individual Meatloves, Mexican Black Bean Casserole, and Thai-Style Pork Wraps with a Ginger-Soy Sauce. All recipes are created by a team of culinary professionals and tested by actual consumers. Dan Brown, manager of the Kentlands location says, "The quality of the ingredients, the time-saving, and the convenience make Let's Dish something that will change the way residents of Montgomery County get dinner on the table. With Let's Dish busy parents and professionals can sit down to dinner and have quality family time while eating a quality meal." The Kentlands location will be the fifth Let's Dish location on the east coast and the fourth in Maryland. Amy Burke, a representative for Let's Dish, says the hope to have the store open by April. In the mean time you can check out their website at L L e t ’ s D i s h Coming t o M ain S treet Lakelands will soon welcome Let's Dish to 504 Main Street this spring. Let's Dish is an innovative food store where you can make, or pick-up, family friendly dishes designed to be frozen and cooked when you want them. Let's Dish offers several ways to provide your family with nutritious meals, with no trips to the grocery store, no time-consuming preparations, and no messy cleanup. The first choice is an in-store session. You simply sign-up and select a menu online. When you arrive for your session you rotate through workstations stocked with fresh ingredients for each dish on the monthly menu, follow the easy recipes, assemble the dishes in provided containers, and take them home to eat or freeze. Thawing and heating instructions are provided with each dish. In two hours you prepare 812 meals, tweaking the recipes to your individual taste, just the way your family likes them. Let's Dish provides a fun environment with music, beverages and appetizers to enjoy along the way. For an additional charge you can select the dishes you'd like, and the Let's Dish staff will prepare them and you just pick them up. The store will be open six days a week with morning, afternoon, evening and Saturday sessions. Let's Dish also offers the option of a private party, where up to 15 friends prepare meals together; and business events in which co-workers, employees and clients get together to participate in a fun team-building session, while preparing meals for their families. What conditions can be helped with chiropractic care? Lower back pain Sciatica Headaches Neck pain Whiplash Sports Injuries Arthritis Fatigue Chronic pain Numbness and tingling of the extremities Poor Posture Dr. Gregory Swistak Palmer Graduate 60 Market Street, Suite 215 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (301) 963-8333 NOL SE HABLA ESPA~ - Most insurance plans accepted - March 2006 Dr. Gregory Swistak & Family Now Open in Kentlands The Lakelands Leader 15 NEEIGH HBOR R Continued from page 11 (2) both have been diagnosed with CF. CF is a genetic disease affecting the respiratory and digestive systems. Both Cameron and Chelsea are carriers of the CF gene, which meant there was a 50 percent chance that their children would be born with CF. Chelsea, who grew up in San Diego, lost a sister to CF and has another sister who is living with this disease. Chelsea, a stay-at-home mom, says she wouldn't have it any other way. "They are real- ly exceptional kids and there is just something so special and so unique about them," she says. Cameron says that despite CF both children are incredibly healthy and for the most part they life their lives like normal children. Because the body doesn't absorb enough sufficient nutrients needed to grow and thrive, both Ben and Lauren take enzymes with everything they eat in order to help them digest their food. "They've gotten really good about taking them," said Cameron. "It's just become a part of their life." The children also partici- pate in chest physical therapy once or twice a day, which is a form of airway clearance to dislodge the thick mucus that forms in the lungs of CF patients. There is a broad spectrum of severity with the disease. Ben and Lauren are lucky to have very clear lungs and are healthy, although Cameron and Chelsea are aware that could change at any time. "We're grateful for every day they're healthy," said Cameron. "And I feel very optimistic that a cure is not far off." Cameron explains the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) is very proactive in funding research and that's why they have chosen to be involved with the organization. "CF is what is referred to as an orphan disease, because it only affects a small number of people (30,000 in the United States)," says Cameron. "The drug companies cannot afford to invest a lot of money into finding drugs and treatments, so the CFF has been extremely successful and incredibly innovative in raising money, paying for research and providing grants to find a cure, and people who donate to CFF can be confident that their money is going towards research." Great Strides is the grass roots fundraiser of CFF. It is held annually throughout the country on the third weekend in May. In 2005, GREAT STRIDES raised more than $33 million dollars. The Metro DC Chapter alone has raised $1,000,000. Cameron, who serves on the Board of the DC Chapter of CFF, is responsible for approximately a dozen walks in the metropolitan area. Chelsea is also working closely with the CFF staff to coordinate the Kentlands walk, with a projected goal of $150,000. There is no registration fee to participate in the Kentlands Market Square Walk; however, participants are encouraged to raise money for the cause. Local businesses, families and friends are encouraged to form teams and raise money together. The Pratt's are forming several teams of friends, family and business associates. Participants will gather in Market Square on the morning of the walk for breakfast, and again after the walk for food and other fun activities. Chelsea says she is looking for help from the community in the form of volunteers, walkers and donations. Anyone interested in helping should contact her at 301-208-0227. For more information about CFF and Great Strides check out the CFF website at L Expires 3/31/06 16 The Lakelands Leader March 2006 Become an Egg Donor Give Anonymously Egg donors hold the key to completing a couples long journey to have a child of their own. For a variety of medical reasons some women are unable to conceive using their own eggs. Their only option for conception is egg donation. These women are everyday women like your sister or your friend, whose only goal is to have a baby of their own to love for a lifetime. As an a egg donor, you’ll gain reward and personal satisfaction knowing your generous contribution will have a profound effect in the life of another woman and her partner. Excellent Financial Compensation Ask About Our Referral Reward Program If you are between the ages of 21-33 with a healthy lifestyle and would like to know more about egg donation please call: 1.888.529.6382 SHADY GROVE FERTILITY Apply Online: March 2006 R E P R O D U C T I V E S C I E N C E C E N T E R The Lakelands Leader 17 communityclassifieds FOR SALE Selling a Crate and Barrell Chaise: Is in PERFECT condition. All the info and pictures are on Go to dc-furniture for sale and searcg 'Crate Barrell Chaise'. Asking $690. Here is the ad: It is in PERFECT condition. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this beautiful chaise. It was always in a loft that was literally--never used. I don't see it on Crate and Barrell's website anymore Original price was $1099. If you look at C&B's, pottery barn's and restoration hardware's, similar ones sell for much more.) The color is a soft mustard/beige-like color with dark brown legs. Email Schwin Airdyne Exercise Bike & Rack: Asking $350.00. Call Norm at 240-631-6522. FOR SALE: '99 VW Passat. Excel. Condition, Garage Kept, One Owner! 4 Door, Moon roof, AM/FM Stereo w/Cassette Player, Keyless Remote Entry, 5-Speed Stick, Alloy Wheels, Power Windows/Door Locks, Front & Side Air Bags, Daytime Running Lights, 91,000 miles, $6900, Call 301-947-4784. Items For Sale: Bassett-Mirror Dining Room Table and 6 Side Chairs , 46W x 77L 1/2 inch beveled glass. The seats are covered in navy damask material but can easily be changed to any fabric. Paid $1800/asking $1100 for the set. It's less than 1 year old and has only been used 5 times. Maytag Gas Dryer - 18 mos. Old. Paid $500/asking $200 - Perfect Condition. Twin Mattress and Box Spring - 6 mos. Old and barely used. Paid $300/asking $150. Also have a Twin Size Comforter Set for a "little girls room" - Purple/Pink Color (includes comforter, bed skirt, sham, sheet set and pillow case, also a twin mattress pad). Paid $80/asking $50. Full Mattress and Box Spring - 2 years Old (used every other wk-end for child). Excellent Condition. Paid $500/asking $200. Call Carol at 240-277-4650. Baseball Card Collection: Have many baseball cards, sets, packets 1980's Email 4-5 ft. high craw space - would be easy to dig out for full height. Dirt roads in mountains of Madison, VA . $265,000 Email Address: Ocean City, MD Beach Condo For Rent: Upscale family condo with ocean views from living room, balcony & bedroom. Desirable North Ocean City home, 2 bedrooms, sleeps 6. Incredible location - one minute walk to the beach! Modern kitchen, off-street parking with washer & dryer. Convenient walk to shops, restaurants, etc. Now accepting Summer reservations. ($1245/week). Call 301 926-2819. Orlando/Disney Lake Side Villa For Rent: 4 bedrooms 3 bath with private heated pool and hottub. 7 miles from Disney. Close to shopping/dining/attractions. $110 per night. Visa/Mastercard. or call 301-371-5911. For Rent: Brand new spacious condominium located in the Colonnade at Kentlands for rent. Loaded amenities including pool cyber café and gym. 1 Bedrooms from $1,500 and 2 Bedrooms from $2,000. Please call 301-606-2553 for more information. Orlando Vacation Rental: 7 days in vacation paradise! Friday July 21st - July 28th. Orange Lake Country Club. Sleeps 8. Beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bath villa located on one of four championship golf courses. Master bedroom with king size bed and Jacuzzi tub. Second bedroom with two queen size beds, queen size sofa sleeper in full size living room, dining room and kitchen, complete with full size washer/dryer. TV's in each beedroom and large TV with VCR in living room. Resort has eight pools, an all new lazy river tube ride, an 80-acre lake, water sports, court sports, seven restaurants, three pro shops, a theater, an Internet cafe, four championship golf courses, a 36-hole miniature golf course, daily activities, nightly entertainment, on-site ticket and transportation services to local attractions, and a Disney Planning Center. Orange Lake is just four miles from Walt Disney World and near all central Florida attractions. $699 for the entire week! Call Jim Wakefield at 301-926-7577 or email Sell It, Find It, Share It in the Lakelands Classifieds! Ford Contour - 1995: One owner Excellent condition, great for second car or for the beginner. $2800 OBO. Contact: Roxanne - 301-518-3121 Day or Evening Email Address: Crate & Barrel Dining Table: Beautiful 60 inch solid maple table. Excellent condition!! Like new. Includes two 17.5 inch leaves, will seat 10 people comfortably 8 matching Saber Chairs, solid maple, with black leather seats Keep the leather, or reupholster in your own fabric. Durable enough for your kitchen, or beautiful for formal dining. Original price for table $1399 and each chair $329 for total = $4,031. Selling for $2,000 for the whole set. Please contact me at or (301) 519-6816. Pet/Bird Cages: I have several very nice bird cages and a small dog cage. Anyone interested, please send an email to FOR RENT Perfect Vacation Home: 3 bedroom 'vista' condo on Heron Lake in Sea Colony's west side. Newly renovated, fully loaded with DVDs, games, books, gas grill and much more. Good weeks still available. Please visit our website at or call (301) 519-6816 or email Log Cabin Home: 2 BR, 1 sitting area, two full bath, great room, all modern applicance, 3.14 acres; 1 BR downstairs, 1 BR and sitting area upper loft. 806 sq.ft. first floor, 402 sq. ft. loft. 806 sq. ft. Community classifieds are free to all Kentlands and Lakelands residents ($10 fee applied to non-residents). To place your classified, email us at or call 301-519-1678. Deadline for the April issue is March 15, 2006. Last C hance f or “ Mame” T ickets Only Six Tickets Remain for June 24 Kennedy Center Performace O nly six seats remain for the upcoming performance of "Mame" staring Christine Baranski. Fantastic front and center orchestra seats have been obtained by the Empty Nesters Club and Lakelands Empty Nesters are invited to join the fun on Saturday, June 24, 2006 at the Kennedy Center. If you are interested in purchasing tickets for "Mame" please contact Leslie Weightman at 301-258-1058 or Tickets cost $81.74 each. A minimum of 20 tickets will need to be sold. Tickets are available on a first come, first serve basis. Checks must be received by March 31. L Unique giftware for your home. Monday: 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 18 The Lakelands Leader March 2006 Professional Directory To advertise in The Lakelands Leader, please call 301-519-1678 or e-mail gregory swistak, d.c. Palmer Graduate active family CHIROPRACTIC • Yard Clean-ups • Mulching and Wood Chips • Landscape Design/Installation • Shrub/Tree Installation 3 executive parkSte. court 60 Market Street, 215 germantown,MD md20878 20874 Gaithersburg, (301) 963-8333 p (301) 916-9383 • Lawn Renovation — Seeding/Fertilizing • Landscape Consultations • Shrub Pruning and Removal • Flower — Perennial-Annual Installation f (301) 916-9384 Avi Chertock (301) 593-0577 Only 42% of all adults have a will. Don't make your plans at the last minute. Wills • Durable Powers of Attorney Advance Medical Directives Revocable Living Trusts • Estate Administration Tax, Estate, Financial Planning • Tax Preparation Tax Controversies Scott J. Leishear 19110 Montgomery Village Ave., Suite 310 Montgomery Village, MD 20886 (301) 258-0876 THE LAW OFFICE OF KENNETH S. SAVELL Call 301-675-9626 or e-mail to ask questions or to schedule an appointment Elizabeth Ayala, D.M.A. Teacher of Piano The Kentlands 301-977-5424 CHILD, ADOLESCENT & ADULT THERAPEUTIC SERVICES JIMMY CHEN, M.D., PH.D. Psychiatrist Mobile: 240-888-0403 AMY T. GREASER, LCPC Psychotherapist Mobile: 202-207-6262 18502 Office Park Dr, Montgomery Village, MD 20886. Office Phone: 301-740-2680 Medication Assessment & Management; Individual, Family, Group, & Couples Therapy; Child Play Therapy. You could pay more, but why? Reach thousands of Lakelands readers every month with a low cost ad in the Lakelands Leader! Contact us today at or 301-519-1678. March 2006 The Lakelands Leader 19 20 The Lakelands Leader March 2006
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