January 10, 2016 - St. Charles Borromeo Church


January 10, 2016 - St. Charles Borromeo Church
Gloria in ExcelsisDeo
The Nativity of the Lord X Christmas
Saint Charles Borromeo Parish
parma, ohio
Bouguereau, William Adolphe (French). Virgin Enthroned With Angels (Regina Angelorum), ca.1900. Oil on canvas (185 x 285 cm). Musée de la Ville de Paris, France.
The Baptism of the Lord January 10, 2016 Entrance O Christ, the Sun of Light
This Week’s Liturgy Psalm 104 O bless the Lord, bless the Lord, my soul, O my soul.
Offertory #71—Of the Father’s Love Begotten
Communion There Is One Lord...O. Alstott
Text: Ephesians 4:5, Text and Music © 1984, OCP Publications. All rights reserved. Reprinted under license #U9537, LicenSingOnline. Closing #93—Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 The Baptism of the Lord
Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11; Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7; Luke 3:15-16, 21-22
10:30 AM
Knights of Columbus
Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:00 Noon, 5:30pm MONDAY, JANUARY 11 I Samuel 1:1-8; Mark 1:14-20
7:00 AM
Herczak & Majsterek Families
8:30 AM
† Eleanor & Betty Hollman
7:00 PM
† John Wisniewski
TUESDAY, JANUARY 12 I Samuel 1:9-20; Mark 1:21-28
7:00 AM
† Phil Kaszar
8:30 AM
† Carl Bukovac
7:00 PM
† Fr. James McManamon
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 13 I Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20; Mark 1:29-39
7:00 AM
† Jerry Gannon
8:30 AM
† Janet Dean
7:00 PM
† Maryann Bradway
THURSDAY, JANUARY 14 I Samuel 4:1-11; Mark 1:40-45
7:00 AM
† Dec'd of Marunowski & Elsasser Families
8:30 AM
Intention of Margaret Fee
7:00 PM
† Dorothy & Frank Smoljak
FRIDAY, JANUARY 15 I Samuel 8:4-7, 10-22a; Mark 2:1-12
7:00 AM
† Fred Trus
8:30 AM
† Edward Vey
7:00 PM
Intention of John & Carol Zadnik
SATURDAY, JANUARY 16 I Samuel 9:1-4, 17-19, 10:1a; Mark 2:13-17
8:00 AM
† Poor Souls in Purgatory
VIGIL MASSES: 4:00 & 6:00pm
SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Isaiah 62:1-5; I Corinthians 12:4-11; John 2:1-11
7:30 AM
Mother's & Father's Confraternity
Masses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30am, 12:00 Noon, 5:30pm Merici Chapel… As we begin 2016….how fast
time goes by — let’s try and make an effort to
include a visit to the chapel once a week. Peace
& quiet will help you feel renewed and refreshed.
Give it a try.
St. Charles Borromeo Church WEDDING BANNS II
Megan Philbin & Eric Maurer
LIFE IS CHANGED, NOT ENDED Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord Beatrice Slisz William T.J. Taylor Mary Ostrowski Vincy Lytle A Further Word from Father Carlin
In 2011-2012, St Charles Parish welcomed Matthew J
Byrne as a seminarian intern. Matt was very popular here and
he was ordained a priest in 2014 (a classmate of our Father
Ryan Mann.) Father Byrne has asked me to share some news
with you and to ask for your prayers:
“In recent years I have been dealing with epilepsy.
My condition has worsened and no longer responds to
medication. After extensive testing, doctors have recommended
brain surgery to correct a vascular malformation called
“cavernous angioma.” This aggressive surgery will take place
on Thursday, January 14.
“Please pray for my doctors, nurses, and caretakers.
May God manifest His mercy through them.
“Pray for yourselves. Because of my illness, the seizures,
and the effects of medication, I have not been able to serve more
effectively as a priest. I have had less and less to give away.
I want to return to your service.
“Pray for me. There are risks, Help me to remember the
love and mercy of God.”
If you would like to send a word of prayerful
encouragement or a get well card, here are the details:
Father Matthew J Byrne
Communion of Saints Parish
2175 Coventry Road
Cleveland Heights OH 44118
ALL MARRIED AND ENGAGED COUPLES Couples of all generations are invited to a special Mass to
express and reflect on the love they have for
one another. Please join us in celebrating
marriage on Saturday, February 13th at the
4:00pm Mass. A light reception will follow
sponsored by the St. Charles SWIFT Ministry
in Lower Parish Hall. We extend a special
invitation to couples celebrating milestone
anniversaries. Call Sr. Denise Marie (440)884-3030 with any
questions. No RSVP required — just come and celebrate!
January 10, 2016
Today’s celebration of the Baptism of the
Lord brings our Christmas celebration to an end. The
decorations will be stashed until next year; the
liturgical color will switch to green, signifying
“ordinary time” in the Church’s life.
This is the perfect time to acknowledge and to express
gratitude for the great generosity demonstrated by so many
St Charles parishioners in the last three months;
-----In October, we sponsored the Baby Bottle-Loose Change
collection to benefit WOMANKIND. Three years ago, we raised
$11,000. This time, the total was $15,380.73! That is tremendous!
WOMANKIND tells me that the St Charles total far exceeded that
of any other parish.
-----In November, St Charles parishioners donated more than six
truckloads during the Canned Food Drive to feed the hungry. We
were able to stock our St Vincent de Paul Food Pantry in addition
to the Emergency Food Kitchen at Our Lady of Peace Parish.
With the overflow, we helped several parishes on Cleveland’s West
-----On Thanksgiving Day, along with the other Catholic parishes
in Parma, we sponsored our First Thanksgiving Day Meal. That
will now be an annual event. The meal was a tremendous success.
More than one hundred volunteered to work and many others
made significant donations.
------In December, our Advent Giving Tree made it a Merry
Christmas at Zechariah House—Maggie’s Place, Providence
House, West Side Catholic Center, and Malachi House. Together,
those four institutions promote life values from conception until
natural death. All those packages in church, before the altar,
brought joy to so many when delivered.
-----“the good Sisters” thank St Charles parishioners for the
tremendous response to help their aged and ill Sisters. The
Sisters’ Retirement Fund Collection totaled $7,332.22
-----Thank you for the Christmas collection of $60,600.
-----Thank you to all who responded so generously during the
October/November appeal to increase their “My Fair Share”
commitment for 2016. The results will “kick in” during January.
We have been told to expect a 15 to 20% increase in the overall
offertory. During the campaign, no mention was made in church.
Each parishioner/family was free to make their decision in the
privacy of their home. It has been suggested that our Business
Office send quarterly reminders as to where we stand on our
annual “My Fair Share” pledge. We will look into that.
-----Additional “thank you’s” to our many liturgical ministers,
ushers, choirs, cantors, musicians, decorators, church cleaners,
sacristans, servers, and directors. The church looked beautiful
and the liturgies were inspiring.
Thank you to our Office Staff who kept things going and
to the Maintenance Staff for keeping everything clean and
The Sisters join with us priests in offering a special word
of thanks to those who sent us cards, nice notes, gifts, and those
wonderful things from your kitchens. As Bing used to sing: “May
your days be merry and bright!”
Parish Council will meet this Thursday, January 14, at
7:45pm, in the JPII Room of the Activities Center.
January 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord JUST FRIENDS Please note: There is no meeting on Friday, January 15th. Our
next meeting is Thursday, February 18th at 1:30pm.
New This Year!
 Upperclassmen Leadership Team  Youth‐Focused & Youth‐Lead Mass  New Days & Times for Events  Twice a Month Events for 9th‐12th Graders Annual High School Retreat
“The Fulfillment of All Desires”
Friday-Sunday, February 5, 6, 7, 2016
Cuyahoga Valley National Park Conservancy
Peninsula, Ohio
New Location
New Style
Same Lord!
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Brother Knights remember that there is an Officers’ and
Business meeting Monday, January 11th. Officers’
meeting at 7pm, Rosary at 7:30pm, and Business
meeting at 7:45pm. Don't forget that your annual dues
are also due January 11th.
Attention all boys and girls between the ages of 9 to 14,
how good is your free throw shot? The Knights of
Columbus at Saint Charles will be holding the first
annual Free Throw Championship in the coming month.
Look out for future announcements.
With the persecution of Christians in the Middle East,
The Knights of Columbus are selling five-inch olive
wood crosses for $10 each. Proceeds from the sales of
the crosses benefit the Knights of Columbus Christian
Refugee Relief Fund. Contact Father Janoch
(ejanoch@stcharlesonline.org) or Tom Armstrong
Don’t miss out on this awesome experience for all Parish
Youth, Grades 9-12, on a first-come basis. Registration
forms available in the Parish Office. DEADLINE: Monday,
January 18th!!
Any questions, contact:
Lena (216)-544-6164 / Lenamarie6@gmail.com
Fr. Ryan (440)884-3030 / frryanmann@gmail.co
Sr. Denise (440)884-3030 / sdmosu1@aol.com
PRE‐CANA DAY Saturday, February20th St. Charles Parish Activity Center
Engaged couples preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage
are welcome to participate. Please stop in the Parish Office
to register.
January 10, 2016 St. Charles Borromeo Church RECYCLING
Want an easy way to help St. Charles School earn
money during the Christmas season without donating
a dime? Recycle all of your Christmas wrapping
paper, catalogs, packaging and boxes, and Christmas
cards at the recycling bins located at the St. Charles
parking lot on Wilber Avenue and Unity Catholic
Credit Union on Alber Avenue. Since April 1, 2015 our recycling
program has made over $2,000! New Year’s Bonus Week will
be January 18th-22nd! So donate now or save extra papers for our
Bonus week! Please remember to flatten all cardboard boxes, and
River Valley only takes paper products not Styrofoam, plastics or
aluminum. If you need assistance getting your papers to the bins,
please contact Kim Tenerowicz at #440-842-8915 for a paper
pickup. Merry Christmas and don’t forget to recycle this
SUNDAY COLLECTION December 27, 2015 Offertory Collection
ACH / Online / Credit Card
Mary, Mother of God January 1, 2016 $6,454.20 SUNDAY COLLECTION January 3, 2016 Offertory Collection
ACH / Online / Credit Card
St. Charles Sports Boosters
What a way to end the year!
ST. CHARLES LADIES GUILD LOTTERY Lottery tickets for February 2016 are available in the Parish
Office for $5.00 each. The winning 3 digit numbers come in
from the 7:30pm drawing on Channel 5 and must be straight. If
your ticket is a winner, you will get a check for $100. This is
one of our big fund raisers so please help us out. Any questions,
please call Elsie (216)447-1481. Thank you!
What a way to start the year!
6:00pm – 11:00pm
St. Charles, Corrigan Gym
Enjoy mingling with your friends while snacking on chicken and
deli trays. Take a chance on the ponies and sideboards.
Beverages are provided.
All proceeds from this event will fund the St. Charles Borromeo
Sports Boosters Organization. This is one of the fundraisers that
keep your child’s sports fees the lowest in the diocese.
Tickets are $25.00 each.
For tickets or to reserve a group table, contact
Kevin Leigh for information.
Email: Eriekleigh@gmail.com
Page advertisement and horse sponsorship opportunities are
available. Please contact Dom Pillin for more information.
Email: dom@hurstremodel.com Cell: 440-336-5906.
See you in the Winner’s Circle!
St. Charles Junior High Youth Ministry
(our parish 7th and 8th graders) will be hosting a Mardi Gras Extravaganza for senior
adults on:
Tuesday, February 9th
Lower Parish Hall
Seniors of all ages — grandparents, relatives, neighbors &
friends — are invited to come for an afternoon of fun and
fellowship. There will be light refreshments, entertainment, and
fun activities. This promises to be an enjoyable event. No cost is
involved, but we do ask that you complete this cut-off form and
return it to the Parish Office or Sr. Denise Marie by Sunday,
February 7th so that we can prepare accordingly.
St. Charles Juniors/Seniors
Mardi Gras Extravaganza
NUMBER ATTENDING____________________________
PHONE NUMBER _________________________________
(Just in case of the need to notify you
due to bad weather cancellation.)
January 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord CERTIFICATE PROGRAM $100 WINNER James Sweeney OUR NEW GUIDE BOOK
Look in your mailbox for our new Guide Book & Directory.
Some of you may have already received your copy.
The advertisers helped provide this
service at no cost to our parish. We
encourage you to think of them in the
future as your needs arise. If you are
interested in advertising next year, contact
for more information. Please familiarize
yourself with the ministries and
organizations at our church located in the
front of the book. An electronic PDF
version of the Guide Section of the book which you can
download to your computer, smart phone, or tablet is
available for download at your convenience.
To download the Online Guide Section:
Visit www.GuideBookPublishing.com/booklist.php
Click on our state followed by our city
Click on the name of our parish to download the book
St. Charles Borromeo Church January 10, 2016 SAVE ACME STORE RECEIPTS St. Charles School is participating in the Acme Fresh Market
Community Cash Back Program which began
August 20th, 2015 and continues through
January 21st, 2016. This is a easy way to shop,
save, and earn money for our school. Acme
receipts from any store will qualify, so please tell
your friends and family to save.
OFFICES. Any questions, call Kathy or Maureen (440) 8865546. THANKS FOR SUPPORTING OUR SCHOOL!
February 5 is our free lunch meeting at 1:30pm in the Lower
Parish Hall. It is for Ladies Guild members only and you must
RSVP before January 31st. Our speaker is from Care Tenders and
they will speak about Medicare benefits. Call Pat Lawler (440)
843-9186 or Pamela Bennett (440) 888-1469.
Our Day of Recollection will be on Monday, February 15th in the
Lower Parish Hall. We will start with 8:30am Mass and then
proceed over to Lower Parish Hall for a continental breakfast.
Father Gerard Gonda, O.S.B. is our speaker. He will talk about
apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima. Please bring a brown bag
lunch with you.
MARY QUEEN OF PEACE (216‐749‐2323) Burgers and Beer, Saturday, January 16th, 8:00pm-11:00pm,
MQP Parish Center. $20/person includes sliders, fries,
beer, music. Games of chance, side boards & fun! Get a
group together, reserve a table and join us. For more information, call the parish office at 216-749-2323.
ST. LEO THE GREAT (216‐661‐1006)
Shop Till You Drop Bus Trip, January 20th, 2016. Leaving
St. Leo’s 8:15am, returning approximately 5:00pm.
Shopping at Salvation Army, Value World, Good Will, Old
Time Pottery, Malleys Candies, Just a Buck with lunch at
the Club House Restaurant. Cost $47. Call Joanne at (440)
526-3505 for reservations.
ST. THOMAS MORE (216‐749‐0414)
Bingo is held every Wednesday in the gym. Doors open at
5pm and Early Birds begin at 6:30pm.
RETROUVAILLE WEEKEND January 15‐17, 2016
Someone once said “marriages may be made in heaven, but they
sure take a lot of work on earth.” Have you become so distracted
by outside pressure that you neglect your spouse?
Retrouvaille program can help you put your troubled marriage
back on track. This program is supported by the Catholic diocese
of Cleveland. The next Cleveland Retrouvaille weekend will be
held on January 15-17, 2016. A registration fee of $150 is required
to confirm your reservation. For more information concerning the
program, or to register, please call Diane or Al Miskinis in
complete confidence at (330) 665-3506 or (from a 216 or 440 area
code) 1-800-470-2230. For additional information or to register
online, please go to www.helpourmarriage.org.
2016 MASS FOR LIFE Friday, January 22, 2016 – 10:00 a.m. Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist Join Bishop Richard Lennon at this special Mass to commemorate
the 42nd anniversary of Roe v. Wade in this Jubilee Year of Mercy.
Individuals, schools and parishes groups are encouraged to join us
and to stay after Mass to participate in a Rosary for Life. This is a
good pilgrimage opportunity for the Jubilee Year of Mercy as the
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist is an official Door of Mercy.
Be sure to spread the word across social media by using
#Mass4LifeCLE on facebook, twitter, and instagram! Visit
www.ccdocle.org/Mass4LifeCLE or call 216-334-2965 for more
information and to register your group.
Next meeting ~ Wednesday morning, January 13th, 9:0011:00am in the Parish Activity Center. Please stop in any
Wednesday morning and join us. Any questions, call
Sr. Denise Marie (440)884-3030 or email sdmosu1@aol.com.
You are invited to take one step into Heaven on Earth… Experience a life changing Pilgrimage to... Fatima, Spain, and Lourdes
September 26 - October 5, 2016
Post optional tour to Medjugorje
October 5 – 9, 2016
Spiritual Director: Fr. Edward Janoch
For more information or to book call Amanda from 206 Tours
800-206-Tour (8687) ext:109 or Theresa (Terri) Grecol 440823-7767. For a copy of the brochure or online registration go
to: www.pilgrimages.com/grecol | theresagrecol
Saint Charles Borromeo Parish School
2016-2017 School Year
Register Now
Applications for the 2016-2017 school year are available now for
preschool, kindergarten, and grades one through eight from both the
parish and school offices as well as online at www.saintcharlesschool.org.
Saint Charles has an excellent preschool
program with licensed, experienced teachers
who provide a challenging program in a loving
environment. The program is approved by the
Ohio Department of Education.
Students must be five years old on or before
September 30, 2016. Note: Public schools
cut-off date is five years old by August 1, 2016.
Tuesday/Thursday Half Day Program:
Children must be three years old on or before
September 1, 2016.
Monday/Wednesday/Friday Half Day Program:
Children must be four years old by
September 1, 2016.
Those currently attending the preschool
program must re-register for the second year.
All classes are filled on a first come, first
registered basis. Deadline is February 26.
All interested in registering for kindergarten,
including those attending Saint Charles
Preschool Program, should submit a completed
application with all the required documentation
by February 26.
Those interested in joining our great school in
grades one through eight should submit a
completed application with all the required
documentation (which includes a copy of the
current report card) as well as a signed release
of records form by February 26.
St. Charles School Admission Policy requires that
Catholic families be registered in a Catholic parish.
Catholic families are expected to participate in Mass
every weekend; have a history of contributing a
minimum of $10.00 weekly in offertory envelopes;
and be supportive of Catholic Education and the
policies of the school. All school families are also
required to participate fully in our Parish Gift
Certificate Program (minimum of $5200/year).
JANUARY 31, 2016
11:30 AM-1:30 PM