Tự học tiếng Anh qua 95 cách giao tiếp


Tự học tiếng Anh qua 95 cách giao tiếp
Bien so an: Nguyen Thu Hitcmg
Tat ca cac ban khi hoc bat ky mot ngoai ngifdeu co tham
vong giao tiep duoc bang ngoai ngifdo mot cach thong thao.
Nhifng da so deu thay rang co duoc ky nang giao tiep bang
tieng me de da kho thi bang mot ngoai ngifkhac lai cang kho
hem, cu the la doi vdi tieng Anh.
Nham giiip cac ban co the tic hoc giao tiep tieng Anh mot
cach de dang chung toi gi&i thieu cuon “TU hoc tieng Anh
qua 95 cach giao tiep
Cuon sach gon nhe nhifng chi/a difng day du nhifng man
giao tiep chuan muc, khong nhifng giiip ban tif tin trong giao
tiep md cdn giiip ban nang cao von tieng Anh cua minh.
Than ai chiic cac ban gat hai difoc nhieu thanh cong trong
mon tieng Anh.
Part one: Useful expressions
in spoken English
Nhung cach noi thong dung
trong giao tiep Tieng Anh
hang ngay
Tuhoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Using address system
Cach sir dung cac hinh thuc ximg ho
V o c a b u la r y
address sir ximg ho
degree bang cap
fo llo w in g sau (theo sau)
in general noi chung
last nam e ho (ten)
M .D = Doctor o f M edicine
bac sy y khoa
unm arried chira co gia d'inh
Ph.D = Doctor o f
Philosophy tien si
prefer thich hem
professor giao su
researcher nha nghien
scientist nha khoa hoc
tittle tirdc hieu
In general Americans do not use special system of address (or
titles) as often as in other countries. However, there are times
when special system of address are used. The following spe­
cial address system are used before a person’s last name.
D.r (Doctor): medical doctors (those with an M.D degree), pro­
fessors, scientists and researchers (those with a Ph.D degree)
M rs: married women only (some married women prefer Ms.)
Miss: unmarried women only (some unmarried women prefer Ms.)
M s: married or unmarried women
M r: married or unmarried men
Professor: college or university teachers (uesd with or with­
out the last name)
• N ote: ‘Teacher’ is the address only used by the children
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Greeting people and responding
Cach chao hoi va dap Iai Idi chao hoi
V o c a b u la r y
M a ’am = m adam e ba,
phu nhan
S ir ong ngai
Up to = doing
W h a t’s happening =
W h a t’s up sao roi ha
Lousy Te het ch6 noi
Like a m ollion dollars coi
nhir trung so doc d^c
O ut o f this world cur nhir len
thien dang
Rotten qua te
Pretty kha la...
G reetin g s
Form al
'y Good day, Dr Olson. How are you?
> Good morning, Mr. Polinski.
y Good afternoon, ma 'am. You 're looking very well today
> Good evening, sir. Howare you tonight?
Inform al
Hello, Jihad. How ’re you doing?
Hello. I t ’s a nice evening, isn 7 it?
Hi, Paula. What ’re you up these days?
Morning, Li. Are you doing O K?
Hey, Jane. What have you been doing these days?
Hey, Jack. H o w ’s it going?
Tuhoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
> Hi, Danny. What's happening?
R esp o n ses
> / ’m doing very well, tliank you. And you?
y / 'm fine. Thanks. And you ?
> Fine. How are you?
'r- Great, thanks. What about you?
Inform al
> Couldn 7 be better! Yourself?
> Not bad. You?
V Okie, I guess. You doing all right?
'r Can 7 complain. You?
> Fantastic!
r- Like a million dollars!
V Out o f this world!
y Lousy!
y Not bad!
> Pretty bad!
y Awful!
y Couldn 7 be worse!
y Rotten!
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
Making and responding to introductions
Gioi thieu va cach dap lai loi gioi thieu
V o c a b u la r y
gesture lam dieu bo
toward huong den
fo rm a l trang trong
inform al su6ng sa
third-party introductions
nguoi thu ba gioi thieu
how do you do xinchao (l^n
dau tien gap mat)
sam e here day cung vay
s e lf introductions tir gioi
Self i n t r o d u c tio n s
> May I introduce myself? M y name is John,
y How do you do. M y name is George.
> Please let me introduce myself. M y name is John
> / don 't believe w e ’ve met. I ’m Paul Anka.
Form al or inform al
y Hello. M y name is Danny,
y I t ’s nice to meet you. M y name is John.
Inform al
y Hi, 1 'm Danny,
y Nice to meet you. I'm Bob
Tu hoc Tieng Anh qua 95 cach giao tiep
T h i r d - p a r t y I n tr o d u c tio n s
> / 'd like to introduce you to Leo Evans, a friend of mine.
V- I don 't believe you two have met. Mary, this is Leo Evans.
Leo, this is M ary Allen
y Mr David, have you met Ms. Young?
Form al or inform al
y I'd like you to meet my friend, Lea Evjns.
y Let me introduce you to Leo. Mary, this is L et. And L et,
this is Mary
Have you met Leo? Mary, this is Lep.
Inform al
y Meet my friend, Leo.
y Leo, meet Mary.
y Let me introduce you two. Mary.... (gesturing toward
M ary).... Leo (gesturing toward Leo)
This is Leo. This is Mary
Responding to introductions
A: How do you do, B.
B: I t ’s a pleasure to meet you.