Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision


Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision
Every seven years, the year of the
Friday, the Antambahoaka who make
up one of the eighteen ethnic groups
on the island of Madagascar have
been celebrating for centuries the
biggest event that defines them: the
This major moment in their lives is not
just the ritual of the collective
circumcision of the boys born in the
seven years preceding it. It is also an
initiation and integration rite practiced
by the Antambahoaka boy that will
permit him to make the passage from
an asexual state to the statute of male.
From this moment on, he will be
integrated into the paternal clan and
initiated into the life of the true
Antambahoaka man. He, himself, will
thus become a Zafiraminia, a son of
Raminia, the founding ancestor of this
ethnic group.
But for this to happen, he has to
symbolically relive the history of his
ancestors, which was the exodus that
brought them to Madagascar.
During one month, the Sambatra lets
the Antambahoaka remember their
origins and so honour Raminia.
The Sambatra : the collective circumcision rite of the Antambahaoka.
Photos and text ©Jacques Bock/LightMediation
Contact - Thierry Tinacci Lightmediation Photo Agency +33 (0)6 61 80 57 21
1535-20: For the Sambatra, the floor of each Tranobe, made of mats of rush, must be done up like new. The Monday of the holy week, the women delegated by the mothers of the children to be circumcised, go off to a
tsiatoro (secret) place to simulate gathering the rushes with which the new mats that cover the floors of the different tranobes will be braided. They return from this gathering towards eleven in the morning, in processions,
waving the bunches that they brandish in their right hands all while beating out their march with chants and cries. The women take breaks during which they sit down to regulate the order of arrival of each procession to
the different tranobes.
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-01: Aerial view of the town of Mananjary located
on the Eastern coast of Madagascar on the Indian Ocean. In the background you can make out the mouth
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-02: Portraits of eight Antambahoakan
Ampanjakas (Kings). They are the chiefs of the Tranobe, those princely but also communal houses, that
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-03: Gathering of eight Ampanjakas
(Antambahoakan kings) of Mananjary in font of the Valamena in the Masindrano neighbourhood (former
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-04: Another very rare photo. An Ampanjaka,
whose clan is responsible for the keeping of the Sorabe (the great writings), accepts, after several weeks
1535-38: In the afternoon on this Wednesday of the holy week, young men (uncles of the circumcised children and their in-laws) who had also left very early in the morning to gather stalks of wild cardamom that will
serve as projectiles, return in compact groups, bunches of Lakatra slung across their shoulders, faces masked by white earth or boughs. Their cuttings were gathered beforehand by a trustworthy man on his own
authority. The lakatra is a palm leaf, which, once it is woven, is placed on the floor of the tranobes as a mat on which the meals will be placed. A big battle takes place between the returning uncles and the fathers of the
circumcised boys. The former launch an attack on the tranobes in successive waves. These battles, whose violence is controlled, are not simply enactments; they are very violent and always ritually finish with a victory
for the assailants. Some take advantage of these dangerous battles to settle personal scores with those they hate. In the case of injury during these enactments, even serious, the victims will not have the right to lodge a
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-05: This nighttime gathering is the
Fangatsiatsiahana, a rite preliminary to the Sambatra. It is a purification rite that is carried out with water
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-06: A young Antambahoakan boy, starting at five
in the morning with the sunrise and every day during the Sambatra, sounds the Antsiva, the royal conch,
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-07: From the first day of the Sambatra on, the
Mirary rite is performed mornings and evenings. With the call of the royal conches and the horns, the
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-08: In front of her modest little hut, a woman
illuminated by the day's last ray of sun gets ready to join the other women for the evening's Mirary.
1535-39: With the greatest secrecy, the men from each tranobe hollow out the mozinga in a tree trunk of great diameter. This cask, placed inside the tranobe, in the northeast corner, will continuously contain the
betsa-betsa, beer made from sugar cane. The mozinga symbolizes the jug that contained the drinking water on board Raminia's boat.
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-09: bigger Mirary on the occasion of the different
visits the clans make before the holy week of the Sambatra. / Madagascar / Mananjary - Ambalaromba
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-10: Everywhere in each neighbourhood, the
women take enormous pleasure in and spend much time creating the different, successive coiffures for
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-11: Different coiffures made during the
Sambatra. / Madagascar / Mananjary - Ambalaromba
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-13: A close-up shot of the lambas, those highly
coloured fabrics in which the women dress to be able to participate in the Sambatra. In this dress they do
1535-46: This man is carrying on his head a calabash (Arivolahy) containing the holy water of the circumcision. This water would have been drawn in the greatest secrecy during the night from Thursday to Friday in the
holy week by a man with an auspicious name. It is carried with great care by this man who must move along impervious and impassive. His head absolutely must not move during the whole procession.
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-14: Twice before the start of the holy week, the
members of each tranobe, grouped according to the neighbourhood they belong to, organize formal visits.
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-16: Twice before the start of the holy week, the
members of each tranobe, grouped according to the neighbourhood they belong to, organize formal visits.
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-17: A man in traditional dress beats his war drum
(Hazo lahy) while the singing women parade. / Madagascar / Mananjary - Ambalaromba
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-18: Young Antambahoaka girls, their beautiful
smiles expressing all the meaning of the Sambatra: happiness. / Madagascar / Mananjary - Ambalaromba
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-19: A beautiful shot of a parade of women on the
main street of Mananjary. We see that, as always, the feet are bare because the earth that is walked upon
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-20: For the Sambatra, the floor of each Tranobe,
made of mats of rush, must be done up like new. The Monday of the holy week, the women delegated by
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-21: For the Sambatra, the floor of each Tranobe,
made of mats of rush, must be done up like new. The Monday of the holy week, the women delegated by
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-23: For the Sambatra, the floor of each Tranobe,
made of mats of rush, must be done up like new. The Monday of the holy week, the women delegated by
1535-19: Parade of women on the main street of Mananjary. We see that, as always, the feet are bare because the earth that is walked upon has become sacred, and this is so for all the different rites of the Sambatra.
No one has the right to wear shoes.
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-24: Towards midnight on the Tuesday of the holy
week, each tranobe sends off two pirogues aboard which a group of men with auspicious names (the
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-25: Towards midnight on the Tuesday of the holy
week, each tranobe sends off two pirogues aboard which a group of men with auspicious names (the
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-26: On Wednesday morning of the holy week,
the men prepare three timber frames, which represent the masts of their ancestor Raminia's boat and
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-27: On Wednesday morning of the holy week, the
men prepare three timber frames, which represent the masts of their ancestor Raminia's boat and which
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-28: On Wednesday morning of the holy week,
the men prepare three timber frames, which represent the masts of their ancestor Raminia's boat and
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-30: Portrait of a King in grand costume.
/ Madagascar / Mananjary - Ambalaromba
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-31: In the afternoon on this Wednesday of the
holy week, young men (uncles of the circumcised children and their in-laws) who had also left very early
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-32: In the afternoon on this Wednesday of the
holy week, young men (uncles of the circumcised children and their in-laws) who had also left very early in
1535-50: It is Friday, last day of the holy week of the Sambatra, the most important day. All the Antambahoaka clans get ready for the big procession, the Magnenatra (the exodus of Raminia). Descendants of the Kings,
the boys to be circumcised each wear a robe and a hat in red with white stripes. These are the ethnic group's royal colours. Just before, they are admitted into the tranobe by the western door, to exit by the eastern door.
White earth is put on their foreheads and behind the ears. Thus, each boy to be circumcised has been definitively recognized by the clan as one of its children. They are the descendants of the founding King (Raminia).
They are the Zafiraminias and out of their generation will come one day the next Ampajaka (Kings).
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-33: In the afternoon on this Wednesday of the
holy week, young men (uncles of the circumcised children and their in-laws) who had also left very early in
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-34: In the afternoon on this Wednesday of the
holy week, young men (uncles of the circumcised children and their in-laws) who had also left very early in
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-35: In the afternoon on this Wednesday of the
holy week, young men (uncles of the circumcised children and their in-laws) who had also left very early
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-36: In the afternoon on this Wednesday of the
holy week, young men (uncles of the circumcised children and their in-laws) who had also left very early in
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-37: In the afternoon on this Wednesday of the
holy week, young men (uncles of the circumcised children and their in-laws) who had also left very early in
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-38: In the afternoon on this Wednesday of the
holy week, young men (uncles of the circumcised children and their in-laws) who had also left very early in
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-39: With the greatest secrecy, the men from each
tranobe hollow out the mozinga in a tree trunk of great diameter. This cask, placed inside the tranobe, in
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-40: The mozinga is always carried on a stretcher.
A child or a man with an auspicious name sits in it or straddles it as it's brought to the tranobe where a
1535-58: It is Friday, last day of the holy week. At noon, the Magnanatra, the big procession, departs, the long walk towards the mouth of the Mananjary River for the Antambahoakas of Mananjary, as well as for those
who live in the farther away brush villages. The latter go the banks closer to the river. This long march recalls Raminia's exodus, the ethnic group's founding ancestor. All the clans, organized like armies, are going to go
to the beach of Mananjary in the form of a long procession. The clan's oldest branch leads the way. The Kings do not participate but await, each one in their tranobe, the return of their respective clan at the end of the
afternoon. Nobody wears any shoes; the ground has become sacred, as in every stage of the different rites of the Sambatra. This long march symbolizes most of all the suffering endured by Raminia during his exodus.
Long pauses are imposed by the Loharangitra, the general of each army (understand by that clan). It is the rest during the exodus. The return to the different tranobes is by a route different from that of the procession.
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-41: In the early afternoon on this Wednesday of
the holy week, around each tranobe, the mothers of the boys to be circumcised wave about the red
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-42: In the early afternoon on this Wednesday of
the holy week, around each tranobe, the mothers of the boys to be circumcised wave about the red
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-43: Many zebus are sacrificed and the meat
shared amongst all the members of the clan. The bull belonging to the Loharangitra (the head of the
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-44: Three young girls carry on their backs braided
baskets that each contain a piece of the sacrificed bull's right ribs. Choosing the right ribs means that they
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-45: A King comes to bless members of the clan
with the holy water before the start of the procession towards the Mananjary river in Ambalaromba. /
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-46: This man is carrying on his head a calabash
(Arivolahy) containing the holy water of the circumcision. This water would have been drawn in the
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-47: A group of mothers with their daughters in
the beautiful dresses of the Sambatra for the big Friday afternoon procession. The people are often very
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-48: It is Friday, last day of the holy week of the
Sambatra, the most important day. All the Antambahoaka clans get ready for the big procession, the
1535-53: The fathers carry their sons on their shoulder during this long walk that symbolizes the exodus.
Often very young, the children fall asleep on their fathers' protective shoulders.
1535-66: So finally has come the important moment of the circumcision of the boys born in the last seven
years. In each tranobe, after sunset, the circumcision begins. Today, it is purely symbolic in Mananjary. For
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-50: It is Friday, last day of the holy week of the
Sambatra, the most important day. All the Antambahoaka clans get ready for the big procession, the
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-52: A family in traditional dress during the long
walk along the beach of Mananjary in the direction of the mouth of the river of the same name. /
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-53: The fathers carry their sons on their shoulder
during this long walk that symbolizes the exodus. Often very young, the children fall asleep on their
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-54: The fathers carry their sons on their shoulder
during this long walk that symbolizes the exodus. Often very young, the children fall asleep on their
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-55: It is Friday, last day of the holy week. At
noon, the Magnanatra, the big procession, departs, the long walk towards the mouth of the Mananjary
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-56: It is Friday, last day of the holy week. At
noon, the Magnanatra, the big procession, departs, the long walk towards the mouth of the Mananjary
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-57: It is Friday, last day of the holy week. At
noon, the Magnanatra, the big procession, departs, the long walk towards the mouth of the Mananjary
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-58: It is Friday, last day of the holy week. At noon,
the Magnanatra, the big procession, departs, the long walk towards the mouth of the Mananjary River for
1535-23: For the Sambatra, the floor of each Tranobe, made of mats of rush, must be done up like new. The Monday of the holy week, the women delegated by the mothers of the children to be circumcised, go off to a
tsiatoro (secret) place to simulate gathering the rushes with which the new mats that cover the floors of the different tranobes will be braided. They return from this gathering towards eleven in the morning, in processions,
waving the bunches that they brandish in their right hands all while beating out their march with chants and cries. The women take breaks during which they sit down to regulate the order of arrival of each procession to
the different tranobes.
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-59: It is Friday, last day of the holy week. At
noon, the Magnanatra, the big procession, departs, the long walk towards the mouth of the Mananjary
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-60: An Antambahoaka man in traditional dress on
the beach in Mananjary on the last day of the Sambatra. / Madagascar / Mananjary - Ambalaromba
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-62: Arriving close to their tranobes, the royal hut
where the circumcision is going to take place, the crowd press around in a state of indescribable
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-63: So finally has come the important moment of
the circumcision of the boys born in the last seven years. In each tranobe, after sunset, the circumcision
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-64: So finally has come the important moment of
the circumcision of the boys born in the last seven years. In each tranobe, after sunset, the circumcision
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-65: So finally has come the important moment of
the circumcision of the boys born in the last seven years. In each tranobe, after sunset, the circumcision
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-66: So finally has come the important moment of
the circumcision of the boys born in the last seven years. In each tranobe, after sunset, the circumcision
Sambatra Antambahoaka. Rite de la circoncision / 1535-67: So finally has come the important moment of
the circumcision of the boys born in the last seven years. In each tranobe, after sunset, the circumcision
1535-67: So finally has come the important moment of the circumcision of the boys born in the last seven years. In each tranobe, after sunset, the circumcision begins. Today, it is purely symbolic in Mananjary. For
obvious reasons of hygiene, the great majority of the boys are circumcised at birth by a doctor. There had been many deaths when the circumcisions had been carried out in traditional fashion and this due to untreated
infections. There will still be such circumcisions in the brush villages. Each boy to be circumcised is carried by his mother into the tranobe according to a very specific order. The scene that begins is quite incredible.
Taking photos is something strictly prohibited. There is nothing more secret than the circumcision, but after being present for more than two months, negotiations permitted me to obtain the authority, exceptionally
granted, to take a few rare photos. The children, most of whom are panic-stricken, the reigning ambiance approaching that of a riot, struggle to not be taken by the many adult hands that are going to force them to sit on
the decapitated bull's head for the circumcision. The children are neither conscience of nor know that the moment they are about to live is only symbolic, which makes these scenes particularly emotional.
Once the symbolic act of circumcision carried out by a doctor in his white coat is over, the child is handed over to his father by the Eastern door of the tranobe and goes back to his hut.