July 2016 - Center United Methodist Church
July 2016 - Center United Methodist Church
Center United Methodist Church P. O. Box 179 • Welcome, NC 27374 • 186 Center Church Road www.centermethodistwelcome.org Rev. Dr. Keith Franklin, Pastor JULY 2016 CHURCH STAFF Pastor Rev. Dr. Keith Franklin Office: 336-731-6616 Home: 336-731-8208 Cell: 336-466-7312 cumcw.pastor@gmail.com Assistant Pastor Rev. Edward L. Evans, Jr. Home: 3636-764-5242 edward.l.evans@aexp.com Youth/Young Adult Minister Dr. Hunter Duncan Home: 336-414-8728 hunter.duncan@rocketmail.com Music Director Wini Hinkle Home: 336-731-6237 winihinkle@hotmail.com Boy Scout Director Jeff McCrary Cell: 336-407-9649 jeffmccrary@yahoo.com Administrative Assistant Joyce Rector 336-731-6616 cumcw.aa@gmail.com E-News cumcw.churchenews@gmail.com or hhayes.enews@gmail.com please note e-mail changes for ALL ENEWS UPDATES!!! JULY THOUGHTS FROM THE PASTOR . . . “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10: 10 (NRSV) Hello brothers and sisters of Center UMC-Welcome! Amelia and I are thankful for the appointment to serve the Lord with you in Welcome, NC. What a great name for a town, “Welcome!” And what a great name for a church, “Center!” We are blessed to be joining in such a rich history of ministry with our church that was established in 1894. One look at the website and we found an active and vital present ministry that involves many people sharing their gifts and graces. And we are excited to join with you in sharing a bright future of building the Kingdom. John 10:10 has been my “life verse.” I learned of life verses many years ago as a benchmark in describing a person’s “spiritual journey.” The words of Jesus help me understand how I came to believe in the offer of GRACE, the unconditional love of God. And this verse guides me as I seek to follow Jesus as a disciple who seeks to be a servant leader. I grew up in Rutherford County, NC. My mother’s side of the family was Baptist. I was baptized at age 12 in Cliffside Baptist Church. My father’s side of the family was Presbyterian. As a teenager I started attending what we used to call “UYMF” or United Methodist Youth Group. After college, I joined the UMC in 1978 at First United Methodist Church in High Point, NC. I was first employed in the textile industry in management for six years. During that time I was a lay person for five years and then discerned a “calling” to Ordained Ministry. I had the opportunity to go to seminary at Duke Divinity School and graduated in 1986 with a Master of Divinity degree. I have been blessed to do further study at Asbury Theological Seminary and graduated with a Doctor of Ministry degree in 2003. I have been a Pastor for thirty years and have served UM churches in Belmont, Randleman, Tryon, Greensboro, Jefferson, and North Wilkesboro. Amelia is from Gaston County, NC. We met in early 1990 while I served my first church in Belmont and she was employed in data processing at Gaston Memorial Hospital. We married in 1993 and have served together as a team. Along the way she attended Isothermal Community College and became a Practical Nurse. But most of our married life, she has continued to share her support of me in ministry and been a wonderful helpmate making a home. A few years ago, we purchased a condo in Tryon, NC and enjoy our time there on vacations. The great blessing for me in ministry is that I am a “representative” minister for 7 body of Christ. All of us are “ordained” by the nature of our Christian the good of the 6 Baptism. God uses each of us and the Holy Spirit has gifted every person to share 4 ministry. As Protestants, we believe in the “Priesthood of All Believers.” Christ’s Ordained persons in the United Methodist Church are “set apart” for reading the Holy 5 Scriptures, to preach the Word of God, to administer the Holy Sacraments in the 6 congregation, and for the Order of the church. 0 5 d o n a Continued on back page….. Continued from front page…. The life of service I have been blessed to live allows me a great privilege of sharing with the people of God in joy and in sorrow. I realize the sacred trust to share in births, baptisms, confirmations, graduations, marriages, anniversaries; as well as when sickness, problems, disappointments and death comes into our lives. This is all a part of the “abundant” life Jesus promised. The United Methodist Church has blessed my life beyond my greatest dreams. The heritage we share in our founder John Wesley has provided me a “spiritual home” that emphasized GRACE-- divine love and that has been a wonderful way to understand God. Grace is a GIFT! And we understand that gift was given before we were aware of God’s love, it was the gift of GRACE that we understood when we accepted Christ as Savior and Lord, and it is GRACE that allows us to go on to perfection in love. We have the joy of sharing our hope in Christ who offers the “abundant” life to everyone. This is certainly “GOOD NEWS” that the world needs today. We are eager to share in the ways that Center UMC-Welcome shares the ministry of Christ! Please know that we are here for you and will work with you as we discern the journey of our Christian Discipleship together here at Center UMC. Grace and Peace, Pastor Keith and Amelia UMW Meeting Minutes 06-14-16 Karen Tysinger, DeeDee Hedrick, Denise Dorwart, Karen Koonts, Tammy Broadway, Elizabeth Baker, Reida Snyder, Rena Meredith, Glenda Stabler, Christine Brinkley, Ruby Blackmon, Donna Muraco, Kathy Hamilton, Anita Scott, Jean Sink, Cindy Leonard, Sue Mendenhall, Faye Sambleson, Wini Hinkle, Lisa Bates, Audrey Wagner, Debbie Williams, Danielle Herron = 23. The CUMW met on Tuesday, June 14, 2016 with the above members present. Debbie Williams led us in prayer, called our meeting to order and welcomed everyone. Lisa Bates led us in devotions. Karen Koontz shared the response moment. Karen Tysinger delivered the program on the positive effects of coconut oil. Minutes were approved with a correction made to those in attendance (Rena Meredith and Marsha Black were actually in attendance). Reida Snyder gave our treasurer’s report. The beginning balance was $4873.86. The ending balance was $4933.86. Bishop Larry Goodpaster is retiring. A request was made by the district for a love offering to be presented to him at the Annual Meeting. Karen Tysinger made a motion to give $50. Karen Koontz seconded it and the motion carried. There are quite a few events coming up, so keep an eye on the bulletin and your email. This upcoming Sunday is UMW Sunday and Father’s Day. Members volunteered for different ways to participate and the anthem was practiced. Bring Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s soup labels. They will be donated to Welcome Elementary. The next Chicken Pie Bake will be on September 10 and then November 5 (for the Chicken Pie Supper on November 11). VBS is July 17 - 22. UMW will provide and serve the meal on opening night. We will provide hot dogs, chips, dessert and snack. Tim Williams will grill the hotdogs. We need volunteers to assist with this. Prayers and concerns were shared. Debbie closed with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Audrey Wagner, Secretary Debbie Williams, President Continued on next page… Continued from previous page… UMW’s Next meeting: Tuesday, July 12, 2016 Hostesses: Karen Tysinger & Donna Muraco Devotions: Kathy Hamilton Program: Margaret Story Community Outreach Project: Feminine Hygiene Products Response Moment: Kay Hedrick Thinking of You Cards: Elizabeth Baker Brooks Howell Missionary Birthday Cards (Asheville): Faye Sambleson VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL IS JULY 17-22 WITH MEAL PROVIDED AT 5:30 PM VBS begins on Sunday, July 17; 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM for ages PreK through 12 Grades with a meal provided at 5:30 PM. Get your surf boards, paddle boards, and beach balls ready to CATCH THE WAVE OF GOD’S AMAZING LOVE!!!!!! WELCOME PASTOR KEITH AND AMELIA – JULY 10 - CFC CUMC will have a meal prepared by Jack Thrift immediately following the 11:00 AM Traditional Worship Service in the Christian Fellowship Center on July 10. There will be a sign up sheet going around to the classrooms for the folks to sign up to provide dessert. Let’s welcome our new Pastor and wife with love, fellowship, and food together! Threads of Love News Threads of Love Is very grateful for all individuals who participate in our mission work! Not only are we blessed with excellent seamstresses and helpers, but the donations we receive to make our projects complete is unreal! In January and February, the group made toboggans. We delivered these toboggans to the Homeless Shelter and have another batch to take for cooler weather for a total of 225! In March, we made 54 school bag kits for UMCOR. These bags were filled with school supplies that will be sent to Africa. A special thanks to Gary Brinkley for delivering them to the UMCOR warehouse in Mooresville. Baby blankets were made during the April workshop. A total of 83 were delivered to the Alpha Pregnancy Center in Lexington. Our May through July project is aprons and matching potholder for the Mission Team to deliver in January to Jamaica. Our goal is to make 25 for the ladies of the village where our team will be working. The project for August and September will be pillowcase dresses for the Jamaican girls. We have made these for the last two years. Christine Brinkley and Kim Craver, who are participants of the team, shared that the dresses were a tremendous “hit” among the little girls. It will be quilt time in October and November. We plan to make lap quilts for Brenner’s Children Hospital at that time. If you are not attending the workshops, prayerfully consider becoming a part of Threads of Love! Come join in the fun, fellowship, and snacks while keeping hands busy for the work of HIS kingdom. We meet the last Tuesday night of the month at 6:00pm in the CFC. Please note we are taking off June and July however we will resume in August. Hope to see you there! Molly Long Sunday, June 12, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Center United Methodist Church Administrative Board Meeting 32 members were present. Mike Craver called the meeting to order with the reading of scripture from Psalms. He called on Willie Everhart to lead us in prayer. The minutes were read and approved. Jeff Mendenhall, reported for Treasurer, Marlene Wood. He went over the financial report for May. It will be filed for audit. Also, Mike asked that the Miscellaneous Fund be titled the Centered Fund now so that it would be less confusing. Ron Cheek made the motion and Patty Garrett a second. The motion carried. Committee Reports: Ron Cheek, Trustee chair, reported that the architect is still working on the estimate for the fellowship hall. Also, he commented that the burned out lights in the CFC should be replaced this week and the Staff Parrish committee voted to give Steve his lap top since Dr. Franklin will have his own. Doug Meredith spoke for the Pickin’ and Grinnin’ committee. He said that a panel needed to be replaced in the sound system in the CFC because it was not allowing the service to play simultaneously. Doug also reported that Wini Hinkle is willing to use money from the Music Fund to pay for the repair of the CD burner/player which is not working properly as well. In addition, Doug commented that he felt we needed a cross in the CFC along with the Christian, State, and U.S. flags. He is going to check on the cost of these and stands to hold them. Molly Long, Parsonage Committee chair, reported that the parsonage had to be inspected as the new guidelines from the conference warranted. She went over a few “marginal” things that the inspector said we needed to take care of; however, the inspection passed. She thanked Steve and Divie for being understanding while the parsonage committee needed to come in and out while they have been busy packing. She thanked Joey Johnson for cleaning out the gutters. Also, she thanked Richard and Robert Bates for donating a dining room suit. (We must supply one as the conference requires). In addition, a thanks goes to Lynda and Clifton Beck who are donating a kitchen table and six chairs. Molly reported that Keith and Amelia will be using the upstairs of the parsonage. Therefore, the carpet will need to be removed and replaced along with some painting. She has a crew coming in to refinish the pine floors (Kevin Tiller—in September) and another crew to re-carpet the steps and landing (approximately $300-$500). Also, the hallway needs to be painted (approximately $400-$450). Molly said that her committee is recommending to the board that the kitchen cabinets and paneling (walls) be painted (approximately $1,000-$1,500) however, this will put her over budget $1,500. Ron Cheek made a motion to extend the parsonage committee these needed funds. Pat Simmons made a second. The motion carried. Emily Weavil, Youth Council, spoke concerning the small groups for young adults being postponed through the summer due to lack of interest. The Youth have several fun things planned for the summer. Tina Fulcher reported the majority of scenery has been completed for VBS. She has everything covered except for one night of food which she will have put in the bulletin as a need. Also, the kick-off will include an added surprise of snow cones this year. They are doing these themselves to save money. Ruby Combs, Safe Sanctuary chair, said she will conduct a safe sanctuary’s session before VBS for those who have not gone through Safe Sanctuaries. This is for approved volunteers. Angie Leonard, Children’s Council Chair, reported that the Day at the Park was a huge success. They had 23 kids and 12 adults (tripled from last year). Since they are growing, she is almost out of money. So, Angie made a motion to increase this fund from $750.00 to $1,500.00 J.C. Johnson made a second. The motion carried. Pat Simmons, Worship Committee chair, reported that the United Methodist Women will have the service next Sunday and promotion Sunday will be held on June 19. Eddie Evans will be preaching on July 3. Then, on July 10, Rev. Franklin will preach. Karen Tysinger, Evangelism chair, reported that “Be our Guest” activity within the church is currently under way. They have several other things in the works for meeting and greeting those in the church. Karen also reported for the Senior Adult Ministries. They will be having a Summer Fling on Friday, June 17. Eddie Evans, speaking for the Centered, reported that on July 10, Reverend Franklin would also be preaching at this service. Hunter Duncan will cover June 19. Donald Hamilton, Staff Parrish chair, spoke regarding a transition committee being put together (five or six people) to help our new pastor and his wife. The Staff Parrish committee would also like to recommend we do a meal on July 10 when Dr. Franklin preaches his first sermon. Jackie Thrift said that he would be willing to do this meal (instead of a covered dish). J.C. Johnson made a motion to allow to Jackie prepare the meal and church members make the desserts. Ruby Combs made a second. The motion carried. Jeff Mendenhall, Finance chair, commented the stewardship report had been updated. Continued on next page…… Continued from previous page……… New Business Willie Everhart voiced that he had heard some concerns about the youth pastor’s salary since some activities were being cut during the summer. Donald addressed saying once the transition takes place these concerns would be addressed. Hunter Duncan has given the Staff Parrish committee a calendar of his schedule for the next several months. Jim Scott reported that his Sunday school class would like to be able to start their class at 9:45 and the Centered Service is running over. Eddie said that he would try to be done by 9:45. J.C. said that they would like to meet in the sanctuary and Wini said that would be fine. Mike responded by saying we all need to work together during this time. Jeff said that he would like to see us start putting some type of decorations outside for July 4th to show our patriotism like he had seen done at several churches in Midway for Memorial Day. J.C. said we already have a lot of little flags (approximately 100-donated by Kelly Carter) in Joyce’s office. Ron said that the Trustees will take care of decorating outside for the fourth. Steve Pillsbury responded to his exit interview with the Staff Parrish committee. He thanked this church for the transition that was being made for Keith and Amelia Franklin. We are required to prepare a transition notebook for the new pastor which Steve is currently working on. This way, Keith (June 30) will be able to transition easily. Steve also thanked the church for their generous monetary gift. He was very appreciative. With no further business, Steve dismissed us with prayer. Respectfully submitted, Mike Craver, Chair Lisa Bates, Secretary YOUTH NEWS!!!!! Wednesday, June 29 – Incoming 7th graders and above 8:30 AM Leaving for Carowinds – We will leave by 8:30 AM and return late that evening. Please bring a swim suit, towel, and change of clothes if you will be enjoying the water park. Please sign up with Hunter Duncan. The cost of $33 for admission will be the youth’s responsibility plus money for lunch, dinner, and any other items they may want to purchase. Sunday, July 10 – Hiking at Stone Mountain Wednesday, July 13 – 5-7:00 PM – Youth Fundraiser – HOMECOOKIN’ Poor Man’s Supper – pinto beans, slaw, greens, mac & cheese, corn bread, dessert and drinks. Accepting monetary donations in lieu charging for this fundraiser. July 17 through July 22 –Youth will meet each night for VBS. 6 to 8:30 PM Youth will be working on community outreach projects. Free meal served at 5:30 PM. July 24 – At close of CenTered Service – Youth leaving for Emerald Pointe for UMC Youth Day. The cost of $15 for admission is the youth’s responsibility plus money for lunch, dinner, and any other items they may want to purchase. Please bring swim suit, towel, sun screen, and dry clothes. Please sign up with Hunter Duncan. SAFE SANCTUARY TRAINING-JULY 5 &7 AT 6:30 PM Safe Sanctuary training is being held on July 5th or July7th for all VBS helpers or anyone wishing to attend and NOT previously trained in “Safe Sanctuary”. It will be held in the children’s sign in room next to the infant nursery both nights from 6:30 PM until 7:30 PM. Please contact Ruby Combs at 336-472-5365 if these dates are not convenient or you have any questions. July 3 Acolyte Cross of Christ Bearer Bible Bearer Toddler Nursery Infant Nursery Ushers Tyler Black Will Anderson Morgan Wood Tina Fulcher Ralph and Emily Brauser Ron Cheek (Head) Richard Mendenhall, Mark Bean, Chris Michael, Duff Michael Greeters Libby Michael & Wanda Peterson Ron and Nancy Cheek Children’s Time Richard Bates Children’s Church Angie Leonard Flowers Reida Snyder July 10 Acolyte Cross of Christ Bearer Bible Bearer Toddler Nursery Infant Nursery Ushers Greeters Children’s Time Children’s Church Flowers July 17 Acolyte Cross of Christ Bearer Bible Bearer Toddler Nursery Infant Nursery Ushers Greeters Children’s Time Children’s Church Flowers Nicholas Brauser Crystal Norford Hamilton Kepley Debbie Wood Hannah Bailey Ron Cheek (Head) Charles Minter, Charlie Minter, Bill Minter, Klynt Nifong Pete and Rita Jones Ed and Becky Wassum VBS Moment Tina Fulcher Kay Wagner Ethan Snyder Nicholas Brauser Lilly Leonard Michael and Jennifer Kurtzman Brittany Hobbs Ron Cheek (Head) Kent Nifong, Nathan Nifong, Monty Pendry, Lee Sadler Bud and Jean Sink Klynt and Gayle Nifong VBS Moment Sarah Williams Date Available All events are listed on the calendar. Formal announcements must be given to the church office. Ongoing events will be listed as scheduled unless changes are given to the church office. JULY NEWSLETTER DEADLINE MONDAY, JUNE 20 - 12:00 PM July 24 Acolyte Ethan Snyder Cross of Christ Bearer Rebecca Sadler Bible Bearer Chase Fountain Toddler Nursery Anna Evans Infant Nursery Vickey Kepley Ushers Ron Cheek (Head) Jim Scott, Dean Slabach, Blake Smith, John Snyder Greeters Bill Thompson and Bob Fox Richard and Sue Mendenhall Children’s Time Dawn Essick Children’s Church Ruby Combs Flowers Samantha Evans July 31 Acolyte Danielle Shillinglaw Cross of Christ Bearer Tyler Black Bible Bearer Colby Williams Toddler Nursery John and Ashley Snyder Infant Nursery Shirley Craver & Emily Coleman Ushers Ron Cheek (Head) Wayne Snyder, Gregg Stabler, Craig Thrift, Jack Thrift Greeters Clifton and Lynda Beck Mike and Kim Craver Children’s Time Jennifer Brinkley Children’s Church Angie Leonard Flowers Date Available DON’T FORGET TO FILL IN YOUR IMPORTANT DATES FOR FLOWERS ON OUR ALTAR! 2016 Calendar has a lot of blank spaces! Please fill in the Sundays you will be putting flowers on the Altar. The information for the Sunday bulletin should be given to Joyce Rector by email (cumcw.aa@gmail.com), by note or by phone (7316616) the week before the flowers are to be placed in the church. DAILY E-NEWS UPDATES Please check e-news for updates on joys, concerns, and announcements. If you do not receive daily e-news, please contact Henrietta Hayes to be added at cumcw.churchenews@gmail.com or hhayes.enews@gmail.com. JULY, 2016 Sunday 3 Monday Wednesday Thursday Saturday 1 2 8 9 15 16 All Day Set Up for VBS (CFC) All Day VBS Set Up (CFC) 2-6 PM Feeding the Homeless Shelter (CFC-Kitchen) 4-9 PM Paula Manuel (CFC) 23 6 6:30 PM Youth (CFC) 6:30 PM Bible Study 7 PM Boy Scouts 12:00 Chamber of Commerce (CFC) 6:30 PM Safe Sanctuary Training (Children’s Sign In Room) 11 12 13 7 PM Boy Scouts 7 PM UMW (CFC) 5:00 PM Youth Fund Raiser-Poor Man’s Supper (CFC) 6:30 PM Bible Study 17 18 19 20 21 22 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship 5:30 PM VBS Meal 6:00 PM VBS 5:30 PM VBS Meal 6:00 PM VBS 7 PM Boy Scouts 5:30 PM VBS Meal 6:00 PM VBS 5:30 PM VBS Meal 6:00 PM VBS 5:30 PM VBS Meal 6:00 PM VBS 5:30 PM VBS Meal 6:00 PM VBS 7AM – Noon VBS Take Down (CFC) 29 30 10 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship-Pastor Keith’s First Sunday-Trio Special 12 Noon CUMC Family Meal (CFC) 5 PM Council on Ministries (Friendship S. S Class) 6 PM Admin. Board Meeting (Friendship S. S. Class ) Youth – Stone Mountain 7 Friday 5 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship 4:00 PM Youth Council (Youth Room) 6:00 PM Youth (CFC) 4 OFFICE CLOSED Tuesday 6:30 PM Safe Sanctuary Training (Children’s Sign In Room) 14 VBS July 17-July 22 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 24 25 26 27 28 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) Youth Leaving for Emerald Pointe 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship 6-8 PM Boy Scouts Court of Honor (Sanctuary) 3-9 PM Pickin’ & Grinnin’ Set Up & Practice (CFC) 6.:30 PM Youth 6:30 PM Bible Study (CFC) 3-6 PM P & G Setup (CFC) 6 PM Hot Dog Supper (CFC) 7 PM Pickin’ & Grinnin’(CFC) 31 8:30 AM CenTered Service (CFC) 10 AM Sunday School 11 AM Worship 6 PM Youth (CFC) MISSION OFFERING First Sunday – Community Mission Offering Second Sunday - Macaroni & Cheese and Sugar Offering Third & Fourth Sundays - Breakfast Cereal for Greater Things Outreach Center Fifth Sunday – Crisis Ministry Cash Offering CENTER UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P.O. BOX 179 WELCOME, NC 27374 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID WELCOME, NC 27374 PERMIT #22 Address Service Requested Pickin’ & Grinnin’ at Center Come join us for an evening of Pickin’ & Grinnin’ in the Christian Fellowship Center on Thursday, July 28, at 7:00 PM A Hotdog Meal will be sold for $5 starting at 6:00 pm The Offering this month will be given to: Greater Things Outreach Center