- Solutions for Change


- Solutions for Change
The Dillard Fam
Changing Attitudes.
Rebuilding Lives.
2013 Annual Report
2 The Grand Opening of Vista Terrace
2013 marked the completion and grand opening of our Vista Terrace apartments.
Nestled in the city of Vista, this complex was a result of a public-private partnership
that allowed Solutions to turn a worn-down complex into a thriving center of
supportive housing for 47 deserving families.
3 Record Breaking Growth
Thanks to the opening of Vista Terrace, Solutions was able to expand its offerings to
57% more families. This expansion makes 2013 the single largest year of growth the
organization has ever seen. Being able to house significantly more families means
that even more can begin their journey out of homelessness.
4 An Evening to Remember
Our annual gala, An Evening to Remember…with Mrs. Laura Bush, rallied more
than 800 people around our vision and raised more than $1.25 million to help solve
family homelessness. One of the most beloved and admired American First Ladies,
Mrs. Bush, praised Solutions’ “strategic thinking” in making education and other
services a priority for its homeless families.
5 Largest Graduation to Date
We began 2013 with the mantra “More.Better.Faster.”. We would better equip families
with the educational, employment and health resources needed to address and solve
the root causes of their homelessness so that they could remain housed. And we would
do all of this faster than we’ve ever done before. We’re happy to report that this feat has
been accomplished. How did this happen? We believe that it is because of our people.
Solutions for Change has the best people to champion and invest in our vision, the best
employees to deliver our programs, and the best leaders in our communities who see a
new way and a new design. Because these people are so good and because they are so
committed, we are delivering record numbers of families out of homelessness and back
into our society, equipped, housed and transformed.
Make no mistake, if you are involved in Solutions for Change you
are involved in an ever-growing and evolving transformative effort.
Some call it a movement, others an imperative. But for our families,
it is a deeply personal, life-changing experience.
1 A Historic Proclamation
In April, we received a critical showing of support for the Solutions model through
the historic signing of a first-ever 5-mayor Proclamation from the mayors of Carlsbad,
Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos and Vista. The Proclamation recognizes the
imperative to solve family homelessness and outlines the cities’ desire to scale the
Solutions model within their own communities.
In September of 2013, we celebrated our largest graduation yet with a total of 20
graduates and commencees. The ceremony honored the hard work of families
reaching the midpoint of the program, as well as those successfully completing the
full 1,000-day program.
6 A Happy Place for Our Children
We swung open the doors on our new Child and Youth Center, a space dedicated to
our Solutions kids, now located adjacent to our main campus. Our parents love the
new accessible location and our kids are overjoyed by their access to the Solutions
7 Servant Leadership Culture
We continue to invest heavily in our residents and our staff, providing coaching in
Servant Leadership - an organizational, management and life philosophy that is
incorporated into our Teen Leadership Summit, into over 2,000 hours of resident
coursework, and into monthly staff meetings throughout the year.
The Megisons
cast a vision of solving
family homelessness
by launching
Solutions for Change
out of a small church.
First year-round
family “shelter,”
the Intake and
Access Center opens.
Jessica, a nine-year-old homeless girl, tugs on
Chris’ sleeve and the first promise is made to solve
homelessness for her.
Solutions featured on worldwide CNN TV special.
Record seven local municipalities
collaborate to fund and build a five-building.
33-unit regional Solutions Family Center.
Congressional recognition given.
2013 Highlights
Dear Friends and Supporters,
It has been a year of excitement at Solutions for Change, with dreams fulfilled and even more possibilities on the
horizon. For that, we have you to thank. Together, as we forge new ground, try new approaches and fearlessly move
forward with innovative ways to solve family homelessness, we are reaching and rebuilding hundreds of lives. And we
are doing so in vastly different ways than ever before.
Together, we’re delivering a 1,000-day program that moves families from dependence on government aid to selfsufficiency. We’re renovating worn-down apartments into award-winning housing communities. And we’re building
and operating a world-class aquaponics farming social enterprise. These are all initiatives that push conventional
boundaries. But this is who we are. We are Solutions for Change and this is what we must do in our pursuit to uncover
and discover the long-term solutions that families and communities need to defeat homelessness. Underpinning it all is
a culture of servant leadership, serving for the sake of others for the sole purpose of solving family homelessness.
As you read this report and reflect on your time with Solutions this past year, we hope you’ll see the results of our
work together. We hope you’ll enjoy seeing the impact numbers and reading the stories of complete transformation that
you’ve helped make possible. And most importantly, we hope this report will give you a sense of how profoundly you
are effecting this change by digging deeper and addressing the root causes of our families’ homelessness. We think that
anything else merely contains, enables, and eventually grows homelessness and poverty.
Solving family homelessness must be about equipping people with the skills, knowledge and resources needed to
move from being revenue users to revenue producers. We think that the families we serve should start returning money
to the system as taxpayers, eventually cancelling out what was invested in their re-housing and rehabilitation, and
winding up as net contributors. It is a big goal, we know, but that is the expedition we are on and this is what you are
supporting when you underwrite a future for a family, champion Solutions at your church or business, or invite your
friends to An Evening to Remember.
If you think the lives that have been transformed in 2013 are big, we can’t wait for you to see what’s next!
June 13
June 21
August 5
August 23
September 21
Solutions receives the San Diego Housing
Federation’s Ruby Award for excellence in
affordable housing.
Doors open at Vista Terrace, adding 47 new
supportive housing units and increasing
Solutions capacity by 57%.
The first Teen Leadership Summit kicks off, bringing with it a program that challenges
teens to live above the influence.
Chris and Tammy receive the Starfish
Leadership Award, presented at the Carlsbad
Chamber of Commerce’s annual State of the
City luncheon.
Our supporters celebrate at the 3rd annual
An Evening to Remember…with Mrs. Laura Bush.
Serving to Solve,
Chris and Tammy Megison
Our Community Leadership Team creates the multi-year
Finding Our Way Home initiative whose goal is to solve
homelessness for 200 families and 400 children.
New Solutions, an affordable housing
initiative within Solutions, begins and
acquires first 10 homes for graduate
families to rent.
New Solutions expands, purchasing 9 more homes.
Solutions for Change
restructures all of its resources around a new model called
Solutions University—1,000 days to a permanent solution.
Books for Real Change
social enterprise started.
Solutions Education & Training Center opens,
providing a skills and employment hub for Solutions’ residents.
Solutions Farms opens proving it’s possible to do well while doing good.
Primrose Park Apartments opens,
providing 22 units of affordable graduate housing.
Rugy Giuliani keynotes
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
An Evening to Remember.
(2005-2009) keynotes our inaugural
An Evening to Remember…
New Solutions affordable housing evolves into a
significant housing acquisition initiative with the
purchase of 22-unit Primrose Park apartments.
The Breen Family Story
Lucy can hardly express just how much Solutions for Change has meant to her and
her daughters. “We are overwhelmed with gratitude at what this program and
its supporters have done for us.” That support came just as Lucy was undergoing
the hardest year of her life.
Many people think of homelessness as a result of generational poverty, drugs, or
addiction. Lucy’s story doesn’t fit into that mold, coming from a background
not too different from those who are employed, housed and financially
secure. “We were well-off,” she says. “My kids were spoiled. They wanted for
nothing, and we lived on an acre of property outside of Scottsdale. It was a really
comfortable life.”
She and her husband owned a successful construction company that seemed
to defy the odds, even during the worst parts of the recession. While their
competitors were going under, they were thriving. It seemed too good to be true.
All that changed when her husband started using drugs. Lucy tried to hide it
from their five girls, but ultimately the addiction got out of control and they
were forced to leave. “I picked up a U-Haul, loaded all our stuff, and got out,”
she says.
She found temporary refuge with family in San Diego. When staying with them
was no longer possible, Lucy was at a loss. After running out of options, she
and the girls drove down to the beach and stayed in their car. They even
found a surfboard and tried to pass the time off as a “Surf Safari”, a true
California adventure. Inside, Lucy was panicking.
“If it was just me, I would be fine. But I had the girls. And I was
desperate for a real solution.” She researched homeless services and
found Solutions for Change. She immediately called and the family
entered the program a few weeks later.
The day they arrived at Solutions’ Intake and Access Center (IAC), Lucy remembers she could finally breathe again. Her girls had a bed to sleep in and a roof over their head. When she
found out they would be fed as well, she didn’t know what to do with herself. “I was ecstatic,” she said. “I could finally stop worrying about where we would stay and what
we would eat, and instead focus on building our future.”
After months in the IAC, a spot opened up at the Solutions main campus, giving the family a comfortable home with ample room. Thanks to Solutions’ Workforce Development Program,
Lucy found work in a sales role, which she “absolutely loves”. She regularly attends classes at Solutions, which include parenting, servant leadership and co-dependency courses.
She also has access to one-on-one counseling, which has been a much-needed support for her journey. “The classes and counseling have helped me understand why I was
allowing what I was allowing for so long,” she says. “An understanding which will prevent me from ever letting it happen again.”
The lessons she’s learned at Solutions are lessons that Lucy has passed on to her girls. “I never want them to go through the same thing I did,” she says. “I tell them everything so that
they can learn from my mistakes and grow to be strong, independent women.”
As for the challenges of the past year? “I hope my girls never forget it,” she says. She hopes as they grow they remember to give to others what Solutions and its
community of supporters have given to her family.
Teen Leadership Summit
Spend five minutes with one of our Solutions teens and the first thing you hear about will likely be the 2013 Teen
Leadership Summit. The two week program got our teens endlessly excited about their unlimited potential - potential that
the harsh realities of homelessness have often hidden from view.
Teen Summit Coordinator and Solutions Case Manager, Tawny Grant, shares, “The Summit is all about living above
the influence and not making low-road choices, like getting involved with gangs or dropping out of school.
We define what being a leader means for them in the context of their everyday lives - with their families,
their school, their friends.”
The Summit is designed to help our Solutions youth handle some of the challenges of their teenage years and difficult
backgrounds. It includes lessons on academic stress, parental communication, dating issues, the residual effects of physical
and emotional abuse, bullying, addiction, peer pressure and other realities of young life. It also teaches them Servant
Leadership, a life philosophy that reinforces their sense of individual potential while simultaneously reminding them of
their role as a member of the larger community.
The teens mix classroom-style lessons with outside field trips that widen their world view through community service
projects and exciting new adventures. For many teens, this meant their first time to the ice skating rink, San Diego’s
Wild Animal Park, and even a trip to see how local business, TaylorMade Golf, is run. It also meant the packing of school
supplies and donations for Solutions’ younger children, getting the teens in the habit of leading by serving.
The Summit reinforced that anything is possible for our Solutions youth.
Their trajectory is no longer dictated by their past, but by all that they can imagine for their future.
Solutions Farms
At Solutions Farms, there is a natural synergy between the growing of nutritious produce and the rebuilding of lives for the
families we serve. It was from this idea that our social enterprise, Solutions Farms, was born in July 2012. It was created
with the help of community members who offered more than 3,000 hours of donated volunteer time and $100,000 of inkind donations. This work transformed the two-acre plant nursery into a state-of-the-art aquaponics center.
The now fully functioning farm boasts substantial harvests, producing over 18,000 lbs of baby greens, basil, rainbow
chard, and kale each year, as well as large, healthy tilapia (over 500 pounds of them!) that are sold to local fish companies
after they outgrow our tanks. The organically-certified operation continues to utilize far less water than conventional
growers, and uses no fertilizer or pesticides.
The operation’s lack of chemicals has inspired our farm team to get creative this year - releasing 120,000 lady bugs to act
as natural deterrents to the more harmful insect varieties. In 2013, the farm also explored its success with over 90 plant
varieties, editing and refining the system to yield the highest quality, most prolific produce the farm can muster.
Our partnerships have grown alongside our produce. Solutions Farms’ baby greens and basil are now being served within
Vista Unified School District (VUSD) schools – many of which are attended by our own Solutions children. In addition, kale,
green onions, baby greens and other herbs are proudly sold at our Thursday farm stand at Tri-City Medical Center – a farm
stand that continues to sell out weekly.
So can a business that does good also do well? Solutions Farms is proving that it can every day.
And our residents and farm staff show no signs of slowing down.
A Year of Solutions... By the Numbers
28 Solutions University
On-Campus Homes at
Intake and Access Center
*Source: The 2013 San Diego Regional
Annual Homeless Assessment Report
Total Square Feet of Solutions Property
Families in crisis knock on
Solutions’ door and receive
information, help, and/or housing
square feet at the end of 2013
Increased housing capacity in 2013
Our Families
437 h
8 volunte
of the families
that entered Solutions University
moved into permanent housing
families applied to
Solutions University
161 + 323 = 484
Total People
Enrolled and Living in
Solutions University*
* Snapshot as of 12.31.2013
square feet on the horizon
of the
parents in the program
acquire employment
New Solutions Homes
located throughout North County
Solutions Farms
Solutions Owned 46 at the start of 2013
Total plants
harvested at
Solutions Farms
We sell produce to 27
schools within the Vista
Unified School District
Solutions Owned 93 at the end of 2013
1,000,000 gallons
of water saved over traditional farming
73 more housing units on the horizon
= 133 Total
Solutions for
Change Homes
volunteer hours at the farm
hours of education, health,
and job training classes
pounds of fish harvested
lady bugs released as part of our
integrated pest management
Tilapia fertilize the nutrient-rich water
Solutions for Change has, from its
inception, pursued a path of fiscal
prudence that is reflected in our current
financial position and stability. We derive
income from a wide variety of sources,
including individual and business
donors, foundation grants, special
events, rental income, social enterprise
efforts, and federal and state grants. This
diversification minimizes risk because we
are not heavily dependent on any specific
revenue stream or any specific donor.
We have a solid portfolio of real estate,
and an ever-expanding corps of private
donors who share our strong commitment
to helping families permanently solve
their homelessness.
Our goal is to operate “lean” and be
careful stewards of each dollar given in
support of our efforts, while at the same
time having the personnel and programs
needed to help our residents achieve
their goals and permanently end their
Statement of Financial Position
Current Assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Grants receivable
Related party receivables, current portion
Pledges receivable, current portion
Total Current Assets
Property and Equipment, Net
$98,511 75,434 420,343
378,450 109,104 $192,936
$1,081,842 $541,180
$13,769,134 $13,639,842 Other Assets
Related party receivables, net, noncurrent Pledges receivable, net, noncurrent
Operating/Replacement reserves
258,529 239,167 9,000 ------500,941
Total Other Assets
$1,009,965 $797,143
TOTAL ASSETS $15,860,941 $14,978,165
Current Liabilities
Total Current Liabilities$1,361,256 $487,668
Total Long-Term Liabilities$13,944,107$13,548,740
Minority Interest in Subsidiary
Net Assets
Temporary restricted
Public Grants748,395
Rental Income
In-kind Donations
Solutions Enterprise Income
Interest & miscellaneous
ME 11%
Support & Revenue
Revenue and Expenses 2013
E 18%
Breakdown of
Support & Revenue
Operating Expenses
Program Services
Management and General
Change in Net Assets Before
Nonoperating Revenue and (Expenses)
NG 9%
Partnership Loss
Interest - residual receipts debt
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Minority interest in deficit of revenue
and support over expenses of subsidiary
Nonoperating Revenue & (Expenses)
Breakdown of
Board of Directors
2013 Impact Partners
Danny Ashcraft – Chairman
Monique Bobadilla
Western CNC, Inc.
Associate Director, Human Resources Director, Stewardship & Development
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
Gene Ford – Treasurer
Walter Kuchinsky
Duncan Wallace
Industrial Mechanic
Watkins Manufacturing Corporation
Kand Medical
Jerry Watson – Secretary
Sandra Shuda
Communications Specialist
VP of Human Relations
Watkins Manufacturing Corporation
Champion Investors
Danny & Carolyn Ashcraft
Art & Lori Barter
Congressman Darrell & Kathy Issa
Brian & Blossom Kennedy
Mark King
Nick & Florenza Krnich
Forte for Children
Genentech Foundation
Issa Family Foundation
Lawrence Welk Family Foundation
NBC Universal Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Public (Government) Funders
TaylorMade Golf Company
Wells Fargo Bank
Chris Smith
Thank you to
who partnere ll those
us and suppo d with
work in 2013. our
Public (Government) Funders
County of San Diego Housing &
Community Development
County of San Diego,
Neighborhood Reinvestment Grant
City of Carlsbad
City of Escondido
U.S. Department of Housing
& Urban Development
State of California Housing &
Community Development
City Of Oceanside
The Backus Family
Pam Brossman
Dave & Arlette Cranford
Jonathan & Tracy Fredricks
Gordana Barle
Rudy Giuliani
Debbie King
Lisa Tam & Everett Love
Duncan & Karen Wallace
Enviremedial Services Inc.
Fusheng Precision Company
Humpherys Homes and Estates
Kand Medical, Inc.
Monster Tool Company
Scratch Media
The Golf Channel
Watkins Manufacturing
Western CNC, Inc.
Alverin M. Cornell Foundation
Mission Hills Church
Morrison & Foerster Foundation
Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club
Stein Family Foundation
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
UPS Foundation, Inc.
Wagner Family Trust
City of San Marcos
City of Vista
Impact Investors
Diana Aaron
Toma & Tom Aasen
Abbott Laboratories
Sandra Moffitt-Adams & Greg Adams
Tonilee & Rob Adamson
Adecco Staffing
Advanced Builders Properties
Dr. Paul & Lori Ague
John & Karen Ahlswede
Valerie Alexander
Allen’s Alley
Jenny Al-Shafie
Anderson Health Counseling
Angel Society of Fallbrook
Nicholas Angelucci
Robert Anthony
Joseph Ashby
Jane Allison Austin
Tim & Elaine Baker
Terry & Kay Baker
J. Roland & Patty Barberio
Gary & Sandy Barberio
Rick Batt
Douglas & Kathleen Bauer
Bruce & Marlene Baumann
David & Geri Bennett
Amanda Bergara
Richard Bernier
Joy Bickle
Donna Blackmond
Pat Blank
Elaina & William Blankinship
Richard Blazer
Bob Baker Automotive Group
Dennis & Debi Bone
Jess Booth & Mo Hagan
Thomas & Pam Boyer
Boys & Girls Foundation
Thomas Brackett
Jim & Shari Bradley
Rita & Erik Brandin
Sandra Braun
Brent Family Foundation
Scott & Megan Bricker
Ron Briseno
Steven Britton
Kevin & Michele Brown
Duane & Diane Bryson
Bob & Victoria Burch
Jeni & Mark Burgess
Jim Burgess
John Byers
C3 Church
Nanette Caldararo
Robbie Calderon-Hass & Keith Hass
Jeffrey & Melanie Calhoun
California State University
Channel Islands
Don Scotty & Kathy Cameron
Carlsbad by the Sea Chapel Fund
Carlsbad Firefighters Association
Carlsbad Police Department
Patrick & Marsha Carney
Carol L. Donald & James A. Murray
Cascino Inspection Services, Inc.
J.B. & R.A. Chamberlain
Charity Fundraising Packages
Charles O. Allen & Barbara E. Allen Revocable Trust
Chelsea Investment Corporation
Cara Cherry
Circle of Friends
Wendy Clark
Fred & Delores Clayton
Tracy Clippinger
Paul & Susan Cloutier
Ross Cockrell
John & Joan Coffin
Larry & Eleanor Cohen
Common Sense Solutions, Inc.
John Conrad
Bob & Carol Cooley
Amy Coppens
Cathy Cortney
Robert Jeffrey & Valerie Crane
Sally Cuff
Dawn Hall-Cunneen & Gary Cunneen
Carolyn Dalton
Mark & Cindy Dankberg
David & Kathy Daubenspeck
Lisa & David Davey
Jim & Marilyn Day
Ronald & Terri Day
Bob & Pam Deegan
Bobbi DePorter & Joe Chapon
Del Mar Thoroughbred Club
Diamond Boutique
Wally & Linda Diekmann
David & Denise Dinkins
Laura Dinoia
Thomas & Betty Doerfler
Lorraine Doering
Cherie Drummond
John & Carol Dugan
Kesha Dunigon
Mike & Sandy Dunn
Dupaco, Inc.
Susan Duprat
Tim & Vicki Durie
Paul Dutcher
Dynamic Precision Industry Corp.
EDCO Waste and Recycling Services, Inc.
Michael & Janis Edgar
Dave & Barbara Eikermann
Janelle Ellis-Alpizar
Susan Ellisor
Emmanuel Faith Community Church
Encinitas Coastal Rotary Club
Rick & Cynthia Engel
Tim & Susan Epp
Cindy Erie
Joshua Ertel
Mildred T. Espy
Nikki Estabrook
Thomas Farnsworth
Dan & Wendy Farnum
Tobi Ferguson
Christopher Ficara
Audrey Findley
First Presbyterian Church
of Oceanside
Don & Vicki Fitzgerald
Sister Madeline Fitzgerald
Edmond Fitzgerald
James Floyd
FM Materials & Pigments
Amy Foley
Curtis & Patti Fonseca
Gloria Foote
Gene & Roberta Ford
John & Julie Forester
Eric & Kristin Fracassi
Jim Fraker
Anthony Franchi
John & Shanna Franklin
Coreen Franz
Jon Fredricks
Fresh Creative Foods
Doug & Laurie Galloway
Dale Ganzow
Maria Garibay
Kristin & Paul Gaspar
Michael H. & Marcia R. Gates
John & Elisabeth Georgeson
Bryan & Lorraine Gessel
Dr. Zahra Ghorishi & Dr. Sean
Bill & Linda Gibney
Diane Gilden
Girl Scout Troop #1674
Rudy Giuliani
Gigi Gleason
Peter & Mary Glenane
Glenmorangie Scotch
Bob & Robin Goode
Jim Gorham & Mary Ann Pinamonti
Ken & Cynthia Gosselin
Tawny Grant
Brian & Wendy Grebbien
M. Grisez
Mitch & Alecia Guarneros
Robert K. Gullen
Rick & Victoria Gulley
Gary F. & Ginger Gustafson
Marilynn A. Hagen
Allen & Heather Hakes
Hakes Sash & Door, Inc.
Mayor Matt & Phyllis Hall
Steve & Maureen Hammock
Ginger Hansen
Connie Harmatz
Harvest 2U
Diana Haslam
Rebecca & Joe Hassinger
Deja & Mike Haynes
Terri & Kim Healy
Carolyn Hebbel
Laura Henne
John Henriksen
Bill Henry
Colleen Hensley
Brian Hilliard
Ginger Hitzke
Hitzke Development Corporation
Cheri & Kevin Hoffman
Brad & Monica Holder
Todd & Julie Hollander
Supervisor Bill Horn
Dwight & Cyndee Horn
Dan & Amy Hughes
Donna Hughes
Bob & Susan Husband
Ron & Marilyn Ishii
Stephanie D. Jackel
Thomas & Isabelle Jakob
Monty & Melissa James
Donald L. Janssen
Jeff Jenco
Tom & Anita Jimenez
Jocassee Designs, Inc.
John Cochrane & Katie Everhart
Eric & Barbara Johnson
Jane & Dennis Johnson
Linda Johnson
John & Debby Jones
Paul Jordan
JP Morgan Chase
Kylene Kaelin
Diane Kalt
Kyle & Ronya Kamerlander
Callie & Mike Kassow
John & Laura Kawaja
Bridgette Keene
Richard & Pamela Kennedy
Bill & Christine Keogh
Christopher & Patricia Keogh
Kathrine & Bill Kimball
Ken King
Carol Kissin
Dale Klamer
Richard & Donna Klein
Klein Electronics
Demian & Sherin Kloer
Summer Kloer
Patty Koedatich
Jim & Juliana Kozen
Gary & Eleanor Kramer
Olga Krasnoff
Ira & Dawn Kristol
David & Barbi Krome
Leslie Krymer
Walter & Lilly Kuchinsky
Amit & Manisha Kumar
Dr. Dieter Kuster & Ursula
Philip & Judith Labarbera
Michelle LaChusa
Robert & Sally Laing
Lake San Marcos Kiwanis Club
Adele Lancaster
Mike Lang
Larry & Ellen Lasky
Ryan & Charlotte Lauder
Jay & Barbara Lawrence
Kevin & Evelyn Leahy
Brian & Melanie Lee
Beverly E. Lehan
Alice Lemon
Richard Lemon
Deneen LeRoy
Jeff & Yvette LeTourneau
Hugh & Larine Levin
Lexus Carlsbad
Lexus Pursuit of Potential
Anthony & Whitney Lichtl
Kevin & Carol Limbach
Mark & Teri Lind
Lobo Solutions, Inc.
LOGO Expressions
Ellen & Michael Lowe
Lori Lubine
Anthony James Lugo
Brent Sepulveda & Natalie Luna
Lush Coffee & Tea
Michael & Maribeth Maher
Manta Ray Consulting, Inc.
Gary & Amy Marchetti
Nancy Marr
Mark & Brenda Martin
Mike & Kathy Martin
Mary Agnes & Roland Madden
Masco Corporation
Kevin Maser
Maser Mechanical Inc.
Gina McBride
Robert & Kelli McDill
Maureen McFarlane
Marc McGuire
Jeanne McGuire
Christa & Tom McNamara
Evangeline McNeal
Lisa & Dan McQueen
Chris & Tammy Megison
Margaret Meistrell
Gavin & Christine Millay
MiraCosta Horticulture Club
Joe & Sarah Mishriki
Ronald & Jeanette Mitchell
Hernan & Monica Modenessi
Juan Molina
Philippe & Natalie Monet
Jeff & Peggy Moore
Sue Moore
Teresa Moseley
Mossy BMW of Vista
Rob & Linda Moynan
Donald Mullin
Vicki Mullins
Carol & Hal Needham
New Community Church of Vista
New Life Presbyterian Church
New Song Community Church
Newland Real Estate Group, LLC.
Alan L. & Frances Newman
P.D. & G. Nichols
Laura Nill
David Nilson
NLPC Deacons Fund Account
Nordson Foundation
Norway Hall Foundation
NRG Energy Company
Shannon Borowicki & Michael
Maria Nunn
Oceanwavers Square Dance Club
Gary & Margaret Old
Tom & Vonda Olsavsky
OMNI La Costa Resort & Spa
Outsource Manufacturing
Pac West Landcare
Pacific Backflow Company, Inc.
Pacific Western Bank
Palomar College Foundation
Charlene Panky
James & Janelle Panther
Vann & Carol Parker
Bob & Nancy Parker
Debbie Paul
Andrew Pavelchek
Gary & Louise Pearce
Ellen S. Perkins
Joseph & Patricia Perna
Sue Peterson
Peterson & Price
Madeleine Pickens
Gisele Piero
Pilgrim United Church of Christ
Robert & Gervais Pimentel
Gene & Lauren Pitkin
Samuel & Denise Poniachik
Bertha Popeney
Jean Porter
Christopher & Theresa Poulos
Dave & Danica Powell
Kevin & Denita Pressley
Robin & Val Primante
Quality Living Landscape
Quanshen Machinery Industry
Co., Ltd
Evi Quinn
Chuck Rabel
Carol Radigan
April Ashcraft Ramirez & Ruben
Ranch & Coast Magazine
Rancho Santa Fe Foundation
Rancho Valencia Resort & Spa
Andy & Liz Ream
Elmer & Lorrine Reich
Matt & Allison Reid
Bill & Karen Reimus
Claire Reiss
Carmen Rene
Randy & Jana Reznicek
Harry Rhoads
Linda Rider
Jeff Riolo
Mayor Judy Ritter
Geniva Roberts
Marsha & Rodney Robinson
Ron & Kay Rosa
Denis & Carolyn Royer
Elizabeth Rycz
Carlyn M Sager
Elizabeth Salisbury
Nancy Salisbury
Amy Samson
San Marcos Community Foundation
San Marcos Lutheran Church
Jeanne Sando
Freddy Santos
Saul Schachter
Larry Schallock
Bret & Jolene Schanzenbach
Mona Schlachter
Pia & Richard Schmitz
Kathryn & Joseph Schwartzberg
Chuck Schweikart
Al Severson
Shadowridge Men’s Golf
Peter & Juanita Shaffer
Christa & Al Shapiro
Gregory Shelton
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter &
Hampton LLP
Danny & Ginya Sherlock
Sandra & Steve Shuda
SI Golf Group
Philip & Patricia Simon
Lorna & Hale Simonds
Pierre & Angelica Sleiman
Mike & Abbey Smith
Russell & Donna Smith
Marguerite & Peter Smith
Chris Smith
Craig Smith
Britt & Torin Snyder
Soroptomist International of
La Jolla
Sound United
Specialty Produce
Gene & Roger St. Louis
Linda Staehr
Starbucks Coffee Company
Frances & James Stark
Gerry & Eiko Stefanko
William & Naomi Stein
Bill & Laurie Steinecke
Bobbie Stern
Stewardship Foundation
Joanne Stodghill
Kim & Mar Stolmeier
Kevin & Ellen Stotmeister
Marilee Sugerman
Dennis Sullivan
Liz Sumner
Sun Country Builders
Allison Tarter
Taylor Guitars
Telecom Pioneers De Anza
Chapter #68 Denver PAC
The Community Foundation for the
Central Savannah River Area
The Country Friends
The Village Community
Presbyterian Church
Thomas & Wanda Thies
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
DeeDee & Craig Timmons
Mike Toroitich
John & Tawnya Torok
Sean & Kathy Toulon
Tri-City Christian School
Tri-City Hospital Foundation
Tri-City Medical Center
Trilink Biotechnologies
True Temper Sports, Inc.
Darline Ulrich
Hubert Underwood
United Church of Lake San Marcos
United Plant Growers, Inc.
Scott & Aubree Valentino
James & Kathy Van Pelt
Bill & Rockelle Van Steenwyk
Steve B. & Frances Vanderschaaf
Marilyn Vanderweit
Gary & Analiese Vasquez
Verizon Wireless West Area Retail
Martin & Adriane Vermillion
Benoit & Liliane Vincent
Vista Hi Noon Rotary
Vista Village Business Association
Pino & Erika Vitti
Willie & Veronica Voelker
Lloyd D. Volker
Volker Family Trust
Lance & Anna Waite
Andrea Naverson-Wait &
Dwight Wait
Marie Waldron
David & Kristen Walker
Glenn & Lisa Walker
Dorothy Wall
Warehouse Services
Wasserman Foundation
Jerry & Gail Watson
Emmy Wei
George & Cindi Weir
Welk Resorts
Kathryn Werner
Meredith & Jay Wesley
Christopher & Christine Westlake
Martha R. Wheatley
Whirlaways Square Dance Club
Dan Whitaker
Eric & Karon Whitaker
Christopher White
Sharlene & Carl Wickham
Wild Animal Park
Dal & Christina Williams
Heather Williams
Ernst & Rosa Wilms
Erich Wilms
Susan Winebrenner
Nicole Winfield
Jodie Wingo
Wise Investment Prop, Inc.
John & Sheila Withers
Woman’s Club of Vista
Women of Christ the King
Lutheran Church
Mike Ballard & Lorraine Wood
Edward & Margaret Wozniak
Laura Andert & Larry Yarchever
Yingst Appliance
Rudy & Marcy Zavora
Valerie Zirpolo
Solutions for Change has made every effort to confirm the accuracy of donor information presented. Please advise us of any inaccuracies or omissions.
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Your philanthropic contribution
will create bright futures for children.
Visit www.solutionsforchange.org or
call 760.941.6545
Your personal involvement can
change the course of someone’s life.
Call 760.941.6545 for more information
Let our residents put their skills and
knowledge to work in your business.
Email hire@solutionsforchange.org
The Dillard Family
When Lucia walked into her Vista Terrace apartment for the first time, she felt like she
and her family were “finally home.” That feeling was a far cry from the insecurity she
had felt just a few years earlier when she was a victim of domestic abuse. When her
husband walked out on her and their two kids, Lucia knew her misfortune might be a
blessing in disguise – a chance to reclaim their lives. They came to Solutions four days
before Christmas and she says she still remembers the look on her children’s faces.
“They had presents in their hands before we were even shown a bed. And they loved
what felt like a constant slumber party at the IAC,” she says. Now after over a year at
Solutions, the kids are thriving and Lucia finally feels at ease.
“We feel so blessed to be offered this second chance,” she says.
A second chance made possible by Solutions for Change and supporters like you.
722 W. California Avenue
Vista, CA 92083