Speaker: Mary Tabar Topic: Traditional to Art Quilts Workshop: Cut
Speaker: Mary Tabar Topic: Traditional to Art Quilts Workshop: Cut
Orange Grove Quilters’ Guild Volume 33 #4 APRIL 2015 Next Meeting: April 8, 2015 Doors Open at 8:30—Meeting Starts at 9:30 Snacks: H –L Speaker: Mary Tabar Topic: Traditional to Art Quilts Workshop: Cut and Fold Applique Mary Tabar was born in Hannibal, Missouri. While her mother worked in sewing machine retail, Mary would sew on machines getting repaired and learned basic sewing at an early age. By 6 years of age, she was doing crewel embroidery and other hand sewing projects. Raised with Midwest work ethics and family values, these qualities helped to foster appreciation, patience and a simple approach to life. She graduated from Truman State University in Kirksville, MO with a B.S. in Industrial Technology and a minor in Graphic Arts. Later, she earned her teaching credential from California State University San Marcos. She has been teaching quilting and surface embellishments at Community Colleges in San Diego for 5 years. She teaches traditional quilting with a flair for contemporary colors and methods. She has exhibited quilts locally, nationally and internationally for the last 6 years. She has been published in several books and has had 2 articles published in quilting periodicals. Her website is marytabar.com. She will be with us on April 8. Do join us! Garden Grove United Methodist Church, Acker Hall 12741 Main Street, Garden Grove P.O. Box 453, Garden Grove, CA 92842-0453 Www.OrangeGroveQuiltersGuild.com DISPATCHER Page 2 It is spring. Is anyone cleaning out their sewing room in a frenzy of spring cleaning? I am certainly not, but I have heard that some of you are seeking some order in your life. This is the time of year to refresh, organize and inventory all of the possible projects awaiting our attention. If you come across some white, beige or solid color fabric that doesn’t seem to belong in your sewing room any longer . . . think Philanthropy. Philanthropy will welcome your donation. Most other fabrics are not needed by Philanthropy at this time, but I am sure that Fabrics & Trims or Quilts of Valor will welcome your donation. Our last class was Trapunto Sampler by Jenny Lyons. We learned to build a sandwich of batting layers that are basted with water soluble thread and then cut away the batting to build the “trapunto” effect. You can make a very traditional quilt, or you can use trapunto to embellish very modern looking large print fabrics with dimension. I want to thank Glenda McNeil for taking the position of Librarian. She has some great ideas and has already implemented a rating system for the fiction books in our library, and a label system to organize and label the books by “type”, such as appliqué, paper piecing, etc. Glenda is already president of the Flying Geese quilt guild, but wanted a way to serve our guild at our meetings. Please join me in recognizing her service. We had a very full house at our March meeting. It is always good to see everyone, and enjoy our fabulous speakers. Next month, we welcome Mary Tabar, who will be talking about Traditional to Art Quilts. The April workshop is Cut and Fold Applique, which sounds very fun. Hope to see you there! Welcome to all of our new members. We plan to host a New Member Luncheon on Friday, June 5. Please mark your calendars if you have joined the guild any time since last May. You will be receiving your invitation soon. It is a wonderful way to meet the board members and other new members. We share information about the guild, and answer your questions, plus you get free lunch. What a deal. Thank you to Susan Derring who is organizing this event for you. Please check out the list of volunteers still needed. There are still critical positions vacant as we move deeper into our year. There are so many people that have assumed positions of responsibility in our guild, with over 40 board positions, committee chairs and positions of responsibility. Thank you to everyone supporting this guild. It is a large guild and takes many helpers to keep it running. ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 3 April Birthdays April 2 April 3 April 4 April 4 April 4 April 5 April 6 April 8 April 8 April 8 April 10 April 11 April 11 April 11 April 13 April 13 April 14 April 14 April 15 April 18 April 20 April 23 April 23 April 27 April 28 April 30 Becky Marti Candace Irma Janet Rozanne Judith Helen Madeline Linda Sharon Ruth Wendy Robin Janet Peggy Ardith Blanche Stephanie Gale Ardelle Janet Sharon Mary Karen Jacqueline Meekhof Reiter Ping Ciccarelli Haynes Woelm Haitsuka Murray Sherman Castle Hritz Cox Dillon Gallagher Gavney Hart Endres Young Williams Licata Stenson May Don’t forget to pick up your Birthday fat quarter! Hayes Langston Powel Nolan I’ll keep this a short report for April. We now have 274 members. The initial renewals are all in and we had six new members and four renewals at the March meeting. Welcome to all of them. March was National Quilt Month and all guests were free at the meeting. We had nine guests and by the end of the day one of those had joined the guild. Spring is here and there’s a lot to do in the coming months. Keep busy and have fun quilting. Bonnie Lippincott Membership Chairman DISPATCHER Page 4 APRIL 9TH WORKSHOP With MARY TABAR Come join us for Mary Tabar’s “Cut and Fold Applique” Workshop on Thursday, April 9, 2015. This class will concentrate on Mary’s fun and unique method of applique. The workshop is held at 5200 Blackpool in Westminster. The instructor begins teaching promptly at 9 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m. Doors to the room open at 8 a.m. giving participants plenty of set-up time in order to be ready to begin the class on time. Remember to bring your lunch, drinks and necessary supplies in order to enjoy your day creatively sewing with quilting friends old and new. Should you have any questions, please contact Susan Johnson hbgayle@msn.com, or Ellen Roman kenhutchins@roadrunner.com. Jenny Lyons ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 5 by Pam Boozan Church Liaison This individual lives close to our meeting place, Garden Grove United Methodist Church, and would be able to pick up the key either Monday or Tuesday before our general meeting, and then opens the doors before 8:00 AM the day of the meeting. There is a checklist of opening actions, simple things like turning on lights etc. Tea and Auction Chair or Co-Chair The individual(s) would lead the Tea and Auction planning process. There are examples and previous years records to guide the planning. I might have a volunteer to be a co-chair, but would still need someone who plans to actively participate in the process. There will be willing volunteers to assume responsibility for parts of the planning. The guild has always enthusiastically supported the Tea and Auction. I will be an active participant on the committee. Philanthropy Chair and Assistants The individual(s) would participate in defining the future of philanthropy. Set goals, host the sew-in workshops and contact perspective recipient organizations. This position is a board member and will attend the guild board meetings to report accomplishments and bring recommendations for board consideration. The assistants would oversee one aspect of philanthropy, such as pillowcases, baby quilts or veterans quilts. There may be some storage responsibilities. 2016 Opportunity Quilt Planning If you are interested in helping select a project for the guild, and helping organize everything, then this one is for you. This can be more than one person working together. If you are interested or need more information, please contact Pam Boozan at 714 962-5231 or 714 318-8673. “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” Ralph Waldo Emerson DISPATCHER Page 6 Philanthropy Sew Day Inviting all members to come out for the next SEW DAY on April 2nd at the Driftwood Mobile Home Park Clubhouse, 15621 Beach Blvd., Westminster, CA. There is plenty of room and we are able to get so much done by having lots of hands to work to make as many quilts as possible. The more the merrier in making philanthropy quilts for our local charities and the Foster Children of Orange County. We have all the fabric and precut quilts. Just bring your sewing machine and quilting accessories for a fun day. And, all is for such a good cause. It starts at 9AM and you can stay as long as you wish. We will stop for lunch. You can bring your lunch, or go out. We close up shop around 2:00 to 2:30. Here are photos of some of the ladies that were making quilts at the March Sew Day. If you have any questions, you can contact Pam and she will fill you in. ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 7 The winners of the 6 incentives I had were Sharon Hayes, Sandy Bloore, Joann Schaum, Ruth Cox, Bea Vieira, and Darci Bodin. Congratulations ladies! These items were donated by Darci Bodin, Tina Coyle, and Glenda McNeil. We will be selling raffle tickets for the AccuQuilt Starter Set graciously donated by Darci Bodin. There will also be incentives as usual. What would it be if we didn't have some of those items donated by our wonderful Guild members? We will be drawing the AccuQuilt Starter Set at the April meeting. Our wonderful membership's continuing support of efforts on behalf of breast cancer awareness and education is appreciated. Our membership’s ongoing commitment to helping others is heartwarming. Thanks to all of you; so many are helped in one way or another. Barbara Purks # Members in the UFO Challenge . . . . . . 42 # Quilts turned in at March Meeting . . . 24 # Total quilts finished . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 QUILT DUE AT THE MAY MEETING.... #4 REMEMBER.....QUILTED, BOUND & LABELED Prize Winners in March . . .Randy, Aggie, Jane, Justine, Glenda and Barbara L. . . . Congrats!!!!!!! There are several UFOers that have not turned in any projects. DO NOT give up!!!! There is lots of time to get some, or all, finished. Turn in as many as you can, it is never too late!!!! Please let me know if you are stuck on a project and I will find someone to help you. Keep up the good work ladies.... WE CAN DO IT !!!!!! DISPATCHER Page 8 Helen Murray and Barbara Purks Tranquility Quilts—Pat Kritlow Piecemakers—Aggie Venaas Moore’s—Fran Bodle Bear’s—Phyllis Derigo Quilt Cupboard—Joann Williams Jenny’s—Janet Gavney M & L Fabrics—Novella Vandal Member Donation (fabric) - Susan Croker Piecemaker’s—Lois Gallagher Moore’s—Pat Beachner Jenny’s—Tas Whitmore Member Donation—Alice Yonago M & L Fabrics—Aileen Tsuruda Quilt Cupboard—Linda Majer Piecemaker’s—Sharon Hritz ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 9 NEW MEMBER LUNCHEON JUNE 5, 2015 If you have joined OGQG anytime since last May, 2014, you will be receiving your invitation to attend our New Member Luncheon. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending this fun and informative event. This luncheon is hosted by Orange Grove’s Board of Directors in honor of all the new members who have joined the guild in the past year. We hope to give you the opportunity to get to know your Board Members and committee chairpersons, as well as meeting and getting to know other new members. Questions can be directed to Susan Derring or Pam Boozan. Orange Grove Quilters Guild Tea and Auction Planning Meeting Monday—April 13 1:00 pm At Pam Boozan’s Home DISPATCHER Page 10 Our 2015 quilt will be a beautiful appliqued quilt, called "Baltimore Christmas." It was made by Mary O'Driscoll and quilted by Cecelia Hosford. Every member will be asked to purchase or sell tickets for the quilt. If you have questions about our Opportunity Quilt, please contact Judith Stamper. 2014 Opportunity Quilt Winner Ina Niday ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 11 March Show and Tell DISPATCHER Page 12 March Show and Tell ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 13 Coming Events . . . April 2 OGQG Philanthropy SEW DAY April 8 OGQG General Meeting: Mary Tabar April 10-11 Orange County Quilters Guild Show, Anaheim, CA April 10-12 “Best of the Valley” Quilt Show, Lindsay, CA April 24 OGQG Board Meeting April 25 SCCQG “Meet the Teachers,” Carson Community Center April 25 Acacia Quilt Guild Tea and Auction, Buena Park, CA May 2-3 Quilting in the Valley, Airtel Hotel, Los Angeles, CA May 7 OGQG Philanthropy SEW DAY May 11 Flying Geese Quilting Guild: Orion Burns tribute to his mother, Eleanor Burns Social Time & Shopping 6 pm; Meeting 6:30 pm May 13 OGQG General Meeting: Leora Raiken May 16-17 Antelope Valley Quilt Assoc. Quilt Show & Auction May 27 Wandering Foot Quilt Guild Yard Sale, Arcadia, CA May 29 OGQG Board Meeting June 4 OGQG Philanthropy SEW DAY June 5 OGQG New Member Luncheon June 10 OGQG General Meeting: Ann Turley June 13-14 Sierra Mountain Quilters Assoc.: Sierra Blooms Quilt Show, Oakhurst, CA June 27-28 Seven Sisters Quilt Show, Madonna Inn, San Luis Obispo, CA More information on many of these events is available at http://www.sccqg.org/ in “Events.” DISPATCHER Page 14 Support Our Supporters 1243 E. Imperial Hwy Placentia, CA 92870 714-993-3091 (New Location) ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD Page 15 The ORANGE GROVE QUILTERS GUILD is a tax exempt group organized to promote cooperation and the exchange of ideas among those interested or engaged in quilting and fiber arts; to encourage and maintain high standards of design and techniques of creative quilting and fiber arts; and to inspire personal achievement. MEMBERSHIP is currently open. Annual Dues are $25.00 per year beginning in February and ending in December. Guest donation is $5.00 per meeting. MEETINGS: Doors open at 8:30a.m. The regular meeting is 9:30am on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. December’s meeting is the 1st Wednesday. Meetings are held at Garden Grove United Methodist Church in Acker Hall, located at 12741 Main Street, Garden Grove, California. There is no General Meeting in July. President Pam Boozan 1st Vice President Becky Meekhof 2nd Vice President Marilyn Pond Secretary Marie Blash Treasurer Jane Oglesby Standing Committees: Past President Mary Stockard Parliamentarian Carol Logue Friendship Groups Carol Munn Historian Marilyn Pond Librarian Glenda McNeil Membership Bonnie Lippincott, Betty Jean Wenner Newsletter Elaine Ohgi Philanthropy SCCQG Rep Alice Yonago Ways & Means Christi Kolisnyk, Alice Yonago Workshops Susan Johnson, Ellen Roman
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