sis The Gluqrterly Newslefter of the Coliforniq SERCAL Society for Ecologicol Restorotion Winter Solstice 2OO5 Volvme 16, Issue 4 : Poster i.""Affi"ri,,n we had an impressive array of posters competing for awards at our conference in Santa Barbara this past october, and so for this issue, Region 9 Director Paul Kielhold has collected articles based on some of the winning posters. by Sean McNeil, Noelle Johnson, Greg Fisher, and Elizabeth Lotz. Photos courtesy the authors. Giant reed(Arundo donax),an invasivegr:rssnativeto Asia,is widespreadin the RussianRiver watershed.Giant reedhasa profound impact on nativeriparian plant communitiesprimarily through alterationsof riparian ecosystemfunctions.This would include increasedfires in riparian areas, decreased nativeplant species,and suppressed seedlingrecruitment.Giant reedmay affectthe species that rely upon thesecommunities,including threefederallylistedsalmonids-The RussianRiver Riparian EnhancementProjectTeam,consistingof Circuit Rider Productions,Inc. (CRP),Mendocino County ResourceConservationDistrict, and SotoyomeResourceConservationDistrict, is working in collaborationwith regulatoryagencies, landowners,and community n.rembers to identif. invadedsites, removegiant reed,and restorenativehabitatin the RussianRiverwatershed. continuedon poge 3 A RECIPEfor Success: Addressingpublic concerns regarding habitat restoration of the White Point Nature Preserve by Eric Hong, Amanda Peterson(z Andrea Vona g16SilverSpur PalosVerdes Peninsula LandConservancy, Road#207,RollingHillsEstates, CA 90274. Introduction ThePalosVerdes Peninsula LandConservancy manages several preserves dispersed among neighborhoods, roads,parks,andtheshoreline throughoutthePalosVerdes Peninsula. Successful restoration andmaintenance ofthesepreserves is dependentupon our technicalcapabilitiesand,just as important, strongpublic support.To matethesetwo concerns,the Conservancytook an innovativestepby developinga science program that would encompassresearchon the preservesand be conductedby staff,localschoolsand universities,and researchers. Using a grant from Alcoa Foundation,the program called Research Educationand Community Involvementprogram for the Environment,RECIPE,waslaunchedin June2006.Our first project beganwith a tree survey at the White Point Nature Preservein SanPedro: *"i, fu"-" The surveysite is a 1O2-acre parcelthat was ranchedand farmed prior to World War II, then turned into an air defense bunker during WorldWar II by the U.S.Air Force,who subsequentlyinstalledNike missileson the property during the Cold War. In 1978,the United StatesSecretaryof Interior granted the White Point propertyto the City of LosAngelesfor a pr-rblic park and recreationalpurposes.The City formally named it the White Point Nature Preserveon May 6, 2000and officially declaredthe land to be usedfor habitatrestoration.The relatively r"rndisturbed topographymeantthat ninety percentof the area wassuitablefor nativehabitatThe PalosVerdesPeninsulaLand Conservancyand the City of LosAngelesagreedin 2003to a twenty-fiveyearcontractto managethe restorationof riparian woodlands,coastalsagescrub, and grasslands at the site.To begin the restorationprocess,the Conservancyplantedover 300 nativetrees,a small number compared to the total vegetationbrought to the preserve.The removalof the non-nativetreescreatedsometensionbetlveenthe residentsof SanPedroand the Conservancy. Along with restoring the land, it hasbecomequite important for the Conservanryto createand maintain a positiverelationship,aswell as to gain support from the public for their restorationefforts. Awareofthe local concerns,the Conservanryaggressively plantedtreesat strategiclocationsthroughout the preservein order to achieveaesthetically appealingqualitiesthat would gain public acceptance within the legitimaterestorationproject.Each of the three habitats was filled with the appropriate mix of five nativespecies:arroyowillow (Salixlasiolepls), coastallive oak ( Quercusagrifolia),elderberry(Sambucus mexicana), lemonade berry (Rhus integrifolia),and toyon (Heteromelesarbutifolia). Although lemonadeberry is a shrub,the Conservanrytreatedit asa tree becauseof the largestaturethat the mature plant can achieve. We neededto bridge two questions:the more public "\\4ren will thesetreeslook like trees?"and "Does the Conservanryhave any adaptivemanagementissues?" With this in mind, we selected the White Point Nature Preserveas one of our first RECIpE projectsusing two summer interns,Eric Hong and Amanda Peterson.They werechargedwith assessing all of the treesplanted to datein the Preserveand then assessing the datato develop answersto thesequestions. Methods To accuratelyassess and conduct the 2006summer White Point tree survey,we developedsetcategoriesof datato record. The specificlocation of eachtree was recordedby GPSfor future referenceand eventualincorporation into a GIS map. Health and condition criteriaweretakenthat included height,width, continued nextpoge March 7-1O,2OO7 25th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference at the WellsFargoArtsCenter in SantaRosa or The Salmonid Restoration Federation Conference includes full-day workshops on dam removal and FERC relicensing,fish passage barrier removal tools, estuaryrestoration, and an urban creek restoration workshop and tour. Field tours include visits to sustainable grazingsitesin southernSonomaand westernMarin counties,Sonoma vineyardswith salmon friendly agricultural practices,restoration and ecologically-sustainable waterprojectsin Dutchbill Creek watershed,steelhead habitat restoration projectson Upper SonomaCreek,bioengineeringand instream restoration projects,and roads and up-slope restoration sitesin western Sonoma. Concurrentsessions focus on environmental,biological,and policy issuesthat affectSalmonidhabitat restoration and recoveryof native fish populations. The plenary sessionwill feature prominent keynotespeakersincluding UC Davis FisheriesProfessorPeterMoyle who will addressthe SanJoaquinrecovery efforts,RestorationpioneerLiza Prunuske who will provide a 2}-year retrospective on restorationeffortsin SonomaCounty, and Nat Scholtzfrom NOAA Fisheries who will presenton Coho Salmon recoveryissues. CongressmanMike Thompson and Kat Anderson,author of Tendingthe Wikl, are invited speakers. Other highlightsof the conferenceincludethe Wild and Scenic EnvironmentalFilm Festival,SRF'sannual meeting,a postersessionand reception, and a cabaret,banquet,and dance. For more information, pleasesee www.calsalmon,org or contact Salmonid RestorationFederationat 7A7.923.7501. A RECIPE for Success conr,n,ed herbivory ill effectssuch as yellowing, plus flowering and fruiting status. Results We found 149 treesalthough over 300 wereplanted.We suspectthat some treesdied and somewe could not locate. A total of hvo dead treeswere found and, of the 149treessurveyed,most treeswere healthy. The plantsare,for the most part, relativelyyoung with an averageheight of 1.76m. Several of the specimens planted in 2000 havereachedheights of three to four meters.Out of the five plantssurveyed,the lemonadeberry held the lowestpercentageof yellowing. Data on the oaks,on the other hand, suggestthat it had the highest percentageof yellowing. There was no relationshipbetweenamount of yellowing and growth, as measuredby height.The greatestamount occurredin the riparianwoodland,indicating possiblestressfrom insufficient water. Knowing that this aestheticfeature is not deleteriousto the treesis an important fact to transmit to the local community. We found herbivory by an exotic milk snail (Otala lactea)a problem, particularlyin the riparian woodland.In addition to being unsightly,some trees harboredsnailinfestationsthat were sufficientlylargeto impact the amount of foliage.Most susceptibleis oak, althoughall speciessustainedsomelevel of infestation.Therewas no relationship betweendegreeofinfestation and tree height.Usuallythe snailswerefound attachedto the main trunk, wherethere is sufficientperchingspace,but some werefound nearthe upper branches. Conclusion We are encouragedby the tree restorationefforts and believethat it will lead to an aestheticallypleasing,native landscape.Although we were able to locateonly half of the treesinstalled,we believethe restoration is successfulat this highly degradedsite due to the generallyvigorous growth of the surviving trees.Through the work of our interns,we gainedvaluable information for both our neighboring community and our restoration staff. Our interns benefited from the field and offi ce working experience. We are now poised to addressthe questions posedby our public and staff. The first is to developa report for the neighboringcommunity to inform them of the good news that treesplaced in the ground in December2004are now averagingtwo meters in height. For time to maturity, we can direct attention to the treesplantedin 2000,as they are highly visiblehaving beenplacednear the roadsideand entranceto the Preserve.The secondprovides feedback to our staff, identified as two outstanding problems, herbivory from an exotic snail and lack of water.both occurring primarily in the riparian woodland. The exotic snail infestation is a concern that, left untreated, can imperil the aestheticappearancesand health of the young trees.Also, irrigation wateringschedulesmust be maintainedin the woodland to insure successofthe plants. Our RECIPEproductswill be varied, utilizing the appropriatemedium for eachstudy.In this community-focused example,we will include resultsin both the Conservanry'squarterly newsletter and also the White Point neighborhood publication.We plan to developGIS capabilitiesthat can be placedon the Conservancy's webpageso that n-ronitoringmaps can be displayed.It will be important to note that the next phaseof the project includesthe introductionof 131treesofvarious speciesincluding the oak, toyon and elderberry,as part of Los AngelesMayor Villaraigosa'sMillion Tiee Initiative. And, the staff may work toward daylighting a storm drain abovethe riparian woodland,to provide a constantwater source,at some point in the future. *