March - April 2015


March - April 2015
volume 9 no. 2 | march-april 2015
2015 Scottish Rite Installation Program
Full coverage of the Installation Program on page 4 
Left to Right: Ill. Charles S. Iversen, 33° S.G.I.G. Emeritus; Philip Palmer, Jr., 32° KCCH – Venerable Master of Kadosh; Eloi Kpamegan, 32° KCCH –
Commander; Alexander Basilia, 32° KCCH – Wise Master; Marlon K. Curtis, 32° KCCH – Venerable Master; Ill. Leonard Proden, S.G.I.G.
sgig’s Message
~ In This Issue ~
SGIG’s Message
New Scottish Rite Body Heads for 2015
Body Heads and Officers for 2015
Play Golf with the Kids! ~ The 2015 D.C. Scottish
Rite Golf Tournament
Save the Date! ~ Ceremony of Remembrance
and Renewal
2015 Scottish Rite Installation Program
Why Are We Called a Rite?
New Valley Appointments
Celebrating the Craft 2015
Be That Brother: 2015 Spring Reunion
VMAP Update
Is Your Card Valid?
Charter Members of Mithras Lodge
Are You Tough Enough?
Membership: Staying Connected is Getting Easier
In Memoriam
Your Good Health Tip
Scottish Rite Calendar ~ March through June 2015
e have quietly moved into our Scottish Rite new year
as the 156th Installation of Officers took place several
weeks ago. It was an outstanding ceremony with an
audience of over 300. Thank you to our brethren, families,
friends, guests and Masonic dignitaries for your time on a
wintry Saturday evening in creating a special installation
atmosphere for all our Body Heads, Officers, and Trustees.
The evening’s activities were adroitly handled by Ill. Joseph
S. Crociata, 33°, Master of Ceremonies, who, with his everpresent humor and wit, made the evening flow so enjoyably.
Ill. Charles S. Iversen, 33° S.G.I.G. Emeritus, assisted in the
Ceremony with his usual aplomb, as he has done for the last
24 years. Recognitions and jewel presentations to the out-going
Body Heads and the KSA (Knights of St. Andrew) Chieftain Ill. Leonard Proden, S.G.I.G.
were made with great flair by Ill. George R. Adams, 33° G.C. Anamer Castrello, Peter Joshua
Burroughs and Carlos Rodriguez—frequent and familiar operatic performers here at our
building — provided musical entertainment which dazzled the audience. The KSA, under the
leadership of Robb Mitchell, 32° and George Perez, 32°, provided the opening flag ceremony,
while serving as ushers and attending to all the minor details that made the evening special. It
was an occasion that celebrated the continuity of our Valley’s rich traditions while looking ahead
to a bright future. Portions of the program can be viewed on our website’s video archive.
In this publication, you will find the pictures and brief biographies of the Body Heads who will
lead our Valley during 2015. I am proud to state that they, and all our Officers and Trustees,
are accomplished individuals with diverse and rich Masonic backgrounds. They are leaders
in business, government, education, and private agencies, as well as community, religious,
philanthropic and charitable organizations. Under their direction, we look forward to a year
of continued excellence in the enlightenment, learning, and fellowship of our Brotherhood
at our Tuesday evening meetings. Let’s support their efforts, while enriching our own
membership experience.
There are many upcoming events and opportunities here at the Rite. I encourage you to check
the Calendar page and remember—family and friends are included in many our events.
Thank you for your support of our Scottish Rite.
contact us at 202-232-8155 | visit us online at
Congratulations to Our New Scottish Rite Body Heads
Mithras Lodge of Perfection
Marlon K. Curtis, 32° KCCH ~
Venerable Master
rother Curtis was born and raised in
the nation’s capital. His career began at
the US Government Printing Office at
the age of 17 but ended shortly after turning
18 when he was called to serve with the US
Army in Viet Nam and other places abroad.
He served over 11 years with the 101st
Airborne Division and the 75th Ranger
He later studied both Psychology and Business Management at Highland
College, Lewis University, and the University of Phoenix. He was recruited
by General Motors to work as a Regional Sales Manager and remained in the
automobile industry for over 20 years having also worked for Ford Motor
Company before retiring. After his youngest of five sons entered college he
decided to rejoin the work force and entered the IT field. He worked as a
network engineer assigned to the Food and Drug Administration before
retiring again. In addition to his devotion to the Scottish Rite, he is currently
serving as Master of Patuxent Lodge No. 218 in Upper Marlboro, MD. His
passions are skydiving, fishing, his grandchildren, his wife Debbie of over
29 years, and Freemasonry.
Robert de Bruce Council
of Kadosh
Eloi Kpamegan, 32° KCCH ~
orn in Cotonou, Benin, Brother Eloi
Kpamegan graduated from the University of Abomey Calavi with a BS in
Mathematics and a Teaching Certificate in
Mathematics from the “Ecole Normale Superieur” of Porto-Novo. Brother Kpamegan
holds a MS degree in Mathematics and an
Associate Degree in Economics from the
University of Abidjan, Ivory Coast where he taught high school mathematics for four years. Brother Kpamegan came to the US in 1990 and attended
American University where he received a Master and Ph.D. Degrees in Statistics in 1994 and 1997, respectively. He also received a Master of Science
degree in Finance from the George Washington University in 2001.
Brother Kpamegan is currently executive director of the clinical and
nonclinical biostatistics department at Novavax, Inc. Brother Kpamegan
has over 15 years industry experience in positions of increasing responsibilities in vaccine development. He worked at Human Genome Sciences,
Sanofi Pasteur and Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation. His work has been
published and he is a co-author in several scientific journals. He is also the
regional director for Africa at Global Bees, a non-profit organization with
headquarters in Mclean, Virginia.
Brother Kpamegan was raised a Master Mason in La France Lodge No. 93
in 1998. He served as its Master in 2003. Brother Kpamegan was initiated
in the Scottish Rite in Fall 2001 class in the Valley of Washington, and was
invested with Knight Commander Court of Honor in 2013.
Brother Kpamegan has enjoyed more than 25 years of marriage with his
wife Adissatou and is blessed with two sons, Neil and Norris. He is a student
of the Western traditions and the Hermetic chain. He likes gardening,
in-door spinning, soccer, and travel.
Evangelist Chapter of
Rose Croix
Alexander Basilia, 32° KCCH ~
Wise Master
rother Basilia was born in Tbilisi,
Georgia (the country) and before moving to the United States, received his
education from Tbilisi State University and
London School of Economics. He came to
the greater Washington area to pursue his
MBA at Robert H. Smith School of Business
at University of Maryland at College Park
and after graduation continued his professional career in Washington, DC.
Brother Basilia was initiated in December of 2006 at Kensington-Bethesda
Lodge No. 198 under the Grand Lodge of AF&AM of Maryland and the
following year was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. He joined
the D.C. Scottish Rite in 2007 and has been an active member ever since.
Brother Basilia was invested as a Knight Commander Court of Honor in
2013. This year he will also serve as the Senior Warden of Jerusalem Lodge
No. 3000.
During his undergraduate studies, Brother Basilia participated in comedy
sketch competitions and played guitar. The world of show business is better
off with him being an accountant. Brother Alex enjoys philosophy, studying
different religious practices, soccer, running, crossfit training, board games,
and playing on his guitar.
Albert Pike Consistory
Philip Palmer, Jr., 32° KCCH ~
Venerable Master of Kadosh
rother Palmer was first introduced to
Freemasonry by his father, Ill. Philip
Palmer, Sr., 33°, who sponsored and
initiated him at St. George’s Lodge while
he was serving as its Worshipful Master. He
necessarily took some time off from Masonry while pursuing his education and, along
the way, started a family of his own.
He graduated from the University of Maryland (“GO TERPS & FEAR THE
TURTLE”) where he obtained both a bachelor’s and master’s degree. He
currently works for a government contractor in McLean, Virginia where he
is the Lead Talent Acquisition Specialist. He enjoys talking to and helping
prospective candidates find jobs.
Brother Palmer affiliated with Fiat Lux Lodge No. 1717, where he served,
in time, as the head of each of their three bodies: Worshipful Master of the
Lodge in 2009, High Priest of the Royal Arch Chapter in 2010, and Thrice
Illustrious Master of the Council in 2011. He has also had the honor of
serving as Grand Officers in the Grand Lodge, Grand Chapter, and Grand
Brother Palmer lives in Bowie, Maryland with his wife and three children
(two sons and one daughter). He asserts that his daughter, who is the
youngest, constantly takes advantage of him, to the chagrin of his two sons.
He is an avid Liverpool FC football supporter followed by the Washington
Redskins. He also enjoys helping coach his younger sons’ travelling soccer
team in his spare time.
scottish rite progress | volume 9 no. 2 | march-april 2015
Congratulations to the Body Heads and Officers for 2015
2015 Officers of the Mithras Lodge of Perfection:
2015 Officers of the Robert de Bruce Council of Kadosh:
Venerable Master. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marlon K. Curtis, 32° KCCH
Commander​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eloi P. Kpamegan, 32° KCCH
Senior Warden​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Morgan P. Corr, 32°
1st Lt. Commander​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bernard J. Michels, 32° KCCH
Junior Warden​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kenneth D. Fuller, 32° KCCH
2nd Lt. Commander​. . . . . . . . . . . . . Uzo E. Chukwu, 32°
Orator​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Douglas N. Cohen, 32°
Chancellor​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robb C. Mitchell, 32°
Master of Ceremonies​. . . . . . . . . . . . Austin T. Curtis, 32°
Orator​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Victor E. Sack, 32°
Expert​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . George Perez, 32°
Master of Ceremonies​. . . . . . . . . . . . Weldon J. Campbell, Jr., 32°
Assistant Expert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ​Jean-Paul Dongmo, 32°
Turcopolier​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles A. Phillips, 32°
Captain of the Host. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ​Joshua A. Poole, 32°
Lieutenant of the Guard​. . . . . . . . . . Nicholas A. Robischon, 32°
Trustee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ​Ill. Jeffrey Y. Schilling, 33°
Trustee​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill. Mansour Hatefi, 33°
2015 Officers of the Evangelist Chapter of Rose Croix:
2015 Officers of the Albert Pike Consistory
Wise Master​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alexander Basilia, 32° KCCH
Venerable Master of Kadosh​. . . . . . Philip J. Palmer, Jr., 32° KCCH
Senior Warden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ​Fred W. Evans, 32° KCCH
Prior​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basil N. Mossaidis, 32°
Junior Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ​Edgar W. Tillman, 32°
Preceptor​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bradley D. Andrukitis, 32° KCCH
Orator​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mark H. Polansky, Sr., 32°
Chancellor​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maurice A. Scott, 32°
Master of Ceremonies​. . . . . . . . . . . . Peter W. Brusoe, 32° KCCH
Minister of State​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Richard L. Mendez, 32°
Expert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ​Charbel Fahed, 32° KCCH
Prelate​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Teddy T Karefa-Smart, 32° KCCH
Standard Bearer​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter Benesch, 32°
Master of Ceremonies​. . . . . . . . . . . . Dan Rapoport, 32°
Guardian of the Temple​. . . . . . . . . . Ill. Alwyn B. Taylor , 33°
Expert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ​Dmitriy O. Minin, 32°
Trustee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ​Ill. William E. Bridegum, 33°
Captain of the Guard​. . . . . . . . . . . . . Edward J.M. Challita, 32°
Trustee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ​Ill. Donald C. Titus, 33°
Trustee-at-Large​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill. Grant R. Berning, 33°
2015 D.C. Scottish Rite
Golf Outing
To raise money for our Rite Care
Childhood Language Disorders Center
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Whiskey Creek Golf Course
9:00am Shotgun Start
4804 Whiskey Court, Ijamsville, MD 21754
Register at:
or call (202) 232-8155
for information.
Ceremony of
and Renewal
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Please join us in celebrating the lives of
all those members who have passed on within
the past year, so that their spirit can remain
with us as we move forward in their absence.
Dinner 6:00pm ~ Program 7:30pm
Members, Family and Friends are Welcome
Call: 202-232-8155 or
Caps Requested
Scottish Rite Center
2800 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20009
contact us at 202-232-8155 | visit us online at
2015 Scottish Rite Installation Program
Ill. Paul Barry, 33° - S.G.I.G. of the Orient of DC,
United Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient & Accepted
Scottish Rite of Freemasonry – Prince Hall
Affiliation (Southern Jurisdiction USA).
Front Row - L to R: Andre Tia, 32°; Richard F. Drosin, 32°; Zak Alzaim, 32°;
Back Row – L to R: Andrew Lawless, 32°; Evandro C. Almeida-Filho, 32°.
Members of the Washington Valley Knights of St. Andrew Color Guard Team
2015 Valley of Washington Body Heads being installed
into their elected offices
Ill. Paul D. Gleason, 33° being
presented the Double Headed Eagle
award for his service to the Valley
of Washington, by Ill. George R.
Adams, 33° GC
Ill. Charles S. Iversen, 33° - Sovereign Grand Inspector General
Emeritus, and Ill. Leonard Proden, 33° Sovereign Grand Inspector General
of the Supreme Council in Washington DC
Members and Guests enjoying the Installation Banquet
Ill. Leonard Proden, 33°
Sovereign Grand Inspector General
welcomes members and guests to the
2015 Installation of Officers
scottish rite progress | volume 9 no. 2 | march-april 2015
Ronald R. Peterson, 33°, Personal Representative & General Secretary
Bahnhofstr. 11, 97320 Grosslangheim, Germany | Phone: 09325 – 6295 | E-Mail:
2015 AMSRB Club Officers
PRESIDENT: Allan Morecroft, 32°, KCCH
VICE PRESIDENT: Gregory S. Anderson, 32°
DIRECTORS: John C. Harris, 32°
Donald J. Ellis, 32°, KCCH
Kent T. Crotty, 32°
TREASURER: Toby Hanna, 32°, KCCH
Germany - Ill. Ronald R. Peterson, 33°
Italy - Ill. Ronald Reynolds, 33°
Ill. Ronald Peterson, 33° presents
a donation to Kinderdorf ’s
Nicola and Wolfgang Prantz,
who run the children’s home in
Mainbernheim, Germany
2015 Knights of St. Andrew
CHIEFTAIN: Kent T. Crotty, 32°
PRIOR: Gregory S. Anderson, 32°
Marshal of Ceremonies: John C. Harris, 32°
SECRETARY: Ill. Ronald R. Peterson, 33°
TREASURER: Jason M. Mok, 32°
All meetings begin at 11:00 AM, and are
held at Schwarzes Roß, 97359 Hörblach.
KSA meetings start after the business
meeting, and a Social Event follows.
March 14, 2015 - Business Meeting
April - No Meeting
May 9, 2015 - Business Meeting
June 13, 2015 - Business Meeting
Why Are We Called a “Rite”?
“A Rite is an enacted ceremony which moves forward in a series of waves (we refer to them as steps) and the ceremony is used over and over - the
words rhythm and rhyme had a similar origin and it is easy to see why. A ritual is a system of rites” - H.L. Haywood, The Newly Made Mason
don’t think anyone ever informed me on why we are called a “rite”
and not anything else. It is one of those terms we readily accept and
use without much thought to what it means or how we got the title for
our organization. So, it is a term we use a lot but not think much about.
ladder is just one way we portray our traditional to nonmembers. Hardly
ever do we hear that each of the 29 degrees is connected, yet they are.
They take us on a journey; one which if you ask anyone in the midst of it
will say “they do not know how it will end.”
In Masonry, we have many “rites”: the rite of lustration, the rite of
circumambulation, the rite of initiation. The York Rite and probably 70
other rites have been connected with Freemasonry through the ages.
Brother Mackey explains the word comes from a Latin word “ritus”
meaning an approved custom or an external observance. He also quotes
Vossius who says it came from the Greek meaning a “trodden path” or a
long followed custom.
What started out as “a system of ineffable and sublime degrees” called the
Scottish Rite is found in an 1804 agreement and
it was our Grand Commander Albert Pike who
put the term into general use. Henry Coil tells
us that in 18th century France, the term began
to have a different meaning than “an act of divine
or solemn service, a solemn or proper observance,
a ceremony; but as a collection of related degrees
under a common control or administration.”
Probably the best definition of this is: “A rite in the
extended, modern sense is a collection of degrees
which are and, for a considerable time, have been
customarily considered as a group or unit, either
because of having a common government or being
associated in a succession or schedule of working.”
And that is what we do. We present a collection of
seemingly random degrees that actually have one
purpose and one theme.
We see that progression of degrees in many forms
and symbols in our Rite. The form of a Masonic
Our Rite, like so many others throughout history,
has been modified, advanced, updated and
reformed. The Scottish Rite is a collection of
degrees which work together to take a candidate
on the search for truth. The path meanders and
weaves. Some degrees seem to have nothing
in common with the ones that come before or
after, but I find that they are logically placed for
the most part and each is a step upwards in that
journey. They open the heart, the eyes and the
mind. The principles are universal and good for
any place, of any time, in any culture.
So come, walk down this well-trodden path (or
up, as this might be a better way to describe the
direction we should go) that many thousands have
done before. Join many that will be added in the
future and see what this collection of teachings
has for you.
By Michael D. Moore, 32° KCCH, as published in Volume
XXII, Issue I of The Denver Consistory News
contact us at 202-232-8155 | visit us online at
New Valley Appointments
A New Foundation Trustee:
Ill. Donald C. Titus, 33°
Shawn D. Bartley, 32°
ll. Donald C. Titus, 33° has been appointed as
Trustee for the Albert Pike Consistory. Ill. Titus
was initiated into the Scottish Rite on October
30, 1987, in the Valley of Washington, and was
invested with the Knight Commander Court of
Honour on October 10, 2009, and was coroneted
as an Inspector General Honorary in 2013. He
is also an active member of Temple-NoyesCathedral Lodge No. 32 Grand Lodge of the
District of Columbia F.A.A.M., where he served as
Worshipful Master in 1966.
Celebrating the Craft 2015
The fourth annual Celebrating the Craft (CTC) webathon, which
supports the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisidction’s Rebuilding the
Temple Campaign (RTC), will be coming Saturday, May 16, 2015,
6:00pm-12:00 midnight Eastern Time. Members from
across the world have participated in this
worthy cause by pledging their time
and much-needed resources to the
House of the Temple Preservation Foundation, Inc. As we
prepare to celebrate on August
22nd the Centennial Jubilee—
the 100th Anniversary of the
House of the Temple’s dedication and
original occupancy in 1915—we ask you to generously support the CTC and RTC so that necessary
rehabilitation objectives and renovation projects
may be realized and help preserve the history of
Freemasonry and our Scottish Rite legacy. For
more information, see page six in the March-April
2015 Scottish Rite Journal.
VMAP Update
he Valley Membership Achievement Project, called “VMAP” for short,
tracks progress and completion in ten specific areas of operation to help
individual Scottish Rite Valleys excel in providing the very best experience
for its members. These areas cover the full spectrum of activities at the Valley and
include member and candidate education, reunion quality, degree proficiency,
recruitment, retention, officer duties and accountability. VMAP provides Valleys
with lists of implementable activities with the goal of increasing the engagement,
involvement, and enjoyment of their members.
We are pleased to announce that Brother Bradley D. “Brad” Andrukitis,
32° KCCH, will be leading our VMAP team and guiding our Valley’s efforts to
maximize the potential of this exciting program. For general information and
resources about VMAP, and to sign up for the VMAP Working Tools e-newsletter,
go to To join in the challenge and to learn more
about VMAP here at the Valley of Washington, visit or contact Brad
ur SGIG is pleased to announce the appointment of Brother Shawn D. Bartley, 32° as
our newest Trustee for the DC Scottish Rite’s
Foundation. Brother Bartley, a member of Silver
Spring Lodge No. 215 in Maryland, joined the Valley of Washington as part of the Spring 2014 class.
He completed undergraduate work at the University
of Maryland, College Park, and later received his law
degree from Valparaiso University School of Law in
Valparaiso, Indiana. As a licensed practicing attorney in the state of Maryland, Brother Bartley is the founder and principal partner of
Shawn D. Bartley and Associates, LLC law firm located in Silver Spring, Maryland.
He has successfully represented clients in matters related to family law, estates, real
estate, and business/corporate law.
A committed family man, Brother Bartley and his wife Christina, a Montgomery
County school teacher, are the proud parents of two young children. He is an experienced and skilled board member, having served as chairman of the Montgomery
Collaboration Council for Children Youth and Families Board from 2010 until
2012. He is currently a member of the board for the Primary Care Coalition for
Montgomery County and is also a member of the board for The Shepherd’s Table.
An adept public speaker, Brother Bartley became a Certified Toastmaster in 1997
with Toastmasters International, Inc. He thoroughly enjoys his membership in the
Valley of Washington and looks forward to this new opportunity to serve Scottish
Rite Freemasonry, in general, and our local Valley, in particular.
Be That Brother:
2015 Spring Reunion
Please, do not let one of your Blue Lodge brothers miss out on
being a Scottish Rite Mason, just because no one ever spoke to
him about the Rite. Reach out to him. Be that Brother! Petitions
are available on or in the office. How many do you
need? Make sure the completed petitions are
submitted by Tuesday, April 28th.
The 2015 Spring Reunion is set for Friday
evening and Saturday, May 8th and 9th.
We hope you will take this opportunity for
fellowship with the Brethren, to meet the
new members, and reconnect with the meaningful degrees of our beautiful Scottish Rite Ritual. Thank you
for your commitment to the Valley of Washington and for being
a Scottish Rite Brother.
Is Your Card Valid?
If your Scottish Rite membership card is not sporting
the 2015 validation sticker,
perhaps you have not yet paid
your dues. Please remember
that your timely payment of
dues signifies your dedication
as a Scottish Rite Mason, and
is critical in supporting the
Rite’s mission and smooth operation. So, take a second to look at your
card. Is it valid and up to date? Do you still owe dues? If you have already
paid your 2015 dues – thank you!
scottish rite progress | volume 9 no. 2 | march-april 2015
Charter Members of Mithras Lodge
orton Parker Chipman (March 7, 1834 - February 01, 1924) was an
American Civil War army officer, military prosecutor, politician, author,
and judge. Born in Ohio, Brother Chipman’s family moved to Iowa when
he was a child. There he received his education in the public schools, attended
Washington College in Washington, Iowa; and returned to Ohio to graduate
from Cincinnati Law School in 1859.
At the outbreak of the Civil War, he enlisted in the 2nd Iowa Infantry and served
with distinction in various staff assignments throughout the War, rising to the
rank of (Brevet) Brigadier General. In 1865, Brother Chipman successfully
prosecuted Captain Henry Wirz, commandant of the notorious Camp Sumter
Confederate military prison at Andersonville, Georgia.
Brother Chipman was apparently friends with his fellow Ohioan, General
Ulysses Grant, with whom he had fought at the Battle of Fort Donelson, for when
Grant was elected President in 1868, Brother Chipman was asked to be on the
presidential inaugural committee. Subsequent to the passage of the DC Organic
Are You Tough Enough
to Be a Scottish Rite Mudder?
Join Our Team!
Act of 1871, Brother Chipman was
appointed as the first Secretary of the
District of Columbia, and later served
two terms as a delegate to Congress
from the District.
What little is known about Brother
Chipman’s Masonic career, is that he
was a Charter Member of Pentalpha
Lodge No. 23, and was listed as being
among the twenty-four men who
formed the Mithras Lodge of Perfection:
his name, however, does not appear on
the Charter. Interestingly, he had only
attained the fourteenth degree by the
time of its founding.
Norton Parker Chipman
Staying Connected
is Getting Easier
ough Mudder, the teamwork and endurance event featuring a 10-12 mile
military-style obstacle course, is coming back to our area on Sunday, June
14, 2015 with the Virginia event taking place at The Meadow Event Park
(State Fair of Virginia Fairgrounds) in Doswell, Virginia. The Valley of Washington
will once again be supporting a team of local brethren who are committed to
challenging themselves while helping others successfully complete the course. This
year’s team is to be co-captained by Brother Dmitriy Minin, 32° (dmitriy.minin@ and Brother Daniel Huertas, 32° (
The Scottish Rite has introduced some handy new tools to help keep
you informed and improve the experience of our members “on the go”
simply by using a smart phone or tablet.
For general information about Tough Mudder, visit
If you think you are up to the challenge and want to enjoy the outstanding
camaraderie and sense of achievement that comes with participation on the
Scottish Rite team, contact Brother Walter Hoenes, 32° KCCH at membership@ for information about how to register.
Your personalized membership is all in one convenient place with This is a one-stop web page that allows members
to see and change their contact information, update communication
preferences, pay their dues, and access information about their Valley.
Go to to create your account in the Scottish Rite
Member Portal.
DC Scottish Rite Team at the Capital Region Tough Mudder Event
September 27, 2014
Take the Scottish Rite Journal with you wherever you go by
downloading and installing the free new app available Apple iTunes
App, Google Play, or Amazon Fire App stores. New issues will
automatically be delivered to you as they are published.
SR Chirp is a new Scottish Rite Member-only social media application
for mobile devices that will help keep you in touch with fellow Scottish
Rite Masons in your area or when you are visiting another area. To join
the conversation, verify and create an account at,
then search for SR Chirp on the Apple iTunes App or Google Play stores.
Download and install the app.
For more details on these new benefits
of membership, please see the
cover story (page 10) by Brother
Jason Van Dyke, 32° KCCH in
the March-April 2015 issue of
the Scottish Rite Journal.
contact us at 202-232-8155 | visit us online at
Soft and safe to thee, my brother, be thy resting place! Bright and
glorious be thy rising from it! Fragrant be the acacia sprig that there
shall flourish!
We mourn the passing of the following Brethren, who have been
reported Entered into Rest since the last issue:
William B. Bixler, 32°​​​​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01/12/2015
Claude A. Coffman, 32°​​​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02/05/2015
LeRoy J. Daniels, 32°​​​​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02/24/2015
George E. Enders, 33°​​​​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01/08/2015
John G. Gosnell, 32°​​​​ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/12/2014
Evans R. Hughes, Jr., 32°​​​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/20/2014
Samuel W. Keller, 32°​​​​ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/14/2014
John B. Nutter, 32° KCCH​​​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02/27/2015
James G. Oliver, 32°. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ​​​​07/23/2014
Leonard T. Philips, 32°​​​​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01/30/2015
Francis T. Tomalewski, 32°​​​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03/21/2014
Alec E. Watkins, 32°​​​​. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/29/2014
Scottish Rite
March through June 2015
March 2015
Mithras Lodge of Perfection
7:30 PM
Evangelist Chapter of Rose Croix
7:30 PM
~ Remembrance and Renewal program ~
March 17, 2014
Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:00 PM
Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:30 PM
RSVP requested by March 12, 2014
Albert Pike Consistory
No Meeting (5th Tuesday)
7:30 PM
April 2015
Mithras Lodge of Perfection
7:30 PM
Evangelist Chapter of Rose Croix
7:30 PM
Robert de Bruce Council of Kadosh
7:30 PM
Albert Pike Consistory
7:30 PM
May 2015
Winter cold got you down? While washing hands, sleeping
well, and exercising help ward off germs, the right nutrients
can aid recovery if illness invades. Try these foods to help you
bounce back:
~ Spring reunion ~
May 9, 2014
Class Reports, light breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 AM
Reunion concluded with Dinner and Festivities . . . . . 6:00-7:30 PM
Evangelist Chapter of Rose Croix
7:30 PM
Celebrating the Craft (House of the Temple)
7:30 PM
Robert de Bruce Council of Kadosh
7:30 PM
• Drink tea. Research shows chamomile tea contains compounds that
may help you kick your cold. Sweeten with a little bit of raw honey,
which can soothe a sore throat.
Memorial Day – Office Closed
Albert Pike Consistory
This issue’s Good Health Tip is courtesy of
Kaiser - Permanente
June 2015
scottish rite of freemasonry
7:30 PM
PEN/Faulkner Program
7:00 PM
Evangelist Chapter of Rose Croix
7:30 PM
2015 Scottish Rite Golf Outing
Scottish Rite Tough Mudder Event
Robert de Bruce Council of Kadosh
7:30 PM
Albert Pike Consistory
7:30 PM
Valley of Washington, Orient of the District of Columbia, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite,
Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A.
2800 16th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009 tel: 202-232-8155 fax: 202-483-8169
7:30 PM
May 8, 2014
Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:00-5:15 PM
Recess to Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:15 PM
• Chicken soup. Zinc in chicken boosts immunity, while the broth
hydrates. Add kale, which may reduce sinus inflammation and
contains glutathione — an infection-fighting antioxidant — plus
natural decongestants such as chili pepper or cayenne.
• Citrus fruits. While the debate continues on whether vitamin C
prevents sickness, some evidence suggests it might decrease severity
and duration, especially by collaborating with other nutrients (zinc,
vitamins B and D). Flavonoids in the white flesh of oranges and
grapefruits also may stimulate immune response.
Mithras Lodge of Perfection
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© Scottish Rite of the District of Columbia, Inc. All rights reserved.
Valley of Washington, Orient of the District of Columbia, Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A.