Godly Gazette - St. Luke`s Episcopal Church
Godly Gazette - St. Luke`s Episcopal Church
Godly Gazette St. Luke’s Reaches Out to Support Dukathole Orphans Since 2007, St. Luke's and the Daughters of the King have supported orphans with HIV/Aids living in Dukathole, South Africa to have food on a daily basis. In the beginning of this ministry, we helped to build a storage room to hold the high protein food made for those that stomachs that are so near starvation, they can no longer eat regular food. The website http://www.diocesehighveld.org.za/hiv.html is a site that you can read more about the HIV/AIDS pandemic in South Africa. The site reads: "South Africa has the highest number of people living with HIV of any country in the world. Around 5.54 million people in South Africa are currently living with HIV infection. It is estimated that in some of the rural communities within the Diocese, the percentage of those living with HIV/AIDS is as high as 56%. The World Health Organization estimates that by 2010, life expectancy in South Africa will be 43 years, 17 years less than it would have been before the epidemic. 2.2 million South Africans have died of HIV/AIDS-related illnesses. Approximately 900 people are dying every day. It is estimated that 1.2 million children have been orphaned. Approximately 719,000 children live in childheaded households." The following information has been shared by Mother Marlene Rodda who is the Diocesan Social Responsibility Coordinator and the Assistant Priest of St. Boniface Church in Germiston South Africa. She asks for continued prayers and support for the orphans of Dukathole. The cost to feed a child is $8.98 per month. St. Luke's currently is helping 21 children. There are 50 more orphans who do not have sponsors and do not receive food daily. If you want to help to make more children “St. Luke's kid”, simply write a check each month to St. Luke's for $10 per child. You can sponsor more than one child too! The difference between the $10 and the $8.98 cost of the food will help offset the wiring of the money to South Africa. Continued on page 5 St. Luke’s Episcopal Live Oak, FL 32064 Volume 32, Number 4 APRIL 2014 RECTOR The Reverend Canon Donald L. Woodrum ASSISTANT RECTOR The Reverend George L. Hinchliffe DEACON The Reverend Phyllis Doty PASTORAL ASSISTANT Sister Maria Ann OSF Clerk/Treasurer & Church Administrator Ellen Cory ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR Vicki Taylor NURSERY ATTENDANT Debbie Davis HOUSEKEEPER Juanita Lawson PARISH OFFICERS Vestry Sr. Warden—Mike Cameron Jr. Warden—Hal Airth Sexton—Patty Sullivan Members Judy Jacobsen, Ann Thompson, Jackie Kent, Tony Williams and Tammy Williams Godly Gazette Editor Marilyn Jones Page 2 Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 20 The Easter Egg Hunt will be Easter Sunday AFTER the 11:00 am service. We need volunteers to bring plastic candy filled Easter Eggs to the Parish Hall now through Easter, April 20th. Children, bring your Easter basket if you have one. If not, baskets will be provided for you. The Easter bunny will make an appearance! All hunters come and have fun! Dinner Angels If you can help our youth group by providing a Wednesday night dinner in late April or early May, please sign up on the Dinner Angel sheet on the bulletin board or notify Tammy Williams at: lainebug1106@embarqmail.com Sunday School, Grades 2-5 Sunday school began for students in grades 2 through 5 on Sunday February 2nd. Father George is teaching this new class assisted by Sister Maria Ann. Kay Harvard, Stacy Taylor, Joe and Jackie Jo Joyce, are sharing the teaching responsibility for pre-K through 1st grade. Parents if you have a student in grades 2 through 5, be sure to bring them at 9:50 a.m. We will have a great time and learn a lot about the Church, the Bible and God. Godly Gazette Opportunity Available We are still in need of 2 Sunday School teachers (K-5 and 6 -12). Growing our church depends of the youth in the congregation. Please pray for God to inspire volunteers for this purpose. Please see Fr. George if you have an questions or interest in serving. Daughters of the King The next meeting will be on April 1st at 6pm. All ladies of the church are invited to attend for the meeting, dinner and study. NA Meetings The Wednesday and Friday night meetings begin at 7:30pm and a Ladies meeting has been added at 5pm on Saturdays. Choir/Chimers The Choir will meet on Thursdays from 6:30pm7:30pm and chimers will meet at 7:30pm until 8:30pm. Men’s Night Out The men’s will meet on Tuesday, April 22nd at 6pm. The grill will be ready at 5:30pm for whatever you bring, fish, chicken, steak or maybe a hot dog or hamburger. All men are invited for a time of good food and fellowship. It’s very informal. BYOB. The Youth Groups are on hiatus during Lent and Spring Break. We encourage our Youth to participate in the Lenten Study of Revelation and to bring their parents and friends with them. Pre-K - 5th Grade Cook-Out and Pool Party!!! Saturday, May 10th, there will be a cook-out and pool party at Camp Weed from 1:005:00pm. All pre-k - 5th grade children are invited! A lifeguard will be provided. All parents are encouraged to attend! Hot dogs, drinks, sides will also be provided. We will eat as soon as grill is ready. Plan to come and have fun! Coffee Hour/Flower Sign Up Charts The 2014 Coffee Hour and Altar Flower charts are posted in the parish hall. There are still a few dates left on the flower chart. Please check it out. Ushers Needed We need ushers for the following services: April, 11am with Lee Harvard June, 11am with Tony Brinson October, 9am December, 9am. DATES TO REMEMBER April 2, 9 Soup and Sandwich; final 2 Revelation classes April 17 Seder Supper (Reservations required. Sign up on bulletin board.) April 18 Noon Good Friday Service April 20 9 and 11am Rite II Easter Services Noon Easter Egg Hunt & Coffee Hour Volume 32, Number 4 Deacon’s Notes You have been so generous that we have been able to send Mother Tulia $100 each month for her discretionary fund (which she usually uses for the reconstruction of their facilities) and now we are sending $20 each month for someone there to manage the distribution of purified water. They are using the temporary tanks that we sent last November and they seem to be working well. We are still planning to install a permanent system this fall. Three of us have to take courses offered by Living Waters for the World. So next September Marie Brian, Richard Widera and I will be going to Mississippi for those courses. I call Mother Tulia every third Sunday of the month to stay in touch. She always sends her greetings and love to us and I send her ours. The ESL (English classes) are going well with about 25-30 students attending. Marie Brian, Maureen Menosky, Marion Harvard, Dr. Rogelio and I are teachers and Denise Cameron is our Thursday hostess. We still need a Monday hostess. It would be a great help to us if someone would volunteer to come on Monday Memorial Lilies Each year at Easter we adorn the church with lilies. If you would like to give one in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a new member of the family, for just because... please notify the church office before April 4. The cost this year will be $14.00. Page 3 Godly Gazette Page 4 Condolences to Marjorie Harner and family on the loss of her husband, Dick, On March 18, 2014 Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly. The Prayers of the Parish are Requested for: The Harner Family, Bully Helvenston, Kristi Goff, George Blake, Bob & Lydia Bush, Tayah Stevens, Sally Goff, Lucille Cromer, Carl Dunnam, Our soldiers deploying: Nancy Dowling, Dorothy Mayer, Glenn Miller, Andy Chamberlain, Jonathan Andrew Woodrum, Quinn Leibfried, Frances Wells, Michael Kinsel, Dennis Donaldson, Norma Morton, James Smith, Jackie Kent, Gene Goff, Gwyn Herrington, and stateside; Mena Tull, Randy Law, Buddy Bass, Marshall Boggus, Ronnie Herrington, Leonard Johnson, Allison Nitti, Shawn Brewer, Glanton Pyle, Elaine Fletcher, Duane Boise, Jennifer Sullivan Blake Ulmer, Ann Warner, Louise Law, and Robert Ice. Linda Gail Jernigan, Cathy Barker, LaJuana Peterson, Pray for the Diocese of Jim Poulos, Steve Rogers, Eddie Kraynak, Cuba, our companion John Snyder, Virginia Meeker, Terry Walker, church: Fielés á Jesus, and Jim Nixdorf, Joe Wells, Lee Carver, Vivian Bass, Mae McNally, Bobby Jones, their rector Mtr. Tulia and Dukathole. Mary Ussrey, Linda McCook, Lea-Anne Elgin, Nevaeh Moses, Mary Howes, Susan Jordan, Bart Monroe, Nyla Ritz, and Cameron Howell; Mac Clayton, Katie Croft, If anyone of the above is stable and can be removed, please let Ellen know. If things change we can always add them back. Volume 32, Number 4 Page 5 St. Luke’s Reaches Out to Support Dukathole Orphans , continued Dukathole South Africa is a very small place...less than a square mile in which 20,000-30,000 people live. It is located in the industrial heart of Germiston (near Johannesburg, South Africa) and is a severely impoverished area. The people are surrounded by factories, whose effluents impact negatively on the environment while the majority of the people live in shacks without proper water, electricity and sanitation facilities. The majority of the population is made up of women and children living in abject poverty, many brought from the rural areas to live close to their breadwinners working on the goldmines and in the industrial heartland, of which Germiston is central. The unemployment rate is estimated to be above 80% and physical abuse, prostitution, selling of liquor and crime is high. SUPPORT- A- CHILD project in the Ekurhuleni Primary School: This project was initiated in 2004 by the Anglican Parish of Germiston, when it became apparent that the number of orphaned and vulnerable children in the Dukathole area was increasing at a rapid rate and the ‘support a child’ project has grown from strength to strength from that date. With the teachers from the Ekurhuleni (Dukathole) Primary School and the Child Advocates, we have identified orphans and vulnerable children who needed assistance with food since 2004, and from feeding 34 orphans in the first year, over 360 orphans and vulnerable children were identified in 2011, sponsorship for 250 children was secured for 2013 & we currently in 2014 have sponsorship for 220 children. The economic climate which has been difficult across our area has also affected the number of persons sponsoring children. Therefore our major need is to secure sponsors to adopt the more than 50 children who still need to come onto the feeding scheme, as the number of orphans is ever increasing. The company which specializes in producing the most cost effective food, rich in all the nutrients required to feed those facing starvation, has for the past 4 years kept the price of the packs pegged at $8.98 per month for which we are extremely grateful. This $8.98 continues to provide two meals and a nutritional protein milkshake every day. The Head mistress and teachers have reported that the children supported are noticeably improved in their school work and general behaviour. All the children from this school live in the informal settlement and its extensions. So they go home to the shacks at night and to their mothers, grannies, siblings or care givers. To enable people to remember the child they support, the name, grade at school and birth date of the child is given. Photographs are only supplied with the child’s & schools permission. We also help in obtaining birth certificates, child grants and to assist the families in other ways. For sustainability in feeding the children, those who wish to commit to ‘support a child’, are encouraged to do so for a calendar year. Godly Gazette Page 6 April 2014 Planner Planner— —St. Luke’s Episcopal Sun Mon Tue 1 6pm Daughters of the King Wed 9am Rite I 9:30am Choir 9:45 S/S 11am Rite I 13 9am Rite II 9:30am Choir 9:45 S/S 11am Rite II 4pm Ultreya, Holy 7 4 5 7am Rite II 6:30 pm Choir 11:30am Dowling Park 9am-3pm Busy 6:30 pm Rite I & Unction 7:30pm N/A Mtg 5pm Ladies N/A 11 12 7:30pm N/A Mtg 5pm Ladies N/A 6:45 Bible Study 27 9am Rite II 9:30am Choir 9:45 S/S 11am Rite II 6:45 Bible Study 7pm ESL Classes 5:30pm Vestry 7:30 N/A Mtg 14 15 16 7:30pm Chimers 7am Rite II 6:30 pm Choir 7pm ESL Classes 7:30pm Chimers 17 7am Rite II 18 Noon Service 10:30 Rite I & Unction 5pm Weight Watchers 6:30 pm Rite I & Unction 7pm ESL Classes 7:30 N/A Mtg 5pm Weight Watchers 22 28 6pm Seder Supper 7:30pm N/A Mtg 5pm Ladies N/A 23 24 25 26 10:30 Rite I & Unction 7am Rite II 7:30pm N/A Mtg 5pm Ladies N/A 7:30 N/A Mtg 29 19 Great Thanksgiving 6:30 pm Rite I & 6pm Men's Group Unction 7pm ESL Classes Hands 7pm ESL Classes 910:30 Rite I & 10 6:30 pm Rite I & Unction 5pm Weight Watchers Sat Unction Unction 20 9am Rite II 21 9:30am Choir 9:45 S/S 11am Rite II Noon Easter Egg Hunt 8 Fri 2 10:30 Rite I & 3 7:30 N/A Mtg 6 Thur 30 10:30 Rite I & Unction 5pm Weight Watchers 6:30 pm Rite I & Unction 7pm ESL Classes 7:30 N/A Mtg 6:30 pm Choir 7pm ESL Classes 7:30pm Chimers Volume 32, Number 4 Page 7 St. Luke’s Volunteers’ Schedule Date Time Service Acolytes* Lectors Ushers 9am Rite II Laine Fletcher Tony Williams Jon Boggus Andy Miller 11am Rite II Hal Airth Elizabeth Simpson Jim Simpson Ellen Cory Lee Harvard 9am Rite I Colby Mickel Lydia Bush Elaine Fletcher Andy Miller 11am Rite I Walter Seacrest Barbara Chaney Sue Mobley Melissa Woodrum Lee Harvard 9am Rite II Livesay Boggus Elaine Fletcher 11am Rite II 9am Rite II 11am Rite II April 6 April 13 April 20 Laine Fletcher Andy Miller Bart Boggus Brantly Helvenston Bully Helvenston Lee Harvard Raymond Mickel James Kent Jackie Kent Andy Miller Bart Boggus Cheryl Hopper Joe Joyce Jackie Jo Joyce Lee Harvard TBA Bart Boggus April 27 9am Acolytes only - should arrange for their own substitutes AND notify Mrs. Mickel at 776-2268 or 330-4420. 11am Acolytes only – Crucifer and left server: remember to kneel and stand with the right server when he/she kneels to ring the Sanctus bell and stands to receive communion. Date Altar Guild Altar Flowers Coffee Hour April 6 1 LENT IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS April 13 2 Tony & Tammy Williams IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS April 20 1&2 Jimmy Cannon IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS April 27 4 Shawn & Ann Turnan IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS 3 Blake Bush Sister Maria Ann 4 Jon Boggus Adam Parsons 6 Brant Ulmer 15 Bill Mounger March 4 Hal & Janet Airth 21 Bill Bush March 8 Shawn & Ann Turnan Mike Cameron March 18 Buddy & Linda Nott Teresa Purdon March 28 Carl & Sylvia Dunnam John Tull 7 Ellen Cory 23 Merri McKenzie 8 Vivian Bass 24 Susie Cameron Jennifer Byrd Darla Gatewood Bryan Turnan 25 Raymond Mickel 10 Gwyn Herrington 26 Mary Jo Donaldson 11 Phyllis Doty 28 Jay Tull Wyatt Jarvis 12 Libby Taylor 13 Richard Widera Godly Gazette St. Luke’s Episcopal Church P. O. Box 1238 Live Oak, Florida 32064-1238 Phone: 386-362-1837 FAX: 386-362-7545 29 Connie Donegan 30 Bob Hart Godly Gazette Online If you would like to receive your gazette by email, please notify the church office. Don’t forget to visit our website. Most, if not all, of the newsletter is posted online at this address: http://www.stlukesliveoak.org
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