Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón Misión Católica de San Andrés
Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón Misión Católica de San Andrés
SACRED HEART CATHOLIC CHURCH Iglesia Católica del Sagrado Corazón ST. ANDREW’S MISSION Misión Católica de San Andrés Office Hours Mon.-Tue., 9AM-4PM Wed.-Thu., 9AM—12PM 3119 North Street East ‡ Vidalia, Georgia ‡ 30474 Office: (912)-537-7709, Fax: (912)-537-4691-469 www.sacredheartvidalia.org Pastor Fr. Benjamin Dallas frbendallas@gmail.com Permanent Deacon Joseph Claroni bokci@aol.com Pastoral Assistant Julie Hopkins juliehopkins1981@gmail.com Director of Religious Educa on Corina Florez corinaflorez3@gmail.com Youth Ministry Pat & Jennifer Mitchell teajoeh2o@gmail.com Bookkeeper Hilda Self sacredheartvidalia@gmail.com Communica ons Director Deirdre Collins deirdrejimmy@hotmail.com MASS SCHEDULE (ENGLISH) Saturdays: 5 PM Vigil Sundays: 11-15AM Mon.-Thu.: 12:15PM MASS SCHEDULE (SPANISH) Sundays: 9AM, Reidsville 6PM, Vidalia CONFESSIONS: Wed. 5PM & Sat. 4PM EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Wed. 6PM M M / Ministerios de Misa Church Finances/Financial De la Iglesia Domingo 6:00pm Sunday 11:15am Saturday 5:00pm November 21 & 22 Offertory/Ofrendas $4,857.00 Altar Servers : M. & J. Mitchell Weekly Offertory Ushers : Steve McComas, Phil Lupo Online Giving (included in total above) Lectors : Fely Rimando MINIMUM Amount required to meet budget EM of HC : Antonio Giancatarino Rosary Leader : Linda Bourgeois Altar Servers : G. Cabrol, N. Acosta Ushers : Michael Shook, Chris Kauffman Lectors : Lee Self, YaVonne Quigley EM of HC : Don & Mymie Clinton Rosary Leader: Maria Senn Altar Servers : E. & W. Velazquez Ushers : Carinel Velazquez, Jesus Rosales Lectors : Daine & Marcos Hernandez EM of HC : Maria & Victorio Saucedo Rosary Leader: Carolina Aguilar 11/08 ST. ANDREW’S / REIDSVILLE $885.00 $3,943.00 11/08 $4,24.50 Weekly Offertory Bishop’s Annual Appeal ‡SACRED HEART Pledged / Collected to date: $18,098 Parish Goal: $20,155 Amount needed to meet Goal: $2,057 ‡ST. ANDREW’S Pledged / Collected to date: $932 Parish Goal: $1,600 Amount needed to meet Goal: $668 Weekly Tithe/Diezmo Semanal This Week: Holy Trinity, Swainsboro Next Week: Diocese: Campaign for Human Development Weekly Prayers /Oraciones Semanal Mass Inten ons / Inten ones de Misa 11/14—5:00pm †Paul Jackson 11/15—11:15am †Douglas Gardner 11/16—12:15pm †Manuel M. Simmons 11/17—12:15pm †Rev. Clement F. Borchers 11/18—12:15pm †Marshall Corbitt 11/19—12:15pm †Grace Powell MASS READINGS / Lecturas Monday: 1 Mc 1:10-63; Ps 119:53-158; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: 2 Mc 6:18-31; Ps 3:2-7; Lk 19:1-10 Wednesday: 2 Mc 7:1-31; Ps 17:1-15; Lk 19:11-28 or (for the memorial of the Dedica on) Acts 28:11-16, 31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Thursday: 1 Mc 2:15-29; Ps 50:1-15; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: 1 Mc 4:36-59; 1 Chr 29:10-12; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: 1 Mc 6:1-13; Ps 9:2-19; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Dn 7:13-14; Ps 93:1-5; Rv 1:5-8; Jn 18:33-37 We pray for / Oramos por : HOMEBOUND/ Ancianos en casa: Flo Trautz, Teodora Marin, Bernice Stein FOR HEALING/ por sanacion: Rex Johnson, Mariela Villa, George Homan, Jr., Bobby Dixon, Dan Mitchell, Bill Jurison, Lynne Poschke, Daniel Grognale Sr. & Jr., Sharon Vane en, Raeburn Way, Rogelio Villanueva, Windy Story, Raymond Florez, Ed Box, Robert Hicks, Bobby Browning, Johnita Weeks, Paul Carroll, Rachel Frederick, Bobby Kersey, Melissa Cuarte, Pam Edwards, Jeffrey Carey, Michael Misinco, Shirley Blonde, Pa y Burns MILITARY PERSONNEL / personal de militar: Steven Johnson, Nelson Alba, Faus no Cabrera, Thomas Gardner, Eva Alamo, Raymond Alamo, Sergio Torres, Antonio Ramirez. NOTE / NOTA To add a name to the prayer list, or have a Mass offered for friends or loved ones, please contact the church office . Para poner gente en la lista de oracion, o para tener una misa por familia o amigos, llame a la oficina parroquial. Thanksgiving Baskets Applica ons are being taken for families in need of Thanksgiving Baskets. Please pick up an applica on in the parish office. Applica ons must be returned to the parish office by November 16th. Baskets will be available for pick up on Monday, November 23rd and Tuesday, November 24th. Dona ons are needed to cover the cost of the baskets. Each basket costs approximately $30. Please Give. Thank You! Jesse Tree Gi s Jesse Tree Christmas gi s will be given to residents of the Mel Blount Youth Home, nursing home residents and children of parish families in need. Applica ons will be taken at the parish office on: Tues. Nov. 17, 9AM-12PM & 6-8PM Wed. Nov. 18, 9AM-12PM Thurs. Nov. 19, 9PM-12PM Please call the parish office to schedule an appointment to complete an applica on. Sign Up to receive text messages from Sacred Heart Catholic Church Remind is a free, safe, and simple messaging tool that helps parishes share important updates and reminders . Subscribe by text, email or using the Remind app. All personal informa on is kept private. Thank you to those who have already signed up! We are hoping this will allow us to reach you where you are to pass on any updates or reminders from the Parish. Please call Deirdre @ 912-537-7709 if you have any ques ons or need help signing up. You can opt-out of messages at any me by replying, 'unsubscribe @dd83g'. 81010 Enter this number @dd83g Text this message To receive text messages, text @dd83g to 81010 Family Night Suppers Sacred Heart Catholic Church is hos ng the Toombs Area Ministerial Associa on (TAMA) in November. Please join us for weekly family dinners and presentaons by area pastors on Wednesday, November 18th @ 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. Thursday Bible Study All parishioners and friends are invited to a weekly study of the book, “Rediscover Jesus”, by author Ma hew Kelly. Groups meet every Thursday at 11am and 7pm. The 11am group meets in the parish hall. The evening group meets at the Hopkins’ home. Please call the parish office if you aren’t able to a end a study, but would like a copy of the book. Books are $3.00 each. For more informa on call Julie @ 912-537-7709 or 293-5181. Youth/ Juventud All youth in 9th-12th grade are welcome to join the Parish Youth Group. The youth group meets on Wednesdays @ 6:15pm in the Parish Hall. For more informa on contact Pat and Jennifer Mitchell at teajoeh2o@gmail.com. E / Educación Special prayers are needed for 5th grader, Israel Tinoco, who is ba ling leukemia at Savannah Memorial Medical Center. There will be no CCD Classes on Sunday, November 29, 2015 for the Thanksgiving Holiday and on Sundays, December 20 and 27, 2015 for the Christmas Holiday. CCD will resume on January 3, 2016 NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 19 15 16 17 18 9:30am: CCD & Adult Faith Formation 12:15pm: Mass 12:15pm: Mass 7pm: Parish Council Meeting 7pm: Finance Council Meeting 12:15pm: Mass 11am: Bible Study 5:00pm: Confessions 12:15pm: 10am: Choir Practice 2pm: Baptism Classes in Spanish 5:30pm: Rosary& Holy Hour FRIDAY 20 SATURDAY 21 4pm: Confessions 5pm: English Mass Mass 7pm: Bible Study 6:30: TAMA Dinner and Presentation 22 23 24 25 9:30am: CCD & Adult Faith Formation 12:15pm: Mass 12:15pm: Mass 12:15pm: Mass Day Thanksgiving 4pm: Confessions Thanksgiving Baskets available for pick up Thanksgiving Baskets available for pick up 5:00pm: Confessions 9:00am: Mass 5pm: English Mass 10am: Choir Practice 26 27 28 5:30pm: Rosary 6:00pm: Holy Hour 6:15pm: Youth Group 29 30 2 12:15pm: Mass 12:15pm: Mass 11am: Bible Study 5:00pm: Confessions 12:15pm: Advent Begins No CCD & Adult Faith Formation 10am: Choir Practice 12:15pm: Mass 3 1 5:30pm: Rosary Mass 6:00pm: Holy Hour 7pm: Baptism Classes in English 6:15pm: Youth Group 7pm: Bible Study 4 5 Mission with Father Dan Firmin Begins (Dec. 5-7) 4pm: Confessions 5pm: English Mass Stay Informed and Connected to Your Parish Please call Deirdre at the Parish Office if you need help signing up. 856120 Sacred Heart Church 3119 East North Street Vidalia, GA 30475 912.537.7709 Contact: Corina Florez (sacredheartvidalia@gmail.com) So ware: Win 7 Pub 2010 AAXI Transmission me: Mondays, 5pm Pages Sent: 1-5 Special Instruc ons: PLEASE REDUCE THE NUMBERS OF COPIES TO 350. Thank you.
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