January - Fresno Scottish Rite


January - Fresno Scottish Rite
Volume 63
Number 1
ish Rite
Official publication of the Fresno Bodies Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of
Free­masonry. Published monthly at the Center, 1455 L Street, Fresno, CA 93721.
(559) 268-9631 FAX (559) 268-0261
WEB SITE: http://www.fresnoscottishrite.com
E-Mail: fresnosr@sbcglobal.net
Editor: Office Staff Asst. Editor: Bernard R. Hollenbeck, 33°
The deadline for submissions is third
Monday of the month. Permission is
granted to Masonic Publications to
Curtis Jack, 32° KCCH
Venerable Master
Fresno Lodge of Perfection
Ben Davis Jr, 32°
Wise Master
Fresno Chapter Rose Croix
Ill. James L. Sperlich 33°
Fresno Council Kadosh
Mike Nella, 32° KCCH
Master of Kadosh
Fresno Consistory
David CoLEMAN, 32°
James H. Clark, 33°
All brethren whose names
appear in this bulletin are of
the 32° unless otherwise identified.
The Bodies of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite, sitting in the Valley of Fresno, Orient of California, acknowledge the
authority of and yield allegiance to the
Supreme Council (Mother Council of the
World) of the Inspectors General, Knights
Commander of the House of the Temple
of Solomon of the Thirty-Third Degree of
the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
of Freemasonry for the Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America.
Deputy of the Supreme
Sovereign Grand
Personal Representative
From the Venerable Master
I wish each of you and your families a
very joyous holiday season and a new year
filled with good health, love, and happiness.
As we give thanks for all of our blessings, let
us share some of our good fortune with others.
A call, a card, or a visit to a sick or grieving
brother or friend would be welcomed. And, as
we assist those less fortunate, let us remember
that we can certainly make a difference in the
life of a child who is struggling with language,
literacy, and learning challenges by sending a
donation to the Fresno Scottish Rite Childhood Language Disorders Clinic.
As we enter this new year with a new
corps of officers let us remember; “There is nothing wrong with change, if it
is in the right direction.” That being said, each of us—the officers, Personal
Rep, and every member of the Fresno Scottish Rite Bodies—has a personal
responsibility to assess whether the changes that are being made are in the
right direction. A direction that will lead our Valley to greater distinction,
larger membership, and create opportunities for our members to become
more active in the affairs of the Valley, while at the same time being mindful
of the hard work and extraordinary efforts of all those who came before us.
In the book “A Bridge to Light” we read that the future of Scottish Rite
Freemasonry rests in the hands of its members. It will be what we make of
it: an institution of moral leadership, educational advancement and philanthropic endeavors or merely a social club with empty titles and vain pretensions. To achieve the former requires the combined and concerted effort of a
great many of us and a renewed commitment to learn and the simple les-sons
of practical morality and our teachings, then live them, that our light may so
shine before men that they will continue to desire our fellowship and join in
our assemblies.
Thank you my Brothers for the distinct honor and privilege of serving as
Venerable Master of the Fresno Lodge of Perfection, together let us strive to
make this a most memorable year.
Good men; better men.
We seek no more; we offer no more.
It is enough.
~Albert Pike~
Curtis Jack, 32° KCCH
Venerable Master
From the Wise Master
I would like to thank everyone in showing
the confidence in electing and installing me as
Wise Master of the Chapter of Rose Croix. I
will try and live up to the honor that has been
bestowed upon me. I would also like to thank
the installing officers for the fine job that they
always do. I would also like to thank my officers
for accepting to serve with me.
I hope that everyone had a very Merry
Christmas and A joyous New Year. Along with
the New Year, comes New Year resolutions,
which most people break within a day or two. I
hope that everyone made a resolution to become
more active in Scottish Rite, if nothing more
than attending or helping out with some of the different support jobs for the different degrees or in the degrees themselves.
Come and JOIN in the FUN.
Ben Davis Jr, 32°
Wise Master
From The Commander, Council Kadosh
The Installation of the Scottish Rite Officers in Fresno for 2013 was very impressive.
The Installing Officers deserve an acknowledgement for a Job, “Well done”. Ill Louis
Jelinek 33° was eloquent and proper in the performance of his duties as Installing Officer. Ill
C. Ray Whitaker 33° as the Chaplain delivered
a solemn invocation, and Ill Bernie Hollenbeck
33° escorted all brethren in the correct and awe
inspiring sequence. The musical genius and
talented organist from Porterville, Venie Puntanilla, 32° provided unique musical rendition
appropriate for the special affair. Thank you, to
the State Center DeMolay boys for presenting
the flag of our country. A Thank you is also in
order to Ill. Allan Miller, 33° for preparing the buffet for lunch.
Many unique challenges will present themselves in the coming year. To
continue to thrive, we must continue to support increased membership in Masonry and the Scottish Rite, by pursuing prospective members, while we actively seek the retention of inactive members. The Oath of Office required by
the leaders of the four bodies of Scottish Rite confirmed their acceptance of the
many challenges ahead. With the assistance of all our members, we can meet
and successfully complete all the required tasks and obligations.
The next event for the Tulare Scottish Rite Club will be a board meeting
on Friday evening, 4 January 2013. We will gather at 6:30 pm at Apple Annie’s
located at 1165 Blackstone St. in Tulare, CA.
Very respectfully,
Ill James L. Sperlich 33°
President, TCSRC
Commander, Fresno Council of Kadosh
From The Master Of Kadosh
Greetings from the East as a new Scottish
Rite year begins;
The term Kadosh is derived from the Hebrew language meaning holy or consecrated.
“Kadosh” and “Knight Kadosh” is often abbreviated in Masonic documents as «K--H» and
“K.’K.’D.’H”. The lesson of this Degree is to be
true to ourselves, to stand for what is right and
just in our lives today,and to believe in God and
Country as well as ourselves.
As we begin the year of 2013, we find the
Myth of the number “13” being historically termed a number of bad luck. If we practice the
lesson learned from the degree of Kadosh, the
bad luck myth will never succeed in its plight.
In this year, I challenge each and every one of you to attend the monthly
Stated meetings as your presence is wanted and your support is needed!
Mike Nella, 32° KCCH, Master of Kadosh
Building a Scholarship Fundraiser
As a Scholarship Fundraiser we have Masonic Magnetic red
white & blue car remembrance ribbons and circles with Relief,
Truth and Brotherly Love and the Masonic emblem in the
center, available at the Scottish Rite Office for $5.00. Please
stop by and pick one up today.
Tulare County
Scottish Rite Club
Schedule of Events for year 2013
Day & Date
Time & Place
Board Meeting
Friday – January 4, 2013 6:30 pm Apple Annie’s - Tulare, Ca
1165 N Blackstone St, Tulare, CA
Spring Dinner
Saturday - February 16, 2013 5:00 pm Vineyard Restaurant - Lemoore
819 E Bush St, Lemoore, CA 93245
Board Meeting
Friday – April 19, 2013
6:30 pm Perko’s - Porterville 1025 W Henderson Ave. - Porterville
Summer Party
Sunday - June 23, 2013
(Miller will BBQ the meat)
Potluck: 5:00 pm Allan Miller’s Place
497 E. Sandra, Tulare, Ca
A - F - Salad Main dish
G - L - Appetizer & Drinks
M - R - Main dish S - Z - Dessert
Board Meeting
Friday - August 16, 2013 6:30 pm Ryan’s - Visalia, Ca
3103 S. Mooney Blvd., Visalia, Ca
Fall PartySunday – September 15, 2013 3:00 pm Olive Garden Restaurant
4110 S. Mooney Blvd., Visalia, Ca
Board Meeting
Friday - October 11, 20136:30 pm Apple Annie’s - Tulare, Ca
1165 N Blackstone St, Tulare, CA
InstallationSunday - November 24, 2013 2:00 pm Red Lobster Restaurant
1545 S. Mooney Bl., Visalia, Ca
Officers and Directors for the year 2013
James L. Sperlich, 33° (Joette)
Allan D. Miller, 33° Jeffery S. Lantz, 32°
President Lemoore 924-5138 jimnjo@lemoorenet.com
Vice President Tulare
Secretary/Treasurer Lindsay
688-0938 admiller37@sbcglobal.net
568-2953 mutt6vbz@ocsnet.net
Robert E. Myers, 32°, KCCH Director Tulare
Venie R. Puntanilla, 32° (Pat) Director Porterville 784-8183 mapuntanilla@yahoo.com
David E. Higdon, 32°, KCCH (Cheryl) D
irector Tulare
Andrew A. Miller, 32°
Director Visalia
684-8380 myersrem@att.net
308-6806 Dehigdon317@cs.co
739-7617 amiller504@gmail.com SCOTTISH RITE BULLETIN 7
Fresno Scottish Rite Menu
Monday, December 17, 2012
Dinner Menu
Spare Ribs
Scalloped Potatoes
Cole Slaw
Appetizers at 6:00 pm Dinner at 6:30 pm
Reservations Required
Secretary’s Corner
I have a few reminders this month,
1st Please remind anyone interested in Masonic Scholarships that deadlines
are quickly arriving as soon as February 1st to April 1st for next year’s scholarships.
Here are a few of the email addresses to check on:
Scottishrite.org , Oescal.org, Freemason.org. click on the scholarship
3rd If you have not already paid your 2013 dues they are due now!
4th Next month is our Sweethearts Dinner , please bring your sweetheart to
dinner. If you know any of the widows that might need a ride, please offer them a
ride and make their reservations
Juliet Vitz
Office Secretary
As we become Masons and study the degrees, aligning our values with actions and ethics becomes easier. The idea of organization is, in fact, connected
with the order that prevails overall. This characteristic is true of societies and also
found in nature: the more perfect the organization, the greater the harmony, the
more honorable in conduct, the more respectful of the rights of the members, the
more honest and dutiful in word and deed. It makes no difference how discordant
the elements of which a society is composed may be: if there is perfect organization, entire harmony exists therein. This concept is beautifully illustrated in
Masonry. Within our lodges may be found men of every shade of opinion. Yet,
notwithstanding those differences, tranquility and peace abound because our passions are ruled by reason. There is a reciprocity of brotherly kindness, uplifting
inspiration and devotion to the Order in the hearts of those who are true Masons
that time cannot obliterate, nor circumstances change. We share a true sense of
hope for our future in the knowledge that cooperatively we can prosper and grow.
Working together as Masons, we can bequeath to future generations the courage and strength to check those negative passions of strife, envy and hatred that
can crush all the ennobling qualities of men and replace them with feelings of
brotherly love and affection. Masonry is an institution founded by men, upon
those divine principles that underlie all that is truly noble and good in humanity.
Masonry’s object is to educate and develop men to the fullest extent in all those
faculties of human nature that tend to harmonize the human family. Masonry’s
teachings are pure and benevolent, designed to fill the soul of the initiate with
higher conceptions of those duties which every man owes to himself, to his fellow
men and to his God.
Cooperatively Craft Brothers, Scottish Rite Masons and Nobles of the Shrine
can prosper and grow by practicing the principles of faith, decency, harmony and
unity as well as by acting upon the teachings of brotherly love. From the time when
he first crosses the threshold of the Masonic temple, through all the forms and
ceremonies of the degrees and as long as he continues to worship at the Masonic
altar, a Master Mason is constantly reminded to practice brotherly love, relief and
truth as his duty. He is taught that the unity and harmony that pervades the universe should form conspicuous elements in the human character. How beautiful
and sublime when it falls upon our ears the exhortation to “Behold how good and
pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.”
There are many exceptionally worthy and well-qualified young men who
would benefit from the blessings and rich rewards of becoming a Mason. From
their ranks will come the future leaders of our great and ancient Fraternity. It is
incumbent upon us to reach out to them.
God Bless you all,
Durward C. Ayre
Durward C. Ayre 32° KCCH, MC
Regional Orient Membership Ambassador for the Valleys of San Jose, Fresno
and San Francisco in California
Freemason Symbols
Jack V. Farson, 33º
Masonic symbology has come down to us from the cuneiform scripts of the
ancient Sumerians, circa 3000 B.C.. as well as the ancient Mesopotamians and
Persians. Cuneiform writing was a series of pictographs (symbols) which were
drawn on clay tablets with a blunt reed (or stylus).
Masonic scholars, today, question the origin of the Point within the Circle,
whose parallel upright lines on both sides of the circle, closely resemble an Egyptian hieroglyphic (circa 1570–1342 B.C.). Is it one of the first Freemason symbols?
It is not known; however this information creates questions in scholarly circles.
Did Freemasonry begin long before King Solomon’s temple was built (circa
953 B.C.)? Did it begin with the operative stone mason guilds during the Middle
Ages? (between 500 A.D. and 1500 A.D.) Did it begin in Scotland near the time of
Robert the Bruce (1274 - 1329)?
These questions are a subject of much debate within the fraternity. Thousands
of research man-hours have been spent attempting to answer these questions,
mostly to little avail.
Very little information has surfaced from the books and hand-written manuscripts that survived these eras in history.
Even Freemason symbols are subject to somewhat different interpretations
across the many Masonic jurisdictions in the world.
Learning the Meanings of Freemason Symbols: Masonic symbology was
used in past centuries, not due as much to Masonic secrecy, (as many people believe), but due to the fact that most of the world’s population was illiterate.
During the Middle Ages (also known as the Dark Ages), and through subsequent centuries, most of the population, being working people, were illiterate or
had only a rudimentary (basic) ability to sign their names, make their “mark” to
signify their acceptance, or read simple words.
During the Middle Ages, many Lords (wealthy landowners) could read (and
some could not), but the Serfs (working class people), almost as a whole, had never
been taught to read.
This period in history is called the Dark Ages because of the loss of classical learning due to the many wars, bloodshed and unrest in which most of the old
hand-printed scrolls, papyrus paper, books and records were burned by the opposing forces...much like King Solomon’s temple was dismantled and carried off,
never to return.
Illiteracy did not make these Masons stupid or lesser operative Masons in the craft.
They were simply working people, taking care of their
families, who, by necessity, had to begin working at a very early age...usually
from dawn until dusk, 6 days a week and did not have the time nor the teachers to avail themselves of the ability to learn to read or of any higher education.
Read more: http://www.masonic-lodge-of-education.com/freemason-symbols.html#ixzz1701zk1LJ
Freemasons, in affixing dates to their official documents, should never
make use of the common calendar, or vulgar era, but have one peculiar to themselves, which, however, varies in the different rites, or branches.
As some of the Secretaries in our Chapters occupy the corresponding position in all the different Masonic Bodies, for their convenience, especially, we
have added this masonic Calendar, and subjoin the following rules for discovering these different dates.
1. To find the date of Ancient Free and Accepted Masonry, add 4000 to
the vulgar era - and is thus explained: Masons of the French, Germany, Ireland,
Scotland, England, and America, practicing the first three degrees, date from
“the creation of the world,” calling it “Anno Lucis” which abbreviated is A. L.
This they do, not because the believe Freemasonry to be coeval with the creation
of the world, but with a symbolic reference to the light of Masonry. The word
“free” in connection with Mason was first used in the tenth century, when the
Order was incorporated by the Roma Pontiff. Thus 2013 and 4000 are A. L.
6013. (A. L. Is the abbreviation of “Anno Lucis” or “In the Year of the Light”)
2. To find the date of Royal Arch Masonry, add 530 to the vulgar era which was 530 years before Christ. . Thus, 2013 and 530 are A. I. 2543. (A. I.
Is the abbreviation of “ Anno Inventionis” or “In the Year of the Discovery”)
3. To find the date of Royal and Select Masters, or Cryptic Masonry, add
1000 to the vulgar era. Thus, 2013 and 1000 are A. Dep. 3013. (A. Dep. Is the
abbreviation of “Anno Depostitonis” or “In the Year of the Deposit.”)
4. To find the date of Knight Templar Order, subtract 1118 from the vulgar
era. Thus, 1118 from 2013 is A. O. 895. (A. O. Is the abbreviation of “Anno
Ordinis”or “In the Year of the Order”.
5. To find the date of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, add 3760 to the
vulgar era. Thus 2013 and 3760 are A. M. 5773. After the 16th of September,
add one more year, and is thus explained: The Scottish begin from the date of
the creation, but Masons of that Rite us the Jewish chronology “Anno Mundi”
(A. M. Is the abbreviation of “Anno Mundi” or “In the Year of the World”. They
sometimes use the initials A. H. “Anno Hebraico,” signifying “In the Hebrew
Year.” They also use the Hebrew month, and the new year, therefore, begins on
the 17th of our September, which is the first of Tisri.
6. To find the date of the French Rite, add 4000 to the vulgar era. The 2013
and 4000 are A. L. 6013 and is thus explained: the French Rite begins on the first
of March, but instead of the months being called by their usual names they are
designated numerically, as first, second, third, etc. And instead of the initials A.
L., they use V. L., “Vraie Lumiere,: that is “Year of True Light.” Note also: The
York, or American, Rite of Ancient Free and Accepted Mason, or the Symbolic
branch, use the initials A. L. Or “Anno Lucis,” or “In the Year of Light”.
Thanks to Brother Gene Page, 32° for sharing this information.
I wonder how many Symbolic Lodges actually have a chamber of reflection. It should be a place the candidate goes to spend time reflecting
upon that which he recently learned about Freemasonry and how it relates
to his life now and in the future.
Perhaps the reason why there is no chamber of reflection is because
Craft Masonry and Scottish Rite Masonry are in a hurry! They are in
such a hurry to confer degrees and bring new blood into their fold that
they forget the importance of learning the mysteries of Freemasonry; and
then reflecting upon that which they learned. They forget that True Masons, by example of Hermes, are taught to love Knowledge and to teach
others to seek light of Knowledge.
Brother Ronald A. Seale, 33° Grand Commander of Scottish Rite
Freemasonry, put it this way in a recent message published in the Scottish
Rite Journal:
“My opinion on many things has changed over the years. I believe,
with the benefit of hindsight, this Supreme Council, though well intentioned, erred a number of years back in allowing a candidate to progress
to the Thirty-Second Degree after witnessing only five degrees. The
‘terminal degrees’, as they were called, are the five ‘most important.’
Give us a day and we’ll give you a title: Master of the Royal Secret. Can
you imagine how many Masons I meet who have no idea what the Royal
Secret might be (of which they are the supposed Master)?” *
Perhaps also those conferring the degrees are as much in the dark
regarding their hidden meanings as is the candidate! How many Craft
Lodges take the time to discuss, in open lodge meetings, the lessons conveyed in the three tracing boards? The same can also be said about Scottish Rite Masonry. How many of the portrayal and communication degrees are followed up with a meaningful class discussion?
Each of Masonry’s thirty-two degrees contains treasures still waiting
for our votaries to discover. Our great and noble institution needs to slow
down and re-focus on what really matters.
Brother John L. Tracy 32°
* Grand Commander’s Message in November/December 2012 Scottish Rite Journal
Curtis C. Jack, 32° KCCH..................................................................................Venerable Master
Pete Clark, 32° KCCH............................................................................................ Senior Warden
Michael Lewis, 32° KCCH .....................................................................................Junior Warden
Ross Simonet, 32° KCCH.......................................................................... Master of Ceremonies
Mike Hall, 32° KCCH......................................................................................................... Expert
Andrew Miller, 32°.............................................................................................. Assistant Expert
David Kelley, 32°..................................................................................................Standard Bearer
Joseph E. Perry,Jr. 32°.................................................................................. Captain of the Guard
James Wilson II, 32° KCCH.............................................................................................. Trustee
Theodore L. Marsella, 32°................................................................................................. Trustee
H. Vincent Carter, 32°........................................................................................................ Trustee
Ill. Richard A. Paris, 33°......................................................... Trustee, Scottish Rite Foundation
Ben Davis Jr., 32°.......................................................................................................Wise Master
Earnest J. Westmoreland, 32°................................................................................ Senior Warden
Richard Vitz, 32°.....................................................................................................Junior Warden
Vincent Villarta, 32°.................................................................................. Master of Ceremonies
Gaylan Hyson, 32°............................................................................................................... Expert
Alex Hodges, 32°................................................................................................. Assistant Expert
, 32°...................................................................................................Guardian of the Temple
Ill. James Sperlich, 33°............................................................................................... Commander
Gordon Keeton, 32°.................................................................................... 1st Lieut. Commander
Ronald Obernolte, 32° ..............................................................................2nd Lieut. Commander
Ill. Bernard Hollenbeck, 33° ................................................................... Marshal of Ceremonies
John Tracy, 32°............................................................................................................ Turcopolier
Richard Sherrod, 32°..................................................................................... Bearer of Beauseant
, 32°.................................................................................................. Lieutenant of the Guard
Michael Nella, 32° KCCH................................................................................. Master of Kadosh
James Wilson II, 32° KCCH.................................................................................................. Prior
Ronny R. Melara, 32°......................................................................................................Preceptor
H. Vincent Carter, 32°...................................................................................................Chancellor
Dale Hammel, 32°..............................................................................................................Primate
Larry Goeringer, 32°.................................................................................. Master of Ceremonies
James Green, 32°..................................................................................................Standard Bearer
Wade Woolsey, 32°.............................................................................................Master of Guards
David Coleman, 32°.............................................................................................................Orator
III James H. Clark, 33°.....................................................................................................Almoner
Marvin Wallace, 32° KCCH............................................................................Assistant Almoner
Ill. Jack V. Farson, 33° .....................................................................................Assistant Almoner
Ill. Louis W. Jelinek, 33°.................................................................................................Secretary
Ill. C. Ray Whitaker, 33° ................................................................................................Treasurer
Bill Neal, 32° ..........................................................................................................................Tiler
Venie Puntanilla, 32°....................................................................................................... Organist
Contributions to the Fresno Scottish Rite
Childhood Language Disorders Clinic
Hattie Givens Trust
Richard & Judi Hopper
Adele Avant
Mary Lynne Baker
Sean & Suzanne Ford
Michael & Myrna Lewis
Hiram Abif
Tom Lawson
Richard & Orine Paris
David & Louise Coleman
Geraldine Mason
Gordon Vaughan
Roger Miller
Louis & Lisa Jelinek
Gary Anderson
Vince & Gail Carter
Marlene Berglund
Louis & Lisa Jelinek
Frank Essex
Elmer C Schott
Jane A Higgins
Jerry & Billie Tabor
Nancy Enloe
James Sperlich
Vickie Page Hudgins
Bince & Gail Carter
Richard & Orine Paris
Willie Linebach
Theresa Reynolds
Robert Manfredo
Theresa Reynolds
Virgil Rasmussen
R.R. “Bud” Baird
Robert & Denise
Jerry & Billie Tabor
Phil Richardson
Douglas & Thelma Burton
Nanette Rigby
Joe & Shirley Clements
C Ray & Joyce Whitaker
Virginia Schott
Elmer C Schott
Gerald Sharer
Lois Ames
Jane Kinney
Douglas & Thelma Burton Ruth Avakian
Raymond Busick
Stanley Burton
James H Clark
Robert & Jeannette Fraley
Buss & Kathy Helm
Violet Howell
Louis & Lisa Jelinek
Maxine Mathews
Richard & Orine Paris
Thomas Sharer
Perry & Jennifer Smith
Gordon Vaughan
C Ray & Joyce Whitaker
Evelyn Wilson
Nancy Enloe
Robert & Peggy Ferrara
James & Ruth Sims
Judy L Souza
Vince & Gail Carter
Sherry Sphar
C Ray & Joyce Whitaker
Wayne Towne
Milton Torigian
Rod Meseke
Gwendolyn Vaughan
Mary Viancourt
Check out our Web Page!
http://www.fresnoscottishrite.com .
The Children’s Language Disorders Center Christmas
Party was a huge success. Over 35 children received a filled
stocking, a gift and a picture with Santa. Everything was
perfect from the stage decorations to the hot apple cider.
I would like to thank Kurt Docken for an excellent
event. His crew of volunteers include John Green, Dick
& Lynne Haggerty, Jackie Docken, Kay Docken, Jerry
Natalia, Juliet Vitz, Lou Jelinek, Joy Kelley & Courtney
I hope everyone enjoyed the event as much as I did.
David S. Kelley, 32°
Heart of the Valley
Heart of the Valley has moved through the Holiday Season with Service in
our hearts! Since the annual Toys for Tots distribution fell while our members
were still in school, we looked for many other ways to serve our community
this year.
We partnered with the Red Cross to distribute Christmas Cards to Valley
Veterans. putting together display boards and visiting the Legion of Valor Museum and the VA Hospital to distribute cards to veterans and thank them for
their service.
We also put together 50 bedside craft kits to bring joy to children at Valley
Children’s Hospital.
Heart of the Valley and Visalia Assembly Advisory Board Members assisted Home Instead in their annual “Be A Santa to a Senior” project by monitoring
drop off boxes at area Walgreens.
We were also pleased to participate in two Masonic Family Projects over
the holidays...serving at the Spaghetti Dinner to raise funds for the victims of
Hurricane Sandy and contributing 42 blankets to homeless veterans.
We bid a fond farewell to our Area Grand Deputy, Mrs. Tina Thomason,
who has retired from her official duties with Rainbow. We will miss you, Mrs.
Thomason, but look forward to seeing you on our sidelines in the future.
The members of Heart of the Valley Assembly love to dedicate their time to
serving the community and wish all of our Masonic Family a prosperous New Year!
Brenda Sullivan
Wherever you go, go with all your heart
Coming Events
14 Mon
21 Mon
22 Tues
New Year’s Day - (Office Closed Mon)
Executive Committee -5:30 P. M.
Advisory Conference - 6:30 p. m. (Chapter Practice)
Stated Meeting (Chapter Host)
6:00 p. m. Hors d’oeuvres 6:30 p. m. Dinner
Clinic Board -5:30 p.m. - Scottish Rite
11 Mon Advisory Conference - 6:30 p. m. (Council Practice)
18 Mon Stated Meeting (Council Host)
6:00 p. m. Hors d’oeuvres 6:30 p. m. Dinner
19 Tues Clinic Board - 5:30 P. M. - Scottish Rite
11 Mon
18 Mon
19 Tues
Shrine event
Advisory Conference - 6:30 p. m. (Lodge Practice)
Stated Meeting - Short Business only (Lodge Host)
6:00 p. m. Hors d’oeuvres
7:30 p. m. Remembrance and Renewal (Rose Croix)
Clinic Board -5:30 p.m. - Scottish Rite
15 Mon
16 Tues
Executive Committee -5:30 P. M.
Advisory Conference - 6:30 p. m. (Consistory Practice)
Stated Meeting (Consistory Host)
6:00 p. m. Hors d’oeuvres - 6:30 p. m. Dinner
Presentation - Roeding School
Clinic Board -5:30 p.m. - Scottish Rite
As one by one, the autumn leaves fade in the forest deep,
So one by one, in each of you must come the touch of sleep;
As one by one, the roses burst into the morning light,
So one by one, your souls shall wake again
beyond the night.
Benjamin F. Anderson Gordon Glenn Scott
Alvin Edgerly
Gerald Allan Sharer
Alvin Richard Goldberg Kenneth Herbert Smith
Roger A Miller
FRESNO, CA 93721-1290
Phone (559) 268-9631 FAX (559) 268-0261
LOUIS W. JELINEK, JR., 33°, Secretary
Scottish Rite Center
Permit No. 1775
Fresno, CA 93706