BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH - The Church of Scotland
BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH - The Church of Scotland
Parish: BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Presbytery Parish Moray BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH This profile of selected Census data has been prepared by the Statistics for Mission Group of the Church of Scotland for use by Congregations, Presbyteries and Councils of the Church. Further resources can be found at Scotland's Census, definitions and full data are provided by National Records of Scotland (NRS) and can be explored at This congregation does not have a territorial parish within Scotland, therefore no parish Scottish Census data is available. If this does not apply, please contact the IT department at 121 George Street. SDG Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group 1 of 12 (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland If BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH were a village of 100 people... > 8 would be in primary school; 5 would be in high school > 21 would be aged between 25 and 44 > 22 would be aged 65 or over > 73 would be of working age (16-74), including - 21 who have no qualifications; 23 who have a University degree 30 who work full time; 15 who are retired > 80 would describe themselves as 'White - Scottish' > 4 would describe their health as bad or very bad > 9 would be providing unpaid care > 36 would say they belonged to the Church of Scotland If BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH were a village of 100 households... > 28 households would consist of one person, 15 of whom are aged 65 and over > 24 would have have dependent children (aged under 16, or under 18 in full-time education) > 25 would be in rented accomodation > 86 would have access to at least one car or van > 6 would speak a language other than English in the home Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group 2 of 12 (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland Population Breakdown by Age-group BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery Scotland VeryElderly Elderly MatureAdult YoungAdult StudentAge HighSchool PrimarySchool PreSchool 0% PreSchool 4% 5% PrimarySchool 8% 10% HighSchool 5% 15% StudentAge 8% 20% YoungAdult 21% 25% MatureAdult 32% Elderly 19% VeryElderly 3% Moray Presbytery 6% 7% 5% 10% 25% 28% 16% 2% Scotland 6% 7% 5% 12% 26% 27% 15% 2% BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Name BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery Scotland PreSchool 204 5,174 292,821 PrimarySchool 379 6,845 381,453 HighSchool 252 4,742 242,057 StudentAge 414 9,519 632,488 YoungAdult 1,028 22,836 1,402,081 MatureAdult 1,586 25,735 1,454,169 Elderly 951 14,987 784,431 30% 35% VeryElderly 126 1,938 105,903 Total 4,940 91,776 5,295,403 Census Table:KS102SC Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group 3 of 12 (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland Population Breakdown by Religion Religious affiliation across the country Religious affiliation within the parish Church of Scotland Roman Catholic Other Christian All other No religion Religion not stated BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Religion not stated 7% Moray Presbytery Scotland 45% 40% 35% Church of Scotland 36% 30% 25% 20% 15% No religion 43% 10% 5% All other 1% Name BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery Scotland 0% Roman Catholic 6% Other Christian 7% Church of Scotland 1,798 31,195 1,717,871 Church of Scotland Roman Catholic 282 5,993 841,053 Other Christian 363 8,618 291,275 Roman Catholic Other Christian All Other 26 1,103 136,049 All other No religion 2,111 37,871 1,941,116 No religion Not Stated 360 6,996 368,039 Religion not stated Total 4,940 91,776 5,295,403 Census Table:KS209SCb Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group 4 of 12 (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland Population Breakdown by Ethnicity/Language Language Use Ethnicity within the parish White - Scottish White - other British White - other Mixed Asian Other ethnic groups 99% of people over 3 in the parish speak English well (99% Presbytery; 99% Scotland) 0.9% can speak Gaelic (0.7%; 1.1%) 6% of households use a language other than English in the home (7%; 7%) White - Scottish 80% Ethnicity across the country * BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Name BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery Scotland Mixed 0% White - Scottish 3,967 71,449 4,445,678 Scotland 20% 18% 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% White - other British 18% Other ethnic groups 0% Asian 0% Moray Presbytery White other British White - other 2% White - other British White - other 855 16,372 417,109 89 2,934 221,620 Mixed 10 228 19,815 White other Asian 14 596 140,678 Mixed Asian Other ethnic groups 5 197 50,503 Other ethnic groups All people 4,940 91,776 5,295,403 Census Tables:KS201SC/KS206SC Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group 5 of 12 (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland Population Breakdown by Qualifications Highest Educational Qualification BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery Population in Full time Education 16 and over Scotland 4% of people aged 16 and over in this parish are in full time education (5% Presbytery; 8% Scotland) Higher Education Further Education Definitions Higher Education includes Degree, Postgraduate qualifications, SVQ Level 5, Professional Qualifications or equivalent School 18 Further Education includes HNC, HND, SVQ Level 4 or equivalent School 16 School 18 includes SCE Higher Grade, Higher, Advanced Higher, CSYS, A Level, AS Level, SVQ Level 3 or equivalent School 16 includes O Grade, Standard Grade, Intermediate 1 or 2, GCSE, CSE, SVQ Level 1 or 2, or equivalent None 0% 5% Name BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery Scotland 10% 15% None School 16 1,041 957 20,012 19,781 1,173,116 1,010,875 20% School 18 575 10,826 627,423 25% 30% Further Education Higher Education All people over 16 407 1,125 4,105 7,408 16,988 75,015 424,996 1,142,662 4,379,072 Full Time Education 16+ 178 3,639 360,893 Census Table:KS501SC Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group 6 of 12 (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland Population Breakdown by Health and Care Provision Provision of unpaid care Perceived general health 60% 50 or more hours a week 50% 35 to 49 hours a week 40% 30% 20 to 34 hours a week 20% 1 to 19 hours a week 10% 0% 0% Very good Good Fair Bad Very bad BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH 51% 33% 12% 3% 1% Moray Presbytery 54% 31% 11% 3% 1% Scotland 52% 30% 12% 4% 1% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 1 to 19 hours 20 to 34 hours 35 to 49 hours 50 or more a week a week a week hours a week BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH 6% 1% 1% 3% Moray Presbytery 5% 1% 1% 2% Scotland 5% 1% 1% 2% 8% of people in BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH said that their day to day activities were limited a lot (8% Presbytery; 10% Scotland) and 11% said that their day to day activities were limited a little (10% Presbytery; 10% Scotland) by their health. Name BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery Scotland General Health Very good Good Fair Bad 2,537 1,614 600 145 49,205 28,775 10,224 2,711 2,778,481 1,575,000 644,881 226,154 Very bad 44 861 70,887 None 4,476 84,089 4,803,172 Providing Unpaid Care, hours per week 1-19 hrs 20-34 hrs 35-49 hrs 50+ hrs 279 34 25 126 4,399 669 568 2,051 273,333 46,315 40,501 132,082 Census Table:KS301SCb Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group 7 of 12 (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland Household Breakdown by Household Tenure Household Occupation Household tenure within the parish Owned Social rented Private rented 95% of the household spaces are occupied (95% Presbytery; 96% Scotland) 1.3% are second or holiday homes (1.1% ; 1.5%) 3.3% are vacant homes (4.0%; 2.6%) Living rent free Living rent free 2% 5 people in the parish live in 7 communal establishment(s) Access to a Vehicle Private rented 10% 86% of occupied households have access to at least one car or van (80%; 69%) Social rented 15% Household tenure across the country BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery Scotland 80% 70% 60% Owned 73% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Owned Name BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery Scotland Owned Social rented Private rented Rent Free Occupied Hholds Car/Van Access 1,609 325 214 40 2,188 1,891 26,009 7,676 4,927 780 39,392 31,498 1,470,986 576,419 294,892 30,480 2,372,777 1,648,633 Social rented Private rented Living rent free Holiday Homes Vacant Hholds All Hholds 29 76 2,293 456 1,652 41,500 36,642 64,462 2,473,881 Census Table:QS405SC/KS401SC/KS405SC Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group 8 of 12 (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland Household composition Household composition within the parish Household composition across the country BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH One person under 65 14% Moray Presbytery Scotland 70% Couple with no children 23% 60% One person over 65 15% 50% 40% Couple with dependent children 18% Other with dependent children Other 2% 2% 30% 20% Lone parent other 3% Couple other 18% 10% Lone parent with dependent children 5% 0% For definitions of household type see Name BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery Scotland One Person Household under 65 65 and over 297 319 6,465 5,396 511,447 311,867 Couple-headed Hhold dep't child'n other 390 911 7,855 3,590 409,533 263,360 One Person Household Couple-headed Household Lone Parent Household dep't child'n other 111 76 2,227 1,363 170,002 93,358 Lone Parent Household Other Household Other Household dep't child'n other 34 50 597 1,109 36,954 94,501 All Hholds 2,188 39,392 2,372,777 Census Table:KS105SC Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group 9 of 12 (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland Economic activity of those of working age (1) Economically Inactive Economically Active BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Scotland Moray Presbytery Scotland 25% 45% 40% 20% 35% 30% 15% 25% 20% 10% 15% 5% 10% 5% 0% 0% Part Time Full time Self Empl. Unempl. Student BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH 14% 40% 9% 3% 2% Moray Presbytery 16% 42% 8% 4% 2% Scotland 13% 40% 7% 5% 4% Retired Student Home Based Sick or Disabled Other BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH 21% 3% 4% 3% 1% Moray Presbytery 16% 3% 4% 3% 2% Scotland 15% 6% 4% 5% 2% Economically Active (parish: 2470, 68%) Name BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH Moray Presbytery Scotland Part Time 509 10,609 529,816 Full time 1,458 27,923 1,573,416 Self Empl. 328 5,533 297,693 Unempl. 105 2,630 189,414 Economically Inactive (parish: 1153, 32%) Student 70 1,409 148,560 Retired 748 10,971 591,667 Student 123 2,320 218,412 Home Based Sick or Disabled 130 105 2,646 2,195 141,542 203,975 Other 47 1,032 76,035 Aged 16 to 74 3,623 67,268 3,970,530 Census Table: KS601SC Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group 10 of 12 (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland Economic activity of those of working age (2) Top 5 Industrial Activities: within the parish Number of hours worked per week 1 Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles (13.5%) 2 Human Health and Social Work Activities (13.1%) 70% 60% 50% 3 Manufacturing (12.4%) 40% 4 Education (9.9%) 30% 20% 5 Construction (8.6%) 10% 0% within the Presbytery less than 15 hrs 16 to 30 hrs 31 to 48 hrs more than 49 hrs BELLIE AND SPEYMOUTH 8% 20% 55% 17% Moray Presbytery 7% 21% 55% 17% Scotland 7% 21% 60% 12% 3 Public Administration and Defence, Compulsory Social Security (12.0%) 4 Manufacturing (11.3%) Occupations within the parish Managers 8% Elementary 12% 5 Construction (9.1%) Professional 15% Process Operatives 10% Sales 7% Caring & Leisure 9% Skilled Trades 17% 1 Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles (15.0%) 2 Human Health and Social Work Activities (12.8%) Associate Professional 12% within Scotland 1 Human Health and Social Work Activities (15.0%) 2 Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles (15.0%) 3 Education (8.4%) 4 Construction (8.0%) Administration 10% 5 Manufacturing (7.7%) For definitions of occupations and industrial activities see Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group 11 of 12 Census Tables: KS604SCa/KS608SC/KS605SC (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland What to do next This profile has given you some information about your local community from Scotland’s Census 2011. This is not an end in itself, but rather a starting place for you to explore further. Resources to help you do this are available from the Mission and Discipleship Council at These include Who is my neighbour, new training materials for making use of this profile for different purposes, and Future Focus, a process to examine the life of the congregation and community. Questions to consider might include: > What is the profile of our congregation? > How does it compare to the local population? Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation Data on income, health, education, access, crime, housing and employment deprivation. Scottish Neighbourhood Statistics This site brings together a lot of data from various agencies in Scotland and includes material on health, education, poverty, unemployment, housing, population, crime and social/community issues. It is particularly useful between Census dates. Scottish Public Health Observatory This site holds a lot of information about health and related issues. The 2010 Health and Wellbeing Profiles are available at "Intermediate Zone" level (around 6,000 people). > What other churches are in the area? Which parts of the community do they reach? Which parts of the community are being missed? > What other local organisations or centres are there that might bring people into our parish? Examples might include work, public services, leisure, shops and voluntary organisations. How can we interact with these people? > What areas of our parish do we know well, or less well? Notes All parish-level Census data is based on 2011 Census Output Areas as released by National Records of Scotland ( An Output Area is associated with a parish if its population weighted centroid falls within the parish boundary. Any errors or omissions in Church of Scotland parish boundaries should be reported to the relevant Presbytery Clerk for onward transmission to Ministries Council. > How does the local community change between weekdays and weekends? > How helpful is our website? Are we correctly placed on the ChurchFinder? Church of Scotland Statistics for Mission Group Sources of further information 12 of 12 Any errors or omissions in the ChurchFinder details should be notified to 29/12/2014 (C) Crown copyright. Data supplied by National Records of Scotland