Post-Exhibition Report
Post-Exhibition Report
LANGUAGE COUR S E S LANGUAGE TRAVEL EXCHANGE P R O G R AM M E S WORK ABROAD ONLI NE COURSES & APPS 50 Languages • 85 Seminars • 144 Exhibitors November 20 – 21, 2015 Post-Exhibition Report Organisers EXPOLINGUA Sponsor Media Partners #expolingua ABOUT EXPOLINGUA BERLIN 2015 EXPOLINGUA Berlin 2015, the 28th edition of the international fair for languages and cultures, took place from November 20 – 21, 2015, at Berlin’s Russisches Haus der Wissenschaft und Kultur. The event attracted 9,651 visitors, who took the opportunity to become acquainted with a variety of cultures and over fifty languages. One hundred and forty-four exhibitors from 27 countries showcased their products, programmes and services in the field of language learning and teaching. The exhibition was accompanied by a programme that allowed visitors to take their first steps towards learning a foreign language. It offered a wide range of mini language courses, workshops, and presentations covering topics such as language courses abroad, language tests, and international exchange programmes. Furthermore, this year’s new EXPOLounge offered a polyglot talk, conversation classes and a multilingual poetry slam. The Culture Corner accompanied presentations of information about cultural issues. The annual EXPOLINGUA Berlin event is the leading international exhibition for languages and cultures in Europe’s German-speaking region, encompassing all aspects of the language-learning market. VISITOR PROFILE EXPOLINGUA Berlin 2015 attracted a wide range of visitors of all ages and from a variety of different backgrounds. Placeof ofresidence residence Place Visitor gender Berlin Berlin 55.1 % 55.1 % Other Other federal states federal states in Germany in Germany 34.534.5 % % Outside Germany Outside 10.4 % Germany 10.4 % Female Male 68.3% 31.7 % Ages of visitors <16–19 20– 25 26.1% 16.7% 26– 30 13.8% 31– 40 15.4% 41– 50 11.9% > 50 16.1% 2 VISITOR PROFILE Specific interests Specific interests (Multiple answers possible) (Multiple answers possible) Language learning Jobs & internships Language learning software and apps software and apps 23.823.8 % % Jobs & internships abroad abroad 24.5 % 24.5 % Language tests tests Language 8.6% Online courses Online courses 11.4 % 11.4 % Language travel Language travel 34.9 % 8.6% 34.9 % Studies abroad 20.3 % Studies abroad 20.3 % Language courses 42.6 % Learning/ teaching material and dictionaries 29.0 % teaching Learning/ Language courses 42.6 % Intercultural training 20.7 % material and dictionaries 29.0 % Exchange, au pair, work & travel programmes, Translating and interpreting Intercultural training volunteer services Exchange, au pair, 8.5 % 20.7 % Translating and 20.7 %& travel programmes, work interpreting volunteer services 8.5 % 20.7 % Motivation for visit Professions of visitors (Multiple answers possible) General overview 47.2 % General interest in languages and cultures 78.5 % Business contacts 16.7 % Programme 19.1 % Information about new developments 16.3 % Secondary school students University students 21.3 % 22.4% Specific interest 11.7 % Trainees Retired 1.6% Teaching 2.8% Translators and professionals Professionals interpreters 7.9% 24.3% Foreign languages for profession 28.9 % Preparation for purchase/ booking 14.8 % 19.7% Language interest Language interest (Multiple answers possible) (Multiple answers possible) Turkish Turkish 9.3 %% 9.3 English English 64.164.1 % % German German as a foreign as a foreign languagelanguage 31.6 % 31.6 % Spanish 38.4 % Spanish 38.4 % French 32.8 % French 32.8 % Arabic Arabic 15.3% 15.3% Polish 4.8 % Polish 4.8 % Greek 2.3 % Greek 2.3 % Swedish 1.9 % Chinese 9.7% Chinese 9.7% Portuguese Russian Japanese 12.5% 7.6 % 21.1 % Russian Japanese 7.6 % 21.1 % Italian 15.9 % Portuguese 12.5% Other languages Italian 13.2 % 15.9 % Other languages 13.2 % Swedish 1.9 % (Statistics based on a multiple-response survey from EXPOLINGUA Berlin 2015) 3 EXHIBITORS 144 EXHIBITORS FROM 27 COUNTRIES Angola Argentina Brazil Canada China Colombia Costa Rica Denmark France Germany Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Republic of Korea Malta Poland Portugal Russia Slovakia Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey United Kingdom USA WHAT EXHIBITORS SAID We represent Education First at more than 140 exhibitions a year, and EXPOLINGUA Berlin is definitely the most interesting one. The attendees, students from the entire world, are carefully targeted, which makes it possible to hold high-quality discussions. EXPOLINGUA Berlin is a meeting place for people who are simply into languages and have a lot of fun looking around and searching for something. Kai Strippel EF Education First Markus Gron phase6 As a language and cultural institute, EXPOLINGUA Berlin is the best opportunity we have during the year to dialogue with our colleagues and the public - particularly with people who want to learn the languages we offer. Carla Amado Institut Camoes 4 EXHIBITORS A Accademia Leonardo Salerno Active Abroad Agencia Cordoba Turismo alugha GmbH Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren e.V. Assimil - Der Sprachverlag Au Pair Agentur Maria Theresia Audio Gil J S Duero Cursos de Español Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln Jourist Verlags GmbH Salon der Sprachen* Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus E ECM College Edukácia@Internet Edu-Seasons EF Education First El Camino del Español B Die Eine Welt e.V. / Eurodesk Baltic Bright Berliner Volkshochschulen Bolivianisches Kinderhilfswerk e.V. Botschaft der Republik Indonesien, Abteilung für Bildung und Kultur Botschaft der Republik Korea Botschaft der Republik Türkei Botschaft von Japan Botschaft von Portugal - Camões, I.P. Brandon Hill Language School Brasilianische Botschaft in Berlin BundesForum Kinder- und Jugendreisen e.V. Bundessprachenamt Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und Übersetzer e.V. (BDÜ) Landesverband Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. Bundesvereinigung der Polnischlehrkräfte Bundesverwaltungsamt - Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen C Carl Ed. Schünemann KG, Sprachzeitungen Castellon Tourist Board Centre CIEP-SORBONNE Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne Chez Nous Homestay Ltd. CLA - Université de Franche-Comté Collège Saint-Charles-Garnier CollegeCouncil gGmbH Costa Blanca Cours de Civilisation Française de la Sorbonne (Fondation Robert de Sorbon) D Deutsche Ido-Gesellschaft Deutsche Nachschule Tingleff, Internatsschule Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V. / Freiwilligendienst kulturweit Deutscher Esperanto-Bund e.V. Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk (DFJW) Deutsch-Russische Festtage Embassy of Angola Enforex / Don Quijote Spanish in Spain & Latin America Escuela de Idiomas de Castilla y León Esperanto-Haus Michendorf e.V. EsperantoLand e.V. Europäische Kommission Generaldirektion Übersetzung Außenstelle Berlin Europro Language Sprachreisen Eurostudies EXBERLINER Experiment e.V. Explore Taiwan Educational Excursions F Fachverband Deutscher SprachreiseVeranstalter e.V. FEDELE FMKS – Verein für frühe Mehrsprachigkeit an Kitas und Schulen* K Kanadaplus Student Services Inc. Kazan Federal University Klingbjerg Verlag Kolleg für polnische Sprache und Kultur Korea Foundation SDL plc Service Civil International e.V. Sociedade Teuto-Brasileira Spanisch lernen in Valladolid, Spanien Spanish Institute Spotlight Verlag GmbH Sprachinstitut Slavicum Sprachschule Carlos V. L Schul- und Studienberatung Hauser L‘italiano Espresso Online La Casa del Español LAL Sprachreisen GmbH Landesspracheninstitut in der RuhrUniversität Bochum (LSI) Lingoda GmbH Linguaffin Linguland Sprachreisen und Vivaworks Hilfsprojekte Linguland Sprachreisen Los Angeles Performing Arts Conservatory M Magazin ParisBerlin Mediterranean Spanish Language Center meinSchulprojekt by LinguaProjects Mid-West Ireland Languages Multilingual* My Second Home Sprachschule Dilmer Staatliche Pädagogische Universität Tula, Russland Stafford House International Stiftung für das sorbische Volk STROKES International Studio Gaus GmbH T TALISA Kinderbuch-Verlag Tandem TELC - gGmbH. Language Tests Die Europäischen Sprachenzertifikate The Language Center touch for light Translex, Folkuniversitetet U Uniono por la linguo internaciona Ido Friedrich-Maerker-Verlag N Universidad de Costa Rica G National Institute Of Tourism Promotion Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes Ghalayini - Sprachvermittlung O Global College Malta OMNILINGUA CENTRO LINGUISTICO E CULTURALE Orange Language School Oribi Università per Stranieri di Siena (University for Foreigners of Siena) Gebärdenfabrik GLS Sprachenzentrum H HelloTalk Helmut Buske Verlag GmbH I ICCA Sprach Institut ICI Instituto Cultural IDIOMA ICJA Freiwilligenaustausch weltweit e.V. Ido-Freunde Berlin Institut Français Berlin* Instituto Cervantes Berlin Iudicium Verlag GmbH P Pathfinder phase-6 GmbH Polka Dot. Sprachschule für Polnisch in Berlin Portuguese Now Universitat de València Universitat Jaume I Castelló University of Alberta English Language School University of Alicante University of California, San Diego V VCAT Consulting GmbH Verlag Dilmer R Y Reichardt Deutschland Russia Beyond the Headlines Russisches Haus der Wissenschaft und Kultur in Berlin Yunus Emre Enstitüsü - Türkisches Kulturzentrum Berlin *Brochure rack 5 FOCUS: FESTIVAL OF LANGUAGES Many visitors were particularly interested in the practical aspects of language learning. The most popular topics in the packed programme of 85 presentations were not only the mini language courses like Arabic, Korean and Spanish, but also seminars focusing on working abroad and/or cultural exchange, for example Internships and Volunteering Worldwide and Various Ways to go Abroad. Another popular topic was German as a foreign language, and the panel discussion that dealt with the subject of Integration through Language: Refugees and Acquisition of German received a lot of attention at this year’s exhibition. The exhibition and accompanying seminars enabled participants to find the best fitting language-learning method to suit their individual needs. The EXPOLINGUA language ambassador, Fábio Nogueira, revealed his personal tip during a polyglots panel discussion: "I do not learn in a hurry; and I learn through a mix of different methods.” EXPOLINGUA Berlin is a fascinating exhibition. There are a lot of interesting people who make visitors feel welcome, are friendly and outgoing, and are really nice. I’m having a lot of fun! Patrick, 46, Businessman EXPOLINGUA Berlin is like having the whole world in a small building in the middle of Germany. Anja, 25, Student of Linguistics and German as a Foreign Language All language fans will find something to interest them at EXPOLINGUA Berlin. Gabriele, 65, retiree 6 PROGRAMME The programme is an integral part of EXPOLINGUA Berlin. Exhibitors are invited to contribute free of charge to the two-day programme, providing them with an additional opportunity to showcase their products and services and make contact with their target group. This year’s programme again attracted a great deal of interest. Experts provided information about subjects such as stays abroad, modern language-learning technology and learning techniques. The mini language courses were even more popular than at the previous year’s event and provided attendees with the opportunity to try Arabic, Chinese, Esperanto, Hebrew, Indonesian, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish and a multitude of other languages. Additionally, there were presentations about translation and interpreting, studying and learning languages abroad, work experience in foreign countries, as well as seminars with a focus on methodology such as Conversational German, impro theatre and Easy Languages: Learning Languages from the Streets. Visitors also enjoyed the international Streetfood Market, Culture Corner and EXPOLounge. Highlights included a salsa workshop, calligraphy, Henna art, kung fu, tai chi, a Chinese dance performance, and the multilingual Poetry Slam. INDIALOG “Community Interpreting in Dialogue with Technology” Following the success of the first InDialog conference in November 2013 the second international InDialog conference returned to the Russisches Haus für Wissenschaft und Kultur in Berlin on November 20 – 21, 2015 under the theme “Community Interpreting in Dialogue with Technology”. 120 participants from 25 countries travelled to Berlin for two days of dynamic discussions, panels, posters and individual talks, to network with international experts. 7 SOCIAL MEDIA Linguaffin @linguaffin Herzlichen Dank an alle Kunden, Besucher und Interessenten, die uns auf #Expolingua Berlin 2015 besucht haben! UEPO @ Rückblick #Expolingua: Die ganze Vielfalt des Sprachenlernens #xl8 E. Idiomas Carlos V @Idiomascarlosv Den ganzen Morgen tolles Animationsprogramm an unserem Stand...#Spanisch ist in Mode!!! #expolingua Sabine Scheidemann @SabineDGT Tag 2 der #Expolingua: Kommt ins Russische Haus #Berlin ! #TranslatingEurope @translatores #xl8 @LauraBoselliEU Exberliner Magazine @exberlinermag #expolingua is on again! Visit our stand this Friday and Saturday at @rus_haus for a free magazine Yunus Emre Enstitüsü @YunusEEberlin Yunus Emre Enstitüsü Başkan Yardımcısı Dr. Şaban ÇOBANOĞLU standımızı ziyaret etti #expolingua #yeeorgtr #fuar Alicia Mitchell @ alicia_ecm Kiswahili poetry at #Expolingua poetry slam from Jumoke Sandra Koch @ sdl_sandra @expo_lingua: Day 2 at #EXPOLINGUA #Berlin! Hope you enjoy your journey into the world of languages :-) " Morning :) 8 PRESS COVERAGE EXPOLINGUA Berlin was covered extensively by the local and national media. It was featured in newspapers like the Berliner Zeitung, Der Tagesspiegel and taz; magazines like tip Berlin; trade and online media; radio stations like Berliner Rundfunk; and the local TV station rbb. The exhibition was also supported by several media partners, including EXBERLINER, Paris Berlin and Spotlight Verlag. SAVE THE DATE! r e b m e Nov 6 1 0 2 , 9 1 18 – For further information, please contact: ICWE GmbH Silke Lieber Leibnizstrasse 32 10625 Berlin Germany Tel: +49 (0)30 310 18 18-0 Fax: +49 (0)30 324 98 33 9