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Rotunda - Vol 85, No 8 - Nov 3, 2005
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Waiting for a real Supreme Court judge since 1920
Volume 84, Number 8
Ad Campaign Creates Negative Atmospkere lor Election
Kyle Castillo
Navs iidilor
Letter To Trie Editor:
Women s Abuse of
tke Word' Bisexual
Opinion, Page 2
Activist &
Etiquette of trie
College Hook-Up
Opinion, Page 3
Halloween, Page 6
Roy Clark Returning
to Longwood For
Benefit Concert
soon as the debate was finished
his next two ads were both negative."
Based on the television ads
available on both candidates' websites, the percentage of negative
ads produced by Kaine was 42
percent compared to 50 percent
by Kilgore.
Longwood associate professor
With less than a week until the
November 8 election, the tooclose-to-call race for Virginia's
Republican Jerry Kilgore and
Democrat Tim Kaine fighting for
Looking to discredit their
opponent, both
candidates have
waged' a television
ad war that stops
just short of playground name calling.
In the only televised
between the two candidates, of polincal science David Calihan
when both were asked to pledge said, "Conventional wisdom is
that at least 50 percent of their that negative campaigns do work.
remaining ads be non-negative, People say that they don't like
Kaine agreed, while Kilgore them, but the negativity does help
to attract the viewers. They help
abstained from commitment.
Tucker Martin, a spokesperson to shake the voter's attention
for Jerry Kilgore, stated, "Tim toward the other candidate."
One of Kilgore's more inflamKaine is rhetoric over record; as
Dr. Jordan s Gkost
Features Page 13
2- Op/Ed
4 - News
6- Holloween
8- Calendar
10- Campaign
11- Features
12 -Features
13 -Features
14 - Sports
15 - Sports
matory ads featured an elderly attorney general, helped the comman condemning Kaine, a former pany, (King Pharmaceuticals)
avoid any federal
assisted in the feddefense lawyer, for helping to eral SBC investigation.
appeal the case for his son's murAccording to a poll conducted
by Mason-Dixon Polling &
He states that Kaine would not Research Inc. the "Hitler" ad
support the death penalty even seems to have backfired, harming
for Hitler.
Kilgore's campaign more than
Kaine has not risen above the Kaine's.
fray either. In one ad, he claimed
According to the poll, 25 perthat "Jerry Kilgore has a political cent of respondents claimed that
sugar daddy. Jerry Kilgore took the ad would make them less like600,000 dollars from the owners ly to vote for Kilgore while only
of a drug company under federal 10 percent claimed that it helped
investigation for Medicaid fraud. to gain their vote.
Instead of protecting Virginia
Kaine's press secretary Delacy
tax payers from being cheated, Skinner said, "Nearly every newsJerry Kilgore protected his politi- paper in Virginia says Kilgore's
cal sugar daddy."
smear campaign has gone beyond
The ad, using ominous back- all standards of decency."
ground music and a condemning
tone in the announcer's voice,
implied that Kilgore, in his role of
Departmental, Orgaizational E-mails Undergoing a New Change
Leslie Smith
Design Editor
Features, Page 9
November 3, 2005
Longwood's engineering team is
in the process of applying its
newest, securest e-mail feature
for on-campus organizations and
Organizational and departmental e-mails are classified as
local ID systems - they have their
own e-mail space, and have individual user names and permanent
passwords. The new system
entails changing these to shared
folder accounts. A student, or
faculty memeber, will soon be
able to access both their own email account, and that of their
organization, all with their own
username and password.
The makeover started with
faculty and staff in February
Services' (ITTS) engineering
team, headed up by 2004 alumnus Christopher Glaze, is in
charge of switching organizations and offices over to the new
So far, only seven or eight
offices have been modified,
including Admissions, Alumni
Office, and Financial Aid.
Security is one of the main reasons for the change. Kim Rcdford
at User Support Services talked
about how this will allow groups
.to maintain who sees their webmail, and it will, "[put] the
accountability back on the department, which is where it belongs."
People who leave the group or
office will find themselves unable
to see their old organization's
webmail. Redford said about the
old system, "The group accounts
are one, not in compliance with
the security policy, and two, not in
compliance with the ninety-day
password policy."
The new system will run by the
same rules that normal students
and faculty have to obey.
This will be a little complicated
at first, as students must submit a
list of names and e-mail addresses
of their executive staff, and anyone else that should have access to
their webmail. This list needs to
be updated at the beginning of
every semester, and maybe during
the middle, depending on who
leaves or joins the staff. If advisors change, they will need to be
updated on how to keep the list
maintained, and new staff members will need to be shown how to
work in the new system.
The form can be found at:
t_form.htm, but Redford said,
"Until the group is contacted,
they don't need to fill out anything yet...The engineers will walk
them through the process."
After submitting the e-mail list,
the people who have been granted access will be able to access the
organization's folder through
their own e-mail account, through
the "Folder" function, found on
the left-hand sidebar.
There are even two parts to the
access: "read and writing" access,
and "write" access. "Read and
writing" will allow the person to
read, respond, and delete e-mails.
"Write" access would allow read-
ing and deleting access only. This
will further allow organizations
and departments to keep watch
over their webmail and who can
do what within it. Redford
stressed that there will be some
"administrative red tape for all of
us," and that because the new system will affect every department
on campus, the student organizations should be patient.
"When we upgraded the student webmail about a month ago,
we gained the capability to do
theirs," Glaze said. At the
moment, the ITTS engineering
team is mainly working with the
Student Goverment Association's
(SGA) multiple accounts.
"Once we finish up with SGA,
we'll start contacting the rest,
which may be later this month, or
December," Glaze said.
Glaze asks that organizations
pull together names and email
addresses of people on their staff
that would be qualified to access
their webmail, in order to help
them ease their way into the new
November 3, 2005
Words From The Editor: Let s Have Christ for President'
What would murdered because he was
America be defying the social norms of
like if Christ his time.
Jesus stormed into the
President? temple and turned over the
real tables of the money changimage
of ers because they were letting
Jesus Christ this rule their lives. He tried
has become so lost in our to teach people that the love
societal views of Christianity of money is the root of all
that many people do not focus evil and will only lead to
on what Jesus really did or more problems. When the
how he acted.
church was first being built
Everyone knows he was they depended on each other
crucified and spent the end of and equally shared" their
his life healing the sick and wealth, rather than treating
reprimanding the rich, but his it as a contest to see who is
motivations are rarely dis- better.
cussed. Jesus was rebellious
There is a song by Woodie
for his time—very rebellious. Guthrie, "Let's have Christ
So rebellious that he was for President", and I would
hunted down and nailed to a like to share some of the
lyrics: "The only way we can
Even if you do not believe ever beat these crooked
in Christianity there are his- politician men is to run the
torical records that Jesus, the money changers out of the
person, did exist and was temple and put the carpenter
The Re>tunda
Box 2901
Longwood University
Farmville, VA 23909
Assistant Editor-in-Chief
News Editor
Opinion Editor
Arts/Entertainment Editor
Sports Editor
Copy Editor
Co-Design Editor
Co-Design Editor
Faculty Advisor
Staff Editor
PR Managers
Phone: 434-395-2120
Fax: 434-395-2237
Janet Jones
Kyle Martin
Kyle Castillo
Caitlin Dineen
Bffie Woodruff
Kyle Martin
Naomi Pearson
Courtney Stewardson
Leslie Smith
Ellie Woodruff
Chad Harriss
Ashley Parsons
Courtney Boger
Jackie Smith
The Rotunda, the student newspaper at Ix>ngwood University, is published weekly during the academic j ear (except holidays and exam
periods) and is printed in the offices of the Farmville Herald, Farmville,
All articles, advertisements, letters to the editor, and pictures must
be received by nine p.m. the Monday prior to the next Thursday's publication. All letters to the editor must be typed and include name and
telephone number. Any person wishing to have his/her name not
appear on the published letter must request so in writing. All letters arc
subject to editing.
The Rotunda is an equal opportunity volunteer organization and is
looking for people who are interested in writing, editing or layout. We
currendy have positions available and ask anyone who is interested to
come to our meetings, on Mondays at 9:15 PM.
in...every year we waste
enough to feed the ones who
starve, we build our civilization
up and we shoot it down with
I am not going to assign
Jesus to a political preference,
but I am fairly certain it would
not have been based on capitalism. This selfish concept of
always trying to push someone
down to get to the top has
taken over this country without
many people acknowledging
what they are doing. This
makes me wonder how our
country was founded on
Christian and Capitalistic
I have often heard George
Bush justify himself with
Christianity when arguing his
views on homosexuality, abortion and war. He has been
deemed one of the most religious presidents in American
history, but strikingly does not
really act like a Christian.
Bush is running this capitalistic nation, which teaches
its citizens from the time they
are children that their worth is
dependant upon their wealth.
He seems to continually use
religion whenever it is convenient for him. If it works in his
favor then it is applied to the
law, but if not it is disregarded and ignored.
When ABC asked Bush if
there were any religious
motives for going to war he
replied, "I don't think this is a
religious war. I think this is a
war between evil people that
are willing to kill on a mass
I believe I remember reading something in the Bible
that said "Thou shall not kill."
This commandment does not
have parenthesis after it with
the exceptions to this rule, or
give any circumstances in
which it is acceptable.
If we had a more peaceful
leader, say someone like
Christ, there would be solutions offered other than war,
poverty and the death penalty.
I think he would rather us
sacrifice our riches to help
others, than sacrificing lives
for a cause that changes every
few months.
I hope the next president
that violates the separation of
church and state will do
something positive for their
4*&Janet Jones
Letter to the Editor:
Women s Abuse of tke Word* Biisexuai
Dear Editor,
I'd like to address an issue that's
been bugging me for a while. This
would be the women's utter abuse
of the term "bisexual."
Bisexual is supposed to define a
person's sexuality - a male or
female who is sexually attracted to
both genders.
I am a bisexual, because I find
myself attracted to both girls and
boys. I've had girlfriends and
boyfriends, and have never had a
problem admitting that both girls
and boys are attractive, stimulating,
So, what's my claim about
Girls who decided they were
bisexual, but only for that month
last year, when they were going
through a "phase." When asked if
they're bisexual, they usually reply,
"Oh, I tried that once," as if it were
a new ice cream flavor, or chapstick.
Or girls who are "bisexual while
drunk," or "bisexual while high."
These are the type who generally
don't call themselves bisexual, and
don't pursue bisexual situations,
unless under a substance. When
asked if they're bisexual, they usually reply somewhere along the
lines of, "Catch me at that party out with other girls.
next week, and we'll see."
We are NOT girls who make
Or the people who are "bisexu- out with other girls in order to
al when my boyfriend wants to turn on our boyfriends.
watch me make out with another
And boys? When your girlgirl." These are the type who'd do friend tells you she likes girls too,
anything to get their guy horny, do NOT tell her that's a good
and when asked if they're bisexu- thing, and that it's "not cheating"
al, they usually say, "No! But if Jeff when she messes around with
asks, well...I'm not going to turn another girl. If a girl enters the
him down."
picture that she likes more than
You girls can shove it.
you, she WILL leave you for her.
Society's growing accustomed
We are the few who don't care
to girl-on-girl action, or girls gush- about gender lines. We don't care
ing about how much they "appre- what's between your legs or on
ciate" the beauty of other girls.
your chest. We see past gender,
It's getting more and more easy and to your looks, personality,
to see pictures of female stars etc.
kissing each other in public, for
What's a solution, might you
movies to show girls in bisexual ask, now that my rani's over?
situations, etc.
Use different terms, you girls
Girls who are truely bisexuals who aren't "true" bisexuals.
are put into a situation where no
Heteroflexible - this word indione really understands them any- cates that you associate yourself
more. They don't understand that as a hetero/homosexual, but
girls who truly identify themselves there are times that you find
as bisexual are suffering.
yourself on the other side of the
I hope I'm not misrepresenting coin.
my female bisexual peers by saying
Or maybe you could just come
that we need better role models!
out and call yourself bisexual.
We are NOT girls who just But you didn't really mean to
want to get laid at every turn, by make out with Jane at the last
anyone, female or male.
party, did you?
We are NOT girls who get
- Leslie Smith
drunk in order to justify making
November 3,2005
Props and Drops
The Rotunda would like to encourage anyone and everyone to
submit props and drops to
The/"ActU/Ctt" Lyyour outletfor bcUAU^yyciali^u^u^a^^tiU^^ythotiudc'. Thiyfryour
your chances to do- iomethirig- about yotietal e>»CUr, imtead/ ofjutt whining- about the*n. So
ipeab up and/ act up. "oecuuw, if you're not mad', you're not paying attention. Email
ActiMiat idea* to- rotunda@lonqwood/.edu.
+ To warmer weather
+ To people who vote
+ To an entire semester of classes with no exams
+ To the forecast of a snowy winter, and cancellation
Kyle Castillo
News Editor
Marijuana just made a majot step
toward legalization Tuesday. Denver
voters voted 54 to 46 percent in
favor of proposition 1-100, which
legalized the possession of up to
one ounce of marijuana.
Marijuana was condemned in the
1920s for supposedly turning docile
teenagers into crazed murderers. In
the 1960s, the hippie movement
brought marijuana back into the
public eye as the symbol of cultural
The former hippies that bucked
their parents' ideals, as adults chose
to reinforce them. This has resulted
in the incarceration of 700,000 people in the last year alone on pot
In 1996, California voters passed
a referendum allowing those with
certain illnesses to possess and
smoke marijuana. The federal government intervened and halted even
the medical consumption of pot.
The people of the mile-high city
also chose to legalize their right
even more, but law officials stated
that they will continue to enforce
the Colorado state law classifying
marijuana as illegal. defines a democracy as, "a form of government
under which the power to alter the
laws and structures of government
lies, ultimately, with the citizenry.
Under such a system, legislative
decisions are made by the people
themselves or by representatives
who act through the consent of the
people, as enforced by elections and
the rule of law."
When the elected officials sworn
to uphold the wishes of the majority population fail to do so, the
foundation of our democracy
begins to crumble.
One of the arguments against
the legalization of marijuana is that
it would be an unwise decision
because of the potential health
risks. But there is insufficient
research to back up this claim.
Without the necessary research,
any argument for or against ganja's
According to an article in the
Denver Post, Attorney General
John Suthers stated, "I understand
the debate about legalization and
whether our drug laws are constructive. But I wish we would have
a full-out debate instead of these
peripheral issues that accomplish
just about nothing."
Unfortunately, the appeal for
this subject to be discussed in the
public forum appears to fall on
deaf ears in our federal government. Its inability to allow the people of our country to gain access to
the information necessary for an
educated debate hinders our ability
to understand how a plant alters
our country socially, economically
and physically.
of classes
+ To that girl selling rocks outside of Grainger on
+ To after-holloween sales on candy
+ To all students that went to class in costumes on
+ To the Jazz Band being Awesome!
+ To Mulligan's Halloween Party
+ To take-out Macado's food
+ To lowering gas prices
- To the nights still being frigid cold
- To heaters that don't turn off
- To early morning heartburn from last night's pizza
- To the cold bug floating around Grainger
- To the Whooping Cough
- To bills that take all your money
Pat s Corner: Tke Etiquette of tke College Hook-up
Patrick Gorham
SUdJ Writer
This topic that I am about to
discuss is fairly controversial.
Please, do not under any circumstance take offense, or
think this reflects the entire
campus or even a small minority of students. I just thought
it would be funny to put in a
respected weekly magazine.
The college hookup.
Oh Jesus, my mum would
kill me if she read this. Yet, I
feel it is something that needs
to be discussed. College is
often the first time the longings for sexual attractions can
be finally tested (Please, for
Pete's sake, do not start humming the opening riff of
It might occur at any time.
Say you are a freshman d-hall
worker, and the fry girl and you
- the grilled-cheese maker - are
flirting during your shift. Now
you are thinking, "If I could
just lure her back to my place,
I might win my first kiss."
You've heard from your more
experienced roommate that
the key phrase is to ask her
back to your place to "watch a
This line is pure college
gold - the 24 karat kind that is
softer than most metals - pure
gold. But it just depends on
your delivery and the type of
person you are trying to woo.
My favorite is "Hey, (insert
name), wanna check out my
phonograph records? We
could arrange them by year,
instead of alphabetically, like
in 'High Fidelity'."
The next step is the music
choice. Once the person of
sexual interest is in your
dwelling, music can make or
break what ever you attempt
to accomplish. My suggestion
from my great-grandfather is
classy music. You don't want
anything sexually charged like
2 Live Crew, nor do you want
something that screams, "I
am in dire need of a relationship and I want to marry
you," so scrap the notion to
pop in Mary Carpenter. Also
for the sake of population
control, do not under any circumstances play baby making music, so save your Barry
White A-tracks for your honeymoon.
Like my greatgrandfather said, play something classy like Tony
Bennett, Willie Nelson (if
she is a country girl, I know
who you are girl), or Chaim
Witz, aka Gene Simmons.
No one likes bad breath. I
mean, if I wanted to suck on
some face with rancid breath,
I know quite a few armadillos
that would gladly do it with
yours truly. But I don't, and
I know you don't. My suggestion is, always have a pack
of gum or bottle of Listerine
or that pair of Chiclets you
bought off that Mexican kid
on your last trip to Tijuana, in
your pocket. Please, do not be
up front and say, "Yo, (insert
name here), your breath is like
an armadillo" - that would just
bring drama and no one likes
drama. Be slick. Say, "Oh
jeez, I just ate something from
Crapadoos and my breath is
like an armadillo (pop the
gum or Chiclet, or swish in
your mouth at least 30 seconds), want one as well?"
The worst part of the college hook-up is the cover
whore or gigolo. .No one likes
them. Even Gandhi would
have gotten violent on them if
he knew what they were. We
have all encountered them
some point in our lives. They
suck; they royally do. My
mentor Jonathan Mann came
up with a great scheme to get
rid of this plague and I will
gladly pass it on to you. First,
let the cover whore/manwhore fall asleep. Next, let
them take the covers. Then,
gently get up, so as not to|
rouse them from their slumber. The key is to store another blanket underneath or near
your bed. I suggest your finer
linens. If they are so greedy
to take your sheets, then they
do not deserve the fine china.
Lastly, is the sometimes
awkward next day. Just play
cool and collected. Do not
have the engagement ring out
or make an extravagant breakfast. Just ask them how they
take their coffee or tea and
check up on the morning
sports scores.
A brief side note: no means
No! And yes means more.
Please be safe. I am tired of
getting emails from the school
saying there has been another
sexual assault case. It just
gives us guys an even worse
name. Also, if you are going
to have consensual sex, use
Campaign for Governor 2005
Tim Kaine- Democrat
HIGHER EDUCATION: Would like to provide a 1 million dollar private fund in order
to award students that take employment as a doctor, nurse, teacher or police of6cer in
designated under served areas. Would look to build a new Southside college. Would look
to increase higher education funding by 310 million annually.
TAXES: Supports a homeowner tax relief program and opposes raising the gas tax. Will
seek to provide a tax credit for small business's that provide health insurance for their
K-12 EDUCATION: Would like to make the pay of Virginia teachers equal that of the
national average. Would also like to improve the quality of teachers by maintaining a
more rigid evaluation process and allowing them to pursue an extended education.
Wants to increase state funding for supplies as well as decrease class sizes. Wants to make
Pre K funding available for all 4 year olds.
N ovember 3, 2005
Jerry Kilgore- Republican
HIGHER EDUCATION: Would seek to increase state grants for students attending
Virginia's private colleges. He would look to provide scholarships to 100 students who
promise to work in Virginia after they receive their degree. Would look to build a new
Southside college. Would look to increase higher education funding by 310 million
TAXES: Supports a homeowner tax relief program and opposes raising the gas tax.
Supports a constitutional amendment that would mandate a statewide referendum
before the General Assembly can raise sales, gas or income taxes.
K-12 EDUCATION: Would like to make the pay of Virginia teachers equal that of the
national average. Would also like to improve the quality of teachers by maintaining a
more rigid evaluation process and allowing them to pursue an extended education.
Wants to increase state funding for supplies as well as decrease class sizes. Wants to
make Pre K funding available for all 4 year olds.
GUN CONTROL: States that he will not seek to add any new gun laws. Is in favor of
upholding the one-gun-a-month law as well as the continued enforcement of Project
GUN CONTROL: Wants to review the current law that allows only one gun purchase
a month per citizen.
TRANSPORTATION: Supports the implementation of a constitutional amendment
that would halt the misuse of transportation trust fund money. Wants to reform transportation process in order to connect transportation and land-use decisions at the state,
local, and regional levels
TRANSPORTATION: Wants to dedicate general fund money to fund transportation
projects. He wants to renew Virginia's commitment to Public-Private Partnerships as a
means to build new roads faster and more economically. He plans to prioritize the use
of technology and development of the Virginia Intelligent Transportation System.
DEATH PENALTY: Is opposed to the death penalty because of his religious beliefs.
Has campaigned against it but states that he will enforce its usage because it is his job
to enforce the law as governor.
\DEATH PENALTY: Supports the Death penalty and wants to expand its domain to
Jow for it's use in murder convictions that have defendants whom committed murder
during gang activity or murdered a crime witnesses.
ABORTION: Is against abortion because of his religous beliefs but will curb any
attempt to ban abortion in Virginia. He will look to reduce the number of abortions by
passing an enforceable ban on partial birth abortion as well as promoting abstinance
programs for youth.
ABORTION: Website states that he supports banning late-term partial birth abortions
and supports Virginia's parental notification and consent laws. During the debate he
abstained from commenting whether or not he would support or oppose a ban on
abortion in Virginia if the U.S. Supreme Court were to overturn Roe v. Wade.
ATMOSPHERE cont'd p.l
Russ Potts-Independent
HIGHER EDUCATION: Supports an investment into the community college system. Would also seek to
help provide funds for trade schools. Would look to build a new Southside college. Would look to increase
higher education funding by 310 million annually.
TAXES: Does not support a homeowner tax relief program. He supports a "Gas-Guzzler" tax that penalizes the drivers of vehicles that get less than 15 miles per gallon. Also supports a gas tax increase of 1 cent
per gallon as well as a property tax for car and truck ownership.
K-12 EDUCATION: Is opposed to the "No Child Left Behind Act," saying it costs Virginia 60 million
dollars a year. 'Opposes merit based pay that would have teachers working with at-risk children in economically deprived, low performing schools, competing with teachers in affluent, high performing schools.
GUN CONTROL: Is in favor of upholding the one-gun-a-month law.
TRANSPORTATION: Is against a constitutional amendment, he instead believes that higher taxes on
sales, tobacco and tolls will allow for the necessary funding to be made available sooner. He is the only candidate that has stated on the record that an increase in taxes is necassary to provide adequate funding for
transportation projects.
DEATH PENALTY: Is in favor of the current death penalty law.
ABORTION: Is against any attempt to ban abortion in Virginia.
Now his numbers are starting
to pale because of it. Virginians
want somebody with a positive
vision for the state."
Martin refutes the "negative
ad" label. "I wouldn't call our ads
negative, I'd call them contrast
ads that are relevant to the campaign. We are not responsible for
Tim Kaine's record; he's responsible for himself. No one forced
Tim Kaine to support the death
While most political campaigns
have their fair share of mud slinging, the rapid-fire ad war of this
campaign seems to have taken on
an exceptionally negative connotation. Calihan does not agree.
"I don't think this campaign is
more negative than usual. The
more things change, the more
they stay the same. [However] the
continued focus on the death
penalty is unusual," Calihan said.
Recent polk indicate that the
most pertinent issues for
Virginians are transportation, education and the economy. Calihan
claims that the reason for the continued focus on the death penalty
is because, "Kilgore is trying
solidify' his base."
Hoping to show qualification
by association, both candidates
have shifted the focus of their
campaigns to emphasize their
individual merits in recent weeks,
wrangling two of Virginia's political heavyweights into the ad war.
Kilgore's newest ad features
Senator George Allen boasting of
Jerry Kilgore's impeccable "character," while Kaine released an ad
that shows popular incumbent
Governor Mark Warner reminding voters that Tim Kaine has
been at his side throughout his
tenure in office.
There's only five days left until
Virginia elects the man that will
lead them for the next four years.
While it is unclear which candidate will gain that honor, voters
hope that he will do a better job
than his opponent expects him to.
Walk to coffee shops.
Walk to restaurants.
Walk to work.
Walk to class.
(And never search for a parking space again.)
Seventy renovated and distinctive
apartments for lease within the
heart of downtown Farmville. Visit
our website for pictures, pricing,
floor plans, and appointments.
123 W. Third Street
Farmville, VA 23901
November 3, 2005
Above: Kristina Johnson, Janet Jones, Ashley Diehl
Above: Carol Hughes
The Senior Class would like to
thank everyone who came out
to support them Monday
night at Mulligans, and congratulate all
costume and prize winners.
Thevj appreciate uour enthusiasm!
Above: Liah Williams
and Kristen Caslenuovo
Btlow: Brad Pruetl and Ben Btaudreau
- The Senior Class
Ml Photos courtesy oj Kristen
Caslenuovo, Lauren Gici and
April Mislan
Exec. Board
Below: Mike Walters and
Heather Bean
Above: Lauren Glcz and Craig Smith
Above: Justin
Below: Caitlin Flannagan
Lexi Terrece
Ross Ridenour and Kristen Caslenuovo
Below: Lauren Reed
Arts (^Entertainment
November 3, 2005
Comic Book Review: Watchmen Weekly Horoscopes
Alex Siorz
Staff Writer
How can storytelling once considered childish, rise in prestige to
the level of a mixture of art and
literature? How can something
"just-for-kids" become a respected form of creativity? There isn't
a clear answer to these questions,
but perhaps "Watchmen" is a
good example of why the hell
people still read comic books.
According to "Watchmen," in
1985, Richard Nixon is still president, the United States came out
of Vietnam victorious, Russia
looms its head towards America,
and superheroes are outlawed,,
from public service.
One lonely night, Edward
Blake is found murdered on the
broken concrete outside his
apartment building. In older
days, Edward Blake went by
another name - The Comedian.
Rorschach, a psychotic vigilante with an iron fist, is trying to
put the pieces together of The
Comedian's death as more and
more superheroes are being
manipulated by an unknown
Sojtcorer, Full Color, 6.7? « 10 in.,
app. 416 pages, and Recommended
for Mature readers only.
As his investigation continues, he is joined by the god-like
Manhattan, the reclusive and
awkward Nite Owl, the frustrated and unwilling superhero, the
Silk Spectre, and the elitist billionaire, Ozymandias.
What they discover is a mysterious plot that will change
their world forever.
Although now it may not seem
as revolutionary as it was back in
1987, it is still a very different and
thought-provoking story. Alan
Moore, author of "V for Vendetta "
and "From Hell", has created a
world that is very easy to slip into
and follow.
Moore uses philosophical overtones and specific ideas when presenting the characters and the
overall theme of the story - when
can justice or "fighting-for-thegreatcr-good" go too far?
This elevated the comic to a
great degree, forcing the casual
reader to think and decide what is
The artwork of Dave Gibbons
is dated, but very fitting for
The colors are very simple, but
this makes the atmosphere of the
comic convincing and at times,
overly-fantastic; at times, it had the
look of the Superman comics that
were re-introduced in the 1980s.
When it came to the pirate
comic within "Watchmen ",
see COMIC p.9
After seven years of remaining the same price ($3),
the student ticket for the Longwood Theatre productions
will increase slightly.
Beginning with the upcoming production The Comedy of
Errors by William Shakespeare, which will be performed
November 16 through November 20, the student ticket
will be $4.
The increase of the ticket's price is necessary to meet rising operations costs,
especially the increasing costs that the Theatre department has to face when
purchasing material.
flri(2S (March 21-flpnl 19)
You're looking great this week and everyone loves you. Keep up
the good work, hoi stuff!
Taurus wp.ii 20-May aoj
Is thai a new tie? You're turning heads this week with your stylin'
Gemini (May 21-junc21)
No praise is better than false praise and a real compliment wins all!
Sway 'em with sweet words and don't forget the sincerity.
Caneizr oune 22-juiy 22)
You've been a shoulder to cry on and an ear to listen. All that
caring has paid off this week when people notice those small,
sweet things you do.
h&O duly 23-Tlugu*t 22)
You've brightened the world this weekend without even trying!
Keep those good vibes going into the weekend and let that positive
outlook linger.
VirgO (Tlug. 23. 22-Scpl. 21)
Sweetest of the bunch, Virgo, you get your wishes granted above
and beyond your expectations. Enjoy your cake and eat it too.
loibra (Sept.22-Oclober23)
Even handed and wise beyond your years, you let events unfold unhindered, knowing it'll all work out for the best. Hey, you were right!
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 20
Your stinging repartee has softened this week and the effort shows.
They weren't kidding when they said you could catch more flies
with honey.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-vic. 20
Your easy humor and soft touch spell a splendid weekend for you
and someone close to you. Relax and enjoy.
Capricorn (»«-. 22-jan. 19)
Feeling challenged for words? Take some time to breathe and then
try again.
flquariUS ()an. 20-fv:b. 18)
Go sit under a tree and spent time watching the clouds go by.
You've got some good ideas brewing.
piSC2§ (feb. 19-March 20)
Look back on your accomplishments and you'll see a stack of a lot
higher than you guessed. Feel good about what you've done and
know even better things are to come.
We thank you for your support and hope to see you soon.
Come to the Fall
Choir Concert!
Members of the University Choir, the
Camerata Singers, and the Chamber
are giving their fall concert on
Tuesday, November the 8th at 7:30 pm.
It will be held in the Molnar Recital Hall
in Wygal Music Building.
Admission is FREE!
Hope to see you all there!
Pap 8
November 3, 2005
For the Week 01 November 4-10
Friday the 4th
Saturday the 5th
Sunday the 6th
Tuesday the 8th
Theatre: A Stone
Men's Soccer vs.
High Point
6 p.m.
Lancer Field
Men's Soccer vs.
High Point
6" p.m.
Lancer Field
Colkxjuium: Keith
4-s5 p.m.
Ruffner 3.56
Theatre: A Stone
Face Killer
7 and 8 p.m.
Studio Theatre
Free Admission
Theatre: A Stone
Face Killer
7 and 8 p.m.
Studio Theatre
Free Admission
Face Killer
7 and 8 p.m.
Studio Theatre
Free Admission
Senior Voice Recital
7:30 p.m.
Molnar Recital Hall
Food for Thought:
Death of a Friend/
Family Member
Noon - 1 p.m.
Dining Hall Annex
Choral Concert
7:30 p.m.
Molnar Recital Hall
Matting and Framing
6:30 - 9 p.m.
LCVA Lower Level
Admission: $20.00
LP Movie: War of
the Worlds
7:30 p.m.
ABC Rooms
LP: Open Mic Night
10 p.m.
Lancer Cafe
Thursday the
Global Awareness
and Responsibility:
Conversations with
Anhul University
Exchange Students
7-8 p.m.
Student Union
Room A
UA's Fearsome
7:00 p.m.
Student Union's B
and C Rooms
Things I like to see #143: The costumes
we wear the day before Halloween.
The Career Center
will Help you Every
Step Along the
Challenge Job and Internship
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
The Wyndham Roanoke Airport Hotel
Register by
November 7th by 8 a.m.
Find out which employers are attending and learn how to prepare
by visiting
College 101
by flloll Ruedingcr
Itoif HIM? ^Z
tor vw Kww w t of
Ptrt "tTK P*ȣ
JVIKTUN* rr... J~
November 3, 2005
Arts & Entertainment
Roy Clark to perform benefit concerts Dec. 16 at Longwood
COMIC cont'd p.7
Gibbons infused vivid colors with
rough horror imagery to help
transform it into a stronger
metaphor within the story.
The use of fictional documents, ranging from journals to
articles, to accompany each section of the story was a clever idea,
giving a further glimpse as to how
the world had changed, and the
political climate under which the
superheroes were grappling.
Unlike conventional comic
book heroes, the characters are
Country music superstar Roy
Clark and his band will perform
Longwood University on Friday,
Dec. 16.
The concerts are at 3 p.m. and
8 p.m. in Jarman Auditorium. This
is the 13th year that Clark has
done a pair of concerts at
Longwood, proceeds from which
benefit the Department of Music.
Tickets, now on sale at Jarman
Box Office, are $15 for balcony
seats, $20 for side seats and $25
for center seating. The box office
is open from 2 to 4 p.m. Tuesdays,
Wednesdays and Thursdays and
will be open the day of the concerts for last-minute sales.
To charge rickets (MasterCard
and VISA are accepted) or for
more information, call the box
office at (434) 395-2474.
Longwood's flagship choral
ensemble, will perform several
numbers with Clark. CDs and
tapes of "Christmas in Virginia",
which he recorded with the
Camerata in 1997, will be available
rendered in a very realistic and
sympathetic light, dealing with
problems such as loneliness, nostalgia for the past, sexuality, finding a place in the world, and harboring a grudge with life itself.
The greatest example of these
qualities would be Rorschach; his
character was a cross between a
cool-headed detective, a recurring
character-type with Alan Moore,
and a darker, more violent version
of a Batman-type superhero.
Although a very merciless and
bitter man, his reasons for his
actions were so well told, one can-
not help but stand in his corner.
Along with Frank Miller's
"The Dark Knight Returns" or
even Art Spiegelman's cult hit
"Maus", "Watchmen" is an
example of the comic book's
transition from mainstream
entertainment, to a new literary
Because of its finely crafted
characters and themes, it is a
comic that demands to be read,
and read seriously.
Simply put, it was .a memorable experience.
for sale
Clark's inv~4Mnent with
Longwood also includes the RoyClark Music Scholarship, which
he established in December 1995
in memory of his parents, Hester
and Lillian Clark. The same
month, he participated in
Longwood's commencement and
received an honorary Doctor of
Humane Letters degree.
"Thanks to Mr. Clark, the
scholarship he established is one
of the largest awarded by the
Franklin Grant, Longwood's
director of planned and major
Clark, a native of Meherrin in
Lunenburg County, is one of the
world's finest and most popular
see CLARK p.10
r review:: A Stone Face Killer
Sttf Writer
Two detectives
One swingin' New Year's Eve
And a small problem of being
From Alex Odom, who
brought us "Banana In My
Cereal" in Longwood Theatre's
An Evening Of One-Acts, comes
"A Stone Face Killer".
Richard Woody, from the oneact "The Whole Shebang", plays
Stone Face, a man driven to kill by
marriage difficulties.
Ryan Mcdeiros, also from 'The
Whole Shebang", is Wadsworth,
the clueless detective determined
to crack what is, to him at least,
the hardest case imaginable.
"A Stone Face Killer" will be
shown in the Jarman "blackbox"
studio, through the double doors
next to the trees and benches
behind Jarman, from Thursday to
Saturday at 8 p.m.
There will also be a Sunday
showing at 3 pm., and 7 p.m. on
Friday (yes, two showings in one
night; isn't that sweet?).
Admission is free (great), the
show will run 30 minutes, and
they have bathrooms (greater).
Film Review.: In Her Shoes Not a Perfect Fit
rules, there's bound to be trouble
The tagline says it all:
Maggie bounces from one job
"Friends. Rivals. Sisters." At
some point in their lives, all
sisters are rivals. In the film
"In Her Shoes," two sisters
are rivals the majority of
In Her
the time, with a few happy
comedic moments shared
between them.
The film, based on the
book by Jennifer Weiner, is
about two sisters trying to
get through life together
and figure out how to survive when they are apart
Rose (Toni Collette), the
older sister, is a level-haded lawyer who doesn't really know how to have fun.
Maggie (Cameron Diaz),
on the other hand, is the Toni Collette and Cameron Diaz
younger sister who, at star in this uncomfortable rival
times, has too strong a dose siste r comedy.
£>f fun and crazy escapades
www. crusatd.
in her life.
With an older sister who lives to another and causes trouble
to be protective and a younger for everyone in her family
sister who loves to bend the because of it, which gets her
kicked out of her parent's house
and then out of her sister's
Meanwhile, Rose is dealing
with her hectic job and an office
romance gone bad, as well as
trying to help Maggie find her
place in the world.
Both of these women are at
turning points in their lives and
are starting to pull
What's the one thing
that can pull them back
together again? A
grandmother (Shirley
MacLaine) who left
them long ago after
their mother died in a
car accident.
The girls did not
know about this grandmother
and assumed she was dead.
Once Maggie finds out about
her grandmother, she travels to
her retirement facility in Miami
without Rose knowing anything
of the situation.
Maggie begins to find out
more about herself and her
capabilities in life during this
journey to Florida, and Rose is
finding out that there is a good
guy for her among all the rats.
The problem with this film,
though, is that when the two sisters begin to fight, it is almost
too violent
Both sisters usually deserve
what is being screamed at them,
but it can be a little much for the
viewer to handle.
For most of the film, Maggie
is messing up her life and Rose is
cleaning it up, which causes turmoil between the two.
Even though Maggie deserves
some of the anger thrown at
her, it can be too much at times.
leaving people wondering if
Rose has a few anger management problems.
However, half the time
Maggie does things that would
make a normal person never
want to speak to her again, yet
her sister gives her another
The film is slighdy dramatic
because of the situations
between the sistets, but
there are a few funny
The character with the
most comedic dialogue m
the film is also the oldest:
Mrs. Leftkowitz (Francine
Beers), an elderly woman
who blundy speaks her mind
and cracks jokes about random situations.
"In Her Shoes" tries to show
the relationship between sisters,
the struggles they face, and their
few happy times together.
The sisters need each other to
survive and it's a nice thought,
but like some pairs of really cute
shoes, it doesn't always fit.
Arts & 'Entertainment
CLARK cont'd p.9
Described as "one pistol of a
musician," lie is a virtuoso performer on 12-string and
acoustic guitar, banjo and fiddle, and he can "get by" on five
other instruments.
He also is a singer, songwriter
and comedian.
He has recorded a string of
vocal and instrumental hits over
the years, including "Yesterday
When I Was Young" and his
own 12-srring version of
Clark has performed for
standing room only audiences
at Carnegie Hall and Madison
Square Garden in New York
City, the Sporting Club in
Monte Carlo, the Grand Palace
in Brussels and the Rossiya
Theatre in Moscow.
His concerts have set attendance records at state fairs, festivals and conventions throughout the United States.
For 25 years he hosted the
TV show Hec Haw, which is
syndicated nationwide and
viewed by some 30 million fans
every Saturday evening on The
Nashville Network (TNN).
November 3, 2005
Preview.: The Comedy 01 Errors
He has achieved many
"firsts" in his career. He was the
first National Ambassador for
U.N.I.C.E.F. and the first country music artist to guest-host
"The Tonight Show" for
Johnny Carson; headlined the
Montreux International Jazz
Festival; and was inducted into
the Las Vegas Entertainment
Hall of Fame.
He was among the first country music artists to sell out
Madison Square Garden.
His first instrument, which
he played in a band at Meherrin
Elementary School, was made
by his late father from a cigar
box, ukulele neck and four
At the age of 14, he received
a real guitar as a Christmas gift
from his parents. The next year
he started performing with his
father's square dance band.
Clark, a longtime resident of
Tulsa, Oklahoma, supports several philanthropic causes that
aid young people.
The annual Roy Clark Golf
Tournament in Tulsa has provided more than f 1 million for
that city's Children's Medical
L o n g w o o d
University Theatre
Errors", a production five hundred
years in the making!
One of William
Shakespeare's earliest works, and certainly one of his
"The Comedy of
Errors" tells the
ancient tale of
Antipholus of Ephesus, twins
separated as children, and it just
so happens that they are about to
be reunited in a most unusual
Tensions and confusions are
added to the comedy as another
set of twins, both named
Dromio, and a plethora of other
characters, become part of the
This is not your typical classical production. Set in the days of
the silent film, this roaring production of "The Comedy of
Errors" will have you seeing double and will definitely make you
Shakespeare's "The Comedy of
Errors", directed by Pamela
Arkin, will be performed in
|arman Auditorium on the
Longwood campus, November
16 -19 at 8:00 p.m. with a Sunday
November 20 at 3:00 p.m. Tickets
will go on sale November 2 at the
Jarman Box Office.
Ticket prices are $4 for
Longwood students, J6 for
Longwood faculty and staff, nonLongwood students and senior
citizens, and $8 for the general
For tickets, please contact the
Box Office at (434) 395-2474 or Box
Office hours are 2-4 p.m. Tuesday
through Thursday.
400 OFF
<«*■■) TO VOTA
A. .HOW* 17,360
November 3, 2005
Online Courses Offered Tkrough Longwood University
Dt. C. Sue McCullough
Curs/ Writer
Do you need some flexibility in
vour schedule? Did you change
majors and now have some
requirements to make up? Have
you completed your General
Education requirements? Is there
an elective that you want to take
but just cannot fit it into your
Check out the online courses
offered by some of your favorite
c (select Course Schedule).
Six online courses are being
offered during the Winter
Intersession following the Fall
semester final exams. Most classes
end before the beginning of 'the
Spring semester.
Online courses offered during
the Winter Intersession will be
intensive, but still allow you to
work from your laptop, wherever
you are, over the holiday break.
You will still have due dates for
assignments, but you can work on
those assignments when it is most
and exams online.
convenient for you.
There is a lot of writing and it ne) so you can look them over
Night owl? No problem.
Prefer early in the morning? takes self-discipline to keep on and make a decision well before
No problem.
Want to turn
in an assignment at midnight?
All courses
are asynchronous which means task and meet the assignment the start date for the class.
Other rules and netiquette
there are no scheduled class deadlines when there are no
expectations are described online
meetings where everyone is scheduled class meetings.
If YOU aren't sure you are ready at, so
together at the same time in the
online learning, take a self- be sure to cheek them out before
same room.
at http://www.long- you sign up for an online course.
Through the use of discussion
High speed Internet, all members of the class
work best, but if you have
share thoughts and opinions and ment.htm and get some feedback
dial-up connections, you may get
discuss the issues raised by the on Your learning style.
There are some special rules to the course materials on a
course content.
CD/DVD for optimum and
You may join smaller group remember about online courses.
quick uploading to your computIf
onlinediscussions as well, work collaboer.
ratively with group members on
In an online course, you can do
projects, explore resources and
assignments off-line and
do research on the Internet, sub- using the WIN system on or
to submit them and
mit all materials electronically, before the first day of class.
If you wait too late, you must post your discussion points in the
use the professor's slide presentadiscussion board.
tions in Blackboard to review pay for the class.
You have time to think about
Many of the online course sylimportant points, communicate
through email, chat rooms or dis- labi are available through the your answers to the discussion
site questions and to revise them
cussion boards, and take quizzes online
before submitting them, if you
like, so your instructor sees your
lust work.
There are thirteen
more online courses
being offered in the
Spring semester and
manv more to come during the summer.
Keep up-to-date with
information about online courses
at the Online @ Ixmgwood website,
online. New courses are being
added each semester.
Online courses can help you
meet vour graduation goals, while
offering you scheduling flexibility
and self-paced learning opportunities within a structured framework.
You get Longwood faculty and
high quality Ix»ngwood courses in
a new delivery format, online via
Blackboard and the Internet.
Many Longwood students are
choosing the online classes and
enjoying the Longwood online
community. You are invited too!
Call (434) 315-5566 or Fax (434) 315-5526
www longwood-village com
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3 bedroom
Senior Meredith Carr Wins Spot on Ell en
Emily Grove
Staff Water
Senior Meredith Carr appeared
on the hit TV show "Ellen" on
September 19. The episode was
Ellen's first live show, which aired
the morning after she hosted the
Emmy Awards.
Carr won the rickets through
PALS (Pets Are Loving Support)
while doing her internship in
Atlanta. The tickets were only S5
each, but the trip included airfare,
lodging, and two VIP passes to
the show. Carr decided before
she won that she would take her
mother along to Los Angeles.
"When I found out I won, I
got to pick any date to attend the
show," said Carr, so she took her
first flight to California to dance
with Ellen Degeneres.
Carr and her mother arrived in
Los Angeles on Saturday for
three nights at the Fairmont
Hotel. "We had a couple of days
to do whatever we wanted," said
Carr, who especially enjoyed the
Santa Monica Pier. "My mom
and I went to the 'Walk of Fame'
and to Rodeo Drive and bought
Ellen wasn't the only star they
saw in town during the trip. Carr,
and her mom decided to check
out the Emmy Awards after party
at the Roosevelt Hotel. "While
we were standing in line with 200
people at the Roosevelt, I saw
Gosselaar) from 'Saved by the
Bell' just across the street," said
Carr. "He was my first celebrity
crush. We also saw Jane Seymour,
as well as Chris Knight and
Adrianne Curry."
The next morning, Carr and
her mom finally entered the
"Ellen" studio. "It was a live
show, so it was run differently
than others," explained Carr. "As
a communications major, it was
cool to see how smooth everything runs on the set. They
encourage you to dance dumb
when you arrive, if you want to
be on camera. Ellen's DJ, Tony
(Okungbowa) came out 15 minutes early to get everyone excited."
Carr commented on the number of Teleprompters and cameras used for the show. She
enjoyed Ellen's jokes and the
guest appearance of Felicity
Huffman, but was dancing with
Ellen her most memorable
"It's cool to go back and watch
the episode," said Meredith. "The
camera angle that shows me
dancing is of Ellen's front side, so
my butt actually gets a few seconds of fame."
WMLU to Sponsor Free Snow
Thi/ Saturday, flovember Slh.
in (he lancer Cafe at 8 p.m.
Arti/ts. including Brian Jimm/.
and Indie bond/, like E/cape
Velocity, will preform.
UJe hope to /ee you out there,
de/pite the /hort notice!
Brown Bag Lunch
November 3, 2005
Whitney Dunlap- Fowler
Staff Writer
begin at 7:00 pm. An interest meeting for Sigma
Gamma Rho is scheduled for
Thursday, at 7:22 pm in
Frazier room 147. Finally, if
you think you can handle a little competition, sign up for
the spades tournament in
Curry Commons on Friday at
5:30 pm. It's only $4 per team.
For more information, contact Chelsea Higgs at
The brothers of Alpha Phi
Alpha will hold a candlelight
vigil on Thursday, November
3rd, 2005, in honor of Rosa
Parks, who died on October
24, 2005 at the age of 92. The
procession will begin at Frazier
residence hall and continue to
Brock Commons. The fraternity soon will also begin their
24/7 tutoring program for
Longwood students who need
The ladies of Delta Sigma
help in certain subject areas.
Theta Sorority Incorporated
For more information, contact
will be holding a Crimson and
beginning or
14th. Be on the
look out for
more information about the
coming events.
send questions to box# 2995.
The ladies of Alpha Kappa
The ladies of Sigma Alpha arc planning a party!
Gamma Rho will be having More information will come
their founders' week starting
out during the next week or
November 7, 2005. On two. So don't make too many
Monday, look for sorority
plans, or you just may miss
members dressed in blue and
the party of the semester!
gold attire, and you may have a
chance to receive a treat! On Unit)' Alliance will present
Tuesday, join the ladies in a Fearsome Foursome next
panel discussion entitled "My week on November 10 in the
22 Cents on Diversity at "B" and "C" rooms in the
Longwood University" in Student Union at 7 pm.
Hull, room 132. ' The ladies
encourage all students to join
them on Wednesday in supporting the Longwood and
1 lampden-Sydney basketball
game to benefit Hurricane
katrina victims. The game will
Join Amenta's #1 Student Tour Operator
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November 3, 2005
[To the Student Body—
Will Read For Food Successful (or tke Tnird Time
Welcome back to another year at I-ongwood. CHI has been busy
making plans for this year, and would like your help.
Several times during the year, CHI commends and supports var-J
ious events with banners at the events, or signs in the dining hall
Most of the time, CHI welcomes you to take the banners after the
conclusion of the event. There are special banners, however, that
are not to be taken. These banners include the big, cloth banners
that are usually displayed at Oktoberfest and Spring Weekend. CHI
asks that you not take these, so that they can be enjoyed by tht
whole university.
Also we would like to discuss walk etiquette. CHI walks are held
at various locations on campus. CHI encourages the student body
to act in a respectable manner. Please stand at a reasonable distance
If you must speak, please do so quietly during the walk, in order that
all who attend will be able to take pleasure in the walk as well
Remember CHI represents Ixmgwood and most of all CHI represents you. YOU are CHI.
Finally, CHI would like you to become involved in I.ongwood thisj
^ear. There are many areas in which you can make a BIG difference
There are class activities, clubs, and various organizations that are
just waiting for your help.
Thank you for your cooperation, good luck with the rest of this
semester, and have a wonderful fast approaching Thanksgiving
Blue and White Love,
CHI 2006
Dr. Jordan Shares Stories of tke Past
and Those Who Have Passed
Janet Jones
On October 30, the night
before Halloween, Dr. Jim
Jordan shared the ghost stories
Longwood University.
Students gathered in Jarman
Auditorium to hear the tales and
traditions of those who were
here before them. Jordan began
his lecture by reminding the
Longwood students that others
were here before them, in their
rooms, classes and beds.
He gave a brief overview of
the founding of Longwood,
which was started by seven
wealthy members of FarmvilJe
in 1839. Since it's founding as
the FarmviJle Female Seminary,
many odd things have occurred
on this campus and through the
Jordan arrived at Longwood
in 1978 and has been collecting
these stories since then. People
that were here long before him
told stories of these oddities
and sparked an interest within
Jordan. One thing in particular
that gained his interest was Joan
of Arc Jordan said in the past
Joan of Arc was much more
respected, loved and of more
interest to the students than she
is today.
Many of the Longwood
ghost stories do include our
patron saint Joan, and Jordan
suggests that maybe more
attention should be paid to her.
Other ghost stories include the
Longwood bell located in the
library, Stanley Park, many of
the residence halls and the Civil
War soldiers that marched
through Farmvillc.
According to Jordan there
are historical accounts and various letters that have been
found, noting the accuracy of
these stories.
When asking Jordan if he
believes in these stories he
replied, "I think the people who
told me these stories believed
them and I believe that. If the
people believe it will be real in
consequences." Jordan wants
to remind us that some day we
could be these stories. We can
be interwoven into the tales that
generations to come will share
amongst themselves.
Janet Jones
On October 27th the Creative
Writing Department sponsored
the 3rd annual Will Read for
Food in the bottom of the
Lankford. Will Read for Food
(WRFF) is held to provide
I-ongwood's writers with an
opportunity to share their work,
while raising money and nonperishable food items for the food
bank in Farmville.
WRFF began at Longwood
University with the arrival of
Mary Carroll-Hackett, Creative
Writing professor.
This is the third year this event
has been held in Farmville, but
Carroll-Hackett is working with
other universities to have them
hold similar programs on their
campus the same time Longwood
does WRFF.
This year Frannie Stubbs and
Amanda Walton, Creative Writing
graduate students, were in charge
of organizing the fundraiser.
WRFF is purposely held the last
week in October to make sure
that FACES, the local food bank,
has plenty of food around
Thanksgiving for Farmville citizens in need. Walton said that this
year's event was especially important, since most of the food
banks have been wiped out to
help the Hurricane Katrina victims.
Thus far, five boxes of food
and $45 in cash have been collected, but Carroll-Hackett is not
stopping there.
"I plan on putting a perennial
box outside of my door to collect
food all year. People go hungry
all the time, not just when we
decide to help," Carroll-Hackett
Stubbs said the selection
process entailed, "Basically giving
workshop professors sign-up
sheets specifically for the workshop classes—we urged poets
and writers to sign up to read and
had the professors speak to their
The readings included dirty
limericks, problems within families, religion and even a poem
about Johnny Cash.
English professors including,
Gordan Van
Ness, Craig
Challender, Susan Srinson, Brett
Hursey, Mary Carroll-Hackett and
Hood Frazier volunteered to
share some of their work.
Overall, speaking of the success, Walton said, "We had a great
variety in the pieces that were
read; creative non fiction, poetry,
drama, and short stories. It was a
great experience for the writers
and the audience because we have
so much talent in the department,
and Will Read for Food shows the
campus that talent. I am extremely happy we include the professors because they are not only our
instructors, but they are our inspiration and models."
If you were unable to attend
WRFF and still want to help the
Farmville community by donating
food you can contact FACES, or
visit Carroll-Hackett's office,
which is located on the first floor
of Grainger.
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Women s Basketball Coack Announces Retirement
Men's Basketball
Kyle Martin
Assl. liditor-mCbief
Hopelul to
Rebound From
1-30 Season
Kyle Martin
Asst E&tor-m-CbUf
After finishing the 2004-05
season with a disappointing
record of 1-30, it would seem
logical for the men's basketball
team to forget about last year's
Men's basketball head coach
Mike Gillian holds a different
"I don't think you want to forget and not be reminded," Gillian
said. "I think you have to understand it. You have to understand
what put us in the situation to be
as competitive as we were and
understand what you want to do
to take that next step in terms of
wins and do it."
Gillian added that after last
season, players and coaches met
to discuss options to improve the
In a season filled with national
attention from competing against
top level opponents such as
Illinois and Wake Forest to the
heartbreak of close losses against
teams like VMI and Hartford,
Gillian feels his squad will be better because of their depth.
November 3, 2005
Men's Basketball Head
Coach Mike Gillian enters
third season.
Photo provided by Sportt Information
"We have more good players,"
Gillian said.
Gillian's third recruiting class
includes junior forward Clayton
Morgan, freshman forward Kirk
Williams, and freshman guard
Bryan Butler.
"There's an adjustment for
them and that will take time,"
Gillian said. 'These guys are
going to play."
Although the season does not
begin until November 18, Gillian
instantly sees a change in his
teams' practices due to the new
"They push the level of play,"
Gillian said. "The level of play
in practice is very competitive
because these guys make it that
see REBOUND p.15
Longwood hosts Hampden-Sudneu
lor Ckaritu Basketball Game
Wednesday, November 9
Game Time: 7 p.m., in Willett Gym
Tickets are $5, including Faculty, Staff, and Students.
Tickets can be purchased in advance, or at the door.
Proceeds go to "Families for Farmville",
the Hurricane Relief Fund
Longwood: Come show your support!
Sigma Kappa PresentsPowder Puff Football
Sign-ups November 2 - 11 in
the Dining Hall
Game Day- Sat. Nov. 19
and recruiting processes to
maintain the program's stability.
Duncan admitted she came to
the decision to retire last summer.
"Coaching is a very, very
stressful job and demands a lot
of energy," Duncan said. "I
During the annual basketball
media day held November 1,
women's basketball head coach
Shirley Duncan made a surprising proclamation.
"This is going to be my last
year," Duncan said.
After entering her twentythird season as Longwood head
coach, Duncan announced that
she will be leaving the program
effective December 31 of this
coach . Nikki
Atkinson will take over the program as interim head coach to
finish the 2005-2006 season.
"I feel confident in our readiness to take over the program
and continue the legacy that she
After entering her twentyhas built," Atkinson said.
third season as Longwood's
Although the transition of head
coaching duties from Duncan to announced that she will be
Atkinson will occur mid-season, leaving the program effective
Duncan feels the timing of the December 31 of this year.
move will be beneficial to the
Photo provided by Sports Information
program as a whole.
"The program's going to be in don't want to cheat players and
excellent hands, no doubt about not give them everything 1 have."
it," Duncan said. "If I were to
Director of athletics Rick
retire at the end of the season, Mazzuto acknowledged that
there's a lot to be done in terms Duncan met with him a couple
of continuity."
of months ago to discuss possiShe highlighted the impor- ble retirement.
tance of having personnel in
"Each year that I've been
place to continue the scheduling here, each January we've talked
about how long she would
coach," Mazzuto said. "However,
when she came into my office in
August, I was surprised."
With Longwood in its third
year of the NCAA Division I reclassification process, Mazzuto
feels Duncan has aided significantly in the athletic department's
"She's played an important
leadership role in the department
with her experience in coaching
college athletics," Ma2zuto said.
"She's been great at helping the
transition of a lot of young
coaches and she's offered advice
and guidance."
In her 23-year tenure as head
coach, Duncan said one of her
fondest memories was last season
when she returned to play her
alma mater, the University of
As she enters her final year of
competition, Duncan holds an
overall record of 352-253 at
Longwood which includes 12
straight winning seasons with last
year's team finishing 15-13 in the
first year of full Division I scheduling.
Duncan will coach her final
game for Longwood at the
Virginia Tech Tournament on
December 28-29.
Atlantic City, December 10 at 7:30pm
The Villanova University Wildcats, which advanced to the NCAA Men's Basketball
'Sweet Sixteen" last year, will take on the Lancers of Longwood University
December 10. Game time is 7:30 p.m.
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November 3, 2005
REBOUND cont'd p.14
In addition to his recruiting
class, Gillian added first year
assistant coach Mike Huger to
improve the quality of his
team. Huger recendy retired
from a 12-year professional
playing career in Europe.
"He's just finished playing,
so he's connected to the players
in a different way," Gillian mentioned. "He has great enthusiasm and energy on our team.
He understands our philosophy
as a whole and assists in communicating to our players what
we'd like to do."
Huger said he wants to pass
on his professional playing
knowledge to the team and to
show them by example.
"I'm trying to learn as much
as I can from coach Gillian,
coach [Bill] Reinson, and coach
(Doug] Thibault," Huger said.
'Tou want to do all the things
you can do to help now. The
ultimate goal is to become a
head coach, but that's years
down the road."
Huger and the recent recruits
will join returning starters
Michael Jefferson (scoring
leader, 15.4 points per game),
Chad Kosmo (6.2 points per
(rebound leader, 6 rebounds
per game), and Lamar Barrett
(9.7 points per game) as they
tackle their 30-game campaign.
Unlike last year's gauntlet of
games which featured 7 teams
who reached the post-season,
this year's slate includes only
one match against a preseason
ranked opponent (Villanova)
and 9 games against teams with
a winning record.
"In reality, when you look at
[the schedule], at the end of the
year, everybody's good," Gillian
said. "It's still going to be
The Lancers will play 12
home games (2 more than last
season) against in-state institutions such as William & Mary,
Liberty, and James Madison.
The home schedule begins on
Saturday, November 26 as
Longwood hosts UVa-Wise.
According to Gillian, "The
single most exciting game on
the schedule is at Virginia"
The Lancers travel to
Charlottesville to play the
Cavaliers for the first time on
February 26, 2006.
Womens Basketball set lor CoackDuncans Final Year
Kyle Martin
Asst. liditor-in-Cbitf
Everett said that with the guidance of Atkinson and Duncan,
her transition into the program
has been smooth.
Besides the changes along the
bench, the roster is undergoing a
massive overhaul. With the loss
of graduated seniors Marita
Meldere and Catherine Dunn, the
team added 6 freshmen to the
"They have done so much as
the cornerstones of our team,"
Duncan said.
Change is inevitable. For the
Last year, the Lancers managed
women's basketball team, the suca winning record in their first year
cess of the team could be dictatof Division I scheduling at 15-13.
ed by the team's adaptations to
This season, Longwood added
changes within the program.
several more appealing in-state
First, change will occur at the
match-ups as well as visits to
head coaching position. After 22
prominant schools.
years of leading the women's basHeadlining the home
ketball team, head coach
matchups are in-state foes
Shirley Duncan announced
Reason to Duncan."
Liberty and William & Mary.
she will retire at the end of
The 12-game home slate
2005. The move will pro- - Assistant coach Nikki Atkinson
begins next Thursday at 8:00
mote assistant coach Nikki
p.m. as the Lancers host the
Atkinson to interim head
coach for the remainder of the
roster including redshirt Nadege Invitational against Marylandseason,
Wandeu, Claire Blevins, Jamie Eastern Shore in their opening
"The team has dedicated this
Sims, round match.
season to Duncan," Atkinson
Cassandra Smith, and Anna Steg.
Longwood travels on the road
"It will be a guard-oriented to take on James Madison on
In addition to the change at
team," Atkinson explained. December 3, Georgia Tech on
head coach, Jenerrie Everett joins
"We're hoping to see a quicker December 20, and Virginia on
the staff as a first year assistant
pace with a lot more full-court February 14, 2006.
pressing and defensive intensity.
Duncan will coach in her final
"She's done an outstanding job
Fortunately for Atkinson, the game during the Virginia Tech
working on our post players,"
new talent will be anchored by Tournament on December 28-29,
Atkinson said. "She's in charge
the return of senior starters but her last appearance at Wilier
of our strength and conditionAshley Mason, Amber Mason, Hall will be December 17 against
and Jessica Wilkerson.
Morgan State.
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