Spring 2016 Newsletter


Spring 2016 Newsletter
Y e w t o pi a
Your Spring Newsletter 2016
The mission of the Friends of the Topiary Park is the thoughtful preservation and enhancement of the Topiary Park’s landscape
and gardens and to provide a place of beauty and tranquility for Columbus residents and visitors.
The Topiar y Garden, A Work of Art & Cr eativity
Gardens, in every season, are works of art, and in our case, living sculpture, if you will…we were remising
about our unique beginning this winter and came to appreciate that art in the garden can take many forms and
that we, as gardeners, are all intrigued by the ingenuity, skill and risk that fellow gardeners, like Jim and Elaine
Mason, are willing to take. Creating is a very personal process and every time we invite visitors into our gardens
we open ourselves up to evaluation from another’s point of view and sense of taste. We could not have imagined,
over 20 years ago, how well and, to what extent, our garden would be received and viewed. We encourage you to
have confidence in your own likes and dislikes, your own personal style. Be open to new possibilities and willing to
experiment with objects and ideas that please your eye and delight you. Others may not always appreciate your
taste, but a beautiful or interesting garden has intrinsic value apart from its utility. Do enjoy your gardening
journey every season!
Friends of the Topiary Park 2015
We’re glad you’ re here!
The Board would like to thank you, the donors, for your commitment to the
Topiary Park over the years. We are grateful for your generous support
which allows us to continue our mission. Your donations in 2015 specifically
supported the purchase of annual flowers, the refurbishment of the boats,
our holiday park lighting and, our endowment fund at the
Columbus Foundation.
While we endeavor to include all of you, some might be inadvertently
missed. If your name was accidentally not included on this list, or you have a
correction, please contact us at friends@topiarygarden.org or, 614.645.0197
and we will make amends in the next edition of Yewtopia.
Yewtopians ($500 & Above)
David Schooler
Doug Allen
Katherine Gerlach
Marianne Altmaier Coyne
Randy Rudowicz
Thomas and Nancy Gross
Blooming Patrons
Mary Stowe
Nancy and Tad Jeffrey
Patricia Drummond
Robin Kumin
Ross George
Sallie Sherman
Tahlman and Elizabeth Krumm
Vanessa Arnold
Blooming Patrons ($150 to $499) Budding Patrons ($50 to $149)
Anne Powell Riley
Ann Saup
Bob and Beth Hamilton
C. John and Flo Ann Easton
Cathryn and Jeffrey Geppert
Cris Wise
David and Nancy Beck
Donald Dunn
Dorothy Spiva
Garry Clarke
Gary and Sue Holstein
Gavin and Alice Larrimer
Jack and Nancy Edwards
James Mason
Jeanne and Joseph Reed
Joseph and Marjorie Davidson
Judith Czarnecki
Kiehner Johnson
Anne Lee
Anne Valentine and Kent Thompson
Barbara Schuberth
Beau Hamer
Carol Haley
Carol Slack
Carolyn May
Charles and Susan Hickey
Chris Andersen
Christo Gegas
Dale Abrams and Elliott Fishman
Dan and Janice Bailey
Dorothy Howard-Flynn
Dr. Jack Dingle
Dr. John Kennedy
E. Bernice McLaughlin
Elizabeth Custer
Elizabeth Eastlake
Ellen Tripp
Floradelle Pfahl
Budding Patrons continued
Georgeanne and Michael Reuter
Grant Morrow and Corde Robinson
Harold and Phyllis Duryee
Herbert and Diane Glimcher
Herman and Mary Kuehn
Jacqueline A. Trexel
James Scanlan
Jeff and Elizabeth Cabot
Jessie Dailey
Jill Kramer and Ralph Kramer III
John and Nellie Riordan
John H. Litchfield
John Schoedinger
Julia F. Johnson
Karen M Shea
Karl and Martha Kumler
Kathleen Bruner
Kim Yee
Kristin Wilder
Larry and Kathryn Lane
Laureen Cain Haenszel
Lee Brozgol
Leslie Jankowski
Loann W. Crane
Lorraine Clark
Marc and Margie Hollander
Marcia Miller
Margaret McGee
Mark Miller
Martha and Sherwood Fawcett
Mary Jo Green
Mary Stine
Budding Patrons continued
Mitch and Susan Hyde
Mr. and Mrs. John Goff
Ms. Diane Sphar
Ms. Loann W. Crane
Nancy Recchie and Jeff Darbee
Neal and Romayne Kaffen
Pamela Lynn
Pat Morrow
Pauline and Kenneth Scott
R.L. and Barbara Richards
Ralph Wagenhofer
Rebecca Rabb
Ric Brandel
Richard and Marilyn Briggs
Richard Miller
Scott Smith
Shane Hankins
Stephen Wittmann
Steven and Gale Klayman
Theodore and Karen Meyer
Thomas and Margaret Williams
Valerie Paschang
Wilbur Smith
Green Thumbs (up to $49)
Arnold Jack
Ashlie Hannah
Bette C. Dare and Jerome
Carissa Jenkins
Charles J. (Jeff) and Evelyn McKitrick
Christina Rogers
Daniel and Katy Hill
Frankie and Mary Louise Casanta
Gabe Tippery
Galen and Ruth Gonser
J.D. and M. Low
James D. MacDonald
Jane Harris
Jean Hayward
Jill Fetters
Kairsten Thies
Kate Polak
Lamonte and Sharon Retz
Marilyn Paulsen
Mary Joy Rose
Marilyn Paulsen
Mary Joy Rose
Robert Wandel
Shirley Bauhaus
Virginia Tyler
Waneita Dipner
Community Gifts
Discovery District Civic Association
Discovery District Special
Improvement District
Friends of the Columbus
Metropolitan Library
Jennifer M. Keefer Memorial Fund
at the Columbus Foundation
Corporate Gifts
The Motorists Insurance Group
State Auto Insurance Co. Foundation
Orientation Breakfast & Tour
In-Kind Gifts
Columbus Recreation & Parks
Columbus School for Girls
Call Carlene Palmquist at
614.645.0197 if you would like to
upgrade your current membership
to a higher level or have questions
concerning Topiary Garden
membership. Renew or purchase
membership gifts using the enclosed
envelope or online at
ew this year for
ALL members!
We are pleased to offer a new opportunities to
our valued members, old & new!
New Member Orientation: For those who are new (and not so new),
to the Topiary Garden, we invite you to join us on Saturday, April 30th,
from 10 am to 12 noon for a continental breakfast followed by a brief
presentation about the history of the garden, membership benefits,
volunteer opportunities and, information about our events. We will
also offer a special docent garden tour. Please plan to join us for this
brand new event exclusively for our Topiary Garden members!
Call 614.645.0197 by Friday, April 22 to reserve your spot!
K r o g e r S u p p o r t s t h e To p i a r y P a r k . . . y o u c a n t o o !
Did you know you can support the Topiary Park just by shopping at Kroger? It's easy when you enroll in Kroger
Community Rewards®! To get started, sign up with your Plus Card, and select the Friends of the Topiary Park.
Once you're enrolled, you'll earn rewards for the park every time you shop and use
your Plus Card! And, the best part is... it COSTS YOU NOTHING!
Here is a brief description of the HOW TO...
Go to the Kroger website—www.kroger.com
Select the community tab near the top of the page, from the drop down menu select Community Rewards.
Sign in if you have an account, or create a NEW account. If you already have a nonprofit selected you
must delete that one to have your dollars going solely to the Topiary Park.
Then type in either Friends of the Topiary Park or # 81431 (our Kroger charity number).
Kroger is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Their program was designed to make our
fund-raising the easiest in town…all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card! THANK YOU!
Gardening Fun Facts
D i d yo u k n ow ? !
The name daffodil means “that which cometh early,”
which is quite fitting since it’s such an early bloomer.
The daffodil’s other name, narcissus, is after the
beautiful hunter in Greek mythology who fell in love
with his own reflection. He turned his back on the
woman who loved him and gazed downward into a
pool of water until he died. Daffodils also have a
tendency to turn their faces downward and turn their
backs on their admirers.
The yew tree is very poisonous – wood, leaves, seeds
and pollen. Birds can eat the berries and survive
because the seeds go right through them without
being digested and come out in their poo.
Tomato juice is the official state beverage of Ohio,
honoring the part A. W. Livingston of Reynoldsburg,
Ohio, played in popularizing the tomato in the late
In France, May 1st, is La Fete du Muguet, the festival
of the lily-of-the-valley. The celebration includes
giving bouquets of lily-of-the-valley to loved ones,
wishing them health and happiness.
V o l u nt e er s
G row
L o ts of wa ys t o g ro w, l ot s of
w ay s to c on t ri bu t e. A s a
v o lu nt ee r a t th e G a rd e n, you
ha v e u n li mi te d o p po rt u ni t ies
t o sha re you r ta len ts, ex pl o re
n ew a rea s a nd con nec t w i th
p eo p le of al l a ges . Sp ec ia l ize d
t r a in in g m ay be of f e red to
p r e pa re yo u f o r yo ur v o lu nt ee r
r o le , in o th e r cases ,
e x pe ri en ce ma y be ne cess ar y
( o r no t) ! Vo lu n tee rs gr e et
v i s it o rs, se r v e as to ur
d o cen ts , ass is t w i th s pe cia l
e v en ts , wo r k in the ga rd e n
an d G a te hous e a nd , ma ny
o th e r th in gs .. .ca l l
6 14 .6 45 .0 197 to f i nd ou t
w he re you ca n h el p! I t ’s f u n,
i t ’s e xc i ti ng , and i t ’s a g if t f o r
e v e ry one ! We ne ed YO U!
Plant the Par k. ..
Saturday, May 2 1, 9am!
Tête-à-tête in the Garden...Ta Ta for Now!
FOTP: Jill, I hear you have some news to share...
JB: Yes...it’s with mixed emotions that I tell you that I
received a promotion to Regional Manager over the
Fairwood, Lindon and eventually, Gooddale sections for
Columbus Recreation and Parks. I will be leaving when a
replacement for this position has been named. But rest
assured, like all the past gardener supervisors who have had
the good fortune of working in the park, I will let keep an eye
on the garden and let you know my thoughts and
observations. It was a very difficult decision.
JB: Thank you and also thank you for all the work the
Friends do for the park as well. I will still be around and
leave you in the hands of a great team who will continue
to improve upon the gardens year after year.
FOTP: We are happy for you and will miss you. You
have been wonderful to work with and you have
added so much to the garden, the park and the
Friends. I guess that means you’ll miss the Launch of
the Goldfish this spring!
JB: Oh No! I will be here...with my girls in tow! And, I know
Mark Case will be there too as he is/was the “golden’s”
caregiver and BEST friend for the last two years!
FOTP: The garden is finally draped in white! This has
been an odd weather year….
Jill’s Picks for MUST HAVE
garden tools!
JB: Indeed, who would have thought that this would be one
of the warmest and sunniest Decembers and Januarys on
record! But after the last two previous years, the garden
really needed a much deserved break! I know we are going
into spring with healthier shrubs.
Like any hobby, tools are usually a major key to your success!
Here are the ones I happen to
enjoy and love to use...mostly at
home, but I also have a “version”
of these at work too!
FOTP: Jill, what should our home gardeners be
working on right now to prepare for spring?
A GOOD pair of sharp pruners...a
MUST have for any gardener.
You are always cutting back
something! Get a pair that fits
your hand and are easy for you
to use!
JB: At home, I use these winter days to review and repair my
garden tools. I try to buy good equipment, and good
maintenance prolongs their life and usefulness. I take care
of my garden tools as I take care of my kitchen and household utensils; most of them can last years if well serviced
and well cared for. Another task that can be done now is
planting seeds indoors. This is a fun way to involve the kids.
We use half-pint milk cartons from the school cafeteria.
With their tops cut off and bottoms pierced, they make
perfect “pots” for starting the larger seedlings—tomatoes,
peppers, eggplants, pumpkins, cucumbers, and the like. Fill
them with your potting mix, sow the seeds and place them in
a sunny spot. By mid-May your sill will be a jungle of plants,
each straining to reach the sunlight. It’s really fun!
FOTP: Well, Jill, this is our fond goodbye! We have
enjoyed you being part of the esteemed history and
family of the Topiary Garden. Our very best to you
and, our heartfelt thanks to you and, all your team,
who have worked besides us in the garden.
A Hori Hori, (Japanese for diggy diggy) soil knife. These are
sold by a number of companies, again, you have to find one
that works for you and your garden soil! I find that with all
equipment, you do get what you pay for!
A CobraHead, a curved shank weeder that can usually get ANY
weed, any where. This tool comes in two handle versions, long
and short...admittedly, this was a luxury for me!
A gardening apron...there is nothing worse than being in the
garden and realizing you don’t have one of your favorite tools
with you! I keep my garden apron ready to go at all times!
Hope these tools will be of use to you and your garden!
Post Cards from the
Topiary Park
Minding your Manners
in the Park
Dear Board of Directors:
Spring is here! Two paws up! I can’t
wait to get to the park because I know
this year I will meet a lot of new friends!
But, this winter, I noticed that some of
my “friends” owners were not on their
“Best” behavior! They would let my
friends do their “business” and not pick
up! Can you imagine?! What can we
do?! W y l i e W a g s ,
Authentic French Meringues
Although most historians agree, that meringue was not
created in France, it is also agreed that, “Queen Marie
Antoinette had a great liking for meringues and court
Unofficial Ambassador,
Friends of the Topiary Park
lore has it that she made them with her own hands at
D e a r W a g s : Thank you for bringing
vacherins, which are prepared from a similar mixture.”
this to our attention! The Friends are
having some “poop” bag stations
installed this spring courtesy of our
friends at the Discovery Special Improvement District. One will be installed near
the Gatehouse and the other will be
installed by the big back gate on
Washington! This will help make it
easier for our human friends to maintain
the park for everyone’s enjoyment!
The Board
Melapmpodium …
A Plant the Park Favorite Annual
Cheery melampodium has sunshine
-yellow flowers on deeply green
leaves. It’s a mainstay for hot,
the Trianon, where she is also said to have made
Meringue can be prepared using three different
methods: French, Italian and Swiss. French Meringue,
which is used in this recipe, is the simplest of the three
methods. Fine white sugar is beaten into room
temperature egg whites until peaks are stiff and glossy.
Ingredients: 4 egg extra large whites, 2 1/4 cups
confectioners’ sugar
Preheat oven to 200 degrees F
Butter & flour cookie sheet or use parchment paper
Using a glass or metal bowl, whip egg whites until
foamy (big bubbles). Sprinkle in sugar a little at a time,
while continuing to whip on medium speed. When all
the sugar is in the mixture, turn up to high speed. When
the mixture becomes stiff and shiny like satin, stop
sunny spots, where it will produce a profusion of
mixing, and transfer to a pastry bag. Pipe the meringue
yellow daisy-shape blooms all summer. While it
out onto baking sheet. Place in oven and crack the door
likes heat and sun, it doesn’t like dry conditions, it
to keep it from closing all the way. Bake for 3 hours or
must be kept moist until it’s established. See this
until the meringues are dry and can be easily removed
great little plant around the pond this summer!
from the pan. Cool completely and store in an airtight
container. E n j o y !
Smart Looking &
Durable Garden Bag .
Gift or Keep!
Charming French Inspired
Room for Meetings, Parties &
J o i n t he G a rd e n t o d a y !
Take a look at the great benefits you receive as a
Garden member and know that your annual membership contribution supports the Garden’s mission, to
thoughtfully preserve and enhance the Topiary Park’s
landscape and gardens, and to provide a place of
beauty, and tranquility for Columbus residents and
Columbus Metropolitan Library Re-Opens
As a member your benefits include:
FREE Garden Bag (Gifts of $300 or more)
Discounts on Gatehouse Rental
(Gifts of $300 or more)
On Saturday, June 25th, the Topiary Park is joining in on
FREE Quarterly newsletters & membership card
CML’s Grand Re-Opening celebration with music, crafts,
Recognition in the spring Yewtopia Giving
Our P B J & J a z z F a mi l y C o n c e r t series will kick
10% discount in the Gatehouse shop
off that day...starting with storytime at 1:30 pm, with
A Members Only Orientation Breakfast
Discount admission to over 200 botanic gardens
Plus, your membership contribution is fully tax
Saturday, June 25th
One of our favorite neighbors and partners will be reopening their doors after over nine months of renovation!
movies and more!
Columbus Metropolitan Library, followed by the jazz
concert at 2pm...followed by Columbus Museum of Art
children’s art activity. All of these events will be staged
closer to the library that day! But the day isn’t over for
the park! At dusk, in partnership with the Discovery
of the movie festivities plus a lot more. So mark your
It’s easy to order a membership for yourself or as a
gift...call 614.645.0197. If you leave a message after
hours we will get back to you promptly...or, you can visit
us in the Gatehouse (call for seasonal hours). Or, you
can mail a donation by filling out the enclosed envelope!
Or, go on-line and visit...www.topiarygarden.org., select
calendar, bring your blankets and see you in the park and,
the DONATE button.
Special Improvement District and Gateway Film Center,
we will be kicking off our movie series with
T h e L o r a x , by Dr. Seuss. An art activity will be part
the library too!
T ha nk you!
mark these dates on the calendar...
Note to Self...
Mulch Madness,
Saturday, March 26
Gatehouse Opens,
Plant the Park,
Saturday, April 16
Saturday, May 21
Columbus Metropolitan Library Re-Opens,
Saturday, June 25th
PBJ & Jazz Family Concert Series, Saturday, June 25, 2 pm
July 9, August 13 & September 10 at noon.
Topiary Theater, Saturday June 25, THE LORAX , July 30, PADDINGTON ,
Gatehouse Closes, Sunday,
Light the Park, Thursday,
DDCA Trolley Hop,
October 16
November 17
Saturday, December 10
The Friends of the Topiary Park
Founded in 1992, Friends of the Topiary Park is a group of active volunteers and sustaining contributors dedicated to supporting the
unique topiary interpretation of Georges Seurat’s painting, A Sunday Afternoon on the Isle of La Grande Jatte, in Deaf School
Park. Located at E. Town Street & Washington Avenue in downtown Columbus, the Park is open daily from dawn to dusk.
Admission is FREE!
The Topiary Garden was included in The Smithsonian Institution’s,
Archives of American Gardens, Horticulture Services Division in 2003
Board of Trustees
President, Doug Allen, Vice President, William Bronson, Treasurer, Cristopher Wise, Secretary, Dayna Jalkanen,
Tonia Derring, Cathryn Geppert, Marcie Mathews, Mark Miller, Randy Rudowicz, Jacqueline Trexel
Honorary Trustees, Cherie Lucks, Kitty Morton Epler, Jim Mason
Staff - Administrator, Dan Huff, Executive Director, Carlene Palmquist,
Columbus Recreation and Parks Representative, Eric Hinkle
480 East Town Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215 614.645.0197 friends@topiarygarden.org