Activity Report 2013
Activity Report 2013
Activity Report 2013 1 CONTENTS 06 DEVELOPMENT AID AND HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES 11 Development aid 17 Humanitarian emergencies 18 SOCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH WORK AND SOCIAL LINKS 23 Social inclusion through work 30 Social links 32 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND BIODIVERSITY 37 Natural heritage and biodiversity 38 Education and awareness-building 42 TRANSVERSAL PROJECT 43 INDEX OF PROJECTS AND SPONSORS Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 2 3 Editorial PROFILE Antoine Frérot Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Veolia and Chairman of the Veolia Foundation CORPORATE “ENTHUSIASM AND SKILLS…” FOUNDATION serving OUTREACH and HUMAN DEVELOPMENT The Veolia Foundation ranks among France’s largest private foundations. Where it differs is that it harnesses the goodwill of its employees in two ways. Some of them sponsor community-oriented projects contributing to sustainable development that receive financial support from the Foundation. Others, through Veoliaforce, volunteer their skills on the ground in humanitarian emergencies and development programs. Development aid, employment and social links and environmental conservation are the Foundation’s three priority areas of action. Since its creation in 2004, the Foundation has supported more than 1,300 projects. The Foundation celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2013 – ten years of professionalism and commitment to facilitate access to basic services for all, promote local employment and work towards a more balanced society in the cities and regions in which it is active. Ten years of enthusiasm on the part of our Group’s employees, who unstintingly give their time and use their skills to help the victims of earthquakes and floods, combat exclusion and protect the environment. Ten years of partnership and working as a team to do what we don’t usually do, to go where it is not easy to go. Ten years that have contributed to the recognition of our Foundation and made it one of the most successful in France. Year after year, the Veolia Foundation has, with calm determination, pursued its action in favor of people, their communities and Veolia Foundation + WEB 2013 Activity Report nature. It forms a human chain at the service of all, acting concretely to restore hope and embodying the values of outreach, responsibility and innovation that drive our Group, while continuing to expand and amplify its action. Protecting people from natural disasters, promoting employment, protecting biodiversity: the initiatives supported by the Veolia Foundation always bring several aspects – social, economic and technical – into play. They foster the pride of our employees and the loyalty of our partners. They compose a virtuous circle that creates mutual engagement between members of our Group and establishes bonds between human beings. Veolia is changing and its foundation along with it, but the fundamental priorities remain the same: outreach, helping people back to work, environmental conservation and public health. The Foundation will continue to rely on a network of diverse and prestigious partners and on the skills of the Group’s employees acting in a voluntary capacity. It will remain a flexible and inventive structure, capable of responding effectively to the expectations of its stakeholders. Some of these expectations are predictable, as in the case of social inclusion through work; others are not and call for an immediate emergency response, as, for instance, after Cyclone Yolanda, which devastated the Philippines last November. In 2013, the Veolia Foundation’s mandate was renewed for another five years. It will continue, with enthusiasm, to play a major role in promoting outreach, building bridges to the world of work and defending nature. With its partners, it will continue to act to support human beings and respond to their needs. 4 5 Interview Thierry Vandevelde Executive Officer of the Veolia Foundation “OUR VOLUNTEERS BRING REAL ADDED VALUE.” The Veolia Foundation is 10 years old. What is your assessment of ten years of action in the field? Thierry Vandevelde: The Foundation has demonstrated the relevance of its model, by which I mean the strong involvement of Group employees who sponsor projects or give up their time to work on projects in the field. But the main conclusion I draw is that the Foundation has matured. Today, it is a leading player in development aid and emergency response. Another important factor is that it has become more international. Our sponsors and volunteers are based on every continent and this augments the force of our action. Take the typhoon that hit the Philippines in November last year – it was Veolia Water Vietnam employees who travelled there to support Unicef’s action. You began to refocus the Foundation around a smaller number of initiatives in 2013. What does this mean in practice? Our partners – the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the NGO Médecins du Monde, to mention only the most recent – expect us to deliver increasingly leading-edge expertise. When we can do it, we want to bring added value wherever our range of know-how can make the difference. Development aid is becoming the prism for selecting the projects we support, and we now give preference to projects where our volunteers and sponsors can bring real added value. For instance, in the field of water, we have over the years built or rehabilitated a large number of wells throughout the world. From now on we will be focusing on more complex infrastructure that demands the skills we possess. How are exchanges with your international outreach partners organized? T. V.: All our partnerships are highly operational. With the Red Cross, Unicef, UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency) and the Mérieux Foundation, the Veolia Foundation is breaking new ground. Our R&D expertise “ The Foundation has moved on from promoting sustainable development to tackle a wider issue, that of human development.” Thierry Vandevelde enables us to provide regular support for NGOs and participate actively in ambitious programs. I am thinking, for example, of our commitment alongside Médecins du Monde in Manila around WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) or the ecological restoration program for the degraded marine environment of Cap Sicié, off the coast of Toulon. We can now capitalize on the network of partnerships forged over the last few years. This capacity to harness energies and bring other organizations on board allows us to activate many levers. For instance, the Foundation is engaged in the Global Alliance Against Cholera (GAAC), which brings private and public players together to combat cholera and other waterborne diseases. In liaison with NGOs, government ministries, UN agencies and universities, the Veolia Foundation regularly sends experts into the field to carry out epidemiological studies or improve water supply systems. The renewal of the Foundation’s mandate means it can project its action up until 2018. What do you envisage for the next few years? T. V.: The Foundation has moved on from promoting sustainable development to tackle a wider issue, that of human development. Why? Because as Maria Nowak, pioneer of micro-credit in France, says: “We cannot envisage responding to environmental challenges without taking into account, first, human beings and their personal development.” Our field of action is therefore as relevant as it ever was, organized around three priorities – social inclusion through work and social links, environmental conservation and biodiversity, and humanitarian emergencies and development aid. It is no accident that our governance bodies now include recognized experts such as Françoise Gaill, director of the CNRS’s Ecology and Environment Institute, and Dr. Ibrahim Assane Mayaki, Executive Secretary of Nepad. T. V.: After ten years of work on the ground, we are moving into a new phase. Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 6 7 DEVELOPMENT AID AND HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES Médecins du Monde protecting informal recyclers in Manila Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 8 9 DEVELOPMENT AID AND HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES Médecins du Monde protecting informal recyclers in Manila In July 2012, Médecins du Monde, in association with the Veolia Foundation, launched a program to prevent and mitigate health, social and environmental risks for people making a living from recycling waste electrical and electronic equipment in Manila. Millions of high-tech objects from countries that have not signed the Basel Convention(1) end up in open-air dumps in the poorest countries on the planet. This is the case in the Philippines, which has no protective legislation and has become one of the “preferred” destinations for waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). Sorting this waste in the suburbs of Manila is the main source of income for informal recyclers. Rapid growth in the local market also contributes to this accumulation of electronic waste. These workers and their families – among them pregnant women and children – are personally exposed to toxic chemical substances and hazardous heavy metals such as mercury. This waste, until recently handled without any precautions, pollute the immediate environment and the area where these workers and their families live. 7,000 beneficiaries Grant in 2012: €50,000 Grant in 2013: €120,000 Corporate Philanthropy Environment Trophy In February 2013, this program was awarded a Corporate Philanthropy Trophy for environmental conservation and sustainable development (skills sponsorship category) by the French Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy. Protecting the health of informal recyclers The Médecins du Monde project, which spans four years, aims to reduce the health and environmental consequences of informal recycling of electronic and toxic waste for the recyclers and their community in the Manila metropolitan region. After a study phase concerning the health and environmental risks of this activity, the NGO put in place a number of actions, with the assistance of Veolia Foundation volunteers: raising awareness of risky behavior, donating suitable protective equipment and providing information about health precautions. Helping local authorities better manage hazardous waste In parallel, Médecins du Monde is keen to strengthen the autonomy and skills of these communities, a crucial step to ensure that they are recognized by local and government authorities. To this end, Médecins du Monde organizes specific working groups in each municipality and workshops with stakeholders, and implements strategies that include the communities’ initiatives: cooperatives, micro-finance, saving schemes, etc. “This project tackles a vital issue that is often neglected: recycling of hazardous solid waste in the developing countries. Veolia’s technical contribution is crucial if this innovative and highly relevant project is to gain sufficient momentum to have a real impact.” Françoise Weber Veolia project sponsor Sustainable healthcare Lastly, the program trains local health partners as a function of the needs identified by a precise study on workers’ health and environmental health issues. More than 35 days of skills-volunteering missions In 2012 and 2013, four volunteers from Triade (Veolia Group) and a permanent member of the Foundation’s staff made several visits to the site. Another mission is scheduled for 2014. (1) International treaty on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, which as of 1997 forbids export of waste by OECDmember countries to non-OECD countries. Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 11 DEVELOPMENT AID AND HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES Development aid DEVELOPMENT AID and HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES To live well, people first need safe drinking water, food and energy. They also need adequate hygiene and access to healthcare to safeguard their health. The projects supported by the Foundation, its sponsors and Veoliaforce volunteers are designed to satisfy these basic needs, especially for the most vulnerable communities. 21 projects 8 missions 860 days of intervention by Veoliaforce volunteers HARMONIE MÉKONG Vietnam Organization of household waste collection and cleaning beaches in three villages. Location: Cam Ranh peninsula Veolia sponsor: Aurélie Tran Ngoc Grant: €15,000 PROGRAMME SOLIDARITÉ EAU France Cooperation in the fields of water and sanitation. Location: Paris and Madagascar Veolia sponsor: David Poinard Grant: €20,000 AGENCE DE DÉVELOPPEMENT COMMUNAL Senegal Improving public lighting in Saint-Louis. Location: Saint-Louis Veolia sponsor: Guillaume Briffeuil Grant: €60,000 CJEAPVA* Kenya Supplying clean water for a primary school and boarding facility. * Committee for twinning, exchanges and friendship between people living in the town of Alyéna Location: Purko Veolia sponsor: Philippe Mignard Grant: €10,000 BORONU FRANCE BÉNIN Benin Building three classrooms for a primary school. EMERGENCY AID Expanding the water-supply network Mali The recent conflict in Mali led to a massive influx of refugees from the northern regions to the area around the capital, Bamako, where water supply had become a crucial problem. Faced with this emergency, the Ministry for Energy and Water asked the Veolia Foundation to install short-term solutions, including extension of the water supply system in Sikoro Farada. This district located in the north of the capital caters for a population estimated at 37,900 inhabitants, who until now have suffered from a chronic deficit in terms of clean water supply. Thanks to the Foundation’s support, the Mali nonprofit EDS* was able to dig a 90 m-deep well in just a few weeks, extend the network and install standpipes. * Energy, water and environment in the Sahel Location: Bamako district Veolia sponsor: Jean-Christian Pottier Grant: €160,000 Location: Bembéréké Veolia sponsor: Sylvie Petit Grant: €10,000 See all the 2013 projects at under Projects supported Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 12 13 DEVELOPMENT AID AND HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES Development aid LONDON SCHOOL OF HYGIENE AND TROPICAL MEDICINE Impact study concerning the combat against cholera project in Uvira DRC RÉSEAU MARP* Niger ASSIFIC Haiti Construction of two potable water supply networks fed by wells to provide water for several villages (7,000 people and their herds). Supplying energy for the Léonce Mégie school. * Network for development and promotion of active research and participative planning methods Location: Kargui Bangou and Dar es-Salaam Veolia sponsor: Habibou Doudou Grant: €46,000 LES TIMOUS Cameroon Works to connect a childcare center to the municipal water-supply network. Location: Yaoundé Veolia sponsor: Frédéric Lacaze-Eslous Grant: €10,000 SOLENA France Exceptional expenses for volunteers contributing their expertise on development projects supported by Veoliaforce. Location: Africa Veolia sponsor: Marc Debost Grant: €10,000 ONE DROP Burkina Faso Support for development programs providing access to water. Location: Burkina Faso Veolia sponsor: Dominique Héron Grant: €7,500 APEMC G GC* Burkina Faso Installation of a lighting system in a secondary school and dispensary. * Association of professionals and students in the construction materials, geotechnical and civil engineering section Location: Wolonkoto Veolia sponsor: Thierry Legube Grant: €13,000 COMBAT AGAINST CHOLERA Developing water-supply infrastructure DRC The Veolia Foundation has been supporting the Congolese Health Ministry in its strategy to combat cholera since 2007. Several field visits were made to plan action programs, notably in Uvira in Sud Kivu, one of eight cholera hotspots identified. Only 31% of the town’s 210,000 inhabitants have access to safe drinking water. Through its institutional support, the Foundation helped the Congolese government obtain an €8.5 million subsidy from the Agence Française de Développement and the European Union for a four-year program of works to improve production of potable water and the distribution network in Uvira. In 2013, the Foundation offered its support to the contracting authority Régideso to prepare for start-up of works in 2014. Location: Uvira Veolia sponsor: Franck Haaser Grant: €150,000 LES ENFANTS DU NDÉ Improving sanitation and cesspitemptying operations Cameroon Most of the existing sanitation infrastructure in Bangangté (septic tanks, latrines) are not emptied. When they are, the contents are discharged into surrounding waterways. The nonprofit will be helping the commune to set up a sludge management system by providing a hydro-cleansing truck to empty the cesspits and building an environmentally friendly reed-bed filtering system to transform human waste into natural fertilizer. Location: La Vallée de Jacmel Veolia sponsor: Yannick Sourget Grant: €16,000 TOUK MEAS – LA PIROGUE D’OR Cambodia Building a new drinking water-supply plant in an isolated village. Location: Banteay Meas Veolia sponsor: Marie-Françoise Malheu Grant: €20,000 EDS* Mali Building a water-supply system in a Bamako neighborhood. * Energy, water and environment in the Sahel Location: Bamako Veolia sponsor: Clément Petit Grant: €40,000 FONDATION MÉRIEUX Africa and Haiti Support for a diagnostic program to control transmission of waterborne pathogens. Location: Cameroon, Madagascar, Mali and Haiti Veolia sponsor: Philippe Lagrange Grant: €50,000 ICIC* France Support for organization of the fourth forum for international action by local authorities. * Institute for international cooperation by local authorities Location: Paris Veolia sponsor: Dominique Héron Grant: €15,000 The Foundation and its partners asked the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to assess the impact of the combat against cholera project conducted in Uvira. The study will span the three years over which the project will be in place. The goal: to demonstrate that improving access to safe drinking water helps reduce the number of cholera cases and diarrheal diseases by minimizing use of contaminated resources and encouraging families to adopt good hygiene practices. Another – socio-economic – impact that will be measured is the reduction of time spent collecting water, leaving women free to develop income-generating activities and children to attend school. This study is expected to provide scientific proof of the validity of the approach adopted by the Foundation and its partners to prevent the occurrence of cholera. Location: Uvira Veolia sponsor: Franck Haaser Grant: €100,000 RAPID CHOLERA DETECTION KIT Better-targeted prevention actions France The Veolia and Mérieux Foundations joined forces in the summer of 2012 around an innovative project: to develop and disseminate a kit for simple and rapid detection of the presence of Vibrio cholerae in drinking water and water resources intended for human consumption. This kit, currently in technical development phase and designed for use in any part of the world hit by cholera, will enable better targeting of the prevention actions required to protect populations exposed to the risk and sustainably eradicate cholera. Practical field trials to validate the kit will be conducted in Haiti in 2014. It will be made available for marketing at a low cost through a nonprofit structure to all the agencies involved in programs to combat cholera: governments and ministries of countries affected by cholera, NGOs, United Nations agencies and international outreach organizations. Location: France Veolia sponsor: Sandhya Bonnet Grant: €160,000 Location: Bangangté Veolia sponsor: Jean-Marc Loubet Grant: €50,000 Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 14 15 DEVELOPMENT AID AND HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES Development aid Skills-volunteering missions SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2013 JUNE 2013 INSTALLATION of a water chlorination system REINFORCING EXPERTISE for new installations Burkina Faso Sierra Leone JULY 2013 SUSTAINABLE SANITATION and energy supply Ethiopia In Ethiopia, where volunteers have been supporting UNHCR teams since 2011 under a partnership contract, a new mission was carried out in the Dolo Ado camps in the south of the country, which house almost 150,000 people, most of whom have fled neighboring Somalia. After studying the solutions to be envisaged to secure sustainable sanitation and energy supply in the five refugee camps, it was decided to improve electrical supply for potable water production and distribution, notably by using solar energy instead of diesel. In Free Town, where Action contre la Faim is conducting a program financed by English cooperation agencies to improve the quality of water in vulnerable districts in the capital hit by a cholera epidemic, Veoliaforce contributed its expertise to design and install an on-line chlorination system for the distribution network thanks to support from France. This assistance is combined with monitoring interventions in the field, which will continue in 2014. NOVEMBER 2013 TECHNICAL SUPPORT Aïcha – Saint-Louis Senegal The Aïcha project, backed by numerous partners including the GRET (Professionals for Fair Development), the Midi-Pyrénées Region, the Adour-Garonne Water Agency and SEDIF (Paris Region Water Authority), supports local authority water-supply and sanitation initiatives in the Saint-Louis region. A Veoliaforce mission in the Senegal River valley assessed operation of three potable water-supply plants in Bokhol, Diagambal and Diawara and proposed solutions for optimizing production capacity, upgrading work and operating improvements. The Foundation continues to provide technical support to the Narbonne conurbation in the framework of its cooperation program with the commune of Karanasso Vigué in the west of Burkina Faso and Adae, the nonprofit set up to develop potable water supplysystems in Bobo-Dioulasso. Its volunteers working in this region inspected the quality of works carried out on the water-supply systems in the villages of Kien and Dan, that will serve more than 10,000 inhabitants, to ensure that they met the required technical standards. They also provided advice and expertise to business organizations, the commune and employees of Adae. Their recommendations concerned the need to plan for development of the future installations and their maintenance. Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 16 17 DEVELOPMENT AID AND HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES Development aid Skills-volunteering missions Humanitarian emergencies JUNE AND DECEMBER 2013 NOVEMBER 2013 A PARTNERSHIP to rehabilitate the Sireti senior high school GUARANTEEING water supply after the cyclone Philippines Moldavia After carrying out a final mission to inspect the works, acceptance of the toilet blocks and inauguration of all the rehabilitation works on the Sireti senior high school were completed for the 750 students in time for the new school year. The village of Sireti, located in north-west Chisinau, has 6,000 inhabitants. The Veolia Foundation is financing part of this program in partnership with the international outreach nonprofit Moldavenir and the Orange foundation in Moldavia. FEBRUARY, MAY-JULY, OCTOBER-NOVEMBER 2013 MODEAB* potable water and sanitation Cameroon DECEMBER 2012 – FEBRUARY 2013 Supported by the Foundation since 2010, the Modeab project, which aims to improve access to water and sanitation for 150,000 people living in the rural part of the commune of Bangangté, is almost completed. Five out of the seven water networks are now operational. They each consist of a water tower, some ten standpipes and private connections. Thanks to the many missions carried out by volunteers in 2013, the technical studies for the remaining networks are now completed and the works will soon be launched. The water authority – whose role is to support, advise and supervise the water users’ committees set up in each village and the operators, which earn a fee based on the price of the water – is operational; the users’ committees are in place and have been trained and operators are now being recruited. The sanitation part of the project, which provides for construction of 15 ecological latrines, 5 in the markets and 10 in schools, has now been completed and a sustainable management system is in place. The proven success of the project encouraged the French Embassy and the Cameroon Ministry of Foreign Affairs to subsidize an extension to supply water to the villages of Bangoua and Bandiangseu. STEPPING UP the combat against cholera Last November, Cyclone Yolanda devastated the center of the Philippines archipelago, affecting 10 million inhabitants. Veoliaforce intervened alongside the NGO Solidarités International in the region of Tacloban, the first coastal city hit by the typhoon. Two mobile Aquaforce 500 units and a distribution system (flexible ramps and reservoirs) were installed on the site of the university, transformed into a reception center for 1,000 people who had lost their homes. Regular tanker deliveries supplied water to 3,000 people in neighboring districts and to the hospital. At the request of Unicef, the volunteers also carried out an assessment of the damage caused by the cyclone to water-supply networks and treatment units in 25 localities in the Tacloban region to prepare for the related rehabilitation work. Haiti At the request of the French Red Cross, several Veoliaforce volunteers traveled to Haiti at the end of 2012 to support the emergency response teams working in the Grande Anse department. They secured water supply and sanitation service in cholera treatment centers and participated in actions to build local people’s awareness of hygiene. Thanks to Veoliaforce, more than 20 centers in the south of the country were able to benefit from these actions. * Contracting authority in charge of sustainable water supply and sanitation in Bangangté Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 18 19 SOCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH WORK AND SOCIAL LINKS Adie the guarantee of a new start * Adie: Nonprofit promoting the right to economic initiative Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 20 21 SOCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH WORK AND SOCIAL LINKS Adie the guarantee of a new start Adie is a nonprofit that helps people excluded from the labor market and the conventional banking system to create their own company and job thanks to micro-credit. Set up in 1989 by Maria Nowak, Adie adapts the concept of microfinance common in poor countries to France. For 25 years, Adie has contributed to the creation of 94,000 small companies by granting more than 130,000 micro-credit loans. The Foundation joined forces with Adie in 2006 and committed to making an annual grant of €60,000 over six years to foster creation of small companies in underprivileged neighborhoods, focusing this assistance on tools and solutions to help micro-entrepreneurs. Supporting micro-entrepreneurs This support allowed Adie to open or adapt some 12 advisory centers in provincial cities and the Paris Region. They are genuine training centers that organize group and individual workshops before and after start-up of a company, covering administrative and legal formalities, sales initiatives, opening a bank account – all the different aspects of company management. Apart from this personalized advice, company creators can also meet other entrepreneurs, share useful information and, in some cases, set up interesting commercial synergies with them. The Foundation also helped the nonprofit set up Adie Connect, the micro-credit website aimed specifically at microentrepreneurs. They can submit a request for a loan and consult the practical data sheets free of charge, but it also gives In 25 years, the nonprofit has helped create 94,000 small companies Success rate for the companies created: 70% in 2 years Percentage of people supported moving into employment: 84% Grant 2006-2012: €375,000 them access to an online forum for exchanging ideas and sharing best practices, thanks in particular to the involvement of legal and financial experts. In parallel, the Foundation helped finance a study on simple DIY (handymen) for a socially inclusive micro-franchise program, an end-to-end service concept that will be developed on a larger scale. Putting micro-companies on a sustainable footing Over and above financing, the support given to company creators before, during and after they set up their company is a guarantee of its survival. Most of the beneficiaries were living under the poverty threshold when they came into contact with the nonprofit. These people have successfully escaped the welfare dependency trap: the success rate for companies created with Adie’s support stands at 70% over two years – a ratio similar to that of company creation in the mainstream sector. Special coaching CréaJeunes is a training program devised by Adie to respond to the determination of young people in difficult neighborhoods to set up their own company, despite their lack of experience and capital. Offered free of charge to young people aged between 18 and 32, the program consists of group modules focusing on increasing confidence and practical knowledge of the business world over a period of two to four months, followed by individual coaching to structure the project and networking actions. To start up their activity, the young entrepreneurs can obtain micro-credit and a personal loan, with repayment deferred for up to two years. This loan, launched thanks to a fund set up in October 2011, responds to the specific difficulties of these young company creators, who often have no capital to invest. One thousand young people have obtained such a loan since the program was set up. CRÉAJEUNES: The Foundation supports 100 young company creators Some 30% of the companies created with Adie’s support are headed by young people under 32, a group which the nonprofit decided to support further with its CréaJeunes program set up in 2007. Almost 5,000 young people have already benefitted: one-third of them created their own company and another third moved into salaried employment. Emboldened by its success, in 2013 the Foundation decided to help 100 young people from underprivileged neighborhoods create their own company over the next three years. Veolia employees are free to get involved, as sponsors or as members of the jury, once the young people supported have completed the program. “The findings of the 2013 impact study on Adie’s action show quite clearly how a person living in precarious circumstances and excluded from the labor market, without the level of training enjoyed by most company creators, is nonetheless capable of developing a viable economic activity as long as he/she receives the financial support and advice needed to succeed.” Catherine Barbaroux Chairwoman of Adie Grant 2013-2015: €150,000 Veolia sponsor: Éric Lesueur Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 23 SOCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH WORK AND SOCIAL LINKS Social inclusion through work SOCIAL INCLUSION through WORK and SOCIAL LINKS Work allows people to live independent and useful lives with dignity. Having a job gives meaning to people’s lives. The Foundation supports initiatives and bodies helping people who have dropped out of mainstream society to return to work. Organizations aided include nonprofit groups, subsidized employment schemes and projects that offer training and individual coaching or help enhance social links. Each of these projects is supported by a Group employee acting as sponsor. 35 projects in France 4 projects outside France R3* France Pooling the re-use of discarded objects activities of three neighborhood social associations. * Neighborhood social associations network for re-use of discarded objects Location: Bordeaux, Gironde Veolia sponsor: Sylvie Recrosio Grant: €20,000 MONTAUBAN SERVICES France Acquisition of a vehicle for a bulky waste removal service. Location: Montauban, Haute-Garonne Veolia sponsor: Jacques Poujade Grant: €15,000 SYNETHIC France Creation of an online “CV library” to help people on subsidized employment schemes find a job. See all the 2013 projects at under Projects supported Location: Midi-Pyrénées Veolia sponsor: Jean-François Rezeau Grant: €20,000 NTA* Integration and innovative technologies France NTA, a social-integration company specializing in paperto-digital transfer (digitization, indexation, electronic data management), geographic information systems (GIS) and vector graphics based in Le Puy-en-Velay, employs people with no access to the labor market and trains them to use innovative technologies. To support a greater number of people on subsidized employment schemes, it needed to invest in secure storage equipment for its premises (fire-proof cabinets, special locks and secure storage units) and acquire new vector graphics licenses and image processing software. The Foundation’s support will allow the structure to increase its workload and take on more people, plus train employees to use the new products and acquire new skills. *New technologies in Auvergne Location: Le Puy-en-Velay, Haute-Loire Veolia sponsor: Frédéric Figari Grant: €10,000 “NTA’s originality is that it has expertise in innovative technologies, unlike most subsidized employment enterprises that focus on sectors delivering lower-grade qualifications.” Frédéric Figari Veolia project sponsor Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 24 25 SOCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH WORK AND SOCIAL LINKS Social inclusion through work VEXIN INSERTION EMPLOI France Creation of a platform to let people find out about and access training in the eco-construction sector. Location: Cormeilles-en-Vexin, Val-d’Oise Veolia sponsor: Gérard Etcheverry Grant: €10,000 ASCISE France Buying equipment for a subsidized employment enterprise active in interior finishing work and thermal insulation. Location: Valence, Drôme Veolia sponsor: Hélèna Thrap-Olsen Grant: €10,000 AMPG* France Creation of a furniture renovation, sale and delivery workshop for people on very low incomes. * Moral support for the gypsy community Location: Aude Veolia sponsor: Charles-Henri Galmiche Grant: €10,000 OPTIM SERVICES France AGEHB* Paper recycling to get back to work France To help people unable to find work, the nonprofit set up a social-inclusion workshop, Solidarité Papier, which recovers, sorts and processes paper and cardboard, destroys old archives and produces animal litter. Some paper mills are looking for sources of one of the materials sorted by the nonprofit – white office paper printed with black ink – once it is transformed into strips, and are willing to pay a higher price for it. Solidarité Papier plans to acquire a paper shredder to optimize its supply of this type of recycled paper, secure its activity by generating additional revenue and create new subsidized jobs. The Foundation’s financial support is supplemented by assistance from Veolia Environmental Services on the sorting activity and promotion of the nonprofit’s work by local agencies to its customers. * Support and management for employment and accommodation in Brittany. Location: Quimper, Finistère Veolia sponsor: Gilles Regnard Grant: €15,000 INITIATIVES SOLIDAIRES A well-equipped wood and metal workshop France The nonprofit is opening a new subsidized employment workshop in Aubervilliers focusing on recycling objects and furniture. This fast-growing sector offers job opportunities for people on back-to-work schemes, while also responding locally to environmental and sustainable development challenges. A “wood and metal” workshop equipped by the Foundation and supervised by a skilled craftsman-trainer will produce limited-edition objects from recovered items (furniture, lamps, sculptures, etc.). Modernizing a socially inclusive garden. Location: Morbihan Veolia sponsor: Adrien Morel-Fatio Grant: €12,000 LES JARDINS DU GIROU France Developing the organic market-gardening activities of a back-to-work garden. Location: Gragnague, Haute-Garonne Veolia sponsor: Amador Esparza Grant: €10,000 RÉSINE* France Creation of a subsidized employment workshop providing digital and multimedia services. * Inclusive network for digital and eco-responsible initiatives. Location: Draguignan, Var Veolia sponsor: Gilles Rousseaux Grant: €10,000 HALAGE Ecological subsidized employment workshops France Halage is a nonprofit that organizes back-to-work activities in the Paris Region focusing on development and upkeep of green spaces using ecological methods and equipment. It employs some 30 permanent staff and 78 people on subsidized employment schemes, who are given an opportunity to undergo training leading to qualifications. To better respond to its clients’ requirements, Halage needed to acquire modern tools that would also allow it to prepare its employees for using the sophisticated equipment employed by businesses and local authorities. For instance, electrical tools generate less noise and do not disturb the insects that pollinate plants in these green spaces, make the gardener’s work easier and protect biodiversity (bees, birds, etc.). Thanks to the Foundation’s financial support, Halage was able to acquire the new equipment. Location: Épinay-sur-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis Veolia sponsor: Philippe Brion Grant: €15,000 “Changing methods and tooling on these two Halage worksites is also a way of promoting ecological methods for landscaping work in Seine-Saint-Denis. I will make efforts to recommend them and help them expand their activity in the region.” Philippe Brion Veolia project sponsor Location: Aubervilliers, Seine-Saint-Denis Veolia sponsor: Dominique Boizeau Grant: €20,000 Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 26 27 SOCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH WORK AND SOCIAL LINKS Social inclusion through work APPROCHE France CANNELLE ET PIMENT France Upgrading the premises of a recycling center managed by a subsidized employment nonprofit. Acquisition of a refrigerated vehicle for the catering activities of a women’s nonprofit. Location: Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, Val-de-Marne Veolia sponsor: Alain Legrain Grant: €10,000 Location: Vaulx-en-Velin, Rhône Veolia sponsor: Philippe Lagrange Grant: €10,000 PAPIERS DE L’ESPOIR France ACTA VISTA France Development of a training space for blind and partially-sighted people. Further work on restoration of the Fortin de la Cride by young people supported by a subsidized employment workshop. Location: Vertou, Loire-Atlantique Veolia sponsor: Philippe Praud Grant: €10,000 RESSOURCERIE DEUX MAINS France Developing the collection, storage and sales activities of a subsidized employment nonprofit. Location: Le Blanc-Mesnil, Seine-Saint-Denis Veolia sponsor: Thomas Lecoq Grant: €10,000 ATELIER D’ÉCO SOLIDAIRE Recycling to forge social bonds France The Bordeaux-based workshop focuses on reducing the volume of bulky waste through re-use and repair, raising public awareness of environmental conservation and promoting practices that make sparing use of resources. Its new project for a creative recycling center to collect, recycle and sell discarded furniture and other materials and build public awareness of waste recycling required investment to fit out the premises made available by the Bordeaux Urban Community. It also needed to purchase tools for carrying out its activity. The Foundation joined forces with the nonprofit to carry out this project alongside many other partners, including DIY chains. Location: Sanary-sur-Mer, Var Veolia sponsor: Paul-Émile Roblez Grant: €10,000 AWO KREISVERBAND FULDA STADT UND LAND E.V. Germany APIJ* Training local teams France APIJ employs and provides training in the building trades for people in difficult circumstances. For some years now, it has been focusing on eco-construction, thereby contributing to local development and also offering training with added value compared to the conventional building sector, since it takes in thermal insulation, use of renewable energies, wooden construction, green renovation of old buildings and building wood-frame or post & beam structures. These sectors are seeing sharp growth in the urban environment and the Creation of an ecological garden providing learning opportunities for young people in difficult circumstances. Location: Fulda, Hesse Veolia sponsor: Harald Nieves Grant: €10,000 Location: Bordeaux, Gironde Veolia sponsor: Jean-Christophe Poultier Grant: €15,000 “The supervisory structure is in place and has solid experience in re-using discarded objects and an active network of volunteers, notably in the underprivileged Grand Parc neighborhood. This neighborhood social project is part of a local sustainable development policy.” Jean-Christophe Poultier Veolia project sponsor Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report trend is set to continue for several decades. To respond to market needs, APIJ needed to train new teams and recruit more backto-work employees. With the support of the Foundation, it hopes to purchase a new vehicle with a rack and trailer assembly to transport the timberframe-raising machine and the special materials required. * Nonprofit promoting social inclusion through work for young people and adults in difficult circumstances Location: Seine-Saint-Denis and Paris Veolia sponsor: Éric Hestin Grant: €20,000 28 29 SOCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH WORK AND SOCIAL LINKS Social inclusion through work GREP INTÉRIM France FOYER AUBOIS Re-using discarded objects: green, ethical and inclusive Upgrading training facilities for a temporary subsidized employment enterprise supporting former prison inmates. Location: Lyon and Villefranche-sur-Saône, Rhône Veolia sponsor: Hervé Lesaux Grant: €6,000 SOLIDARITÉS NOUVELLES FACE AU CHÔMAGE France Acquisition of educational equipment for trainers working with jobseekers. Location: France Veolia sponsor: Philippe Lagrange Grant: €5,000 LOG’INS France Fitting out new premises for a sheltered workshop enterprise specializing in logistics. Location: Le Coudray-Montceaux, Essonne Veolia sponsor: Christian Dexemple Grant: €30,000 NATURSCHUTZBUND DEUTSCHLAND KREISVERBAND GIFHORN E.V. Germany Restoring the natural environment in a marshland by young people in social and professional inclusion schemes. Location: Gifhorn, Lower Saxony Veolia sponsor: Olaf Koschnitzki Grant: €10,000 France ARES* Improving the tools, strengthening the training plan France Since 2012 and with financial support from the Foundation, Ares has been expanding its subsidized employment programs so as to better respond to the growing need to help people excluded from mainstream society and implement innovative techniques to reach people with no access to the labor market. It is focusing primarily on two priorities. The first entails improving its system for tracking and optimizing the progress of its employees, with finalization and deployment of assessment tools for general and job-related skills, supplemented by migration to a new information system specifically designed for tracking the progress of the nonprofit’s beneficiaries. The second aims to structure an Ares employment and training expertise platform with the brief of strengthening Ares’s training plan and ensuring that it meshes with the “job-seeking” actions implemented throughout the scheme (preliminary upgrading modules, general know-how, pre-qualification training modules and training leading to qualifications, coaching for entrance exams for longer training courses, etc.). Lastly, Ares is increasing the number of “job-seeking” actions aimed at its back-to-work employees, the people responsible for assisting them and potential recruiters by organizing company visits and job encounters with professionals in different sectors. The goal: to let Ares’s employees find out about the many different professional environments and the wide range of jobs available in the main sectors of the economy. For over 50 years, the nonprofit has been tackling the causes of social exclusion leading to welfare dependency and supporting the men and women who choose to rebuild their lives. In its recycling workshop, opened in 2010, the nonprofit’s team recovers used objects (furniture, bicycles and other items) from four waste drop-off centers around the Troyes urban area, repairs them and sells them at low prices to people living in precarious circumstances. In this way, its activity is not only environmentally friendly but also has an ethical and socially inclusive component, plus an economic dimension that facilitates the social and professional integration of its employees on back-towork schemes. Today, the Foyer Aubois is keen to go further and organize almost-daily collections thanks to the vehicle financed by the Foundation. Location: Troyes urban area Veolia sponsor: Delphine Cousinie Grant: €10,000 EXTRAMUROS Change of scale France With the help of the Veolia Foundation, the work-integration enterprise Extramuros set up shop in premises near the Veolia Environmental Services waste transfer center in Gennevilliers. It designs and produces furniture and related objects produced from recovered materials using environmentally friendly processes, then sells them to local businesses. Extramuros has drafted a threeyear development plan aimed at tripling its turnover and the number of back-to-work employees (i.e. some 40 people plus 12 or so apprentices trained, looking to 2017), while promoting eco-responsible French craftsmanship (carpentry, cabinet-making, metalwork, sewing and upholstery). To achieve its goals, the enterprise needed to augment its production facilities. With the help of the Foundation, it will be moving to a larger site and fitting out a storage area for the materials it recovers. The existing carpentry-cabinet making workshop will be expanded and a new metal workshop installed and equipped. It may also bring back part of the sewing activity in-house. Location: Hauts-de-Seine Veolia sponsor: Pascal Peslerbe Grant: €20,000 * Nonprofit promoting economic and social inclusion Location: Paris Veolia sponsor: Didier Courboillet Grant: €30,000 Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 30 31 SOCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH WORK AND SOCIAL LINKS Social links CFA SAINT-JEAN VAL-D’OISE France Building a sports and recreation area for training center apprentices. Location: Saint-Gratien, Val-d’Oise Veolia sponsor: Éric Haza Grant: €10,000 AVENIR NOUVELLE MAISON DES CHÔMEURS France Upgrading the computer facilities of a nonprofit that supports people on very low incomes. Location: Toulouse, Haute-Garonne Veolia sponsor: Marie-Alcine Montaut Grant: €3,500 PACT DU PAS-DE-CALAIS France Thermal insulation of housing for 30 families in difficult circumstances. Location: Pas-de-Calais Veolia sponsor: Michel Talbot Grant: €10,000 LFM RADIO France Installing and running radio recording studios in junior secondary schools in Les Yvelines. Location: Mantes-la-Jolie, Yvelines Veolia sponsor: Fatima Diallo Grant: €7,000 SPORT SANS FRONTIÈRES “Play-learning” resources France Since 2012, Sport sans Frontières has been working on a kit based on an educational concept that entails using sports and play to get educational messages across and foster positive behavior in children. This kit, made up of sports equipment and “ready-to-go” sessions, will enable teachers to tackle themes such as nutrition and obesity, violence, relations between girls and boys, cooperation and environmental conservation in a different and more effective way. Tested with volunteer teachers in several primary schools in the Paris Region in areas targeted for priority educational action, the kit is ready for large-scale production and promotion to schools. To encourage deployment of the kit and help teachers get the project up and running, a “play-learning” resources platform and training sessions will be provided for teachers. The Veolia Foundation, which became a partner to the project in its test phase, is supporting production and dissemination of the kits. Location: Paris Region Veolia sponsor: Claire Billon-Galland Grant: €10,000 STATION FÜR TECHNIK, NATURWISSENSCHAFTEN, KUNST – WEIßWASSER E.V. Germany A venue where children and teenagers can discover the technologies of the future. Location: Weißwasser, Saxony Veolia sponsor: Sandra Tietz Grant: €10,000 CONCORDA LOGIS France Creation of an intergenerational database to bring together young people in need of housing and older people living alone. Location: Montpellier, Hérault Veolia sponsor: Xavier Héber-Suffrin Grant: €5,000 GÜSTROWER BILDUNGSHAUS E.V. Germany Building a Viking drakkar to help young unemployed people move into training or work. Location: Güstrow, MecklembourgWestern Pomerania Veolia sponsor: Susanne Schmaal Grant: €10,000 LA MARMITE France Developing outdoor spaces for the nonprofit’s new premises to improve reception for its beneficiaries. SPORT DANS LA VILLE A new center in Paris France Sport dans la Ville, set up in 1998, aims to foster social and professional inclusion for young people in underprivileged neighborhoods through its sports centers, training and subsidized employment programs. The nonprofit already has 22 such sites in the Rhône-Alpes and Paris regions, where 3,000 young people from aged 7 to 20 regularly practice a sport and participate in educational actions. Ten sports centers will be opened between now and 2016 to support around 2,000 young people in the Paris Region. To develop the actions of its different programs, it needs to create a reception and training space. The nonprofit decided to rent premises in Paris near the Gare du Nord railway station and fit it out, with the help of the Veolia Foundation. The idea is to facilitate access for young people from the surrounding area and other areas in the Paris Region which Sport dans la Ville will be focusing on in future. Location: Paris Veolia sponsor: Philippe Yvon Grant: €25,000 “Sport dans la Ville is an exemplary nonprofit organization and its action has won strong recognition in the Lyon and Grenoble regions. Veolia Water and Dalkia have been partners to the nonprofit for many years, helping with recruitment, mentoring the young people and taking part in the inter-company events organized by Sport dans la Ville.” Philippe Yvon Veolia project sponsor Location: Bondy, Seine-Saint-Denis Veolia sponsor: Varravadha Ong Grant: €10,000 Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 32 33 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND BIODIVERSITY Remora* revitalizing the natural milieu * Remora: Ecological restoration in marine environments using artificial reefs Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 34 35 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND BIODIVERSITY Remora revitalizing the natural milieu At Cap Sicié off the coast of Toulon, scientists will be installing an artificial reef to give new life to the marine environment, polluted for decades by non-treated wastewater from the Toulon conurbation before commissioning of the Amphitria wastewater treatment plant. The Amphitria treatment plant, designed, built and operated by Veolia Water since 1997, put an end to pollution from humangenerated waste thanks to effective physicalchemical treatment and biological filtration. The sandy bottom of the site has been cleaned up, but aquatic life has not recovered. Water plants have failed to re-establish themselves and there is nothing to attract the flora and fauna for which this marine environment was once noted. An innovative artificial reef Responding to a call from the RhôneMéditerranée-Corse Water Agency to revitalize the marine environment, a multidisciplinary group of experienced partners will be trialing an innovative artificial reef – Remora – in the summer of 2014 to encourage the return of aquatic flora and fauna to the site. It consists of light fiberglass and epoxy resin structures arranged in the shape of a hedge or in 3D geometric forms (igloo, spiky clusters, pyramids) and is designed to serve as a habitat and protective area for juvenile marine fauna. Its original, very fine structures will speed up fixation of micro-fauna, micro-flora and post-larval fish, providing nutrients for aquatic species and the seabed itself. Five years of analyses Two identical reefs will be installed some 15 meters deep: one near the outlet pipe discharging 60,000 cu. m./day of treated wastewater from the Amphitria plant, which is rich in organic matter providing nutrients for fauna; the other behind Cap Vieux away from the outlet current. The objective is to compare the impact of each reef on the return and development of fauna and flora. After observation of the initial state, two analysis campaigns will be carried out every year for five years, one in spring and the other at the end of summer, to examine the revitalization of the seabed, improvements in ecological diversity and the robustness of the structures to currents and storms. The end of summer is an important period since the water is warmer and fauna more abundant (fish, shellfish, mollusks), while the organic matter discharged from the station is at peak levels due to the presence of tourists and the dry weather. 2 x 360 sq. m. immersed reefs, each made up of 18 modules “This project represents a major innovation in reclaiming coastal milieux. It has an important research and development component since it opens up interesting perspectives. If the scientific results are positive, we will be capable of offering global technical solutions combing latestgeneration wastewater treatment plants and innovative reefs, which will halt human-generated pollution while also contributing to the restoration of degraded environments.” Emmanuel Plessis Veolia project sponsor of different shapes 2 annual analysis campaigns over 5 years Taking samples without harming the milieu To collect and measure the biomass fixed to the reef, extractable tubes are attached to the fine structures installed. Samples can then be taken without scraping the structure and damaging it. Grant: €200,000 A collaborative project Financed by the Rhône-Méditerranée-Corse Water Authority and the Veolia Foundation, the Remora project, managed by Toulon Var Technologie, an innovation-oriented nonprofit, brings together environmental and marine professionals under the wing of “Pôle Mer”: DSB (designer and manufacturer of artificial reefs), ERAMM (marine environment design office), IOPR (scientific agency specializing in ichthyology and expert on the area), and IX Survey (local marine works company). Veolia’s R&D arm will be responsible for scientific monitoring of the project and Veolia Water for operational coordination. Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 36 37 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND BIODIVERSITY Natural heritage and biodiversity ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION and BIODIVERSITY Living in harmony with nature, conserving resources and biodiversity, mitigating climate change – all these can help to keep our planet habitable. The Foundation encourages initiatives to build public awareness and teach eco-responsible behavior. It also backs ambitious projects to further our understanding of and restore natural environments. It contributes to their financing and helps raise their profile, with the attentive and enthusiastic support of a sponsor. COMITÉ FRANÇAIS DE L’UICN* France Continued support for compiling the “red list” of endangered species in France. * International Union for Conservation of Nature Location: Continental France and Overseas France Veolia sponsor: Michel Mori Grant: €20,000 CŒUR DE FORÊT Cameroon Developing added value for forest products, in particular Moabi hardwood. 11 projects in France 5 projects outside France Location: Lomgbon Veolia sponsor: Jean-Pascal Rigolleau Grant: €12,000 LPO* France Renovating hydraulic structures in the Moëze-Oléron nature reserve. * League for the protection of birds Location: Charente-Maritime Veolia sponsor: Patrice Alary Grant: €10,000 GERES* Improving management of forest resources Morocco GERES, set up in 1976, today has more than 200 employees working on innovative sustainable development projects in France and in 12 developing countries. In partnership with local communities and stakeholders, the nonprofit manages energy efficiency projects fostering economic development, together with renewable energy and waste recycling initiatives. In Morocco, where firewood is the main energy source for rural households, GERES, in partnership with the nonprofit Planète Bois, combats deforestation by designing and disseminating effective individual energy equipment (improved gas-fuelled bread ovens). In the protected areas of Bouhachem and Brikcha in the TangiersTétouan region, they are improving women’s lives by freeing them from the chore of collecting wood and supporting incomegenerating activities by revitalizing an existing cooperative activity for women based on processing and sale of farm products. * Renewable energy, environment and outreach group Location: Tangiers-Tétouan region Veolia sponsor: Alain Brighenti Grant: €15,000 See all the 2013 projects at under Projects supported Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 38 39 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND BIODIVERSITY Education and awareness-building PPV* “Ready-to-go” environmental mediation France DEUTSCHE UMWELTHILFE E.V. Germany Campaign to raise awareness of the need to protect the oceans. Location: Berlin Veolia sponsor: Lars Tennhardt Grant: €10,000 CPIE* LOGNE AND GRAND-LIEU France Setting up a “Biodiversity information point” in the Logne Valley. * Permanent center for environmental initiatives Location: Logne Valley, Loire-Atlantique Veolia sponsor: Aurélie Arquier Grant: €5,000 RÉSEAU ÉCOLE ET NATURE France Renovation of a national educational network concerning water. Location: Montpellier, Hérault Veolia sponsor: Dominique Héron Grant: €5,000 PPV, set up in 1997, offers Saint-Denis residents services that foster social links and professional integration for young people. The nonprofit has set up two “Information Service Mediation” points in the outlying neighborhoods of Pleyel and Sémard. These drop-in, information and orientation points offer mediation services with energy and water providers, dispense information about users’ rights (understanding bills, access to subsidies, advice on use, etc.) and raise residents’ awareness of the need to control consumption and adopt green practices. In this way, PPV wants to identify households in difficulty, help them access the appropriate services and offer them training in controlling their consumption. The Foundation has contributed to fitting out an educational model apartment to carry out demonstrations of green practices. * Partners for the city Location: Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis Veolia sponsor: Françoise Millour Grant: €15,000 CONSERVATOIRE D’ESPACES NATURELS DE LORRAINE Promoting the discovery and protection of biodiversity France For 30 years, the Lorraine Conservatory of Natural Spaces (CEN) has been working to conserve the rich biological heritage of sites and natural milieux in Lorraine for their scientific, cultural and landscape values. Its missions range from studying natural milieux and species to building public awareness and protecting the sites. With the support of the Foundation, the Conservatoire is developing a special pathway in the Montenach national nature reserve, a rich repository of regional biodiversity known chiefly for the diversity of its wild orchids. The goal is to allow the public to discover the rich resources of the site and build awareness of biodiversity conservation in general. Location: Montenach, Meurthe-et-Moselle Veolia sponsor: Cédric Bouzendorffer Grant: €12,000 “This sustainable and creative project benefits a very well-known site, a ‘hotspot’ of biodiversity in Lorraine, which in 2014 will host the congress of the French Federation of Natural Spaces.” Cédric Bouzendorffer Veolia project sponsor UNIS-CITÉ Encouraging eco-citizen practices France Unis-Cité, set up in 2001, offers young people from 18 to 25 the opportunity to do voluntary civic service to respond to social and environmental needs near where they live. In 2009, the nonprofit launched the Médiaterre program to raise awareness of ecological issues among people living in low-income neighborhoods. Young volunteers engaged in civic service help low-income families adopt eco-citizen practices as a way of changing their habits and making real savings. Almost 4,000 families have benefited since the program was launched. The Foundation supported the trial phase of the project and its rollout over the following years, primarily in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Paris and Centre-Est regions, with the assistance of the regional delegations (analysis of feedback, training the volunteers, relations with social housing agencies, organizing site visits for the families, etc.). In 2013-2014, the Foundation is helping to extend the program to more cities in the Lyon urban area and in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, while also supporting management and national coordination of the project. Location: Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Paris Region, Rhône-Alpes Veolia sponsor: Atika Doukkali Grant: €50,000 Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 40 41 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND BIODIVERSITY Education and awareness-building ENVIRONMENT BOOK PRIZE Alain Corbin, 2013 prizewinner France LIGUE DE L’ENSEIGNEMENT – FÉDÉRATION DE LA MOSELLE Teaching people about biodiversity Every year since 2006, the Foundation awards the Environment Book Prize to a work aimed at building public awareness of major environmental issues. This prize rewards already published works, all genres combined (essay, novel, comics, photography books). The jury, composed of journalists, students, well-known personalities and Veolia Environnement employees under the chairmanship of Denis Tillinac, awarded the 2013 prize to Alain Corbin for his book La Douceur de l’ombre (published by Fayard). Christophe Galfard won the special young people’s prize for volume 2 of his novel Le Prince des nuages, Le Matin des trois soleils (published by Pocket Jeunesse). The awards ceremony this year was again held in the Nancy Town Hall during the prestigious book fair held in the square. France CNRS* Senegal Equipment and supplies for the Sahel Man-Milieu Observatory. * French Scientific Research Center Location: Téssékéré Veolia sponsor: Thierry Vandevelde Grant: €50,000 ASAWA(RE)3* Sultanate of Oman Creation of a multi-partner ASAWA(RE)3 platform and printing a reference document. * Arid & Semi-arid Area Water Alliance for Resilience, Disaster Response and Ecological Restoration Location: Muscat Veolia sponsor: Jean-Michel Glasman Grant: €45,000 MUSÉUM NATIONAL D’HISTOIRE NATURELLE 2013 Nature Photo Prize France Heir to a prestigious artistic tradition, the Museum has a very rich photographic collection and has inspired many famous photographers, including Robert Doisneau. Since 2011, it has taken a renewed interest in photography and organizes a competition for professional photographers on the theme of biodiversity, in line with one of its many missions: educational and cultural action aimed at the widest possible audience. In 2013, professional photographers competed on the theme of “Man and Nature” to win a €10,000 bursary financed by the Foundation. This bursary allows the winner to complete his or her project, which is displayed in the Museum the next year. “Planète Grenouilles” (Frog Planet), the reportage produced by the 2012 winner Cyril Ruoso, was displayed in 2013. The 2013 winner is Steeve Luncker (VU Agency) for his “Villes Extrèmes” (Extreme Cities) project. Location: Paris Veolia sponsor: Laure Duquesne Grant: €10,000 “I am happy to contribute to this professional bursary supporting the work of a photographer. This project is very close to my professional interests and activities – I have been working as a picture researcher for over twelve years. I will be promoting this competition in the company but also outside it through my personal contacts.” The Education League’s Moselle Federation is keen to build an accommodation and training chalet, with the help of the Foundation, to improve living conditions for children in nature classes and adult rambling and nature discovery groups at “Les Jonquilles”, a center set up at the end of the 1950s in Xonrupt-Longemer, which welcomed approximately 5,000 children during the 2011-2012 season. The center enjoys an extraordinary natural setting in the Ballons des Vosges regional natural park, from where it runs operations aimed at preserving the environment and protecting biodiversity in the Vosges region and France in general. The new project will focus on biodiversity education in a space that allows people to discover and understand the natural environment in all its fragility and diversity. The children will be welcomed in premises accessible to people with reduced mobility and in complete harmony with the surrounding natural environment. Location: Paris, Nancy Veolia sponsor: Philippe Langenieux-Villard Grant: €60,000 Location: Xonrupt-Longemer, Vosges Veolia sponsor: Guillaume Arama Grant: €12,000 Laure Duquesne Veolia project sponsor Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 42 43 Transversal project VEOLIA PROJECTS AND SPONSORS DEVELOPMENT AID AND HUMANITARIAN EMERGENCIES 12 Combat against cholera DRC 23 Montauban Services France 6 12 Les Enfants du Ndé Cameroon 23 Synethic France 13 ASSIFIC Haiti 23 NTA France 13 Touk Meas – La pirogue d’or Cambodia 24 Vexin Insertion Emploi France Médecins du Monde Philippines Françoise Weber Development aid 11 Harmonie Mékong Vietnam Aurélie Tran Ngoc 11 Programme Solidarité Eau France David Poinard STUDENT SOLIDARITY AWARDS Encouraging student initiatives serving the community World The Student Solidarity Awards, created by the Foundation and the Campus Veolia Environnement, aims to encourage students in higher education to get involved in projects serving the general interest. It rewards innovative initiatives launched by student associations in France and elsewhere in one of the Foundation’s three fields of action. The winners receive financial support (a grant of €15,000 shared between the different projects) and technical back-up from Group employees, who volunteer their skills. Four projects were rewarded in 2013: La Cravate Solidaire, led by the student association of EDC (company managers and creators school), for its project to collect and distribute appropriate business clothing for jobseekers in the Paris Region; the humanitarian arm of INSA Toulouse for its “Idée Eau” (Water Idea) project that aims to build and install hand basins in very small health centers in Senegal; the nonprofit Inde-Espoir, supported by students from nine different schools and universities, for their project to build a boarding facility for girls from tribal populations in Krishnadevipeta in India; and the EDHEC association L’Ombre et la Plume, which helps prison inmates and former prisoners in the Lille conurbation find a place in the labor market. Location: France and international Veolia sponsor: Brigitte Durand Franck Haaser Jean-Marc Loubet Yannick Sourget Marie-Françoise Malheu 13 EDS Mali Clément Petit 11 Agence de développement communal Senegal 13 Fondation Mérieux Africa and Haiti 11 CJEAPVA Kenya 13 ICIC France 11 Boronu France Bénin Benin 13 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine DRC Guillaume Briffeuil Philippe Mignard Sylvie Petit 11 Emergency aid Mali Jean-Christian Pottier 12 Réseau Marp Niger Habibou Doudou Philippe Lagrange Dominique Héron Franck Haaser 13 Rapid cholera detection kit France Sandhya Bonnet 12 Solena France 18 Adie France Marc Debost Éric Lesueur 12 One Drop Burkina Faso Social inclusion through work 12 APEMC G GC Burkina Faso Frédéric Figari Gérard Etcheverry 24 ASCISE France Hélèna Thrap-Olsen 24 AMPG France 24 AGEHB France Gilles Regnard SOCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH WORK AND SOCIAL LINKS Dominique Héron Jean-François Rezeau Charles-Henri Galmiche 12 Les Timous Cameroon Frédéric Lacaze-Eslous Jacques Poujade 23 R3 France Sylvie Recrosio Thierry Legube 24 Initiatives solidaires France Dominique Boizeau 25 Optim Services France Adrien Morel-Fatio 25 Les Jardins du Girou France Amador Esparza 25 RÉSINE France Gilles Rousseaux 25 Halage France Philippe Brion 26 Approche France Alain Legrain 26 Papiers de l’Espoir France Philippe Praud Veolia Foundation 2013 Activity Report 44 26 Ressourcerie Deux Mains France 30 Avenir nouvelle maison des chômeurs France 26 Atelier d’Éco Solidaire France 30 Pact du Pas-de-Calais France 27 Cannelle et Piment France 30 LFM Radio France 27 Acta Vista France 30 Sport sans frontières France Thomas Lecoq Jean-Christophe Poultier Philippe Lagrange Paul-Émile Roblez 27 AWO Kreisverband Fulda Stadt und Land e.V. Germany Harald Nieves 27 APIJ France Éric Hestin 28 GREP Intérim France Hervé Lesaux 28 Solidarités nouvelles face au chômage France Philippe Lagrange 28 Log’ins France Christian Dexemple 28 Naturschutzbund Deutschland Kreisverband Gifhorn e.V. Germany Olaf Koschnitzki 28 ARES France Didier Courboillet 29 Foyer Aubois France Delphine Cousinie 29 Extramuros France Pascal Peslerbe Social links 30 CFA Saint-Jean Val-d’Oise France Éric Haza Marie-Alcine Montaut Michel Talbot Fatima Diallo Claire Billon-Galland 37 GERES Morocco Alain Brighenti Education and awareness-building 38 Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. Germany Lars Tennhardt 38 CPIE France Aurélie Arquier 38 Réseau école et nature France Dominique Héron 31 Station für Technik, Naturwissenschaften, Kunst – Weißwasser e.V. Germany 38 PPV France 31 Concorda Logis France 39 Conservatoire d’espaces naturels de Lorraine France Sandra Tietz Xavier Héber-Suffrin Françoise Millour Cédric Bouzendorffer 31 Güstrower Bildungshaus e.V. Germany 39 Unis-Cité France 31 La Marmite France 40 CNRS Senegal 31 Sport dans la Ville France 40 ASAWA(RE)3 Sultanate of Oman Susanne Schmaal Varravadha Ong Philippe Yvon ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION AND BIODIVERSITY 32 Remora France Emmanuel Plessis Natural heritage and biodiversity 37 Comité français de l’UICN France Michel Mori 37 Cœur de Forêt Cameroon Jean-Pascal Rigolleau 37 LPO France Patrice Alary Atika Doukkali Thierry Vandevelde Jean-Michel Glasman 40 Muséum national d’histoire naturelle France Laure Duquesne 41 Ligue de l’enseignement – Fédération de la Moselle France Guillaume Arama 41 Environment Book Prize France Philippe Langenieux-Villard Transversal project 42 Student Solidarity Awards World Brigitte Durand Corporate Foundation governed by Law no. 87-571 of 23 July 1987, amended Head office: 36-38, avenue Kléber – 75116 Paris Postal address: 52, rue Jean-Jacques-Rousseau – 92000 Nanterre E-mail: Chief editor: Dominique Boizeau Design, artwork and production: Photos: Veolia photo library, the Foundation’s sponsors, Veoliaforce volunteers, Associations, Astrid Heckmann and Lam Duc Hien / Médecins du Monde, Christophe Majani d’Inguimbert / A. Frérot / Moldavie, C.B. / Adie and Joseph Melin / Adie, Halage, Nathalie Kaïd / Atelier d’Éco Solidaire, Ares, Catherine Cabrol / Sport dans la Ville, DBS et Oceannica Prod / Remora, Unis-Cité, Cyril Ruoso / Muséum national d’histoire naturelle. Pages 33-34: iStock – Marco Maccarini / Getty Images. Front cover: Cultura Travel – Philip Lee Harvey / Getty Images. Printed by: Stipa. To meet environmental concerns, this document was produced by an Imprim’Vert* printing company using organic, plant-oil based inks on X-PER FSC* certified paper, guaranteed ECF, neutral PH, without heavy metals, made from fibers sourced from responsibly managed forests. 14 FONVAR 13 EN