disPatcher - Orange Grove Quilters Guild
disPatcher - Orange Grove Quilters Guild
disPatcher Page ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD NOVEMBER 2010 VOLUME 28 #11 Noted Quilter Anita Shackelford Will Speak at November Meeting Anita Shackelford has been a quiltmaker since 1967 and began teaching in 1980. She is an internationally recognized teacher and lecturer who loves combining appliqué and fine hand quilting to create new quilts in 19th century style. She also enjoys using her sewing machine for many parts of the creative process and has recently added long arm quilting to the mix. Anita has been featured on several television programs, including Today’s American Quilter, Kaye’s Quilting Friends, Linda’s Electric Quilters, and Simply Quilts. Her work and antique quilts from her collection have been featured in several gallery and museum exhibits. Her quilts have been published in many magazines and she is the author of several books, most recently, A Modern Mix published by AQS. Anita will be showing us her quilts and speaking about designing an album quilt. New Officers To Be Selected A BIG thank you goes to the nominating committee who have selected our slate of officers for 2011. The Nominating committee consisted of Shirley Ellsworth, Penny Soldin, Joyce Oberle, Taffy Harper and Susan McVicar. Our proposed slate of Officers for 2011, shown from left minus Nancy Post, is: NEXT MEETING November 10 A-G BRING TREATS! President : Bonnie Lippincott 1st VP: Susan Johnson 2nd VP: Karen Powel Secretary: Nancy Post Treasurer: Pat Kritlow The elections will be at the November meeting and should there be any nominations from the floor, I will need to be notified in writing prior to the meeting. Thanks. Linda Gray,Parliamentarian www.orangegrovequiltersguild.com DISPATCHER Page 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE What an amazing year it has been. It is hard to believe, but this month our Patchwork of Quilts show has come full circle. The energy and creativity expended from our membership has been outstanding. How fortunate we are to enjoy working with each other and contributing to our show’s success. I am grateful to be able to work with such a wonderful group of ladies with wide and varied talents. When we meet again at our November guild meeting, each member will be given a ballot when you sign in at the door. Please take a moment to cast your vote for Outstanding Member of the Year for 2010. Our Nominating Committee chair, Shirley Ellsworth, presented the 2011 Slate of Officers at our October guild meeting. They are: Bonnie Lippincott for President, Susan Johnson for First Vice President, Karen Powel for Second Vice President, Nancy Post for Secretary and Pat Kritlow for Treasurer. Elections take place at our November guild meeting. The Road to California Bus Trip is half full. We would love to have you join us. If you are interested, make sure to pay a visit to Eva Jamar and Joan Groff at the November meeting to reserve your place on the bus. The $27.50 fee includes round trip bus fare, ticket entry for Road, water and snack. Penny Soldin continues to hand out the Membership renewal forms at our guild meetings as well as printing it in the current newsletter. If you haven’t already filled in your form, please do so and help Penny get ahead before the holidays. On the subject of holidays, soon it will be Thanksgiving---a uniquely American holiday. I suspect there are lots of Tom Turkeys out there soon to grace many a table for the Thanksgiving feast. I wish everyone the bounty of peace, love and gratefulness at Thanksgiving and throughout the year. I thank each of you for the support and friendship you have given me. ~Ellen ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 3 2011 Open Committee Positions Some Fun Jobs are Still Available! As we are coming to the end of the year and begin to fill committee positions for 2011, there are a few openings remaining. The guild has an opening for an Historian and a Hospitality chairperson. Please participate and head up one of these positions. You may contact Ellen Roman at 949-642-4373 or e-mail her at kenhutchins@roadrunner.com. The Basketeers Continue to Add to Our Coffers Our October baskets made us $123.00, and its only possible thru all of you who help us with your wonderful donated Treasures, and in turn we give you one FREE ticket for our raffle baskets, Thank you all who make this possible. Our Lucky winners were William Johnson, Mary Stockard, Glenna Tuomala, and Donna York. November baskets will have Fall Colors, Fall Fabrics, Autumn colors, browns, golds, rust please help us out. We appreciate your generosity. One MYSTERY gift we will have for a lucky person!!! Thank you so much! Road to California Bus Trip Thursday, January 20, 2011 We had a great start filling the bus to Road on such a busy day at Guild. We still have room on the bus so don't delay and miss a good time. Sign up at the November meeting. Checks to OGQG for $27.50 to secure your spot.. FROM THE GREEN QUILTING QUEEN: ―I sew my quilt label to a used dryer sheet. I sew it fronts together and sew all the way around the label. I then slit the dryer sheet about 1" in the center of the sheet, just enough room to turn it right-side out. I then press it, so I have a nice crisp edge to hand-sew or appliqué to the back of the quilt. The used dryer sheet also smells real good every time you wash THE OGQG Wishes you and your family a wonderful holiday! We are thankful for our mutual friendships and your unwavering support for our Guild. and dry the quilt.‖ DISPATCHER Page 4 NOVEMBER WORKSHOP: ANITA SCHACKELFORD- Shackelford to Teach 3D Appliqué Marking Magician Speaks…. “When trying to figure out a quilting design to put on my block. I bought a large clear piece of plastic to draw on and I use a non– permanent marker to draw my design idea. I can see what my quilting design will look like that way. If I don't like it I just wipe off and start again. This works really well for borders, and helps you figure how to handle those pesky corner spots!‖ Ellen Roman’s Felted Wool Notions Case had us hopping like bunnies last month. The variety of colors and design choices made everyone smile. Thank you Ellen for sharing your creativity with us! November will be our last workshop of the year. Can’t believe it! Guess when you are having fun, time flies. Anita Schackelford will be here to teach her 3D appliqué. Participants will be filling a vase with dimensional flowers in the style of the Follet House album quilt. It should be an exciting workshop. Would you like to take a workshop for free in 2011? You could be the lucky winner! Tickets will be on sale starting in September-$1.00 each or 6 for $5.00. The drawing will be in November and the winner can choose from any workshop offered in 2011. Tickets are for Guild members only and are not transferable. You can get your tickets at the Workshop table. If you sign up for a workshop and find you are unable to attend please let us know as soon as possible as we may be able to fill your spot from the waiting list. That is why you should not hesitate to put your name on the wait lists for workshops as many times, because of “life” happenings someone may cancel and a place opens up. As a courtesy to the teacher and other students, please arrive 30 minutes before class starts at 9 AM. This will give you time to set up your supplies and We are thankful for our Quilt Show Chairs!! catch your breath before class starts. Our workshops are held at the Westminster Village Clubhouse – 5200 Blackpool. It is a lovely venue with lots of light and space. Please bring your, lunch, snacks, drinks, project supplies and extension cords. The workshop starts promptly at 9 AM. Any questions? See us at the Workshop Table or contact us at: Marie Blash: 714-775 -8004 or marieblash@att.net ; Justine Gentile: 714962-8447 or Ibic@aol.com. Hope to see you at a workshop soon! ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 5 ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Member Workshop Sign-Up Sheet for 2011 Member Name & Phone ____________________________________________ E-Mail address________________________________________ You will be notified if one of your chosen workshops is full and you are put on the waiting list. If you are put on the wait list, you will be refunded your payment and payment will be due only if a space becomes available to you. _______ _______ January February 10 _______ March 10 _______ April 14 _______ May 12 _______ _______ July June 9 _______ August 11 _______ September 15 _______ October 13 _______ November 10 _______ TOTAL No workshop Tammie Bowser Easy & Amazing Quilted Photography Janet Worley Blueberries and White Chocolate Quilt Helen Williams A Full Day of Tips and Techniques Grace Errea Dancing Swans No workshop Patricia Beaver Crayon Quilts Larene Smith Orange Crush Quilt Karen S tone Cactus Flower Lisa Coulombe Curvy Bias Technique Tote or Vest Sue Rasmussen Machine Pieced Landscape $30.00 From the Glue $30.00 Girl: $30.00 She claims that $30.00 the pink glue stick used in ap- $30.00 pliqué, etc. won’t $30.00 dry up and will $30.00 $30.00 $30.00 be easier to use (because it stays hard), if you keep it in the refrigerator! Please check the workshop you wish to sign up for. Workshop must be paid for before you can be put on the list. Workshop theme is subject to change and will not be refunded. Any questions contact Marie Blash, 714 775 8004, mblash@socal.rr.com or Justine Gentile 714 962 8447, ibic@aol.com Komen For the Cure Update The Tree made by Mary O'Driscoll was won by Andrew Alvarado of Santa Ana. He was kind of in shock. Maybe he's never won anything before! Special thanks to our Guild members, etc. who made donations to our Quilt Guild team. They are: Ruth Cox, Pat Essington, Sally Flatebo, Linda Gotthard, Carol Howerton, Norma Millett, Joyce Oberle, Joann Schaum, Judi Smith, Bill Soldin, Betty Winek. Also donating to us was L A County Quilters Guild and some from Surfside Quilters Guild. Our team raised a total of $1,055. I'm still collecting Yoplait pink lids. Remember they must have been purchased in 2010 for them to count. I'll be collecting them through our December guild meeting. If you'd prefer to mail them to me, that'll be terrific. Our fundraiser for this month were the state flowers created by Northcott fabrics. The winner was Nancy Post. I continue to be humbled by our Guild's support of the issue of breast cancer awareness and education. It is my hope that some day we will see an end to this terrible disease. Barbara Purks DISPATCHER Page 6 ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM FOR 2011 Please complete this form in its entirety. This form needs to be returned to me ON OR BEFORE THE JANUARY 15, 2010 GUILD MEETING, together with your CHECK for $25.00 payable to O.G.Q.G. Please clip or staple your check to this form and either mail it to me at the address below or bring it to the next guild meeting. In order for your name to be listed in the 2011 Membership Roster and Yearbook, your renewal must be to me no later than January 15, 2011. You may renew at a later date, but your name will not be in the 2011 Roster and Yearbook. ( PLEASE COMPLETE FORM EVEN IF ALL OF YOUR INFORMATION IS THE SAME AS LAST YEAR) PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY: Membership Number__________ Name:______________________________________________Spouse_ _____________ Street Address___________________________________________________________ City________________________________State__________Zip______________________ Birthday: Month_______ Day_________ Phone:______________________Fax__________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________ (Please write “none” if you do not have email) (IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO PICK UP YOUR 2011 ROSTER AND WOULD LIKE IT MAILED TO YOU, INCLUDE AN EXTRA $5.00 AND INITIAL HERE____________ (IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR 2011 NEWSLETTER MAILED TO YOU BY FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, INCLUDE AN EXTRA $12.00 AND INITIAL HERE______________ (Everyone in the guild will receive the newsletter by the regular bulk postage, unless you pay extra for lst class postage) Thank You, Penny Soldin, Chairperson 2713 S. Griset Pl., Santa Ana CA 92704 714.504.3531 OR PSoldin@aol.com DATE PAID______________TOTAL PAID_________Mbrship____Yearbook______ Page 7 ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Mis Matchy- HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Shirley Bower ....................... Nov 2 Eleanor Haywood ................. Nov 2 Jacquie Lukowski ................. Nov 3 Linda Sackin ......................... Nov 6 Glenna Tuomala ................... Nov 7 Sandra Polizzi ....................... Nov 8 Rose Carter ........................... Nov 10 Sherril Gerard ....................... Nov 10 Betty Karbo .......................... Nov 13 Helen Williams ..................... Nov 13 Lorna Fields .......................... Nov 14 Judith Hill ............................. Nov 14 Jean Griffin ........................... Nov 15 Sheila A Fancovic ................ Nov 16 Peggy Walter ........................ Nov 16 Ruth Ann Laws ..................... Nov 17 Margaret Wilson ................... Nov 17 Rosalie Liogys ...................... Nov 19 Joan Fincher ......................... Nov 20 Sally Kuck ............................ Nov 22 Kay Johnstone ...................... Nov 23 Margaret Johnson ................. Nov 25 Ruth Kaae ............................. Nov 25 Fran Bodle ............................ Nov 26 Pat Kritlow ........................... Nov 26 Lucille La Gundo ................. Nov 27 Marilyn Gulickson ................ Nov 28 Dianne Hoffman ................... Nov 29 Mary Maver .......................... Nov 29 Tayeko Inadomi .................... Nov 30 Matchy says: ―When trying to purchase matching and blending fabrics for a project in the design stage, you can photocopy or scan swatches of your existing fabrics on a color copier (Make sure the ink wells are full and colors accurate) and keep the page(s) folded neatly in your purse. You never know when you will be passing a quilt shop— providing a perfect excuse to stop!‖ (As if we need an excuse!) DISPATCHER Page 8 DOOR PRIZES& SPONSORS Joanne Schaum Eileen Tsuruda Farn Plett, Liz Kier Eva Jamar, Beth Steil Mickey Mellevold Please support our sponsors! Their gifts add a fun and useful dimension to our meetings, and we want them all to be successful! Jenny’s Fabric—gift cards M & L Fabrics—gift cards Quilters Garden— Fabric and gift card Orange Quilt Bee—gift cards Calico House—pattern Dianne Hoffman Jan May, Fran Bodle, Carol Munn, Ingrid Vigeant, Jean Griffin, Betsy White Joan Groff Thayone Jones, Elaine Oghi, Jody Burtch, Mary McGovern Linda Sackin, Mickey Phillips Nita Randolph, Joyce Oberle Ardeth Paget, Aggie Vanaus SewN Vac fabric Philanthropy: M&L, Calico House, Cecilia Quilts, Jennys, Batty Lady, Beth Ferrier Q LongArm Quilting Bunney Hutch—charm packs Cindy Cooper, Patty Kessla Phyllis Derigo Beth Ferrier—Books Barbara Purks Flying Geese— gift card Sewing Party—Gift cards J and P Quilters Quilting discounts The Batty Lady— Batting Timeless Totes Page 9 ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD MARK YOUR CALENDAR! November meeting will feature a “sew-in” after the Guild meeting. Many hands=less work! After the NOVEMBER meeting we are having a PHILANTHROPY- CHARITY work day. All those that raised their hand and anyone who'd like to help please stay. We will have a lot going on. Bring your lunch and something to drink. After lunch we will cut fabrics to make quilt kits from new patterns we have, tops that need to have backs and batting cut, pillow case kits to make , stocking kits to make and sew. We have over 50 quilts that need to be quilted. Bring your quilting and sewing supplies, rotary cutters, cutting mats, irons and ironing mats,rulers all sizes, extension cords, thread, and sewing machines if you want to sew. Something for everyone! If we get enough people interested we would like to have more of these after guild workshops, every few months. Since the 3/1 Marines are deployed, in December we will collect toys for Words of Comfort and Promise for the military children at Camp Pendleton the party is Dec. 11th. Bring Toys for Babies to 12 year olds. Remember to bring in your finished Christmas stockings to the November and December meetings. If you are not going to be at the December meeting bring your toys in November and I will hold them till pick up. Project Self Sufficiency has ask if anyone is interested in Adopt -A - Family for Thanksgiving or donations of Christmas trees. See us for forms or call 714 536 5263 or 714 536 5439. We still need Hobbs batting bar codes Thanks again to all of you that made Pillow cases for the Foster Children and quilts for Habitat for Humanity they were a huge success. Carol Howerton and Carol Munn DISPATCHER Page 10 Cecilia Quilts Longarm quilting Computerized & Freehand Cecilia Hosford 714-401-3563 Ceciliaquilts.com Steph’s Pet Sitting Over Night Stays Pet Taxi Medication Administered Free Mail & Newspaper Collected. Lawn & Plants Watered Call Taffy Harper @ (714) 809-4107 Licensed, Insured, Bonded, Pet First Aid & CPR Certified 11891 Valley View Page 11 ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Show and Tell A fabulous group of quilts graced the stage from: Mary Stockard, Barbara Purks, Bea Vieira, Nancy Henry, Jody Burtch, Corni Quinliven, Irene Haydik, Judi Smith, Janet Gavney, Tina Coyle, Susan McVickar, Bonnie Lippincott, Linda Majer, Merci Apodaca, and Taffy Harper. Inspirational work ladies! November Presort Std 2010 US POSTAGE PAID Garden Grove, CA Deliver to Addressee or Current Resident President Ellen Roman st Susan Johnson nd 2 Vice Pres Merci Apodaca Secretary Nancy Post Treasurer Judi Smith 1 Vice Pres Standing Committees: Past President Joyce Oberle Parliamentarian Linda Gray Historian Karen Powel The Orange Grove Quilters Guild is a tax exempt group organized to promote cooperation and exchange of ideas, among those interested or engaged in quilting and fiber arts; to encourage and maintain high standards of design and techniques of creative quilting and fiber arts; to inspire personal achievements. Librarian Margot Taub, Sherry Lincoln Membership is currently open. Membership Penny Soldin, Joann Schaum Newsletter Gayle Wayne, Cecelia Hosford Annual Dues are $25.00 per year beginning in February and ending in December. Guest donation is $3.00 per meeting. Philanthropy Carol Howerton, Carol Munn SCCQG Rep Carol Logue Ways & Means Anna Carlson, Kim Green, Fran Bodle Workshops Marie Blash, Justine Gentile Meetings. Doors open at 9:00a.m. The regular meeting is 9:30a.m. the 2nd Wednesday of the month. December’s meeting is the 1st Wednesday. The meetings are at Garden Grove United Methodist Church in Acker Hall, located at 12741 Main Street, Garden Grove, Ca.
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