hard real-time – cost-effective – high reliability wind river


hard real-time – cost-effective – high reliability wind river
automation technologies
wind river VxWorks ®
windows ® xp embedded
hard real-time – cost-effective – high reliability
kuka robot group worldwide
kuka Robot Group is a leading developer of hardware and software for real-time critical applications
and has delivered over 75,000 systems worldwide. Founded in 1986, kuka is one of the world’s leading
robotics manufacturers. kuka Robot Group is a part of iwka, a holding company with sales over 2 billion
dollars annually. Our products are developed and marketed from locations in Augsburg, Germany and
Clinton Township, usa. Technical support is available throughout the world.
give your next system new flexibility and capabilities with kuka’s cost-effective technology:
Hyperthreading, multiprocessor and apic support
Matlab/Simulink/Real-time workshop support
Full .Net support
Java virtual machine
High-end graphical Windows interfaces
Access to powerful Windows XP api
Outstanding connectivity
Hard real-time performance
High-resolution real-time timer, granularity 0.8 microseconds
Lowers hardware costs, drastically increasing reliability (mtbf)
Non-proprietary – built on cots operating system
Availability of numerous hardware drivers
Full support from a worldwide company
strategic advantage –
Think of the many possibilities for new
single processor operation
products or significant product enhance-
kuka’s technology extends wind river
ments that kuka’s technology offers: in-
VxWorks with Windows XP Embedded
creased gui capabilities, standards-com-
and allows both to reside concurrently on
pliant connectivity, lower hardware costs,
a single processor. kuka’s VxWorks adds
lower development costs, and greater
Microsoft Windows XP capabilities to
reliability. A new, yet proven, way to in-
wind river’s VxWorks real-time operat-
crease your competitive edge. Products
ing system, eliminating the need for a sec-
using VxWin technology have years of
ond system running an hmi. VxWin low-
operational experience in critical applica-
ers hardware and development costs and
tions. Tens of thousands of industrial
delivers superior reliability in an industry-
robots, industrial automation, process
standard solution.
automation, medical equipment and other
applications are in operation throughout
VxWin extension technology
the world. We have established a long-
Real-time control must be accurate, reliable
term relationship with wind river and
and cost-effective. Extending the proven
Microsoft assuring seamless interoper-
real-time performance of wind river
ability of our products. Users also have
VxWorks with the flexible attributes of
the support of our applications engineers
Windows XP Embedded on the same ma-
worldwide and our ongoing commitment
chine, results in a powerful real-time system
to continuous product improvement.
with access to all Windows XP features.
precision machine control
automation data integrity
VxWin real-time applications
precision machine control
PC-based industrial automation
Schleicher Electronic’s cnc, ProNumeric,
including plc, motion control,
delivers industry-leading performance
robotics, cnc
using VxWin to combine state-of-the-art
Real-time test and measurement/
cnc coupled with an advanced graphical
data recording
user interface. The PC-based system in-
Medical devices and equipment
terpolates up to 64 axes simultaneaously
Military and Aerospace
coupling external sensors input to NC
VxWorks target simulation with
real-time behavior and hardware
critical medical reliability
VxWin technology provides the reliability
automation data integrity
and stability necessary to precisely and
VxWin technology runs Occubot, a lead-
safely position the Accuray X-Ray delivery
ing automobile seat wear testing applica-
system during full-body radio surgery
tion. Tests consist of thousands of continu-
treatment. VxWin software enables the
ous cycles run over hundreds of hours. The
motion control apllication, VxWorks and
integrity of continually-recorded test data is
the operator interface running on Win-
maintained regardless of events occurring
dows OS, to coexist on a single system.
on Windows. VxWin enables robot con-
This eliminates the need for a separate
trol, force monitoring and dynamic path ad-
dedicated user interface.
justments to run alongside the graphical
operator interface and data display on a single processor.
a user-friendly environment
reduce hardware
The Windows environment assures ease
increase reliability
of programming, debugging and imple-
With VxWin, high-end gui features can be
mentation. VxWin technology adds to the
added to VxWorks without adding a sec-
hard real-time performance of VxWorks
ond processor. Because hardware compo-
with the extensive high-end graphical fea-
nent count is significantly reduced, mtbf is
tures and applications available through
drastically increased. Costs are further re-
Windows XP Embedded. Programmers
duced because system size and weight can
realize all the hardware and real-time fea-
be cut. System resources are allocated indi-
tures of VxWorks plus access to a wide
vidually for either VxWorks or Windows
range of third party drivers and analysis
XP Embedded, guaranteeing that hardware-
tools available on the market. VxWin sup-
based interrupts allocated for VxWorks
ports all applicable wind river VxWorks
are handled in real-time. In addition, the
design of VxWin guarantees VxWorks
real-time application performance regardless of Windows XP occurrences.
human machine interface
human machine interface
Familiar Microsoft development tools
speed development.
memory allocation
kuka’s VxWin utilizes the x86 MMU to protect
VxWorks memory from Windows XP.
state machine
kuka’s VxWin assures complete execution
of all real-time tasks before switching back
to Windows XP.
memory allocation – loading and starting of the rtos
Other Drivers
state machine – execution priority
256 mb
ndis Driver
Higher priority real-time irq occurred
Windows XP
Interface Driver
Windows Kernel
win 32
VxWorks Address
Space e.g. 32 mb
48 mb
Shared Memory
Windows XP
for example, Ethernet
tasks level
irq occurred
by mmu
At least one
task active
isr level
by mmu
Idle task
16 mb
Windows xp
1 mb
Windows XP
640 kb
Image File
No task
All tasks are idle
faster development cycles
Real-time deterministic responce
option to use the same VxWorks applica-
VxWin developers enjoy a faster develop-
measured in microseconds
tion in an embedded system, for example,
Xscale architecture.
ment cycle working in the well-known
Hardware access to isa and pci plug-in
and thoroughly proven wind river and
boards, no kernel driver to develop
Microsoft environments. VxWin allows
Communication between Windows XP
windows xp advantages
users to leverage familiar development
and VxWorks via tcp/ip (virtual
Application development with Windows XP
tools and api’s in the development of
network) or shared memory
their real-time applications. Using familiar
Optional products available,
Multitasking, intertask communication
development suites such as Visual Studio/
e.g. vxdcom, opc server
Components for Windows XP
Workbench/Tornado for the development
Availability of many existing
Embedded included
of visualization and real-time applications,
VxWorks drivers, e.g. fieldbus,
Connectivity: tcp/ip .net, Java, Win-
programmers can reuse existing Windows
measurement hardware and more
sock, com/dcom and file sharing
or VxWorks code and knowledge instead
Familiar Tornado and Workbench
http Server, isapi, asp, soap
of having to port to another proprietary api.
development tools
Server, soap Client
Powerful, graphical real-time analysis
Programming languages:
wind river vxworks advantages
tools, e.g. Scopetools
C, C++, C#, Visual Basic
wind river VxWorks is used worldwide
Comprehensive documentation
Known development tools –
in embedded control systems, medical ap-
(html, newsgroups)
Microsoft Visual Studio
plications, test and measurement systems
and industrial automation applications. It
evaluate VxWin
offers a number of distinct advantages: a
VxWorks applications can be quickly in-
kuka’s VxWin technology is used in ap-
small footprint, very fast response and
tegrated into a VxWin system without any
plications worldwide. kuka invites you to
hardware control interrupts can be ac-
added hardware costs. Because standard
contact your kuka representative for a copy
cessed easily.
tcp/ip communications for connecting to
of VxWin extension software for a time-
the Windows operating system are used,
limited evaluation. For further informa-
porting to existing VxWorks application
tion please contact us on the web at:
is easily accomplished. Users also have the
Technical data and illustrations, non-binding for delivery. Subject to change.
Sales and Support.
kuka roboter gmbh | sales center europe . Hery-Park 3000 . 86368 Gersthofen . Germany
p +49 821 4533 3768 . f +49 821 4533 2129
info@kuka-rtos.com . support@kuka-rtos.com . sales@kuka-rtos.com . www.kuka-rtos.com
kuka roboter corp. | sales center america . 22500 Key Drive . Clinton Township . Michigan 48036 . usa
p 866 8735852 (toll-free) . p +1 586 5692082 . f +1 586 5692087
supportus@kuka-rtos.com . info@kukarobotics.com . www.kuka-rtos.com