January - Fresno Scottish Rite


January - Fresno Scottish Rite
Fresno Scottish Rite
Permit No. 1775
Fresno, CA 93706
Fresno Sco ttis h Rite
Volume 68
Number 1
January 2015
Happy New Year!
Dates to Remember
For 2015
Scottish Rite Center
1455 L Street
Fresno, CA 93721-1290
Louis W. Jelinek, Jr., 33˚,
Fresno Scottish Rite
Every Third Monday of the
Month - Stated Meeting
March 16 - Remembrance and
April 20 - Roeding School
Americanism Awards
May 18 - CART School
June, July & August Scottish Rite
Travels to Valley Lodges
June 20 - Fishing Derby at shaver
August 1 - Dinner Auction
October 19 - Feast of Tishri and
November Saturdays - Fall Class
November 16 - Ring Rose and Cap
December 6 - Installation of
Fresno Scottish Rite
Fresno Scottish Rite
Official publication of the Fresno Bodies Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Fresno Scottish Rite Bulletin
Published monthly at the Center, 1455 L Street, Fresno CA 93721
Phone (559) 268-9631 FAX (559) 268-0261 email: fresnosr@sbcglobal.net
WEB PAGE: http://www.fresnoscottishrite.com
Web Master: Karl Wenn, 32˚
Asst. Editor: Bernard R. Hollenbeck, 33˚
Editor: Juliet Vitz
Office Secretary
Assistant to the Personal Representative
Ross Simonet, 32˚ KCCH
Venerable Master
Fresno Lodge of Perfection
Richard E. Vitz, 32˚
Wise Master
Fresno Chapter of Rose Croix
Ronald P. Obernolte, 32˚
Fresno Council of Kadosh
H. Vincent Carter, 32˚ KCCH
Master of Kadosh
Fresno Consistory
David Coleman, 32˚ KCCH
James H. Clark, 33˚
Louis W. Jelinek Jr., 33˚
C. Ray Whitaker, 33˚
The deadline for submissions is the
third Monday of the month. Permission
is granted to Masonic Publications to
The Bodies of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite, sitting
in The Valley of Fresno, Orient
of California, acknowledge the
authority of and yield allegiance
to the Supreme Council (Mother
Council of the World) of the Inspectors General, Knights
Commander of The House of
the Temple of Solomon of the
Thirty-Third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry for the
Southern Jurisdiction of the
United States of America.
Coming Events
January 2015
1-2 Thurs—Fri
Office Closed
9 Friday
TCSRC—6:30 p.m. Apple Annie’s Tulare
12 Monday
Executive Committee 5:30 p.m.
Advisory Conference 6:30 p.m.
(Chapter Advances)
19 Monday
Stated Meeting (Chapter Hosts)
6:00 p.m. Hors d’ oeuvres
6:30 p.m. Dinner
21 Wednesday
Clinic Board 6:00 p.m. at Scottish Rite
26 Monday
Study Group 7:00 p.m. at Scottish Rite
9 Monday
Advisory Conference 6:30 (Council Practice)
16 Monday
Stated Meeting (Council Hosts)
6:00 p.m. Hors d’ oeuvres
6:30 p.m. Dinner
18 Wednesday
Clinic Board 6:00 p.m. at Scottish Rite
23 Monday
Study Group 7:00 p.m. at Scottish Rite
Ill. Frank Loui, 33˚
Sovereign Grand
Inspector General
in California
ILL. Ronald A. Seale, 33˚
Sovereign Grand Commander
Washington D.C.
ILL. Richard Paris, 33˚
Personal Representative
of the
SGIG Advisory Conference
9 Monday
Advisory Conference 6:30 p.m.
(Lodge Practice)
16 Monday
Stated Meeting 5:30 p.m. Short Business only
(Lodge Host) 6:00 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres 6:30 p.m.
Dinner 7:30 p.m. Remembrance and Renewal
(Rose Croix)
18 Wednesday
Clinic Board 5:30 p.m. at Scottish Rite
Fresno Scottish Rite
Fresno Scottish Rite
Contributions to the Fresno Scottish Rite
Childhood Language Disorder Clinic
Volunteer Hours
Robert Bailey
Vince Carter
Dale Hammel
David Kelley
John Tracy
James Wilson II
Hattie Mae Givens Trust
Yosemite Sierra
Oakhurst 49ers
Legacy Chapter 555 OES
David & Louise Coleman
Richard & Judi Hopper
In honor of Luke Ferguson
Jim Critchfield
Vince & Gail Carter
Frank Essex
Elmer C. Schott
Jeannette Fraley
Lee Powell
Sam Linares
Ken & Onedra Bratcher
Louise Meseke
Randy Aaronsan
Steve Knutsen
AR Transmission
Joseph Harley Phillips
Glen Barber
Ken & Onedra Bratcher
Jerry & Billie Tabor
Virginia Schott
Elmer C. Schott
Georgia Sheklian
Louis & Lisa Jelinek
C. Ray & Joyce Whitaker
Ted Tartaglia
Lee Powell
The classes will be held once a month on Monday
night beginning at 7:00 P.M. All Brothers are invited. Be
sure to bring your book “A Bridge to Light”. Our first
meeting will be on January 26th, 2015 at Fresno Scottish
Rite in the Lounge.
Pictured are the three pins
awarded for the completion of the Master Craftsman courses.
Brother John L. Tracy, 32°
This award is given to those members who have achieved
a total of 10 points by being either a top line signer or
second line signer on petitions for Degrees and affiliation.
Top line signers are awarded 2 points, and second line
signers are awarded 1 point on a petition.
This award is given to those members who have achieved
a total of 20 points on petitions for Degrees and affiliations.
This award is given to those members who have achieved
a total of 30 points on petitions for Degrees and affiliations.
Josephine Pira Fleming
Theresa Reynolds
The Golden Eagle Award is worn on the left side of your
Robert Fraley
Ken & Onedra Bratcher
For more information regarding the Golden Eagle Award
contact Brother Pete Clark, 32°KCCH
Page 3
Fresno Scottish Rite
From the Venerable Master,
Lodge of Perfection
Fresno Scottish Rite
Fresno Scottish Rite Menu
Monday, January 19, 2015
Congratulations to the 2014
Fresno Lodge of Perfection officers for
blazing the trail for a great new crew.
Welcome to all of the 2015 officers; may we have another great year. Thanks to the new brothers who have
accepted as office for the ensuing year.
I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. This Scottish
Rite year holds the promise of many great activities, as
Pot Roast
Red Potatoes
Green Beans
Cole Slaw
Appetizers at 6:00 pm Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Cost $12.00 per person
NOTE: Please confirm you wish to stay on, or be on, the Permanent Reservation list for all dinners by February 1st.
well as, ritual work and degrees for participation. We
need all the help we can gather to make all of our
events successful.
We only have two (2) months to go until pitchers and catchers report to the baseball diamond and
two weeks later Spring Training starts. Go Giants!
Anyone interested in a bus trip to San Francisco for a
ball game this year please contact me.
Ross Simonet, 32° KCCH
Venerable Master
Page 4
As one by one, the autumn leaves fade in the forest deep,
So one by one, in each of you must come the touch of sleep;
As one by one, the roses burst into the morning light,
So one by one, your souls shall wake again beyond the night.
Harry Orville Beck
Judge Brown
Donald P. Gillis
John Russell Madden
Bertis Hugh Mc Swain
Charles Eldon Slaughter
John Sam Vuich
Fresno Scottish Rite
Masonic Youth Groups around the Valley:
State Center DeMolay January 5, 2015 regular meeting 7:00 p.m.
and January 19, 2015 Meeting “Crazy Tie Night”, we will be collecting for Military Care Packages.
Enchilada Sales, place your order soon. Pick your Enchiladas up
on January 24th at 12p.m. at Fresno Lodge. The State Center DeMolay members are taking orders or you can contact Kelly Martin at
559 305-6529 or email kmartin@dinuba.k12.ca.us to place your order. Thank you for supporting our fundraiser.
Lemoore DeMolay Well we hope you all had a very Merry Christmas
and a HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!! Our schedule will be back to normal
and we will have our stated meeting the 2nd Wednesdays of January
and our fun meeting on the 4th Wednesday. We had such a great
time with the Lemoore Christmas Party and the Hanford Parade in
December it made the holidays for us. We have a lot to get busy on
and our Installation of new officers will be coming up in March, my
how time flies. Our next article will list all events we are participating in until our next Installation. So be ready to plan, plan, plan.
Fresno Bethel # 49 You are cordially invited to The Installation of
Officers of Bethel #49 Fresno, International Order of Job’s Daughters
on Saturday, January 3rd, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Fresno Masonic
Center 3444 E. Shields, Fresno. Honored Queen Elect: Haleigh Davis.
Lemoore Bethel Bethel #288 did a terrific job presenting the Closing
prayer at Welcome Lodge #255 Lemoore’s Installation in December.
You are cordially invited to the Installation of Officers of Bethel #288
Lemoore, International Order of Job’s Daughters on January 10th,
2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Lemoore Masonic Center, 647 W Bush
Street, Lemoore, CA.
Heart of the Valley Rainbow Assembly Starting January 1st, 2015 we
will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at the Las
Palmas Masonic Center. Meetings are Tuesdays, January 6, 2015
7:00 p.m. and January 20, 2015 7:00 p.m.. Saturday January 10,
2015– State Mother Advisor Reception 4:00 p.m. followed by Miss
Julia Holman, Grand Musician and Representative to New Jersey
and New York reception at 7:00 p.m.
Visalia Rainbow Assembly Stated meetings are the 2nd and 4th Mondays at the Visalia Masonic Center at 7:00p.m. These girls have been
all over the valley during the holiday season, they participated in
many service projects (including the Scottish Rite Children’s Party)
and many parades. Busy group of young ladies and advisors!
Page 12
Fresno Scottish Rite
From the Wise Master
Chapter of Rose Croix
Welcome 2015! Thanks to all of
the men who agreed to be the Chapter
of Rose Croix officers for the coming
year! Congratulations on your Installation! I am looking forward to a productive and rewarding year for all
of us at Fresno Scottish Rite.
Thanks to the members of the Clinic Board and
especially the Chairman of the Board, Brother Jim Wilson II, 32° KCCH, who did a wonderful job of organizing the Scottish Rite Children's Christmas Party this
year. Richard Haggerty was our Santa, with help from
the Job's Daughters Bethel #49, the Visalia Assembly
and Heart of the Valley Assembly of Rainbow Girls the
party was very well attended and a huge success.
The Chapter Rose Croix is mailing Get Well and
Encouragement cards to the brethren that are under
the weather or in the hospital. If you know of a brother
or a family member of a brother who is ill or needs encouragement, please contact me at revitz61@gmail.com
or 559 381-6431 or call the Scottish Rite office with the
information so we can let our Brethren know we are
thinking of them.
Richard Vitz, 32°
Wise Master
Page 5
Fresno Scottish Rite
From the Commander,
Fresno Council of Kadosh
I thought the Installation of the
2015 Officers was particularly inspiring
with Ill. Frank Loui, 33°, our Sovereign
Grand Inspector General, participating in
the ceremonies. I also thought it was interesting that three of the four Masters of the Lodges of
Scottish Rite that were installed for 2015 are Past Potentates
of Tehran Temple here in Fresno. It is always comforting to
work with Masons of proven leadership - we are going to
have a great year! A big “Thank you” to the team of volunteers who made the installation run smoothly and supplied
the refreshments after the installation. The day was perfect!
The December stated meeting was interesting as it
was my first time to sit in the East at the Fresno Scottish Rite
Building. The new sound system will take a little getting
used to with all the feedback and reverberation. I thought
all the new Masters had spent some time with their lines
before the meeting and gave an excellent presentation to the
With the alignment of several local Masonic Lodges still in the wind, a publishable list of actual Lodges is still
in the works. Once this list is finalized, I will be asking for
volunteers to accompany me as we visit each lodge in our
jurisdiction in an effort to encourage Masons to join our
Scottish Rite ranks. Feel free to tap me on the shoulder and
suggest a Lodge you would like to visit!
Come join your friends at the January Dinner and
State Meeting!
Ron Obernolte, 32°
Page 6
Fresno Scottish Rite
From the Chieftain
Knights of St. Andrew
Brethren, I am honored to introduce the Officers of
the Knights of St. Andrew for the year of 2015:
Chieftain – James L. Green, 32°
1 Vice Chieftain – Talon Waite, 32°
2ndVice Chieftain – Ricky Oliver, 32°
Scribe – Jack Westmoreland, 32°
Marshall of the Order - Mike Abu-Hamzy
I am excited to take the reins of this elite
group. The officers and I will do our best to modernize
the traditions and give them some structural depth.
Also, as this group is one of the public faces of the
Scottish Rite Bodies, we will be implementing Blue
Lodge and Masonic Youth Club visits to help raise
awareness. The Knights of St. Andrew will also be
launching a “Family Night Out” event to take place
every couple months. Our goal is to re-involve the
existing Members of the Scottish Rite and bring future
hopefuls in, to show them what we’re all about. We
look forward to this bringing a new wave of young and
dedicated masons to our ranks.
James L. Green, 32°
Knights of St. Andrew
Fresno Scottish Rite
Tom’s Talks
Michael is on a roll today. Mom will sell
him for a quarter or trade him for a soda. He has had one of
those days at school. It started sometime in the morning walking
out of the classroom, hitting a classmate at recess, refusing to
eat lunch and finally threatening to hit his teacher. His Mom
brought him to the Clinic tired and at her wits end. She did not
say it but, I know she felt relief that "he is yours for the next
Michael can be a loving, attentive, cooperative, and hard
working child. Michael has auditory comprehension problems
and often explodes when he does not understand what he is
asked to do. He is embarrassed by his failures. One of the problems with kids like Michael is they do not know what they missed
or how to fix the problem. When Michael arrived at school he
missed the teachers instruction about what was going to happen
and what he needed to do. They were going to have a spelling
test. Michael did nothing the teacher had communicated to the
class and she corrected him. He saw it as a slight, being picked
on, rejected and embarrassed by a teacher he adores; and a
teacher who also adores him.
When Michael has had a bad day our first approach is to
ask him to tell us what happened then rehearse how he could
have handled it differently. Children with auditory comprehension
and attention deficits often have had so many bad experiences
they cannot emotionally recover and do not have the skills to tell
us what happened. Michael simply felt disrespected by the tone
of the teacher’s voice when she tried to help and redirect him.
How often have we felt that way? The event blew out his whole
day, we practiced how he could have handled it differently.
Michael went smiling to the waiting room to go home with
Mom and blurted out, "Sorry Mom!”, gave her hug and said, “Lets
go." Moments later mom texted, "What happened ?" I texted
back, "Just listened to find out why he was mad and we practiced
a better way to have handled it."
It made me wonder, do we listen enough?
Tom Tatum
Fresno Clinic Director
Page 10
Fresno Scottish Rite
From the Master of Kadosh,
Fresno Consistory
Thank you for electing me Master of Kadosh of the Fresno Consistory.
I am honored to serve as one of the
four Masters of Fresno Scottish Rite, for
Congratulations to my line officers, elected and
appointed. I thank you for accepting your positions. I
look forward to working with all of you. Hope you will
all attend the Advisory Conference meeting on the second Monday of each month and the stated meetings on
the third Monday of each month; especially when we
are the host lodge. (April, July and December)
I will be working closely with Chairman Bernie
Hollenbeck, on Education and Americanism and also
on the Scholarships. These are great programs and the
Scottish Rite is proud with what we do with each of
I will again be chairman of the annual Dinner
Auction for the Children’s Language Center. We have
a new venue in 2015. The Dinner and Auction will be
held at the Sunnyside Country Club on Saturday, August 1, 2015. This is a beautiful place for our event.
Please mark your calendar. It is never too early to start
getting donations for the live and silent auctions down
to the Scottish Rite office. (New items only.)
Looking forward to a great 2015.
H. Vincent Carter, 32° KCCH
Master of Kadosh, Fresno Consistory
Page 7
Fresno Scottish Rite
Tom’s Talks
Michael is on a roll today. Mom will sell
him for a quarter or trade him for a soda. He has had one of
those days at school. It started sometime in the morning walking
out of the classroom, hitting a classmate at recess, refusing to
eat lunch and finally threatening to hit his teacher. His Mom
brought him to the Clinic tired and at her wits end. She did not
say it but, I know she felt relief that "he is yours for the next
Michael can be a loving, attentive, cooperative, and hard
working child. Michael has auditory comprehension problems
and often explodes when he does not understand what he is
asked to do. He is embarrassed by his failures. One of the problems with kids like Michael is they do not know what they missed
or how to fix the problem. When Michael arrived at school he
missed the teachers instruction about what was going to happen
and what he needed to do. They were going to have a spelling
test. Michael did nothing the teacher had communicated to the
class and she corrected him. He saw it as a slight, being picked
on, rejected and embarrassed by a teacher he adores; and a
teacher who also adores him.
When Michael has had a bad day our first approach is to
ask him to tell us what happened then rehearse how he could
have handled it differently. Children with auditory comprehension
and attention deficits often have had so many bad experiences
they cannot emotionally recover and do not have the skills to tell
us what happened. Michael simply felt disrespected by the tone
of the teacher’s voice when she tried to help and redirect him.
How often have we felt that way? The event blew out his whole
day, we practiced how he could have handled it differently.
Michael went smiling to the waiting room to go home with
Mom and blurted out, "Sorry Mom!”, gave her hug and said, “Lets
go." Moments later mom texted, "What happened ?" I texted
back, "Just listened to find out why he was mad and we practiced
a better way to have handled it."
It made me wonder, do we listen enough?
Tom Tatum
Fresno Clinic Director
Page 10
Fresno Scottish Rite
From the Master of Kadosh,
Fresno Consistory
Thank you for electing me Master of Kadosh of the Fresno Consistory.
I am honored to serve as one of the
four Masters of Fresno Scottish Rite, for
Congratulations to my line officers, elected and
appointed. I thank you for accepting your positions. I
look forward to working with all of you. Hope you will
all attend the Advisory Conference meeting on the second Monday of each month and the stated meetings on
the third Monday of each month; especially when we
are the host lodge. (April, July and December)
I will be working closely with Chairman Bernie
Hollenbeck, on Education and Americanism and also
on the Scholarships. These are great programs and the
Scottish Rite is proud with what we do with each of
I will again be chairman of the annual Dinner
Auction for the Children’s Language Center. We have
a new venue in 2015. The Dinner and Auction will be
held at the Sunnyside Country Club on Saturday, August 1, 2015. This is a beautiful place for our event.
Please mark your calendar. It is never too early to start
getting donations for the live and silent auctions down
to the Scottish Rite office. (New items only.)
Looking forward to a great 2015.
H. Vincent Carter, 32° KCCH
Master of Kadosh, Fresno Consistory
Page 7
Fresno Scottish Rite
From the Commander,
Fresno Council of Kadosh
I thought the Installation of the
2015 Officers was particularly inspiring
with Ill. Frank Loui, 33°, our Sovereign
Grand Inspector General, participating in
the ceremonies. I also thought it was interesting that three of the four Masters of the Lodges of
Scottish Rite that were installed for 2015 are Past Potentates
of Tehran Temple here in Fresno. It is always comforting to
work with Masons of proven leadership - we are going to
have a great year! A big “Thank you” to the team of volunteers who made the installation run smoothly and supplied
the refreshments after the installation. The day was perfect!
The December stated meeting was interesting as it
was my first time to sit in the East at the Fresno Scottish Rite
Building. The new sound system will take a little getting
used to with all the feedback and reverberation. I thought
all the new Masters had spent some time with their lines
before the meeting and gave an excellent presentation to the
With the alignment of several local Masonic Lodges still in the wind, a publishable list of actual Lodges is still
in the works. Once this list is finalized, I will be asking for
volunteers to accompany me as we visit each lodge in our
jurisdiction in an effort to encourage Masons to join our
Scottish Rite ranks. Feel free to tap me on the shoulder and
suggest a Lodge you would like to visit!
Come join your friends at the January Dinner and
State Meeting!
Ron Obernolte, 32°
Page 6
Fresno Scottish Rite
From the Chieftain
Knights of St. Andrew
Brethren, I am honored to introduce the Officers of
the Knights of St. Andrew for the year of 2015:
Chieftain – James L. Green, 32°
1 Vice Chieftain – Talon Waite, 32°
2ndVice Chieftain – Ricky Oliver, 32°
Scribe – Jack Westmoreland, 32°
Marshall of the Order - Mike Abu-Hamzy
I am excited to take the reins of this elite
group. The officers and I will do our best to modernize
the traditions and give them some structural depth.
Also, as this group is one of the public faces of the
Scottish Rite Bodies, we will be implementing Blue
Lodge and Masonic Youth Club visits to help raise
awareness. The Knights of St. Andrew will also be
launching a “Family Night Out” event to take place
every couple months. Our goal is to re-involve the
existing Members of the Scottish Rite and bring future
hopefuls in, to show them what we’re all about. We
look forward to this bringing a new wave of young and
dedicated masons to our ranks.
James L. Green, 32°
Knights of St. Andrew
Fresno Scottish Rite
Masonic Youth Groups around the Valley:
State Center DeMolay January 5, 2015 regular meeting 7:00 p.m.
and January 19, 2015 Meeting “Crazy Tie Night”, we will be collecting for Military Care Packages.
Enchilada Sales, place your order soon. Pick your Enchiladas up
on January 24th at 12p.m. at Fresno Lodge. The State Center DeMolay members are taking orders or you can contact Kelly Martin at
559 305-6529 or email kmartin@dinuba.k12.ca.us to place your order. Thank you for supporting our fundraiser.
Lemoore DeMolay Well we hope you all had a very Merry Christmas
and a HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!! Our schedule will be back to normal
and we will have our stated meeting the 2nd Wednesdays of January
and our fun meeting on the 4th Wednesday. We had such a great
time with the Lemoore Christmas Party and the Hanford Parade in
December it made the holidays for us. We have a lot to get busy on
and our Installation of new officers will be coming up in March, my
how time flies. Our next article will list all events we are participating in until our next Installation. So be ready to plan, plan, plan.
Fresno Bethel # 49 You are cordially invited to The Installation of
Officers of Bethel #49 Fresno, International Order of Job’s Daughters
on Saturday, January 3rd, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Fresno Masonic
Center 3444 E. Shields, Fresno. Honored Queen Elect: Haleigh Davis.
Lemoore Bethel Bethel #288 did a terrific job presenting the Closing
prayer at Welcome Lodge #255 Lemoore’s Installation in December.
You are cordially invited to the Installation of Officers of Bethel #288
Lemoore, International Order of Job’s Daughters on January 10th,
2015 at 2:00 p.m. at the Lemoore Masonic Center, 647 W Bush
Street, Lemoore, CA.
Heart of the Valley Rainbow Assembly Starting January 1st, 2015 we
will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at the Las
Palmas Masonic Center. Meetings are Tuesdays, January 6, 2015
7:00 p.m. and January 20, 2015 7:00 p.m.. Saturday January 10,
2015– State Mother Advisor Reception 4:00 p.m. followed by Miss
Julia Holman, Grand Musician and Representative to New Jersey
and New York reception at 7:00 p.m.
Visalia Rainbow Assembly Stated meetings are the 2nd and 4th Mondays at the Visalia Masonic Center at 7:00p.m. These girls have been
all over the valley during the holiday season, they participated in
many service projects (including the Scottish Rite Children’s Party)
and many parades. Busy group of young ladies and advisors!
Page 12
Fresno Scottish Rite
From the Wise Master
Chapter of Rose Croix
Welcome 2015! Thanks to all of
the men who agreed to be the Chapter
of Rose Croix officers for the coming
year! Congratulations on your Installation! I am looking forward to a productive and rewarding year for all
of us at Fresno Scottish Rite.
Thanks to the members of the Clinic Board and
especially the Chairman of the Board, Brother Jim Wilson II, 32° KCCH, who did a wonderful job of organizing the Scottish Rite Children's Christmas Party this
year. Richard Haggerty was our Santa, with help from
the Job's Daughters Bethel #49, the Visalia Assembly
and Heart of the Valley Assembly of Rainbow Girls the
party was very well attended and a huge success.
The Chapter Rose Croix is mailing Get Well and
Encouragement cards to the brethren that are under
the weather or in the hospital. If you know of a brother
or a family member of a brother who is ill or needs encouragement, please contact me at revitz61@gmail.com
or 559 381-6431 or call the Scottish Rite office with the
information so we can let our Brethren know we are
thinking of them.
Richard Vitz, 32°
Wise Master
Page 5
Fresno Scottish Rite
From the Venerable Master,
Lodge of Perfection
Fresno Scottish Rite
Fresno Scottish Rite Menu
Monday, January 19, 2015
Congratulations to the 2014
Fresno Lodge of Perfection officers for
blazing the trail for a great new crew.
Welcome to all of the 2015 officers; may we have another great year. Thanks to the new brothers who have
accepted as office for the ensuing year.
I hope that everyone had a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year. This Scottish
Rite year holds the promise of many great activities, as
Pot Roast
Red Potatoes
Green Beans
Cole Slaw
Appetizers at 6:00 pm Dinner at 6:30 p.m.
Cost $12.00 per person
NOTE: Please confirm you wish to stay on, or be on, the Permanent Reservation list for all dinners by February 1st.
well as, ritual work and degrees for participation. We
need all the help we can gather to make all of our
events successful.
We only have two (2) months to go until pitchers and catchers report to the baseball diamond and
two weeks later Spring Training starts. Go Giants!
Anyone interested in a bus trip to San Francisco for a
ball game this year please contact me.
Ross Simonet, 32° KCCH
Venerable Master
Page 4
As one by one, the autumn leaves fade in the forest deep,
So one by one, in each of you must come the touch of sleep;
As one by one, the roses burst into the morning light,
So one by one, your souls shall wake again beyond the night.
Harry Orville Beck
Judge Brown
Donald P. Gillis
John Russell Madden
Bertis Hugh Mc Swain
Charles Eldon Slaughter
John Sam Vuich
Fresno Scottish Rite
Fresno Scottish Rite
Contributions to the Fresno Scottish Rite
Childhood Language Disorder Clinic
Volunteer Hours
Robert Bailey
Vince Carter
Dale Hammel
David Kelley
John Tracy
James Wilson II
Hattie Mae Givens Trust
Yosemite Sierra
Oakhurst 49ers
Legacy Chapter 555 OES
David & Louise Coleman
Richard & Judi Hopper
In honor of Luke Ferguson
Jim Critchfield
Vince & Gail Carter
Frank Essex
Elmer C. Schott
Jeannette Fraley
Lee Powell
Sam Linares
Ken & Onedra Bratcher
Louise Meseke
Randy Aaronsan
Steve Knutsen
AR Transmission
Joseph Harley Phillips
Glen Barber
Ken & Onedra Bratcher
Jerry & Billie Tabor
Virginia Schott
Elmer C. Schott
Georgia Sheklian
Louis & Lisa Jelinek
C. Ray & Joyce Whitaker
Ted Tartaglia
Lee Powell
The classes will be held once a month on Monday
night beginning at 7:00 P.M. All Brothers are invited. Be
sure to bring your book “A Bridge to Light”. Our first
meeting will be on January 26th, 2015 at Fresno Scottish
Rite in the Lounge.
Pictured are the three pins
awarded for the completion of the Master Craftsman courses.
Brother John L. Tracy, 32°
This award is given to those members who have achieved
a total of 10 points by being either a top line signer or
second line signer on petitions for Degrees and affiliation.
Top line signers are awarded 2 points, and second line
signers are awarded 1 point on a petition.
This award is given to those members who have achieved
a total of 20 points on petitions for Degrees and affiliations.
This award is given to those members who have achieved
a total of 30 points on petitions for Degrees and affiliations.
Josephine Pira Fleming
Theresa Reynolds
The Golden Eagle Award is worn on the left side of your
Robert Fraley
Ken & Onedra Bratcher
For more information regarding the Golden Eagle Award
contact Brother Pete Clark, 32°KCCH
Page 3
Fresno Scottish Rite
Fresno Scottish Rite
Official publication of the Fresno Bodies Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Fresno Scottish Rite Bulletin
Published monthly at the Center, 1455 L Street, Fresno CA 93721
Phone (559) 268-9631 FAX (559) 268-0261 email: fresnosr@sbcglobal.net
WEB PAGE: http://www.fresnoscottishrite.com
Web Master: Karl Wenn, 32˚
Asst. Editor: Bernard R. Hollenbeck, 33˚
Editor: Juliet Vitz
Office Secretary
Assistant to the Personal Representative
Ross Simonet, 32˚ KCCH
Venerable Master
Fresno Lodge of Perfection
Richard E. Vitz, 32˚
Wise Master
Fresno Chapter of Rose Croix
Ronald P. Obernolte, 32˚
Fresno Council of Kadosh
H. Vincent Carter, 32˚ KCCH
Master of Kadosh
Fresno Consistory
David Coleman, 32˚ KCCH
James H. Clark, 33˚
Louis W. Jelinek Jr., 33˚
C. Ray Whitaker, 33˚
The deadline for submissions is the
third Monday of the month. Permission
is granted to Masonic Publications to
The Bodies of the Ancient and
Accepted Scottish Rite, sitting
in The Valley of Fresno, Orient
of California, acknowledge the
authority of and yield allegiance
to the Supreme Council (Mother
Council of the World) of the Inspectors General, Knights
Commander of The House of
the Temple of Solomon of the
Thirty-Third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish
Rite of Freemasonry for the
Southern Jurisdiction of the
United States of America.
Coming Events
January 2015
1-2 Thurs—Fri
Office Closed
9 Friday
TCSRC—6:30 p.m. Apple Annie’s Tulare
12 Monday
Executive Committee 5:30 p.m.
Advisory Conference 6:30 p.m.
(Chapter Advances)
19 Monday
Stated Meeting (Chapter Hosts)
6:00 p.m. Hors d’ oeuvres
6:30 p.m. Dinner
21 Wednesday
Clinic Board 6:00 p.m. at Scottish Rite
26 Monday
Study Group 7:00 p.m. at Scottish Rite
9 Monday
Advisory Conference 6:30 (Council Practice)
16 Monday
Stated Meeting (Council Hosts)
6:00 p.m. Hors d’ oeuvres
6:30 p.m. Dinner
18 Wednesday
Clinic Board 6:00 p.m. at Scottish Rite
23 Monday
Study Group 7:00 p.m. at Scottish Rite
Ill. Frank Loui, 33˚
Sovereign Grand
Inspector General
in California
ILL. Ronald A. Seale, 33˚
Sovereign Grand Commander
Washington D.C.
ILL. Richard Paris, 33˚
Personal Representative
of the
SGIG Advisory Conference
9 Monday
Advisory Conference 6:30 p.m.
(Lodge Practice)
16 Monday
Stated Meeting 5:30 p.m. Short Business only
(Lodge Host) 6:00 p.m. Hors d’oeuvres 6:30 p.m.
Dinner 7:30 p.m. Remembrance and Renewal
(Rose Croix)
18 Wednesday
Clinic Board 5:30 p.m. at Scottish Rite
Fresno Scottish Rite
Permit No. 1775
Fresno, CA 93706
Fresno Sco ttis h Rite
Volume 68
Number 1
January 2015
Happy New Year!
Dates to Remember
For 2015
Scottish Rite Center
1455 L Street
Fresno, CA 93721-1290
Louis W. Jelinek, Jr., 33˚,
Fresno Scottish Rite
Every Third Monday of the
Month - Stated Meeting
March 16 - Remembrance and
April 20 - Roeding School
Americanism Awards
May 18 - CART School
June, July & August Scottish Rite
Travels to Valley Lodges
June 20 - Fishing Derby at shaver
August 1 - Dinner Auction
October 19 - Feast of Tishri and
November Saturdays - Fall Class
November 16 - Ring Rose and Cap
December 6 - Installation of