Lakelands Leader February 2015
February 2015 Volume 17 Issue 2 PHOTO BY JAY SCHLOSSBERG Coming Up This Month High Tea in the Lakelands February 8, 2:00 p.m. See page 7 Princess Tea Party February 14, 10:00 a.m. See page 12 Reptile Show February 22, 4:00 p.m. See page 19 Std US Postage PAID Suburban MD Permit #6437 The Great Zucchini had all the kids laughing at the Clubhouse on January 11th. Social Committee to Hold Three Events This Month Return Address: The Lakelands Leader 960 Main St. Gaithersburg, MD 20878 By Gina Dropik The LCA Social Committee has been hard at work planning three events for February. There is something for everyone to escape the winter blues! The first event of the month will be a Tea Party. On Sunday, February 8, at 2:00 p.m. all Lakelands women are invited to enjoy high tea in the Red Room of the Clubhouse. OVERCROWDING AT RCES What’s being done and how you can get involved Page 5 A variety of teas from around the world will be served, along with savory finger sandwiches, scones and pastries. This will be a perfect opportunity for neighborhood women to catch up with friends while enjoying afternoon tea. There is no charge for this event. The next event on the February calendar is the annual Princess Tea Party. See 2015 on page 19 Community News, page 3 LCA Election Results, page 4 Downtown News, page 6 School News, page 18 2 The Lakelands Leader Happy New Year! from Elaine Koch SOLD SOLD 625A Main Street LAKELANDS • $370,000 410 Lynette Street LAKELANDS • $635,000 T RAC SOLD T CON 10024 Dellcastle Road MONTGOMERY VIL • $432,000 IVE 508 Saddle Ridge Lane KING FARM • $775,000 IVE ACT SOLD ACT 176 Sharpstead Lane WARTHER • $335,000 NEWING R OFFE NEWING R F O FE 101 Lamont Lane WARTHER • $319,900 ING COMON SO 407 Kent Oaks Way KENTLANDS • $859,900 ING COMON SO TOO w NeFOR Photo 164 Golden Ash Way LAKELANDS • $565,000 705 Linslade Street LAKELANDS • $710,000 TOO w NeFOR Photo 148 Little Quarry Road KENTLANDS • $665,000 2 BR w/ Loft THE COLONNADE Make the Right Move in 2015. Call me to find out how I can get your home SOLD! Experience Matters The #1 RE/MAX Metropolitan Agent 301.840.7320 KENTLANDS OFFICE 345 Main Street North Potomac, MD 20878 301-947-6500 3 February 2015 Community News January Board Meeting The monthly LCA Board meeting was held on January 12. The board approved the following motions: • T he appointment of Stuart Barr as Chairperson of the Design Review Committee. • T he election of officers of the Board of Directors as follows: Michael Goozh, President; Michael Fellerman, Vice President; Linda Wiesman, Treasurer; Kathy McKee, Secretary; Suresh Shah, Director at Large. • Acceptance of proposal from McFall & Berry Landscape Management for landscape enhancements at three locations in the neighborhood. • Acceptance of proposal from Diversified HVAC to install wireless, averaging thermostats/sensors in the clubhouse. From the DRC The Design Review Committee approved the following application at their January meeting: Ariel Band 432 Clayhall Street Completion of white, wooden fence to fully enclose yard in the same style as existing fence. Addition of gate to front entrance. Bulk Pickup Day Bulk trash pickup is scheduled for Lakelands on Thursday, February 5. All items must be placed at the front curb of your home before 7:00 a.m. Items placed in alleys or mews will not be collected. Acceptable items include heavy electrical appliances, furniture, mattresses, large toys and other large household items. Tree trunks and limbs, less than six feet long and weighing less than 40 pounds, are acceptable. Unacceptable items include household refuse, contractor debris, household hazardous waste, propane tanks or tanks under pressure and motor vehicle parts, including tires. Items must be clearly marked as “Bulk Pickup.” Materials placed in plastic bags will not be collected. For any specific questions concerning this service, contact the City of Gaithersburg at 301-258-6370. February Board Meeting The Board will host its next meeting on Monday, February 9, at 7:00 p.m. on the second floor of the Lakelands Clubhouse. All residents are welcome to attend. The meeting begins with an Open Forum during which residents can address issues of concern. Use a Trash Can and a Lid! As you may have noticed, our area becomes very popular with crows at this time of year. Please take the time to place all bagged trash into a sealed container with a lid. Not only will your trash be protected, it will help keep the food, papers and magazines from blowing around the community should the crows tear open the bags. The proper use of trash cans can deter a wide range of other suburban scavengers including mice, rats, raccoons, squirrels, bears and opossums. Also, please remember to keep the can and recycling containers in the rear yard or the garage between pickups. Thank you for your cooperation. Bridge in Lakelands Bridge players from advanced beginner to advanced levels are invited to participate in the Lakelands Social Bridge Group. This informal group meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Green Room of the Clubhouse. Refreshments are provided. For more information, contact nathan.tash@verizon. net. Additionally, bridge lessons are offered by an experienced instructor on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the Green Room. Calling all Movie Enthusiasts The Lakelands/Kentlands Movie Club meets twice a month to watch and discuss a variety of movies. In general, selections cover different genres, and include award winners, classics and other interesting features. Members are encouraged to suggest their own movie selections and share their thoughts with the club. Casual, guided discussion focuses on reaction and opinion, as well as some film theory and criticism. No prior film knowledge is necessary to participate. Club members vote on movie options prior to each meeting. The Movie Club meets at 7:00 p.m. in the Red Room of the Clubhouse every third Wednesday and the last Thursday of each month. The screening begins just after 7:00 p.m., immediately followed by discussion. For more information, contact Lakelands Resident is Looking for Exceptional Kids Lakelands resident Tiffany Hamilton is reaching out to families in the Lakelands, Kentlands and surrounding communities to establish a playgroup for high-functioning, highly verbal and socially motivated kids on the autism spectrum between the ages of 8 and 11. As the parent of an 8-year-old son with high-functioning autism she is looking for a way to connect with others in a similar situation. “I would love to expand our circle of friends in the neighborhood for play dates and parent outings,” Hamilton said. She is calling the group “Exceptional Kids in the Kentlands and Lakelands” and is seeking bright, schoolaged verbal and socially motivated children with highfunctioning autism, Asperger’s and/or ADHD. Ideas she has for the group include both home-based play dates and play dates at local playgrounds and athletic courts/fields; family nights out at local restaurants; bowling; swimming, movies; bounce events; museums; programming clubs and classes; Parent Night Outs and much more. Hamilton can be contacted at or 302-220-0531. 4 The Lakelands Leader Results of Board Election Are Finalized By Gina Dropik At the reconvened LCA Annual Meeting on January 12, Kathy McKee was elected to the Board of Directors based on a nomination from the floor, and Linda Wiesman was reelected to serve her third consecutive term on the Board. McKee is a 10-year resident of the Lakelands and has been a consistently active member of the community. She previously served as the Chairperson of the Social Committee and as a member of the Communications Committee. “I missed being involved. Since the position was vacant and there was a need, I decided to help out,” said McKee. “I plan to work on the Board as Kathy McKee the eyes and ears of the neighborhood, making changes and improvements that are in the best interest of our current and future residents, while listening to the concerns and interests of my neighbors and providing assistance accordingly.” McKee works as an Account Manager for Client Retention at Congressional Quarterly Roll Call in DC, a company that delivers congressional reporting via an interactive website. Additionally, she does portrait and small event photography in her spare time. Many of her photos have appeared in the Lakelands Leader, and she has taken photos of many Lakelands residents. Wiesman has also been a very active community member. She was a member of the Budget Committee for many years and served as the committee’s chairperson for a year and a half. Although this is her third consecutive term on the Board, she had previously served for two years and has served as president, as well as a Board Liaison for the EBC, Facilities, Social, Communications, Covenants and Budget committees. Wiesman said, “I am pleased to have been reelected to the Board. I enjoy the opportunity to serve the Lakelands, meet other Lakelands residents, and also to have an impact on the community, but would be delighted to see more residents get involved.” She added, “My goals are to maintain and improve the Lakelands so that it remains a premier community, a wonderful place to live, and a good financial investment for owners.” The election was originally held at the Annual Meeting on November 18; however there was not a quorum. In accordance with Maryland law the meeting reconvened in January, during which a quorum was met. 5 February 2015 RCES Overcrowding PHOTO BY JAY SCHLOSSBERG The Time to Get Involved is Now By Gina Dropik Rachel Carson Elementary School (RCES) is the largest school in the Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) system and the only elementary school with more than 1,000 students. However, the official capacity of the school is approximately 667 students, making it more than 50% above capacity. Under these circumstances, in order to keep classes at a manageable level and ensure that education doesn’t suffer, MCPS adds portables (trailers). RCES currently has 11 portables, which take up a considerable portion of the playground area. Over the past few months, several concerned parents have begun researching the issue to help advocate for solutions. Their concerns include space for recess, time for lunch, portables security, and sufficient bathrooms, gym space and media center space. In November MCPS allocated funds to study ways to alleviate the overcrowding issue at RCES, primarily by looking at possible additions to any, or all of three nearby schools: Dufief, Jones Lane, and Fields Road. Secondarily, MCPS is exploring the possibility of building a new school. There is no ability to make an immediate change, because the surrounding schools are over capacity and unable to handle RCES overflow. Approximately 80 parents attended a November RCES PTA meeting to discuss the issue. Mayor Jud Ashman, Councilmen Michael Sesma, and Board of Education Member Rebecca Smondrowski attended, along with representatives from the MCCPTA. Andrew Ross, a RCES parent said that those in attendance were most supportive of either building onto RCES or exploring a new school in Lakelands, as opposed to splitting up the community among other schools. Further, he explained that school additions typically add only approximately 250 seats to capacity, while a new school adds 750 seats. Ross said that he believes a new school must be strongly considered, given the rapid increase of kids in the neighborhood and the desire not to send kids to schools outside of the neighborhood. MCPS has been projecting RCES enrollment to drop for each of the past eight years; instead it has continued to increase. Along with Lakelands resident Joe Allen, Ross has formed a group of RCES parents to advocate for MCPS and the City of Gaithersburg to determine the best options to alleviate overcrowding, while preserving the walkable nature of the community. Two hundred parents signed a petition asking the City and MCPS to act with community guidance. According to Ross, they are asking MCPS to study building a new elementary school near Lakelands Park (near the GE Technology Park, on land owned by the City and County). The overcrowding issue is an additional concern for residents without kids and for the City of Gaithersburg. The city has adopted an Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO) to control and manage growth in an orderly, efficient, cohesive and safe manner, consistent with the economic and land use planning policies of the city, and for the health, safety and welfare of the public. The APFO requires the review of four key public services: traffic capacity, school capacity, water and sewer capacity, and fire and emergency response. The APFO has put the majority of Gaithersburg in a residential building moratorium. Development cannot take place until the schools can handle it. Locally, this affects Kentlands Square Shopping Center, as Saul Centers has expressed an interest in developing that parking lot with a mixed use center, but is unable to do so because of the APFO limitation. Allen said, “A solution to the overcrowding at Rachel Carson must be a part of larger effort to address the need for school construction throughout the city. The strength of Rachel Carson grew out of our ability to embrace the original vision of this community. A new school will achieve stability of school assignments for the long term, support walking, reduce transportation costs, allow boundaries that would be inclusive of several types of neighborhoods, utilize school construction dollars efficiently, and will get a high number of classroom seats while providing capacity to generate additional development and tax revenue.” The reality is that a solution to this problem can take up to five to seven years, which means it will probably not affect current RCES families. However, families with preschoolers, as well as any resident concerned about the future development of the community may want to get involved, as any solutions will affect them. Join the discussion at rcesovercrowding. 6 The Lakelands Leader Downtown News Kentlands Movie Theater Has a New Owner Paragon Theaters, a Florida-based company assumed ownership of Kentlands Stadium 10 on January 13. The theater is now called Paragon Kentlands 10. According to Niki Wilson, VP of Marketing and Publicity for Paragon, extensive renovations are planned including electric reclining seats with tray tables, online reserved seating, a completely remodeled interior, expanded concessions, and hi-def digital projection in all auditoriums. The renovations will begin immediately, with a planned completion date of summer 2015. The theater will remain open during the remodel. Paragon Theaters offer a free Diamond Rewards guest loyalty program, affordable camp and school field trips and terrific fundraising opportunities. Paragon operates nine other theaters in Florida, Virginia and Minnesota, several of which were renovated after acquisition. The company has a successful track record of turning older theaters into top of the line, upscale movie-going venues complete with expanded dining experiences. “The Kentlands area seems like a fantastic community and the perfect fit for a Paragon complex,” stated Wilson. For more information, visit, and select Kentlands 10 from the drop down menu. 1st Class is Free at Zengo Cycle Soon this is how movie-goers will enjoy the movies in Kentlands. Zengo Cycle is now open at 215 Kentlands Boulevard in the Kentlands Square Shopping Center (between Giant and Kmart). This indoor cycling studio features top-of-the-line Schwinn magnetic resistance bikes and a custom stereo sound system. Music is not just background noise, but an integral part of the Zengo experience. Classes, run by certified master instructors, offer a full-body workout for the body and mind, for all fitness levels. There are no annual or monthly membership fees and the first class is free! Just visit, create an account and reserve your space online. All classes are 45 minutes, with a five-minute cool down. See DOWNTOWN NEWS on page 7 New lower prices Valentine’s Day Cards for sale 267 Kentlands Blvd, Gaithersburg, MD 20878 (Kentlands Square, next to BB&T Bank) 301-990-1070 or for UPS Ground and Priority Mail shipments. Notary all day every day. 7 February 2015 From DOWNTOWN NEWS on page 6 High Tea in the Lakelands One of A Kind Fitness Facility to Open on Main Street FitZone 360⁰, a new state of the art, fitness studio opening at 305 Main Street this month will offer members a unique, integrated and individualized approach to fat loss and fitness. Johanna Soler, current owner of Jo-Fit and Alex Modaressi, current owner of Red Zone Fitness, are combining their talents and experience. FitZone 360⁰ will offer nutritional coaching, resistance and metabolic training in one-on-one, semi-private and small group classes. Johanna and Alex will evaluate and assess each member’s individual goals in order to design a specialized fitness and nutritional program, including a daily workout, as well as a systemized program integrating all of the major tools necessary to reach their fitness goals. For inquiries and consultations contact Johanna at or 240-483-2849 or Alex at information@ or 240-498-0289. Join other women in the neighborhood and enjoy a variety of tea from around the world, served with tiny savory sandwiches, scones, and pastries. Sunday, February 8 2:00 p.m. Red Room of the Lakelands Clubhouse Summer Bodies are Made in the Winter Kentlands Nutrition is holding a Body Transformation Challenge. Entry fee includes a weekly nutrition class, free wellness evaluation, nutrition education and personal nutrition programs. Registration is open all month, with three sessions to choose from. Cash prizes will be paid out to the participant with highest percentage of weight loss and top muscle gain. Call 301-573-1381 for more Information or visit Calendar of Events FEB 2Design Review Committee, 7:00 p.m., 2nd floor FEB 3 Bridge Lessons, 7:30 p.m., Green Room Stafford Studio Introduces New Classes FEB 4 Social Committee, 7:30 p.m., Red Room Stafford Studio of Music, Drama & Public Speaking, located at 216 Main Street, has added two new classes to its lineup. Start to Sing is an eight-week class during which students will learn to sing for fun. The class will address proper exercises, appropriate songs and beginning music theory. Two sessions are offered on Saturdays beginning February 7; one for children in grades one and two from 12:00 – 12:55 p.m. and one for adults from 1:00 – 1:55 p.m. For more information contact Chery Stafford at 240780-1231 or FEB 5 Bulk Pick Up History Book Club, 7:30 p.m., Red Room FEB 8 Tea Party, 2:00 p.m., Red Room News From Meredith Fogle & Associates Meredith Fogle and her real estate team are pleased to announce their affiliation with Old Line Properties, a Maryland Real Estate Company. Old Line is a full-service company serving all aspects of real estate including buying, selling, developing, building, investing, renting, and property management. Old Line Properties agents are hand-selected for their expertise. Meredith is thrilled to have found a company which shares her passion for customer service and her philosophy that putting clients’ needs first is always top priority. Moving with her are her agent and business partner, Valerie Harnois and assistant, Claudia MacDonald, as well as 17 years of experience as a top-producing real estate team, known widely as the Kentlands and Lakelands real estate experts and the top team in the 20878 zip code. Call Meredith at 301-602-3904 for more information. FEB 9Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., 2nd floor Conf. Room FEB 10 Bridge Lessons, 7:30 p.m., Green Room Pool Committee, 7:30 p.m., Red Room FEB 14Princess Party, 10:00 – 11:30 a.m., Green Room FEB 17 Bridge Lessons, 7:30 p.m., Green Room FEB 18 Social Bridge, 7:00 p.m., Green Room Movie Club, 7:00 p.m., Red Room FEB 19 Book Club, 7:30 p.m., Red Room FEB 22Reptiles Alive! Show, 4:00 p.m., Green Room FEB 24 Bridge Lessons, 7:30 p.m., Green Room FEB 25 Budget Committee, 7:00 p.m., 2nd floor Facilities Committee, 7:00 p.m., Red Room FEB 26 Movie Club, 7:00 p.m., Red Room 8 City News Summer Camp Registration Registration for Gaithersburg Summer Camps begins on February 4 for city residents. Open registration begins February 18. Public Input Sought at Budget Forum On Monday, February 9 at 7:30 p.m., the Mayor and City Council will host the annual Gaithersburg Budget Public Forum in the City Hall Council Chambers. Staff will present the financial state of the city, then elected officials will entertain input from the community on funding priorities for the coming fiscal year, which begins on July 1, 2015. Advance registration is not needed to speak. Anyone wishing to comment need simply wait their turn for a 3-minute opportunity to express their thoughts. Comment can also be provided via e-mail to The meeting will be aired live on GTV, viewable on Comcast and RCN channel 13 or FiOS channel 25 within city limits. The meeting can also be viewed live via streaming video at, or can be viewed online once the meeting is archived. The FY15 City of Gaithersburg budget and strategic plan are available on the city’s website at For more information, contact the City Manager at 301-258-6310. Stephanie Walker Appointed City’s Finance Director Stephanie Walker has been appointed Director of Gaithersburg’s Department of Finance and Administration. Walker has extensive The Lakelands Leader experience in local government finance, is a Certified Public Accountant, and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from the University of Wisconsin, Whitewater and a Master of Public Administration from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. She is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Government Finance Officers Association, where she is a member of the Committee on Accounting, Auditing, and Financial Reporting (CAAFR). Walker will oversee a department of 11 full-time equivalent positions with an approved FY15 operating budget of $16.2 million. Council Member Sesma Elected to NLC Board of Directors Gaithersburg City Council Member Michael A. Sesma was elected to a two-year term on the National League of Cities (NLC) Board of Directors and will play a key role in guiding the nation’s largest and most representative membership and advocacy organization for city officials. In this role, Sesma will meet throughout the year to guide NLC’s strategic direction and set the organization’s advocacy priorities and operational goals. NLC is the nation’s oldest and largest organization devoted to strengthening and promoting cities as centers of opportunity, leadership and governance. For more information, visit Society of Fire Protection Engineers Moves Headquarters to Gaithersburg The Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE), a professional association representing those practicing in the field of fire protection engineering, is relocating its global headquarters from Bethesda to Gaithersburg in early March 2015. The relocation was made possible in part by a City of Gaithersburg Economic Development Toolbox grant to assist with the buildout costs for 4,264 square feet of new office space located at 9711 Washingtonian Boulevard. For more information visit www. Essay Contest Announced for Junior Mayor Program Fourth graders in the City of Gaithersburg are encouraged to share what they would do if they were mayor in a statewide essay. The theme for this year’s contest, to be explored in 275 words or less, is: “RESPECT.” One winning essay will be selected from each of 11 regional districts. The City of Gaithersburg will select a winner specifically from its own community. Essays submitted by city residents will be reviewed by members of the city’s Educational Enrichment Committee. Finalists will be invited to participate in a videotaped panel interview, and one winner will be selected as Gaithersburg Junior Mayor, with the opportunity to participate in programs and special events throughout the year. The deadline for entries is March 2. For submission instructions and information, visit the city’s website at or call 301-258-6395 x3. Visit us on the web at 9 February 2015 The Laudable Life Advice for Life’s Relationships from Kentlands Psychotherapy Laud · a · ble [law-duh-buhl] adjective praiseworthy; admirable; commendable. Q: Every year Valentine’s Day becomes more and more predictable, and less and less romantic. Out to dinner and an exchange of cards is a given, occasionally upgraded with flowers or chocolates, but not often. We just don’t seem to try very hard anymore. I really miss feeling swept off my feet. I don’t want to keep feeling like we’re just checking the box. What can I do to turn this around without hurting his feelings? A: Well, first of all you are starting on the right track on a couple of fronts. You’re describing the problem using the language of WE rather than falling into an adversarial mindset—characterized by criticism and blaming of your spouse. Terrific. Stick with that! Secondly you’re focusing not just on the question of WHAT to discuss to fix the problem, but much more importantly you’re thinking in terms of HOW to discuss it with your partner to protects his feelings. This is an excellent start that increases the likelihood that the two of you will be able to navigate successfully through this discussion together. With the above two parameters in mind here are some suggestions: 1) Ask him how he’s feeling about your time together as a couple in general (Is it fun? Is it sexy? Is it inspiring? Does he like himself better when he’s around you?). I’d get away from focusing too much on Valentine’s Day specifically and instead prioritize resuscitating your romantic relationship overall. 2) Once he shares with you his assessment, then you share your concerns, but be gentle. Being overly critical here can grind the conversation to a halt. 3) Ask him if he has any ideas on how to improve things. Really listen and validate his suggestions. 4) Finally offer some of your own thoughts. Be positive here. You don’t need to reference past disappointments to illustrate your points. Limit your comments to positive suggestions and visions for the future and you’ll be protecting his feeling, as well as your own. Good luck! Have a question you’d like considered for an upcoming issue? Join the conversation—message KentlandsPsychotherapy USE YOUR VOICE PRIVATE LESSONS • VOICE • ACTING PUBLIC SPEAKING • PRESENTATION PLANNING START TO SING beginning classes for children & adults 216 Main Street, 2nd Floor (Kentlands) Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Ph: 240-780-1231 • 10 CRAYON CR AY ON The Lakelands Leader N RA YO CRAYO N C POWERED BY STEAM. FUELED BY FUN! The Goddard School’s Summer Camp offers a broad range of programs and mini camps crafted to pique the interest and curiosity of every child; there is something for everybody! Call today to enroll! SNEAK PEEK OPEN HOUSE Monday, February 16th - Friday, February 20th • 9:00am - Noon Monday, March 16th - Friday, March 20th • 9:00am - Noon Saturday, April 18th • 10:00am - 2:00pm NOW ENROLLING! GAITHERSBURG • 900 WIND RIVER LANE • 301-208-8787 (Near the Kentlands) The Goddard Schools are operated by independent franchisees under a license agreement with Goddard Systems, Inc. Programs and ages may vary. Goddard Systems, Inc. program is AdvancED accredited. © Goddard Systems Inc. 2014 February 2015 Lakelands ad Final2014.pdf 1 3/13/2014 10:01:25 AM FOCUS ON FITNESS Winter Workout By Lenore Gelman, Personal Trainer The middle of the winter is a good time to get motivated for a challenging workout. This month I thought I would share an awesome indoor strength training/cardio blaster that will really get you moving. You can complete this in the comfort of your own home, and all you need is some dumbbells, along with your bodyweight. As always, I recommend a five-minute warm up. This can be accomplished in many ways, as long as you get your whole body going, and wake up all those muscle groups. During this workout, you will alternate between various exercises, and then complete a minute of cardio. Many of the exercises utilize several muscle groups, so rest assured this is total body. It is beneficial (but not necessary) to have two sets of dumbbells available, one lighter and one heavier. The sets and time frame are suggestions; feel free to modify or intensify. You are the best judge of what your body can handle, so push yourself, but listen to your body signals. C Circuit 1 M • 20 push-ups alternating with 30 second forearm plank. REPEAT • 20 squats alternating with 20 lateral lunges. REPEAT • 1 minute: Burpees Y CM Circuit 2 MY CY • 20 reverse lunges with bicep curls alternating with 15 overhead tricep extensions. REPEAT • 30 second side plank alternating sides. REPEAT • 1 minute: High knees running in place CMY K Circuit 3 • 15 bent-over rows alternating with 15 stationary front lunge overhead presses (switch front leg on second round). REPEAT • 20 bodyweight Russian twists alternating with 20 sit ups. REPEAT • 1 minute: jumping jacks (light dumbbells optional) Circuit 4 • 15 glute bridges alternating with 15 lying chest flies. REPEAT • 15 dips alternating with 30 second tabletop hold. REPEAT • 1 minute: mountain climbers Circuit 5 • 30 second superman hold alternating with 30 second V sit hold. REPEAT • 30 second wall sit alternating with 15 deadlifts. REPEAT • 1 minute: run in place with weight overhead If you’re not tired at this point, repeat the entire workout. You can also just pick and choose your favorites and repeat those. If you’re finished, please remember to cool your body down with slow walking and then end with stretches for all the major muscle groups. Stay warm and have fun! #1 Advisor in Maryland 2014 Barron’s Top 1,200 Financial Advisors State-by-State Ranking 11 12 The Lakelands Leader TRANSPORTATION PROVIDED Valentine’s Day Princess Tea Party Saturday, February 15 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Enjoy a variety of royal activities including a tea party, fashion show, crafts, dancing, story time and more! Voted Best of D.C. 2014 $15 Admission per princess in advance. $20 at the door Make your royal reservation today at Click on Announcements. This event is for Lakelands residents only. Building Good Dental Health One Tooth At A Time Learn to Skate & Play Hockey at the Rockville Ice Arena Dr. Karl E. Lee d.m.d. 301-963-6300 Sign Up Now for the following Programs 211 Market Street West Gaithersburg, MD 20878 • LEARN TO SKATE GROUP LESSONS Near Star Diner and Starbucks Classes Begin January 3rd (Sessions begin every 7 weeks throughout the year) • LEARN TO PLAY HOCKEY In Our Hockey Initiation Program Sponsored by The Washington Capitals Classes Begin January 24th - GET FREE HOCKEY EQUIPMENT! (Sessions begin every 7 weeks throughout the year) • Check our website for Public Skating Hours Proud Home of Montgomery Youth Hockey Association 50 Southlawn Court Rockville, MD 20850 (301) 315-5650 We believe that good dentistry is important to your general health. Our goal is to provide care to our patients in a cooperative agreeable relationship. We are committed to fostering a continuing relationship between patient and doctor, one in which each grows as a result of the unity, and each prospers as well. We use the Soprolife diagnosis system to help in reducing the amount of x-rays to detect cavities, and to better determine the state of dental structures. Monday and Friday: 7:30 am – 12 noon Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 12 noon – 8 pm Saturday: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm We accept most dental insurance. For those patients without insurance, we offer a $69 fee for the general examination, cleaning and bite wing x-rays. 13 February 2015 Meredith Fogle & Associates Kentlands and Lakelands Resident Realtors® 301.602.3904 Call the #1 Neighborhood Real Estate Team The most neighborhood listings, buyers, and rentals Call today for a free estimate of your home’s value! JUST LISTED! JUST LISTED! 135 Chevy Chase Street - $365,000 413 Ridgepoint Place #16 - $319,500 JUST LISTED! 502 Bright Meadow Drive $590,000 WE FOUND THE BUYER SOLD! 210 Kent Oaks Way $752,000 202 Hart Mews - $615,000 JUST LISTED! 400 Kentlands Blvd. #103 - $319,900 SOLD! JUST LISTED! 153 Kent Oaks Way - $874,900 SOLD! SOLD! 806 Gatestone Street - $831,500 SOLD! JUST LISTED! 439 Little Quarry Road $615,000 SOLD! SOLD! 333 Chestertown Street $774,900 RENTED! SOLD! 204 Thaxton Street - $850,000 684 Heathwalk Mews $475,000 WE LISTED & FOUND THE BUYER WE FOUND THE BUYER SOLD! 106 Thrift Street $699,900 107 Lake Street $1,017,000 SOLD! 221 Massbury Street $900,000 110 Ridgepoint Place - $495,000 SOLD! 227 Thaxton Street $872,000 102 Kendrick Pl #34 $1,895 WE FOUND THE BUYER SOLD! 138 Thurgood Street $617,000 Some properties sold while agent was affiliated with Remax Metropolitan Realty. 301.602.3904 Valerie Harnois REALTOR® Extraordinary Realtors® for an Extraordinary Community. 14 The Lakelands Leader TEENS IN OUR COMMUNITY Alexis Kim, A Teen of Many Talents As a sophomore at Quince Orchard High School (QOHS), Alexis Kim is involved in many clubs and organizations. Her interests range from politics and theater, to nature and photography. “I like to be well-rounded,” she said. “I don’t think I’m really good at any one thing, but I like to do a lot of different things.” As it turns out, Alexis is pretty good at photography. She won the Award of Excellence in Photography in the QOHS Reflections program. Created by the National PTA as an arts recognition and achievement program for students, the Reflections program recognizes students in seven categories: Dance, Film Production, Musical Composition, Literature, Photography, Visual Arts, and Special Artist. The theme for 2014 was “The world would be a better place if…”. On the recommendation of her Photography teacher, Amy Messenger, Alexis submitted a beautiful photo of a butterfly on a Salvia plant. “I work at Potomac Garden Center. It was late in the season and I saw this beautiful Monarch butterfly. Monarch butterflies are becoming very rare. I had my camera in my pocket, so I took a picture,” she recalled. “I really didn’t think it was very good, but I submitted it for an assignment and Ms. Messenger suggested I enter it in the contest.” When she heard her name announced on Cougar TV for winning the contest, she was really excited. “It felt really good to have my work recognized.” She said that she has several friends who enjoy photography and that on nice weekend days they enjoy going to places with wide open spaces Congratulations to all QOHS Reflections Program winners Visual Arts Award of Excellence – Elena Asofsky Award of Merit – Kathleen Muma Honorable Mention – Tina Chen Photography Award of Excellence – Alexis Kim Award of Merit – Lillyan Hidalgo Honorable Mention – Jailene Mitchell-Santos Music Award of Excellence – Yardley Borten Best of luck in the next round of competition at the county level! and interesting scenery to take photos. “I love to be outside,” said Alexis. As a young child she was always outside playing. “Without nature I think life would be very boring.” This is why she enjoys her job, as a cashier at Potomac Garden Center, so much. “I’m learning so much there. It has given me a real environmental awareness,” she said. Alexis generally works about 15 hours each week, which is admirable considering how many interests and activities she has. At QOHS she is a member of the Drama Club and Stage Crew and the Prowler newspaper. In addition, Alexis volunteers as a tutor to middle school students. She is an honor roll student and her favorite subject is English. “I like classes that give me creative liberty.” said Alexis. Outside of school, she is very active in the New Covenant Fellowship Church Youth Group. “I have a lot of close friends from church. We go on a lot of outings together and I play on their flag football team,” she said. Additionally, she loves to read and is currently reading both Wicked by Gregory Maguire and The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. Alexis has lived in the Lakelands since the age of two and loves it. “It is a really great place to grow up,” she said. She is the daughter of Simon and Angela Kim, Koreans who grew up in Paraguay. Spanish is her second language and she continues to master the language by taking Spanish at school. Alexis has two younger siblings, Andrew (13) and Sara (11). She said she strives to be a good role model to them. Although she enjoys the arts, Alexis said she would like to study Pre-Med in college and would like to practice obstetrics and gynecology. Her plans are to go to school in Maryland because she wants to stay close to her family, but she would like to live in New York City at some point. PHOTO BY ALEXIS KIM By Gina Dropik 15 February 2015 Charles C. Harrington, DDS SPECIALIST IN ORTHODONTICS Top-Rated on Angies List and the Better Business Bureau In our eyes, nothing is more valuable than feeling comfortable. It’s just another one of our ways of making sure your comfort always comes first. Whatever it takes.SM Service Managers Special Have you received an estimate for costly repairs or equipment replacement? Rod Miller Inc. would like to give you a free second opinion and/or estimate. There’s only one thing better than peace of mind, and that’s FREE peace of mind. (877) 896-7168 Special Offer 15% off Our Residential Service Agreements AND 50% OFF Second System Discount applied to first year only Coupons cannot be combined $7995 Voted as one of Washington area’s “Best Orthodontists” by the Washingtonian Magazine since 2003 Treating both children and adults! Conveniently located in the Quince Orchard Medical Park, across from the Kentlands HVAC INSPECTION 16 Point FALL/SPRING SAFETY and EFFICIENCY INSPECTION 11904 Darnestown Road, Suite C Gaithersburg, MD 20878 301.977.1441 License# 01-3295 RC 702 FINANCING AVAILABLE Not good in combination with other offers. Please mention Coupon# KT-09 at time of booking. Some restrictions may apply. The Leader is the only official publication and source of information for the Lakelands Community Association. LCA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mike Goozh MANAGEMENT EDITOR & ADVERTISING MANAGER COMSOURCE Gina Dropik 301-924-7355 President ONSITE MANAGEMENT Michael Fellerman 240-631-8338 LAYOUT & DESIGN Deb Dulin, Dulin Design LLC Vice President Michele Kennedy STAFF WRITERS Kathy McKee Community Manager Walter Borotto Andy Goldstien Sam Kirsch Paige Mirkin Secretary Linda Wiesman Treasurer Suresh Shah Director at Large Gina Dropik Director of Communication and Administration PHOTOGRAPHER Jay S. Schlossberg The Lakelands Leader is the monthly published means of communicating information of interest to Lakelands residents. It does not espouse any political belief or endorse any products or service. Articles and letters submitted for publication must be signed and may be edited for length and content. Comsource and LCA do not endorse the products or services advertised herein, nor are they responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The Leader is published by the Association, which is responsible for form, content and policies. 8/28 16 The Lakelands Leader 60 Market Street, Suite 207 Gaithersburg, MD 20878 • 301-330-7500 At Triton Wealth Management, we provide our clients with the following Fiduciary Oath of Service; does your QUALIFIED FIDUCIARY OATH OF SERVICE , CFP® February 2015 17 MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS Jason Silverberg - Making a Difference By Gina Dropik It is rare to talk to a person who truly loves his job. Jason Silverberg is fortunate to be one of those people. “I wake up every morning with a mission,” he says. As VP of Financial Planning for Financial Advantage Associates, a comprehensive financial services firm in Rockville, Jason works with people to help them make the most of their life by improving their financial situation. “I have adopted a values-based financial planning process,” said Jason. He explained that it’s a way to look at financial life that isn’t number-based. He meets with his clients and asks them questions about their dreams and aspirations; about what money means to them and what retirement means to them. He then helps them employ the financial tools to get them where they want to be in the future. “I have the ability to truly make a difference in my clients’ lives,” he said. “Many times, I am able to help them pay down debt, save for their kids’ college, save for their own retirement (many times before age 60), all while still maintaining a robust lifestyle, full of fun and Lindsey and Jason Silverberg with their children, Joshua and adventure. My goal is to help my clients feel confident Rebecca. enough to make good financial decisions and good life decisions,” he said. At the age of 13, Jason’s parents told him that he had to invest the money he received at his bar mitzvah, and that’s when he became interested in a career in finance “I learned about stocks and mutual funds and thought it was really cool!” He graduated from the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland in 2005 with a degree in Finance. During his senior year he started an internship at Financial Advantage Associates and has been there ever since. “It’s a hard career to break into, but I knew it was what I wanted to do. I was committed and broke through the initial challenges,” he said. From 2007 until 2011, while working full time, he completed the Certified Financial Planner Program (CFP©) at the American College and received his Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU©) and Chartered Financial Consultant (ChF ©)TM designations. Jason and his wife, Lindsey, have lived in Lakelands since June 2008. Two years ago they moved from a townhouse to the single family home on Still Creek Lane where they live now with their son Joshua (2½) and daughter Rebecca (3 months). He says that the focal point of their lives is their children. “We like to take nature walks around the neighborhood and be physically active.” Jason loves to run and tries to get out as often as possible. He completed the Frederick marathon in 2010. Together, he and Lindsey enjoy watching movies together. Jason looks forward to continuing to build his financial planning practice. “It may sound corny; but Thomas Edison once said that he never did a day’s work in his life, it was all fun. That’s truly how I feel about my career. It doesn’t feel like work to me.” 18 The Lakelands Leader School News Purpose Room. It will feature a DJ, dancing, and refreshments for students. Proceeds from the sale of refreshments will go to Pennies for Patients. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will be closed on February 16 in honor of Presidents’ Day. February 27 is an early release day to accommodate grading and planning for teachers. The Annual Talent Show will be held on Thursday, February 26 from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m., also in the school’s All Purpose Room. This popular event features the talent of LPMS student performers in a variety of acts. Students and their families and friends are encouraged to attend and show their support. RCES The monthly Principal’s Tea and PTA Meeting will be held on February 3 in the Media Center. The Principal’s Tea begins at 6:30 p. m. The PTA Meeting will follow at 7:00 pm. The school-wide spelling bee will be held on February 5 beginning at 7:00 p.m. All parents, family members, friends and community members are welcome to attend as the winners from each classroom compete for the title of Spelling Bee Champion. A Kindergarten Open House will be held on February 13 at 9:15 a.m. for parents who will be sending, or are considering sending, a child to kindergarten at RCES during the 2015–2016 school year (child must be five years old by September 1, 2015). Principal Larry Chep will address prospective kindergarten parents and answer questions, and parents will have an opportunity to visit kindergarten classes. Another Open House will be held on March 20. Students will celebrate Valentine’s Day with classroom parties on Valentine’s Day on Friday, February 13, from 2:00 -3:00 p.m. A Family Movie Night featuring The Lego Movie will be held on February 20. Students and their families are invited to put on their pajamas, get comfortable and enjoy a movie with their classmates and their families. Parent supervision is required at this event. This is the opening night of the Winter/Spring Scholastic Book Fair, the final fundraiser of the year, which will be held February 20 – 27. The fair features a great selection of books. Students will visit with their classes and may also purchase books during lunch/recess. LPMS LPMS was recently named the first “most hopeful” middle school in Montgomery County Public Schools, tied in first place with Robert Frost Middle School, by students, as reflected in the 2014 Gallup Survey data. The basketball season concludes this month, with the final game against Redland M.S. on February 4. The girls will play at home and the boys will be away. A PTSA meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10 at 7:00 p.m. in the Falcon’s Nest. A Valentine’s Day Dance is scheduled for Thursday, February 13 from 2:45 – 4:45 p.m. in the school’s All Soccer try-outs will begin on March 4. All forms necessary can be found on the LPMS website under Athletics, or on the PE bulletin board outside the boys’ locker room. QOHS SHOP (Students Helping Other People) sponsors a Coffee House on February 5 at 6:30 p.m. in the school cafeteria. QOHS students will perform acoustic sets in a Coffee House setting. Ticket and refreshment sales will benefit a charity. The Booster Club will meet on Wednesday, February 11 at 7:00 p.m.. All parents and students are encouraged to attend. The PTSA will hold an Academic Achievers Assembly for the second quarter this month. Students who have earned straight “A’s”, Honor Roll and Most Improved will be recognized. An Instrumental Music Cluster Concert will be held on February 24 and a Choral Music Cluster Concert will be held on February 26. Both events will begin at 7:00 p.m. in the school auditorium. The winter sports season concludes this month. Visit www. for complete schedules. Spring sports begin on February 28. QOHS Home Sports Events FEB 3Boys Basketball vs. Gaithersburg; JV at 5:15 p.m., Varsity at 7:00 p.m. FEB 6JV Basketball vs. Magruder; Girls at 3:30 p.m., Boys at 5:15 p.m. FEB 10Varsity Basketball vs. Kennedy, Girls at 5:15, Boys at 7:00 p.m. FEB 17Varsity Basketball vs. Sherwood, Girls at 5:15, Boys at 7:00 p.m. FEB 24Boys Basketball vs. Tuscarora; JV at 5:15 p.m., Varsity at 7:00 p.m. 19 February 2015 From 2015 on page 1 This year the event will be held on Valentine’s Day; Saturday, February 14, from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. and will have a special Valentine’s Day theme. All Lakelands Princesses are invited to dress in their most royal attire and snack on tea, cookies and finger sandwiches with real princesses. Additionally, the princesses will enjoy a variety of activities including a royal fashion show, dancing at a royal ball, story time, crafts, contests and more. Reservations are encouraged for this event and can be made by going to the Lakelands website at www., selecting the “Announcements” tab and then selecting the announcement titled “Calling All Princesses”. Tickets are $15 per princess in advance and $20 at the door, as space allows. The final event of the month is the return of Reptiles Alive! on February 22 at 4:00 p.m. This wildly popular traveling wildlife education organization presents approximately 800 shows a year. In their third visit to the Lakelands, they will present their “Creepy Reptiles Alive!” show. Presented by an enthusiastic wildlife educator, this 45-minute show will be entertaining for all ages and will feature 7-9 live animals, which may include snakes, giant cockroaches, toads and other creepy creatures. The presenter will explain that while some animals may seem scary, there is no reason to be afraid of them. Myths will be busted and the truth will be revealed about some of nature’s most misunderstood creatures. So mark your calendars and be sure to not miss these great events, sponsored by the LCA Social Committee. Lakelands Welcomes Back Sunday, February 22, 4:00 p.m. Lakelands Clubhouse Green Room This Event is Free and is Open to All Lakelands Residents! Book Clubs The History Book Club will meet on February 5 to discuss The Bully Pulpit by Doris Kearns Goodwin. The regular Book Club will meet on February 19, when they will discuss 11/22/63 by Stephen King. For more information, contact Mickey Stevens at THINKING ABOUT GOING SOLAR? Before you decide on Solar City, meet with Maryland's Top Ranked, LOCALLY OWNED Solar Company. TOP 4 REASONS WHY SOLAR ENERGY WORLD IS THE BEST CHOICE: 1. BETTER TERMS for LEASE or PURCHASE. More financial options than Solar City. 2. MORE PRODUCT CHOICES. Solar Energy World isn’t limited to solar panels made in China. We only offer the HIGHEST QUALITY, HIGH EFFICIENCY panels, including panels made in America, Germany and Canada. 3. WE NEVER SEND SUBCONTRACTORS TO YOUR HOME. Our installers are fully trained, solar certified, full time Solar Energy World employees, ensuring high quality control for our customers. 4. WE PRACTICE WHAT WE PREACH. We are the only solar company in this region that runs its own facility on solar power. Our headquarters is in Elkridge, so you can come see our solar system at-work in person anytime. No other solar company here can say the same. Solar Energy World, LLC # 1 in Maryland: Total Residential Megawatts Installed by MD-based Solar Installation Company "My brother got a job with Solar City as an installer so initially they were my first choice. But their sales representative only wanted me to lease my panels and had no interest in what I wanted. Solar Energy World’s consultant LISTENED to what I wanted to put on my roof. I was treated with respect and was an important part of the planning process. I have recommended Solar Energy World to my friends and family. If you choose them, you'll be very happy." - Don M.Freeland, Solar Energy World Customer Call TODAY for Free Evaluation: 877-562-9235 20 The Lakelands Leader Arts on the Green Howard Cohen, Anthony Glander and Arts Barn Faculty Exhibit Cost: $78 (resident), $90 (non-resident) Learn the basics of stained glass art, including how to cut, foil and solder your own stained glass panel For ages 16 and up. Honest Abe: The Wit & Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln THE GREEN ARTS ON Through March 8, during business hours Wednesday, February 18, 1:00 p.m. Arts Barn Arts Barn K E NT L A N D S M A N S I O N & A RT S B A R N Admission: Free Admission: General: $20 / Youth 14 & under: $12 In celebration of his 90th birthday, The Sandy Spring Theatre Group presents this engaging one-act the Arts Barn Gallery will be featuring a selection of Howard play about Abraham Lincoln. A question-and-answer session Cohen’s paintings from throughout his career. Anthony Glander follows the performance. Recommended for ages 10 and up. of Fitzpatrick Glass Studios, an artist in residence at the Arts Barn, will be exhibiting both his three-dimensional and hanging Singer Songwriter Concert Series – glassworks. Caitlin Canty A Walk Down the Aisle February 5 – 26 Viewing hours Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and weekends when the Mansion is open to the public for special events. Kentlands Mansion Admission: Free Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Kentlands Mansion as a wedding venue with an exhibition of vintage bridal gowns courtesy of the Montgomery County Historical Society. Art League of Germantown Exhibit February 6 – March 7 Viewing hours Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., (call to confirm availability) Kentlands Mansion Gallery Admission: Free The Art League of Germantown members present a selection of works created in oils, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, pencil/charcoal, mixed media, and photography. Artist Reception Tuesday, February 10, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Arts Barn and Kentlands Mansion Admission: Free At the Arts Barn, meet Howard Cohen, Anthony Glander and members of the Arts Barn Faculty whose works on exhibit at the Arts Barn Gallery. At the Kentlands Mansion, meet members of the Art League of Germantown. Boeing, Boeing February 13 – March 1, Fridays and Saturdays 8:00 p.m./ Sundays 2:00 p.m. Arts Barn Admission: $20 A jet-set comedy set in the 1960s, presented by the Montgomery Playhouse. Suitable for ages 15+. Stained Glass Saturday Saturday, February 14, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Arts Barn Thursday, February 19 Workshop at 3:00 p.m., Kentlands Mansion Concert at 7:30 p.m., Arts Barn Admission: Workshop & Concert – $45 Concert only – $25 Caitin Canty’s intimate solo concert will feature many of the songs from her just-released record, as well as some of her original songs from previous records and a cover or two. Canty delivers her fine-edged songs with a 1930’s Recording King Guitar and a dusky alto cut with wild defiant sorrow. Dreamtime Arts and Australian Wine Friday, February 20, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Arts Barn Cost: $40 (resident), $45 (non-resident) Explore ancient history, themes, patterns and symbols of Australia’s aboriginal art. Learn “Dot Technique” and create a Dreamtime story on a wooden box. Must be 21 to attend (I.D. required). The price of the workshop includes one drink ticket. Creative Jewelry Making: Beginners Saturday, February 28, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Arts Barn Cost: $26 (resident), $30 (non-resident) Try your hand at jewelry making. This beginner’s workshop is for ages 14 and up. Get in the Act! Broadway Sing-Along Sunday, March 1, 3:00 p.m. Kentlands Mansion Admission: $10 Relax, enjoy refreshments and sing tunes from some of the best-loved Broadway shows, both old and new. The Kentlands Community Chorus will provide piano accompaniment, a song leader and lyric sheets. For tickets and workshop registration at the Arts Barn call 301258-6394 or visit at theater-at-the-arts-barn. For the mansion call 301-258-6425 or visit kentlands-mansion. 21 February 2015 Professional Directory Reach hundreds of Lakelands readers every month with a low-cost ad in the Lakelands Leader! Contact us today at or 240-631-8338. H ill’s $10 OFF ome & earth PLUMBING & HEATING LLC James Hill Master Plumber/Gasfitter Serving Your Area MD#23716 WSSC#71373 Plumbing & Gas Fireplace Services: Faucet Repair & Replacement Toilet Repair & Replacement Garbage Disposal Replacement Sump Pump Replacement Hot Water Heaters Gas Fireplace Service & Repair 1-301-788-0445 GALLANT FINANCIAL Financial Planning for Your Life-Long Goals Fee-Only Practice CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ Retirement Planning Counselor Registered Investment Advisor Debbie Heffernan Gallant, CFP®, RLP®, CHFC® 301.461.8492 conveniently located in Gaithersburg 22 The Lakelands Leader Lakelands Real Estate FOR SALE Address Housing Type Model Builder List Price DOM 652A Main St Condo-Town Georgetown Ryland $375,900 154 657A Main St Condo-Town Georgetown Ryland $390,000 168 336B Cross Green St Condo-Town Mt. Vernon Ryland $429,924 115 164 Golden Ash Way Townhome Vintage Miller & Smith $565,000 58 705 Linslade St Single Family Easton Parkwood $710,000 97 943 Featherstone St Single Family Savannah M. Harris $759,900 71 UNDER CONTRACT Address Housing Type Model Builder List Price DOM 659B Main St Condo-Town Mt. Vernon Ryland $419,900 144 307B Cross Green St Condo-Town Mt. Vernon Ryland $426,500 96 456 Lynette St Townhome Ryan Fairgate $588,700 9 309 Lakelands Dr Single Family Main St $724,900 167 Housing Type List Price Sold Price DOM SOLD Address Model 625A Main St Condo-Town Georgetown $379,900 $370,000 209 647A Main St Condo-Town Georgetown $385,000 $380,000 41 732B Main St Condo-Town Mt. Vernon $425,000 $417,000 161 58 Golden Ash Way Townhome Vintage $489,900 $470,000 95 96 Golden Ash Way Townhome Vintage 445 Phelps St Townhome $519,000 $508,800 8 $555,000 $555,000 11 433 Kersten St Townhome Georgetown $587,500 $575,000 81 502 Bright Meadow Dr Townhome Jefferson $599,900 $590,000 51 316 Inspiration Ln Townhome $624,900 $590,000 77 410 Lynette St Townhome $649,000 $635,000 25 Tarquin 432 Clayhall St Single Family Abernathy $750,000 $715,000 184 877 Still Creek Ln Single Family Dartmouth $1,099,000 $1,100,000 4 Pinky’s Picks Pinky Rodgers of Pinky & Pepe’s Great Grape Escape recommends the following wines for Valentine’s Day! Bell Cabernet Sauvignon – Deep, dark and delicious! Ripe cherry, blackberry and cassis fill the nose. Gentle tannins, oak and just the right amount of pepper and spice make this a true masterpiece. A touch of Petit Verdot, Merlot and Malbec lend to the rich, concentrated, long finish. This wine pairs elegantly with all full-bodied meals and will age excellently...however, this 2009 drinks fabulously now! *Information obtained from MRIS as of 1/15/2015 is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed and neither suggests nor infers that Mike Aubrey or RE/MAX Metropolitan Realty participated as either the listing or cooperating agent or broker in the sale or purchase of all the properties depicted. Compiled by Mike Aubrey, RE/MAX Metropolitan Realty Dobbs Pinot Noir – Ruby in color with aromas of strawberry, bing cherries and red currant. This medium-full bodied wine is filled with raspberries and sweet cherries. Aged in mostly neutral French oak barrels keeps the fruit focus yet adds subtle hints of vanilla and cola. The finish is long with perfect acidity. Moshin Vineyards Chardonnay – Toast, pear and hazelnuts penetrate the nose. This Russian River beauty is perfectly balanced with hints of pineapple, apple and spice. A long, creamy finish makes this just perfect for pairing with lobster, scallops or roasted chicken...or toasting your sweetheart! February 2015 23 24 The Lakelands Leader SOLD OVER 450 HOMES & COUNTING... MIKE AUBREY For All Your Real Estate Needs SERVING MD • DC • VA SPECIALIZING IN KENTLANDS • LAKELANDS THE COLONNADE NOW AFFILIATED WITH LONG & FOSTER REAL ESTATE, INC The Largest Privately Held Real Estate Brokerage in the US REALTOR® PUT THE REAL BACK IN REAL ESTATE 301.873.9807 Mike KENTLANDS OFFICE 189 Kentlands Blvd Gaithersburg, MD 20878 301-975-9500
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