West Highland White Terrier Club of Puget Sound—Summer 2010


West Highland White Terrier Club of Puget Sound—Summer 2010
West Highland White Terrier Club of Puget Sound—Summer 2010
The 64th Annual Pacific Northwest
Scottish Highland Games & Clan Gathering
July 31st and August 1st
King county Fair Grounds
Enumclaw, WA
(State Route 16 & 169)
The Highland Games have become a true Pacific Northwest Event. It is a means of keeping the Scottish ethnic
origin alive as well as stimulating an interest in Scottish Highland Games, through Scottish dancing, piping, drumming and athletic competition.
A featured event at the Highland Games is The Celtic Kennel. It presents the Celtic dog breeds at work and at
play. Of course (our wee athletes) The West Highland White Terriers are an integral part of the Celtic Kennel!
The Celtic Breeds are the climax to the Parade of the Clans during the opening ceremonies and return to the pavilion for the Celtic Kennel Grand Review. The activity in the Celtic pavilion presents a variety of fun competitions,
Setter (birding) Pointing Demonstrations, Terrier Go To Ground Demonstration, Agility and Obedience Demonstrations.
This is your invitation and your Westie’s opportunity to be part of the traditional Celtic Kennel – whether you own a
Westie as a pet, show Westies in the ring or breed Westies for a living, come, participate, there are no “entrance
requirements” this is a grand show of WESTIE PRIDE!
Interested Westie owners can participate this year at The Celtic Kennel for shifts of 2-4 hours each day (9-11 am,
11-1 pm, 1-3 pm, and 3-5 pm), or any combination we can agree upon. The public just loves to see Westies and
we’d like to have some there all day, each day. If you’re so inclined, call or e -mail me. We can work out suitable
arrangements. I have entrance tickets, if you agree to be part of The Celtic Kennel and contact me by July 15th.
Ethnic attire is always a fun way to participate, so along with your Westie wear your Plaid. The more Westies we
have in the parade the better. The parade starts around 12 each day.
Julie Redd
Check out Scottish Highland Games website: http://www.sshga.org
PRESIDENTS MESSAGE (aka Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride) - Karin Parish
We have had a very rough start this year in the club. I was absent from the club from February 8, 2010 until
June 26, 2010. I had to leave the state and be the primary care giver for my mother who was dying of bile duct
cancer, which she succumbed to on May 19 th. I did not return to Washington until June 26 th. My dogs were fostered out to two and three households for almost five mos, and the stress of being a 24 hour care giver took its
toll on me along with being there alone. The people who cared for my dogs for such long periods of time, with out
ever a complaint were all from the Scottie Club and Westie Club.
In my absence Maryann Guerry-Buck led the charge as Vice President and Christine Corbley brought up the rear
handling the Seattle Kennel Club show. Jeannette and Sandy were also great enforcers, and Cyndee filled in the
Project Runway: Acting in my stead, Christine Corbley was working on Project Runway and we just didn’t get
enough people to respond. This broke my heart because I had worked so very hard to plan this fabulous afternoon since September 2009. Michele and I planned everything down to table ware, matching tablecloths to go
with a color palette, stemware, centerpieces, gourmet luncheon, signature drinks, door prizes, along with live
chamber music. This activity was a new creative idea which would be in lieu of a standard silent auction which is
normally combined at the specialty. Admission was $25/$30 and covered everything above.
The gist of the activity was to raise funds for the club which we need in this economy. The event was dinner and
a private silent auction and festivities with an elegant twist. The dogs were not invited, because of the lovely
mansion which was donated free for our use. I couldn’t have dogs dashing about wee -ing on cherry furniture imported from Norway! We also had a top dog wear company donate to put on a fashion show, and donate a couple of items to the silent auction (one being a gortex rain coat). Christine and I even invented a signature drink
(alcoholic and non) which was mango pulp with sparkling white wine, or sparkling cider floating over the top of the
pulp.. served in giant martini glasses. We named it the “spotlight” after project runway. We had 24 outfits for
four of our dogs to model. We had amazing door prizes donated. We had give -aways, and all in all it was a fun
adult activity to relax and get time to chat among ourselves and get to know each other better. I worked on this
event for four mos with great glee, and watching it just fizzle and die was heart wrenching to say the least. Oh
well! I am not bitter, just disappointed.
Fun Daze - Just before our annual fun daze event, Jeannette found out that the City of Renton Community Center has changed its rules on “insurance” and our insurance apparently did not meet their new criteria because it
specifically has dogs involved. A new group has decided we need better insurance and it will also raise our insurance costs just for that day to $265, in addition to rental costs. This was all disclosed to us 10 days before
the event. With the weather conditions, and it also looking like a lot of folks weren’t going to turn out, the board
felt it could not justify the cost of the rental of the park. This also means we have to find a new location in the
future. Keep in mind that all our items are stored near this park, so if we use any shade canopy and tail chase
equipment or anything else, it has to be hauled to the new location. Not many of us have vans and trucks. Marymoor would be an alternative but they need at least 7 mos to a year lead time to get a date for renting it. So that
is the reason Fun Daze was cancelled.
General Hospital – 2010 – Meanwhile, Robert Davis had open heart surgery and Sandy Davis was in the midst of
caring for him and spending days at the hospital in critical care and ICU. Just before he was being transferred to
rehab prior to eventually coming home, Sandy had an accident with a garage door snapping and slamming into
her hand with such great force, I was just relieved it wasn’t amputated! Off she went to see how much damage
she incurred to her thumb or if she needed surgery. Jeannette was on hand to drive her back and forth to the Dr.
On one trip, Jeannette was driving Sandy and a pregnant bitch and the bitch started giving birth in the back of her
blazer, and out popped the first puppy. Sandy had no use of her right hand, Jeannette became the designated
driver to and from doctor’s appointments, when lo and behold - Jeannette was taken to emergency and was diagnosed with a heart condition which required she have a pacemaker! Now Robert was driving her back and forth
to the Dr. Right after that, another board member, Karen Tilbury, had a hip replacement! She is currently in recovery.
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Short Handed - With only three remaining board members, of whom two are working on Saturdays due to the
economy and their job demands, left us really shorthanded. We are kind of out there in a boat without oars, or
one oar that has a hole in it. My back up person Judy Lane, had to step in and fill the void of Rescue in my
stead, and she has a very demanding job also. She took on all the rescues, and that work effort in my absence,
so she had no time to work on Club events and help fill that void. Now I am back and trying to pick up the strain
of rescue which Judy had to handle alone, and pick up the pieces of the Club that seems to have shattered at
my feet. I sure could use help!
Volunteer - If you have time to volunteer for your club and lead an activity, it will be greatly appreciated; otherwise, we are just going to have to downsize our events because we don’t have
the people-power. We will be happy to mentor you and even assist you but two or three people
cannot do everything for the club.
At this time, we are focusing on Highland Games and the specialty. We’d love you to spend the afternoon with
us at the specialty. It’s centrally located, and we’d love to have you come out and support the club, not to mention the fabulous silent auction and shopping. Just Do it!
Highland Games – Please contact Julie in a timely manner, so she can work on her event and have some sort of
idea how much space and pens we need for this event. We also need coverage both days and relief.
Specialty: This year we are doing something different. Normally we have a dinner, and people don’t want to
hang around after the show and wait until 6 or 7 pm to eat. When they come late, the vendors are closed.
This year, we are going to do lunch rather than dinner. We encourage ALL MEMBERS, to
come and have lunch with us. Come early and shop at the show and get great deals. Come for
lunch, and a fabulous silent auction. Make sure you fill out your request for lunch and send it in
ASAP as it is time critical we get a count on attendees to order tables, chairs, etc.
We will be at ringside in our Westie Tent. This dog show is for show dogs, and we occasionally bring rescues for the rescue parade. ALL dog shows request that you do not bring your dog to the event if it
is not in the show. This is standard procedure. There are too many dogs there, and they don’t want you trotting
around with your pampered pooch.
It’s a long hot day, and you’d have more fun being able to have the freedom of dashing about and finding great
things to purchase. Sit down and have a great lunch, bring you check book and bid on collectables, go shopping, and enjoy each others company. I will be on hand to hear any great ideas you have for the club. I have
loved shopping with these vendors, and you will have a ball, I have found the best crate liners, and you can get
your grooming scissors sharpened, great stuff, solar covers to cool off dogs, these bungee things that look like
giant ponytail elastic things, to hold shade cloths on your canopy, collapsible crates the cheapest I have seen.
JUST EVERYTHING! It’s centrally located, and we’d love to have you come out and support the club, not to
mention the fabulous silent auction and shopping. Just Do it!
I look forward to seeing familiar faces once again. I hope you all attend the specialty and enjoy the bounty of
items that have been graciously donated for auction. This helps support your club and in this economy I know
it’s hard for everyone.
Please feel free to email me if you have suggestions or want to volunteer. I have always been proud that our
club is very dynamic and I think due to the above mishaps, we are sliding down a slippery slope, and I’d like to
see us bounce back. I am open to ideas and opinions.
Karin Parish kparish@whidbey.com
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April 1, 2010
“Happiness is a warm puppy”
Charles Schultz
Dear Friends and lovers of Westies all,
Your Specialty is quickly approaching. It is Friday-Sunday August 27-29 at Marymoor
Park in Redmond, Washington. Fellow members and friends, we need your help. I
know you are asked to step up many times during the year and these continue to be
especially challenging economic times. Nonetheless, we ask you to once again please
consider contributing a small donation. This donation will help us to recognize your
dog and all the Terriers that enter our Specialty.
If you would like your name or kennel to appear in the upcoming event catalog, please
have your donation back to us no later than July 25th.
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
With sincere regards, happy tails and many woofs,
Karen Tilbury
Cyndee Lockwood
Trophy/Lunch Chairwomen
Trophy Donation - 2010
Ribbon Levels
Blue Ribbon - $75
Red Ribbon - $50
Yellow Ribbon - $35
White Ribbon $25
Puppy Pink - $15
Name of Donor(s):____________________________________
Name of Kennel: _____________________________________
Name of Honoree(s):__________________________________
Amount Enclosed: ____________________________________
Please mail to:
Ms. Karen Tilbury
12324 Big Leaf Way NE
Redmond, WA 98053
by: July 25, 2010 please
please keep checks separate
for donation and lunch
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August 28, 2010
WHWTCOPS Specialty Luncheon
Marymoor Park
6046 W. Lake Sammamish Parkway NE
Redmond, WA 98052
$12 per person
Reservations, Please, by Aug 14th
Directions: From I-405 – take Hwy 520 (Exit 14 from So, Exit 14A from No). Go East on 520 for approx. 5 miles to the W. Lake
Sammamish Parkway exit. Stay in the right lane of the two lane exit ramp, turn right at the bottom of the exit onto W. Lake Sammamish Parkway and immediately get into the left turn lane to turn left into Marymoor Park at first stop light. Follow the main road
and look for Show/Parking signs.
Sandwich will be served in its own box with fresh chips, crisp pickle and cookie – Drinks provided
Panera Sandwich Order - Reservations deadline by August 14, 2008
Names (reservations for)
Amt Encl
($12 ea)
Bacon Turkey Bravo: smoked turkey, applewood smoked bacon, smoked Gouda, lettuce, tomatoes, signature dressing on tomato basil bread.
Asiago Roast Beef: roast beef, smoked cheddar, lettuce, tomatoes, onions and horseradish spread on
Asiago Cheese demi.
Napa Almond Chicken Salad: all natural chicken, diced celery, seedless grapes, almonds, special dressing, lettuce, tomato on sesame semolina.
Mediterranean Veggie: zesty sweet peppadew peppers, feta cheese, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, onions
and cilantro hummus on tomato basil bread.
Note: Club will provide beverages and dessert.
Mail check payable to WHWTCOPS lunch order to:
Cynthia Lockwood, 18932 194th Ave NE, Woodinville, WA 98077
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“Westies Kick Butt”
Specialty Auction
August 28th is the big day!
We are all hoping to have a really fun and successful Westie Specialty Show and luncheon to raise awareness about our special friends
and their amazing versatility, as well as raise much need $$$ to help with
all our club programs like our Specialty, Westie Walks, Fun Daze, Halloween Party, Christmas Party and Rescue.
With your help we will have a great “Westies Kick Butt” auction.
But to do that we need auction items! That is where you come in: LET
Do you have a special service you could offer? Are you a great
bread baker? Pie Maker? Hors d’oeuvres for a cocktail party? Wrap the
handles of golf clubs? Cook dinner for a small group? Bartend for a
party? What can you do that would be a special offering of value?
Perhaps you have an antique gathering dust that doesn’t really fit
in with your lifestyle anymore and you think someone else might enjoy?
Baskets are always good! Spa basket, Guestroom Basket, Sexy
Love basket, Garden Basket, Wine Basket, Coffee Lovers Basket, Basket
for a new pet or perhaps for a new rescue Westie? Again, use your
Gift cards, gift certificates to restaurants, car washes, coffee
shops, dog grooming, vets, you get the picture………………..if you need
help call the dynamic duo, we are here to help and to pick up your offering!
Karen Tilbury
Cyndee Lockwood
425 836 2613
425 788 6795
Please call us anytime, the sooner the better, but not on August
We’ll be really busy!!
See you at the Show…………..
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Our Amazing Little Dog, Maisie
We adopted our little West Highland White Terrier, Maisie, in 2008 following my return from Scotland.
Maisie came to us via Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue. Bill
and Beth have two of these little guys and that began our
love for them. I was cruising the website and there was
Maisie, a new rescue. She was just so cute and perky,
that I knew I had to have her. Maisie became ours in
about one weeks time.
When she came to us, she was a little shy, but the minute
she saw Honey they became fast buddies, and were
turned loose in the backyard. Maisie, was in her glory running the fence and turbo racing around the backyard with
Their favorite game is for Honey to roll onto her back and
let Maisie growl, jump, and bite at Honey’s neck. Maisie loves that big loose skin around Honey’s neck. They
play keep away with the toys. They sit in front of the big living room window by the hour, chins resting on the
windowsill, watching outside. Heaven forbid any cat, dog, or squirrel come near their yard! They are off in a
barking, jumping tangent.
Maisie loves a lap to lay in. She likes to curl up in Ron’s lap anytime.
Mom (Judy) is good for a cuddle, but only when Maisie feels like it.
Promptly at 8 PM Maisie begins tapping on the arm of my chair and let’s
me know that she wants to go outside. That tapping is usually accompanied with a little guttural sound, or just smacking of her jaws. If I don’t respond quick enough she will let out one BIG bark. After that outdoor trek,
then comes the 9 PM potty call. When asked, “do you want to go potty?”
Maisie immediately runs to get Honey and outside they go. Honey will
actually go potty, and walk around the yard or just simply lay down and
wait for Maisie to do her business, then they both run into the garage for a
treat. This is followed by the bedtime ritual.
Honey beds down in the garage, and Maisie high tails it for my bed, and her spot. Of course she is expecting
another treat, which she gets. Most nights are spent curled up on the big bed, but sometimes she finds comfort in her own little bed in the corner of the bedroom.
We just love her to pieces and can’t get enough of her cuddles and sweet face and body. Honey loves her
Congrats to Bosco on passing his Jr Earthdog Test.. Mom, Karen Tilbury
spent many rainy, muddy and cold days out on the range, training. Hats of to
Mom and Bosco! You can be a show dog and still get down and dirty!
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I recently signed on as co-rep for Westie Rescue and took over rescue totally in Karin’s absence in the last five months. It was a challenging role, and it is truly a full time job. Although we only are signed up to do Westie Rescue, we find that in this economy several
shelters and agencies are truly trying to find foster homes for mixed dogs. They seem to
think that anything small and white is a Westie. Even though we tell them no, they plead
with us that the other alternative is euthanize. Therefore, we have been taking dogs in under Karin’s Kritters,
and finding them homes. The adoption fee we collect also helps to reimburse our fosters for mileage, and help
subsidize other costs that we need. This year with the adoption fees we collected from mixed breeds, we were
able to reimburse foster mom’s for steam cleaning rugs.
Rescues photos can be seen on www.whwtcops.org (under Rescues – photo albums and 2010 rescues).
Again we thank all the foster families for working so hard to care for these dogs and make such successful
adoptions, and we thank the families who have adopted our dogs. We are but a grain of sand in the beach of
life in dogs being euthanized in this country.. but we sure made a small dent in the lives of the Westies in Oregon and Washington and we are proud of it. Stats for this year are 21 Westies, 7 mixed dogs, and 1 Scottie =
29 dogs
Bentley 8 mos (WA): Scottie from Olympia shelter, cute as a darn bug. Owner didn’t want him because he was
too busy and chewed up furniture. They dumped him at the shelter. He was promptly adopted out to Tina Embree who has previously adopted a Westie from us and she had a Cairn, so she is one Terrier family that brings
a smile to your face, when you see her motley crew!
Tuffy 11 yrs old (WA): owner losing home had to move in with relatives. Tuffy was adopted by our foster dad ,
Tim Davidson – he is a sweet darling dog.
Buddy – 3 yrs (WA): Owner had two small children and boyfriend was too mean to the dog, so she gave it to
us. He was neutered and adopted out in five days. He was a super dog.
Murphy Brown 8 yrs (WA): Terrible skin problems, and on allergy shots. Owner died, and husband got a new
girlfriend and the girlfriend wanted Murphy gone and kept her dog. Murphy was adopted by a nurse in downtown Seattle. Murphy required allergy shots, and Nurse Jamie has no problem with it. She was renamed, and
she is living the good life, and both owner and dog are a perfect match. Murphy was in foster care since June
09 and adopted out Feb 2010.
Teddy Spaghetti 4 yrs (OR): Still in foster care since April 09. He has been to the same three foster homes 3x
and he needs to accumulate frequent flyer miles! He is getting better and better, and he will wind up with Karin
in July and will start agility again and compete in September in Oak Harbor, and I will get a ribbon for him! Karin
said that Teddy is part of her Goals Package this year! He will also compete in earthdog in September and ..
tahh dahhh.. lure coursing! Teddy is a fab dog, but has hot buttons and needs a special owner. We are waiting for one to land!
Chunky 3 yrs (OR): out of Portland, severe allergies. Taylor picked him up and he was in foster care for 50
days. You couldn’t have asked for a sweeter dog. Taylor drove him down to Medford to be adopted, and it
was a long haul. I can’t tell you how I value Taylors work in rescue and her coverage of the entire state of Oregon.
Blanca 2 yrs – mix (WA) : Richland, WA. Was surrendered because owner was dying of cancer and had to go
from Richland to Spokane for Chemo treatment. Kaleen from Scottie Rescue (Selah, WA), went and picked up
the dog, and transferred it to me in Ellensburg. Blanca was adopted to a nice family with two daughters and
the mom and daughters were in awe of her. However, was returned to us promptly the very next day because… she liked the husband more than the wife, and the wife was put out, so she returned her. Karin and I
were shaking our heads like cartoon characters, because we never heard an excuse like that before! We
found a wonderful home for her in Poulsbo and they adore her no matter who’s lap she sits on.
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Keavy 8 yrs (OR): Renamed Kiwi. Kiwi’s owner lost home and had to move in with relatives, and they said NO
DOG. Kiwi was just so sweet, but not groomed and horribly curly nails when we got her. I had no where to foster her at this time, and we made a connection with a former adopter and asked if she’d give her a try.. and it
was kismet. Now the former rescue “stewart” (stewie) and Kiwi are inseparable. It was a match in heaven.
Corey 2 yrs (OR): Portland - found wandering on the streets, bald on back and head. Shelter in Troutdale
called us and Taylor picked him up. He was fostered by Barbara Mitchell. Corey did well however one night on
Sunday he started puking and was rushed to emergency. $1000 later, he had swallowed a half of a ball, and he
was a big ticket item. He was adopted out to a lovely family in Marysville. It mended a broken heart, because
her 5 yr old Westie had died in her arms the week before from pneumonia That Westie was from the Skagit
puppymill bust in January of last year.
Abby 5 yrs (WA): Vancouver, WA. Owners divorced, they had adopted Abby from us a year prior, and husband
was remarrying and had no time for Abby so she was returned. Taylor again came in for the save, and adopted
her out to Carol in Marysville.
Lacey 2 yrs (WA): Streets of Everett. Lacey was found as a stray in downtown Everett, and picked up by the
shelter. She was lactating and had apparently had puppies, but no one could find the puppies. Karin went to
pick her up at the shelter and she lept with GLEE. She wanted out of there bad. She stunk to holy hell, and it
took three baths to tolerate her odor! She was spayed and adopted. She is currently living in Florence, Oregon
on the beach, and came back from a long camping trip.
Odie 3 mos (OR): Medford. Again, how many times can Taylor save the day. She flew down to Medford and
picked up Odie. He was soooo cute. His owner was elderly and found him too much motion for her liking. He
was fostered for 2 more mos and neutered, and adopted out to a wonderful family.
Munch 4 yrs (OR): – Bought as a gift for their daughter for 16 th birthday. He lived in her bedroom so the german
shepherd wouldn’t eat him. He suffered from severe allergies, and they didn’t like the vet bills… Taylor again,
slid into home and saved him, and we adopted him out to a fabulous family in Anacortes. He is learning fly ball
to compete! They are beside themselves to have such a wonderful dog.
Lady 8 yrs – Idaho: Becky Clyde called me because one of her dogs came back to her. We worked with her to
find her a lovely new home. Becky kindly asked for an adoption donation and gave it to our fund.
Macks 15 yrs/Scooter 5 yrs (OR): Intact males, owner is in assisted living and can’t care for them.
they are both in foster care and have prospective adopters. Both are darling.
Tink 3 yrs (OR): Found running loose on the street. She is dinky weighing in at a hefty 12 lbs. Barbara Kam
drove down from Olympia to pick her up and foster her. She will be spayed and cleaned up and housebroken
and we hope to adopt her out to a family with children.
Ruffie 11yrs (WA): We found Ruffie on Craig’s List and Denita and Maryann called the ad and Denita’s stellar
people skills convinced them to hand the dog over. Maryann went in for the save, and Tim moved in to foster.
Ruffies owner had fallen at home and bashed his head and died. Ruffie is a very big fat dog which has caused
him to have emphysema and an enlarged heart. We hope that living in a smoke free home and being on a diet,
will help this little guy.
Rascal 3 yrs (WA): Furbaby rescue asked us to assist, they had no foster home space and Rascal was a cairn/
doxie cross with a cairn attitude and a doxie energy level and I fostered him and he was adopted out to a fabulous family in Seattle.
Lily 1 yr (WA): - Coton adoption return, rehomed to a new family who adore her, All is well
McGyver 13 yrs (WA): Cairn rescued from shelter death row. Adopted out to lovely gentleman who is in Senior
housing in Seattle.
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Sugar 3 yrs (CA): Something white/mixed with two tan spots - from Noah rescue. No room for her, she was returned to their shelter. She was originally from a truck load of dogs brought up from California due to their over
population. She was fostered and adopted out to Kerry who is a club member and has had so many of our foster
dogs, and the most difficult. She said Sugar is like a gift from heaven, she couldn’t have asked for a more perfect
little dog.
NOTE FROM Adopter: Cannot thank you all enough for Sugar. She IS a dream! I swear, from the minute she entered our house, she was at home. She and Fergus have been playing, she's all over the place like she's always
lived here. Despite being my dad's dog, she rarely leaves my side and even slept with me and Fergus the first night.
I really have nothing to complain about, just wanted to thank you all for everything that you do in general and for
helping this little doll come live with us. My dad is beside himself with giddy joy because she loves to play and that's
pretty much his favorite thing. Not sure we've ever had such a young playful pup before! Sugar is quite gentle when
playing, if a little relentless.
Thanks again :)
Mitzie 8 yrs (WA) : Bichon from Noah, the owners had other dogs, and gave her up, she was afraid and snappy at
the rescue facility. Bichon rescue wouldn’t take her. We picked her up and Big Daddy Tim fostered her – and she
was wonderful. She was just adopted out at the end of the month to a lady out of Lynden, WA. The first night she
put her on the bed, Mitzie crawled up to her as she laid in bed, and kissed her face, then curled up next to her.
AWWWWHHHHH… that is what rescue is all about.
Bailey 2 yrs (WA): Deathrow dog, they asked us to take. He may be a cairn/chihauhau mix, but he was not doing
well at Skagit Shelter and was slated to be euthanized, and they asked me to try working with him. He is turning out
to be a wonderful dog.
Taz 6 mos (WA): Taz was a very sad story. He was bought in a petshop as a designer dog, and he was a puppy,
and chewed up everything. He looked like a Chihauhau/terrier mix with a sassy terrier personality. He was kept in a
Sherpa bag most of the day all of his puppyhood. The owner couldn’t take it anymore so he took him to a feed store
in Monroe and handed him to the owner and walked out. The poor man didn’t know what to do, so he called the local vet, who neutered him and then they called Michele, who called us to take him in. He was a wild child, and he
did saw thru the house like a tribe of beavers. He was adopted out to a lovely family in Vancouver, BC and is living
the good life.
Day Trippin’ with Millie
Challenger Ridge
Vineyards & Cellars
Dog Friendly
Wine Tasting
Nature Walking Trails
North Cascades Hiking
River Fishing
Vineyard Camping
Located east of Burlington off Hwy 20 across from the Skagit River
Page 10—Summer 2010
Karin Parish
Jeannette Melchior
Leisa Dott
Karen Tilbury
Karin Parish
MaryAnn Guerry Buck
July 31/Aug 1
Highland Games –
McDuff Kennels, Hosts
for our Breed
Chair: Julie Redd
Aug 28
Speciality at Marymoor
Park with Show Luncheon, everyone invited to
see the dog show
Show Chair: Jeannette
Westie Rescue Walk
(might be June)
Chair: Karin Parish/
Ardith Bolin
Halloween Party –
Chair: Maryann Guerry
Holiday party
Sandy J. Davis
Shawnie Zahniser
Cyndee Lockwood
Deanna Dawes
New Member
Homepage: www.whwtcops.org
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