
It’s Finally Here!
The One Supplement That Does It All!
Jump Starts Your Metabolism
& Melts Away Fat For Good!
Fights Premature Aging and
Reverses Signs of Aging
Protects You Against Cancer
& Other Diseases!
Here’s Why Acai Berry Is All The Rage
And How It Helps You
Take Back Your Life And Your Health!
(But Why You Shouldn’t Just Buy It Anywhere!)
Dear Friend,
A while back, The Oprah Winfrey Show did a segment on a little-known fruit
from deep within the Amazon Rainforests of Brazil, called the Acai Berry (AhSah-Hee).
It was dubbed “Nature’s Perfect Fruit” and touted as the
ideal super-food. Packed with powerful antioxidants, it
would help millions everywhere win the war against cancer and other life-threatening diseases. It was even said to
have metabolic enhancing properties, giving people one of
the fastest weight loss solutions available anywhere!
At first, I was skeptical. You see, I am a board-certified
medical doctor and a member of the American Society
of Bariatric Physicians. For more than 12 years, I have
been helping people improve their overall health and lose
weight and I’ve seen hundreds of ‘health and weight loss aids’ come and go.
How could this be any different?
But, as any good doctor would, I wanted to give my patients a life-changing
and life-saving solution to their problems. Did acai hold the key? I needed to
do some research. I needed to take my time and find out HOW and WHY
Acai worked. And what I found was downright amazing...
Acai Is The Closest Thing To
Perfect Health In A Bottle!
For the first time ever, we’ve stumbled upon a super-food like no other! The
Acai Berry does indeed offer tremendous health benefits, starting with antioxidant power that’s second to none. In fact, it
fights off free radicals like superoxides, peroxyl
radicals, peroxynitrite and hydroxly better than
any other food known to humans. That means
the acai berry offers excellent protection
against cancer and other diseases! But that’s
just the start because...
100% PURE
The market is flooded with lowgrade acai berry supplements.
But my Acai Berry formula is
not at all like the others on the
market today. This is true
physician-grade acai.
I have had my suppliers scour
the rainforests of Brazil to find
only the best berries, then extract all of their nutrients so you
can have the finest 4:1 acai
berry supplement available.
Unlike other acai supplements
on the market that are loaded
with fillers, ach serving of my
potent formula gives you a full
1,200 mg of pure acai. That
means you get all this:
• Faster Fat Burning Power
• Better Protection Against
Free Radicals
• Longer Lasting Results
• An Excellent Value For
Your Money!
And when you purchase my
physician-grade Acai Berry formula, you’ll NEVER be enrolled
into a auto-ship program where
you receive product you didn’t
order! I run a “Scam-FREE”
operation, so you can buy with
100% confidence.
-Dr. Michelle Haendiges
Acai Berries Give You The Fountain Of Youth!
You see, in my research, I also found out that one of the biggest benefits of
the acai berry is its unmatched ability to fight premature aging. They’re among
the most dense source of an anti-aging flavanoid called anthocycanins and they
have the highest Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) value compared to any other edible berry on the planet - and that’s medical jargon that
means acai berries are best at preventing age-related degeneration and diseases.
But acai goodness doesn’t stop there. No, it keeps getting better! In addition
to their ability to guard against cancer and slow the aging process, acai beries
have also been clinically proven to boost metabolism and help the body burn
fat like never before! That’s great news for my morbidly obese patients who
are trying to lose massive amounts weight!
Mass Media Turns A Little Known Fruit
Into The Hottest Health Supplement,
But Consumers Everywhere Get Cheated!
What happened after the Oprah segment was
head-spinning! There was a media frenzy and
everyone from legitimate supplement manufacturers to ‘get-rich-quick’ entrepreneurs went
crazy trying to develop Acai Berry products to
capitalize on the momentum that only Oprah
herself can deliver.
“Acai berries are
among the most nutritious foods of the
Amazon, rich in B vitamins, minerals, fiber,
protein and omega-3
fatty acids. Acai Berries also contain omega-9, a beneficial fatty
acid.” The CBS Early
Suppliers rushed products to the market and
some made millions! But they cut corners. And
they cheated consumers. Possibly even you.
Their formulas were ‘watered-down’ versions of
the real thing. They had fillers, like maltodextrin
and other inert ingredients. Ounce per ounce,
they were weak representations that lacked the
acai berry’s full potential.
BEWARE - many of these products are STILL
ON THE MARKET TODAY! There are hundreds
of formulas being offered that just don’t stack up.
When I found out about all the cheap, inferior acai products on the market, I
knew I needed to do the right thing for my patients. So I took it upon myself
to develop my very own “physician-grade” acai berry supplement. One that
‘fits the bill’ and one that does everything it should for my patients’ health.
Toss Out Your Old Acai And All Your Other Health And
Weight Loss Supplements, Because My Physician-Grade
Acai Is The Only One You Need!
In my quest to create the perfect Acai supplement, I learned that acai must be
administered in its purest form, with an extract ratio of 4:1. Plus, I discovered
that the most efficient and effective dose of Acai is 1,200 mg. This physiciangrade combination ensures that the full benefits of Acai are offered with every
dose, including:
Fat-Meltling, Muscle-Building Protein
Age-Reversing Flavanoids
Cancer-Clobbering Antioxidants
Heart-Guarding Omega-3 Fatty Acid
Brain-Protecting Omega-6 Fatty Acids
Energy-Boosting Vitamin B
Bone-Building Calcium and Phosphorus
Cholesterol-Blasting Fiber
Blood-Pressure Reducing Phytosterols
Once I perfected my formula, I started taking the supplement myself because
I was overworked, tired and out of shape. I was amazed - I lost 80 pounds in
just a few short months! 80 pounds!! When I started giving my patients my
very own physician-grade acai supplement, they were thrilled when they too
saw similar results!
Get Instant Health Benefits For A Steal!
Now I want you too to experience the difference of my physician-grade acai
berry. And I have arranged to provide you with a super-low price of just
$19.99 a bottle, plus $9.95 to cover rush-shipping and handling.
But please! Before you order, I want you to know that you WILL NOT be put
into an “auto-ship” program. Unlike those unreputable internet marketers, I
don’t believe in forcing my product on you. No. My product is good enough
to sell itself! When you order my physician-grade acai berry, all you’ll get is a
one-month supply-nothing more. You have my word.
So, go ahead. Order with confidence. I guarantee you’ll be amazed with the
results you’ll see from my physician-grade acai. If you’re not, I’ll happily take
back the unused portion and refund your money.
Dr. Michelle Haendiges,
Member, Bariatric Society of America
PS. Start looking amazing and get the closest thing to perfect health in a bottle with my phycian-grade acai berry formula!
© 2009 Health By Design, LLC All Rights Reserved.
Terms Of Use
Privacy Statement
Disclaimer: Products sold by Health by Design, LLC are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Check with your health care professional to evaluate the benefits of nutritional support.
Effective January 1, 2009
-I couldn’t believe it. Dr.
Haendiges gave me the Acai
Berry to try after I told her I
wanted to lose 15 pounds. 20
days later I lost 15 pounds!
And I didn’t do anything differently. Her Acai supplement
really worked!
-K. Anthony, Kokomo, IN
-Dear Dr. Haendiges, I’m ordering more of your acai
berry. I just wanted to let you
know that I first ordered it
about two months ago. I have
always been about 50 pounds
overweight, and my job keeps
me from finding the time to
exercise or eat right. Anyway,
I’ve been taking the acai and
I’ve already lost 31 pounds,
not to mention, I feel so much
better too... This is really
good stuff!
-M. Dupuis, San Francisco, CA
I tried some acai berry supplements I found online after I
saw the Oprah special, but
I wasn’t impressed with the
results, not to mention they
just kept sending me more
and charging me without my
approval! My friend Sandi told
me she used yours and explained how it was different.
She bought me a bottle for my
birthday, and I’ve been taking it
for a month now. Time to order more - your supplement
is really very good! I really
notice a difference in the way
I feel, and I’ve even lost about
10 pounds!
-C.Ulicki, Cheshire, CT
100% Satisfaction Guaratee
Every bottle of my physiciangrade acai berry comes with my
risk-free money-back guarantee.
You must be 100% satisfied with
the way my physician-grade acai
berry makes you feel. If at any
time you’re not happy with the
product, you may return the
unused portion to me and I’ll
refund your money, no questions
-Dr. Michelle Haendiges
By purchasing Dr. Haendiges’
Acai Berry Blend, you are
contributing to the preservation of the Amazon Rainforest.
A portion of the proceeds
from every sale are reinvested
into this precious natural resource.