February - Fresno Scottish Rite
February - Fresno Scottish Rite
e t i R h s i t t o c S BULLETIN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Volume 63 FEBRUARY 2013 Number 2 You are invited to be our guest at the Fresno Scottish Rite on Monday February 18 th , 2013 For our annual Sweetheart Dinner Appetizers at 6:00 pm Dinner at 6:30 pm Reservations are requested 559 268-9631 If you would like help with your transportation please let us know as soon as possible! SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 2 ish Rite ScottBULLETIN FRESNO, CALIFORNIA Official publication of the Fresno Bodies Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Published monthly at the Center, 1455 L Street, Fresno, CA 93721. (559) 268-9631 FAX (559) 268-0261 WEB SITE: http://www.fresnoscottishrite.com E-Mail: fresnosr@sbcglobal.net Editor: Office Staff Asst. Editor: Bernard R. Hollenbeck, 33° The deadline for submissions is third Monday of the month. Permission is granted to Masonic Publications to copy. Curtis Jack, 32° KCCH Venerable Master Fresno Lodge of Perfection Ben Davis Jr, 32° Wise Master Fresno Chapter Rose Croix Ill. James L. Sperlich, 33° Commander Fresno Council Kadosh Mike Nella, 32° KCCH Master of Kadosh Fresno Consistory David CoLEMAN, 32° Orator James H. Clark, 33° Almoner LOUIS W. JELINEK, JR., 33° Secretary All brethren whose names appear in this bulletin are of the 32° unless otherwise identified. ALLEGIANCE The Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, sitting in the Valley of Fresno, Orient of California, acknowledge the authority of and yield allegiance to the Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General, Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-Third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America. C. RAY WHITAKER, 33° Treasurer ILL. FRANK LOUI, 33° Deputy of the Supreme Council ILL. RONALD A. SEALE, 33° Sovereign Grand Commander RICHARD PARIS, 33° Personal Representative SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 3 From the Venerable Master We’ve all heard the saying, “Bad things happen to good people”. I know, it’s not fair, but it’s true. We’ve all seen it happen to ourselves or to others, to friends, neighbors and perfect strangers. If life is a journey, then we all at some point must pass through the valley of the shadow of death. It’s not a choice, it’s a fate! I’d like to share with you ten principles I recently found labeled “The Laws of Adversity”. In Many ways I feel Masonry and Scottish Rite are mirrored in these laws and properly identified, we can make them a positive force in our organization. Law #1: Adversity is not optional; bad things do happen to good people. “The ability to forgive and the ability to love are the weapons God has given us to live fully, bravely, and meaningfully in this less-than-perfect world.” Law #2: You might not be able to choose whether or not you pass through the valley of the shadow of death, but you do and can choose whether or not to take up permanent residence down there in the darkness. Law #3: We learn and grow more from our setbacks than we do from our successes. Adversity prepares you for bigger challenges and accomplishments in the future. Law #4: Surviving adversity is a great way to build self-confidence, and to give you a more positive perspective on future adversity (if we survived that we can survive anything!). Law #5: Adversity helps prevent extreme arrogance, and complacency. Law #6: When things aren’t working, it forces you to look at more creative solutions. There is opportunity hidden in every single adversity if you have the strength and courage to search for it and to pursue it when you’ve found it. Law #7: What you’ve fought to gain you’ll fight to keep and vice versa – easy come, easy go – but what you had to fight to gain you will fight doubly hard to retain. Law #8: Without the valleys, you won’t appreciate the mountains. Law #9: Adversity keeps teaching – it provides great stories! Your setbacks can, if you’re committed to learning from them and teaching about them, be the source of great learning for others. Law #10: Adversity is a quiet teacher; you have to probe carefully for its lessons. Let us think about how these ten laws can help shape Scottish Rite and offer us ideas to improve ourselves and the betterment of our Valley. I look forward to hearing your thoughts! Fraternally, Curtis Jack, 32° KCCH, Venerable Master SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 4 From the Wise Master Brethren, I hope that the MAD rush of the holidays plus attending all of the different installations; Scottish Rite, Blue Lodges, Eastern Star and youth orders, is at last behind us and things will settle down. Now maybe we can get back to doing our normal business and slow down the pace of the past couple of months a little. Fraternally Ben F Davis Jr., 32° Wise Master From The Commander, Council Kadosh Brethren, Spring is just around the corner and it’s time to enjoy the company of all our dear friends. The next gathering of the South Valley Scottish Rite Masons is our Spring Dinner at the Vineyard Inn in Lemoore Sunday February 17th 2013 at 3:00 pm. The address is 819 E Bush Street, Lemoore. Please invite your spouse and join us, everyone is welcome. We will be ordering from the regular menu. James Sperlich, 33° Commander of Kadosh Building a Scholarship Fundraiser As a Scholarship Fundraiser we have Masonic Magnetic red white & blue car remembrance ribbons and circles with Relief, Truth and Brotherly Love and the Masonic emblem in the center, available at the Scottish Rite Office for $5.00. Please stop by and pick one up today. SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 5 From The Master Of Kadosh portunities you may have. Salutations from the Consistory of Kadosh. The duties of which include scholarships and other related programs for students. The programs are in the very early stages of planning with the preliminary steps already in place. The R.O.T.C. program, which has been operated from within the Rite, has up to this point, yet to be assigned any permanent “home”. This program has now been adopted into the Consistory of Kadosh as an official duty, thus creating a home for its implementation on a yearly and permanent basis. Our youth are very important so always look well to the Consistory for any information or opFraternally; Mike Nella, 32° Because I’m a Mason. A salesman breaks down in a remote country lane, a farmer in the adjacent field comes over and they discover that they are “Brothers”. The salesman is concerned as he has an important appointment in the local town: “Don’t worry says the farmer you can use my car, I will call a friend and get the car repaired while you go to the appointment”. Off goes the salesman and a couple of hours later he returns but unfortunately the car is awaiting a part which won’t arrive until the next morning. “It’s not a problem,” says the Farmer, “use my telephone and re-schedule your first appointment tomorrow, stay with us tonight and I’ll see that the car is done first thing!” The farmer’s wife prepares a wonderful meal and they share a glass of fine single malt during an excellent evening, the salesman sleeps soundly and when he awakes there is his car, repaired and ready to go. After a full English breakfast the salesman thanks them both for the hospitality. As he and the farmer walk to his car he turns and asks “my brother, thank you so much but I have to ask, did you help me because I am a Mason?” “No” was the reply, “I helped you because I am a Mason”. SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 6 MASONRY AND ASTRONOMY In earlier times, for example during Brother George Washington’s life and even before him, the institution of Masonry made a point to impress upon the minds of all new candidates that: ‘The proper business of a Mason is astronomical science,’ as well as chemical, geological and moral science. Unfortunately much of this astronomical knowledge has been pushed aside by modern day Masonry so as to emphasize charity, performance of ritual for the sake of performing ritual and fellowship. This has left very little time, if any, for encouraging its Brethren to seek out the answers of our ancient mysteries. In truth, Freemasonry is built upon astronomical knowledge. The great loss of Freemasonry is the true meaning of the building of Solomon’s Temple and the practice of the lodges should be that of the allegorical typification of the solar relations and planetary motions with mental and moral cultivation. Therefore, it should be no surprise that the three degrees of Craft Freemasonry have astronomical connection. Even the furniture within a tiled lodge has or should have astronomical importance. An example of how our Craft has drifted away from this tradition is in the astrological positioning of the pillars Jachin and Boaz in relation to each other. The Masonic Temple reflects an astronomical layout. Its furniture should be properly positioned according to the summer and winter solstice. Jachin marks the northern extremity of the rising sun at the Summer Solstice and Boaz the southern extremity of the rising sun at the Winter Solstice. But instead we take the reading of the Bible literally. For example, 2 Chronicles 3:15-17 (especially verse 17): “And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin, and the name of that on the left Boaz.” But are you aware that Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem faced east? And the entrance to the temple where the two pillars stood on the porch was from the east. That meant the pillar Jachin is astronomically positioned north of the pillar Boaz. Herod’s Temple was built to replicate Solomon’s Temple also had the pillar Jachin north of Boaz. And in the 15th Century the building of Rosslyn Chapel by William St. Clair was to reconstruct the Temple of Jerusalem in Scotland. Even though the entrance was from the north, still the pillar Jachin is astronomically located north of the pillar Boaz in the Rosslyn Chapel. Since the 16th Century Jachin symbolizing wisdom/establishment is topped with the globe of the spiritual world and Boaz symbolizing strength is topped with the globe of the material world. You can identify the different globes by stars or the zodiac on the spiritual globe and a map of the earth or darkness on the terrestrial globe. The next time you visit your Craft Lodge check it out. Where are your two pillars astronomically located in relationship to each other? We as Masons should all embrace the idea that we are astronomers and masters of light. Brother John L. Tracy, 32° SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 7 Fresno Scottish Rite Menu Monday, February 18, 2013 Dinner Menu Swiss Steak Mashed Potatoes w/Country Gravy Green Beans Salad & A Special Valentine Dessert Appetizers at 6:00 pm Dinner at 6:30 pm Reservations Required FROM THE CO-EDITOR B.R. (Bernie) Hollenbeck, 33° Over the last several years, thanks to the generosity of the Fresno Scottish Rite Scholarship Committee, we were able to annually award three $750.00 for scholarships to seniors at the Center for Advanced Research and Technology (C.A.R.T.) School. This year we will again support this very worthwhile community event. Three superior students will be selected to receive the annual Fresno Scottish Rite Bodies Scholarships by a panel of Scottish Rite members. This panel will interview, review the records and select three very deserving students for scholarship support. This scholarship is for their continuing education at the college level. This year as in the past, it will only be possible to award three scholarships, when the Scottish Rite Bodies scholarship fund is supplemented by members, widows and friends who provide generous donations to support this worthy cause. We are again asking those of you who can offer some level of financial support to please send your contribution to the Scottish Rite Office. The opportunity to present the annual scholarships to deserving senior high school students from the C.A.R.T. School over the last several years has been a memorable and rewarding annual event at the May Stated meeting. This year will surely be cause to again reflect on the greatness of the youth of this nation and the generosity of the members of these Fresno Scottish Rite Bodies. SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 8 Save the Date: Baseball June 15th 2013 Saturday 7:05 pm Chukchansi Park Fresno Grizzlies vs. Salt Lake City Bees Secretary’s Corner Greetings, Dates are being firmed up for most of the fun Masonic Family events this year I have included a few so you can mark your calendars now: March 9th Children’s Choir @ Scottish Rite benefits Shrine Hospital March 20th All Masonic Dinner @ Las Palmas Center benefits Youth Groups April 13th Trap Shoot @ Kingsburg Gun Club benefits Language Center Guild April 20th Mystery Dinner Theater @ Las Palmas Center benefits Legacy Ch OES June 15th Grizzlies Baseball Game June 22nd Fishing Derby @ Shaver Lake benefits Language Center August 3 Monte Carlo Night @ Scottish Rite benefits Shriners August 10 Dinner Auction @ International Catering benefits Language Center rd th I am sure there are many more fun events on Masonic Calendars for the coming year. If you know the dates please let me know. I will include them to the bulletin as space allows. Juliet Vitz Office Secretary SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 9 Tehran Shriners Presents Saturday, March 9th Fresno Scottish Rite Center 1455 L Street • Fresno, CA 93721 6:30 p.m. ~ Sparkling Beverages & Heavy Hors d’oeuvres 7:30 p.m. ~ Program & Concert .00 Tickets ~ $35 Black Tie Optional Net proceeds to benefit First Lady Adrienne Cantrell’s project for 2013 Benefitting the specialized pediatric healthcare programs at Shriners Hospitals for Children®-Northern California Tickets are available in advance only, by sending your check to: ® Tehran Shriners, 5407 E. Olive Ave., Fresno, CA, 93721 Number of Tickets _______ @ $35 each Total enclosed $ ___________ Name ________________________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________ City ____________________________________State____________Zip __________ Phone: (_____)_______________________________ Tickets will be sent to you by return mail SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 10 History of the SCOTTISH Rite Jack V Farson, 33º Emperors and Knights in France Competition is the force that drives the world’s economies, and it also seems to have driven Scottish Masonry in France, which became part of jockeying for power within the Grand Lodge of France. The Council of the Knights of the East, Sovereign Prince Masons, was organized in 1756, and included in its government middle-class Masons who had been excluded in previous High Degree ventures. It is not known how many degrees the Knights worked, but they seem to have faded out around 1768–1779. Coming on the heels of the Knights of the East in 1758 was the Sovereign Council of Emperors of the East and of the West, Sublime Scottish Mother Lodge. The Emperors attracted the upper class and nobility and competed with the knights in the number of degrees they offered. (Just from a marketing point of view the newer group bested the older: “Emperors” are more powerful than “Knights,” and “East and West” is twice an extensive as only “East.”) The Invention of Stephen Morin In August 1761 Stephen Morin received a patent from the Grand Lodge of France “authorizing and empowering him to establish perfect and sublime Masonry in all parts of the world, etc., etc.” Morin was a wine merchant from Bordeaux and set up business in Santo Domingo in what is now the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean. Morin is little remembered for his wine business, but his Masonic activities have gained him lasting fame. It took Morin about 15 months to make it from France to Santo Domingo, arriving in January 1763, because his ship was captured by the English and he was taken to England. While we know that he arrived with a patent of authority over the High Degrees, we don’t know how many or which High Degrees he controlled! What we do know is that he met a Dutch merchant, Henry Andrew Francken, and made him a Deputy Inspector General sometime between 1763 and 1767. Francken in turn traveled to Albany, New York, and created there a Lodge of Perfection (4°–14°) in 1767. In addition to creating the Albany Lodge of Perfection, Francken at least four times copied all of his degrees into books: 1771, 1783, and two undated versions. The “Francken Manuscripts” contain the earliest English versions of 21 degrees from 4°, “Secret SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 11 Master,” to 25°, “The Royal Secret or Knights of St. Andrews—the faithful guardians of the Sacred Treasure,” a 25-degree system with the first three degrees conferred in Blue Lodges. This should establish conclusively that Morin worked a system of 25 degrees, right? Well, only if the degrees that Morin gave to Francken are the same ones that he received in France! There is growing evidence that Morin took whatever high degrees he had received in France and refashioned them into the Order of the Royal Secret, creating additional degrees as needed. The governing document, the “Constitutions of 1762,” has been discovered by Masonic scholar Alain Bernheim to be a slightly modified version of the constitution of the Grand Lodge of France. Morin apparently acted to create a new Masonic body with himself as the only “Grand Inspector.” (From the Internet: “About the Scottish Rite”) REGIONAL ORIENT MEMBERSHIP AMBASSADOR’S MESSAGE FEBRUARY 2013 Charity is the distinguishing grace of Freemasonry. Derived from the Latin “caritas”, the word may also be translated as “love.” Love and charity equally grace and distinguish Freemasonry. A Freemason’s charity is not limited by country or color, by distance or by religion. Instead a Freemason’s charity extends everywhere because it is central to his character as a member of our Masonic fraternity. In fact, the essence of Masonry is character. Masonry not only teaches the brotherhood of Masons, but also the brotherhood of men. Masonry is a broad system of ethics, teaching the science of humanity, based upon the recognition of these truths: we have a common origin, a common destiny and the Great Architect of the Universe is the Father and Creator of us all. Out of those relationships grows the Brotherhood of Man. Let us each endeavor to bring more men of good character into Masonry in 2013. Durward C. Ayre Durward C. Ayre 32° KCCH, MC Regional Orient Membership Ambassador for the Valleys of San Jose, Fresno and San Francisco in California SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 12 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER THE MASTER CRAFTSMAN WAY Salve Frater! FEBRUARY QUIZ. These four (4) easy questions are pertaining to SCOTTISH RITE HONORS Good Luck and have fun 1. When was the first Knight Commander of the Court of Honor created? a. 1801 b. 1857 c 1870 d. 1895 e. 1919 2. In the KCCH ceremony, how is the government of the Scottish Rite described a. A representative democracy b. An oligarchy c. Disperse democracy of the purest form d. A hierarchy e. A benevolent dictatorship 3. What does the blood-red KCCH cap symbolize? a. Purity of heart and uprightness of conduct b. Clearness of vision and swiftness of action c. Loyalty to brothers and justice for all d. Willingness to shed one’s blood for a just cause e. Nobility of soul 4. What is the final act of investiture of a KCCH? a. Placing the cap on the candidate b. Binding the belt of knighthood about the candidate c. Dubbing the candidate a Knight Commander d. Pinning the badge on the breast of the candidate e. Giving the candidate the plaudits of honor QUIZ ANSWERS: Pete Clark, 32°, KCCH 1-C, 2-D, 3-E, 4-B SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 13 Contributions to the Fresno Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic Donations Richard & Judi Hopper Allan Miller Legacy David & Louise Coleman John-John Spolsdoff Memorials Everett Bondesen Joe & Shirley Clements A.C. “Bud” Edgerly Vince & Gail Carter Gerald Sharer Helen Kovacevich Charles & Betty Royse Norma Inman Gordon Vaughan Wayne Towne Gaylene Allen Charles Mc Mullen Ruth Avakian Den & Onedra Bratcher Vince & Gail Carter Richard & Orine Paris Irma Widmeyer Alan & Dorothy Burnham Sandra Rowan C Ray & Joyce Whitaker Wayne Towne’s Life Membership Obligation fulfilled Congratulations to Gary Campbell, 32° KCCH: He is the first recipient of a Life Membership - or “one-half” Life Membership, given by our late brother Wayne Towne, 33°, to fulfill his obligation that was a condition of accepting this gift. He selected Adan Bautista, 32° to receive the Life Membership. In this case it was for a “one-half” Life Membership that was presented to Gary Campbell in 2003 by Brother Wayne. Brother Adan has been contacted and he was very happy and excited to have been selected. As you recall, The Obligation: “During your lifetime you obligate yourself to purchase a Lifetime Membership (or a “one-half” Life Membership) for a Worthy Brother. It is preferred that this Lifetime Membership be for a Worthy Brother 28 years of age or younger and that you also Obligate him as you have been obligated . The Wishes of Brother Towne, 33° is that this gift and its obligation continue in perpetuity.” (Note that it is not required that the brother you select be 28 years of age or younger) Wayne stated giving Life Memberships at Scottish Rite in 2002. That year he provided Life Memberships to 10 fifty year members. In 2003 he purchased 10 one-half Life Memberships. This is the year that brother Gary Campbell received his one-half Life Membership. Since 2003 Brother Wayne purchased 34 Life Memberships. Each recipient has accepted the Obligation above. Louis Jelinek, 33°, Secretary SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 14 Heart of the Valley Assembly February 2013 Newsletter Heart of the Valley Assembly kicked-off the New Year with fun and excitement. At its January 8th meeting, we had a Mystery Advisory Board Member (Mrs. Jones) and Etiquette Training afterwards in the dining room. Believe me, our Advisory Board Member, Mr. Regier, needed training! On January 9th, HOV Charity, Makayla, delivered 50 bedside craft kits to Children’s Hospital Central California to bring joy to children unable to leave their room for crafts due to their illness. On January 12, Heart of the Valley held initiation for 3 new members; Haleigh, Lexis and Analisa. What a wonderful initiation! Each and every officer said their memory work clearly and proficiently! It was one of the nicest initiations in a long time. We even had Mr. Redman give a wonderful lamb skin apron lecture! Good job, HOV! After initiation, we had a delicious lasagna lunch provided by the Advisory Board. We attended District 22 OES Official Visit of the Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron on January 19th at Las Palmas Masonic Center. Worthy Advisor Samantha Jones gave the Gavel Talk, Jobs Daughters performed their Robe Ceremony and DeMolay Master Councilor Christian Titman performed a traditional Indian Tribal Dance. After the Eastern Star Event, several of us traveled to Upland to attend California Rainbow’s Last Official Visit. Heart of the Valley Assembly cordially invites you and your family to attend its Installation of Officers on Saturday, February 2, 2013, 2 PM at the Clovis Masonic Center. If you haven’t been to a Heart of the Valley meeting in some time, please join us any 2nd or 4th Wed of the month at 7:00 pm. at the Clovis Masonic Center. We invite all members of our sponsoring bodies to come out and attend our meetings – We have a stellar group of young ladies who LOVE Rainbow and it shows!! Do you know of a girl between the ages of 8-20 that could benefit from the wonderful teachings of Rainbow and our Pledge group? Let us know! We would love to invite prospective members to our fun and fantastic events! Heart of the Valley Contact Information: Assistant Mother Advisor: Chandra Blasquez Chandra.blasquez@gmail. com 559-862-4152 Mother Advisor/Area Grand Deputy: Dana Regier 559-289-6536 jdjregier92@aol.com Masonic Liaison: Jim Redman dolphindad2012@yahoo.com 0101/559-779-6687 559-437- SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 15 Coming Events FEBRUARY 11 Mon Advisory Conference - 6:30 p. m. (Council Practice) 18 Mon Stated Meeting (Council Host) 6:00 p. m. Hors d’oeuvres 6:30 p. m. Dinner 19 Tues Clinic Board - 5:30 P. M. - Scottish Rite MARCH 9 Sat 11 Mon 18 Mon 19 Tues Shrine event Advisory Conference - 6:30 p. m. (Lodge Practice) Stated Meeting - Short Business only (Lodge Host) 6:00 p. m. Hors d’oeuvres 7:30 p. m. Remembrance and Renewal (Rose Croix) Clinic Board -5:30 p.m. - Scottish Rite APRIL 8 Mon 15 Mon 16 Tues Executive Committee -5:30 P. M. Advisory Conference - 6:30 p. m. (Consistory Practice) Stated Meeting (Consistory Host) 6:00 p. m. Hors d’oeuvres - 6:30 p. m. Dinner Presentation - Roeding School Clinic Board -5:30 p.m. - Scottish Rite MAY 4 Sat 11 Sat 13 Mon 18 Sat 20 Mon 21 Tues 27 Mon Spring Class: 4° thru 14° - Register 7:30 A. M. Spring Class: 15° thru 26° - Register 7:30 A. M. Advisory Conference - 6:30 p. m. (Council Practice) Spring Class: 27° thru 32° - Register 7:30 A. M. Stated Meeting (Council Host) 6:00 p. m. Hors d’oeuvres 6:30 p. m. Dinner Presentations CART School Ring, Rose and Cap Ceremony Clinic Board -5:30 p.m. - Scottish Rite Memorial Day Observed (Office Closed) MEMORIALS As one by one, the autumn leaves fade in the forest deep, So one by one, in each of you must come the touch of sleep; As one by one, the roses burst into the morning light, So one by one, your souls shall wake again beyond the night. Leland M Edman REQUEST TO THE FAMILY OF THE SCOTTISH RITE MEMBER WHOSE NAME APPEARS BELOW. PLEASE NOTIFY US (ADDRESS ABOVE LEFT) IF OUR MEMBER IS IN A HOSPITAL OR NURSING HOME, OR IS INCAPACITATED IN ANY WAY. THANK YOU. RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 1455 L STREET FRESNO, CA 93721-1290 Phone (559) 268-9631 FAX (559) 268-0261 LOUIS W. JELINEK, JR., 33°, Secretary Scottish Rite Center FRESNO SCOTTISH RITE PAID Permit No. 1775 Fresno, CA 93706 NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 16
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