GVR Now! - Green Valley Recreation


GVR Now! - Green Valley Recreation
H E R E !
Green Valley Recreation, Inc., Arizona
‘You Look
’d bet that most GVR
members chuckle when they
recall Saturday Night Live’s
“Fernando’s Hideaway” in the
‘80’s starring Billy Crystal. Fernando’s credo was “It is better to
look good than to feel good.” It’s
a corny line, but perhaps there’s a
grain of truth to it.
Kent J. Blumenthal,
Images are important, as are
first impressions. If they weren’t,
then no one would recall the saying, “A picture is
worth 1,000 words,” though we hear it often enough.
GVR’s Board-approved assignments for the
2014/2015 governance year included marketing, promotion and brand management as essential elements
of the 11-Point Work Plan. The brand management
component involves developing a new GVR logo and
color theme, tag line and slogan.
A series of focus groups are currently being conducted to gather input from members, employees and
external stakeholders to ensure that our new brand
identity and logo capture the true essence of GVR’s
brand values, attributes and personality. Though
(cont. pg. 3)
Y O U ,
Abrego North Pool ‘Not a Quick Fix’
GVR CEO Kent Blumenthal and
Facilities Director Guy Sundvink
briefed neighborhood residents on
the status of the Abrego North pool
on location on March 13, dispelling misinformation and answering
questions about the fate of the pool.
GVR scheduled the briefing after
some residents voiced concerns about
what they viewed as a delay or lack of
action to get the pool repaired.
Blumenthal reviewed the sequence
of events that lead to the closing of
the pool in November, and previous problems dating back to 2008.
He said the pool was shut down in
November 2014 after Community
Water Co. reported a sharp spike in
water usage. Tests identified four
large cracks in the pool vessel and a
large leak in the return line. GVR
filed a claim for repairs with its insurance company in November, which
was denied on Dec. 11, and then
filed an appeal claim, which also was
denied on Jan. 27.
“The Abrego North pool and spa
have had multiple major failures
within the last eight years, including
settling of the spa and deck, a ruptured water supply line, and malfunctioning slot drain,” Blumenthal
told residents. “Costs for repairs and
maintenance on the pool over this
time totaled nearly $70,000.”
Consultants who have evaluated
the pool believed water leaking into
CEO Kent Blumenthal briefs Abrego North residents on the status of the pool.
the foundation resulted in erosion
under the pool basin, making it
unstable and causing sinking. The
Fiscal Affairs Committee is recommending the approval of capital
reserve funds to hire a specialist to
evaluate the pool and recommend
options for repair.
Blumenthal refuted comments
that the addition of pickleball courts
was being done at the expense of the
pool’s repair. “There is no correlation between these two projects.
Adding courts is something that we
can do now,” he said, “while addressing the pool’s repair requires more
time to ensure its fixed right and
problems don’t recur. To read Blumenthal’s full statement to residents,
visit www.gvrec.org.
Masthead photos courtesy of Armin Clobes
www.gvrec.org • April 2015 | Vol. 1, Num. 4
Policy Governance: What it is, and
Why it’s Important to GVR
By Blaine Nisson, GVR Vice President
Prior to hiring CEO Dr. Kent Blumenthal
in 2015, the GVR Board hired a consultant to
provide training in the Carver Model of Policy
Governance. Many non-profit boards, including
community college boards, have adopted this
model, which represents a fundamental redesign
of board governance focusing on the values, vision Blaine Nisson, GVR
and empowerment of the board, CEO and staff. Vice President
Following the training, the GVR Board officially adopted the
Carver model, recognizing that we have but one employee: our CEO.
To effectively implement Policy Governance requires focus, commitment, and a lot of hard work over time. Ours is a work in progress.
GVR is not there yet, but we need to continue to work on policies
that will help transform the Board and the GVR organization. To be
more specific, the Carver model is based on 10 principles as reflected
in the Carver Guide Series on Effective Board Governance:
1. The trust in trusteeship. The board governs and represents
the GVR members. The board must have a strong connection with
the members by maintaining, clarifying and protecting the relationship through open communication and involvement.
2. The Board speaks with one voice or not at all. The board
has been given the authority by our members to govern and lead the
organization. The GVR Board must encourage and respect differences in opinion from members, as well as from directors. Rarely
will a decision be unanimous. However, once the decision is made,
the GVR Board must speak with one voice and all Directors must
support the decision of the Board.
3. Board decisions are predominantly policy decisions. Board
policies should reflect the board’s beliefs, values, commitments and
visions. Generally the board policies fall into the following four
•Ends Policies – Fundamentally these policies outline what the
organization is about and are mission-related policies that clarify the
board’s vision for GVR.
(cont. pg. 6)
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
GVR Receives ‘Clean’ Financial Audit
Green Valley Recreation (GVR) received a clean audit with no
major or minor findings from independent financial auditor, Scott
Meyer, CPA, PC, who presented his 2014 report to the GVR Board
of Directors at its February meeting.
GVR finished the year with a positive bottom line and no findings. Meyer commended the GVR for following his previous recommendation to place additional funding in reserves future facility
repairs and replacement.
New Member Orientation April 9
You belong here!
The next monthly New Member Orientation will take place at
9 am Thursday, April 9 at the West Center, Room 2. To register in
advance, please call (520) 625-3440 ext. 7208 or stop by any GVR
Center with a coordinator. Please reference CR #32127.
How Can I Contact A Staff Member?
Website: www.gvrec.org
If you would like to contact any member of the GVR staff, please call (520) 625-3440 and enter the
appropriate extension number. You also may contact staff at the email address listed below. Any written
correspondence should be mailed to P.O. Box 587, Green Valley, AZ, 85622. Website address: www.gvrec.org
Executive Office:
Chief Executive Officer.......................... Ext. 7203 ......... Kent J. Blumenthal, Ph.D., CAE .....................hotline@gvrec.org
Administrative Assistant ...................... Ext. 7213 ......... Sue DeKoker ................................................ suedek@gvrec.org
Executive Assistant to the CEO ............ Ext. 7204 .......... Jen Morningstar.................................................. jen@gvrec.org
Marketing Communications Manager ... Ext. 7228 .......... Sherri Cadeaux ...............................................sherri@gvrec.org
Board Hotline ...................................... Ext. 7500 .......... (For Board questions or comments)
Finance and Human Resources:
Controller .............................................. Ext. 7205 .......... Cheryl Moose ................................................ cheryl@gvrec.org
Human Resources Associate ................ Ext. 7218 .......... Nancy Mackel ................................................ nancy@gvrec.org
Monthly Payment Plan &
Member Assistance Program (MAP) ..... Ext. 7221 ......... Gina Peters ....................................................... gina@gvrec.org
Facilities Director .................................. Ext. 7207 .......... Guy Sundvik....................................................... guy@gvrec.org
Supervisor ............................................. Ext. 7229 .......... Melanie Stephenson .................................. melanie@gvrec.org
(Administrative & fitness equipment, other repair or maintenance requests)
Maintenance Supervisor ....................... Ext. 7212 .......... David Jund ......................................................djund@gvrec.org
Custodial Supervisor ............................. Ext. 7358 .......... Dan Freeman ................................................. danny@gvrec.org
Landscape & Pool Supervisor ............... Ext. 7234 .......... David Coy ..................................................... davidc@gvrec.org
Administrative Assistant ....................... Ext. 7215 .......... Bob Armantrout...............................................boba@gvrec.org
Information Technology Manager ......... Ext. 7223 .......... Randy Cheatham ..........................................randyc@gvrec.org
Recreation & Leisure Services:
Director Recreation & Leisure Services... Ext. 7209 .......... Jim Conroy........................................................ jimc@gvrec.org
Customer Service Supervisor ............... Ext. 7208 .......... Rosita Studevan .............................................rosita@gvrec.org
Senior Supervisor .................................. Ext. 7216 .......... Karen Rans .....................................................karen@gvrec.org
(Club liaison, lectures and community events)
Senior Supervisor .................................. Ext. 7226 .......... Carolyn Hupp............................................... carolyn@gvrec.org
(Classes and tours)
Senior Supervisor .................................. Ext. 7224 .......... Maureen McCarthy .................................. maureen@gvrec.org
(Volunteer liaison, water aerobics, fitness center orientations, personal training, AED-CPR training)
Senior Supervisor .................................. Ext. 7225 .......... Julie Vance ...................................................... juliev@gvrec.org
(Performing arts, special events, movies)
Facility Reservations ............................. Ext. 7202 .......... Jody Crawford .................................................. jody@gvrec.org
Lead Sound & Lighting Technician ........ Ext. 7219 .......... Shelly Freeman............................................. shellyf@gvrec.org
(Technical support for A/V and theater)
Member Services ..................................................................................................................................... 625-3440
Center Operations Assistant (COA)......................................................................................................................343-2440
(For help and immediate assistance anywhere in GVR from 5:30 am to 9 pm 365 days a year)
If you have an emergency and/or maintenance issue after normal business hours, please call (520) 547-5390.
GVR Social Center Office Hours:
Member Services Center ................................ 625-3440
1070 S. Calle de Las Casitas
Canoa Hills Social Center................................ 625-6200
3660 S. Camino del Sol
(Closed for lunch from 11:30am to 12:30pm)
East Social Center............................................ 625-4641
7 South Abrego Drive
(Closed for lunch from 12:30pm to 1:30pm)
West Center and Box Office ........................... 625-0288
1111 W Via Arcoiris
(Closed for lunch from 11:30am-12:30pm)
Open weekends and holidays from 10am-2pm
The following are open 8am to 4pm Mon. - Fri.
Las Campanas Recreation Center ................. 648-7669
565 W. Belltower Drive
(Closed for lunch from 11:30am to 12:30pm)
The following GVR Offices are closed (The Centers
remain OPEN for member use):
Desert Hills Social Center Office ................... 625-5221
2980 S. Camino del Sol
Office Closed
Santa Rita Springs Recreation Center Office ... 393-0360
921 W. Via Rio Fuerte
Office Closed
About GVR Now!: gvrnow@gvrec.org
GVR Now! is owned by Green Valley Recreation, Inc. GVR Now! is published for Green Valley Recreation, Inc., by the Green Valley
News & Sun and is inserted into the 4th Wednesday of the month’s issue of the newspaper. Contact Green Valley Recreation at (520)
625-3440. For advertising information or questions about deadlines, please call the Green Valley News at (520) 625-5511 or by fax
at 625-8046. The Green Valley News & Sun does not produce and is not responsible for the content of GVR Now! The deadline for all
news items is the last Friday of each month. News items and articles will be published as space permits. GVR does not endorse
any of the products or services advertised in this newsletter.
brand and logo?” For
starters, it doesn’t begin
to communicate the wide
variety of activities now
offered by GVR. Also, our
current logo is very busy,
doesn’t scale well, and just
looks dated and tired. A
2011 article in Forbes
magazine posed some
questions to ask when
thinking about changing a
logo or brand. Here’s just a
few that I’ve thought about
when considering GVR’s
Is the logo technically
problematic? Yes, ours is.
As mentioned earlier, it
doesn’t scale well.
Would a new logo/
brand make a positive
difference? Yes, I believe
so. Our current logo
doesn’t come close to
capturing all that GVR has
to offer.
Does your logo look
East Center in All its Glory
GVR’s East Center at Abrego and Esperanza was once
again ablaze with a carpet of African daisies that bloom
annually. Often mistaken for a weed in its dormant state,
this herbaceous wildflower produces clusters of daisy-like
yellow and orange blooms every March in Arizona. Native
to South Africa, the daisies quickly dry out in hot temperatures and produce abundant seeds that spread rapidly,
often invading landscaping.
outdated? Yes. It gives the
impression that GVR is
tired, if not old. If that’s
true, it may scare away
younger active adults and
newer retirees.
Clear and unambiguous
brand identity will help
GVR get the recognition
it deserves, including its
place in the sun as the
destination of choice for
active adults and retirees.
Over time, I expect this
Architects on Tour
Representatives from the
finalist architectural/engineering firms being considered for
GVR’s comprehensive facility
assessment project toured the
major centers on Feb. 26 with
Recreation Director Jim Conroy
and Facilities Director Guy
Sundvink. The selected firm will
assess all of GVR’s facilities and
develop a long range facility
management plan with recommendations for facility improvements and use of space.
Dyson Dermatology, PLLC 520-625-0800
April Happenings
Patricia Ferrer, PA-C
516 E. White House
Canyon Road, #100
Call now for your appointment
Se Habla Español
Accepting most insurance plans
and patients of all ages.
Tom Saville will
entertain us with
Singing Bowls
4/02 Park Place Mall
4/03 Biosphere 2
4/07 Trader Joe’s/Food City
4/09 Tucson Mall
4/14 Trader Joe’s/Sprouts
4/16 Park Place Mall
Senior Assistance
4/18 Sonoita Wine Festival
4/21 Trader Joe’s/Roma
The Birthday Party
for those with April
birthdays, but all
are welcome!
4/23 Tucson Mall
4/28 Trader Joe’s/Sprouts
4/30 Park Place Mall
Joseph O’Brien will
share with us about
a device that may
save your life
Dispatch open:.'".UP1.rMain Office Hours: 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM M-F
Blood Pressure Clinics: Tuesday and Friday 8:30 - 10:30 AM
301 W. Camino Casa Verde, Green Valley
Office: 520-625-1150
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
Senait Dyson, MD
is GVR’s Canoa Ranch
Center, identified as a
“Recreation Center.” Both
Centers offer members
similar opportunities but
have different signage.
The firm that we will
select to undertake a master planning process for
GVR may be able to assist
in answering this question
which will help improve
wayfinding. Suggesting
an appropriate signage
package is one of many
requirements for the firm’s
final recommendations to
When our new brand
emerges, we’re hoping
to hear “You look mahvelous!” and have our
members filled with pride
to be a part of our organization.
Kent J. Blumenthal,
Ph.D., CAE
CEO Green Valley
Recreation, Inc.
We are pleased to announce the opening
of our new Aesthetic Department!
We provide comprehensive medical dermatology
services and are now offering a wide variety of
skin care treatments including Chemical peels,
Silk Peels, Micro-needling and Cool Sculpting.
Call now for more information!
to translate into increased
demand for GVR deed-restricted homes and higher
home values. Whether
it’s our performing arts
programs or Green Valley
Senior Games presented
by GVR, our brand ought
to be front and center so
our members know all that
GVR does and remain
proud to live within a
GVR community.
Consistency in facility
identification that clearly
communicates GVR’s programs and services is also
another branding opportunity. Recently, a GVR
director told me that when
he first came to town, he
had a meeting scheduled
at Canoa Hills Center but
drove past the building,
thinking that it was a job
training center or government office, since signage
reads “Social Center.”
A couple of miles south
nearly finished, the brand
management initiative
will be carried over to next
year’s Work Plan. When
it’s done, it won’t cost
much to implement since
many applications of our
new brand will be used
in electronic media and
signage and logo items
will be phased in over time
as these are reordered or
A lot depends on the
success of this undertaking, not the least of which
is making people feel
good about their decision
to make Green Valley
and GVR their home.
We want to attract new
homeowners, and help
them understand that we’re
committed to evolving
GVR to a more current,
modern state.
You might ask, “What’s
wrong with our current
Kent’s Corner (cont. from page 1)
A regular meeting of the GVR Board
of Directors was held at 1:30 pm February 24 at the Las Campanas Center
with the president being in the chair,
and secretary present.
Kent J. Blumenthal received a Board of
Directors rating of “Exceeding Expectations” on all indices in his annual performance review. The Board of Directors agreed to a four (4) year contract
extension that will be automatically be
extended for one (1) additional year at the
completion of each annual term unless
otherwise terminated in advance by the
CEO or the Board of Directors.
cember 31, 2014 and 2013. Meyer noted
that GVR had an $811,212 net operating
surplus for FY 2014. Further, he reported
that the financial position of GVR as of
December 31, 2014 and 2013, and the
results of its operations and its cash flows
CALL TO ORDER / QUORUM/ APfor the years then ended are in conforPROVAL OF AGENDA
mity with accounting principles generally
President Finkelstein called the meeting
accepted in the U.S.
to order at 1:35pm, MST.
— MOTION: Nisson/Kennel. Accept
Roll call by CEO Blumenthal. Quorum
2014 audit report as presented by the
independent auditor.
— MOTION: Nisson/Mauser. Approve
Members Present: Joyce Finkelstein
Passed: Unanimous
consent calendar consisting of the Board
(President), Blaine Nisson (Vice-PresiAdditional Contributions to GVR
of Directors meeting minutes of January
dent), Ron Sills (Secretary), Joe Gunton
Reserve Funds
27, 2015.
(Treasurer), Gunnar Bonthron (Assis— MOTION: Gunton/Nisson.
Passed: 10 yes/0 no/1 abstain (Kidwell)
tant Secretary), Jeff Harrell (Assistant
Approve Fiscal Affairs Committee (FA)
Treasurer), John Arnold, Jim Burt, John
recommendation to allocate additional
Hadley, Tom Kennel, Richard Kidwell,
In deference to the lengthy agenda for
monies to GVR reserve funds as allocated
Barbara Mauser, Kent Blumenthal (non
the board meeting, CEO Blumenthal did in the FA exhibit for the February 24,
not speak to specific items included in the 2015 board meeting that would bring the
Staff: Jim Conroy (Director – RecreCEO Highlights report submitted prior
aggregate reserve balance from $4 million
ation & Leisure Services), Guy Sundvik
to $6 million as follows:
(Facilities Director), Cheryl Moose (Con- to the board meeting on Friday, February 20, 2015. Instead, Blumenthal said
Allocate additional funding to Capital
troller), Randy Cheatham (IT Director),
Replacements Reserve from unrestricted
Sherri Cadeaux (Marketing Manager), Sue that he would be glad to respond to any
questions about information included in net assets: $1,188,788.
DeKoker (Administrative Assistant), Jen
the Highlights.
Allocate the 2014 net operating surplus
Morningstar (Executive Assistant to the
($811,212) as follows:
$561,212 to the Initiatives & InnovaVisitors: 95
Fiscal Affairs - Joe Gunton
tion Reserve Fund
— MOTION. Nisson/Gunton. Ap2014 Audit Report
$250,000 to the Operating Reserve
prove meeting agenda as presented
Independent auditor Scott Meyer, CPA, Fund
Passed: Unanimous
P.C., presented the audit report on FY
Passed: Unanimous
President’s Comments: President
2014, and financial statements for DeFinkelstein announced that GVR CEO
GVR Policy on Repurposing Facilities
April 2015
Board of Directors Calendar
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
All GVR members are invited and encouraged to attend.
Dates and times are subject to change.
Wednesday, April 8 @ 8:00 am
Board of Directors Orientation Meeting
Las Campanas, 565 Belltower
Tuesday, April 14 @ 1:30 am
Board of Directors Meeting
West Center Auditorium, 1111 Via Arcoiris
Check www.gvrec.org for the most current information.
—MOTION: Sills/Gunton. Approve
GVR Policy Statement on Repurposing
Facilities as presented in the Fiscal Affairs
and Planning & Evaluation Exhibit for
the February 24, 2015 Board meeting,
that resolved:
To not repurpose or expropriate existing
facilities and previously dedicated space
without prior consultation with and
proper notification to affected membership stakeholder groups;
To consider repurposing facilities and
dedicated space when, in the determination of the Board of Directors, there is
sufficient documented decline in usage
over the course of several years, which
may be mirrored by similar decline in club
membership. Specifically, when contemplating repurposing facilities or space, the
Board of Directors will consider:
Clearly demonstrated need for new or
expanded GVR facilities and/or designated space;
Usage data for GVR facilities and designated space provided by staff (staff-reported data may reference data gathered
by affected groups); and,
No less than three (3) years of prior
usage data.
To consider repurposing facilities and
dedicated space for other GVR purposes
when, in the determination of the Board
of Directors, there are ample facilities
available of the type to be removed, reclaimed or repurposed sufficient to ensure
that member needs are consistently met.
Passed: Unanimous
Construction of Pickleball Courts @
East Center
—MOTION: Gunton/Sills. Approve
construction of four pickleball courts at
East Center as defined in Exhibit “Proposed Pickleball Expansion at East Center” as presented in the Fiscal Affairs and
Planning & Evaluation Exhibit for the
February 24, 2015 Board meeting, with
planning, development and construction
not to exceed $150,000.
Amended: Monies for new courts at
East Center would come from the Initiatives and Innovations reserve fund.
Passed: Unanimous as amended
GVR Foundation Loan for ‘Start-up
—MOTION: Gunton/Kennel. Approve GVR Foundation Board request
for $10,000 loan from GVR to the GVR
Foundation for start-up funds (e.g., legal,
insurance, marketing, administration) as
detailed in the Fiscal Affairs Exhibit for
the February 24, 2015 Board meeting,
entitled “GVR Foundation Request for
‘Start-Up Funds’ Loan from GVR” based
on the following terms:
$10,000 loan
Two-year period, beginning March,
Interest on the loan made at prime rate
No pre-payment penalty
Amended: Increased loan amount to
Passed: Unanimous as amended
—MOTION: Gunton/Hadley. Recess
Board Affairs
the meeting for a 10 min. break.
Board Affairs committee chair Arnold
Passed: Unanimous
reported that the committee had conThe meeting was recessed at 2:37
PM, MST and reconvened at 2:50 PM, ducted no recent business.
Planning & Evaluation
Pickleball Center Concept
— MOTION: Sills/Nisson. Approve
concept for development of a GVR
Pickleball Center as detailed in ‘Recommendation’ of the Planning & Evaluation
Committee (P&E) exhibit for the February 24, 2015 board meeting, entitled
“GVR Pickleball Center”
Amended: Overview for board consideration will be prepared by staff, no later
than July 1, 2015.
Passed: Unanimous, as amended
La Leona Dormida
April 4
2015/2016 Proposed Work Plan
— MOTION: Nisson/Arnold. Accept
and approve 2015/2016 GVR Work
Plan as presented by CEO Blumenthal in
Exhibit for the February 24, 2015 Board
Passed: Unanimous
Member Comments: 3
— MOTION: Nisson/Kidwell. Adjourn the meeting.
Gunton reported on results of the
Passed: Unanimous.
survey of five HOAs that may be affected
The meeting was adjourned at
by GVR boundary expansion. Gunton
3:29PM, MST.
expects to present details about a proposed boundary expansion at the annual
meeting of members on March 24, 2015.
Board of Directors
Growth Task Force
Bylaws committee chair, President
Finkelstein reported that Board-endorsed
proposed bylaws have been mailed to
members as part of the 2015 election
Nominations & Elections
Nominations and Elections committee
chair Arnold reported that election ballots were mailed to members on Tuesday,
February 17th.
BOARD CERTIFIED Internal Medicine
April 30
Joyce Finkelstein, Board President
Blaine Nisson, Vice President
Ron Sills, Board Secretary
Joseph Gunton, Board Treasurer
Gunnar Bonthron, Assistant Secretary
Jeff Harrell, Assistant Treasurer
John Arnold, Director
Jim Burt, Director
John Hadley, Director
Tom Kennel, Director
Richard Kidwell, Director
Barbara Mauser, Director
Board E-Mail address: board@gvrec.org
Dr. Rashmi Chhabra Welcomes
June 6
Geriatric Medicine
866-DDC-WINS |
Arizona Medicos
120 W Calle De Las Tiendas
Green Valley, AZ
Most insurances accepted
Must be 21 to enter bars and gaming areas. Entertainment is subject to change. Management reserves the right to alter or cancel without notice.
Please play responsibly. An Enterprise of the Tohono O’odham Nation.
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
Dr. Naveen Kumar
GVR to Build 4 Pickleball Courts at East Center
GVR facilities staff
recently met with two
highly recommended
contractors for the East
Center Pickleball Court
construction project
approved by the GVR
Board of Directors at its
regular board meeting in
The Board approved a
recommendation by the
Planning & Evaluation
Committee to build four
additional pickleball
courts by the current volleyball court at the East
Center due to increased
popularity of the sport,
and an overwhelming
need for additional
courts. GVR members
GVR Employees
Thanked for
Service March 3
GVR held an Appreciation Breakfast for all
employees and board members on March 3 in the
West Center Auditorium. About 80 of GVR’s
100+ employees were treated to breakfast and had
a wonderful time visiting with each other and
meeting new employees.
GVR’s CEO Kent Blumenthal also presented
certificates and anniversary pins to employees
celebrating these“milestone” years of service: 25
years- Dan Freeman; 20 years-Esthela Morones
and Shelly Freeman; 15 years-Bill Martin; 10
years-Kathy Northrup; and 5 years-Bob Armantrout; Randy Helgeson; David Jund; Mercedes
Mendoza; Maureen McCarthy; and Dale Miller.
Blumenthal also gave a special “shout out” to
Gina Peters, accountant II, for stepping in to
handle finances and payroll for several months
last spring before a new controller was appointed.
He also recognized Sue DeKoker, executive administrative assistant, who delayed her retirement
to help launch the new GVR Foundation and
serve as liaison to GVR’s Growth Task Force.
often have lengthy waits
to use the existing courts
located at Canoa Ranch
and the East Center.
The project includes
four new pickleball
courts with lighting.
Both contractors assessed
the proposed construction area and gathered
needed data, and are
currently assembling bids
with various options for
GVR to consider. GVR
expects to receive the
bids within the next two
weeks, and complete
construction by the end
of the summer.
GVR members enjoy a
game of pickleball at the
Canoa Ranch courts.
Policy Governance
value policies are developed first with
subsequent policies that fit within the
•Executive Limitations – This set of
overarching policy. Once developed, it
policies clearly defines the boundaries in becomes clear to the CEO and staff what
which the CEO must operate in admin- the Board wants to have accomplished.
5. The Board defines and delegates,
istering GVR. Such policies empower
rather than reacting and ratifying.
the CEO and staff to fully operate that
organization within these boundaries and By having clearly defined policies which
are clearly available, the staff knows
delineate how the Ends Policies will be
how to plan and the Board knows what
•Board-Staff Linkage – These
plans are approvable.
policies clarify how the Board delegates
6. Ends determination is the pivotal
authority and how performance will
duty of governance. The primary focus
be evaluated in terms of the Ends and
for the Board must be on its members
Limitations Policies.
on clearly defined outcomes through
•Governance Process – Essentially,
the development of Ends Policies.
7. The Board controls staff means by
these policies outline how the Board
will govern based on its philosophy and limiting, rather than prescribing. The
Board’s role is one of boundary setting.
accountability. These policies outline
the Board’s values and perspectives that It specifies in written policy which staff
means (how the job gets done) is unacunderline GVR’s decisions, activities,
ceptable, not approvable or off limits. By
practices, budgets and goals.
4. The Board formulates policy by
establishing such boundaries, the CEO
determining the broadest values before and staff are empowered and encouraged
progressing to more narrow ones.
to use their creativity, skills and knowlThink of this as a set of policies that are edge to better serve our members.
8. The Board explicitly designs its
arranged like nesting bowls. The larger
(cont. from page 2)
own products and process. The Board is
responsible for deciding how it will operate, its Code of Conduct, how to conduct
meetings and how to be responsible to
and communicate with our members.
9. The Board forges a linkage with
management that is empowering and
safe. The Board and the CEO comprise
the leadership team for GVR. By clearly
defining roles and responsibilities a
greater capacity for leadership is developed and mutual support is realized.
10. Performance is monitored rigorously, but only against policy criteria.
In the Board’s role of monitoring performance, the only criteria are contained
in clearly stated Ends and Limitations
policies. The Board’s assessment, based
upon these criteria, will require monitoring data related to such policies.
As I said earlier, adopting the Carver
Model is one thing; implementing it
quite another. In order for GVR to
fully realize the benefits of Policy Governance, much work lies ahead, but it is
all doable with a Board that is committed to this model.
Call today
to make your
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Complicated taxes? Bring it on.
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Farewell Hupp, Welcome Zubicki
After nearly 10 years with
GVR, we bid farewell and
happy trails to Carolyn
Hupp, senior recreation supervisor of classes and tours,
who is retiring May 1.
“I have thoroughly
enjoyed working with instructors, fellow staff, and
members over these past
years and have made many
friends,” Hupp says. “The
plan is to take a several
month RV trip to Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and
Montana with my husband
and two dogs to see family
and friends.”
Hupp won’t be a stranger,
however. She has agreed to
assist GVR with projects as
needed. “The 900 annual
classes on a wide variety
of topics that Carolyn has
scheduled for GVR’s members and the community
has been outstanding,” said
Jim Conroy, Recreation
Director. “She has cultivated a strong relationship
with both instructors and
students who appreciate
having access to such a
broad range of subjects.
Carolyn will be truly
As we wish Hupp well,
we welcome Kris Zubicki
to the position. Zubicki
Everything you need to feel at home.
Carolyn Hupp (left) retires after nearly 10 years as senior
recreation supervisor of classes and tours. Her position
will be filled by Kris Zubicki.
was chosen from a large
field of highly qualified
candidates for her 20 years
of experience in customer
service and technical
training. She brings to the
position excellent organizational and interpersonal
skills. She will be working
closely with Hupp over
the next month to ensure a
smooth transition.
scenic Green Valley. Available on an affordable
and peace of mind of Independent and licensed
Assisted Living programs and services designed
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free retirement lifestyle to seniors in Arizona’s
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Silver Springs brings a comfortable, maintenance-
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t Full Service for Natural Nails
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From left to right: Terry Whitmer, Geri DeBuhr,Jan Rimbey, Barbi Warden and Mary Ann Spagnoletti
t Expert Cuts
t Facial Waxing
t Sets and Blow Styles
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
500 West Camino Encanto
Green Valley, AZ 85614
Volunteer Appreciation
Movie April 13
GVR will treat volunteers
to a special viewing of the
powerful movie, Unbroken, at 2 pm Mon., April
13, at the West Center in
honor of National Volunteer Appreciation Week.
Those invited include
pool and fitness center
volunteers, water aerobics
instructors, program and
administrative volunteers,
members of the Board
of Directors and Board
Committees. Guests are
This is a true story of a
promising young Olympian athlete-turned WWII
bomb fighter pilot, and
Free Drop-in
Water Aerobics Classes
Abrego South
his harrowing experience
as a Japanese Prisoner
of War after a near fatal
plane crash over the Pacific
Ocean. Seating is limited,
so please register in advance at any GVR center.
Reference CR # 32192.
Free refreshments and
prizes awarded.
Casa Paloma II
Canoa Ranch
Continental Vistas
Desert Hills
Volunteer Training offered in April
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
The Volunteer Staff Coordinator meeting will be held at 9 a.m.
Wed., April 8 in the East Center
auditorium. VSCs act as a liaison
between the volunteers at their
facilities and GVR’s Volunteer
Supervisor. It’s a lot of fun and not
East Center
Las Campanas
Santa Rita Springs
Mon and Thurs
Mon and Thurs
Mon through Sat
Tues, Thurs and Sat
Mon, Wed and Fri
Tues, Thurs and Sat
Mon, Thurs & Sat
Mon and Thurs
Mon and Thurs
Mon through Fri
Mon through Sat
8:30 am
9:40 am
9:00 am
8:30 am
6:00 pm
9:00 am
9:00 am
8:45 am
10:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
9:00 am
Pools usually are closed during a scheduled water aerobics
class, but the spas remain open to use. Please plan your pool
a lot work! Plan on attending!
scheduled for April 8 at 1 pm at the use to avoid conflicts with the start or conclusion of water
aerobics classes, which last an hour. Note that summer pool
GVR also has opportunities for
West Center, Room 2.
hours from 5:30 am- 9 pm begin Monday, March 30.
pool and fitness volunteers, who
Please reference CR#32167.
Water exercise courses are offered at several of our pools.
greet and assist members, answer
Contact Maureen McCarthy at
The swimming pool may be closed during those classes. If
questions, look for and report safety (520) 625-3440 ext. 7224 or at
you have any questions regarding the guidelines for swimissues and track facility usage. A
maureen@gvrec.org for more infor- ming pools and spas during water aerobics or other aquatics
classes, please call (520) 625-3440, ext. 7224.
new volunteer training class is
The Standard of
Veterinary Excellence
Save a Life by
Learning CPR
and AED
You can save a life by using the CPR and the AED
on someone in cardiac
arrest if you know what to
do! The next free training
class will be at 2 pm Tuesday, April 7 at the Desert
Hills Center. Members
may register at any social
center. Reference CR #
Our free Fitness Center orientation sessions are taught by personal trainers and
offer a personal assessment as well as familiarize you to the proper use of fitness
equipment. Please wear appropriate clothes and shoes. If you are only interested
in use of equipment, please arrive 45 minutes after the beginning of the class.
GVR fitness centers are open from 5:30 am-9 pm. Sessions can last up to two
hours. Advance registration is required. To register visit any major center or the
Member Services Center. Note that this schedule is subject to change.
A Ton of Thanks for 1.84 Tons of Food
Mary Jane Goodrick,
executive director of the
Green Valley-Sahuarita
Community Food Bank,
recently sent GVR a letter
thanking its employees for
helping feed the hungry in
our community. In 2014,
GVR employees donated
3,677 pounds – the
equivalent of 1.84 tons – of
food to the Food Bank,
which distributes food
and personal items to local
residents in need.
Because if you’re not satisfied...Neither are we.
Serving The Green Valley Area Since 1968
CR #
East Center
Las Campanas
Canoa Ranch
Canoa Hills
Desert Hills
Santa Rita Springs
Tues. April 7
Tues. April 14
Wed., April 15
Thurs. April 16
Mon. April 20
Tues. April 21
2 pm
2 pm
2 pm
2 pm
2 pm
2 pm
Put Life Back in
Your Life!
Take Charge: 4 Ways to Protect Brain Health:
Get Moving, Stay Connected, Be Safe & Eat Right
Eat Right
A free 1 hour talk about the many benefits of good
nutrition and physical activity to reduce risks of health
conditions that can harm brain
health, e.g. heart disease,
diabetes, and stroke.
Thurs, April 2, 10 a.m.
Free and Open to the Public.
Seating is limited. No RSVP
ROC# 046649, 077735 & 252049 ) Licensed ) Bonded ) Insured
Brought to you by the area’s
leading resources on aging.
Speaker: Lee Ryan, Ph.D.,
Professor and Associate Head,
Department of Psychology,
Evelyn F. McKnight Brain
Institute University of Arizona
Details at www.pcoa.org
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
Canoa Hills Social Center,
3660 S. Camino del Sol
There are still some classes offered in April from the Winter Course Catalog.
Registration is going on now, so sign up today at Canoa Hills, East Center, Las
Campanas, West Center or the Member Services Center. Members may also
register online at www.gvrec.org. Non-members must register in person at a
major Center office.
Changes to the Winter Course Catalog are as follows:
-Page 19
Line Dance II - New instructor is Cindy Feist; CR# 31235 is now only 5
classes for $30 ending on 4/29. Course listed as 8-9AM, now 9:30-10:30AM;
Date and location remain the same; Wednesdays, CH-Palo Verde
- Page 31
French – Intermediate III CR#31079 - Incorrect book listed. Should be Practice Makes Perfect: French Verb Tenses (Available at local bookstores)
Call for Instructors
Are you someone who wants to share
your expertise and instructional ability? GVR
is continually looking for new courses. If
you are interested in instructing a course or
have a great idea that you think would be of
interest to others, please call 520-625-3440
ext. 7226.
The new Summer
Course Catalog will
be available at all
centers by April
1. Registration for
classes May through
September also begins April 1.
Mailing Catalogs
GVR will mail a catalog if a self-addressed
and stamped (5 first class stamps) 9”x12”
unpadded envelope is mailed to: GVR, Attn:
Catalog, PO Box 586, Green Valley, AZ 85622.
Note on the outside of the envelope which
catalog you would like mailed.
Class Instructor Profile
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
Artist in Bloom: Instructor Carol Pfister
“No, no, no. Don’t cut your
stem too short! ” belts out a
sprightly woman in a colorful
apron as her eyes dart around
the classroom.
Carol Pfister chirps out
flower facts and encouraging
words over the din of conversation and laughter among
students enrolled in the Floral
Arranging classes that she
teaches at GVR’s Desert Hills
Center. Full of energy with
a passion for flowers, Carol
is determined to impart her
knowledge of flowers to her
budding floral artists.
As the owner of a flower
shop in Racine, Wisc. for 27
years, Carol Pfister knows her
stuff. And her job is to make
sure her students get to know
flowers, too. She also has a
Pfister (center) assists students in her Floral Arranging class.
gift for teaching, having been
a teacher prior to opening
her own business, and she’s
also taught in the Horticulture
Department at her local com-
munity college.
Carol contacted GVR about
a year ago, asking if she might
be able to share her expertise
in a class. Since she began
teaching at GVR this winter,
her classes have filled up fast
and often have waiting lists. In
the class, students learn the
care, handling and names of
different flowers and foliage
and their parts, along with
basic design techniques. Students learn all design styles,
from simple vase arrangements using garden-variety
flowers to high-style centerpieces with exotic flowers like
orchids and Birds of Paradise.
“So, what is this?” Carol
inquired at a recent class,
holding up a dark green
decorative filler with delicate
oval-shaped leaves. The class
dutifully calls out, “Italian
Ruscus!” “Yes, that’s it!” Carol
responds. “I want you all to
be able to walk into any florist
and tell them you need Italian
During the class, Carol
buzzes from student to
student, adjusting a stray
stem here or repositioning a
base flower there for perfect
balance. All of the flowers for
the class are purchased at
cost from local florist, Camilot
Flowers, to keep class costs
low and ensure the freshest
flowers are used in arrangements.
From observing the class,
it’s uncertain who’s having
more fun: Carol or her students. “I was a teacher before
I opened my shop, and I really
enjoy it. The people who take
my classes seem to really
enjoy them, too, and we have
a lot of fun.”
April Trips & Tours:
4/17 Friday - Ramsey Canyon and
Old Post Ft. Huachuca Tour
Travel to a special spot
located on the east side of
the Huachuca Mountains
to visit Ramsey Canyon. A
spring-fed stream, favorable
northeast orientation and
high canyon walls provide “Upper Ramsey Canyon 2” by https://
Ramsey Canyon with a
- https://www.flickr.com/photos/alohamoist, cool, stable enviteam/13202113713/. Licensed under
CC BY-SA 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons
ronment. The humming- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/
birds like Ramsey Canyon, File:Upper_Ramsey_Canyon_2.jpg#/media/
too! You will need to be
able to enjoy short hikes to properly visit this preserve.
Enjoy a Texas Roadhouse lunch before travelling on to
Ft. Huachuca and the Old Post section to discover the
lovely officer’s row, where the 1880’s vintage homes are
located. Free time in the Post Museum is planned, as is
a brief driving tour of the Fort, thought to be the oldest,
continuously active Army Post in the U.S. Join us for
this great day. A U.S. government issued ID is required
to enter Fort Huachuca. Bring or wear hiking shoes, hat
and binoculars. Fee for GVR members is $97; Guests are
$102. Fee includes transportation, services of a tour director, admission to Ramsey Canyon, lunch (tax and tip),
admission to Ft Huachuca Museum, bus refreshments
and driver tip. Bus departs from Desert Hills Social
Center upper parking lot at 8 am and returns at 5:15 pm.
Deadline to purchase tickets 4/7/15. No refunds after
4/7/15. CR# 32052
5/28 Thursday - The Phantom of the Opera
Gammage Auditorium in Tempe
Head to the Phoenix Valley to enjoy
a buffet lunch at the Wandering Horse
Restaurant located in the Talking Stick
Resort/Casino. We then travel to Gammage Auditorium located on the campus
of Arizona State University in Tempe.
The matinee performance of Andrew
Lloyd Webber’s “Phantom of the Opera”
is one of the largest productions now on
tour. Critics are raving that this breathtaking production
is “bigger and better than ever before.” This Phantom features a brilliant new design by Paul Brown, Tony Award
winning original costume design by Maria Bjornson,
lighting design by Tony Award winner-Paule Constable,
new choreography by Scott Ambler, and a new staging by
director Laurence Conner. The production, overseen by
Matthew Bourne and Cameron Mackintosh, boasts many
exciting special effects including the show’s legendary
chandelier. The beloved story and thrilling score - with
songs like “Music of the Night,” “All I Ask of You,” and
“Masquerade” - will be performed by a cast and orchestra
of 52! This is one musical that never gets old. Fee for
GVR members is $149 and bring a guest for $154. Fee
includes transportation, services of a tour director, lunch
(tax and tip), theatre ticket (orchestra level row 13), bus
refreshments and driver tip. Bus departs from Desert
Hills Social Center upper parking lot at 9 am and returns
at 6:45 pm. Deadline to purchase 4/27/15. No refunds
after 4/27/15. CR# 32508
March Exhibits:
Canoa Ranch
Canoa Hills
Desert Hills
Las Campanas
East Center
Santa Rita Art League Exhibit
Evans & McQuarrie Exhibit
Ya Ya’s Exhibit
Dos Artistas Exhibit
Chinese Brush Painting
by Alex Jones & Students Exhibit
Desert Painters Exhibit
West Center
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www.gvrec.org • April 2015
For information on becoming a
member or more about our services,
stop by our office M-F 8-4
GVR Live! 2014/2015 Performing Arts Season
Tickets for all performances and events currently on sale
7 pm Tues., May 5, West Center
Tesoro means art highly prized for its beauty and perfection. Not many bands can live up to the name, but
this Tucson-based band lives up to expectations with its
myriad of styles and talent that make up this outstanding
group. High-energy, Latin Rumba Flamenco Rock is
The Jan and Dean Beach Party, Starring Dean
the best way to sum up Tesoro’s sound. With roots in
traditional Flamenco, the group mixes in sounds from
7 pm Thurs., Apr. 9, West Center
around the world, keeping a focus in the driving rhythms
From Jan and Dean, the legendary top selling artists
of Rumba and Latin music. This regionally touring band
of the 60s, comes a Beach Party like no other! Dean
delivers performances that are provocative and passionTorrence brings to the stage all of the top hits – like
ate. Tesoro has shared the stage with international tour“Surf City” and “The Little Old Lady from Pasadena” – ing artists Calexico, The Last Year, and Del Castillo. The
that made the California beach scene famous throughout band was also named Top Local Entertainer by Tucson
the world. Their show includes many of the Beach Boys Lifestyle Magazine 2012.
songs that Jan and Dean either co-wrote or performed
Prior to the performance, Tesoro will be offering a
with The Beach Boys. This outstanding show has audipreshow demonstration that breaks down their music’s
ences singing along to in a fun-filled, high-energy show
rhythms and will teach a bit of the traditional Flamenco
that takes you back to the 60s with great music, dancincorporated into the band’s music. The band will also
ing in the aisles and a memory or two along the way.
display the Cajon, a traditional Spanish box instrument
CR#31543. Members $34, Guests $37, General Public
common in Flamenco performances. CR# 32535.
Members $14, Guests $17, General Public $20.
7 pm Tues., May 19, West Center
Switchback returns to the West Center stage! Martin
McCormack and Brian FitzGerald team up for a musical
partnership that results in an exciting and entertaining
duo. Think guitar, mandolin, vocals and some good Irish
humor and you have Switchback entertaining audiences
worldwide. Switchback have been playing their brand of
eclectic Celtic and Americana music at sold-out concert
halls, performing arts centers and festivals around the
world for over 20 years. Their harmonies have won
them comparisons to famous duos, such as The Louvin
Brothers, The Everly Brothers, and Simon and Garfunkel. There shows feature both Celtic and Americana
styles that are both original and traditional. Whatever
they play, no matter the size or age of the audience,
Switchback always captivates and charms folks with
their energy and creativity. CR# 32536. Members $17,
Guests $20, General Public $23.
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Natural Elegance Studio, LLC
Movies are free to GVR members but tickets are
required for admission. It is recommended that
tickets be reserved in advance as they go fast.
Members can obtain tickets at all major social
center offices and Member Services Center.
Into The Woods
2 pm (Open Captioning) and
7 pm, Wed., April 15, West
As a result of the curse of a
once beautiful witch, a baker and
his wife are childless. In order to
reverse the curse, the couple must
venture into the forest to find
the ingredients that will reverse
the spell and also restore the
witch’s beauty: a milk white cow,
hair as yellow as corn, a blood
red cape, and a slipper of gold. During this journey, the
meet Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and
Jack, each one on a quest to fulfill a wish. Starring Meryl
Streep and Emily Blunt. Directed by Rob Marshall.
Rated PG for thematic elements. 125 Minutes. Walt Disney Pictures, 2014. CR# 32036/32037. Tickets are free
for members and their guests. Concessions are available.
neighborhood’s past, where friends, families, and foes all
work together to make a living-no matter what the cost.
Starring Tom Hardy and James Gandolfini. Directed
by Michael Roskam. Rated R for strong violence and
language. 106 minutes. Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2014.
CR# 32038/32039. Tickets are free for members and
their guests. Concessions are available.
The Drop
2 pm (Open Captioning) and 7pm, Tues., April 29,
West Center
2pm (Open Captioning) and 7pm, Mon., May 8,
West Center
This crime drama follows
lonely bartender Bob Saginowski
through a covert scheme of funneling cash to local gangsters-”money drops”-in the underworld
of Brooklyn bars. Under the
heavy hand of his employer and
cousin Marv, Bob finds himself
at the center of a robbery gone
awry and entwined in an investigation that digs deep into the
In the near future around the
American Midwest, Cooper, an
ex-science engineer and pilot,
is tied to his farm with his two
young children. As devastating
sandstorms ravage earth’s crops,
the people of Earth realize their
life here is coming to an end as
the food begins to run out. Eventually stumbling upon a NASA
base near Cooper’s home, he is
asked to go on a daring mission
that only Cooper’s scientific
intellect and pilot skills can take them. While the planet
continues to decay, Cooper must decide to either stay,
or risk never seeing his family gain in order to save the
human race. Starring Matthew McConaughey and Anne
Hathaway. Directed by Christopher Nolan. Rated PG-13
for intense perilous action and brief strong language. 169
Minutes. Paramount Pictures, 2014. CR# 32513/32514.
Tickets are free to members and their guests. Concessions available.
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Green Valley Recreation offers
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Please call Member Services Center at
(520) 625-3440 to make an appointment
Laguna Beach Pageant of the Masters....July 15-19; $TBA
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta....October 7-12; $1053 ppdo
Pasadena Rose Parade...Dec 29-Jan 2...$TBA
Alexander and the Terrible,
Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
2pm (Open Captioning) and 7pm,
Wed., May 20, West Center
For 12 year old
Alexander Cooper,
every day is a bad
day. Alexander’s
day begins with
gum stuck in his
hair, followed by
more calamities.
He finds little
sympathy from
his family and
begins to wonder
if bad things only happen to him. With a
simple birthday wish, Alexander’s family
finds themselves experiencing their very
own terrible, horrible no good, very bad
day. Starring Steve Carell and Jennifer
Garner. Directed by Miguel Arteta.
Rated PG for rude humor including
some reckless behavior and language. 81
minutes. Walt Disney Pictures, 2014.
CR# 32515/32516. Tickets are free to
members and their guests. Concessions
2pm (Open Captioning) and 7pm,
Fri., May 29, West Center
When wealthy
eccentric John du
Pont invites Olympic wrestler Mark
Schultz to move to
his estate and help
form a wrestling
team for the 1988
Olympics, Mark
sees a way to step
out of the shadow
of his champion
charismatic brother’s shadow. However, du
Pont begins to lead Mark down a dark road,
causing the athlete’s already shaky self-esteem
to slip. Meanwhile, du Pont becomes fixated
on bringing Mark’s brother Dave into the
fold, eventually propelling all three toward
an unforeseen tragedy. Based on true events.
Starring Steve Carrell and Channing Tatum.
Directed by Bennett Miller. Rated R for
some drug use and a scene of violence. 129
minutes. Sony Pictures Classics, 2014. CR#
32517/32518. Tickets are free to members
and their guests. Concessions available.
West Center Box Office Hours
To better serve our members, West Service Center
and Box Office is open
on weekends and holidays
from 10am-2pm.
On program days, the
West Center Box Office is
open for your convenience
one hour prior to all performances.
APRIL 2015
Thursday, April 9 ..................................Concert
Wednesday, April 15 ............................Movie
Wednesday, April 30 ............................Movie
nounced - East Center, 9 am
• 4/2 - Green Valley Gardeners – “Attracting
Wildlife to the Garden,” Kendall Kroesen, Urban
Program Manager Tucson Audubon Society. Desert
Hills, 9:30 am
• 4/2 - Pima Council on Aging – “Eat Right” by
Dr. Lee Ryan, professor and associate director of the
Department of Psychology in the School of Mind,
Brain and Behavior, College of Science at the UA, Tucson. Canoa Hills, 10 am Dr. Ryan will discuss the core
benefits of nutrition as a major way to protect brain
health at all ages, and how and why an anti-inflammation diet and being active through movement and physical exercise will be effective ways to reduce inflammation
and protect brain and heart health as we age.
• 4/3 Parkinson’s Group “Planning for the Future:
Making Hard Choices.” Presenter Tamra Craig, Care
Patrol and Panel Discussion. East Center, 1 pm
• 4/4 Tucson Audubon Society – “What’s in a
Nest Box?” with Jonathan Horst, Tucson Audubon
Restoration Ecologist. Desert Hills, 10 am. Nest
boxes can be an important conservation tool for supporting species populations in southeast Arizona. In
an interactive presentation, you will learn an experimental approach to determining the preferences of
multiple species of cavity nesting birds.
• 4/9 Green Valley Gardeners – “State of the
Club” finances, project status, recent accomplishments. Desert Hills, 9:30am
– Canoa Hills, 10 am
• 4/16 Sarver Heart – To be Determined – Canoa
The 2015 Summer Performing Arts brochure will be
available at the Member Services Center and all GVR
Centers April 1. GVR has booked seven outstanding
performances this summer to suit all musical tastes, and
has scheduled a great movie lineup from May through
September. GVR members receive discounts for performances, and attend the movies for free with advance
registration. Pick up a copy of the 2015 Summer Performing Arts brochure for all the details.
Hills, 10 am
• 4/16 Tucson Orthopaedic Institute – To be
Determined – East Center, 2 pm
• 4/17 Carondelet Heart & Vascular Institute
– Specialist Dr. Talal Moukabary, one of Southern
Arizona’s top Cardiac Electrophysiologists, discusses
atrial fibrillation, what it is, why more people are
being diagnosed with it, and how it is treated. East
Center, 1pm
Registration for classes, trips,
movies, concerts, special events
and dances is available to our
members in the following ways:
online at www.gvrec.org, in
person at any major social center
office during normal business
hours (see schedule on page
2); by calling any of the major
social centers. All tickets and
registrations are on a first come
first served basis. Members may
purchase items on their own
account only.
Ticket Purchases:
Individual single tickets currently
are on sale for the 2014-2015
GVR Live! Performing Arts
Season. We encourage you to
purchase your tickets in advance
at the West Center box office.
General public tickets purchases
must be made at the West
Service Center and Box Office.
Tickets to concerts and some
special events are available at
the door at the West Service
Center and Box Office, one hour
prior to the event. Ticket prices
increase $1 at the door. Tickets
are not available at the door for
sold out events. Members may
purchase up to four guest tickets
per household at the guest price.
There are no refunds for season,
individual member, guest or
general public tickets. All sales
are final. GVR offers season
ticket exchanges up to 24 hours
prior to an event. Season tickets
may be exchanged for any other
performance in the performing arts series. Tickets must
be present in order to process
exchange. Upgrade fees may
apply. Refunds will not be given
if exchanging ticket(s) for a less
expensive performance. Tickets
can be exchanged in person
at the West Center Box Office,
1111 Via Arcoiris Monday-Friday,
8am-4pm. Tickets can be mailed
to GVR Member Services Center,
Attn: Season Ticket Exchange,
P.O. Box 586, Green Valley, AZ
85622. Please see Class Catalog
for information regarding refunds
for classes, trips and tours. If you
have questions regarding refunds,
please call 520-625-3440 extension 7208.
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
• 4/1 - Northwest Medical Center – To Be An-
• 4/9 U of A Arthritis Center – To be Determined
The box office is only open for ticket sales during this time. All
other services available during regular business hours.
Summer Performing Arts Brochure
Available April 1
Recreation, Inc
Green Valley
List of the dates for upcoming events:
Club Profile
Helen Driggs and Terri Haag
Visit Lapidary and Silversmith Club
The Green Valley Lapidary and Silversmith Club in February was proud
to welcome Helen Driggs, senior editor of Lapidary Journal/Jewelry Artist
magazine, as part of its Artist Speaker
Driggs began her career as a
fashion illustrator, where she used
her skills and artistic design to create
unique jewelry. Her pieces replicate
the visual features of gemstones in
the three-dimensional metalwork
design. She noted that working with
flat fabric, cutting it into shapes and
sewing them together replicates the
metalwork process of cutting, shaping
and soldering pieces together.
Driggs encouraged club members
to develop their design skills and
creativity by continuing to draw new
designs from all angles. Even with her
advanced skills, she spent a recent in-
ternship with renowned jewelry artist
Michael Boyd to hone her skills and
develop new designs. As part of her
talk, she discussed her favorite new
tools on the market found at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show in Tucson.
Then on March 4, Tucsonan Terri
Haag entertained club members
sharing her interesting life experiences growing up in a family of “rock
hounds,” traveling the world, designing
museum nature exhibits, and restoring
fossils. She has been a regular contributor to Lapidary Journal/Jewelry Artist
magazine for 20 years, and often writes
about historic jewelry and gemstones
that she’s studied in her world travels.
The Club invites you to explore their
website at www.gvlclub.org for more
information and to visit the Club’s
facilities and gift shops at East Center,
West Center, and Desert Hills Center.
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
Ceramics Club of GVR
Studio Phone: 399-2818
Jan Cockrum 305-4530
Provide and operate an equipped facility for
GVR members interested in working with
• Dedicated space club located at Desert
Hills on the upper level
Clay Studio of Green Valley
www.claystudiogvaz.com or 399-2755
Located at Santa Rita Springs
Hobby studio with extensive facilities to
enable and encourage people to create functional and artistic pieces in clay.
Green Valley Arts & Crafts
Constance O’Brien 625-1353
Yearly Craft Show held in March at West Ctr.
• Meet at Desert Hills first Wednesday of
each month at 1pm
GV Lapidary & Silversmith
For members interested in learning Lapidary,
Silversmithing, Casting, PMC (Precious Metal
Clay), Dichroic Glass, Wire Wrapping and
Chain Making.
• Dedicated Space – Desert Hills 399-2370,
East Center 399-1989, West Center 648-1726
Desert Scraprats Quilting Club
ties for transforming not only your wardrobe
but also your home.
• Thursday 12:30pm-4:30pm and Friday 9
am-noon - January thru May
La Tienda Gift Shop
Carol Roskey 625-3141
A GVR member run gift shop located at West
• Monday-Friday 9am-4pm
• Saturday 10am-2pm
Santa Rita Art League of
Green Valley
Check www.srart.org
Welcome to artists using all two-dimensional
mediums, including beginners, intermediate
and advanced. SRAL offers a fully-equipped
professional studio, gallery and library for
member use. Upcoming events: General meeting 1 pm March 12, Santa Rita Springs, Anza
Room with demonstration by Karen Knutson,
“Acrylic Painting;” Judged Show, 6th Annual
Members Art Show March 2-30 with reception:
4-7 pm March 2 at Canoa Hills. Visit www.srart.
org or check the message monitors at GVR
• Permanent exhibits at Canoa Hills and
Desert Hills.
Woodworkers of Green Valley
Larry Kistler: 400-0172
Woodworking shop for the pleasure and convenience of its members
• Dedicated space located at West Center
• Monday-Saturday 8am-4pm
GVR Fabric Painters Club
Cheryl Walters (419)204-9045
Fabric painting opens up endless opportuni-
Progressive Bridge
Cathy Musacchia 648-1373
Co-ed social bridge group
• Meet at Desert Hills Thursdays at 6:30pm
Paul Garcia 648-1120
Co-ed social bridge group
• Meet at Desert Hills Fridays at 12:30pm
Green Valley Cribbage Club
Co-ed social Cribbage players
• Meet at East Center Mondays at 6pm
Green Valley Duplicate Bridge
John Ziegelbauer 399-0438
Co-ed duplicate bridge players
• Meet at Canoa Hills 1pm
• Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays
GVR Canasta Club
Candi Barrall (520) 883-3422
Co-ed social canasta players
• Meet at East Center
• Fridays and Sundays, sign-in at 12:30pm,
short business at 12:45pm and play
starts at 1pm
GVR Chess Club
Jim Clark 648-9988
Co-ed social chess players
• Meet at East Center Wednesdays at 1pm
GVR East Center Duplicate
Bridge Club
Ray Austin 400-5327
Non-Sanctioned co-ed bridge players
• Meet at East Center Tuesdays at 1pm
GVR Euchre Card Club
Max Elliot 393-7918
Co-Ed social euchre players
• Meet at Desert Hills Fridays at 6:30pm
GVR Hearts Club
Marty Allen 625-09279
Co-ed social heart players
• Meet at Las Campanas Wednesdays at
GVR Informal Duplicate Bridge
Bob Dahm 777-7827
Co-ed Bridge players
• Meet at Santa Rita Springs Mondays at
GVR Men’s Bridge Club
Jim Chisolm 625-1288
Social group of men bridge players
• Meet Tuesdays at Desert Hills at 12pm
GVR Men’s Poker Club
Bob Hyden 625-1355,
Bob Northrup 207-6745
Enjoy the game of Poker
• Meet at Desert Hills, Room C on the
lower level
• Monday-Friday, sign in at 12:30pm and
play at 12:55pm
GVR Pinochle Club
Dean Capes 647-9916
Social Group of Co-ed Pinochle Players. Play
Single Deck each night – and Double Deck on
Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
• Meet at East Center Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6pm
• Meet at Las Campanas Wednesdays at
GVR Sheepshead Card Club
Bill Worth 269-6844
The Sheepshead Club is looking for both men
and women to join us for friendly games of
• Meet at Las Campanas Tuesdays at 6pm
National Mah Jongg Club
Madelyn Weig 393-1255 or Barbara Tams
Social group of experienced National Mah
Jongg players. Must bring current Standard
Hands & Rules card.
• Meet at Santa Rita Springs, Fiesta room,
Wednesdays 12:55pm-4pm
Wright-Patterson Mah Jongg
Club of G.V.
Judy Cunnyngham 625-9671 or
Lois Wilhelm 818-1600
Year round social group of co-ed Wright Patterson mah jongg players
• Meet at Las Campanas, Tuesdays
• Observers welcome
Five Card Major Bridge
Ladies social bridge group
• Meet at East Center Tuesday at 12:30pm
Computer Club of Green Valley
Jud Richardson 625-4508
Members share computer interests and
• Classes and Open Lab
• Informative monthly meetings
• Club room at Santa Rita Springs
• M-F 8am-4pm (Nov-Apr)
Green Valley Camera Club
Classes, Lectures, field trips, and latest photo-editing hardware plus software. Visit www.
gvcameraclub.org or call (520) 648-1315. Located on upper level at Santa Rita Springs.
• M-F 9am-4pm, Sat. 9am-12pm
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
The Desert ScrapRats welcomes all quilters and
fiber artists to join Desert ScrapRats. The meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of
each month at Las Campanas in the Juniper Room
Abrego South Thursday
starting at 1 p.m. There will be a demonstration
Ladies Bridge Club
at the Tuesday, March 11th meeting on Creative
Betty Nigg 625-6175
Uses for Piping by Sally Sullivan. Members are enLadies social bridge group
couraged to bring something to work on and their
• Meets at Abrego South Thursday at
show/tell. All GVR members are welcome and
dues are only 5 dollars per year. Please join us.
• Meetings at Las Campanas, on the 2 &
Desert Hills Ladies Bridge Club
4th Tuesdays at 1pm
Ladies social bridge group
• Meet at Desert Hills Thursdays at
Green Valley Rubber Stampers
Kay Beaudry (520)495-4733
Our members design and create greetEast Center Monday Ladies
ing cards. Meet at Desert Hills Art Room
Social Bridge Group
Tuesdays 9 am- 4 pm. Workshops to develop
Jody Davison 207-6267
new ideas and techniques held the last
• Meet at East Center Mondays at
Tuesday of the month. Must sign up to
attend. Annual dues are $5
• Open: Tuesdays 9am to 4pm
• Workshops: last Tuesday of the month
Desert Hills Midweek
Friday Social Bridge Club
Green Valley Forum Club
Norm (520) 393-1412
Weekly presentations and programs that are
mind-expanding, informative, challenging
and quite often just plain entertaining.
• Meet at Desert Hills every Wednesday
at 9am
GVR Travel Club
LaVicie Runkle 648-2999 or Geneva Halliday
(313) 610-7892
Group of Green Valley residents who love to
travel or enjoy hearing about the adventures
of others.
• Meet at Las Campanas, 3rd Fridays 9am
Valley Players
www.greenvalleyplayers.com or
call (520) 829-2985
Open to GVR members interested in community theater--on stage, back stage, singers,
musicians, writers. Newcomers or experienced theater folks, join the fun!
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
Green Valley Line Dancers
Nancy Myers (520) 399-2457
Enjoy and encourage line dancing upon completion of Line Dance I and II
• Meet at Canoa Hills Tuesdays at 2pm
• Meet at Canoa Hills Tuesdays, November
– March, at 7pm
Green Valley Aquabelles
Green Valley Squares
Gary Hill at 393-0266, gkhill@cox.net
Local square and round dance club is active
year around.
• Club Dances every Monday night at
6:30pm at Canoa Hills
Green Valley Dance Club
Elaine Cederbaum (520) 305-4531
Fun social group. Music from 40’s, 50’s, 60’s.
Come dance with us at Canoa Hills
6:30pm - 9:30pm.
• Last Saturdays of the month Oct-Apr.
GVR Argentine Tango Club
Dale Gustafson 429-7794
Promote Argentine Tango dancing and culture
Joyce Finkelstein 393-0317
Promoting synchronized swimming.
Billiards Club of Green Valley
Marianne Bishop, Secretary, 625-4924
Promoting recreational and competitive
billiard playing, be it pool or snooker.
Billiards rooms located at East Center, West
Center, Desert Hills
Green Valley Shuffleboard Club
Ray Asbjornson 591-6557 or
John Tams 625-2226
Shuffleboard is a game of skill, strategy and
fun for all ages.
Green Valley Table Tennis Club
Mike Killian 648-3126
Round Dancing – ballroom dancing to cues
Horace Puglisi (802) 728-5287 or
Wes Minear - (520) 398-2722
The club has many levels of players and the
club provides all the equipment.
• Meet at West Center 8am
• Check website or call for dates
Green Valley Tennis Club
Promoting tennis for GVR members;
reservations, upcoming events on web site.
Membership and tournament forms available
at the West Center Tennis Hut.
• Clinics - Monday, Wednesday-2pm Desert Hills
• Potlucks 2nd Sunday-5pm Desert Hills
Green Valley Volleyball Club
Doug Bryan 312-0500
A social group of sand, water and wallyball
• Sand - East Center Thursdays and Saturdays 9am
• Water - Abrego South Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Nov-May 1pm
• Wallyball - Las Campanas Monday-Friday
GVR Bocce Club
Kathy Hornbeck 777-7267
A group of bocce players who host weekly
games and tournaments
• Meet at Canoa Hills Tuesday & Thursday
GVR Hiking Club
Weekly hikes throughout Southern Arizona,
orientation is required before 1st hike
• West Center Thursday mornings
GVR Pickleball Club
www.greenvalleypickleball.org for court locations and play schedules
Donna Coon 648-1007
Dedicated to the promotion of pickleball
in the Green Valley Recreation community.
Join fellow pickleball players for recreational
and competitive play. Assisted Play for
beginners on Tuesday and Thursday at 4 pm
at East Center courts. Check the website
www.greenvalleypickleball.org for court
locations and play schedules.
GVR Racquetball Club
Wayne Ferreira (520)260-1470 Jerry Lowe
Racquetball for fun and competition for all
ages and skill levels
• Las Campanas racquetball courts
• Monday-Saturday 9am-11am
Green Valley Swim Club
Coach Jan Miller 867-8812
Organized workouts for fitness and master’s
• West Center pool Monday – Friday 8am10:30am
Canadian Club of Green Valley
(520) 288-4930
Colorado Club
Shirley (719) 660-9361
Fun social group of current and past residents of Colorado.
• Meet 1st Saturday of each month
March 7 Irish Dishes Potluck
April 4 Hamburger cookout
Eastern States Club
Karen Curtis 625-2394
Social group of current and past residents
Excludes MI & New England States
Green Bay Packers Club
James Chisolm 777-8334
Social group of the Green Bay Packers football team who watch the games on the big
screen at Las Campanas
GVR Amigas Club
www.GVRamigas.org 334-7807
A wonderful way for women of Green Valley
to meet other women with similar interests,
make new friends and share community.
Iowa Club of Green Valley
Sandy Haegele 269-6740
Social group of current and past residents
Michigan Club
Share fun-filled get togethers with food and
entertainment with fellow Michiganians at 6
pm the first Wednesday of the month, Nov.-
Apr. at West Center. March dinner meeting
with entertainment by the Tucson Flute
Club; April dinner meeting featuring Mariachi
Minnesota Club of Green Valley
Tom & Mary Johnson, 207-8408
Social group of current and past residents of
Pacific Northwest Club
Fred Taylor 625-2308
Social group of current and past residents of
Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
Singles Club of GVR
Pat Ault (520) 300-4489
Social singles group of GVR members meet
weekly 9:30 am on Mondays at Desert Hills.
Monthly newsletter, social hours, weekend
breakfasts, and more!
New England Club
Joe Potter 625-5370
Membership is open to all GVR Members who
love the New England states.
www.gvrec.org • April 2015
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