Gendy Jaramillo


Gendy Jaramillo
Elementary School
June 2015
Published by Longwood PTA
Longwood Elementary
30W240 Bruce Lane
Naperville, IL 60563
(630) 428-6789
Laura Devine Johnston, Principal
Gendy Jaramillo, PTA President
Kim Lindquist, PTA
Sara Leys, PTA 2nd VP
Missy Schoo, PTA 3rd VP
Kathi Wieringa, PTA Secretary
Charmagne Kaushal, PTA Treasurer
Message from the PTA President
I can’t believe that we have reached the end of another school year! As a
PTA, school, and community we have accomplished so much and have plenty
to be proud of. Not only were we able to again have successful curriculum
parties, a fun filled “Red Ribbon Week”, a “Spooky” fall festival, a “Muppet”
filled movie night, and a “wet” Field day, just to name a few, but we also
transformed the Teacher’s Lounge and had an incredibly successful 5K!
With the success of our 5k we were able to provide Longwood with a new
climbing wall, ukuleles and other instruments for the music department, new
PE and recess equipment, new furniture for the LMC, and a new table for the
None of these things could be accomplished without the help of our
Ndedicated volunteers. Thank you to everyone who gave their time and
energy this year. Longwood is a fabulous school and I am honored to partner
with all of you to make a difference in the lives of our children.
“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” Helen Keller
Gendy Jaramillo
PTA President 2014-2015
It’s not too late to turn in your Box Tops and Labels for
Education!! These programs are invaluable to the school as the money
received from Box Tops and the merchandise from Labels for
Education are used to provide Longwood with incentives for the
PBIS program as well as other needs for the school. Clip your Labels
and Box Tops today and drop them in the boxes outside the front office.
Do you have a Target Red Card? Be sure to go online and designate
Longwood as your school of choice and 1% from your purchase will go
back to the school.
Thanks for supporting Longwood
through these programs!!!
Teacher Appreciation Week
From May 4-May 8, we celebrated our wonderful staff at Longwood! This year the PTA partnered with the
school to do a Surprise Makeover of the staff lounge. The Amazing transformation took place over the weekend of
May 2nd so that as the teachers came to school on Monday morning for a Staff Appreciation Breakfast, they were
completely surprised by the newly decorated staff lounge. Thank you to all of the families that donated time,
money, and food to make this a truly fabulous gift for the staff!! Here are the highlights of the week!
The Before Pictures of the Staff Lounge
And the Final Transformation!
The Big Reveal...
….and Staff Breakfast
A Huge Thank You to Laura Johnston and Tracey Ratner for their creative ideas
for transforming the tables into dry erase boards and all the decorative touches
that make the lounge feel warm and inviting!
Each morning of Teacher Appreciation Week, the staff arrived to find a yellow box on the table.
The box was lifted up to reveal another item for the lounge. Because of the generosity of
Longwood families, the PTA was able to purchase new dishes, silverware, serving dishes, cookie
sheets, towels, Tupperware, a Brita Water Filter Pitcher, and a new Coffee Bar. Thank you to
everyone who made this week a successful one!! Our Longwood Staff felt loved and appreciated!!
Annual 5K was held this year at Danada Forest Preserve on April 25th.
Despite the rain and cold weather, 320 people crossed the finish line, 9 people registered the day of the
event, and more than 40 volunteers came out to help. DJ, Charles Mayton, was there to provide music
throughout the morning, and the 100 meter dash was super exciting for the kids. The Silent Auction was a
huge success raising additional money for the school. The food tent provided shelter from the rain as well as
plenty of food for the runners after the event including soup, frozen yogurt, coffee, bagels, fruit, and chicken
sandwiches. We were very fortunate to have many sponsors this year including Elite Tutoring Place, Ace
Graphics, TCBY, Cermak, Fire it Up Taco Fusion Grill, Lion’s Club, Zoup, Dr. Dave Small Smiles LLC, Frankie
and Johnnie’s Garage, GNC-Eola Rd, Eagle Academy of Martial Arts, Golden Tiger Wellness, Power Bar, Thrivent
Financial, Precision Health Care Center, Melissa Gilbert-Mary Kay, Cassano Realty, Toyota of Naperville, Valley
Honda, Dean De Angelis-Allstate, Cozzi Corner Hot Dogs, Indian Harvest, Chelsea’s Massage Therapy,
Starbucks, and Chick-fil-a. Many of the sponsors were there under the Sponsor tent giving out coupons and
samples. A huge thank you to River Glen Presbyterian Church who partnered again with Longwood this year
to help plan the event as well as provide financial support and volunteers for the run/walk. It was an
unforgettable day!! Get ready for Longwood 5K 2016!!
Thank You Volunteers
1st Grade Curriculum Party - Going Buggy
The new Traverse wall is up in the gym and the kids
are having a great time climbing on it!! A huge thank
you goes out to everyone who helped the PTA with its
fundraisers, both large and small, that helped to pay
for this fantastic new addition to our P.E. curriculum!
Thank you to the 1st grade coordinators, Angela Gifford, Janet
Kirkman, and Agnes Lakomy for organizing the party, and thank
you to all the volunteers who helped make this a special afternoon
for the kids…Ofelia Renaud, Simona Milvydiene. Shawna
Akalaonu, Jennifer Edwards, Gauri Basu, Irma Galicia
Galvan, Alison Bice, Cheryl Kam, Zuzana Hromadka, Susan
Sturgeon, Melissa Poces, Melissa Frances, and Yoon Lee.
2nd Grade Curriculum Party - Earth Day
The PTA would also like to thank the family of Chris Davolos,
who generously helped to fund this project in Chris' memory!
Chris was instrumental in helping to organize the first 5K as
well as a dedicated member of the D.O.G.S. program at
Thank you to the 2nd grade classroom coordinators, Trudie Ranson
and June Thomson for organizing the party, and to all the families
that donated items and time to make this afternoon enjoyable for
the kids…Christina Cruz, Laura Edge, Melissa Francis, Sarah
Johnson, Nancy Juarez, Oswald Juarez, Jurgite Kamaraukaite,
Malgorzata Kulikoliski, Shena Lawrence, Sara Leys, Kimberly
Lindquist, Aniela Rodes, Bianca Stafford, Poonam Trivedi, Megan
Tsang, Adrienne Underwood, and Ana Veraza. A special thank you
to the Conservation Foundation for loaning pelts and skulls for the
kids to touch and feel.
3rd Grade Curriculum Party – Bones and Muscles
Thank you to the 3rd grade classroom coordinators, Val Bailey,
Peg Cross, and Leticia Quintana for organizing the party, and
thanks to all the parents and families who came out to
Thursday, June
help…Michelle Powers, Alison Bice, Judith Manriquez, Janet
Kirkman, Katie Noe, Bonnie Bowland, and Estefany Tapia.
Thursday was a great day for Field Day!
The weather was beautiful and everyone
had a fun filled day. The students
4th Grade Curriculum Party- Hawaii
Thank you to the 4th grade classroom coordinators Gendy
Jaramillo and Missy Schoo for organizing the party, and a special
participated in games throughout the day
thank you to all the families and volunteers who came out to help
including tug-of-war, sack races, and the
make this day a memorable one for the kids.
ever favorite Duck, Duck, Wet. Staff,
students, and parents were able to have a
5th Grade Curriculum Party – Weather
picnic lunch together outside. A HUGE
Thank you to the 5th grade classroom coordinators, Trudie Ranson
thank you to the MANY parents and
and Katherine Hastings, for organizing the party and to all the
volunteers who came to help on Thursday
families who came out to help make this party successful…Julie
and made this a truly memorable day for
Truss, Edgar Garza, Sangeta Basavaraju, Julie Bastianoni, Jurgita
our children.
Kamarauskaite, Sara Leys, and Melissa Poces.
5th Grade Event – Rush Copley
A huge thank you to Katherine Hastings, Linda Young, and Trudie
“Longwood Elementary PTA”
Ranson for coordinating this fantastic day for the 5th graders!