Longwood University Digital Commons @ Longwood University Rotunda Library, Special Collections, and Archives Summer 9-9-1980 Rotunda - Vol 60, No 2 - Sept 9, 1980 Longwood University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University, Longwood, "Rotunda - Vol 60, No 2 - Sept 9, 1980" (1980). Rotunda. Paper 1068. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Library, Special Collections, and Archives at Digital Commons @ Longwood University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Rotunda by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Longwood University. For more information, please contact THE ROTUNDA VOL. LV: LONGWOOD COLLEGE, FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA TUESDAY,SEPTEMBER9,1980 NO. 2 President Of College Resigns Henry I. Willet Jr. has announced that he will resign the position of President of Longwood College, effective August 1981. President Willett's resignation was presented to the Board of Visitors at their annual meeting in August. The resignation came after a year of constant disagreement with the Administration and the College's Board of Visitors. President Willett received two votes of confidence during the year, both 5-4, from the Board. President Willett has been here for the past 13 years. He came to Ixmgwood from the Tidewater area as an Administrator in the Public School system. According Photo by Barbara Stonikinn School Officially Opened By BETH PARROTT Convocation, or the official opening of the academic school year, was held September 4 at 1 p.m. in Jarman Auditorium with President Henry I. Willett, Jr., presiding. Some of the faculty and senior class were present in their full academic attire. The Reverend John H. Loving, Rector of Johns Memorial Episcopal Church, gave the invocation, after which Dean Carolyn Wells recognized the Longwood Scholars present. They are : Cynthia G. Poore, Mary B. Johnson, Sharon P. Wooten, Melinda C. Allman, Charna E. Moore, Carol A. Parrish, Patricia A. Paschall, Donald N. Roland, Jr., Susan A. Watford, Gilbert Bates, Leigh A. Goddin, Connie Reeves, and Janet Smith. Ms. Jan Jennings, Senior Class President, introduced the speaker for the service, Dr. George R. Healy, vice president for academic affairs and provost at the College of William and Mary. A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Dr. Healy holds the B.A. degree from Oberlin College, the M.A. and Ph.D. in history from the University of Minnesota. His career in higher education has included teaching history at the University of Minnesota, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Bates College (Maine) where he also served as chairman of the department of cultural heritage, dean of the faculty, and provost. Dr. Healy spoke to the seniors and others present trying to encourage them to do their best. He presented the future in somewhat uncertain terms. In another ceremony last week, President Henry I. Willett, Jr. spoke to the seniors about Longwood after graduation. He told them that they would probably not see much visible change in the college ten years from now. Willett spoke to them at Senior Capping, September 3 at 7 p.m. in Jarman Capping ceremony is the first senior ceremony of the year. After his talk, Dr. Willett presided over the ceremony where the little brothers and sisters placed caps and varying tassels on the seniors' heads. A reception given by the sister green-and-white class followed in the Gold Room of Lankford. to the President, he has no plans prior to our going coed. The as of the present, although he has impending challenges of that move, however, caused me to had several job offers. remain until those challenges had The president's resignation been successfully met. As senior college president in reads as follows: Virginia, I am probably more Members of the Board of cognizant than most of the length of service of most administrative Visitors: positions. I am convinced that It is with mixed emotions that I you will not see college announce that I will give up the presidents, city or town presidency of Longwood College managers, or superintendents of effective August 31, 1981. This schools remain in positions for date is based upon (1) giving the extended periods of time that sufficient time to secure a once was the case. Many factors, replacement, and (2) it is the of course, contribute to this anniversary date when I entered situation. One may simply be the State service which will be accumulation of the number of important for me in the years times that you have to say "no" ahead. I will announce my over the years. In any event, I decision in early September, feel that my time, too, has come. possibly at either capping or I will expect to go into more Convocation, but no later than detail in regard to some of my September 10. I need some time thoughts during the executive to notify the Governor, key session on Thursday. I, also, will members of the General want to discuss several related Assembly, and other supporters matters at that time. of the College before they read it There are two other points in the newspaper. The best which I feel compelled to make in interests of the College dictate this communication to you. that there be no leaks of this Governor Dalton, in my opinion, information prior to that time. had given a clear mandate to this The decision to leave after board in his selection of Board some 13 years is not an easy one appointees. The reappointment of to make but it is one that I have Mrs. Pretlow and the weighed on and off over some 5 appointments of Mr. Rust and years. Some are aware that I Mr. Smyth constitute a clear-cut gave serious thought of leaving rejection of the contentious candidates suggested by some members of the faculty and their allies. This is a major victory for the institution. Mrs. Pretlow's record as a Board member is exemplary. While I have met Mr. Rust and Mr. Smyth only briefly, my initial reaction to them as Board members is extremely positive. I regret that I will have the privilege of working with them only one year. In the interest of candor, I must, speak to a second major issue. There are several on the Board who have misconstrued the call for increased Board responsibility to include involvement in the day-to-day operation of the institution. The most important lesson a Board member can learn is the distinction between policymaking and administration. If the College is to move forward in the difficult days of the 1980's, then every Board member must clearly understand this distinction. It is a distinction that was understood on this Board for better than 10 years. I shall always have a warm spot for this institution and wish her continued prosperity and success in the years ahead. Sincerely, Henry I Willett, Jr. New Administrators Appointed State College in Minnesota for three years. He has also served as a residence hall area coordinator at Pennsylvania State University and a counselor at North Dakota State University. He holds the B.S. and M.Ed, degrees from the University of Kansas and the doctorate in education from the University of North Dakota. He is married and has one son. Dr. Ralph P. Hundley has been named Director of Institutional Advancement. He will supervise the college's development and private fund-raising activities and alumni relations. A native of Roanoke, Dr. Hundley holds the bachelor's degree in business administration from Roosevelt University in Chicago, the master's in business administration and the Ph.D. in management from California Western University. Dr. Hundley just retired in August as a Marine Corps officer, with extensive management rnoto by Pam Winger experience in assignments Seniors receive Caps from little sisters or brothers, Wednesday throughout the world. In his most night. (Continued on Page 8) Longwood College has announced the appointment of three administrators. Dr. Leo C. Salters has been named vice president for students affairs and dean of students, replacing Dr. Mary A. Heintz who has resigned her administrative duties to return to teaching. Coming to Longwood from a 82- ?>SM7 position as assistant vice president and dean of students at State University of New YorkGeneseo, Dr. Salters has extensive experience in student life administration and counseling. He has been associated with the office of student affairs at SUNY since 1969. Prior to that, he was associate dean of students at Moorhead Page 2 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 9,1980 Geist Taps Six ByDEBRA CUNNINGHAM Geist Tapping was held in Wygal on Thursday at 7 p.m. Geist is an organization on campus that promotes leadership, service for fellow man, and scholarship. It is an organization for busv and achieving people. These are also most of the qualifications to become a Geist member along with having and maintaining a 2.8 overall averagt Guest speaker was Dr. Joe Leslie Sneller, a member of the English department here. She spoke about spending time alone and how to make the best of that time. She also spoke on the subject of total self-acceptance. Dr. Sneller feels that a person must totallv accept themselves before being able to accept any A business major from other part of life. Glen Allen, Va., Bryon Bracy Geist chose six new members was chosen for his outstanding which was a high number for this spirit and all-around support. time of the year. Each had their Byron and Tammy Bird will be in accomplishments, which they charge of Oktoberfest Ushers and had achieved while at Longwood, Meisters. read, and they were robed and Tracey Hormuth, a therapeutic presented with a carnation. recreation major from New Geist members include Virginia Beach, Va., will be Rebecca Williams. Rebecca is a head klown for Oktoberfest. Therapeutic Recreation major Tracey is also President of Dance. from Prospect, VA. She has been Company and a member of Alpha involved in class activities and Gamma Delta social sorority. will coordinate Oktoberfest skits, A Home Economics major along with Geist president, Bill from Pittsville, Md., Cheryl LeWarne. Adkins is president of Honors Sally Lowe, a government Council She and Elaine major, was also tapped. Sally is MacDonald will be working with chairman of Judicial Board. She, the Food and the Parade for along with member Dave Roller Oktoberfest. will head Paint Battle and Melody Crawley is an English Judging. major from Gretna, VA., and will be aiding Donna Hughes with Midway. Melody is editor of The Rotunda. Geist Tapping for Klowns, Ushers, and Meisters will be held September 18. Make A Friend,,, Join Circle K By CHERYL BEAUSOLEU. College is more than scholarship—it is a good time; it is getting to know others; it is finding out who you are; it is trying to make a meaningful contribution in a world that wants you to wait. Circle K. provides a unique opportunity for reaching each of these goals. There are many organizations on campus, but one in particular that needs you is Circle K. Circle K is a service organization through which you can help other people. Circle K is not for all people; it is for students who want to make an impact on life. It is concerned with both the youth and elderly in this community. The club was chartered last year. This year it plans to have many service projects, and also believes that social life is important. Picnics, parties, conventions and rallies are just a few of the things it does to make Circle K a total organization. The first meeting will be tonight at 7 p.m. in the Goldroom. If you would like any additional information on Circle K, please call 392-9006. Circle K is a means of forming friendship, working in a common cause with other students and simply having fun. Hope to see you tonight. The only way to multiply happiness is to divide it. Ritchie To Give Speech On September 11, at 1:00 p.m., on the campus of Longwood College, in the Red, Green and White Rooms of Lankford Building, Dr. George Ritchie, Jr. will speak on "My Death Experience and Its Implication for Myself and Others." White Stone, Virginia is where Dr. Ritchie lives and has his private practice. He is the author of the book Return From Tomorrow in which he relates some of the most startling, most mysterious, yet most hopeful descriptions of the realm beyond our own that have been brought to light in this century. Also Dr. Ritchie is very active in the White Stone United Methodist Church and while in Richmond and Charlottesville was active in a United Methodist Church. The students, faculty, and administrators of Longwood College, Hampden-Sydney College; and the public are invited. The program is sponsored by the Wesley Foundation and the Inter-Religious Council of Ixmgwood College. Rush ... an experience... an opportunity... a time to open yourself to getting to know others and for them to know you ... a chance to experience fresh relationships and to be touched by the bond of sisterhood... the time to realize needs and search for decisions . . the warmth to light the flame of commitment or simply to spark new insights ... an experience ... an opportunity Sept. 10-12 14 14-15 16 17 18 19 K 21 Rush Sign-up in New Smoker 11-2 4.30-6:30 p.m. Orientation Meeting in Jeffers Auditorium 6:00 p.m. Open House in Chapter Rooms 7-9:20 p.m. Skit Parties in Chapter Rooms 7-9:30 p.m. Skit Parties in Chapter Rooms 7-8:50 p.m. Free Night Theme Parties in Chapter Rooms 7-10 Inspirationals 8:45-10-45 p.m. V/AIK 7:30 (Rushees be waiting in I<uikford. Be there by 7 p.m.) Professors Form OTF By BILL BRENT Last spring the Organization of the Teaching Faculty (OTF) was formed at Longwood College. The OTF was proposed last March, after the management study at the college. Dr. Susan May is President of the OTF this year. Before the OTF was formed, all faculty meetings were directed by Dean Wells; she also appointed all committee members except two elected committees. Under the regulations of the OTF, Dr. May directs faculty meetings. Several committees are appointed by the faculty president and the executive committee. The President of the OTF appoints the following committees: Finance and Budget, Student Life, Faculty Research, Colloquium, Francis B. Simkins Lecture Series, Library, Committee on Naming Facilities. The Faculty Advisory committee to the Board of Visitors and President of the College, the Curriculum Committee and the Honors Committee are elected by the faculty. The OTF will enhance the faculty's ability to take the initiative to make proposals to benefit the students. Each committee concentrates on improving an aspect of the student's life. "It's a good idea, but people must be patient," says Mrs. Harriss. Dr. Robert Wu commented, "It's a good idea, it needs review." the OTF will need time to determine its strong points and shortcomings. "If there is any power with the organization it can do great things for the college," says Dr. Merkle. The OTF is a new organization with fresh ideas and insight. For it to be effective, time, patience and cooperation must be united. We're glad to announce the arrival of Valerie Lloyd from Richmond. Photo by Linda Paschall New Geist members take pledge to organization. Fall Retreat 1980 By NANCY WARREN And BRENDA FETTROW In an effort to continue open communication here at Longwood, we would like to cordially invite everyone to attend the 11th annual "fall retreat." This event is when faculty, administrators and students meet together to discuss various topics pertaining to student life. This year the Retreat will be held at Longwood House on September 28 from 3-6 p.m. The discussions will take place from 3-5 p.m. with a picnic to follow. This is your chance to get involved and to have vour voice heard. If you have anything you would like to say, or if you would just like to listen, please come to Longwood House on the 28th. You must sign up for the Retreat in the New Smoker from September 9-19. After September 19, call Dr. Dalton's office at 3929337, or give Nancy Warren, Box 1102, or Brenda Fettrow, Box 383, your name and box number and we will sign you up. We must have an accurate count in order to plan for the number of people in each discussion group and also for the picnic. This event is sponsored by your student government. Many students, faculty, and administrators participate, so come and support your student government, attend the Retreat. Happy Hours Aren't Here Again By SARAH STUMP It is four o'clock on a Friday afternoon and the Longwood campus is virtually deserted. Where can everyone possibly be? You cruise on over to Lankford, to check your mailbox and then maybe grab a Coke at the Snack Bar. Bummer...your mailbox is empty. However, upon your descent towards the usually quiet Snack Bar, you hear blaring music and the roar of voices. As you enter, the place is mobbed; it appears to be a regular Animal House. It's Happy Hour at longwood! Bag the Coke, grab a beer! This semester, however, there is no Happy Hour. Randy Jones, manager of the Snack Bar, got word from Gordon Inge that the crowd at Happy Hour was getting ' 'too rowdie." If the man from the ABC Board were to drop by, the Snack Bar could possibly lose its ABC License. Jones feels that the students would much rather buy their beer on campus than have to go into town. losing its beer license would no longer allow the sale of beer at the Snack Bar. So why take the chance? So now when you walk the Ixmgwood campus on a Friday afternoon and it looks is! House Of Beauty 100 High St., Farmville 392 4460 Welcomes ..Cathy Thorton from Altavista, Va. Specializing in the latest precision cuts for blow and go. She'd like to build her clientele...find out how to get a free haircut. Terry's Bakery SPECIALIZING IN A FULL LINE OF BAKERY PRODUCTS —Decorating Cakes— MERLE NORMAN/ HAIR HUT SALON 223 N. MAIN STREET FARMVILLE, VA., 392-6343 ECLAIRS 2 FOR 85C ONLY WITH THIS COUPON - Page 3 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 9,1980 Posters By NEIL SAWYER During the majority of the month of September, Ixmgwood College, in cooperation with the Virginia museum, is presenting two exhibits dealing with posters past and present. September 3-24, a two-part exhibit is on display in the Gallery of the Lancaster Library centering on posters advertising events, organizations and *«"- JS all over the world. The group of posters are .emporary and feature phic works from such famed rintmakers as Jasper Johns, Robert Motherwell, and Joseph Albers. The second group, entitled "Images as Advertisements" consists of 19 posters from the 19th century by both American and European artists. This exhibit is open during regular public Library hours. September 8-28, an exhibit entitled "Posters of Two Wars" is on display in the Bedford Art Dept. Gallery. These works which are on loan to the Virginia Museum's traveling exhibits from the George C. Marshal research Library in Lexington were designed as allied propaganda during the first and second world wars. These posters were used to rally citizens on the home front for the allied war efforts and enlist support through the buying of war bonds, saving gas, or enlisting in the service. They had the hard sell quality of being highly emotional and deeply patriotic while being very bold visually. The works on display represent some of the best in early to mid- SOUND GALLERY FLAMIN' OH'S Mating, original Dancin' Rock & Roll Tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the Red-Green-White rooms Sound Gallery opens this semester with the FLAMIN' OH'S. The Flamin' Oh's are from Minneapolis and are the twin cities favorite rock band; soon to be ours. This four member band will dazzle you with some classic rock 'n roll songs. So come on out and hear them. longwood students $1.00 with ID. 1900's design and illustration and include several well-known artists. Norman Rockwell who is known for his heart warming Americana is represented as is Howard Chandler Cristy. Cristy was the creator of the famous "Cristy Girls" which became as popular as their fore runners the "Gibson Girls." His work is typical of the Bold, flambouyant posters exhibited. The exhibit is open during office hours on weekdays and from 2-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. owing• Longwood Players Bla§ch Recital Given By TOM SULLIVAN On August 31, at 4:00 p.m., the Longwood campus was once again graced with the piano performance of Dr. Robert Blasch. Having performed early semester recitals each year, he has become one of those eagerly anticipated by students. Dr. Blasch began the recital with a very professional composure about him as he stepped to the piano amid the expected applause. His months at practice and preparation paid off as he beautifully performed works by Liszt, Hindersmith, and others. Dr. Blasch's professionalism flew from his hands to the keyboard in slow beautiful music to speeding cascades of sounds. Dr. Blasch remained a perfectionist throughout the concert without even the hint of a •prima donna" appearance. Overall, it was a very professional recital and a nice way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Open Season By NINA BOWYER "Barefoot in the Park," a comedy by Neil Simon, has been selected by the Longwood Players as the play to open the 1980-81 drama season. Richard Gamble, professor in charge of direction and scenery, has already chosen his cast and crew chiefs in order to prepare for the play due to open October 15. The cast will include: Sherry Forbes, Frank Creasy, Jerry Dragenhart, Myra Pierson, Mark Winecoff, and David Wood. The technical crews will be headed by upperclassmen with previous experience with the Longwood Players. Lisa Swackhammer is stage manager, with assistance from Rob Marenick. The sound crew is headed by Stewart Wedel; props — Suzanne Day; electricity — Jeff Sledjeski; running crew Anne Omhundro. Make-up and costume are headed by Karen Hughson and Shelly Gluse respectively. Laura Carroll heads publicity and Caren Brosi is in charge of the House. Gamble expects and is receiving a great deal of effort from these students. The Rotunda will carry weeklv reports on the progress of the play. FRESHMEN! BE SURE TO VOTE IN CLASS ELECTIONS TODAY i Rock With The Micheal Guthrie Band World Wklr l"k turrs pmrrrts * PRESENTS Q.ll. ni6HT i IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE STEVE NEIS0N SOCCER TOURNAMENT , Astoryoflesus sung and told •^ by Johnny Cash September 20 ABC Rooms 7:30 p.m. 9'P.m.-1 A.m. * «SOCCLR PLAYERS GUESTS «Z have said that this is the most dazzling trio ever, consisting of Michael, his brother Herb Guthrie, and bassist Michael McNally. If you saw them in the Fall last year, you'll love them again, and if you haven't seen them before, come on out for a nice afternoon of rock 'n roll — it's free — so take your head out of those books for a couple of hours and come hear the Michael Guthrie Band. SATURDAY NIGNT ALIVE, PRESENTS "The Bill Blue Band" SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 M LANKFORD RED/WHITE/GREEN ROOMS ^l.C.STUDENTS By SHEILA GOLLHARDT This Sunday, Sept. 14, at 2 p.m. out on Lankford Mall will be The Michael Guthrie Band. The band presents a unique blend of rock 'n roll and British-flavored "power pop" rock. The Michael Guthrie Band has been seen in concert with Yes, Atlanta Rhythm Section, Dixie Dregs, Stillwater and other recording acts. Several critics »| \ 9:00 P.M., DOWNSTAIRS DINING HALL IDs REQUIRED L.C. STUDENTS $2.00 J GUESTS $3.00 Page 4 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 9,1980 Your Turn Chopped Promises CHI Letter a < To the Student BodyWelcome back to another year at longwood. CHI has been busy making plans for this year, and would like your help. Several times during the year, CHI commends and supports various events with banners at the events, or signs in the dining hall. Most of the time, CHI welcomes you to take the banners after the event. There are special banners, however, that are not to be taken. These banners include the big, cloth banner that is usually displayed at Oktoberfest. CHI asks that you not take these, so that they can be enjoyed bv the whole college. CHI has also asked The Rotunda for a small box in issues of the newspaper for special messages. Please watch closely for these comments from CHI. Most of all, become involved in longwood this year. There are many areas in which you can make a BIG difference. There are class activities, clubs, and various organizations that are just waiting for your help. Thank you for your cooperation and good luck this semester. Blue and White Love, CHI 1981 Dear Editor, On behalf of those students that care, I would like to thank those involved (Board of Visitors, Etc.) for cutting down that wasteful tree next to the gym. So what if a few students were PROMISED it would stay there unless it died. So what if the FACULTY VOTED TO KEEP IT. Just because a single tree is almost perfectly shaped and probably the most beautiful thing on campus, that isn't sufficient reason to keep it. Needless to say, the mentioned sum of $10,000 to keep the tree is a lot. However, why was that the only figure mentioned? It seems a little unorthodox to cut down one tree only to plant another in its place. And people wonder why the school has problems? Maybe we should also buy Goodwin Lake and transform it into a student shopping center. It's nothing but wasteful beauty now. I especially thought that it was ingenious how the tree was cut down right after last year's graduation. That way, those peon students wouldn't have a word to say about it. Besides, what do they know, right? Yours truly, Tired of lies BEHIHB CL03EB BOOKS Si A, rMfSf S A i'uoi»r 0£<-CC.ATVOM OXT»>OE TO iti yoi) AQoor r»AT WAS COT HM J_ rHi K«£ W jkn hMN.0 _T TMIAK A STATtnt/tT /•uairr 01 eu "T£*■ OH AU*l«aT Iff *i HA*K'M OoWlX llJ VAOMT ot THt M'W Ol")' SHOMIO X /1AM:' A VtlHt' •\[/tr oR 30ST JAV 'MAT r« rn*iii ii m 11 ii 11 ii ii iij_ A/V 0GL1 /ICoO MIA' f^i IVIWl'L „/j • raw- store for you at Oktoberfest. It's definitely going to be bigger, and with the Reds, Greens, and the Blues, it will be better. Dear Reds and Greens, Bill LeWarne No, Oktoberfest isn't this week Geist '80 end, although it seems like it. Preparations and planning have begun, as most of you have ID's Please noticed, for skits, committees, booths, and most recently, the tapping of the new Geist Dear Students: The Student Union would like to members. Reds and Greens, as you go thank everyone for making our about these confusing "we'll first week end this semester such never get going" beginnings, a great success. However, since don't forget your most vital many students appeared at the potential, new students. Too two events without their IDs, I often, the same people are used to feel it necessary to explain Sfill spaces, simply because they UN's policy on requiring are there when needed. Keep identification. At any event these people, of course, but find where the Student Union sells others with the talents you beer, we are required by the ABC Board to check the ages of all need. Seniors, this is your last persons entering. Longwood and Oktoberfest. Don't leave other college students must produce a current ID and guests anything undone. Juniors, with two years behind must produce a driver's license. you, everyone knows the ropes, Guests must enter with a and can put forth their best Longwood student; they cannot meet inside. Should we allow efforts. Sophomores, don't lose the underage people into our events, spirit you showed last year as the ABC Board could revoke our right to hold an ABC license. In freshmen. words, we would not be Freshmen, this is your other to sell beer at any event beginning. Find your place, but allowed sponsored by S-UN, including get involved somehow. Don't be mixers, Saturday Night Alive, or afraid to try. the Sound Gallery. Therefore, we Geist has many surprises in require IDs not only to protect SUN, but also to protect the rights of our students. Please help us to help you. Bring your ID! OH THAT'S tXACTLY Thank you, VUlL HdU's WHAT THIN At OWE ' X LA«WOT| Marjorie Croxton C«ANTlMC» OOTSlVt TELC A LIE x AIOU S\R" Chairman, Student Union COT DovJN THt Attention Reds And Greens AjO, /VO; -THATNtON'T X>0. .. not* dew' 'I THinlK THAT I SHALL N£1t'\ 5tf A Pot* LovtiY Ab A TRll _-| rrrnTiTTTTTrfj»11 ihhj HEU Freshman Spirit TTTTiTiinillllMiilllihllilh'ii ... \- ■Editor's TurnTHE ROTUNDA Established 1920 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Melody C. Crawlej SPORTS EDITOR Dallas Bradbury PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Jackie Steer BUSINESS MANAGER Robyn Black ADVERTISING MGR STAFF Dave Gates. Brenda Coleman Pam Updike, Jody Gilbert. Carolt Key. Mitii Mason, William Brent, Deborah Peterson, Cindy Hall, Janice Roakes. Donna Hughes, Linda Wheeler, Tom Sullivan. Pam Winger, Beth Parrott. Nina Bowyer Debra Cunningham, Sarah Stump, Robyn Carr, Connie Fallon, Dawn Perdue, Tom Stanley, Neil Sawyer, Joe Johnson, Jodi Kersey Member ol the VIMCA Published weekly during the College year with the exception ot Holidays and examination periods by the students ot Lonqwood College. Farmville. Virginia Printed by the Farmville Herald Opinions expressed are those ol the weekly Editorial Board and its columnists, and do not necessary reflect the views ot the student body or the administration Letters to the Editor are welcomed. They must be typed, signed and submitted to the Editor by the Friday preceding publication date All letters are subiect to editing. Longwood has many traditions that have been passed down for as long as anyone can remember. This newspaper as almost always supported these traditions. However, there comes a time when everything has to be questioned! Last week Longwood held what is traditionally called convocation or the official academic opening of the school year. There were several problems this year, however the main one was that no one showed up! It is traditionally a senior ceremony. There were very few seniors there. This year that could not be blamed on Mr. Harper, because caps and gowns had arrived. The ceremony is required for freshman to attend. But, just like the seniors, the freshman did not show. It is just a little coincidental that the orientation leaders, a lot of which are seniors, are the ones who were to encourage the freshmen to attend. And then, there is the problem of the faculty. The orientation leaders who did stress convocation to the freshmen told them of the faculty dressed in their academic attire. Upperclassmen always tell how beautiful certain faculty members robes are. But, on Thursday, for those who were there, they only saw a small number of faculty members dressed in cap and gown. Others were observed sitting in the back of the auditorium. And then, there were others who were not observed at all. It is really a shame that the college can not officially open it's doors with full participation. The faculty were heard complaining of the student's attendance. And, of course, the students were heard complaining of the faculty's attendance. Where does it all end? No one is willing to set the example for the other. Rumors have it that faculty members may have been protesting. By not attending Convocation, however, it would seem that they are protesting against students. After all, is not that why the college is officially open. It is the hope of this newspaper that next year's convocation will turn out better: For those who do attend or do not. Dear Editor, I would like to congratulate the Freshman class for their marvelous support and attendance during orientation. It was very refreshing to see the spirit that showed that first couple of days of school. It is even more refreshing to see that same great spirit shining each day. Also, I would like to thank Brenda Fettrow for the excellent job she did in planning and leading the orientation program. You were terrific, Brenda! I want to wish the Seniors a happy and prosperous year—you deserve to have fun and enjoy your last year at Longwood! And to the rest of the student body, have a great first semester! Blue and White Love, Pam Updike Jr. Class President Thanks To everyone involved in Orientation: I'd like to give a special thanks to all the people that helped me in Orientation. For all the Orientation leaders, colleagues, Student Assistants, the reds, and the greens; I can't thank you enough. Orientation could not be done without all your help. A special thanks to all the speakers, the administration, Sally I^owe, Tammy Bird, Linda Wheeler, Beth Rowe, Iinda Paschall, and Miss Swann; for without these people, who offered constant support to me and offered to help anytime I needed it, the program could not have been done. My sincerest "thanks" to everyone and best wishes for an excellent and prosperous year. Sincerely, Brenda Fettrow Chairman of Orientation 1980 Digging Up The Past By CONNIE FALLON Archaeology is defined as the study of extinct ways of life. This interest in man is to uncover artifacts of the past that will testify to the cultures of yesterday. During the past hot summer months of June, July, and August, a thirteen member team, with this common interest, uncovered the remains of a nomadic tribe of Indians. Directed by Dr. James W. Jordan, students uncovered artifacts (the objects man makes) that are approximately 2,400 years old. Their discoveries of arrowheads, tools, and shards of pottery, combined with Dr. Jordan's theory for digging this particular site have created a vivid image of life on Anna's Ridge. The site, Anna's Ridge, is located above the Willis River in Cumberland State Forest. Dr. Jordan described his reasons for choosing this site as follows: 1) It is on a river. Rivers were used by the Indians as highways. Dr. Quentin Vest: A Rock Star seriously interested in all artspainting, sculpture, literature, Dr. Quentin Vest, associate the whole aesthetic life. professor of English at The album which will be I.onuwood, pursued his musical released in Rumania in interests while on a Fulbright December is called "Heart full of scholarship to Rumania where he Rock and Roll". It should be taught American Literature at released in America by next year the University of Budapest. From some time. All of the songs are the association with the famous new songs, written by Vest while gypsy musician Johnny he was in Rumania except for two Raducanu, he played with written previously and two coRaducanu's band at a national written with Dabney Stuart. One jazz festival last March which new song was due to the was attended by about 3,500 inspiration of Dracula's grave people and was televised where Vest spent the night. nationally in Rumania and Vest continued to say that Eastern Europe. The video tape Rumania is a good country for was sold to the BBC and was then budding musicians. Even though shown in England and Australia. it is a relatively poor country and Vest was asked by a national many musicians cannot even recording company, Electrecord, afford their instruments, they to record an album. All the have jazz rock clubs which musicians he had been playing purchase the instruments. Then with joined him eagerly to help the musicians come and put on with the background music and shows for each other. Vest would vocals for his album. The like to have a thirtv minute musicians were like an "all star segment on the evolving cast" stated Vest. Raducanu ' Longwood radio show to play orchestrated the songs with Vest Rumanian rock and roll, which as solo and a famous female he feels Americans would really group in Rumania called 5-T as enjoy. Vest concluded that his goal backup. Vest added that one major would be for his record to be difference between the musicians played in the United States where in America and the musicians in his own people could hear it. He Rumania is that musicians are would love to see other singers not on any ego trip about their sing their version of his songs, for particular musical instrument or he feels that is probably the musical taste. Rumanian greatest compliment to any musicians, said Vest, are songwriter. by JODI KERSEY Travel was swift and easy. 2) This higher ground close to the river afforded a good camp site. 3) At this point of ground the river bends This slows the water and allows greater small animal habitation in the reedy banks. To the Indian this was a choice spot to replenish food stocks, and as shown by artifacts, repair weapons and broken tools. This theory seems very strong and is certainly well evidenced. The collection of various artifacts resulted in what Dr. Jordan described as a "tool kit." They found arrowheads and spear points used to kill the animals. Larger stones with finely ground edges functioned as knives to cut flesh, and small stone saw teeth that could be imbedded into wood, served to cut bone. Other tools in the collection were used to repair arrows and some even to cut and sew leather. Shards of pottery are evidence to cooking and a posthole about 40 inches deep is perhaps evidence to a dwelling. All the artifacts found at the dig this summer, Dr. Jordan plans to allow students to study in his spring semester class, Anthropology 102. Any interested student may take this class and no prerequisite is required. Hopefully mis class will create an extended interest involving more students. The field school will also continue excavation next summer session, offering two five-week sessions to further the study. Dr. Jordan invites students to come and see him to sign up for the field school. This is also open to any student with a genuine interest. This year's members enjoyed the dig but all were not Anthropology Majors. The thirteen students were: Nancy Annis, Carol Boyers, Donna Dowdy, Robert Flippen, Howard Fox, Erich Krause, Laura and Mary Ellen Munoz, Kevin Ryman, Ruth Trumbo, Pamela White, Cynthia Whiteside, and David Wilson. All members worked hard and Dr. Jordan was pleased to see that interest increased as the work went on. Hopefully Dr. Jordan and next summer's field school will do as well in the continuing exploration of Anna's Ridge. Page 5 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 9,1980 Photo bv Melody Crawlty Bob Flippen of Meherrin, Va., was part of the Field School. Flippen studies American Studies at George Washington University. Senior Spotlight By BRENDA COLEMAN If you find yourself wandering near Wygal or strolling into a green-and-white or blue-andwhite activity, you'll probably see and, better yet, hear the sights and sounds of Tom Sullivan. Tom, a senior music major from Dinwiddie County, has been very involved in both the music department and various class activities over the four years he has attended Longwood. Although Tom will receive his degree in music, he plans to seek an internship in computer programing with the government after graduation, preferably at Ft. Lee near Petersburg. He has always been fascinated with computers and hopes to later return to school and become a full-fledged computer programmer. Other than "fiddling with computers," Tom's favorite hobbies include performing, composing, and listening to music and playing tennis. Tom has become quite proficient at his tennis game; however, Tom emphatically states that he "has already lost to the backboard six times" so he is no threat to Bjorn Borg. Tom has been very active during his years here at Longwood. Presently he is the president of the Jazz Band, as well as one of the original founders, president of the Longwood Concert Band, and the chaplain of both Phi Mu Alpha, a music honorary, and Alpha Sigma Phi, a social fraternity. He is a past member of the Camerata Singers and has been the green-and-white music chairman for Oktoberfest for the past two years. In addition, he has, and still does, take part in many of the music department's performances and organizations. Concerning his feelings about Longwood, Tom says that "Longwood has prepared me for life. I can face the bad as well as the good and accept realities. I've had to grow here at LC—I love the students and friends I've made." Tom further states that (Continued on Page 8) Campus School's Existence Questioned During the past 15-20 years over 80 per cent of campus "lab" schools have been closed due to lack of funds. If the John P. Wynne Campus School cannot find a source of revenue outside of state funds by 1982, it may face the same fate. Longwood's campus school opened in 1970 to serve as an educational facility for the public (grades K through 7) and as an observational experience for students at Longwood studying to become teachers. However, its expensive existence has come under attack by Education Secretary, J. Wade Gilley. While the Campus School is presently a state funded public facility, up to 40 per cent of the students are children of staff or faculty at Longwood College and they get top priority for enrollment. Although Dr. Buck, Director of the Campus School, claims it is a public institution, it has a distinctive private school The Campus School is being studied this year by the college and atmosphere for this area. With its State. Photo by Jachtt Stt«r circular design, high ceilings, large open library, uniquely shaped multi-purpose room and brightly painted walls, the Campus School reminds one of the open classroom experiment in the early 70's. Another factor adding to the "exclusive" atmosphere is the low percentage of blacks minorities (14 per cent) when compared to Prince Edward County's large percentage black population. Dr. Gilley's plan is to eventually phase out state funding for the school. The plan allows for state aid this year (1980-81) a reduction in aid by 50 per cent in 1981 and a complete cut off in funds by 1982. However, the state has already allowed for two years of funding for the campus school. It remains to be seen whether Dr. Gilley's plan will be accepted or rejected by the State I>egislature. When asked what would be the Campus School's response when funds were cut, Dr. Buck described a plan utilizing some state funds to supplement a tuition and charging fee which patrons of the school would pay. He said that if this "package" were accepted, the outlook for the future of the school would be optimistir There have been two meetings of parents of campus school children thus far The first, called by Dr. Willett, outlined the financial dilemma of the Campus School and set up a committee to look into the feasibility of making the Campus School selfsupporting. The second meeting was called in July by this committee. A questionnaire was distributed to parents of Campus School students. The results have not been tabulated, but some of the more interesting questions were: If a tuition charge is necessary to continue the operation of the Campus School, would you be willing to pay such a charge? If yes, what is the maximum tuition range that you feel you would be willing to pay per (Continued on Page 8) Page 6 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 9,1980 Joe Parker practices his offensive moves as the Soccer Team Ph0 by Jodv Gi > r, prepares for the season ahead. '° "• Baseball Team Ready To Start ByJOHNTODD IiOngwood College's baseball team, which had a 19-11 spring season record, is ready to start the fall season. The fall season contains many practices with a few scrimmages thrown in. IxMigwood will start this season by the changing of men's sports team totally to Division II. Longwood played division one and two teams last season, so this change should not have great !Ct on Ix)ngwood baseball. How good is this year's team going to be? Doug Toombs, who led the Nation's Division III schools in hitting last year says, This year's team should be better than last year's, although the schedule is tougher." longwood's schedule this year consists of playing forty or more games in the spring. Toombs feels Longwood will win more than thirty of those games. Toombs also noted that this year there are several outstanding freshmen and transfers. Women's Golf Swings Into Another Season By PAM UPDIKE On September 12-14, the Longwood I-ady lancer Golf ream will play their first and only home tournament. They will compete with six other schools. I'tiin State, Bowling Green State University, UNC Wilmington, William and Mary, James Madison University and Mary Washington. The seven-member team is made up of three freshmen, Cheryl Dufort, Emily Fletcher, and Susan Morgan; three sophomores, Robyn Andrews, Sharon Gilmore, and Janet Kelly; and one senior, KaySmith. This year the team will compete entirely in tournaments so that they may qualify for nationals. Coach Barbara Smith feels that they have an excellent chance of winning regionals and qualifying for Nationals in Division II. "Our goal is to go all the way," she stated emphatically. All students are invited to support the team September 12 at the longwood Golf Course. VALUABLE COUPON WITH THIS COUPON YOU CAN PLAY MINI GOLF FROM 6 PM 12 PM FOR ONLY $1.00 OFFER GOOD THRU SEPT 30TH MINE GOLF FOR INFORMATION CALL 392-4642 V&P MARKET HWY. 15 SOUTH BETWEEN FARMVILLE AND HAMPDEN SYDNEY SNACK BAR - ICE CREAM - FOOD ITEMS WANTED: Part Time Personnel B« a significant part of the 80 81 men's basketball program Vastly Improved Lancers Open Play Excitement and anticipation surround pre-season soccer drills at Longwood College. The Lancers, who open play Sunday afternoon at Catawba College in Salisbury, NC, are pointing toward a complete turnaround from last year's 4-10-1 record. Longwood's second-year coach Rich Posipanko says the Lancers will be vastly improved. "We have brought in 15 new players in my first full recruiting year," said the coach. "As many as nine of these players have a good chance of cracking the starting lineup. Longwood will be drastically improved in every aspect. This will be the best Lancer team ever." While the 1980 edition of the Lancers may be the school's most talented team ever, it is also the youngest outfit in Longwood's three-year soccer history. Of 22 squad members, 10 are freshmen, seven are sophomores and five are juniors. Among the group are seven returnees from last season. When Posipanko says that one of his team's goals is to have a winning season, he's saying quite a lot. In three previous soccer campaigns, Longwood teams have compiled a forgettable 7-302 slate, including an 0-14 mark the year before Posipanko's arrival. The coach plans to turn things around this year. Pre-season scrimmages against some tough opposition have not dampened Posipanko's optimism. He feels Longwood will have a team that can compete with anyone in Virginia. Division II With Longwood re-classified from NCAA Division III to Division II, the I^ancers will have a difficult time getting a bid to post-season play. Posipanko says the Lancers will have to have an outstanding record to make the playoffs, but he believes he has the players who can do it. Veteran Virginia Intercollegiate Soccer Association all-stars Gustavo Leal (Rockville, Md.) and Joe Parker (Hatboro, Pa.) will join with nine newcomers to form the probable starting lineup for Sunday's clash with Catawba. Leal, Parker and returnee Mike McGeehan (Levittown, Pa.) were chosen as tri-captains by their teammates. While Leal will start at midfield and Parker at forward, sophomore Nick Panara (Jenkintown, Pa.), midfield; freshman Kurt Peters (Virginia Beach) goalie; sophomore Dave Via (Newport News), forward; junior Dana Gregg (Cincinnati, Ohio), midfield; freshman Ed Dikun (Croydon, Pa.), forward; freshman Mark DeLaurentis (New Hope, Pa.), back; sophomore Steve McGurl (Northvale, N.J.), back; freshman Dan Graham Receives Certification Dr. Gerald P. Graham, associate professor of health and physical education at Longwood College, has received certification as an exercise technologist. This certification qualifies him to perform graded exercise testing on persons aged 35 and under who have no coronary risk factors and to assist a physician in the testing of all other persons. To obtain the certification, Dr. Graham successfully completed the Preventive Rehabilitative Exercise Technologist Summer Workshop at Wake Forest University. The workshop was sponsored by the American College of Sports Medicine and directed by the departments of medicine and physical education at Wake Forest. Included in the workshop were 50 hours of lecture on cardiovascular and exercise physiology, 20 hours of electrocardiograph analysis, and 20 hours of graded exercise experience. The workshop concluded with a seven-hour examination. Dr. Graham holds degrees from Muskingum College, Ohio State University, and Kent State University. An advocate of aerobic exercise for fitness, he directs Longwood's annual minithon run. Ruggers Ready By T.C.JONES The Longwood Rugby Club opens its season Saturday, September 13, 1980 in Richmond against VCU. This year's team is as strong as teams of the past several seasons. The team consists of about 30 members with many returning members from last year's team. The club practices on Tuesday afternoons at 4 p.m. and on Wednesday and Thursday nights at 8 p.m. after flag football. The team invites everyone to come out and join the club. Home matches will be played on the First Avenue Field. The rest of the fall season is as follows: Sept. 20 University of Richmond Away (Richmond) 28 United Rugby Club Away (Richmond) Oct. 25 William and Mary Home Nov. 8 Hampden-Sydney Home 15 Mary Washington Home So come out and support the club. I. FOR ENTIRE BASKETBALL SEASON, (including trips to Georgia, Pa.. W.V.. N.C andMd Team Managers (2), Equipment Manager (1) II. FOR HOME (12) AND AWAY 19 GAMES ONLY Official Scorekeeper (1) Statisticians (2) III FOR HOME GAMES (12) ONLY Official Timer (I), Game Administrator (I) For individual |ob descriptions contact Dr. Bash ot the Basketball Office in Loncer Hall. DON'T BE LEFT OUT OF THIS YEAR'S YEARBOOK Have your pictures taken in the S-UN ROOM 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM MON.-FRI. TIL SEPT. 19THONLY! Sawick (Hatboro, Pa.), back, and freshman Tim Breruian (North Hills, Pa.), forward, will round out the starting Lineup. Difficult Schedule Facing Longwood is a 17-game slate filled with some tough opponents. "With our move to NCAA Division II, the schedule has been upgraded significantly," said Posipanko. "We play nationally ranked Division III opponents Lynchburg and Averett, 1979 NAIA post-season qualifier Radford and Sun Belt Conference runner-up Virginia Commonwealth University. Both VCU and Richmond, another Longwood foe, compete in Division I." Highlighting the early part of the schedule will be the Steve Nelson Memorial Tournament at Ixmgwood September 12-13. VCU, Division III power Trenton State and North Carolina Wesleyan will comprise the field for the tournament, which is being held in memory of the late Steve Nelson, a member of last year's soccer team who was killed in an auto crash. After a four-game trip against some rugged Pennsylvania opponents, the Lancers return to Virginia with four of their final seven games at home. Longwood will host arch-rival HampdenSydney November 4 in the battle for the Farmville Herald Challenge Cup, a trophy which the winner of this annual battle will be allowed to keep for a year. Posipanko says the key to longwood's season may depend on his ability to mold the old and new players into a smooth, working unit. If he succeeds. 1980 could turn out to be the year of the I^ancers in soccer. Grapplers Ready For New Season By MARK SEGAL This year's wrestling team got off to a new start with the addition of a new sports complex, many new wrestlers and Coach Nelson. Practice started early this year on the first of September. Returning starters from last year's squad include: Sr. Bobby Hulsey, 126-134; Sr. Gary Farris, 167; Jr. Ken Gebbie, 126-134; Soph. Steve Shennett, 150-158; Soph. Mark Segal, 126; Michael Quick, 167. Returning after a year's absence, Jr. Dan Richards will wrestle the 167 lbs. class, and transfers from Chowan Jr. College include Chad Roll at 150 and Joe Bass at 167-177. Three promising freshmen worth watching are Frank Denaro at 118, Derick Wolf at 134, and Mike Freischlag at 142 pounds. Coach Nelson is driving his team through a rigorous preseason weight program to help gain an upper hand on the upgrading of the stiffer NCAA division II competition this year. Coach Nelson stated earlier . . . "1980-81 will be a learning year. We will be laying a foundation for future years. We will be extremely weak in the upper weights. Our goal will be to become competitive. We may not win many matches, but we will be respectable!" With this spirit in coaching, et's support our Lancer $ ajjpler*. Page 7 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 9,1980 Lady Lancers Prepare For First Game even had the experience of playing with an English team. Three seniors, Teri Davis, Julie Dayton, and Kim Garber provide the leadership and support for the team. According to Coach Bette Harris, "The seniors play an important role in how the team functions." Teri Davis played an important role in the hockey camp this summer. She was chosen to stay an extra week to coach the goalies. As far as this year is concerned, Teri feels that, "As a By PAM UPDIKE Through smoldering heat and long practices, the longwood Lady Lancer Hockey team is sweating its way to another big season. They have been working very hard to make this season a winning one. During August, a large part of the team attended the Mount Pocono Hockey Conference in Pennsylvania. At this camp they worked on improving skills and game strategy. There was a variety of coaches and the team Sports Profile Senior Julie Dayton and the Hockey Team work on their precision and Skill. Phof0 by Tom Stanley Intramurals: Entry blanks are now available for Track and Field. They may be picked up in Lancer Hall. Entry blanks are due September 11. The entrants' meeting is September 15 at 6:30 in the IAA room (Lankford) ACTIVITY AND DATE CHART Activity Entry Deadline ••Captain's Play Begins Meeting Sep. 3 2 Sep. Sep 1 •Flag Football-M 9 8 4 *Tennit Singlet IS 15 11 •Track ft Field 23 22 18 'Flag Football W TBA 15 TBA Soccer Oct. 13 2 Oct. Oct. 1 Ultimate Frisbee-C 14 13 2 'Bowling 27 28 23 •Volleyball 4 Nov. 5 Nov7. Nov. 3 •Pool 12 11 10 •Swimming Relay* ••CAPTAIN'S MEETING-AII meetings will be at 6:30 p.m. in the IAA Room, Lankford. All Captain* of team* and Participant! of individual and dual tpora MUST attend theea meeting* •These activities quality for the ALL SPORTS TROPHY. Sophomore Debbie Spencer (Gordonsville) won one gold medal and two silver in swimming events at the 24th National Wheelchair Games held on the University of Illinois campus in Champaign May 28June 1. Spencer, who had won three events and placed second in another in the regional competition early in May, performed well in her first appearance in the national games. Competing in Class 5 swimming events, she won the 50yard butterfly in 1:02.59 and finished second in the 100-yard freestyle (1:37.51) and 400-yard distance freestyle (7:51.33). In the 100-yard backstroke she finished fourth (1:58.36). After training rigorously the past few weeks, Spencer improved on her previous best time in three of the four events she entered. Her coach Frank Brasile, Director of Longwood's Therapeutic Recreation Program, feels Debbie has come a long way since she began workouts in April. "I think she did real well, considering the amount of time she had to prepare," he said. "She knows what to work on for next year's national games (June, 1981 in Seattle). Debbie plans to resume practice in August and we will try to enter her in more regional competition to get her ready for nationals." Spencer, whose disability is a result of spinal meningitis that she had as a child, is an exceptionally hard worker. She had never trained for competition prior to this spring. unit, we will do well this season. I have a lot of expectations for this season, but we will have to work hard to be on top." Teri sites the inexperience of working together as a team as the major problem for this year's team. Kim Garber commented on the Round Robin tournament held on September 6 and 7 at the University of Richmond and said this practice tourney, "should be a building block for our season as far as getting to know each other on the field and anticipate each other's play." Julie Dayton, a four-year veteran varsity player, is the most experienced offensive player. She is the strength behind the offense. Wednesday, September 10, the Lady Lancers will meet Mary Washington in their first contest of the year. With the strong ability of these three seniors, the Lady Lancer Hockey team will surely have a successful year. Good luck! OPEN 24 HRS. HOPJM ENTRY BLANKS for each activity most be picked up and returned to the box beside the IAA Bulletin Board in Lancer Hall. This is the only way you can enter any of the above activities. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE INTRAMURAL OFFICE HOURS If your game H rained out, postponed or you need to know *ome other information about intramural*, call the Intramural Office. The office will be open for intramural scheduling, telephone calls, etc. from 1-3 p.m., MondayThursday. Call 392-9265. ALL 12 OZ. PREMIUM IEER (6 PACK) $2.35 ALL 16 0Z. PREMIUM IEER MMhflq $2.75 ALL 12 0Z. POPULAR IEER (6 PACK) $2.19 OPEN RECREATION ALL 16 0Z. POPULAR IEER (6 PACK) $2.35 "Open Rec"-Timaa and fadlitiea are set up for students' uaa. The following facilities are open for free time, unscheduled recreation. "Her FiekT-Mon.-Fri.. 3:30-6:00 p.m. "Iler Gym"-Mon.-Fri., 3:306:00 p.m. "Other Facilities"-Posted in Lancer Hall. INTRAMURAL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION MEETINGS All general meetings will be at 7 p.m. every Thursday in the IAA Room, Lankford. Each dormitory, sorority, and fraternity must have en IAA representative who attends all general meetings. This is the only way your organization will have a part in the functions of the IAA. The meetings are open to anyone, but only the representatives have a vote. Please attend and support the IAA with your suggestions. OFFICIALS This year officials for flag football, volleyball, basketball, innertube water polo, and softball will be paid. It is the desire of the IAA to obtain the best official* possible. Students will be given e trial period in which they will be judged on their ability to handle a game. Meetings for officials will be held prior to each sport. Pick up an application from the Intramural office if you wish to officiate. Check the Daily Bulletin and IAA Boards for specific dates and times. ALL 32 0Z. PREMIUM IEER «* > All 32 0Z. POPULAR IEER REG IEER. ..IUDWEISER MKNEIOI NOT DOG$ Soccer At Catawba Longwood Catawba 3 0 5 1 •M FOUNTAIN SOn DRINKS — 8 1 SALISBURY, N.C. longwood set a school record for goals in a game Sunday afternoon as the Lancers swamped Catawba 8-1 in a collegiate soccer contest. Freshman Tim Brennan scored three goals, Mark DeLaurentis had two, and sophomore Joe Parker had three assists to pace Longwood. The Lancers, in their first game as a member of NCAA Division II, out-shot Catawba 5615. Longwood stands 1-0 while the Indians dipped to 0-2. Longwood — Tim Brennan - 3, Mark Delaurentis - 2, Gus Ual 1, Dave Via -1, Dana Gregg -1. <->< 9S 79 $35.00 PLUS DEPOSIT $39.00 PIUS DEPOSIT 3/$1.00 It 25 TO .45 Page 2 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 16,1980 Let's Talk About Death By DEBRA CUNNINGHAM On Thursday, September 11, Dr. George G. Ritchie, Jr. M.D. and Psychiatrist spoke on his near-death experience. This lecture was sponsored by the Wesley Foundation and the InterReligious Council. Dr. Ritchie is a native of Richmond and has degrees from the University of Richmond, the Medical College of Virginia, and a few other colleges. He does a lot of traveling and giving speeches all over the United States. He has written a book, Return from Tomorrow, and is working on another book. He stated in his lecture that there has been more than 17,000 reported cases of near-death. Dr. Ritchie's experience started in December of 1943 while he was in the United States Army and stationed in Texas. He was in the hospital for an infection when his experience occurred. The doctor who was attending him at the time his experience occurred had pronounced him dead. Dr. Ritchie told of what he experienced and saw while he was unconscious. He told of how he met Jesus Christ and the great light which shown from Him. Dr. Ritchie stayed unconscious for four days which seemed virtually impossible because the brain cannot go without oxygen for more than five minutes, he stated. He definitely feels that this experience was a lesson sent from God to teach him to love others as God loves him. Dr. Ritchie feels that the real battle between good and evil lies within each of us. Those that were at Dr. Ritchie's lecture were left spellbound after listening to this fascinating account of his ordeal. Many people remained afterwards to ask him questions and to talk with him privately. Survey Underway By NINA BOWYER The I/innwood Players' impending production, "Barefoot in the Park," will, according to the intentions of Richard Gamble and I .aura Carroll, differ in many ways from past productions. The play tends to break away from the usual intellectual style and offers an entertainment to the audience that has not been present in the past. Shakespeare and Ibsen, among other sophisticated playwrights, have dominated the Jarman stage, with the more entertaining intervals coming, perhaps every other year. Neil Simon's play has been selected this year because of his comic wit and continuing popularity. Simon has set the scene in a very small, fifth floor, New York apartment, around the early 1960's. The atmosphere is light-hearted and easy-going, not at all creating an intellectual turmoil in the minds of the audience. In this production, Gamble would like to 'create an environment as closely as possible approximating the commercial theatre." Many plans have gone into the production of this play, inspiring a creativeness and inventiveness in all the crew members that should prove to render this play among the most interesting in recent times. Johnny Cash Film To Be Shown The story is old, but the perspective is updated and brought into sharp focus by the film The Gospel Road to be shown on Saturday, Sept. 20, at ABC Rooms. The showing will begin at 7.30 p.m. The Gospel Road, distributed bj World Wide Pictures, was conceived and produced by Johnny Cash and his wife, June Carter Cash, whose desire was to tell the story of Jesus Christ in a realistic and meaningful way. The film is a unique blend of scripture-based narrative, an abundant supply of specially written songs, and a series of indepth character portrayals, with Israel itself as the mixing bowl. You are there, walking beside the Jordan and the Sea of Galilee; you are there, seeing Him in many human situations that establish a practical and personal rapport with every viewer. You are there, being introduced to the disciples, and gaining insights into their varied personalities. You are there, experiencing the highly charged emotional impart of the trial before Pilate, and becoming so personally involved that you feel sympathetic pain when Robert Elfstrom, in an outstanding portrayal of Christ, suffers the physical attack that precedes the Crucifixion. Adding to the effectiveness of The Gospel Road in its endeavor to convey reality for this day are. the fascinating treatment of the Crucifixion, making this tragedy an event of significance that reaches from its own time across the years to take on meaning for all men of all ages; and the songs and background music of Johnny Cash and other outstanding musicians, whose contemporary style is not out of keeping with the story ... a story that reveals that His darkest day has become our brightest. By MELODY CRAWLEY The Economic Seminar Students, headed by Dr. Anthony Cristo, will begin phase two of their economic impact study of Ix)ngwood College within the next week. The students will be asking both students and faculty to fill out questionnaires. This is the only way that the seminar students, who also conduct the Market Basket Survey, have of measuring the college community's total impact on Farmville. Persons filling out the questionnaire do not identify themselves. This information is not obtainable within any other resources. Dr. Cristo asks the students and faculty to return the information questionnaire as soon as possible. This is the second year that this survey has been made. The results are interesting to both the Farmville and Longwood communities. Judicial Cases ByMITZI MASON In the past the Judicial Board has been called in to investigate narcotics cases. This meant that the students serving as investigators of narcotics had the responsibility of searching the student's room. In some instances student investigators even felt that they were invading their fellow classmates' privacy. Under the new plan, these problems will no longer exist. The student investigators will only investigate Honor Code offenses such as cheating, stealing and lying. The Administration will handle all narcotics cases in the future and they will be assisted by the Longwood College Campus Police and local police. Students will not be prosecuted by Judicial Board for narcotics offenses. ► Froternity & Sorority Stationary Mugs and Decals LANSCOTT GIFT SHOP 408 High Street Farmville. Va Open Mon.-Sot., 9 am 5pm CLOSED WEDNESDAY MORNING Photo bv Jody Gilbert Dr. Ritchie speaks on death at last week's Wesley Lecture. Campus Politicians Organize By NANCY LANG With November only two months away, the campus is starting to talk of the presidential election. Many have organized themselves into the Campus Republicans and the Young Democrats. Both intend to create new ideas of promoting their respective candidates, Ronald Reagan and President Jimmy Carter. The Republicans have several fund-raising events in store for the weeks ahead to raise money for bigger projects. Each semester the Republicans travel to a participating college for a workshop. This September, the Republicans are planning to attend the workshop at UVa. Here they will learn campaigning ideas and look for speakers for the fall. The Republicans will also be conducting "phone banks" in the local area around Farmville. From state headquarters students will receive a list of local names, categorized into Republicans, Democrats, and Undecided. Students call these numbers in the local area, attempting to draw the Undecideds over to vote Republican. Membership Chairman Tom Moran stated that the Campus Republicans hope to debate the Young Democrats. A Campus Republican meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 24. All interested are urged to attend. The Young Democrats are now in the process of publicizing their club. The group is now headed by a temporary president, David Oakes. Members are needed for a strong representation of the club this fall. There will be a meeting Monday, September 22, at 8 p.m. in Grainger 008 or contact David Oakes, Box 929, 392-5300. Elections will be held and all interested persons are asked to attend the meeting. Dr. Carrier To Conduct Workshop Dr. Lotan Carrier of Virginia Commonwealth University will conduct an electronic music workshop in the Molnar Auditorium, Wygal Music Building on Thursday, September 18. Dr. Carrier is a multi-faceted musician; he plays piano and has taught it extensively including an adjunct position at RandolphMacon College in piano. Primarily he is an electronic musician, where the emphasis of his work is in the teaching of composition using synthesizers, tape recorders and computers. He has been at Virginia Commonwealth University for seven years and during that time has developed an electronic music program, which in scope, if not in quality, is the largest on the Eastern Coast. Dr. Carrier has had his compositions played throughout the United States and Canada. His book Working Skills in Electronic Music (selfpublished) will soon be out in a second edition. He is currently at work on a composition for synthesizer and piano (both played by one pianist) and a set of songs for soprano and piano quartet with strings. The sessions scheduled for September 18 are: 9:25 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. for freshman music theory students; 10:50 a.m. to noon for music appreciation students; 1 p.m. to 1:50 p.m., a general session for music faculty and students; 2 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. for Campus School students. Although the sessions have these special emphases they are open to anyone who is interested in this area of 20th century music. GEIST OKTOBERFEST TAPPING THURSDAY — JARMAN — 7 P.M. We're glad to announce the arrival of Valerie Lloyd from Richmond. ^ WITCUT AND BLOWDRY... 4.95 (WIIM THIS COUPON EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30 MERLE NORMAN/HAIR HUT SALON 223 N MAIN STREET 392 6343 Page 3 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 16,1980 S-UN's Major Concert: Lacy J. Dalton By SUSAN BUTLIN Wednesday night, Sept. 17, is the big night . .Because Lacy J. Dalton and The Dalton Gang will be performing in Jarman auditorium! Point of interest! Dalton's concert is the major fall concert along with the fact that Dalton will be the first major female vocalist to perform at Jarman in the history of Longwood. More importantly, Lacy Dalton was recently the recipient of the top new female vocalist award by the Academy of Country Music. However, Dalton's style is not country music alone as you will see. So what, you say? Well, listen to this: although Lacy Dalton may not be a big name to remember now, she will be in the future. Recently magazines such as: Time and People did exclusive articles on the uprising star. Both magazines compare her to the late Janis Joplin, which in itself is a tribute. Time magazine describes her voice as, "a husky — late night and last drink voice that can curl under and caress a ballad, or slide, like a gravity knife, to a quick sharp point that draws blood from a backbeat," and People magazine describes her voice as, "a bluesy voice with incredible vocal range." Both magazines agree that Dalton is on the verge of super stardom and she will be performing right here! Dalton is an experienced performer who has sung almost having discovered Lacy Dalton, every type of music, which says this, "Record producers probably accounts for the unique probably hear more aspiring phrasing and quality of voice she singers in a week than most has been accredited with. She people hear in a lifetime. But we sang out west in California for a rarely hear a voice so unique it few years with a rock 'n' roll rises above the rest. Lacy J. band, and she has performed in Dalton possesses that exciting Salt Lake City, Minnesota, Los style and quality that make her Angeles and Nashville. She sang special. That's what stars are anything from hard rock to made of." country, jazz or alone with her If you are interested, her guitar. critical reviews are also Originally Lacy Dalton is from impressive! She is acclaimed as Bloomsburg, Pa., and before she being a "female Waylon changed her name she was Jill Jennings," and as being an Byrem. She grew up on the "overnight Success!" Not only is fringes of a mining belt with her Dalton's voice praised but father who was a guide on a because she writes or co-writes hunting preserve and a mother most of her material, critics who was a trained beautician. believe that the uniqueness of her Dalton went to Brigham Young songs will put her above being University with the intent of just anogher good singer. becoming a painter but It's quite obvious that if circumstances altered her acclaimed magazines as well as decision and now she is a singer. critics give Lacy J. Dalton such a She describes her own music as good "pat on the back" Lacy J. "progressive," and says, "I don't (Continued on Page 8) have absolute standards for my music. It's all something personal, and not competitive." Her first major contribution to the music field was her first single, "Crazy Blue Eyes," released in the fall of 1979, which The "Bill Blue Band" came out ran straight into the Billboard in full style at Saturday Night country charts. Her most recent Alive this past week end. The single is called, "Hard Times." band, consisting of seven She has two albums out both members, played for three hours under Columbia record label. and returned for one encore. Bill Sherrill, vice-president and Attendance was fair with about executive producer of CBS 120 Blues Fans appearing. As records, credits himself with Blue's In Full Style always, the regular Saturday Night Alive fans spurred the crowd to participate. Having cut two albums, the "Bill Blue Band" was received with recognition. They played several songs from their first album, "Sing Like Thunder," New Wave Hits Photo by Tom Stalty Bill Blue Band entertains Saturday Night Alive fans. Florida Trip Planned By SUSAN BUTLIN Do you believe in getting ahead or early starts? Then this is for you! During spring break, second semester why not plan to go to Florida? The student union is planning an all expense paid trip to Florida for those interested. Below is a detailed calendar of places you will visit and activities to engage in. — March 20 p.m. — travel overnight to Orlando — March 21 — afternoon arrival in Orlando — afternoon optional, evening an Orlando club — Rosie O'Grady's, etc. — March 22 — to Disney World — March 23 — to Daytona — March 24 — at Daytona — March 25 — free time in St. Augustine. Overnight in Savannah Downtowner — March 26 — in Savannah until early evening then return — March 27 — morning to noon arrival in Farrnville A fee of $170-$215 pays for transportation and hotel fees. Depending on whether or not you plan to double or triple with someone for a room determines the cost, however you can go on your own and the cost would be around $140. Meals are not included and there is no obligation to travel with the group if you decide you would like to travel by yourself or with a friend. The Student Union needs your response, which will determine if definite plans will be made for the trip. Below is a coupon to fill out should you be interested. This does not obligate you in any way to go. This will give the student union some type of idea as to whether or not plans should be forwarded. If the response is good, a $50 deposit will probably be asked of you sometime in November, but for right now why not fill out the coupon and plan to go somewhere exciting for your spring break! More information will be enclosed at a later date. By NEIL SAWYER September 9 marked a major entertainment breakthrough at Longwood College. The event was the first performance given at Longwood by the "Flaming Oh's" and the significance was that the "Flaming Oh's" are fullfledged new wave rock and roll. Longwood students have seen almost everything from folk and jazz to hard rock with more than enough southern boogie in between the campus but never a real new wave band. Thanks to the Student Union, Longwoods first taste of new wave was grade A. The "Flaming Oh's" are a Minneapolis based band with a debut album under their belts and an impressive list of guest appearances with such major acts as Elvis Costello, Molly Hatchett, and the B-52's. Their Longwood concert was part of a mini-tour through Virginia and West Virginia. The concert held in the Red, White, and Green rooms got off to a rocky start when the equipment truck was delayed and did not arrive to set up until half an hour after the show was scheduled to start. This set the show time back about one and one-half hours. Once the band took the stage, they wasted no time in introducing the audience to their own brand of new wave. After an opening rendition of Bob Segers' "Let it Rock", the band launched full force into original material. The bands entire performance seemed well geared to an audience of new-comers in the new wave experience. One main characteristic typical of a live new wave performance is the fast pacing in which songs are short, fast and run together often without a single second of silence between the end of one song and the start of another. Instead of hitting and keeping a frenzied pace throughout two sets, they opened with straight rock and roll and built faster into a spirited version of the Rolling Stones "Satisfaction" which ended the first set. By this time the audience was more plyable and when the second set turned out to be sheer new wave the audience could adjust to it more enthusiastically. If the evening turned out to be slightly short of a total success it was certainly not the bands fault. Live, new wave demands equal energy from both band and audience and while the band held up its end the crowd reaction was definitely lacking. For the most part, the audience sat quietly tapping their feet or just watching while others made ridiculous calls for "Free Bird". The general impression was that Longwood is not ready for new wave since new wave is for the chronically live, not the hopelessly dead. Bring in the southern boogie and pass the NoDoz. YES! I would be interested in going to Florido I also under stand that by filling out this coupon, I am not obligated to go1 NAMf DORM ADDRtSS BOX NO _]- I would be interested in traveling with the group. I will probobly go on my own and meet with the group later. Return this coupon to Mr IB. Der.; in the lankford Building, Secon Floor- Gold Room which were familiar to the students. Their newest album and hit, "Don't Give Your Good Boys Bad Names," had a rousing effect on the audience. The end of the first set was a blues duel between the sax and the trumpet which mounted in intensity and culminated in the two moving into the audience and utilizing tables as their stage. They received the first standing ovation of the evening for their duet duel. After the first intermission the sax player serenaded the audience as he roamed about the room, playing with the sincere rhythm of the blues saxist. The band brought the crowd to its feet the second time with the song entitled "Hard Work," and ended the second set by promenading through the crowd chanting "be cool." The third and final set required much sweat on the part of the performers and the stacks of beer cans grew to Mount Everest proportions on some tables. The "Bill Blue Band" as it was seen Saturday night is the fifth rendition of the group according to present members of the band. Bill Blue modeled his (Continued on Page 8) Weekend Coffeehouse By CINDEE PROGAR The Student Union will be bringing their first coffeehouse performer of the season on September 20 and 21 at 8 p.m. in the snack bar. Performing will be Laura Canaan. A winner in the Florida Folk Festival Songwriting contest, she has gained recognition as a respected studio musician. I^aura plays violin, piano and guitar as well as doing her own vocals. She has appeared on radio and performed at colleges and clubs in the U.S., Canada and London. She has a wide range of musical interests - folk, blues, rock and jazz. So come and enjoy an evening of sensitive folk ballads, gutsy blues, harddriving rock and virtuoso jazz with Laura Canaan at this semester's first coffeehouse in lankford snack bar. I ClftV iucoua;,ocf<iciliuci 10, 130U inr, nuiui>u/\ Your Turn your spirit but do it in a positive way. Work for Oktoberfest and give your friends whether they be To The Student Body, Red, Green or Blue, your This begins my third year at support.—Not your criticism. WE Ix)ngwood and I've been involved ARE IN THIS TOGETHER!!! in many college activities. Oktoberfest has always meant a Blue-N-White Love, lot to me and I enjoy working a concerned Red-n-White with my fellow red-n-whites to prepare for it. But this year has been different. Granted there is always competition between the Better Food Reds and Greens but this year it has been vicious. I listen to my fellow Reds cut the Greens down and in turn the Greens cut down Dear Mr. Inge and dining hall the reds. Usually it is done in a staff: We would like to congratulate joking manner but lately all you on your fine services this joking has been placed aside and year. We find that the downstairs Reds and Greens are cutting each dining hall is very efficient and other to the point that it hurts. It the quality of the food is much takes two colors to make better than in previous years. It Oktoberfest what it is. We are all seems that the variety of the food Blue-n-white and we should keep has increased to accommodate that in our hearts and minds. I love being a Red-n-white and more of the student body. The am proud to be so. But the Greens addition of drink machines has are also proud of their colors and "eased the trauma" to get a soft I respect them for that. I have a drink. So, again, we'd like to number of friends who are thank Mr Inge, Doris, all the Greens and many who are on assistant managers, and the Geist this year that I love dearly. maids and the kitchen help for a I do not like seeing my friends, job well done. Sincerely, Reds, Greens or Blues hurt by Student Government Association thoughtless comments. So show Togetherness a BEIIIB CLOSED BOOBS \Jill THUS LtVM TO rtth TO tou JU>1 IT •! C*X¥T «*«««» AbOvT TH£ THt£. \i( \JANT TO HM0U WW If UK I'lTtcUH [Vt* THtHlnH Ut Uf4£ pui TO TO.O T#xr il UOVtn **.t*r B£ >MOif rr IMP. Ode To Longwood College West bound on 360 Headed up Farmville way Back to Longwood College The place I want to stay. And all our talents too; The three things that we'll cherish Our whole lives through. Good old Longwood College That great Citadel Of the virtues of Education We've come to love so well Good old Longwood College The place to get things done. We know that when we leave here We'll be that number one. Dallas Bradbury We've bound our minds and spirit Senior Spotlight By BRENDA COLEMAN "I've always liked the idea of a small college atmosphere," began Kelly Sanderson, a senior chemistry major from Winchester, VA. "I guess that was one of the major reasons I chose to come to Longwood. We have a small student-teacher ratio here, unlike large universities where you are only a number. You can get so much more involved at Longwood." VctUe. . (WOUIT T**T It 0/t.nm ut /Hour *»"* 4*0 HIOHT H/lOtll MfftfilA M.00OL J'Vf /¥*# CfOt rr M«» >** «rf* TMM «•«' HKi /u/ rim*** /*/ rut a****. 1 rtt.1 V0U,rH0* , H,I „ ,o ttfrtfv if »«>c*«> our IT w*» >l* ■ 'jTTOl I 1/S— -Editor's Turn' THE ROTl M>\ Established 1920 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Melody C.Crawlej SPORTS EDITOR Dallas Bradbury PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Jackie Steer BUSINESS MANAGER Robyn Black ADVERTISING MGR Patti Pascal* STAFF Dave Gates. Brenda Coleman. Pam Updike. Jody Gilbert. Carole Key. Miin Mason, William Brent. Deborah Peterson, Cindy Hall. Janice Roakes, Donna Hughes Linda Wheeler, Tom Sullivan Pam Winger Beth Parrott, Nina Bowyer Debra Cunningham. Sarah Stump. Robyn Carr. Connie Failon. Dawn Perdue, Tom Stanley. Neil Sawyer. Joe Johnson. Jodi Kersey Member ot the VIMCA Published weekly during the College year with the eaception ol Holidays and enamination periods by the students ol Lonqwood College. Farmville. Virginia Printed by the Farmville Herald. Opinions expressed are those ol the Editorial Board and its columnists, and do not necessary reflect the views ol the student body or the administration Letters to the Editor are welcomed They must be typed, signed and submitted to the Editor by the Friday ing publication date All letters ■r« sub|c< t to editing It's getting close . . . That time of year is coming . . . That word keeps popping up again . . . What is it? Oktoberfest is Longwood's fall festival and is patterned after the celebration held in Germany each year. For those students who have made Longwood a suitcase college, it is the one weekend that their suitcase will either remain under the bed or in the storage room. That, in itself is saying a lot. Color class skits have already been written by the reds and greens and approved by Geist. Tryouts will be held next week for these skits that will be presented Friday and Saturday nights of Oktoberfest. This year's theme is Joan of Arc and from the rumors we've heard, the skits this year could prove to be quite interesting. Thursday night is Geist Oktoberfest tapping. Geist members dressed as klowns will recognize the 21 Klowns, eight ushers and usherettes, and three meisters. We recommend that you be in Jarman, Thursday at 7 p.m. . . . You never know who Geist will choose! It may be you! Is Miss Longwood a thing of the past? This question has been asked over the past three years, but it has still remained. It seems however that money problems have caused the College to look at the matter deeper than before. It seems only reasonable that an Ad Hoc Committee decided this summer to terminate a pageant that constantly stayed in the red. Last year, very few people attended the pageant. However, those who are responsible for the Miss Longwood Pageant are lighting for its survival. Legislative Board will hear an appeal to continue Miss Longwood. There are many pros and cons to this subject. It would only seem fair, however, to say that the only way the Miss Longwood pageant should continue is if it were organized better, had the full cooperation of those involved, and remained in the black instead of in the red. We are not saying that those who took on the responsibility in the past did not do the best job possible under the circumstances. We are saying, however, that it must be more organized and unified to continue. And involved Kelly is. She is presently president of Lynchnos, the science honorary and secretary-treasurer of Pi Mu Epsilon, an honorary in math, as well as a past member of Alpha Lambda Delta, the freshman honorary. Kelly also serves her school as treasurer of the Senior class and as senior class representative to the Student Alumni Association. She has also participated in orientation and in green-and-white activities such as Oktoberfest and color class skits. "To borrow an old cliche, I've grown to realize you can be a big fish in a small pond here. Even after all the discussion about the administration and bad news concerning the college, I have not regretted my decision to attend Longwood. I've received a good basic background in my major and feel prepared for either a job or graduate work." Kelly emphasizes that there are always some disadvantages when attending a small school. "Not as many courses are offered here, especially in the science department, that are offered at a larger college or university," Kelly states. "Also, I'd like to see the science department get more money for supplies and equipment." Kelly, with her major in chemistry and a minor in math, hopes to go to either Iowa State or Virginia Tech after her graduation from Longwood to obtain a Ph.D. in chemistry. Long-range plans include working for the government in industry and-or research and eventually attending medical school. "I've become a better person by attending college," Kelly continues. "Longwood has opened my eyes to the varied and different things in life-especially friends. I've lost contact with many of the friends I had in high school. But the friends I've made here, I know I'll keep-even the ones I leave behind." Page 5 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 16,1980 RUSH... RUSH... RUSH... RUSH... RUSH By LISA THOMAS This week denotes the start of rush. The excitement of all the Greeks is at its peak. Questions are being whispered such as "How many girls signed up for Rush?" and "What do you think the quote will be?", etc. To a nonGreek this probably does not sound that important, but it is. This year the Greeks are hoping, as always, for a large rush! Rush is a fun-filled week of activities presented by each sorority to those girls who might be interested in joining a sorority. Here are what the Presidents from each sorority feels about being a Greek: Donna Bruce (ADP)—"Being a Greek is much more than sharing the symbols on a jersey. It is a special bond of friendship that can best be described as sisterhood. Loyalty, unity, and striving toward common goals make the Greek system work." Anna Staley (AGD)—'Being a Greek in a sorority means having sisters all over the place. You are ... knowing someone who cares part of a family that shares and will be there always with a cherished moments, ideals, 'song in her heart and a smile on goals, dreams, and let-downs. her face!"' Your Greek sisters are always Kim Hannan (DZ)—"To be a there to comfort you and cheer Greek—to me—means a different you on whenever the need arises! sort of college life style. A group Being a Greek is fun." of girls united under a common Dianne Jefferies (ASA)—Being cause: sisterhood and friendship. a Greek at Longwood plays a A friendship which goes deeper specialpart in my life. It involves than words and which grows learning new songs, wearing that deeper through the years. A special T-shirt, going to parties, lifestyle of sharing, caring, and having many loving and challenges, struggles, caring sisters. It's having those responsibilities, enthusiasm and special sisters to share your support. A Greek is one with feelings when you need someone whom you can laugh and cry to talk with. For being a Greek, I with—you can be yourself. Jenny Lashley (KD)-'The don't only have my special 60 closeness, sincerity, and good sisters in my sorority for also I times that a sisterhood has to have all my greek sisters, too. offer. It means getting to know a With this in mind, I wish large group of girls, and learning everyone a very special Rush." to respect the values and opinions Kim Garber (AST)—"Being of each of them. Greek is the only involved in the Greek way to go!" Debbie Miller (*M)—"Uniting organization has been a very positive experience for me. What individuals with different ideas does being a Greek mean to me? into a bond of friendship aiming The lifetime friendships- for a common goal." Commentary By BILL LeWARNE It was only a tree, one could argue. Cutting it down shouldn't have been such a big deal. But to a large number of Longwood students, it wasn't just a tree, it was THE tree. Perfectly composed in the teardrop shape that so few trees ever achieve, it was nestled on the edge of Longwood College's campus park. In the spring it was the first to turn green, and in the fall, no other tree on campus could compare with its mass of fiery golden leaves. However, in 1978, Longwood's plans for a new gymnasium left the drawing boards and began searching for a place to settle. The park quickly fell to a host of bulldozers and construction crews. And even though that one favorite tree was on the edge of a bank overlooking a street, it soon confronted a bulldozer also—at least until one brave student ran in front of the tree, (and consequently in front of the bulldozer)and staunchly refused to move until the thoroughly confused driver backed off. With that one defiant act, the controversy over the saving of the tree began a one and a half year battle. The very next night, a group of students camped out around the tree to encourage other students to protest its removal and to gain support for their cause. "It had started getting pretty cold at nights, and I wondered if shivering around a tree all night was really going to make a point. But it was a lot of fun, and something to tell our grandchildren about," one participant recalled. "The thing I remember most," said another, "is the campus police riding by a lot, shining lights on us and stuff, like they wanted us to leave, but couldn't really think of a reason to make us. Then one of them stopped and said 'good job', and kept going. And that was the last we saw of them." Faculty support grew as time went on, and several teachers expressed their encouragement for the students' "sincere concern" for their environment. Administrative enthusiasm was more veiled, but the policy makers eventually gave in to the students' wishes, at least temporarily. The tree would be left alone until a definite decision had to be made. Throughout the winter of 78, and on through the beginnings of 1979, the last survivor of the park held its place, although bulldozers crept dangerously closer and closer, until the tree was the sole occupant of a four foot high mound of dirt in an otherwise level field. In the autumn of 1979, the fight began in earnest, because definite decisions had to be reached. Construction on the gym had begun, and the architect, according to administrative reports, doubted that the tree could be saved. However, the administration assured students that it would do everything possible to save the tree. Then a bulldozer suddenly began working on the street side of the tree, and for no apparent reason, ran a path parallel to the street, shearing off masses of the tree's roots and leaving it even more isolated than before, sitting precariously on a small rectangle that was actually smaller than the area the tree could shade. At this point, the administration announced that if the tree lived, and budded in the spring, it would be saved. Of course, most students felt that they had been misled all along, for there seemed little chance of the tree living after such damage, and it seemed to many students that those who wanted the tree removed were well aware of this. But nature is a fierce competitor, and when spring 1980 arrived, THE tree, as usual, was one of the first to show signs of life, and the "tree savers" felt that victory was at hand. A small party-picnic was held around the tree, attending mainly by those who had begun the fight two years earlier. Most were seniors now, and could look on the tree as their legacy to future students, and as a memorial of sorts to the campus park that had once been where a nearly completed gym now stood. The victory was short lived. Late in May, after graduation and before summer school, the tree came unceremoniously down, not with a bang, and not even with a whimper—nobody was there. At least, no students were there. A faculty memo (May 27,1980) from the president's office stated that "Various groups have carefully studied the matter. In order to meet the construction deadline, the Development Committee of the Board of Visitors has directed that the tree be removed." Summer school began in June, and the few tree supporters that were at Longwood were outraged. "When I first saw that the tree was gone, I just couldn't believe it. They waited until there was no one here to say anything, and just cut it down as though they had never promised anything. And there's no way I can believe it was just a coincidence that it suddenly had to be cut right after graduation and right before summer school," said one angry student. The administrative spokesmen had repeatedly said that the cost factor in saving the tree was the primary reason for its removal. However, even some members of the administration have expressed anger at the mishandling of the affair. One member of the administration who is very active in Longwood student affairs pointed out, "Once that retaining wall was begun, and headed in a direct line towards the tree, students should have realized that there was never any intention of saving the tree." There has been little actual student response since the fall semester began a few weeks ago. Of course, as one student noted, the tree is gone. There really isn't a lot that can be done. And sadly enough, the fervor over saving the tree will probably die down as quickly as it grew. The present senior class contains the last of those who fought to save the tree. All too soon, the campus park and that one beautiful tree will live only in the memories of alumni. But for now, there are still quite a few students who can recall midnight rendezvous ("Meet me under the tree..."), bright yellow leaves in the fall, the battle that drew them together for a while,...and broken promises. Cindy Roakes (EK)-"Being a Greek means being part of a large sister and brotherhood who are allowed to break down into small groups who have similar goals and ideals. This also allows you to meet with Greeks from other schools on a level that a non-Greek doesn't know about." Sylvia Roberts (EEE)— "Being a Greek is a million things all rolled into one. It's sharing special bonds of friendship. Bonds that last a lifetime. It's sharing all your joys and heartbreaks with people who are very close to you and care about you. Being Greek also has its fun, carefree times, parties and mixers and meeting new people. This is great, but after all the parties are over, you still have that special bond of friendship." Dolly Young (ZTA)—"Being a Greek is a wonderful part of any girl's life. The closeness, the laughter, and the tears experienced by the sisters, could never be replaced. It's very fulfilling to be a part of the Greek system working towards common goals, to bring the Greek system closer together. Being a Greek has definitely added many irreplaceable bonds of Friendship and wonderful experiences to my college life." As anyone can see from the above quotes Rush week is simply a fun week and a means to the end—that of finding a group of girls that will bring to those new sisters the feeling of friendship and belonging. We invite all the Longwood students to join with Greeks in recognizing those rushees that become pledges during our traditional walk ceremony. Walk will be held Sundav nieht at 7 .10 at Lankford Mall. Watch school and sisterhood spirit to its fullest. Dr, Hevener Completes Book By JODIKERSEY Dr. Fillmer Hevener, Jr., associate professor of English and consultant to student teachers has completed a book which will be published in 1981 entitled Successful Student Teaching: A Handbook for Elementary and Secondary Student Teachers. The primary purpose of the book, Dr. Hevener stated is to help serve as a transition device to close the gap between being a student and a student teacher, enabling the student to make this adjustment. The textbook will be a concise, practical, informational guide designed to help steer the college student through the intricacies of student teaching as smoothly as possible. It will answer questions often overlooked by those preparing to enter student teaching as well as critical questions frequently asked the author by those already engaged in student teaching. In addition, it will suggest teaching methods which may be adapted to instructional situations at both the elementary and secondary levels. Hevener felt that many books for student teachers are quite outdated and that there was a definite need for a book which would help the student to prepare for the experience of student teaching, making it a more successful experience. The book will cover such areas as: learning the community, becoming acquainted with the school, keeping fit, organizing for teaching, preparing for the first days, relating to the supervising teacher, relating to the college supervisor, relating to the students and parents, classroom management, major instructional matters, and being a professional. Dr. Hevener stated that this book will be equally beneficial to those considering student teaching or those already in the teaching profession. Artist-Series Presents Chestnut Brass Company The Performing Artist Series will present their first concert September 22, 8 p.m. in Jarman Auditorium when the versatile and acclaimed Chestnut Brass performs a program of pops, classical, jazz and ragtime music. The Chestnut Brass Company, once a group of street musicians, has grown into the vibrant ensemble that has been selected by the international musical publication Musical America as "Outstanding Young Artists to Watch." Their repertoire is varied and includes concerts for college students, children, and concerts that cover a gamut of selections from baroque and renaissance to contemporary classical music. LB. Dent, Student Activities Director, stresses, "they don't just present a classical program." The Chestnut Brass Company also performs such popular works of Scott Joplin, Duke Ellington, and Cole Porter. This exciting ensemble has charmed the musical world with its freshness and unpredictability. With each of the five members being a skilled soloist in his own right, their combined efforts have favorably impressed the music scene. The members of the traveling ensemble are Robert Gale, trombone; Jay Krush, tuba; Bruce Barrie, trumpet; Mark Huxsoll, trumpet; and George Barnett, French horn. The members of the group individually have attained firm backgrounds in the music field studying with members of the Philadelphia Orchestra and at Northwestern University, the University of Illinois, Temple University, Eastman School of Music, and the Philadelphia Musical Academy. The Philadelphia Inquirer said of the Chestnut Brass Company, ". . . the most demanding item was a Handel aria from his quintet for oboes, horns, and bassoon; the group played it fluently and movingly." Tickets are free to longwood students. They may be obtained in the Student Union Office, lankford. Page 6 THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 16,1980 Lancer Booters Finish Second From SPORTS INFO After going 1-1 to finish second in the Steve Nelson Memorial Soccer Tournament over the week end, Longwood's soccer team hits the road this week visiting Roanoke Wednesday in its only action of the week. The Lancers, now 2-1, may be without the services of goalie Kurt Peters (Virginia Beach). Peters suffered a neck injury in the first half of Saturday's championship game with Trenton State. Freshman Jeff Carino (Gloucester) will fill in if Peters is unable to play Wednesday. NCAA Division III power Trenton State took wins from Virginia Commonwealth Friday Lady Netters Make A Racquet a lot of support and leadership from senior Nancy Leidenheimer. "It takes all of us working together," stated Coach Harriss. This year the team will only be playing intercollegiate matches. Their first match will be on September 19 against RandolphMacon at home. Support the women's tennis team! By PAM UPDIKE Many long hours have been put into this year's Lady Lancer Tennis Team. Coach Phyllis Harriss feels that they do not receive enough recognition. They have worked hard, and with the intense heat, it has been really rough training. Photo by Jacky Steer This year the team will receive longwood placed second in the First Annual Steve Nelson Memorial Tournament. Steve was a former member of the Longwood Women's Tennis Schedule Soccer Team. An Ode To Success Six months have passed since we first began We've played both zone and man to man There have been some highs and also lows But that's the way a season goes The thing, however, that's been great news Is that our team refuses to lose We were down to Maritime and St. Mary's too And for our squad that was something new But just when they thought they had it won Once again we spoiled their fun For some unknown, mysterious reason We've been granted a championship season And should be grateful for all so far To B special, strange, mysterious star That has watched over us one and all And picked us up when we began to fall So don't fight this special feeling ;ire and love with which we're dealing You may not think so, but it's true And now the rest is up to you DATE Sept. 19 23 26 29 30 Oct. 2 17 21 24 28 31 OPPONENT TIME H — Randolph-Macon A — Mary Washington A — James Madison A — Marv Baldwin H — Lynchburg 2:00 3:00 3:00 2:00 3:30 H — Southern Seminary A - RMWC H - Hollins A-VCU H — Sweet Briar A — Christopher Newport 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:30 2:00 2:00 1980-81 Basketball Sehed ule DATE Nov 15 22 24 26 28, 2£ ... A Member of the Basketball Family Dec 2 5,6 OPPONENT SITE Scotland National Team Maryland-Eastern Shore (MD) Lincoln University (PA) Salem College (WV) Augusta (GA) Tip-Off Tournament Longwood — Piedmont College (NO Augusta (GA) — Voorhes (SC) Home Home Home Away 9:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 Away 7:00 9:00 Away 8:00 Home 6:30 8:30 Away 7:00 9:00 North Carolina Central (NC) Longwood Invitational Classic II Liberty Baptist — Friendship (SC) longwood — Southeastern (D.C.) 29, 30 "Gino's Classic" at University of Maryland Baltimore County Longwood — Bryant (RI) U.M.B.C. - Widener (PA) McKAY'S IIIN MAIN SIRtET EARMVILIE VIRGINIA GOING OUT OF BUSINESS!!! Terry's Bakery SPECIALIZING IN A FULL LINE OF BAKERY PRODUCTS — Decorating Cakes— ECLAIRS 2 FOR 85C ONLY WITH THIS COUPON Everything Must Go!!! PRICES SLASHED McKAY'S MAIN STREET FARMVIUE VIRGINIA TIME night 4-0 and Longwood Saturday afternoon 3-0 to win the first Steve Nelson Memorial Tournament. The Lions registered two shutouts while outshooting their opponents 59-26. Longwood used a penalty kick from sophomore midfielder Gus Leal (Rockville, Md.) to nip North Carolina Wesleyan 1-0 Friday night and advance to the finals. The Bishops fell to VCU Saturday morning in the consolation game 5-0 as Said Kamali (Falls Church) tallied twice for the Rams. Trenton State reaped the lion's share of individual honors at the conclusion of the tournament Saturday afternoon. Midfielder Mark Mallon (Gibbsboro, N.J.) won the outstanding player award while teammate Joe Cutri (Jersey City, N.J.) was named outstanding offensive player. Longwood freshman Dan Sawick (Hatboro, Pa.) was chosen as outstanding defender in the Nelson tournament. IAA By PAM UPDIKE The IAA is growing by leaps and bounds. During the year 19781979 there were 830 participants. This number grew to 1,350 during the 1979-1980 school year and the IAA "anticipates even more this year," stated the IAA sponsor, Carolyn Callaway. This growth does not come from the increase in student body size either, it is just increased interest and awareness. The IAA is a service offered to and paid for by the students. It offers such things as sports equipment check-out and open recreation hours. Anything from rugby balls to frisbees may be checked out. All that you need is your ID. The checkout times are from 4-6 p.m., Monday-Thursday, and 2-4, Saturday and Sunday. Equipment may be checked out at the back of Fler gym. If there is some type of equipment that the IAA does not have, you are encouraged to ask for it and, they will try to get it for you . The IAA also offers open recreation for students' use. These are free times in which no games or practices are scheduled. Unfortunately, these hours are not being used by the students. They are being closely watched this year to see just how many students are using the available places. If it is found that they are not being used enough, then the places and times will be taken away from the students. The Open Rec hours and locations are: Her Field, Monday-Friday 3:30-6:00 and Her Gymnasium, Monday-Friday 3:30-6:00. Any other facilities will be posted in Lancer Hall. This year, the IAA is giving Tee Shirts to each member of the winning teams in each sport. At the end of the year a Superstar Competition is held. This consists of 6-8 events culminating in the obstacle course. The Men's Flag Football intramurals have had a large turnout this year. Eleven teams are competing. They are: Pi Kappa Phi, Fomacach, Yoda's Gang, Cox Team I, Cox Team II, Runnin' Rebels, Raiders, Crows, Keggers, Frazerfire and Boinkers. To find out more of what the IAA has in store for this year, why not attend the next meeting of the IAA? They meet every Thursday at 7:00 in the IAA room in Lankfonl. Page 7 Field Hockey - Gets Good Start By CINDY DROPESKI The field hockey team started the season off right by defeating Mary Washington 3-1 last Wednesday. Chris Meyer, a returning sophomore, took a strong drive to put Longwood ahead at halftime. The other scores were from Bette Stanley and Julie Dayton in the second half. Karen Kilmer, a third year player, played an aggressive defensive game. Another key player against Mary Washington was goalie, Teri Davis. Teri stopped the ball on a penalty flick and held her opponents to one goal. Teri is a fourth year player whose experience and skill will be an asset to the team. To continue their winning streak, Longwood's first team beat Lynchburg 3-2 and second team won 1-0. The first score of the game was made by freshman Nancy Johnson on a penalty corner. Chris Meyer again played a good offensive game. She scored when the ball deflected off the goalie's pads. After many consecutive attempts at the goal by her teammates, Julie Dayton drove in the last goal. Ixmgwood Invitational is being held September 19 and 20 on Barlow Field. They are hosting: Volleyball Opens Season From SPORTS INFO Two of Ix)ngwood's fall sports teams will culminate weeks of hard season practice this week. First-year volleyball coach Nanette Fisher and returning coach Phyllis Harriss will soon see how well their perseverence has paid off when their respective teams open this season with tough home matches. Volleyball begins its schedule tomorrow (Tues.) by hosting James Madison and Louisburg. Harriss will be attempting to better last season's fall record of 6-3 when her tennis team opens play on Friday against RandolphMa con. Coach Nanette Fisher, a Longwood graduate, will be beginning her first vear as a collegiate volleyball coach. The 1979-80 team compiled a record of 16-19 overall, and Fisher expects to better this mark even though she has a young squad. Six of last season's team members are returning, and five of them will start in Tuesday's game. Senior Sharon Will (Madison Heights), junior Julie Petefish (Stanley), and sophomores Kathy Gunning (Serern, Md.), Madeline Moose (Silver Spring, Md.), will provide the experience on the starting squad. Also starting for the Lady I^ancers is junior Connie Murray (Appomattox). Freshman starter Duquette (Plattsburg, N.Y.) will also be displaying her skills in the opener. Coach Fisher emphasizes that this starting line-up is only for the first match, it could change from game to game as the other girls develop their talents. Finishing out the volleyball roster are Patti Adams (W. Redding, Ct.), Jeannie Breckenridge (New York, N.Y.), Mimi Dreher (Roanoke), Joyce Pool (Brookneal), and Coreen Samuel (Coral Bay, Vt). The team will also have a match on Thursday in Blacksburg with Liberty Baptist and VPI. THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 16,1980 Furman, Davis and Elkins, Lancers first game is at 10:00 Clemson, Maryland and a.m. September 19. Come out and Appalachian State. The Lady support your Lady Lancers!!! Sports Profile My knowledge of female athletics is as prevalent as a tree surgeon's wine tasting ability for Chateux-de Rotchilds, vintage, say 1926. Regardless of whether 1926 was a good year I was truly impressed not only with the record book statistics of 5'1" Julie Dayton's athletic qualities, but I was mesmerized by her matter-of-fact good looks and charming soft spoken personality. I had to prod and pry for Julie to reveal any personal accomplishments, but opening up old doors and clearing the cob webs from her modesty made my forty-five minute interview a challenge. Julie is a twenty-one year-old senior from laurel, Delaware, where she attended Laurel High School. There she played field hockey, basketball and Softball; lettering in all three sports for four years. At Longwood . Julie has narrowed her varsity abilities to field hockey and lacrosse. Last year Julie lead the hockey team with goals (seven for the season I but struggled to a disappointing 3-12-3 record. This year's team is undefeated after two games and striving to remain in the undefeated column. About this year's team Julie boasted, "We are young but have much potential. Last year our record showed we didn't win too much. The games we lost were close and this year we have a better team to keep a more competitive edge and come out on top." I am certainly sure the quick forward can retain her personal contributions to help mold a number one team. Last year proved a victorious season for Lady Lancer Lacrosse. The team compiled a 75 win-loss record, and received an at-large bid to National competition. Julie lead the team again as an attack wing with 54 goals. She is a member of the 1980 U.S. squad; who plays on the international level, and she is trying out for the 1981 Australian Tour. On the off-season Julie plays softball during the summer, and is equally as interested in her boyfriend's summer league play. Longwood College will lose Julie this year to graduation. She plans to teach her major, Health and Physical Education for a while before returning to school for graduate work in the same field. Longwood will lose Julie, but the world of physical education will be gaining one of the most valuable assets in human spirit; Julie Dayton. Photo by Tom Staley During the past week Longwood beat Lynchburg (8-5) split with VCU (3-5.8-4) and swept two from William & Mary (8-2,11-4). Women's Golf Invitational Held Individual Standings ByBETH WADDELL First — Mary Wilkinsoi The women's golf team hosted its annual Invitational September William and Mary 223 12-14. Seven teams showed to give Second — Tammy Green, Longwood strong competition. Marshall University 225. Tammy Green won second Although the team managed to post their lowest score, they place after defeating Tr finished third with a three day Lienbach of William and Mary and Chris McKelvey of Bowling total of 950. Marshall University placed Green in a three-way sudden first with 914, which was also death play-off. Dr. Smith, coach from their lowest team score. Bowling Green came in second barely Longwood. commented on the defeating Ixmgwood with 945. excellent scores and was very Other team scores were. Penn pleased with her team's perState 958, William and Mary 968, formance. Emily Fletcher, freshJames Madison University 1007, man, now holds the course record in tournament play with a par 73. and UNC-Wilmington 1014. Longwood Standings Robin Andrews Kay Smith Emily Fletcher Janet Kelly Sharon Gilmore Susan Morgan Cheryl DuFort 80, 75, 88, 84, 86, 91, 90. 75, 78, 78, 85, 91, 91, 89, 74 81 73 81 84 82 86 229 234 239 250 261 264 265 Photo by Jody Gilbert Ruggers Fall By T.C.JONES The longwood Rugby Club opened the fall season with a double loss to VCU. The scores were VCU 7 - LC 0, VCU 6 - LC 0. Both games were defensive with little offense. First game inexperience for the new members was a key factor in the losses along with little aggressive play on the part of the veterans. Our next game at U of R should see a different Longwood team. The U.R. game is on Sept. 20. Rugby schedules are available at Cox dorm in the office. The Longwood Rugby Club did manage to win the party after the games with the help of Frank Heimroth. OFFICE SUPPLY 392-5485 115 NORTH MAIN ST FARMVILLE. VA. 23001 . OFFICE SUPPLIES - OFFICE MACHINES - OFFICE FURNITURE PORTABLE TYPEWRITER REPAIR Would You Prefer An INFORMAL SENIOR PORTRAIT? CALL 392-8710 NOW FOR AN APPOINTMENT ROBERT T. FORE PHOTOGRAPHY 119 N. MAIN ST., FARMVILLE THE ROTUNDA Tuesday, September 16,1980 Baynham: A Longwood First i Continued from Page 1) discrimination and prejudice are personal problems in which everyone has some degree of participation. The minor confrontations he has experienced here so far have been of no great consequence to him. Mr. Baynham stated the belief that so long as other people's prejudice do not interfere with his daily functionings and purpose, he has no excessive problems with them. Baynham plans to keep his mind on set goals and attempt to get people working together to achieve those goals. Jumping to conclusions will be avoided at all costs, as will listening to rumors. Mr. Baynham states the feeling that these activities only tend to aggravate present problems. Baynham expresses much enthusiasm concerning his position as facilitator of employee relations and affirmative action programming. He is very optimistic for Longwood and the future. He hopes to become familiar with all the new procedures quickly and begin helping to establish congenial relationships between all levels of employees in the near future. SUN's Concert (Continued from Page 3) Dalton must be something special! How about a sensation of the 1980's? Why not see for yourself? Maybe a few years from now when people are paying $8 or $9 to see Dalton perform, you can think back to the $3.50 concert you saw in Jarman auditorium. It will definitely be a night to remember even for curiosity's sake! Don't miss it! Blues In Full Style (Continued from Page 3) "bottleneck" style of guitar playing after the "Father of Rock and Roll," an elderly black man from Forest, Mississippi, by the name of Crudup. Bill played the blues with Crudup for a short time before going out on his own. Early in his career Bill was a lone performer playing primarily blues and some jazz. The band was actually formed due to Bill's stage fright. When Bill was scheduled to play with B.B. King at the Mosque in Richmond, he quickly organized a backup band so he would not have to perform alone. Since that time the band has expanded to include a lead, rhythm, and bass guitarist, a drummer, a saxist, a combination trumpet and valve trombone player, and of course Bill, singing lead and playing the bottleneck guitar. The highlight of the band's career was their performance last week at "The Cellar Door" in Washington, D.C. The "Cellar Door" is considered by traveling SopP»<t musicians as a stepping stone to the limelight. Bill indicated he was pleased to be included on Longwood's program this year and commended I.B. Dent for his ability to attract well-known groups of musicians. Bill was very impressed with the fact that Longwood is hosting Lacy Dalton this Wednesday night. Following their performance Saturday night the Bill Blue Band prepared for their next stop which will be in Baltimore at a bar called "No Fish Today." TKt LUtceti Q- o» UJ hi «~ B ** >- 1 ' 0 £ -• fall House Of Beauty < © a. X CJ I 100 High St. Formville. 392 4460 Welcomes. Cathy Thorton from Q O BACK ONG WOO GOT Y 11 CO VERE WITH VI'S Page 8 Altovisto Vo Specializing in the latest precision cuts for blow and go Shed like to build her clien tele., find out how to get a free haircut TAKE ARMY ROTC IN COLLEGE AND SERVE PART-TIME WITH THE ARMY RESERVE OR ARMY NATIONAL GUARD. Si 3? 22- - 0 2 ui E»2 0^2: 0 11 U» eg =s! *Z i = l i <| x - «•> s W "1 M \J z » — z: m m m ■■ til ^ —* < 0 UJ 55 1** ^ u »- »** u u s ri > — 3 * < B0 * M *" < M 2<* £M *** 2 0 3 t/» Now when you take Army ROTC, you can choose to serve on part-time duty with your nearest Army Reserve or Army National Guard unit after you become .1 commissioned officer You 11 enjoy many ol the same benefits and privileges ill-time officer does. And you 11 earn a good extra income oi over $1 1 r serving just l6hoursa month (usu; weekend 1 and two weeks a year Bur. best of all, you can start using your Army ROTC leadership and management training right away in civilian lite Training thai . you build ,1 rewarding career in your chosen fit Serving on part-time duty after receiving your commission isonlyoneofi nefitsol ongArmyRC I here are l< its 1 >1 others. too hike financial assistance I 'ptu$1.000a year for your last two years of RO I So enroll in Army ROTC' rod,iv And take advantage of an option that lets you serve on part-time duty after you become ,1 commissioned officer For more information, write Anm ROTC, Box 7< Larchmont, New York 105 W. FIVEIN-ONE... and that one is a BULOVA ACCUTRON QUARTZ WRIST ALARM 1. Its A traditional watch 2. Its a digital watch. 3. Its a rwo-time zone watch. 4. It's a calendar watch 5. It's an alarm watch ARMYROTQ LEARN WHAT IT TAKES TO LEAD. Moreover, it's a handsome dress watch with Accutron Quartz accuracy and dependability. Outstanding in stainless steel Matching link band and silver dial. $150 00 Come see and hear. FOR MORE INFORMATION: CALL CPT. ROGER McNENRY Martin CPT. TOM STANFORD THE JEWELER SFC. TIMOTHY JORDAN AT 392-9259 OR 392-9348 2 FARMVILLE, VA v ITS BULOVA WATCH TIME /
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