PCWizard_Services.ppt (Read-Only)
PCWizard_Services.ppt (Read-Only)
Today's IT Infrastructure Management Challenges Providing services under stringent SLAs to monitor and manage mission cri4cal Servers for businesses of any size poses challenges to vendors providing technology services. With compe44on growing by the day, these vendors have to change their reac4ve style of providing services to one that is more proac4ve and preven4ve maintenance oriented. You can no longer wait for the client to call you to inform that their Server is down or their e-‐ mail applica4on is running slow. 24x7 monitoring and remedia4on services with up to 30 minutes response 4me are geHng popular among SMBs. Small IT Break/Fix/Vendors or Value Added Resellers (VARs) providing monitoring and maintenance services are now required to deal with these compe44ve challenges, and are posed with a threat of losing business if they don't have an effec4ve solu4on to address such markets. Such vendors need huge capital investments to build and maintain their own Network Opera4ons Centers (NOCs) and buy technology tools that can provide for accurate monitoring of all the cri4cal (performance and up4me) parameters. In addi4on they must hire qualified staff that can build processes within the NOC to understand and priori4ze work, conduct problem analysis and provide remedia4on services within the promised SLA. www.itwizards.co.za E-‐mail:Info@pcwizard.co.za Today's IT Infrastructure Management Challenges Most IT infrastructure management vendors started their managed services by providing services focused around Servers. Desktops and laptops were ignored or were not covered under a flat fee based Managed Service. Selling blocks of 4me or working on a Time & Materials basis are s4ll among the most popular methods to address desktop/laptop issues. There are many reasons why this could have happened – desktop hardware is low cost compared to Servers, and most businesses don't budget for any preven4ve maintenance ac4vi4es. We believe scheduled maintenance for laptops was ignored due to lack of sophis4cated technical solu4ons to effec4vely address challenges posed by their roaming behaviour. Desktops/laptops outnumber Servers by 10 to 1 in a typical SMB environment. One can start with a new client with the most basic desktop support service, which in turn can lead to projects to standardize the en4re desktop environment by supplying OS upgrades, hardware or other applica4ons and services around such projects. PC Wizard's Total Desktop Care (TDC) solu4on provides Managed Service Providers with an opportunity to increase their share of the client’s budget by providing preven4ve maintenance services for desktops and laptops remotely. www.itwizards.co.za E-‐mail:Info@pcwizard.co.za Services Provided PrevenEve Maintenance AcEvity Asset Data collec4on Spyware dele4on Temp File dele4on An4-‐virus signature update Patch assessment SMART check Service Schedule Every Monday and Thursday Every day Every Tuesday and Friday Every 4 hours Every Wednesday Every Monday and Thursday PC Wizard Remote Server Care • 24x7 monitoring by PC Wizard NOC • Alerts and Intelligent Escala4on • Categoriza4on of alerts (Cri4cal and Non-‐ Cri4cal) by PC Wizard NOC • Problem analysis by PC Wizard’s NOC expert team • Steps to resolu4on and 4cket by PC Wizard NOC Staff • Remedia4on of issues on best effort basis by PC Wizard Staff. If problem cannot be resolved remotely – Partners are alerted to take ac4on. www.itwizards.co.za E-‐mail:Info@pcwizard.co.za In order to get to know your systems and to accurately determine what your needs are, the 1st step would be a comprehensive needs analysis to correctly determine your informa4on technology requirements. This would be done by loading our agent sodware on all your worksta4ons and servers, which will then con4nuously analyse the status of worksta4ons and server and in turn will report back key metrics on what is happening in your environment; e.g. specifica4ons & performance of sodware, hardware & internal computer components, upgrades required, disk space u4liza4on, speed of CPU's, memory etc. (checking that the server is coping with what is running), asset tracking. This could run for 6 to 8 weeks, by then we will have a more in-‐depth thorough understanding of your environment, the issues that arise and the problems you are facing. This will empower us to accurately formulate an IT solu4on / strategy that will be specifically tailored for your business. www.itwizards.co.za E-‐mail:Info@pcwizard.co.za We will load our Agent sodware which reports on: • Installed Sodware • Memory U4liza4on • Hard disk space U4liza4on • An4virus update's • Sodware performance metrics • and more. We will load an An4 Spyware & An4virus sodware suite to analyse and determine if there is any spyware or malicious sodware running on your computers. Our agent sodware ensures that all sodware and cri4cal security flaws are updated automa4cally. It enables us to remotely manage control your computer systems to maintain a stable and secure environment. We adopt the policy of preven4ng problems before they occur rather then wai4ng for them to occur and then trying to fix them. www.itwizards.co.za E-‐mail:Info@pcwizard.co.za
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