August - Beach Cities Quilters Guild
August - Beach Cities Quilters Guild Stitches in the Sand Volume 20, Number 10 August 2012 MEETING DATE — Thursday, August 9, 2012 HAPPY (HALF) HOUR — 6:30 to 7:00 P.M. BUSINESS — 7:00 to 9:30 P.M. TERRY WALDRON "I've made a pledge to treat every piece of my work like it might be the last one I do." ~ Terry Waldron Join us for Dinner and Meet our Speaker Terry Waldron Peppino’s 27782 Vista del Lago #26 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 (949) 859-9556 In 1993 when Terry's tennis partner told her she had to cancel playing for six weeks to take a quilting class, Terry was curious and asked...... A what? Terry didn't even know what a quilt was then and when she finally made it into a quilt store, she became hooked! For Terry's first class, she came prepared with sixtyeight of her quarter-yard-cuts and 7 days later had her first quilt and it was queen size too. Terry's background is a High School English teacher with a university degree in teaching both art and English. Thursday, August 9, 2012 4:30 p.m. To reserve your seat call or email Jean Impey jimpey11@ or (714) 815-7884 The Beach Cities Quilters Guild was established to promote quilting and other fabric arts in the South Orange County area. Membership is $30 per year, October through September. Guests are welcome at meetings for a $5 guest fee (free in December). For membership information, contact Becky McDaniel, 27741 Daisyfield Dr., Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 . Web Site: Listed email and phone numbers are for BCQG business only please. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Meetings are held the 2nd Thursday of each month at the The Quilt Show Board had a fun filled night in July celebrating the close of a very successful event. I enjoyed gathering with all these ladies and getting to know each of them even better. To get in on all this fun, join a committee. I personally think it’s worth all the extra effort to be a part of the experience. I look forward to visiting with you at the different meetings, workshops, and sometimes there is time on Guild night. If we haven’t met, please introduce yourself to me. 24932 Veterans Way, Mission Viejo From the NORTH Take the 5 Freeway South to La Paz at the Exit turn Left From the SOUTH Take the 5 Freeway North to La Paz at the Exit turn Right Stay on La Paz all the way past Marguerite Parkway - Turn Left at Veterans Way (about 1.5 miles from the freeway exit) NORTH * Veterans Way August is the month that the guild is presented with the next year’s nominees for the executive board. Please be sure to check out the Nomination Committee’s report to see the proposed slate of officers. AND SENIOR CENTER La Paz Exit 5 Freeway ar gu er ite The heat does not draw me to my sewing machine, so I start thinking about what projects I want to line up for fall to either start or finish. I usually have a pile of UFO’s to pick from. Somehow that pile only grows no matter how many I complete. This problem will never go away as long as the guild provides the best speakers and all the wonderful workshops. NORMAN P. MURRAY COMMUNITY M It’s hard to believe that August is here. I hope that your summer was filled with memories of fun, family time, and travels. SOUTH Next Board Meeting: Thursday, August 16, 2012 6pm at Sewing Party Sandy Your 20th President 23561 Ridge Route Road Suite F Laguna Hills, CA 92653 949.282.0084 AUGUST 2012 Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 2 WORKSHOPS SEWING PARTY 23561 Ridge Route, Suite F Laguna Hills, CA 92653 AUGUST Terry Waldron One-day class, Scraffito, Friday, August 10; One-day class The Art of Seascapes, Saturday, August 11 Sewing Party 10-4; Each class is $30. Remember how fun it was making crayon scraffitos in elementary school? You colored the paper, then covered it with India ink, waited for it to dry, and then scratched into it to make a picture. No worries... Now we'll do that with cloth! First comes the simple sewing of strips and strips of fabric to batting. Then we'll cover it with one large piece of black fabric. Did you know that there is an amazing array of gorgeous patterned all-black fabric out there? It's true! You'll learn to freely cut a pattern-less picture from that one piece of cloth. The final sewing is simple, but the finished piece is striking! You don't even have to BE an artist to make this one-of-a-kind piece of true ART... and it's FUN! like. There are endless possibilities for using the sea as a major element in a composition, but there are a few rules that you need to know as well. In this class we will turn hand-dyed fabrics into the majesty of the ocean. You'll learn "rough cut" to simulate water and waves, the sand dunes, and even the mountains and cliffs. This is a design class, but you will be taught sewing techniques to help the water look wetter and the hills rockier. You will even learn how to add fish, seaweed, and other marine creatures to your work, if you'd SEPTEMBER RaNea Merrill One-day class, Spiral Boots Camp, Friday, September 14; One-day class More Than a Barrel of Monkeys Saturday, September 15 Sewing Party 10-4; Each class is $40. Learn to draw, color and sew each of the four types of spirals. We'll do Nesting and Baravelle spirals in the morning, Point-to-Point and Pinwheel spirals in the afternoon, then finish off with some basic design techniques for incorporating spirals into quilts. Expect to finish two spiral blocks in class; you will receive a pattern for a hotpad to make at home using your spiral blocks. Don't let the title scare you -spirals are actually much easier than they look! Make a Baravelle spiral quilt that all your friends will say is simply amazing! Learn to draw, color and foundation-piece a Baravelle spiral. You'll also learn how to select fabrics by color and value, and pick up techniques for foundation piecing that make it easier than ever. Baravelle spirals look complicated, but they're actually easy to sew -- and there are NO curved seams! You'll have time in class to complete up to three blocks to get your quilt started. (And in case you only want to finish one block, there's a hot pad pattern for avoiding another UFO!) Based on the techniques in RaNae's bestselling book Simply Amazing Spiral Quilts. OCTOBER Save the date for October 12, Sandy Corbin will teach the Letty Bag and October 13, David Kingston will teach a new trick for squares on point. AUGUST 2012 Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 3 PHILANTHROPY This month Beach Cities Quilters Guild donated 50 quilts, 13 NICU blankets, and 13 receiving blankets, plus beanie babies to every little child that received a quilt. Quilts went to several shelters: 3 to Prototypes, 4 to Orangewood, 5 to Village of Hope, and 5 to Emmanuel House. Two more baby quilts went to Camp Pendleton, where there were some twins. UCI Oncology received 6 quilts. Orange County Child Abuse Prevention received 10 quilts and 13 receiving blankets. The Alzheimer’s Project for study participants received 8 quilts. Laguna Beach Community Clinic received 5 quilts. Saddleback Hospital received 12 NICU blankets. Auction quilts went to Christ Reform Church (for their program of feeding the homeless) and the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation. The church also received a NICU blanket. Thank you for all of your contributions. Please e-mail us if you know of a need for a quilt. The next Philanthropy Sewing Day will be Monday, August 6 th, at Sewing Party, from 10 to 4. Please come for all or as much of the day as you can. At about 12:30 p.m., we will do our tip time. We will review the binding techniques that we worked on last month, along with a little work on options for piecing quilt backs. Please note that the September Sewing Day will be Monday, September 10 th – the second Monday – because of Labor Day. Those of you at the July meeting were treated to a display of new little quilts, made in June, for the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative. They were inspired by beautiful photos of the Laguna Tide Pools by Patsee Ober. She generously gave us permission to use her photos as inspiration. Please check out her website: The Philanthropy page of the Guild website has been updated. Hopefully we will have new pictures added shortly. Our first 27 quilts have been donated to AAQI and may be available for sale on-line by the time this newsletter is published. Remember that the funds from the sales go directly to Alzheimer’s research. The website is: We are so grateful to Nancy Thompson for all the planning and organizing of the Demo/Sew Out days. We meet at Moore’s, in Mission Viejo, on the third Thursday of each month. Demos are 10-12 and 1-3. Please sign-up if you are interested, as space is limited. You can e-mail either Diana or Mary Ann. It’s a wonderful opportunity to learn something new for virtually no cost. You make a little quilt for an important cause and have a really nice time in the process. It is so amazing to look at the sea of Philanthropy quilts at each meeting. Diana and I are honored to be involved in the best Philanthropy program anywhere. Thanks to the on-going efforts of this guild, we can continue to make a difference in many lives. We can always use more help. Please consider joining us on a Sewing Day, especially if you are new to the guild. What a great way to make new friends! Mary Ann Wahl Diana O’Connor Philanthropy Co-Chair Philanthropy Co-Chair AUGUST 2012 Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 4 BCQG QUILT SHOW 2012 CHAIRMAN It was a great privilege to Chair the 2012 Quilt Show. Getting to know so many of our wonderful members better was a fun and rewarding experience. Now I get to say thank you to our members for the fantastic quilt presented to me at our last Quilt Show Committee Meeting. It’s amazing! The scalloped borders knock me out, and the quilting is beautiful. I will always treasure it. Many hands and lot of hours went into making these quilts. Thank you to everyone who participated in making blocks, quilting, binding and promoting the Opportunity Quilt. You are an amazing group who never stop impressing me with your generous endeavors. Congratulations to Julie Gerwin for winning the quilt made for the person who sold the most tickets for the Opportunity Quilt. Thank you Julie, you really deserve it! And a special thank you to Becky McDaniel for the great job as Opportunity Quilt Chair. I am so impressed and proud of you Becky. Rachael Severance NOMINATING COMMITTEE Marian Mapes SECRET SISTERS REVEAL PARTY! Happy August, Secret Sisters! 2012 – 2013 Slate of Officers Beach Cities Quilters Guild President – Jean Impey st 1 VP Programs – Candy Crain nd 2 VP Membership – Martha Hurlburt 3rd VP Facilities – Barbara Green Secretary – Margie Bushaw Treasurer – France Imagawa Additional nominees may be added from the floor at the August meeting, however, each nominee’s consent must be given in writing. AUGUST 2012 We hope that you are all enjoying your summer so far. I know that it’s hard to believe, but the Secret Sisters Reveal Party is just around the corner! Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 15, at 1:00 p.m. The party will be held at Carol and Andrea’s: 3009 Brillante, San Clemente, 92673. We will provide lots of drinks and delicious treats; we ask you to come with a salad or finger food and a gift for the Big Sister who has been showering you with gifts all year! R.S.V.P. to Andrea at so that we know how many of you to expect. We hope to see you all on the 15th! Andrea and Carol Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 5 DOOR PRIZES Door Prizes for the month of July were again outstanding. Our quilt shops gave very generously the following gifts: Moore’s – large fabric pack; Fat Quarters Quilt Shop – Flower Garden table runner kit; Quilter’s Coop – quilt puzzle; Bobbie G Designs – 2 patterns; Bits & Pieces by Joan – 2 fall patterns; Kinkos – gift cards; Flying Geese – 4 gift certificates; Calico House – gift certificate, goodie bag and pattern; Orange Quilt Bee – 2 gift certificates; Quilters Garden – 2 gift certificates and 2 fat quarters; Quilt In A Day – gift certificate; Q’s Longarm – 2 gift certificates; Sewing Party – gift certificate; Grand Country Quilts – 2 books; Starry Night Hollow – pincushion pattern; several anonymous donations of patterns, fabric, bracelet kit and books. Our sincere thanks for all those wonderful donations. DECEMBER RUMMAGE SALE Rummage Sale Collection starts NOW!! This year we are trying something different. Not only are we collecting through October 30th, but you will be able to drop off items at your convenience. So start cleaning out your sewing rooms and drop off your “Quilt Related Items”, i.e. fabric (cut strips, fat quarters or larger, no scraps), books, notions, patterns, etc. to Eileen Campbell’s home. It might be a good idea to give her a call at (949-582-0328) so she can be on the lookout for your things. Directions to Eileen Campbell’s Home from I-5 From I-5, Exit at Oso Pkwy toward the Mountains. Turn right at the 2nd light past Marguerite Pkwy (Aruza). 1st Left onto Bahamonde. 3rd house on right. 27752 Bahamonde, Mission Viejo. (949) 582-0328 Directions to NPM from Eileen’s (4minutes or 2.44 miles away) Take the 1st right onto Aruza. Take the 2nd left onto Oso Pky. Turn right onto Marguerite Pky.Marguerite Pky. Turn right onto La Paz Rd.La Paz Rd . Turn left onto Veterans Way.Veterans Way. AUGUST 2012 Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 6 QUILTING BEES—PRESIDENT’S QUILT During the month of August, we will be quilting on the President’s Quilt. Below is a list of all the quilting bees. If you did not sign up at our July guild meeting, please contact the hostess directly to sign up to quilt. This is a great opportunity to learn how to hand quilt, meet new friends and get a sneak peek at the quilt. Thank you for your help making this a wonderful gift for Sandy. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Elaine PappasPuckett 30-Jul 31-Jul 1-Aug Laguna Niguel 10am - 1pm 10am - 1pm 10am - 1pm 2-Aug 12 noon 4pm 4-Aug 9am - 12 noon 1pm - 4 pm 1pm - 4 pm 1pm - 4 pm 6pm - 8pm 3-Aug 10am 1pm 1pm - 4 pm 6-Aug 7-Aug 8-Aug 9-Aug 11-Aug 10am - 1pm 10am - 1pm 1pm - 4 pm 1pm - 4 pm 1pm - 4 pm 1pm - 4 pm 6pm - 8pm 6pm - 8pm 10-Aug 10am 1pm 1pm - 4 pm 13-Aug 12 noon 4pm 14-Aug 12 noon 4pm 15-Aug 16-Aug Carol Gobrogge San Clemente Alicia Passarelli Mission Viejo 10am - 1pm 6pm - 8pm Candy Crain San Juan Capistrano Eileen Campbell Mission Viejo AUGUST 2012 20-Aug 1pm - 4 pm 10am - 1pm 21-Aug 12 noon 4pm 22-Aug 10am - 1pm 23-Aug 12 noon 4pm 1pm - 4 pm 6pm - 8pm 1pm - 4 pm 6pm - 8pm 27-Aug 12 noon 4pm 28-Aug 30-Aug 10am - 1pm 29-Aug 12 noon 4pm 10am - 1pm 6pm - 8pm 1pm - 4 pm 6pm - 8pm 1pm - 4 pm 17-Aug 10am 1pm 1pm - 4 pm 10am - 4pm 18-Aug 10am - 1pm 24-Aug 10am 1pm 1pm - 4 pm 25-Aug 9am - 12 noon 31-Aug 10am 1pm 1pm - 4 pm 1-Sep Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 7 MONTHLY MINI Joyce Tachner became a member of BCQG in 2005 and didn’t even know it. A dear friend gave her the membership and a book “Quilting 101” for her birthday. She came to her first meeting in January, 2006 without having quilted a stitch or even owning a single ruler. Needless to say, you ladies overwhelmed her. At a subsequent meeting she spied the Friendship Group table and saw there was an opening for a group called Bobbin Babes on the third Wednesday of the month at Leah’s. She signed up with the Babes, then started taking classes at Leah’s, and the rest is history. Now she has a whole drawer filled with rulers. Joyce made a beautiful hand embroidered and embellished "I love Quilting" bag, complete with pin cushion and scissors. Thank you Joyce! The lucky winner was Julie Gerwin, that won, I believe, four prizes that night! Hopefully she bought a Lotto ticket that night too! Next month we will have a Mini made by Victoria Crane! See you then, ALZHEIMER’S INITIATIVE The Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) is moving full steam ahead at BCQG! We meet every third Thursday at Moore's / Mission Viejo and offer two sessions: 10 - Noon; 1 - 3. We have twelve spaces available at each session and save one or two spots at each session for those who are unable to bring their sewing machines. Halloween and Fall are the themes for August 16th. Bring basic sewing supplies, sewing machine with free motion foot if you have one, small iron, cutting board / rotary cutter and think ghost, goblins, falling leaves. While we will have some fall and Halloween fabrics available, you are invited to bring any fabric, notions, fibers, etc. that youo think would enhance your project. Signups for August can be made at the August meeting or by contacting Diana O'Connor at Come and join us in the fun. It's for a great cause! the Monthly Mini Team BLOCK PARTY Red and White Block Party Block Party had 31 blocks turned in and with that we had 4 winners getting 7 blocks each. The August block is a pinwheel that is very easy to do. The pattern is on page 12. I will be bringing all the Red and White quilts to the September meeting so, anyone that wants to can take pictures. Remember to bring you camera. Remember Red and White. AUGUST 2012 MEMBERSHIP July 12 Meeting Attendance: 400 Member (Includes 19 Lifetime members) 182 were in attendance, including 19 guests. LaDonna Christensen Remembered Long time quilter, LaDonna Christensen passed away July 14 in Los Osos, California. She is remembered for her beautiful appliqué, hand quilted heirlooms, her gift of sharing through teaching for Adult Ed in Orange, California and for guilds. She was a charter member, past president and the creator of the logo for the Orange County Quilters Guild. She was also active in the quilt guilds in the Central California quilt guilds. LaDonna was one of BCQG’s early speaker/teachers. Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 8 LIBRARY SPEAKER BOOK(S) Many of our past and future speakers have authored books which may be found in our library or at their websites. If you’re interested in the book Sue Rasmussen sold at the workshops in July, kindly check her website at or email her at Sue also mentioned Ruth McDowell’s books. BCQG has the “…Design Workshop…” book in the library. Members can also check the current roster of books by author and title at the library table each month. BOOK DONATIONS Eight generous guild members donated books in July. This is so fantastic!! Katy Lillie was the conduit from Helen Young Frost for Dorothy Kinsley Wray’s book, Garden Party, Grandmother’s Flower Garden Quilts and More (1997). Thank you so much. Quilt embellishers will love Margery Williams’ four lovely contributions using ribbonry. Earlene Fowler fans will enjoy The Saddlemaker’s Wife gifted by Margery. Thank you, Margery, for your thoughtful selections. Deborah Singletary donated two Jennifer Chiaverini novels and one by Kate Jacobs entitled Knit Two (A Friday Night Knitting Club Novel). Thank you, Deborah, for your generous spirit. Ann Chapman’s novice quilting book was donated to assistant librarian, Belinda Smith’s Granddaughter, Morgan, at the Guild Meeting. [Morgan sported a grey/black bowler hat with a coordinated knit summer dress for the evening.] Thank you, Ann, for thinking of the newest quilters-to-be. Morgan, thank you for your stylish assistance with the Library Crew!! What fun!!! Kathy Saylor graciously donated two Fowler novels: Irish Chain and Fool’s Puzzle. Thanks, Kathy, for your continuing contributions to the Library. Pam Jay gifted a signed copy of Leora Raikin’s (past Guild speaker) beautiful Safari Through African Folklore Embroidery. Thank you, Pam, for donating this very popular book. Sharon Scholfield saw the historical significance of her two donations of The Quilt Digest from 1985 and 1986. These will be on the display table for the next few months to check out and then will be returned to our storage for longer-term keeping. Thank you, Sharon, these are wonderful. SUMMER VACATION BOOK RENEWAL – Please email [This will be changing during September/October as the new Board transitions. Thank you.] Happy Summer. Patty Ashley, Librarian Brenda Glass, Assistant Librarian AUGUST 2012 Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 9 PLACES TO GO September 14 – 15 Quilters Piece Corps of Victor Valley present “Quilts For All Seasons VI” at the San Bernardino County Fairgrounds in Victorville. Admission $5.00, Husbands get in FREE. Hours 9AM – 5PM both days. Raffle Baskets, Vendor Mall, Door Prizes, Boutique Contact: Sammy Yosten Website: September 22 – 23 Coastal Quilters Guild presents “Harvest of Colors Quilt Show”. Hwy 101 at Las Positas, Santa Barbara, CA. Weekend pass $8.00 pre-sale, $10.00 at the door. Sat. & Sun. 10A – 5P. Special contemporary art quilt exhibit. Over 200 traditional and art quilts, gift boutique, merchant mall. Website : September 29 – 30 Mountain Quilters of Idyllwild present the “Mountain Meadow Quilt Show”. Buckhorn Camp, Peace Center, 24641 Highway 243, Idyllwild. Admission $7.00. Hours are 10AM – 4PM both days. Contact: October 12 – 13 Los Angeles County Quilters Guild presents “A Quilter’s Odyssey” quilt show. Greek Orthodox church of Long Beach, 5701 E. Colorado St., Long Beach. Admission $7. Featured artist – Helen Gleason. Opportunity raffles, Merchant mall, daily silent auctions, and flea market. Contacts: Linda Duncan – (310) 604-0725. Shirley Barnett (562) 429-2994. FUTURE PROGRAMS 2012: 2013: AUGUST 2012 August September October November December January February March April May June July Terry Waldron RaNae Merrill President’s Quilt Vikki Pignatelli Holiday Event Malka Dubrawsky Patti Hempen Gwen Marston Members Showcase Pat Speth Susan Brubaker-Knapp Katie Alyce Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 10 TREASURER’S REPORT BCQG Profit & Loss Statement 6/1/12 through 6/30/12 BALANCE FORWARD: BCQG GENERAL BUSINESS FUND BCQG ALL CD ACCOUNTS BCQG MAXIMIZER ACCOUNT SPECIAL EVENTS FUNDS TOTAL BALANCE FORWARD $3,242.07 $15,026.53 $23,614.70 $3,227.66 $45,110.96 GENERAL ACCT. INCOME: AMAZON INC BLOCK PARTY INC GUILD DONATION INC LIBRARY INC MEMBER INC MONTHLY MINI INC WELCOMING INC WORKSHOPS INC GENERAL ACCT. TOTAL INCOME Lyndy Dye - 1 $47.14 $20.00 $10.00 $6.00 $31.25 $206.00 $100.00 $890.00 $1,310.39 Judy Kamman - 1 Mae Burton - 2 Barbara Chase - 3 Jane Martin - 3 Sharon Jaeger - 4 Pattie Prothero - 4 Virginia Stokes - 5 Megan Clay - 7 Susie Levan - 7 GENERAL ACCT. EXPENSES: BLOCK PARTY EXP FACILITIES EXP INTERNET EXP OPERATIONS EXP PHILANTHROPY EXP PRESIDENT EXP PROGRAMS EXP WORKSHOPS EXP GENERAL ACCT. TOTAL EXPENSES GENERAL ACCT. NET INCOME (LOSS) Dolores Schiffert - 7 $85.29 $460.00 $50.00 $738.34 $537.69 $26.93 $1,049.81 $1,314.17 $4,262.23 Heather Stewart - 7 Yvonne Webb - 7 Suzanne Stanton - 8 Pat Saia - 11 Nancy Ota - 12 Marlene Reed - 13 Jean Frisone - 14 -$2,951.84 Sue Peters - 16 Rachel Fernelius - 17 Shirl Benda - 18 CURRENT BALANCE: BCQG GENERAL BUSINESS FUND BCQG ALL CD ACCOUNTS BCQG MAXIMIZER ACCOUNT SPECIAL EVENTS FUNDS TOTAL CURRENT BALANCE Laura Christy - 18 $10,000.00 $4.88 $2.37 TRANSFER - MAXIMIZER TO GENERAL CD. ACCTS. INTEREST INCOME MAXIMIZER INTEREST INCOME $10,290.23 $15,031.41 $13,617.07 $3,227.66 . $42,166.37 Dottie Wells - 18 Martha Maruca - 19 Victoria Crayne - 20 Sara Jane Self - 20 Pat Pardoen - 24 Linda Warzyca - 24 Juin Foresman - 26 Paulette Montanari - 26 Linda Brooks - 27 Gretchen Donahoo - 27 Becky McDaniel - 30 Charlotte Spere - 31 Respectfully Submitted Kathy Hutchins Treasurer, BCQG 2011-2012 AUGUST 2012 Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 11 AUGUST 2012 Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 12 GUILD ADVERTISERS For information on becoming an advertiser in the BCQG Newsletter, please contact Julia Renaud. Phone: (949) 855-8112 AUGUST 2012 Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 13 AUGUST 2012 Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 14 AUGUST 2012 Beach Cities Quilters Guild • PO Box 2328 • Mission Viejo, CA 92690 –2328 Page 15