bornholm sonnenberg invi 2014 engelsk.indd


bornholm sonnenberg invi 2014 engelsk.indd
The Danish Sonnenberg Association invites
you to take part in a European conference
on the island of Bornholm, Denmark.
7th to 12th September, 2015
The Danish Sonnenberg Association
in co-operation with the Swedish and Norwegian Associations.
The Danish Sonnenberg Association invites
you to take part in a European conference
on the island of Bornholm, Denmark.
Organizer: The Danish Sonnenberg Association in co-operation with the Swedish and
Norwegian Associations.
Dates: 7th to 12th September, 2015.
groups, in addition to arranging visits to EU-supported projects on the island. The former
Member of Parliament, elected on Bornholm and currently a member of the European
Parliament, Jeppe Kofod, will also take part at some point in the meeting.
Language: Simultaneous interpretation in English and German.
Transport: There are various ways of getting to Bornholm: by air from Copenhagen, or by
ferry, either from Rügen (Sassnitz) in Germany or Ystad in Sweden, combined with train,
bus or car.
Here is a more detailed description of the various possibilities, plus prices (2014 prices):
Ferry: Ystad - Rønne (Bornholm), return, by car+ 5 persons: 195 Euros.
Ferry: Ystad – Rønne, return, by car + 2 persons (pensioners): 100 Euros.
Location: Hotel Allinge, Storegade 3-5, DK-3770 Allinge, Bornholm.
Telephone: 0045 56480025.
Ferry: Sassnitz – Rønne, return, by car+ 5 persons: 215 Euros. (Note! Sails only
Thursday, Saturday and Sunday).
Price: 3,500 DKK or 470 Euros per person in a single or double room including
half-board. Vegetarian food is available, but please remember to order it when registering.
Bus: ‘Bornholmerbussen’ from Copenhagen central station to Rønne, return, via
Ystad by ferry: Adults: 80 Euros / Pensioners: 51 Euros.
Co-ordinating with the arrival of the ferry, there is a bus service to Allinge.
Registration should be made to: Ingrid Hyldal, Gråstenvej 31, Felsted,
DK-6200 Åbenrå. E-mail: Telephone: 0045 41818125.
Payment: Please pay 500 DKK or 100 Euros into the following account when registering,
the remaining sums to be paid by 1st June, 2015. Exchange charges, if any, to be paid by
the applicant.
Train: From Copenhagen central station to Rønne, return, via Ystad by ferry:
Adults: 88 Euros / Pensioners: 75 Euros.
Co-ordinating with the arrival of the ferry, there is a bus service to Allinge.
By air: DAT (Danish Air Transport) from Copenhagen Airport, Kastrup, to Rønne, return:
Adults: From 80 Euros to 322 Euros, depending on time of departure and day of the
week. Pensioners: 80 Euros (limited number of seats).
Account: Registration no. 7931, account no. 1138477
IBAN no.: DK2279310001138477
P.S. If you would like to arrive at an earlier date or leave later, please contact the hotel
Topic: Democracy and citizen-influence in the EU. The Euro crisis, poor participation in the
European Parliament election and anti-European attitudes which are to be found in several
countries have shown the necessity for greater citizen involvement in important European
matters in the future. A more detailed programme will be supplied later.
In response to many requests we have again chosen to hold the conference on Bornholm,
not in Sandkaas, but in the nearby town of Allinge, where we have rented a newly renovated hotel, in which we can all be accommodated and have our meetings. The price includes
accommodation, a substantial breakfast and a four-course evening meal (incl. drinks).
Lunch is not included but there are plenty of places in town where you can get a meal; you
can also buy a sandwich at the hotel. After the morning’s activities a long afternoon will be
at your disposal before dinner and the evening programme.
In September the weather on Bornholm is often good, where the summer warmth stays
longer than in the rest of Denmark.
We will also organize other events on Bornholm, for example with the Regional Municipality of Bornholm, with whom we are planning to arrange a large meeting with local citizen-
Finn Rowold