Godly Gazette - St. Luke`s Episcopal Church
Godly Gazette - St. Luke`s Episcopal Church
Godly Gazette St. Luke’s Episcopal Live Oak, FL 32064 Volume Volume33, 33,Number Number44 APRIL 2015 Greetings from Your Rector Beloved: April begins in the middle of Holy Week. I encourage you to land on your feet running by attending the Seder Supper at 6:00pm on Maundy Thursday, which will conclude with the Eucharist in the church around 7:00pm. This will be followed by an overnight vigil leading up to the Good Friday service at noon. Although people are signing up for the vigil you are free to arrive spontaneously at any time for however long. You should consider the Good Friday service as a top priority and good opportunity to invite friends. You don't need reminding that Easter is spiritually profound and visitor friendly. I bid you a joyous Eastertide, animated by resurrection power, and evangelistic competence. Love in Christ, RECTOR The Reverend Canon Donald L. Woodrum ASSISTANT RECTOR The Reverend George L. Hinchliffe DEACON The Reverend Phyllis Doty PASTORAL ASSISTANT Sister Maria Ann OSF Clerk/Treasurer & Church Administrator Ellen Cory ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR Vicki Taylor NURSERY ATTENDANT Debbie Davis HOUSEKEEPER Juanita Lawson PARISH OFFICERS Vestry Sr. Warden—Hal Airth Jr. Warden—Wyman Harvard Members Janet Airth, Lee Harvard, Judy Jacobsen, Ann Thompson, and Jackie Kent, Godly Gazette Editor Marilyn Jones Page 2 Welcome to the World! Wilder "Henry" Harvard Jr. 8lbs, 14oz, 21inches, was born 3/11/15 to Wilder and Natalie Harvard in NYC, son and daughter-in-law of Lee and Kay Harvard. Who Do You Follow? Walk/Ride April 4, 2015, 10am The second annual walk for Christian unity will be held on April 4th. Walk or ride beginning at Paul Langford Stadium at 10:00 A.M. Golf carts are welcome! See Father George with questions. Again this year, we are planning a Maundy Thursday Seder meal, on April 2nd. The plan is to gather and experience the Passover meal just as Jesus and his disciples would have observed it at the Last Supper. The meal will be followed by a Maundy Thursday Eucharist, stripping of the altar, and an all night vigil. Godly Gazette After the Eucharist we will observe an overnight vigil just as the disciples did while they waited for Jesus to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. The scripture tells us how the disciples struggled to stay awake as Jesus prayed. According to Mark, Jesus asked the disciples, “Could you not keep awake one hour?” This Maundy Thursday gives us the opportunity to stay awake for an hour as each prayer shift rotates through the night. Sign up for your hour on the signup sheet on the Parish Hall bulletin board. See Father George with any questions. Volunteers are Needed for Meal Service, Cleanup, Liturgy Planning, Readers, Foot Washing, and Vigil Coordination. If you are planning to come to the Seder Meal, please sign up on the “Seder Meal List” on the Parish Hall bulletin Board and designate how many will be in your party, so we can plan for enough food. Please let Father George know of your interest in helping with this most memorable and meaningful evening. The annual hunt will begin after the 11:00am Easter Service. Bring your Easter baskets. If you don't have one, one will be provided for you. Try to find the gold eggs! A special thank you to Thomas Laity, relative of Jim & Cheryl Hopper, for adorning our Easter worship service with his fabulous trumpet. Volunteer Needed for We need someone to join the #2 altar team which covers the second week of the month. This means changing and refreshing the altar for services the second week of the month. For more information, please contact the church office. Sign Up Sheets New Altar Flower and Coffee Hours sheets are posted. Please sign up. Dinner Angels If you can help our youth group by providing a Wednesday night dinner, please sign up on the sheet on the bulletin board in the parish hall or notify Hal & Janet Airth at: airth_h@yahoo.com Daughters Of The King The next meeting will be on April 7th, at 6pm. All ladies of the church are invited to attend for the meeting, dinner and study. Men’s Night Out The men’s group will meet on Tuesday, April 28th, 2015, at 6pm. Busy Hands for Babies will meet on Saturday, April 4th from 9am-11pm. Volume 33, Number 4 Page 3 Deacon’s Corner We did receive a good letter from Mtr. Tulia this week. She asks special prayers for the Diocese of Cuba as they consider the possibility of reuniting with the Episcopal Church of the USA. There are pros and cons so they need a lot of wisdom to make this decision. Remember the posts our men put in to support the hallway for second floor access to the rooms? Well, they have reinforced the posts and have completed the hallway. Now they will begin to clean out that second floor space and make it into a dormitory type room with a large bathroom at one end. They have also connected the pure water to the kitchen. They are really happy about that!! ESL classes are still going quite well with a good number still attending even after daylight savings time went into effect. Many of them have to work until it gets dark, so it hinders their coming to class. Thanks again to our St. Luke’s family for all you do to make these outreach programs of our church a reality! —Phyllis The Prayers of the Parish are Requested for: Diana Kosty, Brad Green, Patrick McKamey, Lynda Folsom, Ken Swart, the Elgin family, Michelle Hinchliffe-Trost, Randy Law, Linda Ratliff, Vivian Bass, Elise Grabe, Sue Styles, Richard Ritter, Carol Griffin, Lajuana Peterson, Nyla and Don Ritz, Jessica Weaver, Bob Hart, Billy Williams, Darian Hatten, Tammy Corbett, Buddy Smith, Mary Jo Donaldson, Mary Ussrey, Sue Mobley, Sylvia Dunnam, Dick Patton, Martha Patton, Marjorie Hagert, Betty Abercrombie, Justin Jacobsen, Bill Kosty, Polly Barnes, Ron Fort, Lisa Kirby, Joyce Stephens, Kim Buchanon, Lydia Bush, Eula Simmons, Whipper Parramore, Russell Mobley, Gary Brown, George Blake, Sally Goff, Nancy Dowling, Jonathan Andrew Woodrum, Ronnie Herrington, Jim Poulos, Bill Hill, Mary Ussrey, Nevaeh Moses, Bart Monroe, Mac Clayton, Dorothy Mayer, Quinn Leibfried, Gene Goff, Leonard Johnson, Elaine Fletcher, Ann Warner, Steve Rogers, Joe Wells, Mae McNally, Linda McCook, Mary Howes, Nyla Ritz, Katie Croft, Kristi Goff, Tayah Stevens, Carl Dunnam, Glenn Miller, Norma Morton, Gwyn Herrington, Buddy Bass, Allison Nitti, Duane Boise, Marge Harner, Louise Law, Terry Walker, Lee Carver, Bobby Jones, Susan Jordan, and Cameron Howell. Our soldiers deploying: Andy Chamberlain, Robert Ice, Michael Kinsel, James Smith, and stateside; Marshall Boggus, Shawn Brewer, and Jennifer Sullivan. Pray for the Diocese of Cuba, our companion church: Fielés á Jesus, and their rector Mtr. Tulia. If anyone of the above is stable and can be removed, please let Ellen know. If things change we can always add them back. Page 4 Godly Gazette Camp Weed – Summer Camp – Register Now! Camp St. Matthew 2015 (Rising 11th 11th--12th) Sunday, June 14 to Friday, June 19, 2015 Camp St. John 2015 (Rising 9th 9th--10th) Sunday, June 21 to Friday, June 26, 2015 Camp St. Mark 2015 (Rising 5th 5th--6th) Sunday, June 28 to Friday, July 3, 2015 Camp St. Patrick 2015 (Rising 6th 6th--7th) Sunday, July 12 to Friday, July 17, 2015 Mission Camp 2015 Sunday, July 19 to Friday, July 24, 2015 (Mission Camp is an opportunity to come to camp and give back. Middle School and High School students are invited for this special session of camp to reach out to the people of Suwannee and Columbia counties, and to help making a lasting difference at our diocesan camp! Mission campers will spend 4 days working on service projects and one final day at Wild Adventures theme park in Valdosta, GA.) Deadline for Early Registration pricing is April 15, 2015 Deadline for Scholarship Application: April 15, 2015 or Until Funds are Depleted Please read or download the "Parent Information" document prior to registering. It contains very important Summer Camp information for both parents and campers. Session dates, fees and fee due dates, Majors, Minors, camper email address, packing list and registration help are included in the packet. Please use the information to talk with your camper about camp in general and about the activities in which they wish to participate. Parent Handbook and Registration Instructions can be found on the Diocese of Florida Web-sitte:http://www.diocesefl.org/mission-ministry/youth-young-adult-ministry/summer-camp/ information-and-registration.aspx To register you will need the list of your camper's activities, names and phone numbers of persons who may pick up your child on departure day, and either a credit card or check routing and bank numbers. Volume 33, Number 4 O BREAK Page 5 UT This was a fun, action -packed, 24-hour retreat for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders for the purpose of encouraging kids in their walk with Jesus Christ and seeing how they can break the chains of the world that can make adolescence so difficult. Sherry Felknor and Elizabeth Simpson were chaperones for retreat held on the weekend of March 12-14. Godly Gazette Page 6 April 2015 Planner Planner— —St. Luke’s Episcopal Sun 5 9am Rite II 9:30am Choir 9:45am S/S 11am Rite II noon Easter Egg Hunt 12 9am Rite II 9:30am Choir 9:45am S/S 11am Rite II 19 9am Rite II 9:30am Choir 9:45am S/S 11am Rite II 26 9am Rite II 9:30am Choir 9:45am S/S 11am Rite II Mon 6 Tue 7 5pm Weight Watchers 7pm ESL classes 6pm Daughters of the King 13 14 5pm Weight Watchers 7pm ESL classes 20 5pm Vestry 21 5pm Weight Watchers 7pm ESL classes Wed Thurs 1 2 Rite I & Unction 6pm Rite II & Unction 6:45pm Youth Groups 10:30 am Chaplet 5-7pm N/A Mtg 6:30pm Maundy Thursday service, Seder Meal & Vigil 8 9 Rite I & Unction 6pm Rite II & Unction 6:45pm Youth Groups 10:30 am Chaplet 15 16 Rite I & Unction 6pm Rite II & Unction 6:45pm Youth Groups 10:30 am Chaplet 22 23 Rite I & Unction 6pm Rite II & Unction 6:45pm Youth Groups 10:30 am Chaplet 29 30 27 28 5pm Weight Watchers 7pm ESL classes Rite I & Unction 6pm Rite II & Unction 6:45pm Youth 6pm Men’s Group Groups Fri 3 Sat 4 9am-11pm Busy Hands NOON SERVICE 10 11 17 18 5-7pm N/A Mtg 7-9pm ESL Classes 9:30am Cursillo Council Mtg 5-7pm N/A Mtg 7-9pm ESL Classes 5-7pm N/A Mtg 7-9pm ESL Classes 10:30 am Chaplet 5-7pm N/A Mtg 7-9pm ESL Classes 24 25 Volume 33, Number 2 Page 7 St. Luke’s Volunteers’ Schedule for April Date Time Service Acolytes* Lectors Ushers 9am Rite II Colby Mickel Tony Williams Jon Boggus Andy Miller 11am Rite II TBA Elizabeth Simpson Jim Simpson Ellen Cory Lee Harvard Raymond Mickel Lydia Bush Elaine Fletcher Andy Miller April 5 Rite II 9am April 12 11am Rite II Hal Airth Bill Brothers Craig Jacobsen Marion Harvard Lee Harvard 9am Rite II Laine Fletcher Laine Fletcher Sally Goff Andy Miller 11am Rite II Cameron Simpson Bart Boggus Bart Boggus Brantly Helvenston Dick Patten Lee Harvard 9am Rite II Livesay Boggus James Kent Jackie Kent Andy Miller 11am Rite II Walter Secrest Cheryl Hopper Tamara Burt Jim Hopper Lee Harvard April 19 April 26 9am Acolytes only - should arrange for their own substitutes AND notify Mrs. Mickel at 776-2268 or 330-4420. 11am Acolytes only – Crucifer and left server: remember to kneel and stand with the right server when he/she kneels to ring the Sanctus bell and stands to receive communion. It is your responsibility to arrange a replacement when you cannot serve at your scheduled time AND notify Bart Boggus at 364-1858. Date Altar Guild Altar Flowers Coffee Hour April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 1 Jimmy Cannon IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS 2 Turnan, Boggus, Parsons Buddy & Vivian Bass 3 Elaine Fletcher IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS 4 Shawn & Ann Turnan IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS 3 4 Blake Bush 15 Bill Mounger Sister Maria Ann 21 Mike Cameron Jon Boggus Teresa Purdon Adam Parsons John Tull 6 Brant Ulmer 7 Ellen Cory 8 Vivian Bass 23 Merri McKenzie Karin Weaver 24 Jennifer Byrd Susie Cameron Bryan Turnan Darla Gatewood 25 Raymond Mickel 10 Gwyn Herrington 26 Mary Jo Donaldson 11 Phyllis Doty 28 Jay Tull Wyatt Jarvis 29 Connie Donegan 13 Richard Widera 30 Bob Hart 14 Denice Cameron Godly Gazette St. Luke’s Episcopal Church P. O. Box 1238 Live Oak, Florida 32064-1238 Phone: 386-362-1837 FAX: 386-362-7545 4 Hal & Janet Airth 8 Shawn & Ann Turnan 28 Carl & Sylvia Dunnam Godly Gazette Available Online If you would like to receive your gazette by email, please notify the church office. Don’t forget to visit our website. Most, if not all, of the newsletter is posted online at this address: http://www.stlukesliveoak.org
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