March - Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild


March - Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild
Volume 36 No. 10
March 2015
NQA Chapter OK 544
I really have enjoyed serving as COQG president. You are a
wonderful group of people who share a passion for quilting. Let
Sharon or Kim know if you are willing to help next year as a
Board Member. You can do it.
This is our 35th anniversary year and time to start planning our
celebration. I’ve been in COQG several years and remember all
the projects we were doing when I started. When I joined, the
only Quilt shop was Patchwork Place in Norman. Everyone was
excited when OK Quiltworks opened. It was so hard to find
100% cotton fabric especially in anything other than neutral solids. Patchwork Place had several color choices. I was so excited to get some good black and to feel the fabrics at Patchwork
Place. Last year I made 2 tops from those fabric. Now I just
need to quilt them.
When I joined COQG I could check out books from the library. I still do!. This was really helpful for the Martha Washington bedturning. When you heard about my project you shared
books, ideas, samplers, and quilts for the presentation.
I remember a night when I took out the light pink whole cloth
I'd designed. I was almost out of thread. I showed it at Show and
Share and told the night group I'd bought more thread but it wasn't the same color mauve they sold 2 years before. Evelyn Day
told me she thought she had some at home. The next day Evelyn Nickels gave a sack to my husband at work and said "Lee
needs this." When I opened the sack and saw the 2 spools
(exactly what I needed), I cried. I’d cried when I needed more
thread and then I cried when I was given just what I needed!
Quilt friends are so awesome to help each other, and tell us
just what we need to know to solve our quilting problems. If
they don't know, they help us find an answer. Show and Share
time is always an inspiration. I am amazed at all the things each
of you get done. And then, after all that work, you give them to
someone else. I love the programs—speakers show us how to
make quilts and encourage us to try things we’d never attempted. As you can tell, I have many fond memories of people
and things we do at COQG. Methods, techniques, fabrics,
shops, and machines have changed a lot in the last 35
years. And we still keep quilting, enjoying quilting friends, and
coming to COQG. Keep Stitchin', Lee Wells
COQG 2014-15 Executive Board
President—Lee Wells
President Elect — Open
Day Vice-President—Sharon Lancaster
Evening Vice-President—Christine Dewey
Secretary—Angela Rutledge
Treasurer—Anita Ward
Director of Membership—Carolyn Golden
Director of Newsletter—Evelyn Day
Publicity — Open
Director of Heritage—Jeri-Alynn McGee
Director of Library—Mary Piette
Director of Programs—BJ Davis & Junea Clark
Director of Programs Elect — Open
Dir. of Ways and Means—Lois Lyon
Heartwarmers—Linda Williams
Web Master—Darlene Mangum
Quilt Show Co-Chairmen—
Linda Williams
See Nominations on page 8 —
COQG March 2015
From your Membership
Thanks to my meeting helpers in December and
January: Anita Ward, BJ Davis, Junea Clark, and
Merry Voeller. Thank you to Anita Ward for bringing in more beautiful fabric flowers. We can use
lots more, so help out if you can. I have a couple
of patterns available at the meeting, or use your
own pattern. New members and guests really
enjoy these.
At the February meeting, 102 members
(including two new members) attended in spite of
bad weather. We now have more than 290 members for 2014-15. BJ Davis gave us lots of great
information about using the computer as a big
resource to learn and improve our craft.
A special request: one or two COQG members
are usually providing cookies for every meeting.
Please be sure to put a donation in the coffee mug
on the Membership table if you enjoy the goodies.
Thanks to all of you who contributed in February!!
Be sure to pay dues for this year and next year
to be eligible to enter quilts in our July show. I will
have forms for both years at the membership table. If you pay 2015-16 dues by May, your name
will be in a drawing for a free membership for
We have a national speaker in March, so visitors
will pay $5 each to attend. Please invite your
friends – Elsie Campbell will be an inspiration!
Quilting = Joy
Carolyn Golden, Membership Director
Mary Fisher
Becky Sink
Sharon Yoder
The next few months are going to be very
busy for all guild members, especially those
who are entering their quilts in the Quilt
Show. I can just feel the camaraderie in all
members, in anticipation of seeing the end
results. I wish you all the best in your planning and making of your precious quilts.
I have a word to say about the Ricky Tims
master class Feb 28. That is 'YOOHOO'.
That is his special word and how he signs
his name. I was signed up to go to BJ's
class on Saturday. I didn't know about Ricky
Tims coming until the Thursday of the guild
meeting. With BJ's class canceled and a cut
in Ricky Tims’ price, I thought “I could do
that”. Weather did play a role also. As I was
passing Bernina on Friday returning from a
clients, I felt myself going into Bernina and
signing up. The weather wasn't going to
bother me too much because I live 6 blocks
from Will Rodgers Theater. So, I went and
had a fabulous time. There are so many
tricks he shared for his way of quilting. It
boggles your mind (mine at least). I felt
blessed to have been able to go see him.
There were about 16 or so from the guild
that made it. Yoohoo!!
I have to commend those who have been
on Facebook lately. I see much more discussion and help for each other on there.
As for the Library, we are continuing receive
donations of more “newer books”. If there
are duplicates they will go to Ways and
Means or the Quilt Show Sale. I continue to
see you all checking these books out and
enjoying what we have. I do encourage you
to continue using these services. It is fun.
We are learning and having a blast working
out new ways to quilt and many new ideas
to try next.
Piece and Joy,
Mary Piette, Library
COQG March 2015
See Nominations on page 8 -
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NOTE—The form in last months newsletter
was for the previous year. If you filled it out
already, OK. But if not here is the correct
one for 2015-16!
COQG March 2015
COQG March 2015
Mother Nature just couldn’t let it go and held the Happy Hands group hostage for one more
month. These crafty ladies kept on sewing at home and 28 finished quilts were turned in Guild
Meeting, 3 tops were turned in and 17 kits adopted for finishing. Such a deal, everyone can work
on what they like to do best or practice on.
Following the Garage sale several large pieces of fabric were donated and will be offered for
sale if they are not suitable for baby quilts.
Linda has 31 of the larger quilts for Positive Tomorrows. These quilts go together very quickly
and any teenager who lives anywhere would be happy to have one.
Next meeting is March 23, brown bag lunch and don’t forget to park in the north parking lot.
FYI—If you’d like to make a quilt for Positive Tomorrows, the ideal size is 42” x 72”
Beryl Ward
Ways and Means
will sell the Celebration of Quilts
show pins " 35 yrs—Still piecing” .
See Cathy Lewis or Peggy Lash at
the morning program or Lois Lyons at the evening program to get
your souvenir pins . The cost of
these pins will be $5.
COQG March 2015
National Show for Modern Quilt Guild at Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX—see
March28—Oklahoma Quilt Network—9:30 am
registration—The Community Church, Guthrie, OK
March 27 & 28—(See Pg. 8) Texhoma One
Stop Shop Hop
Wichita Falls Multi-Purpose Events Center, 1000
5th Street, Wichita Falls, TX 76301
May 8 & 9—Cleveland County “OHCEE Stars”
2015 Quilt Show, Cleveland County Fairgrounds,
Norman, OK Info—Rose Anne Jackson @2559499
July 17 & 18, 2015—Central Oklahoma
Quilters Guild’s —
“Celebration of Quilts 2015—
35 years—Still Piecing”,
in the Oklahoma Expo Building, at the State
Fair Park, OKC
Programs and Speakers
SPEAKER: Elsie Campbell
Visitors (nonmembers) $5.00
MARCH 27 (Friday Workshop)
SPEAKER: Mary Ellen Johnson Of:
WonderArc Designs
Wedding Ring Friendship Quilt ($20)
MAY 28 Joint meeting And
Installation of Officers 6 PM
*Cost of workshops are shown at member’s
add $5 for non-members
NOTE: National Speakers—$5 for visitors
WORKSHOP DAY What a great opportunity to meet with other
quilters and work on Quilts of Valor. This was my
first time to get to spend time with many members of the COQG working on quilts for our past
and current military members. The level of creativity in the room was infections. The ladies were
excited to meet a new quilter and all had something to share to help me be a better quilter.
I enjoyed putting a top together from a kit that
one of the other ladies made. It was rather simple but it helped me look at quilting in a different
way... The kit was made of 10 blocks with a wonky star mixed in. There was one whole wonky
star and two half stars. I laid out the quilt blocks on the floor so I could determine which way this PARTICIPANTS
quilt would come together. Putting this quilt top together made me to look for instructions on
how to make the wonky star. It looks rather simple and I have added the instructions to my stack of quilts to
make... This list is getting larger every time I turn around!
Another tip that I learned—To take a scrap of fabric and make into a square to use on my sewing projects.
How to use this scrap? Well when you are starting a seam start
ORIGINAL on the scrap then place your project next to the scrap, it will
keep the threads from going down into the machine or bunching up your project. It is such a simple thing, but I had never
thought about doing that in my sewing.
The next time there is a workshop like Quilts of Valor put it on
your calendar and attend. You just might learn something new
or be inspired to try something new. It was well worth my time. I
sewed a couple of quilt tops and met some great new quilt
friends. Linda Israel
COQG March 2015
35 Years - Still Piecing
The Raffle Quilt , “Sea Glass”, is ready to be displayed at events where we can sell the tickets. We are encouraging each member
of the Guild to check out a packet of tickets to sell. The more we sell—the more we make for Positive Tomorrows and for Central
Oklahoma Quilters Guild, Inc.!!
Door Prizes will be collected by Inez Andrews and Lee Wells. A box will be available at Guild Meetings for your donations of Door
Pins are here and will be available for sale at $5 each at Ways and Means.
At the Membership Table you will see a container where you can drop your “Box Tops for Education”. These will be given to
Positive Tomorrows.
Vendors are coming in—ask your favorite Quilt Shops if they are going to be at our Quiilt Show—and encourage them to get their
applications in as it is First Come-First Serve!!
Show Packet with all the information you need to enter a quilt in the show will be out soon. Email recipients will get it via Email and
others by way of USPS! FYI this is a list of the Overall Awards—
Best of Show (chosen 1st place Quilts Only)
Best Hand Quilting
Best Domestic Machine QuiltingBest Track Mounted Free Motion Quilting
Best Track Mounted Computer Assisted
2 Judge’s Choice
Viewer’s Choice
President’s Choice (2014-15 & 2015-16)
Chairman’s Choice
Honorary Judges Choice (several)
Best Use of Color
Best Embellishment
Best Whimsical
Best Traditional
Best Non-Traditional
Best Applique
Best Piece Work
Best Embroidery
(Hope this helps you with the construction of your show stopping/show winning quilts!!!)
Programs will be accepting ads—you or your favorite business are invited to participate.
Cost of Ads Full Page B&W—$150
Half Page B&W-$90
Quarter Page B&W—$60
Business Card B&W $30
Please Contact Marilyn Karper to submit your ad—Make Check payable to COQG-Show
Advertising Fliers will be available soon for you to take to events you visit. Let us know dates and quantity you will need. We will see
you have what you need.
Quilt Show Entries—When taking pictures of your quilt for entry you do not have to have the quilt finished or even started!
Take a picture of the quilt top and/or the quilt as far as you are. Or a Picture of the pattern and fabrics—this is for identification
purposes. This will be in addition to the other information requested on the form. As soon as you have the top completed,
please get a picture to the committee.
Also, there will be someone at the April and May meetings to help with entries if needed. This is time consuming for us so
please have your information is legible on the entry form. Pictures can be taken at that time, too.
THANK YOU to our two Sponsors—Platinum Sponsor—B-Sew Inn
and joining this year as a Bronze Sponsor—The Stitching Post
Please Thank all our Committee Members—New and Old and let them
know you want to work with them. We can all use help!!!
Chairmen — Linda Williams
Secretary — Inez Andrews
Treasurer — Anita Ward
Cathy Lewis & Sharon Lancaster
Display — Mary Piette & Becky White
Tickets — Sue Chapman & Junea Clark
Raffle Quilt — Phoebe Roth
Recycled Treasures — Lois Lyon & PM Quilters
Door Prizes — Lee Wells & Inez Andrews
Publicity — Diane Cerney
Programs & Quilt ID — Marilyn Karper
Show Packet — Darlene Mangum
Hospitality — Beverly Beesley
Vendors — Jeri-Alynn McGee
Sponsors — Evelyn Day
Special Event — Linda Williams & Heartwarmers
COQG March 2015
We have the following slate of officers and directors
for next year. Sharon Lancaster and Kim Antognini
are our nominating committee for this year. Please
let them know if you are willing to be a part of guilds
team of officers and directors.
These are the ones to be voted on in April!
Seeing Stars?!!
This is Elsie Campbell's quilt
that she is teaching for
workshop this month.
Call Junea Clark at
405-317-7208 or
BJ Davis at 405-264-3957
to sign up or get
a supply list.
Piece perfect stars with pointers
from Elsie. She shares secrets for
preventing belly-button centers and
pin-wheeling points. From cutting
and stitching to pressing and setting
in triangles and squares, this class
covers it all!
The workshop is Friday March 27th.
BJ Davis
President - Open
President Elect - Open
Day Vice President - Jeri-Alynn McGee
Night Vice President - Linda Israel
Secretary - Open
Treasurer - Anita Ward
Director of Membership - Carolyn Golden
Director of Newsletter - Evelyn Day
Director of Heritage - Open
Director of Programs - Junea Clark , B. J. Davis
Programs Elect - Donna Skvarla
Director of Library - Christine Dewey
Director of Ways & Means Chair - Cathy Lewis
Appointed Positions
Day Ways & Means Assistant - Peggy Lash
Night Ways & Means Assistant Heartwarmers - Linda Williams
Quilt Show Chair - Linda Williams
COQG March 2015
Quilting with Technology - With B.J.Davis
Tricks and Tools and Websites to speed you along!
Je’s Bend On line orders—10% discount—enter code “GUILD”
Block Lotto - 2014-15
Birds, Bees and Butterflies
By - Debbie, Kim, Mary, Cara and Evelyn
Our Block Lotto for the year will be "Birds, Bees and Butterflies". Each block will be 12" finished 12 1/2" with seam allowances. It will be your decision where to use the fabric provided with each
pattern. The Basic Rules are included with each month’s patterns. March block is a paper pieced
And the January Winners were—Anita Ward and Cara Baker—can’t wait to see your quilts
Thank you to Je’s Bend for the Fabric Donation for February’s Block Kits.
If you bring in a completed quilt made with
blocks you won—Birds, Bees and Butterflies—
you can pick a prize from the special stash!!
If you are interested in donating fabric for Block Lotto please let Evelyn know. We need
about 5 yards per month. Remember our theme is Birds, Bees and Butterflies—so any
fabric would work! Thanks so much for your participation.
COQG March 2015
Big On Friendship
Norman Tuesday Morning Block Party
2nd Tuesday each month
Carrie Miller
Southside Quilters
Every Tuesday except the 1st
B-Sew Inn 1624 W. I-240 and S. Penn
Janie Steele
Thimbles & Thistles
2nd & 4th Wednesdays of month 6p-9p
Georgiana Mauldin 364-0660
Needles & Nettles
1st Thursday each month noon—3p
Georgiana Mauldin 364-0660
Fat Quarters
2nd Thursday each month
Evelyn Day
Yukon/Mustang Piecemakers
Mustang 2nd Tuesday each month
Diane Cerny
PM Quilters
2nd Thursday each month
Lois Lyon
Second Tuesday Quilters
2nd Tuesday each month
Carol Plank
Feather Weights
Fun To Sew, 2288 N. Broadway, Moore
3rd Wed. 10:00am 3:00pm
Bring Your Own Lunch
Beth Odom
The Gaylor Appliqué Group .
Guild Day, in the Parlor
Beverly Beesley
Stillwater Quintessential Crazy Quilters
5th Saturday of month
Sherrill Lewis
COQG March 2015
COQG March 2015
Is it Dead or Alive?
COQG Monthly Calendar
March 2015
Heart Warmers
Mon., March 23, 9:00 am
Board Meeting
Mon., March 23 , 6:30 pm
Thurs., March 26, 10 am & 7 pm
Fri., March 27 , 9 am Workshop
Celebration of Quilts 2015
Committee Meeting
Mon., April 6, 6:00 pm
Heart Warmers, Board, Guild, and
Quilt Show Committee meet at
The Salt United Methodist Church,
1755 N. Meridian, OKC
Some Stand Alone and Bloom While Some Need Others to Live
and Grow
The Quilt
Show is coming!
Will you Stand Alone and Bloom
or grab hold of a friend and
Nominations on Page 8 - Check it out!!!
Live and Grow?
Central Oklahoma Quilters Guild, Inc.
Post Office Box 270246
Oklahoma City, OK 73137
COQG March 2015

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