July 2013 Encourager


July 2013 Encourager
Good News from the Bethesda Family
“Therefore encourage one another, and build up one another...” I Thess. 5:11
Volume 24, Issue 7
July, 2013
Bethesda Church
15033 Hwy. 13 South
Prior Lake, MN 55372
Office: 952-226-6651
Inside this issue:
Prayer Requests
Kidz Korner
The Encourager
If you have an event or news
you would like to have
published, please submit
articles to the church office
by the second Tuesday of
the month.
Vacation Bible
It was wonderful on Sunday
to hear a report from many of
our young people who just
returned from their mission trip
to the Chicago area. In talking
with various ones it was
obvious that the experiences
they each had varied. Each
day presented new
opportunities and they each felt
the challenge of building
bridges to others by which they
could convey their faith in Jesus
Christ. Their experience was
an accelerated version of what
we all go through. We go
through a process of equipping,
where we become more and
more confident in the key
scriptures and in the essential
elements of the gospel
message so that we can explain
it carefully to another. This is
the first step and it involves
knowing something valuable
and life changing. “These
things are written that you might
know you have eternal life.”
The next step is even harder
and it involves taking to heart
the personal challenge we have
from the Lord to be His
representatives. When we read
that the fields are white unto
harvest and that there is a need
for workers in the field, we must
go through a prayerful process
of accepting the fact that the
Lord Himself is summoning us
to the task. When we grasp the
fact that we are ambassadors
for Christ and that the message
of salvation and reconciliation to
God has been committed to us,
we move into a new place in our
walk with the Lord. We move
from being the person who
immediately presumes this call
is for the next guy, or for a few
select individuals in the church,
to honestly believing that God
wants to use me to help people
get saved. God wants us to till
the ground, to plant seed, to
water and then harvest the crop
of faith in the life of another.
What a joy to recognize
evidence of this happening in
the lives of our young people.
They grappled with God’s call,
God’s task, and God’s mission
for us as we are the hands, feet
and mouth of Christ. I
remember when these thoughts
gripped me and I was a bit older
than many of our teens when it
happened. But for me it was like
the Lord put His hand on my
shoulder and said, “I want you to
do this for me!” Knowing what
the Lord wanted changed
The next step really puts
everything to the test and I could
tell that our youth were thrust
into this scenario. Knowing the
Lord wants us to speak gives us
the motivation, but in each and
every situation we find ourselves
in, we encounter a whole new
set of issues that must be
overcome. Paul said “I am not
ashamed of the Gospel…”
and that means that he never
hid what he knew. Some
people we reach out to speak
a different language or come
from a different culture and it
is challenging to figure out
how to reach their heart with
the truth. Others have grown
up with an entirely different
background than we have,
religiously or in terms of their
value system. There are
intellectual and emotional
walls that we must somehow
pass through in order to truly
communicate. Others are
confused and suspicious of
anyone who would “love”
them or speak of God’s love.
For them the resistance is
strong to a message of God’s
answers and they slowly take
steps toward what is shared.
Still others are so trapped in a
life of sin and selfishness that
the blindness of the world
obscures their mind and heart,
and yet the Lord tells us,
“preach the word, be instant in
season and out of season.” I
look forward to the day when
each of these young people
will lead a friend or co-worker
to Christ and they will be able
to look back to this trip as the
time when God truly called
them to the task!
Pastor Mark Matychuk
Getting to Know You...Gary & Barbara Harbo
August 5-9,
9:00am 12:00pm
Ages 3 - 6th
Gary Harbo is a member of
Bethesda while his wife Barb
and sons Grant and Gavin are
still members of Emaunel
Lutheran Church. They take
turns attending each other’s
church every other week. Gary
discovered Bethesda much like
a lot of other members, he was
drawn to the teachings of Les
Feldick and then came upon
Bethesda as a result of their
rightly divided doctrine of Paul’s
gospel. It is amazing how the
Lord works in our lives to draw
us to where He wants us to be.
Gary learned of Bethesda when
Paul Pedro was delivering books
to Gary’s residence and they
happened to
(Continued on pg. 2)
The Encourager
Prayer & Praise Requests
MIKE NICCUM - Mike entered God’s
presence at 2:30 a.m. on Monday, July 1st.
Mike met his last goal which was to be alive
for the benefit that was quickly and
wonderfully put together for us. His funeral
service information will follow. Thanks for
loving us and praying for us.
Wolke are the proud parents of a baby
boy. Walter Robert, born on Tuesday,
June 18th, at 7:32 a.m., weighing in at
9lbs. 1oz. Leah and baby are home and
doing very well.
CONNIE PAPULAS - Connie had broken
her back and the braces were not working
for her, so she had back surgery on
Wednesday, June 26th. She is at U of M
Fairview, East side, Floor 6B, room 231,
612-273-0815. She thanks everyone for all
your prayers, cards, and visits.
and Savannah Koskovich welcomed their
daughter, Violet Mary, into their family on
Wednesday, June 26th, at 8:37a.m.,
weighing 7lbs., 6oz. and 19 inches long.
Her big brother Everett is very excited too!
Congratulations also to the proud
grandparents, Steve and Darlene Gowdy.
CORINNE PAPULAS - Corinne has been
moved to Lyngblomsten Care Center, 1415
Almond Ave., St. Paul, 651-646-2941, room
154. Please pray for her recovery. Andy will
be home alone for a while and he would love
to have visitors.
KEN & MARY MUELLER - Pray as they
prepare for their upcoming Brazil trip,
August 13 to September 19. It will include
Field Testing the final book in the ACTS
Series, preaching, and Bible Study
opportunities, all, of course, in Portuguese.
Getting to know You…
strike up a conversation about the Lord. It
wasn’t long and they found that they were
both avid listeners to Les Feldick and Paul
quickly invited Gary to Bethesda to listen to
Les in person. Gary was actually trying to
find a church that taught the rightly divided
word and the rest is history. Praise God!
Barb has always been a devoted
follower of Jesus Christ with her strong
Missouri Synod upbringing. She was born in
Omaha and moved to a farm outside of
Trenton Missouri as a small child. Her
mother was a nurse and she followed in her
footsteps. After getting her degree she
decided to continue for 2 more years and
get a Masters in anesthesia. She has been
a nurse anesthetist at Fairview University
Riverside for over 25 years. She loves her
job and meeting people that appreciate the
care that she gives.
Gary is an Electrical Engineer by
schooling, but loves drawing and working
with children. Twenty three years ago he left
the corporate world and began a company
as an author/illustrator and publisher. The
Lord has blessed him over the years and he
has taught over 300,000 children how to
draw cartoon characters.
He has 23 published books with two more
coming this summer.
Gary had two children through a
previous marriage, Kari is 30 years old and
Gary II is 29. Kari has been married for
nearly 3 years and they are expecting a
God Bless You on
Your Special Day!
July Birthdays
7-01 Gary Harbo
7-02 Dave McKinley
7-03 Grant Harbo
7-05 Steve Gowdy, Aimee Johnson
7-06 Ronn Gunn
7-07 Sharon DeJoy,
Stephen Zunker
7-10 Bethany Jones, Kaylee &
Ariana Martinez
7-14 Rhonda Brandt
7-16 Jonathan Brandt, Reed Dietel,
Mike Gray, Duane Larson
7-18 Carol Anderson,
Eric Bottema,
Zack Gowdy
7-19 James Josephson,
Heidi Phillips
7-21 Colin Nelson
7-23 Donna Gray
7-25 Jeremy Thon
7-27 Leah Crumb, Mary Dybevik,
Mike Von Arx, Jr.
7-28 Joel Anderson,
Keira Anderson, Ruth Keller
7-30 Beth Osterlund, Leah Wolke
7-31 Ed Calvin,
7-02 Andy & Sue Hollenbeck
7-02 Ray & Evelyn Lundgren
7-02 Vincent & Diane Martin
7-03 John & Sandra Toeller
7-07 David & Stephanie Ebert
7-08 Howie & Mary Cleveland
Gary & Barb Harbo & Family
7-10 Merlin & Ruth Keller
child in December. She only lives 45 minutes 7-13 Steve & Darlene Gowdy
away so Barb and Gary are excited to have
7-15 Mark & Kathy Matychuk
the opportunity to spoil their first grandchild. 7-17 Bruce & Carol Anderson
Gary II just got married in May of this year
7-25 Dwight & Darlene Anderson
and lives in San Francisco.
7-25 Malcholm & JoAnn Fraser
Barb and Gary have been blessed with
7-26 Justin & Erin Brooks
two children together, Grant is 15 and Gavin 7-31 Andy & Corinne Papulas
is 13. Grant will be going into 10th grade at
Missionary Birthdays
Concordia Academy in Roseville. Gavin will
be entering the 8 grade at Trinity Lone Oak
school in Eagan. Grant loves baseball and is
first and foremost a shortstop. He also plays 7-17 Jenny Green
7-24 Elly Campos
basketball and is trying out as quarterback
7-28 Nathan Campos
on the football team. He has his mother’s
voice and love for singing. Gavin loves to
Missionary Anniversaries
play basketball and is an awesome point
7-07 Cory & Kim Hodgson
guard. He is also blessed with the love of
7-14 Jerry & DeAnna Olson
music as well as a talented voice. His
greatest gift in music is how he can bring a
trumpet to live.
The Lord has certainly blessed the Harbo
The Encourager
at Timber Bay
August 30-September 2, 2013
Speaker: Joel McGarvey
Plan to join us for this wonderful time of
fellowship and learning from God’s Word.
Information available at church or
call the office at 952-226-6651
Fireworks, hot dogs, ice cream, and bonfires these are some of the ways that people celebrate the 4th of July in the
USA. What kinds of things is your family doing this Independence Day? My favorite part is getting to spend time with
my family and remembering all of the freedoms we enjoy in this country. Did you know that in some countries it is
against the law to say anything bad about the government, to wear certain clothes, or to worship God? In America we
are able to worship God the way we want without having to worry about getting in trouble. This 4th of July as you are
watching fireworks and eating S’mores take a minute to think about those that do not have the same freedoms we do.
age en
3 Ye s:
6th ars to
Vacation Bible School
“Kid’s will learn to trust Jesus as their
All-powerful Guide and Savior!”
Aug. 5-9, 2013
9:00 a.m. to Noon
Bible Stories - Crafts
Games - Skits - Songs
Come and make
new Friends!
The Encourager
A few of our college
students are interning this
summer. Jamee Francis
is at HCMC and loving it.
She says the people are
great and she has good
hours. Starts early so she
misses the heaviest
traffic. Alyssa Pagel is in Omaha working
for Con-Agra in food regulation. She's
studying nutrition at the U of M but is living
on the U of Nebraska campus in Omaha.
Brother Mitch is working all summer at
Bible Camp. Brittny Hollenbeck is doing
the same at Northern Grace Bible Camp.
And sister Kendra traveled with a choir
and is at camp all summer. Lesley
Hennen is holding down three jobs in New
York City because rent is astronomical and
Dad, Peter, "sweetly" put the kiboosh on a
cheap apartment the girls found in
Brooklyn. It pays to have parents who
research the surroundings to steer the
young ladies in the right direction. One of
Lesley's jobs is catering which she did
here for the past two summers. Her first
job was way exciting....it was a thank you
party for Barbra Streisand...750 people!
Remember Emily Christenson's stand
against working on Sundays for the Mn.
Zoo? Well...God rewards faithfulness. The
Zoo called her to come work with a
veterinary at the Zoo...Sundays off!!!
Jacob McGillick is busy this summer with
soccer. Sister Cassie with volleyball and
brother Mitch is in Washington State then
Florida for Army combat training among
other things. Will Brooks is busy fishing!
John Francis, Bethesda's official
BWCA guide, took John and Jim
Christenson and Brittany Christenson's
Dad on a canoe trip during our "cool"
spring. Brittany's Dad was a wee bit
surprised when John Francis exposed
bandaged hands (from those "toothy" fish)
caught on a previous fishing adventure.
But the corker came when he heard those
wolf packs howling at night. He was rather
happy to return to the peace and quiet of
Indiana living. Jim Christensen
entertained himself on the way home by
"connecting the dots" on his Dad's
head....where John experienced a "gnat
attack"! Rachel Matychuk had a most
interesting 3 weeks of training for the
mission field. While in Florida she lived in
a "primitive" village---no electricity, outside
latrines, all in preparation for Bolivia. She
milked goats and gave elementary
veterinary care to animals. cooked over an
outside fire and generally got used to living
Dr. Sam did a fantastic job presenting
the class using a strong scriptural basis
interjected with life application and
personal stories.
We solidified coming events using a
timeline with applicable numbers:
1 & 2 are the Rapture of the Church
and the Judgment Seat of Christ bringing
the dead in Christ (Church Age) and live
believers to meet the Lord in the air and
the prophetic clock begins to tick.
Number 3 is the Tribulation Period
beginning with a seven year treaty agreed upon by Israel and the anti Christ.
Escalating horrific events will culminate in the Battle of Armageddon and the
Second Coming of Christ (4) to earth to
judge the nations and redeem Israel. The
First Resurrection (5) then precedes the
millennium (6). Old Testament saints and
martyred Tribulation saints will be translated
and fitted for the Millennial Kingdom and the
reigning of Christ for 1,000 years.
The Second Resurrection or Great White Throne Judgment (7) will judge
Satan, his demons, and unsaved dead from all ages and Christ will send them
to the eternal Lake of Fire according to their works. The New Heavens, New
Earth, and the New Heavens (8) will be established for the benefit of all saved
mankind forevermore – Amen! ~Alan Larson
I truly enjoyed taking the GBX class with Dr.
Vinton. He made difficult information easy to
understand while still giving us a challenge. I
also took the class “How we got the Bible” from
him three years
ago and since
then the
knowledge I gained has helped me a lot. For this
reason I am looking forward to seeing how God will
use the information about the “End Times” I
learned from Dr. Vinton in order to make me a
witness for His glory. My favorite part of this class
was learning about how what the Bible says
applies to us in the Body of Christ. Being able to learn not just about what the
Bible says, but also about what it means
and how it should affect me was amazing.
Another part of this class that I absolutely
loved was being able to learn in the same
setting as so many more mature Christians
in our church. It was amazing to me that I
was able to sit in the same room as my
pastor and learn the same things as him, and many other adults that I have
grown to respect over the years.
~Kendra Hollenbeck
in conditions she may encounter in
Steve and Darlene Gowdy spent a
week in Alabama at Southern Grace
Bible Camp. Steve did a lot of speaking
and gave the Sunday message at
church. Darlene had a little shadow....a
10 yr. old who really helped Darlene
spread the Gospel message. But when
Darlene asked her when she got
saved...blank stare. Good lesson.
Sometimes kids aren't even aware of
when their salvation occurred but they
just live everyday for the Lord.
Ed Calvin had a special Father's
Day surprise. It isn't every day you get
your picture taken with Miss America!!!
Gretchen Matychuk's dear friend,
BeBe Shoppe, was visiting and
Gretchen brought her to church. BeBe
was Miss America in 1948 and Ed went
to Hopkins High School with her.
The Encourager
Wills & Estate Planning Party
Join a Summer Small Group Today!!!
We will be studying - “Tactics in Defending the Faith” by
Gregory Koukl. We will be using his video series based on
his book “Tactics”. Workbooks will be provided for
everyone who wishes to participate! If you wish to also
buy the book, it is available through Amazon or Christian
Book Distributors online. Your free workbook, however,
should be sufficient for participating this summer because it
covers all the information.
Hosted at Several Different Locations:
Bloomington: Milt & Leota Anderson
9550 Collegeview Rd. #217 (Wednesday Nights)
Bloomington, MN
Leader: Bruce Anderson
John & Julie Francis
3331 220th Street W.,
(Sunday Nights)
Jordan, MN
Leaders: John Francis, Al Larson
Gretchen Matychuk
1905 Manor Drive,
Burnsville, MN
Jason & Brittany Christenson
15300 37th Ave. N. Apt. #B224 (Wednesday Nights)
Plymouth, MN
Leader: Pastor Brent and
Andrew Dykstra
(Wednesday Nights)
Leader: Dave Lewis
Ray & Lori Crumb
9213 Clinton Ave. S.
Bloomington, MN 55420
Thursday, July 25th, 1:00 p.m.
Pacesetter’s are having a “Wills &
Estate Planning” Party. We have
Attorney Marjorie Holsten-Pagel as
our speaker. There will be a time
after the informational for anyone
who would like to draft a will for a
fee. Please bring hors d’oeuvre to
share. You can sign up in the foyer.
Welcome ICU Mobile!
Please join Alpha Women’s Center, in
partnership with ICU Mobile, at our new
location as we commission our Mobile
Ultrasound Unit and launch our Walk & Roll!
July, 21, 2013, at Bethesda
Commissioning at 1:00 p.m.
Walk & Roll Launch at 1:30 p.m.
Open House w/Refreshments, 2 - 4 p.m.
(Wednesday Nights)
Leader: Pastor Mark
Feel free to call a host family or sign up at church to
participate. Don’t miss out!
y ou r
We would greatly
appreciate your prayers
and support as we
embark on this exciting
new endeavor together!
Sunday, August 11th
after church at Cleary Lake Park,
Prior Lake
Bring a dish
to share!
Bocce B