Fall Recreation Guide 2016 - Kitsilano Community Centre
Fall Recreation Guide 2016 - Kitsilano Community Centre
GENERAL General Information Kitsilano Community Centre KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE Fall 2016 Recreation Guide 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Programs for all ages! ice rink community garden & kitchen sauna, ice rinkfitness centre & whirlpool community garden & kitchen sauna, fitness centre & whirlpool 2690 Larch Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6K 4K9 Phone 604-257-6976 arts dance day camps exercise wellness workshops music pilates & yoga water sports Programs for all tennis ages! and much more. arts dance exercise wellness workshops music pilates & yoga sports tennis and much more. kitscc.com Jointlyoperated operatedby by the theVancouver Vancouver Board Board of of Parks Parks and and Recreation Recreation and the Kitsilano Community Centre Association Jointly Association TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 1 GENERAL KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE 2690 Larch Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6K 4K9 Phone 604-257-6976 Fax 604-257-6996 Web www.kitscc.com Jointly Operated by Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation and Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre Association President’s Message The past year has been both a very exciting and challenging time at the Community Centre as we work to implement the recommendations flowing from the Strategic Plan we completed in the Spring 2015. A key recommendation was to develop a more robust community engagement program to better serve the needs of all segments of the community by working more effectively with the many other community resources in Kitsilano. Jennifer Taylor was hired by the Association as a full-time Community Engagement Coordinator to assist the Board of Directors with this important objective, and she has worked tirelessly to develop contacts and working relationships with groups throughout the community. Her work will continue for a second year in September as we respond to identified needs and gaps in services. We have also, over the summer, completely redesigned and upgraded our website, kitscc.com. We wanted to greatly simplify access to information about our programs and make it possible for you to register for programs directly from our site. Our goal is to have our website function as an online hub from which you will be able to connect to the wide range of programs and services throughout Kitsilano. We hope you will find it is a useful resource. We are committed to continually improving our services and programs, and welcome your ideas and suggestions. On behalf of the KCC staff and Association Board of Directors, I would like to thank you for your support and participation in our many programs and services. Welcome to Fall! Jerry Fast President Kitsilano Community Centre Association 2 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE General Information GENERAL KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Hours Of Operation Our Staff September 6-December 31, 2016 Commmunity Recreation Supervisor.............Bob Hindley Recreation Programmers • Adult & Seniors............. Grant Matsuda • Fitness Centre (multi site)... Larry Turko • Preschool, Children & Youth............Heather Rooke • Rink (multi site)...Maegan Montemayor Recreation Facility Clerk........ Sam Placzek RPT Fitness Attendant...... Mark Cartwright Program Assistant III.............. Oren Thrush, ..........................Jeremy Quan, Janice Kwan Cashiers/ Program Assistants...... Jay Black, Oren Thrush, Keisha Callender, Joanne Carman, Kim Cook, Erin Green, Ian McLellan, Nicolle Koeppel, Janice Kwan, Megan Quan ................................Andy Park, Joe Walters. Facility Engineer................................... TBA Building Service Workers..........Dante Andres, ........................................Gauvain Gonzales Maintenance Lead Hands.......Peter Evans, .......................... Achilles Porras, Pete Thiel Community Engagement Coordinator........ ............................................. Jennifer Taylor Monday-Friday. . . . . 7:45 am-11:00 pm Saturday. . . . . . . . . . . 8:45 am-5:00 pm Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . 8:45 am-10:00 pm NOTE: the office closes 1/2 hour before the Centre. *Statutory Holidays - see posted schedule. Fitness Centre Hours See page 34. Program Registration ONLINE & IN PERSON REGISTRATION Begins Monday, August 15 at 9:00am To register online go to www.kitscc.com To set up your online account or to reset your password, please call 311. PHONE REGISTRATION Begins Tuesday, August 16 at 9:00am 604-257-6976 ext. 1. Table Of Contents nPresident’s Message....................2 nGeneral Information......................3 nPreschool................................ 4-11 nTiggy Winkle Preschool................7 nChildren................................ 12-15 nIndoor Children Tennis................15 nYouth..................................... 16-17 nAdult...................................... 18-28 nAerobics, Exercise Classes........21 nOlder Adults.......................... 29-32 nIce Rink.......................................33 nFitness Centre............................34 nSpecial Events...................... 35-36 Ice Rink For more information public skate schedules and skate lessons visit vancouver.recreation.ca See page 33. Program Policies Refund Policy Cancelled programs are 100% refunded. Requests for refunds must be received at least: • 2 days prior to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd scheduled class for pro-rated refund. • 2 days prior to workshops & outdoor programs. • 7 days prior to any activity start date for camps, luncheons, private lessons, Family Toy & Clothing sale and bus trips. • Refunds are subject to a $5 administrative fee. Subsidized Programs Discounts are available on some programs at time of registration provided you meet the criteria and have proper identification.Youth and students may receive 25% discount on adult programs. Seniors over 60 may receive a 30% discount on adult programs. Patrons that qualify for the Leisure Access Program may receive a 50% discount on some programs. Application forms for the Leisure Access Program are available at: www.vancouver.ca/parks/rec/lac/index.htm All programs subject to change. Board Members President.................................. Jerry Fast Past President................... Robert Haines Vice President............... Heidi Henderson, .................................................Don Shaw Treasurer............................ Arlene Brown Secretary.................................Alfred Lam Members at Large: Michelle Casavant, Liz Cochran, Stephen Cooke, Dominique Dyon, Ben Land, Gabriel Pliska, Sue Anne Sargent, Chris Temmerman, Nona Thompson, Brenda Watson and Annette Whitehead. Honourary lifetime member: Peggy Hillman Personal Information Protection In the course of providing programs and services, the Kitsilano War Memorial Community Centre Association collects personal information of members and others participating in classes, workshops, projects, events, or facility rentals. This information may be used for communication purposes regarding current or upcoming events, processing payments, statistical or human resource purposes, or for the provision of programs or services. TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 3 Preschool PRESCHOOL www.kitscc.com Music Music with Marnie West Coast Families Magazine’s 2012, 2013 and 2014 Readers Choice GOLD Winner in 3 Categories for Best Classes, Best Children’s Performer & Best Performing Artist. Early Childhood Educator & Children’s Entertainer Marnie Grey’s philosophy is that children learn through movement & PLAY - while pretending to be birds, elephants or simply clapping, children will move and groove and learn along the way. Marnie’s classes and music teach simple rhythms, develop confidence and allow children to express themselves musically and creatively all while having FUN! As well as teaching, Marnie tours across the Country, singing tunes from her 4 Award Winning CD’s. Visit www.MusicwithMarnie.com for more information. Music With Marnie Babies (2-15 mo) Music with Marnie Tots (2-4 yrs) One of Marnie’s most popular classes! Explore music through songs, chants, fingerplays, movement, instruments, sign language, bubbles and puppets galore. Marnie’s animated and easy going personality will keep your baby captivated. Adults will leave with songs and activities to share with their baby - from car rides to bath time. Class includes a CD/Download card. No class Monday, October 10th, Tuesday, October 11th and Thursday, October 13th. A more advanced class, for the ever-growing, ever changing toddler or preschooler. Lots of Music with Marnie faves will be shared, and the class will be spiced up with some new tunes and fun rhythm and movement activities - perfect for a preschooler or seasoned Music with Marnie fan. Class includes a CD/Download card. No class Thursday, October 13th. M 11:30 AM-12:05 PM Sep 19-Nov 28 $142/10 sess 68548 Tu 11:30 AM-12:05 PM Sep 20-Nov 29 $142/10 sess 68549 Th 11:30 AM-12:05 PM Sep 22-Dec 01 $142/10 sess 68550 Instructor: Marnie Grey Music With Marnie Toddlers (15 mo-3 yrs) This class is about children learning through PLAY and actively having FUN! Marnie’s years of childhood expertise will have your toddler jumping, clapping, marching, singing and even signing along! Through the use of puppets, bubbles and jumping galore, your child will be guaranteed to move and groove and learn along the way. Class includes a CD/Download card. No class Monday, October 10th, Tuesday, October 11th and Thursday, October 13th. M 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 19-Nov 28 $157/10 sess 68563 Tu 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 20-Nov 29 $157/10 sess 68564 Tu 10:30 AM-11:15 AM Sep 20-Nov 29 $157/10 sess 68565 Th 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 22-Dec 01 $157/10 sess 68566 Th 10:30 AM-11:15 AM Sep 22-Dec 01 $157/10 sess 68567 Instructor: Marnie Grey Music with Marnie Siblings (3 mo-6 yrs) A family class for 2 children or more. A world of music and movement and creative fun for brothers and sisters to share together. Jump in puddles, and march to a musical beat. Older siblings and Marnie can lead the way the little ones can watch, learn, bounce about and even follow along! Note: please register each child individually. Class includes a CD/Download card. No class Monday, October 10th. Music with Marnie Preschool (3-5 yrs) This class is similar to the Toddler class, yet more advanced for the more independent preschooler. Children will have fun singing and doing lots of creative rhythm and beat music and movement activities, filled with lots of call and response animated play. A perfect setting for every growing preschooler. Adult participation is optional. Note: this specially designed class is for children 3 years and older. We can not allow a second child to sit at the back of the class, but we do offer a Sibling Class for two or more children. Class includes a CD/Download card. No class Monday, October 10th. M 12:30 PM-1:15 PM Sep 19-Nov 28 $157/10 sess 68571 Instructor: Marnie Grey Holiday Programs See page 11. M 10:30 AM-11:15 AM Sep 19-Nov 28 $128/10 sess 68568 Instructor: Marnie Grey Classes include an award-winning CD! Instructor: Marnie Grey 4 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Preschool KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Orff Music Music Together Music is a universal language. It transcends boundaries and reaches beyond culture to touch the depths of our souls, express our common emotions, and inspire us all. Music Together connects families and communities across the globe as they express and explore our basic human instinct for making music. Are you ready to make some music together? For more info go to www.musictogether.com or www.westsidemusictogether.ca. Music Together (Birth- 5 yrs) What will you and your child find in a Music Together® class? Rainbow colored falling leaves, cows sitting in the old oak tree, tyrannosaurus rex, shining stars, rockets to the moon and trains to the beach. Come dance and sing to happy village folk songs, Korean lullabies, Cuban rain forest songs, and much much more. You will also find bells of all sorts, triangles, train whistles, shakers, rhythm sticks, kitchen instruments, scarves, giant sheets to hide under and instruments galore! All this with a developmentally appropriate, research based curriculum taught by a registered Music Together® teacher. 45 minutes of pure fun every week! Siblings under 7 months of age can attend for free; siblings 7 months to 5 years can register for a reduced tuition of $105. Parent participation required. Please note: Online registrants, please pay full price for siblings then contact the front desk to receive the sibling discount. No class Friday, November 11th. Tu 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 20-Nov 22 $165/10 sess 72114 Tu 10:30 AM-11:15 AM Sep 20-Nov 22 $165/10 sess 72115 Tu 11:30 AM-12:15 PM Sep 20-Nov 22 $165/10 sess 72116 Th 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 22-Nov 24 $165/10 sess 72117 Th 10:30 AM-11:15 AM Sep 22-Nov 24 $165/10 sess 72118 F 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 23-Dec 02 $165/10 sess 72119 F 10:30 AM-11:15 AM Sep 23-Dec 02 $165/10 sess 72120 F 11:30 AM-12:15 PM Sep 23-Dec 02 $165/10 sess 72121 Teacher: Donalyn We are thrilled to have new Orff Kodaly classes starting at Kits Community Centre. Carl Orff and Zoltan Koday are both famous educators and composers. Their methods are taught worldwide and are always evolving and changing. Tonia Allen joins us from the Vancouver Academy of Music where she has been the Orff Department Head for many years. Orff and Kodaly stress musical basics like pitch and rhythms using a multifaceted approach of percussion instruments, including xylophones, and singing and movement. Composition and improvisation are also key elements. The Orff and Kodaly methods are a lot of fun and are great for all ages! Orff and Kodaly Music (3-4 yrs) NEW Orff and Kodaly Music For Children (4-5 yrs) NEW Orff music is an exciting, innovative and hands on approach to music education. Your child will sing, play a large variety of percussion instruments, including xylophones, metallophones and glockenspiels. We will also do rhythm and pitch training, movement, puppets, worksheets and more!! Tonia Allen has been teaching all ages for many years and has recently moved her very popular Orff program from the Vancouver Academy of Music to Kits Community Centre. Come and join the fun. Class curriculum is ongoing from September to June, but children can join at any time during the year. No class Saturday, October 8th. This class is designed especially for those preschoolers who are in full day school, and kindergarten students. The Orff and Kodaly methods are ideal for teaching your child all the music fundamentals of rhythms, pitch, keeping a beat, and singing in pitch. We will use a large variety of pitched percussion instruments like xylophones and other world instruments like bongos, guiros, kalimba etc, as well as doing worksheets. Tonia Allen has brought this innovative method from the Vancouver Academy of Music to Kits Community Centre! Come join the fun! Tu 2:00 PM-2:45 PM Sep 13-Nov 29 $110/12 sess 73247 Sa 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 10-Dec 03 $110/12 sess 73260 PRESCHOOL Music Th 4:45 PM-5:30 PM Sep 15-Dec 01 $110/12 sess 73256 Instructor: Tonia Allen Instructor: Tonia Allen Piano Lessons Kelly Kirby Private Piano (3.5-5 yrs) For those students who have completed the Kelly-Kirby Semi-Private lessons and would like to continue with their piano studies or for those students who would like a 1 on 1 approach. This program builds a strong music foundation. Piano books can be purchased from the instructor (approximately $20). Kelly Kirby Level 1 Semi-Private Piano (3.5-5 yrs) This successful Canadian piano method has been taught in the Royal Conservatory of music for over 50 years. A fun approach to music. Students will be learning the basic terms and notes through a variety of activities. Piano books can be purchased from the instructor (approximately $20). W 10:30 AM-11:00 AM Sep 21-Nov 23 $220/10 sess 72576 W 12:00 PM-12:30 PM Sep 21-Nov 23 $220/10 sess 72578 W 11:00 AM-11:30 AM Sep 21-Nov 23 $142/10 sess 72581 W 11:30 AM-12:00 PM Sep 21-Nov 23 $142/10 sess 72583 Instructor: Kanako Takeda Instructor: Kanako Takeda TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 5 Preschool PRESCHOOL www.kitscc.com Dance Dance with Lorraine Lorraine White-Wilkinson holds a BA in Dance as well as an MA in Arts Education, and with over 30 years teaching experience has been recognized for her dedication and passion as a Dance Educator. Her classes enhance the social and emotional learning of the little dancers in addition to addressing fundamental age appropriate dance concepts. As one parent puts it... “The joy she has for teaching is evident and contagious!” Parent and Tot Pre-Dance (2-3 yrs) Pre-Ballet Creative Dance A gentle introduction to dance with a focus on fun and the joy of movement. Stories, poems and props will be used to get the little ones dancing. Body parts, levels and directions will be explored providing opportunities to foster connections with the parent while sensitively encouraging independence-all this while making new little friends. A great combination class, offering the structure of ballet with the explorations of creative dance. Parents are invited to watch the last day of class. No class Saturday, October 8th and November 12th. (3-4 yrs) Tu 10:30 AM-11:00 AM Sep 20-Dec 06 $88/12 sess 67600 Tu 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 20-Dec 06 $102/12 sess 67603 Sa 12:30 PM-1:15 PM Sep 17-Dec 03 $85/10 sess 67606 Instructor: Lorraine White-Wilkinson (4-5 yrs) Creative Dance (3-4 yrs) Tu 11:15 AM-12:00 PM Sep 20-Dec 06 $102/12 sess 67604 Children will explore the elements of movement through the use of stories, poems, props and pictures. Dancers will have the opportunity to improvise, engage in creative problem solving and grow in cognitive, social and emotional ways as they interact in class. The focus is on fun and the joy of movement in a supportive and positive learning environment. No class Saturday, October 8th and November 12th. Sa 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 17-Dec 03 $85/10 sess 67601 Instructor: Lorraine White-Wilkinson Instructor: Lorraine White-Wilkinson Pre-Ballet (4.5-6) This introductory class focuses on posture, body awareness and musical sensitivity. Dancers will have the opportunity to improvise, explore movement concepts while experiencing the beauty of dance. Basic ballet technique will be introduced and a choreographed dance will be presented to parents on the last day of class. No class Saturday, October 8th and November 12th. Sa 11:30 AM-12:15 PM Sep 17-Dec 03 $85/10 sess 67602 Instructor: Lorraine White-Wilkinson Dance with Kirby Endorphin Rush Dance and Fitness is a high energy dance company facilitated by Kirby Rae Snell and her team of professional dance instructors with a high arsenal of experience and expertise to bring to every studio session. Their classes are high energy, inclusive and innovative, bringing out the best in each dancer while also having a lot of fun. More info at www.kirbysnelldance.com My First Dance Class (2-4 yrs) An introduction to creative dance. Aspiring little dancers will use songs, movement explorations and games to explore coordination, rhythm, spatial awareness and cooperation. This class for the youngest of dancers to experience a playful class with the support of their parents being present. For more information please see, kirbysnelldance.com W 10:30 AM-11:00 AM Sep 14-Nov 30 $92/12 sess 72700 W 11:00 AM-11:30 AM Sep 14-Nov 30 $92/12 sess 72702 Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance My Little Princess (3-5 yrs) NEW Your tiny dancer will enjoy a creative movement dance program set to their favourite princess songs from Frozen to Aladdin. She will jump, turn and skip with delight while expressing herself in a fun and magical dance environment. Children must be able to participate without a parent in the room. Feel free to dress up for this class! There will be a small performance on the last day of class where you shower your princess with copious amounts of applause. W 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Sep 14-Nov 30 $102/12 sess 73265 Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance Holiday Programs See page 11. 6 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Preschool KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Dance with Billie Dance with Debbie Billie Murphy is a graduate of the integrated Dance and Musical Theatre program and the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City. Debbie Lee and her faculty are all qualified professional instructors with over 30 years of experience using her signature teaching methods and pedagogy at Debbie Lee Dance Company. www.debbieleedance.com 604-312-4408. Ballet for Girls and Boys (3-4 yrs) Tiggy Winkle Licensed Preschool Registration for the September 2016-June 2017 year has begun and spaces are filled on a first come, first served basis. Please drop by or call us at 604-257-6980 to check for availability. Children must be toilet-trained to attend preschool. PRESCHOOL Dance Bringing little dancers from the living room of your home to a more structured environment to the dance studio. These little dancers will have an opportunity to develop their coordination and motion skills in a creative, interactive and self-expressive atmosphere. Rhythm, movement, music and fun will be the emphasis. No class Friday, October 7th and November 11th. F 3:00 PM-3:45 PM Sep 23-Dec 09 $92/10 sess 69338 Instructor: Debbie Lee Parent and Tot Creative Movement (2-3 yrs) Move and groove with your little one! Through music, song, props and stories, we will explore using our bodies and imaginations in a fun, supportive environment. Develop coordination, spatial awareness, rhythm, musicality and self-expression all while moving our feet to some great music. Get ready to move, stretch and explore with your little one! No class October 10th. September 2016-June 2017 3 yrs: 2 days per week Morning: Tue & Thu 9:00-11:30 am 3-4 yrs: 2 days per week Afternoon: Tue & Thu 12:30-3:00 pm Fee: $132/month M 10:30 AM-11:15 AM Sep 19-Nov 28 $82/10 sess 67742 Instructor: Billie Murphy 3 days per week 4 yrs: Morning: Mon/Wed/Fri FULL9:00-12:00pm Afternoon: Mon/Wed/Fri 12:30-3:30pm Fee: $189/month Creative Dance (3-5 yrs) Using music, songs, props and stories, we will explore using our bodies and imaginations in a fun, supportive environment with some great music. Little ones will develop coordination, spatial awareness, rhythm, musicaliy and self-expression in a supportive and fun environment. No class October 10th. Demonstration on last day. M 11:15 AM-12:00 PM Sep 19-Nov 28 $82/10 sess 67744 Instructor: Billie Murphy Phone: 604-257-6976 Email:tiggywi@gmail.com Statuatory Holidays There will be no classes on Monday, October 10th, and Friday, November 11th. Angela Karellas, Jessica Fosbrook Shireen Charania Teachers: Angela Karellas, Jessica Fosbrook, Shireen Charania TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 7 Preschool PRESCHOOL www.kitscc.com Drama Drama with Billie Drama with Rebecca Instructor Rebecca Salters (miss Becca) has attended many Theatre Arts Schools in England, she has her ECE and her BA in Drama and Community Arts and has been teaching and performing a variety of arts based programs for all ages and nationalities for over a decade. Drama Bugs Musical Theatre Minis (3-5 yrs) NEW Drama Bugs Musical Theatre Minis FREE CLASS - Fri Sep 16, 11:30am #72134 Drama Bugs for Parents and Tots (1.5-3 yrs) Awaken your child’s imagination while promoting their development of social and motor skills. Enter the world of make believe in this fun drama-based class using songs, stories and movement. Parent participation is required. Please visit Dramabugsvan.com for more information. No class Friday, November 11th. F 10:00 AM-10:30 AM Sep 23-Dec 02 $72/10 sess 69751 Perform with confidence and have fun! Learn the essentials of musical theatre, singing and dancing to well known songs while developing confidence, coordination and rhythm. There will be a short performance for family and friends on the last day. Children must be able to attend without parental assistance. Please wear comfortable dance clothes and footwear and bring a water bottle. No class Friday, November 11th. Billie Murphy is a graduate of the integrated Dance and Musical Theatre program and the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City. Little Broadway Performers (3-5 yrs) NEW! Get ready to stretch your imaginations and explore singing, dancing and acting! With music, costumes and movement, we will explore performing “on stage” using Broadway and musical theatre techniques. Performance held on the last day of class. No class October 10th. M 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Sep 19-Nov 28 $92/10 sess 67747 Instructor: Billie Murphy F 11:30 AM-12:15 PM Sep 23-Dec 02 $82/10 sess 69782 Instructor: Rebecca Salters Instructor: Rebecca Salters Halloween Howl (2-8 yrs) Saturday, October 29, 10:30 am-12:30 pm $5/child Course #74724 : Drama Bugs Minis (3-5 yrs) A Giant, a wizard, an animal! What will you become in this fun filled class?Enter the world of make believe in this fun introductory drama-based class using songs, stories and movement. There will be a short performance for friends and family on the last day. Children must be able to attend without parental assistance. Please wear comfortable clothes and bring a water bottle. Please visit Dramabugsvan.com for more information. No class Friday, November 11th. Calling all ghosts and goblins! Enjoy Halloween tricks, treats, crafts, and games at this popular, annual event. Register early as this celebration sells out every year. Children must be accompanied by an adult & costumes are encouraged. F 10:30 AM-11:15 AM Sep 23-Dec 02 $82/10 sess 69753 Instructor: Rebecca Salters Statuatory Holidays There will be no classes on Monday, October 10th, and Friday, November 11th. 8 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Preschool KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Baby Sign Language (Birth-1.5 yrs) FREE CLASS - Fri Sep 16, 12:30pm #68207 Fun With Japanese (3-5 yrs) This class is designed to introduce Japanese and have fun learning in an age appropriate way. Mari brings a wealth of knowledge and energy with over 20 years teaching experience and introduces many opportunities including singing songs, dancing, arts and crafts and much more. Please bring a water bottle and nut-free snack. No class Thursday, November 10th. PRESCHOOL Creative Arts Language Th 10:00 AM-11:30 AM Sep 22-Dec 01 $152/10 sess 69354 Th 11:30 AM-1:00 PM Sep 22-Dec 01 $152/10 sess 69357 Instructor: Mari Shiota Let’s Groove in French (3-5 yrs) Intro to Baby Sign Language (Birth-1.5 yrs) It’s never too early or too late to start learning basic American Sign Language vocabulary with your baby for the proven benefits of reduced frustration and increased communication together. We will sing, play and sign to help adults learn basic everyday words that your babies will understand and respond to daily for mealtime, play time, getting outside, feelings, manners and animals. For more information about baby sign language please go to www.signingbabies.ca. No class November 11. The French language (High frequency vocabulary related to their daily life) is introduced through puppets, participatory stories and chants supported with a zanza (musical instrument). I use songs with movements as well as drama and board games to help the children practice and memorize the new vocabulary. M 10:45 AM-12:00 PM Sep 26-Dec 05 $99/10 sess 76551 Instructor: Sarah Hayes Instructor: Sonia Galbi Culinary Art Science (3-5 yrs) NEW An exciting class where children learn the basics of science. Make rockets, volcanoes, lava lamps and much more. This is guaranteed to be a fun class! No class October 10th. Instructor: Lee Ann Steyns Tax Credits? • Children’s Fitness Tax Credit: www.cra-arc.gc.ca/fitness • Children’s Arts Tax Credit: www.cra.gc.ca/artscredit A class for the budding architect or engineer! Create imaginative structures and forms using paint, glue, wood, boxes and lots more! No class October 10th. W 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 21-Nov 23 $92/10 sess 72600 F 12:30 PM-1:15 PM Sep 23-Oct 28 $72/6 sess 68203 F 12:30 PM-1:15 PM Nov 04-Dec 16 $72/6 sess 68204 Some of our programs may be eligible for the following tax credits. For info, visit the links below. Design & Build (3-5 yrs) NEW M 12:30 PM-1:45 PM Sep 26-Dec 05 $99/10 sess 76555 Little Cooks (3-5 yrs) NEW Join us at Kits for this new cooking program. Sarah has all sorts of tasty treats to help introduce children to the creative world of cooking. Please inform your instructor of any food allergies. No class October 10th. M 9:15 AM-10:30 AM Sep 26-Dec 05 $99/10 sess 76539 Instructor: Sarah Hayes Instructor: Sarah Hayes NEW Express yourself by experimenting with all forms of art materials and techniques including painting, sculpting, fabric art, paper mache, pastels and more. This class encourages creativity in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Wait until you see what you can create! No class October 10th. Mixed Media (3-5 yrs) M 2:00 PM-3:15 PM Sep 26-Dec 05 $95/10 sess 79053 Instructor: Sarah Hayes TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 9 Preschool www.kitscc.com PRESCHOOL Sports & Physical Activity Sportball Multi Sport (3-5 yrs) Parent and Tot Gym (1-5 yrs) Join us in this physical play time created especially for families! Toddlers have the opportunity to explore various climbing aparatus, sports equipment and other toys; a great way to stimulate mental and physical growth. Drop in $3 or 10 visit pass for $27.00. Pass may be used at any Kits CC parent and tot gym classes. If you are registering online, to receive your 10 card pass, simply bring your receipt to the reception counter. No session October 29th. Tu Th Sa Sep 13-Dec 17 10:30 AM-12:00 PM 10:30 AM-11:30 AM 73266 Leader: Melissa Maisani Refine, rehearse, repeat. Multi-sport classes are the heart of Sportball programming. Coaches focus on the basic skills common to all sports, like balance, coordination, stamina and timing in a fun, supportive, non-competitive setting that emphasizes teamwork. Each class focuses on one of eight different popular sports: hockey, soccer, football, baseball, basketball, volleyball, golf and tennis. W 10:15 AM-11:15 AM Sep 14-Oct 26 $128/7 sess 67996 W 10:15 AM-11:15 AM Nov 02-Dec 14 $128/7 sess 67997 Outdoor Soccer Sportball Parent and Tot Outdoor Soccer (2-3 yrs) These soccer classes provide children with the perfect opportunity to begin soccer early. Moms and Dads are able to take an active role in teaching their children the fundamentals of soccer including throw ins, passing, dribbling and goalie skills. Children are encouraged to interact with their parents in a non-competitive environment. Parents are required to stay at the field at all times. Each child will receive a Sportball soccer jersey. Classes run rain or shine! No class Saturday, October 8th. Sportball Multi Sport (4-6 yrs) Sa 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 10-Oct 22 $125/6 sess 67787 W 5:15 PM-6:00 PM Sep 14-Oct 19 $125/6 sess 67788 Please see course above for description. Instructor: Sportball Vancouver Instructor: Sportball Vancouver W 3:30 PM-4:30 PM Sep 14-Oct 26 $128/7 sess 67998 W 3:30 PM-4:30 PM Nov 02-Dec 14 $128/7 sess 67999 Instructor: Sportball Vancouver Soccer Mini Stars (3-5 yrs) Experience the beautiful game of outdoor soccer, challenging team competition and cheerleading by amazed parents and fans! Get energized with dribbling passing, shooting, running, falling, jumping scoring goals and making dive saves. Team shirt included. Please dress accordingly for the weather. Class runs rain or shine. If space, drop in $15. No class Saturday, October 8th and November 12th. Sportball Parent and Child Multi Sport (2-3 yrs) Have a direct hand in your preschooler’s development through the Multi Sport program. Children are taught important introductory physical skills associated with eight core sports (hockey, soccer, tennis, baseball, basketball, volleyball and golf) and helps them to develop confidence in their abilities. The program also helps adults understand proven teaching techniques to apply outside of classes. Focus is on refining, rehearsing and repeating skills and playing games in a fun, creative non-competitive environment. W 11:15 AM-12:00 PM Sep 14-Oct 26 $128/7 sess 67920 W 11:15 AM-12:00 PM Nov 02-Dec 14 $128/7 sess 67925 W 4:30 PM-5:15 PM Sep 14-Oct 26 $128/7 sess 67926 W 4:30 PM-5:15 PM Nov 02-Dec 14 $128/7 sess 67927 Instructor: Sportball Vancouver Sa 2:30 PM-4:00 PM Sep 10-Dec 10 $165/12 sess 79268 Instructor: Valentinos Dinglis Sportball Outdoor Soccer (3-5 yrs) Gymnastics Gymnastics (3-5 yrs) This program is designed to introduce equipment and basics gymnastics skills in a positive, fun and safe environment. Your child will develop their motor skills, body awareness, coordination and personal confidence while exploring balances, rolls, jumps and inverted skills. No class Saturday, October 29th. Sa 12:30 PM-1:15 PM Sep 17-Dec 10 $120/12 sess 67456 Tu 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Sep 20-Dec 06 $120/12 sess 67560 Learn and perfect the fundamental skills and rules of soccer. Sportball Soccer focuses on the fundamentals of soccer including throw ins, passing, dribbling and goalie skills. This program enables children to implement the soccer skills taught in order to play a soccer game with success and confidence. Parents are required to stay at the field at all times. Each child will receive a Sportball soccer jersey. Classes run rain or shine! No class Saturday, October 8th. Sa 10:15 AM-11:15 AM Sep 10-Oct 22 $125/6 sess 67799 W 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Sep 14-Oct 19 $125/6 sess 67801 Instructor: Sportball Vancouver Instructor: Melissa Maisani 10 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Preschool KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Merry Music With Marnie Take a break from your holiday shopping and join us in the spirit of the holidays for a little merry musical fun with your child! These camps will include original festive and fun Christmas carols and many Music With Marnie favourites too! Dance with Kirby My First Dance Camp (2-4 yrs) An introduction to creative dance. Aspiring little dancers will use songs, movement explorations and games to explore coordination, rhythm, spatial awareness and cooperation. This class is for young dancers to experience a playful class with the support of their parents being present. M-F Dec 19-Dec 23 Merry Music With Marnie Babies (2 mo-15 mo) 9:30 AM-10:15 AM $40/5 sess 79189 Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance Tu W Th 11:30 AM-12:05 PM Dec 06-Dec 08 $45/3 sess 72107 Tu W Th 11:30 AM-12:05 PM Dec 13-Dec 15 $45/3 sess 72108 Instructor: Marnie Grey Merry Music With Marnie Tots (2.5-5.5 yrs) Tu W Th 10:30 AM-11:15 AM Dec 06-Dec 08 $49/3 sess 72112 Little Ballerinas Holiday Camp Children will learn the basics of ballet and explore their own crerative expression in a safe and fun environment. Children must be able to participate without a parent in the room. There will be a presentation for family/friends on the last day. (3-4 yrs) Instructor: Marnie Grey M-F Dec 19-Dec 23 Merry Music With Marnie Toddlers (15 mo-3 yrs) (4-6 yrs) Tu W Th 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Dec 06-Dec 08 $49/3 sess 72109 Tu W Th 9:30 AM-10:15 AM Dec 13-Dec 15 $49/3 sess 72110 Instructor: Marnie Grey Merry Music With Marnie Siblings (2 mo-6 yrs) Tu W Th 10:30 AM-11:15 AM Dec 13-Dec 15 $38/3 sess 72113 PRESCHOOL Holiday Programs M-F Dec 19-Dec 23 10:15 AM-11:00 AM $40/5 sess 79191 11:00 AM-12:00 PM $50/5 sess 79194 Hip Hop Breakers Holiday Camp (3.5-5 yrs) This non-stop action-packed class includes hip hop, basic break dancing moves and games that will have your little dancer moving to the beats. M-F 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Dec 19-Dec 23 $50/5 sess 79195 Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance My Little Princess Camp (3-5 yrs) Your tiny dancer will enjoy a creative movement dance program set to their favourite princess songs from Frozen to Aladdin. She will jump, turn and skip with delight while expressing herself in a fun and magical dance environment. Children must be able to participate without a parent in the room. Feel free to dress up for this class! There will be a small performance on the last day. M-F 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Dec 19-Dec 23 $50/5 sess 79196 Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance For more holiday programs and camps please see our website. Instructor: Marnie Grey Breakfast with Santa Sunday, December 10 9:00 am Seating: Course #74734 10:15 am Seating: Course #74735 $6/person A traditional pancake breakfast with sausages, berries and whipped cream served by Santa’s Helpers from the Kitsilano Community Centre Association and our neighbourhood partners, including White Spot. Join the elves for a sing-a-long, crafts, a photo with Santa, and a special Parent & Tot Gym at no extra charge. Please register early as this popular event sells out annually. Children must be accompanied by an adult. TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 11 Children www.kitscc.com Music CHILDREN Piano Lessons Private (5+yrs) These one to one 30 minute private lessons are designed to match the student’s progress and development. For more information please call Mary Friesen at 604263-9507. Books are additional at approximately $20 and not included in the course price. No discounts apply. No class Friday, November 11. Tu 4:30 PM-5:00 PM Sep 06-Dec 06 $280/14 sess 68508 Tu 5:00 PM-5:30 PM Sep 06-Dec 06 $280/14 sess 68509 Tu 5:30 PM-6:00 PM Sep 06-Dec 06 $280/14 sess 68510 Tu 6:00 PM-6:30 PM Sep 06-Dec 06 $280/14 sess 68511 Tu 6:30 PM-7:00 PM Sep 06-Dec 06 $280/14 sess 68512 Tu 7:00 PM-7:30 PM Sep 06-Dec 06 $280/14 sess 68513 Tu 7:30 PM-8:00 PM Sep 06-Dec 06 $280/14 sess 68514 Tu 8:00 PM-8:30 PM Sep 06-Dec 06 $280/14 sess 68515 Tu 8:30 PM-9:00 PM Sep 06-Dec 06 $280/14 sess 68516 F 4:30 PM-5:00 PM Sep 09-Dec 09 $260/13 sess 68517 F 5:00 PM-5:30 PM Sep 09-Dec 09 $260/13 sess 68518 F 5:30 PM-6:00 PM Sep 09-Dec 09 $260/13 sess 68519 F 6:00 PM-6:30 PM Sep 09-Dec 09 $260/13 sess 68521 F 6:30 PM-7:00 PM Sep 09-Dec 09 $260/13 sess 68522 F 7:00 PM-7:30 PM Sep 09-Dec 09 $260/13 sess 68524 F 7:30 PM-8:00 PM Sep 09-Dec 09 $260/13 sess 68526 F 8:00 PM-8:30 PM Sep 09-Dec 09 $260/13 sess 68527 Instructor: Mary Friesen Statuatory Holidays There will be no classes on Monday, October 10th, and Friday, November 11th. Violin (8+yrs) Tune up your violin skills or join as a complete beginner. Students of all ages and levels welcome! Book and materials are additional and cost approximately $35. Students are required to provide their own violin, but can call Sophie for information regarding rentals at sophie.dassios@gmail. com. No class Monday, October 10th. Guitar for Beginners (9-12 yrs) NEW Come learn the basics of guitar playing, both Classical style with notes and folk style with chords. We will do some folk songs, pop songs and other classics. Music will be provided. Students must bring their own guitars. No musical experience neccesary. Class is limited to 7 maximum to ensure individual attention. Students that took guitar in the summer, are welcome to join this class. Tu 5:15 PM-6:00 PM Sep 13-Nov 29 $180/12 sess 73252 Instructor: Tonia Allen M 5:00 PM-5:30 PM Sep 05-Nov 28 $252/12 sess 72128 M 5:30 PM-6:00 PM Sep 05-Nov 28 $252/12 sess 72129 M 6:00 PM-6:30 PM Sep 05-Nov 28 $252/12 sess 72130 M 6:30 PM-7:00 PM Sep 05-Nov 28 $252/12 sess 72131 M 7:00 PM-7:30 PM Sep 05-Nov 28 $252/12 sess 72132 M 7:30 PM-8:00 PM Sep 05-Nov 28 $252/12 sess 72133 Instructor: Sophie Dassios Flute (6+yrs) Enjoy a private private 30 minute lesson at your own pace! All levels welcome, from beginners to students wanting to prepare for Royal Conservatory levels or needing coaching in school band and orchestra programs. Please bring your own flute. Music books are extra, at approximately $35. Andrea holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music from UBC and has extensive experience teaching as well as being the founding member of the Robert Minden Ensemble, a renowned young audience music and theatre company featured on Sesame Street. Andrea also toured internationally for ten years. For more information, please see www.andreaminden.wordpress.com Tu 3:30 PM-4:00 PM Sep 13-Dec 13 $338/14 sess 72123 Tu 4:00 PM-4:30 PM Sep 13-Dec 13 $338/14 sess 72124 Tu 4:30 PM-5:00 PM Sep 13-Dec 13 $338/14 sess 72125 Tu 5:00 PM-5:30 PM Sep 13-Dec 13 $338/14 sess 72126 Tu 5:30 PM-6:00 PM Sep 13-Dec 13 $338/14 sess 72127 Instructor: Andrea Minden Guitar for Upper Intermediate (12-14 yrs) This class is for students with at least two years of previous guitar experience. Students must be able to read notes for all six strings and up to 12 basic chords. Music will be provided. Students must bring their own guitars. Class is limited to 7 maximum to ensure individual attention. Th 5:45 PM-6:30 PM Sep 15-Dec 01 $180/12 sess 73259 Instructor: Tonia Allen Ukulele for Children (8-16 yrs) NEW Learn how to play guitar or Ukulele at your own pace. The classes are open to any level and style from classical to pop. A basic music theory will be introduce. For beginners a nylon string guitar or soprano ukulele is recommended in addition to a digital tuner. Rene has been teaching at Kitsilano Community Centre for more than 20 years and has developed a series of books that will be available at the first class for $15. Th Th Th Sep 15-Dec 01 4:30 PM-5:00 PM 5:00 PM-5:30 PM 5:30 PM-6:00 PM $290/12 sess 72397 72398 72400 Instructor: Rene Hugo-Sanchez 12 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Children KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Music We are thrilled to have new Orff Kodaly classes starting at Kits Community Centre. Carl Orff and Zoltan Koday are both famous educators and composers. Their methods are taught worldwide and are always evolving and changing. Tonia Allen joins us from the Vancouver Academy of Music where she has been the Orff Department Head for many years. Orff and Kodaly stress musical basics like pitch and rhythms using a multifaceted approach of percussion instruments, including xylophones, and singing and movement. Composition and improvisation are also key elements. The Orff and Kodaly methods are a lot of fun and are great for all ages! This is a class for kids who like playing a variety of instruments and want to learn to read music. We will add the soprano recorder to the Orff ensemble instruments of xylophones, glockenspiels and metallophones plus a wide variety ov non pitched percussion. Students must bring their own soprano recorder german fingering. Music will be provided. If your child has a bit of recorder experience they may also join this class. No class Saturday, October 8th. Orff and Kodaly NEW Music For Kids (K-Grade 1) At this level we will work on specific rhythm work, learning tunes on xylophones and other pitched instruments, playing a great variety of instruments including drums, triangles, and various international instruments. Orff and Kodaly are exciting, fun and innovative methods to develop basic musical skills. Curriculum is ongoing from Sept. To June but children can join at anytime during the year. Tu 4:15 PM-5:00 PM Sep 13-Nov 29 $110/12 sess 73251 Sa 1:45 PM-2:30 PM Sep 10-Dec 03 $110/12 sess 73264 Instructor: Tonia Allen CHILDREN Orff With Recorder (Grades 2-3) Orff Recorder Ensemble (Grades 4-6) NEW This is a class for advanced recorder players who have both soprano and alto recorders. We will be playing popular songs and historical songs for recorders of all sizes from sopranino, soprano, alto and tenors. We will also add percussion instruments and pitched instruments like xylophones etc. No class Saturday, October 8th. Sa 1:00 PM-1:45 PM Sep 10-Dec 03 $110/12 sess 73263 Instructor: Tonia Allen Tu 3:45 PM-4:30 PM Sep 13-Nov 29 $110/12 sess 73249 Instructor: Tonia Allen Orff Kodaly Music For Kids At this level we will work on specific rhythm work, learning tunes on xylophones and other pitched instruments, playing a great variety of instruments including drums, triangles, and various international instruments. Orff and Kodaly are exciting, fun and innovative methods to develop basic musical skills. Tonia Allen has been teaching Orff music at the Vancouver Academy of Music for many years and has brought this popular program. Curriculum is ongoing from Sept. To June but children can join at anytime during the year. No class Saturday, October 8th. Kindergarten Sa 10:15 AM-11:00 AM Sep 10-Dec 03 $110/12 sess 73261 Grade 1 Sa 11:15 AM-12:00 PM Sep 10-Dec 03 $110/12 sess 73262 Instructor: Tonia Allen Voice Lessons NEW Orff and Intermediate Recorder (Grade 5) NEW This class is for intermediate recorder players who have knowledge of both soprano and alto recorders and two yrs previous playing experience. We will be adding tenor and sopranino recorders to our ensemble as well as playing a large variety of pitched and non pitched percussion. This is an ongoing curriculum from Sept. To June. Students must bring their own recorders and book 5 of the Windsongs series. Th 4:00 PM-4:45 PM Sep 15-Dec 01 $110/12 sess 73254 Instructor: Tonia Allen Vocal Performance (8+ yrs) Have fun learning to use your voice clearly and expressively for presentations and performances with speech and drama classes. Develop skills for debating, public speaking, social interaction and etiquette. Gain confidence and learn techniques to strengthen your singing voice with these classes, where we will focus on singing technique and song exploration. No class October 10th. M 3:30 PM-4:00 PM Sep 19-Nov 28 $210/10 sess 67756 M 4:00 PM-4:30 PM Sep 19-Nov 28 $210/10 sess 67759 M 4:30 PM-5:00 PM Sep 19-Nov 28 $210/10 sess 67761 M 5:00 PM-5:30 PM Sep 19-Nov 28 $210/10 sess 67763 M 5:30 PM-6:00 PM Sep 19-Nov 28 $210/10 sess 67765 Instructor: Billie Murphy TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 13 Children www.kitscc.com CHILDREN Dance Dance with Kirby Dance with Debbie Dance with Lorriane Endorphin Rush Dance and Fitness is a high energy dance company facilitated by Kirby Rae Snell and her team of professional dance instructors with a high arsenal of experience and expertise to bring to every studio session. Their classes are high energy, inclusive and innovative, bringing out the best in each dancer while also having a lot of fun. More info at www.kirbysnelldance.com These classical ballet programs introduce the true training and preliminary basics of classical dance. It will enrich the eager student for appreciation for performing arts, music and physical education. These fun, progressive programs are designed to enhance self esteem and expression in a caring and creative learning environment, focusing on safe dance techniques and body alignment. Classes are taught with enthusiasm and encouragement to develop progressive technical skills with their own personal physical strength and creative artistic qualities. Debbie Lee and her faculty are all qualified professional instructors with over 30 years of experience using her signature teaching methods and pedagogy at Debbie Lee Dance Company. www.debbieleedance. com (604) 312-4408. Lorraine White-Wilkinson holds a BA in Dance as well as an MA in Arts Education, and with over 30 years teaching experience has been recognized for her dedication and passion as a Dance Educator. Hip Hop Zumba Kids Get your groove on!! Calling all b-boys and girls! Let’s move and groove, explore the locking stops, and the suspended drops that the the hip hop so popular and fly. Combined with Zumba Kids (a high energy fun fusion of world and Latin styles of dance) this class is a creative, high energy blast for kids! More info at kirbysnelldance.com. Drop-in $12, if space permits. No class Monday, October 10th. (4-7 yrs) M 3:30 PM-4:15 PM Sep 12-Dec 05 $102/12 sess 72707 (7-12 yrs) M 4:15 PM-5:00 PM Sep 12-Dec 05 $102/12 sess 72716 Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance Ballet Level I Girls and Boys (5-7 yrs) An energetic class that introduces the pre ballet movements and music concepts while encouraging imagination and self-expression. Creative teaching concepts with an emphasis on proper alignment, coordination, athleticism, basic ballet terminology and articulation of major muscle groups will be developed. Your child can establish a good foundation and learn classical ballet steps, right from the start! No class Friday, October 7th and November 11th. F 3:45 PM-4:30 PM Sep 23-Dec 09 $92/10 sess 69340 Instructor: Debbie Lee Ballet Level 2 Girls and Boys (8-10 yrs) Dance Extreme (7-12 yrs) Come and explore a number of different styles of dance with a variety of guest dance artists. Enjoy an energetic exploration of movement in a warm, safe and inspiring environment. Styles may include Latin Dance, Musical Theatre, Hip Hop, Acrobatic Dance, Creative Movement and Bollywood! For more information go to www.kirbysnelldance.com. Drop in $12, if space permits. Th 4:00 PM-5:00 PM Sep 15-Dec 01 $108/12 sess 72726 A progression from the Ballet Level 1 program. This encouraging, challenging and progressive formal ballet class will introduce the true training of the preliminary basics of ballet technique. It will not only develop the eager student’s athleticism but also their appreciation for the art of classical ballet. Emphasis on safe, correct body alignment. No class Friday, October 7th and November 11th. F 4:30 PM-5:30 PM Sep 23-Dec 09 $122/10 sess 69343 Instructor: Debbie Lee This introductory class focuses on posture, body awareness and musical sensitivity. Explore movement concepts while experiencing the beauty of dance. Basic ballet technique will be introduced and a choreographed dance will be presented to parents on the last day of class. No class Saturday, October 8th and November 12th. Sa 11:30 AM-12:15 PM Sep 17-Dec 03 $85/10 sess 67602 Instructor: Lorraine White-Wilkinson Creative Modern Dance (6-9 yrs) Learn the basics of modern dance technique, improvisation and composition. Each week the dancers will learn technical skills and participate in create dance explorations leading towards a group dance composition. Dancers will be challenged to grow in physical and artistic ways while gaining skills and making friends. Parents are encouraged to watch the last day of class. No class Saturday, October 8th and November 12th. Sa 10:30 AM-11:15 AM Sep 17-Dec 03 $85/10 sess 67614 Instructor: Lorraine White-Wilkinson Drama Drama with Rebecca Instructor Rebecca Salters (miss Becca) has attended many Theatre Arts Schools in England, she has her ECE and her BA in Drama and Community Arts. Drama Bugs Junior (5-10 yrs) In this fun filled class we will use drama games, movement, improvisation and character creation to create and direct your own performances in class, build confidence and make new friends. Please visit Dramabugsvan.com for more information. No class Friday, November 11th. F 3:30 PM-4:30 PM Sep 23-Dec 02 $85/10 sess 69755 Instructor: Rebecca Salters Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance 14 Pre-Ballet (4.5-6) KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Children KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Creative Arts Martial Arts Taekwondo Mixed Media (6-12 yrs) NEW M 3:30 PM-5:00 PM Sep 26-Dec 05 $110/10 sess 79055 Instructor: Sarah Hayes This fast-paced martial art combines athletic kicks, strong hand work, balance and speed. Emphasis is placed on forms and sparring, and students are encouraged to participate in BC Taekwondo Federation events. A great workout for all ages! There is a specific uniform needed for this class and costs approximately $70. Please check with the instructor for best suited class at 604-990-1331or sunnykimtkd@ hotmail.com. Master instructor Sunny Kim is an 8th Dan black belt, WTF international referee and competitive coach, Level 1. No class Monday, October 10th. Sportball Outdoor Soccer (5-7 yrs) Learn and perfect the fundamental skills and rules of soccer. Sportball Soccer focuses on the fundamentals of soccer including throw ins, passing, dribbling and goalie skills. This program enables children to implement the soccer skills taught in order to play a soccer game with success and confidence. Parents are required to stay at the field at all times. Each child will receive a Sportball soccer jersey. Classes run rain or shine! No class Saturday, October 8th. CHILDREN Express yourself by experimenting with all forms of art materials and techniques including painting, sculpting, fabric art, paper mache, pastels and more. This class encourages creativity in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Wait until you see what you can create! No class October 10th. Outdoor Soccer Sa 11:15 AM-12:15 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 $125/6 sess 67802 Instructor: Sportball Vancouver Taekwondo (5-7 yrs) M 3:20 PM-4:00 PM Sep 12-Dec 05 $110/12 sess 67387 W 3:20 PM-4:00 PM Sep 07-Dec 07 $128/14 sess 67402 Th 3:20 PM-4:00 PM Sep 08-Dec 08 $128/14 sess 67408 Education Taekwondo (8-11 yrs) Writing Skills Tutoring (9-13 yrs) NEW Improve your writing skills in English Language Arts, Social Studies and Science! Each hour-long class is structured to meet the individual needs of the student. Topics include: technical writing skills, organizational and time management strategies, stress management, support in student’s growth and confidence, motivation, autonomy. This course is limited to two students. Sa 10:00 AM-11:00 AM Oct 15-Nov 26 $235/7 sess 73246 M 4:00 PM-4:40 PM Sep 12-Dec 05 $110/12 sess 67416 W 4:00 PM-4:40 PM Sep 07-Dec 07 $128/14 sess 67421 Th 4:00 PM-4:40 PM Sep 08-Dec 08 $128/14 sess 67422 Taekwondo (11-17 yrs) M 4:40 PM-5:20 PM Sep 12-Dec 05 $110/12 sess 67424 W 4:40 PM-5:20 PM Sep 07-Dec 07 $128/14 sess 67425 Th 4:40 PM-5:20 PM Sep 08-Dec 08 $128/14 sess 67428 Instructor: Sunny Kim Taekwondo Instructor: Cathy Belgrave Gymnastics Yoga Kid’s Yoga (5-10 yrs) Gymnastics (5-9 yrs) Cooperative games, theme activities, storytelling, music and art engage the natural energy and enthusiasm of kids. Classes explore yoga poses, breathing exercises, visual imagery and relaxation techniques while conveying lessons in self-expression, body image, social skills, positive thinking and environmental awareness. For more information go to www.kirbysnelldance.com. Drop-in $12. Learn and refine some fundamental skills in floor, beam, vault and bars activities under the leadership and supervision of an experienced gymnastics coach. Each week the focus will be on two areas, to maximize focus and safety. There will be a small performance on the last class, if you are able to attend. No class Monday, October 10th and October 31st. W 3:45 PM-4:45 PM Sep 14-Oct 26 $63/7 sess 72736 W 3:45 PM-4:45 PM Nov 02-Dec 07 $54/6 sess 72741 Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance M 3:30 PM-4:45 PM Sep 19-Dec 05 $99/10 sess 67433 Instructor: Melissa Maisani Indoor Tennis Getting your children into tennis at any age helps develop physical, social and mental skills. These skills are not only for the tennis court but also carried out into real life. The benefit of a team environment in which the learning and play is shared in a cooperative coaching model provides a great foundation of fitness for life. No class November 12. Ages 6-7: Beginner/Novice Sa 1:45 PM-2:15 PM Sep 17-Oct 22 $43/6 sess 76509 Nov 05-Dec 10 $43/6 sess 76512 Ages 8-12: Beginner/Novice Sa 2:15 PM-3:00 PM Sep 17-Oct 22 $54/6 sess 76522 Nov 05-Dec 10 $54/6 sess 76523 Match Play The intention is to provide an option to tournaments where players are eliminated after one match. This give players more matches and play experience in a team setting; providing a fun, upbeat program with lots of court time. Location: Kits Beach. For boys and girls born in 2003 and 2004. No class September 3. Sa 6:00 PM-9:00 PM Aug 27-Sep 24 $30/4 sess 76527 Instructor: Gord Hauka Tennis TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 15 Youth www.kitscc.com Social Sports Youth Open Gym (13-18 yrs) GirlSpeak (13-16 yrs) During this time, youth age 13-18 years old are able to drop-in, play some basketball, volleyball or other various sports. One card required to use the youth open gym. *No Youth Open Gym: November 11 & December 9. Listen up!! Join us for exciting activities, workshops, trips, crafts and more! Come on down, learn new skills and meet new people. A waiver is needed to participant to partake in this program. Stay tune for more information. Scheudule and cost will be coming out in SEPTEMBER. F Sep 02-Dec 16 14 sess A ONE CARD IS REQUIRED TO USE the OPEN GYM and to BORROW EQUIPMENT. 6:45 PM-9:15 PM 74685 GUYdlines (13-17 yrs) Come out and participate in various activities that will help teach life skills, leadership skills and talk about topics that effect you. Enjoy guys night out, guest speakers, sports and games! A waiver is needed to participant to partake in this program. Stay tune for more information. Scheudule and cost will be coming out in SEPTEMBER. Please register for the ONE CARD at the front desk. YOUTH W 3:30 PM-5:30 PM Oct 12-Nov 23 TBA/7 sess 74686 Instructor: Janice Kwan NOTE: If you are UNDER 16, you will need to pick up a consent form at the front desk and have it filled out by a parent before receiving your card. W 3:30 PM-5:30 PM Oct 12-Nov 23 TBA/7 sess 74687 Instructor: TBA Instructor Youth Lounge (13-18 yrs) Monday - Friday: ............................................11:30am -12:30pm Monday - Thursday:.......................................... 3:00pm – 5:00pm Friday:............................................................... 3:00pm – 9:00pm Saturday & Sunday:................(Family Hours) 12:00pm – 4:00pm Parents please note – this area is not always staffed with supervision and youth are FREE to come and go freely. Parental supervision is required at all times during Family Hours. *Hours are subject to change Come Kitsilano Youth Lounge 16 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE H A N G with us! Prices do not include GST. Youth KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Education Youth Leadership “Think and wonder, wonder and think.” -Dr. Seuss Adapted Programs “Be the change you wish to be in the world.” -Gandhi Babysitting Basics (11-16 yrs) CitizenU (13-17 yrs) Formerly known as What Every Babysitter Should Know, this St. John Ambulance course teaches young people how to care for children and infants. It enhances awareness and safety by teaching responsible babysitting and helping to develop skills to develop skills to cope with common emergencies. Please bring a pen, notebook and lunch. No late arrivals permitted. No discounts apply. Come on out and join us! This program includes training workshops that help you gain knowledge about self and others. You will be included in citywide events that explore issues in the community. Finally, you will get the opportunity to develop and deliver your own youth lead projects. No session October 10th. 3:30 PM-5:00 PM 74677 Instructor: St. John Ambulance Youth Council (13-17 yrs) Want to get involved? We want to work with you!! Come have your voice be heard. Engage and help make a different in your centre and in your community. Every 1st and 3rd week of the month. Holiday social on Dec 12 M Sep 19-Dec 05 6 sess 3:30 PM-5:00 PM 74676 TLC is an exciting program for youth with mild disabilities who currently attend high school. TLC provides challenging activities and learning opportunities in the centre as well as small out trips. • Reinforcing day to day life skills • Social integration • Recreational activities • After school programming • Full day holiday programming Registration for a program like this starts with discussing your child’s needs with your Social Worker contact person at MCFD. Information and registration is only through the MCFD referral and intake process as they determine suitability and placement – please do not contact staff at the Community Centre. YOUTH Sa 9:30 AM-4:00 PM Nov 26 $59/1 sess 75062 M Sep 12-Dec 12 6 sess Instructor: Janice Kwan TLC Youth Recreation Program (ages 13 to 18 yrs) Instructor: Janice Kwan Word Up! (12-15 yrs) Love to read? Love to write? Make new friends while you discuss your favourite books and themes, learn to write the perfect essay or liven up your story-writing. Youth will take part in activities and indepth discussions. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Th 4:00 PM-5:00 PM Sep 22-Dec 08 $30/6 sess 74678 Instructor: Oren Thrush Volunteering at Kits CC! Do you enjoy making a difference and helping others? Would you like to gain experience and skills, while working as a team to create great experiences for people in this community? Talk to us! For more info, please call 604 257 6991. Who knows? Recreation services may become your career! TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 17 Adult www.kitscc.com General Interest Guitar, Ukulele, Mandolin Lessons English Corner Private lessons designed to work at your one level and pace. The classes are focused in technique, repertoire and practicing skills. Students must bring their own instrument. The classes are open to any level and style from classical to pop with reading music or not. Books will be available for $15 or you could bring your own book if you already have. Effective communication of both your thoughts and feelings are essential for leading a successful life in a new place. English Corner is organized to give participants the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings by offering engaging discussion topics and opportunities for fellowship. Come and gain confidence communicating in English. Th Th Th Sep 15-Dec 01 Su 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Sep 18-Dec 18 $2.86/14 sess 72805 6:00 PM-6:30 PM 6:30 PM-7:00 PM 7:00 PM-7:30 PM $279/12 sess 72402 72403 72404 Instructor: Fay Mottahed Instructor: Rene Hugo-Sanchez Languages ADULT 18+ Spanish for Beginners Puppy Basic Obedience Basic obedience for puppies includes basic behaviour and commands as well as discussion of puppy issues such as housetraining and mouthing. Please check with your own vet to ensure your puppy may be safely registered. Adult registration only (family members may accompany registered adult). For more information contact Brenda at 604-2242269 or email brenda@callingalldogs.org. NEW W Bienvenidos! My class is designed for a small group so you can learn a new language in a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere. The emphasis will be on communications, proper phonetic, vocabulary, some basic grammar and writing. At the end of the course you’ll be able to introduce yourself in Spanish and converse about travel, work and much more. Fee includes textbook. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. M5:30PM-7:00PM Sep 29-Dec 1 $114.29/10 sess 75537 Instructor: Brenda Jagroop Instructor: Francesca Marisa Italian – Beginner 1 NEW If you like arts, music, design, architecture, opera, food, etc. this is your reference language. Enjoy the experience of learning basic Italian in a relaxed atmosphere and in an effective way thanks to a wide range of tasks that will promote your communicative skills. This class is suitable for those learners with little or no experience of the language. No session Oct 10. M7:10PM-8:40PM Sep 29-Dec 1 $114.29/10 sess 75538 Instructor: Francesca Marisa 18 Su 11:30 AM-2:00 PM Sep 18-Sep 18 $75/1 sess 69637 Oct 23-Oct 23 $75/1 sess 69640 Nov 27-Nov 27 $75/1 sess 69641 Instructor: Peter Ciuffa Basic Italian for Travelers NEW Basic Dog Obedience Tu 8:00 PM-9:00 PM Sep 20-Oct 18 $131.43/5 sess 71089 You may not have an Italian Mamma, but now you can learn to make pasta or gnocchi like one! Professional cook, Artisan Pasta Maker & sometime actor Peter Ciuffa (aka:@pastaboypeter) provides all the ingredients, equipment & knowledge so that you can learn to make his family’s recipes for those you love in this hands on class. Afterwards you will get to sample Peter’s work & go home with your pasta for two that you just made. www.pastafamiglia.ca Instructor: Rohana Filippi Instructor: Brenda Jagroop Teach your dog manners and obedience: learn the basics of dog behaviour, management of common problems such as jumping up on people, and basic commands such as sit, down, stay, come, walking on leash etc. Adult registration only (family members may accompany registered adult); for more information contact Brenda at 604-224-2269 or email brenda@callingalldogs.org. Fresh Hands on Pasta Making NEW W 5:30 PM-7:00 PM Sep 21-Nov 30 $140.95/11 sess 70524 Based on the communicative method promoting the interaction among learners, you’ll master some basic dialogues in real life situations: greetings and introductions, ordering food and beverage, shopping, asking and giving directions, making a reservation at the restaurant and more. No session Oct 10. Tu 7:00 PM-8:00 PM Sep 20-Oct 18 $131.43/5 sess 71086 Culinary KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Fresh Hands on Gnocchi Making NEW You may not have an Italian Mamma, but now you can learn to make pasta or gnocchi like one! Professional cook, Artisan Pasta Maker & sometime actor Peter Ciuffa (aka: @pastaboypeter) provides all the ingredients, equipment & knowledge so that you can learn to make his family’s recipes for those you love in this hands on class. Afterwards you will get to sample Peter’s work & go home with your gnocchi for two that you just made. www.pastafamiglia.ca Su 11:30 AM-2:00 PM Oct 02-Oct 02 $75/1 sess 69642 Nov 06-Nov 06 $75/1 sess 69643 Dec 04-Dec 04 $75/1 sess 69644 Instructor: Peter Ciuffa Prices do not include GST. Adult KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 General Interest Free Workshops Footcare Clinic Emergency Social Services Orientation Have your toe nails cleaned and cut safely by a registered and certified foot care nurse. Manage also your callus, corns, diabetic feet, and fungal and ingrown nails. Foot assessment and teaching also provided to ensure healthy feet! Appointments are 30 minutes. Please bring a large towel. Session cost: $39.75 each. 73063 73064 73067 73068 73071 73072 73074 73075 73076 73077 73078 73079 73081 73082 73084 73085 Instructor: Tuhien Trieu Flu Clinic Get your flu shot - it’s the best way to protect you and your family. Free for: people at high risk of getting the flu, including anyone 65 years and older, people who may give the flu to someone at high risk and people who provide essential community services. The flu can cause serious illness. To find other flu clinics near you, visit www.health.gov.bc.ca/flu To learn more, visit www.immunizebc.ca Drop-in only. No appointments. F Nov 18 FREE 2:00 PM-6:00 PM 68202 Tu Sep 27 FREE 7:00 PM-8:30 PM 71509 Instructor: Jackie Kloosterboer Vancouver Volunteer Corps Orientation Are you interested in helping your community? if so, the VVC is a new volunteer program for people who live or work in Vancouver and are interested in helping at a variety of events throughout our city. Similar to the Blue Jacket volunteers, we all remember from the Olympics you will be trained to help at a variety of special events in Vancouver. You will also be given training opportunities to become one of our Emergency Program volunteers: Emergency Social Services(ESS), Neighbourhood Emergency Assistance Team (NEAT) or as an instructor for our Public Education Program (NEPP). To find out more information on how you can volunteer to help within your city - come to an Orientation session. Th Sep 22 FREE 7:00 PM-8:30 PM 71508 NEPP - Earthquake Preparedness Personal & Family We all witnessed the earthquakes in New Zealand, Haiti and Chile and saw the devastation caused. Living in Vancouver, we too could be faced with an earthquake - yet few of us take the steps to ensure we are prepared. This session covers what is required to develop your family emergency plan, how to conduct a “Home Hazard” Hunt and what to do when an earthquake strikes. Tu Oct 25 FREE 7:00 PM-8:30 PM 71510 ADULT 18+ Fri Sep 09 9:00 AM-9:30 AM 9:30 AM-10:00 AM 10:00 AM-10:30 AM 10:30 AM-11:00 AM Fri Oct 14 9:00 AM-9:30 AM 9:30 AM-10:00 AM 10:00 AM-10:30 AM 10:30 AM-11:00 AM Fri Nov 18 9:00 AM-9:30 AM 9:30 AM-10:00 AM 10:00 AM-10:30 AM 10:30 AM-11:00 AM Fri Dec 9 9:00 AM-9:30 AM 9:30 AM-10:00 AM 10:00 AM-10:30 AM 10:30 AM-11:00 AM When disaster strikes, ESS volunteers will be relied upon to assist those who have been impacted by disaster. Volunteers are trained to operate reception and group lodging centers during emergencies. When activated, these centers provide basic needs to evacuees including food, clothing, lodging, pet services, and other required services. In addition, volunteers can participate in a variety of other committees such as the Volunteer, Pet, Public Education and Exercise planning committees. Instructor: Jackie Kloosterboer Support Groups Instructor: Jackie Kloosterboer Kits MS Self-Help Group Musical Voice Lab Have you discovered your musical voice? VACS Musical Voice Lab inspires new singers to find their voices and seasoned singers can expand their improvisational skills and creative processes. Everyone has a chance to build musical confidence in this mistake free zone. Musical Voice Lab, led by Jane Perrett, an accomplished Dramatic Coloratura Soprano, leads to deeper listening, a deepening of intuition, and a rich community experience. The workshop is FREE and open to the public. Just bring your curiosity, friends and whole family! Limited spaces, please register. Su Oct 16 FREE Nov 20 FREE 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 69654 69655 Instructor: Vancouver Arts Colloquium Society For individuals diagnosed with MS. Join this informal group in sharing & caring. For further information, please contact Wendy St. Marie at 604-736-1240. No session Nov 11. F Sep 2-Dec 16 FREE 1:00 PM-3:00 PM 72666 Instructor: Wendy St. Marie Early Stage Dementia Support Group This service is for people with dementia who want to inform themselves with current information and share their experiences with others. 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Prior to registering, please contact us at 604-675-5150 or email: info. vancouver@alzheimerbc.org. Tu Sep 6-Dec 20 FREE TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 1:00 PM-2:30 PM 72664 19 Adult www.kitscc.com Free Workshops Financial Fraud Planning for your Financial Future You work hard for your money and want to keep it safe from fraud. In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn how to identify common financial scams and become empowered to protect yourself and your family from the devastating impact of fraud. We’ll cover some quick tips on how to identify financial scams and what steps to take in the event you ever find yourself financially victimized. If you’re planning to buy a house, want to retire in the next few years or want to help your kids with the cost of higher education, this course is for you. In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn tips and tricks on how to make your finances work for you and your family. We’ll discuss the importance of a budget, how to make the most out of your savings, and how a financial planner can set you on the path to financial success. Tu Sep 20 FREE 7:00 PM-8:30 PM 70505 Instructor: G&F Financial Th Nov 17 FREE 7:00 PM-8:30 PM 70508 Instructor: G&F Financial ADULT 18+ Understanding Savings Plans (RRSP, RESP, TFSA) Upcycling Fabric & Exploring Creativity What do you do with your old clothes when they wear out, or no longer fit, or you just don’t like them any more? Let’s upcycle! It’s the art of transforming scraps of old clothing and unwanted fabric into beautiful new things! Please join our FREE and hands-on workshop led by Colleen Rhodes who is a professional seamstress. We have enough fabric for everyone to experiment! Limited spaces, please register. Su Sep 25 FREE Oct 23 FREE 12:00 PM-3:00 PM 68535 68538 Instructor: Vancouver Arts Colloquium Society There are a number of different savings plans available and in this class we will learn the differences between them and how they can help you plan for retirement, put funds away for your child’s education or save on taxes. This interactive workshop will provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about which of these plans is right for you and your family. Th Oct 20 FREE 7:00 PM-8:30 PM 70507 Instructor: G&F Financial Permaculture in Action Harvest Time! A place where food and conversations merge into larger themes about well-being, health and overall positive living. Sitting down to enjoy a meal together and face-to-face conversations is often overshadowed by busy lifestyles, social media, and on- the-go foods and more. Our shared goal is to make our Vancouver life more and more delicious, for both mind and body, one meal at a time! Through a culture of preparing a yummy meal together, while having a facilitated discussion that explores experience and values around sustainable living, we can spice up and strengthen our own community. We invite you to a lively cooking and tasting workshop from our organic gardens. The workshop is FREE and open to the public. Just bring your curiosity, friends and whole family! Only 15 spaces, please pre-register. Su Oct 16 FREE Nov 20 FREE 10:30 AM-12:30 PM 69650 69652 Instructor: Vancouver Arts Colloquium Society 20 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Adult KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Dance Line Dancing (Recreational) The Waikiki Workshop FREE CLASS - Wed Sep 21, 8:00AM #71029 The Waikiki Workshop FREE CLASS - Wed Sep 21, 5:45PM #71031 The Waikiki Workout It’s dance, fitness and a trip to the tropics all in one. Based on hula and Tahitian basic hip work, the Waikiki Workout is cardio, toning and no-impact. Music ranges from the exotic drums of Tahiti to fast-paced favorites. Join in and say Aloha to your new beach body. $9.52 drop in, space permitting. W 8:00 AM-9:00 AM Sep 28-Dec 14 $102.86/12 sess 71030 W 5:45 PM-6:45 PM Sep 28-Dec 14 $102.86/12 sess 71032 Instructor: Lehualani Mulder Gustavo’s unique mix of eight Latin dance styles with a splash of Hip-hop, Afro’Funk and Jazz. It will get everyone dancing and grooving. This high energy dance class focuses on proper Latin dance technique, dance frame and choreography. His classes are uplifting, fun and entertaining! Dance partner not required. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. No sessions: Oct 10 & 31. Sa 10:15 AM-11:45 AM Sep 10-Dec 10 $73.33/11 sess 71034 Instructor: Lisa Dong Latin, Ballroom & Swing Dance FREE CLASS - Su Sep 18, 7:30PM #72660 Latin, Ballroom & Swing Dancing Dance the night away! Learn a fiery Salsa, an elegant Waltz and a swinging Jive in a fun and supportive atmosphere with two highly experienced teachers. By the end of the series, you’ll be moving with style and confidence across the dance floor! No partner or experience needed. $17.14 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 9. Su 7:30 PM-9:00 PM Sep 25-Dec 04 $142.86/11 sess 72663 Instructor: Fundance Co. Beginner Belly Dance Move to the sensuous melodies and dynamic rhythms of the Middle East. With an innate sense of music and dance as part of her Lebanese heritage, Rahma’s renowned ability to break down dance into an easily learned form stems from both her training as a teacher and her genuine desire for students to learn. Occasional guest instructor: Devorah (Deborah Kerr). No experience necessary. Bare feet or dance slippers, exercise clothes, scarf for the hips. Finger cymbals can be borrowed or purchased from instructor for $16. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 9. Su 4:30 PM-6:00 PM Sep 18 FREE 78052 Su 4:30 PM-6:00 PM Sep 25-Dec 11 $128.73/12 sess 73125 Instructor: Gail (Rahma) Haddad Intermediate Belly Dance Instructor: Gustavo Ferman Learn combinations, choreography and beyond-basic techniques using both folkloric and cabaret styles. Focus is on fun, exercise and personal development through dance. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 9. Latin Funk Dance Level 2 Su 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Sep 18 FREE 78055 Su 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Sep 25-Dec 11 $128.73/12 sess 73127 M 8:00 PM-9:00 PM Sep 12-Nov 28 $126.67/10 sess 70490 Gustavo’s unique mix of eight Latin dance styles with a splash of Hip-hop, Afro’Funk and Jazz. It will get everyone dancing and grooving. This high energy dance class focuses on proper Latin dance technique, dance frame and choreography. His classes are uplifting, fun and entertaining! Dance partner not required. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. W 7:00 PM-8:00 PM Sep 14-Nov 23 $126.67/11 sess 70491 Instructor: Gustavo Ferman ADULT 18+ Latin Funk Dance Level 1 Did you know that line dancing is an easy way to exercise the body and mind? It’s a wonderful way to lose weight and meet new friends. You’ll dance to great music and learn some of the most popular styles of dance such as: Cha Cha, Mambo, Rumba, Tango, Jive, Waltz and Salsa. No partner required. All ages and levels welcome. $6.67 drop in, space permitting. Seniors’ rate available. No sessions: Oct 8, Nov 12 & 19. Instructor: Gail (Rahma) Haddad Ballet 2nd Position Ballet 1st Position Build grace poise and good posture while learning ballet positions at the barre followed by exercises to Classical music on the centre floor. No session Oct 8, Nov 12. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. Sa 2:00PM-3:30 PM Sep 17-Nov 26 $114.29/9 sess 74934 Instructor: Sally Laing Hulme A quicker version of Ballet 1st Position. For ballet lovers who want a fun and exciting class to build strength, improve balance,& tone muscles, and most of all, just dance! We will work on barre, centre floor, and choreography that will leave you feeling refreshed. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 7, Nov 11. F 7:00 PM-8:30 PM Sep 16-Nov 25 $114.29/9 sess 78045 Instructor: Sally Laing Hulme TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 21 Adult www.kitscc.com Dance Groovin’ Burlesque Blast Zumba FREE CLASS - Tue Sep 06, 7:15PM #72451 FREE CLASS - Tue Sep 06, 8:15PM #72453 FREE CLASS - Mon Sep 12, 6:45PM #69345 Groovin’ Burlesque Blast This class will take you back to the fundamentals of Hip Hop. This class teaches you musicality and the basic movements of hip hop without a lot of intricate choreography. This class is high energy and will give you a lovely sweat-induced glow while we move and groove to fun throwback Hip Hop and smooth R&B tracks. Great for all levels. More info: www.KirbySnellDance.com. $12.38 drop in, space permitting. Endorphin Rush Dance and Fitness Burlesque Blast is a fun, invigorating, sultry dance-fitness program, which combines all the sass of burlesque with the sculpting and fitness elements. A combination of dance drills, conditioning and choreography - this class is bound to make you sweat and feel sexy. $12.38 drop in, space permitting. Tu 7:15 PM-8:15 PM Sep 13-Oct 25 $73.33/7 sess 72459 Nov 01-Dec 13 $73.33/7 sess 72461 Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance And Fitness Zumba FREE CLASS - Tue Sep 13, 6:45PM #69341 Tu 8:15 PM-9:15 PM Sep 13-Oct 25 $73.33/7 sess 72462 Nov 01-Dec 13 $73.33/7 sess 72463 Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance And Fitness Dance Bootcamp ADULT 18+ FREE CLASS - Tue Sep 06, 6:00PM #72448 Dance Bootcamp Zumba Dance Bootcamp takes the best of bootcamp fitness and mixes it with dance steps and drills. Taught in 3 ways: incorporating dance moves into a workout movement, choreography and straight bootcamp movements. For someone that enjoys dance and is looking for a challenging fitness routine. Please pre-register. $12.38 drop in, space permitting. This class fuses hypnotic Latin rhythms and easy to follow moves to create a dynamic workout system that will blow you away. Zumba utilizes the principles of fitness interval training and resistance training to maximize caloric output, fat burning and total body toning. It uses a variety of styles in its routines, including Cumbia, Soca, Merengue, Salsa, African, Reggaeton, Flamenco, and Bellydance. Zumba is a feel-happy workout that is great for both the body and the mind. $11.43 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 10. Tu 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Sep 13-Oct 25 $73.33/7 sess 72457 Nov 01-Dec 13 $73.33/7 sess 72458 Bollywood Burn Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance And Fitness FREE CLASS - Wed Sep 07, 8:15PM #72466 Bollywood Burn Incorporate the dazzling and fun choreography of Bollywood with a sweat-worthy, muscle burning program designed to leave you glowing and feeling fantastic. All sass and hips, this class is going to make you leave feeling like a beautiful Bollywood Diva! $12.38 drop in, space permitting. W 8:15 PM-9:15 PM Sep 14-Oct 26 $73.33/7 sess 72468 Nov 02-Dec 14 $73.33/7 sess 72469 Instructor: Endorphin Rush Dance And Fitness M 6:45 PM-7:45 PM Sep 19-Oct 31 $54.3/6 sess 69346 Nov 07-Dec 12 $54.3/6 sess 69347 Tu 6:35 PM-7:35 PM Sep 20-Nov 01 $63.35/7 sess 69342 Nov 08-Dec 13 $63.35/6 sess 69344 Instructor: Zumba Vancouver Ballet 1st Position Build grace poise and good posture while learning ballet positions at the barre followed by exercises to Classical music on the centre floor. No session Oct 8, Nov 12. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. Sa 2:00PM-3:30 PM Sep 17-Nov 26 $114.29/9 sess 74934 Instructor: Sally Laing Hulme 22 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Adult KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Yoga & Pilates Pilates with Ali Alejandra began teaching fitness in 1985; over the subsequent years she has been a Personal Trainer, an Instructor Trainer, a NIKE sponsored athlete and currently an Alumni Lululemon Ambassador. She finds teaching people to live a healthy and active life very rewarding. She is a BCRPA certified Fitness and Pilates Leader. www.fitnessali.com Pilates with Ali - All Levels W 9:15 AM-10:15 AM Sep 07-Dec 14 $175/15 sess 71112 Th 9:15 AM-10:15 AM Sep 08-Dec 15 $175/15 sess 71113 F 9:15 AM-10:15 AM Sep 09-Dec 16 $163.33/14 sess 71115 Instructor: Alejandra Aguirre Gentle Yoga Provide yourself with the tools you need to improve body alignment, tone muscles and increase flexibility. Pilates mat exercises are designed to safely and effectively condition the core muscles that act to stabilize the torso. These exercises target the muscles of the abdomen and pelvic floor as well as the muscles of the lower back, upper back and buttocks. $13.33 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 10. A Gentle Hatha Yoga class with a balanced creative approach. Enjoy learning yoga postures to improve body awareness, alignment, flexibility and strength. Focus is on breath and visualizations. You are encouraged to explore and experience the freedom of movement in the poses (asana). Yoga helps you feel more energized, less tension and pain with improved concentration and circulation. $9.80 drop in, space permitting. No session Nov 11. M 5:30 PM-6:30 PM Sep 19-Nov 21 $113.76/9 sess 73189 F 10:30 AM-12:00 PM Sep 9-Dec 16 $144.37/14 sess 72738 Instructor: Patricia Samuhel Instructor: Natalia Nimetz Pilates - Intermediate For those who have a recent experience in essential pilates mat exercises, preferably STOTT based. $13.33 drop in, space permitting but please check with the instructor for safe progression. W 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Sep 21-Nov 30 $139.04/11 sess 73188 Instructor: Patricia Samuhel Baby & Me Yoga Pilates - Standing & Matwork For those with previous experience in Pilates! This class combines core with leg strengthening exercises that get you stronger for functional activities of daily living as well as sports such as skiing, skating, horse-back riding etc. Abs, legs, glutes, hips all in one class! $13.33 drop in, space permitting. M 6:45 PM-7:45 PM Sep 19-Nov 21 $113.76/9 sess 73190 Instructor: Patricia Samuhel Creative Yoga Focus is on breath and visualization as you naturally develop improved body awareness, flexibility and core strength. Learn to work within your own limits at a deeper level. Enjoy the music. Yoga is that essence of body/mind/spirit with a feeling of calmness and sense of self. Time for relaxation and meditation. $14 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 10. M 6:30 PM-8:00 PM Sep 12-Dec 12 $144.37/14 sess 72733 Instructor: Natalia Nimetz Regain strength, flexibility and bond with your baby, all while connecting with other Moms or Dads, in this gentle Hatha class. Suitable for pre-crawling babies. Distractions by the babies are expected during this unique yoga class - breaks for feedings or soothing is completely encouraged! $15.24 drop in, space permitting. For more info, email: embraceyogawellness@gmail.com. No session Nov 11. ADULT 18+ Pilates will improve strength, alignment, balance, coordination, circulation, flexibility and posture. Working the mind and body together, pilates uses controlled movements to achieve rapid and longlasting results. Emphasis is placed on using the CORE. Experience a full body workout with no impact on the joints as you strengthen and stretch. Beginners welcome! $13.57 drop in, space permitting. www.fitnessali.com. No session Nov 11. Pilates - Intro F 2:00 PM-3:00 PM Sep 16-Oct 21 $68.58/6 sess 69228 Oct 28-Dec 09 $68.58/6 sess 69229 Instructor: Liza Randolph Prenatal Yoga Come dedicate an hour of your day to you and your baby! Feel great throughout your pregnancy and prepare your body for childbirth. Stretch and move your body safely to ease aches and pains, connect with your breath and baby, all while meeting other moms-to-be! All trimesters welcome, all yoga levels welcome. Consult your healthcare provider prior to attending. $15.24 drop in, space permitting. Email EmbraceYogaWellness@gmail.com for more information. No session Nov 8. Tu 6:30 PM-7:30 PM Sep 13-Oct 18 $68.58/6 sess 69221 Oct 25-Dec 06 $68.58/6 sess 69222 Instructor: Liza Randolph TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 23 Adult www.kitscc.com Yoga & Pilates Power Yoga with Mira Iyengar Yoga Power yoga is a dynamic flow through a series of asanas or poses; combining breathing with movement or vinyasa. Students will be guided through yoga poseswith breath work, focusing on awareness, strengthening, and body alignment. The emphasis will be on the mind-body connection and respecting our limitations and possibilities. From athletes to less active people, everyone can participate. $13.33 drop in, space permitting. No session Dec 1. In this form of classical yoga, emphasis is on developing flexibility, strength, balance, and breath and body awareness. As the body moves into alignment, less muscular work is required and relaxation increases naturally. The method is adapted to suit individual needs, regardless of age or state of health. $20 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 20 & Nov 3. Th 7:30 PM-8:45 PM Sep 22-Oct 27 $65.71/6 sess 73162 Nov 03-Dec 15 $65.71/6 sess 73165 ADULT 18+ Instructor: Mira Yoga Inc. Th 10:30 AM-12:00 PM Sep 15-Oct 27 $102/6 sess 70520 Nov 10-Dec 08 $85/5 sess 70521 Yoga 4 Stiff Guys Instructor: Sharmeen Jacobs An all levels yoga series designed for guys who want to improve flexibility, increase strength, and relax the mind and body. Although everyone is welcome, this class pays special attention to parts of men’s bodies that are often least flexible with an emphasis on poses to open the hips, quadriceps, hamstrings and lower back. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 10. M 5:30 PM-6:30 PM Sep 12-Oct 31 $80/7 sess 72628 Nov 07-Dec 12 $68.57/6 sess 72629 Instructor: Misurka Yoga Ltd. Yoga Made for Runners (All Levels) Restorative Yoga This is a gentle therapeutic style of yoga that uses props to support the body in restful still positions. The focus of the practice is to restore the central nervous system and the internal systems of the body. Invoke natural healing, increase flexibility and proper body balance. Tu 8:30 PM-9:30 PM 76176 Sep 20-Oct 25 $73.33/6 sess Nov 1-Dec 6 $73.33/6 sess 76178 Instructor: IntoYoga Yoga for Adults Hatha yoga lessons are suitable for any age and gender regardless of their physical strength. The practice is designed with focus on developing proper alignment, improving flexibility, core strength and balance through asana (posture) and mental well-being through pranayama (breathing exercise) and meditation. $12.38 drop in, space permitting. No session Nov 11. Iyengar Yoga In this form of classical yoga, emphasis is on developing flexibility, strength, balance, and breath and body awareness. As the body moves into alignment, less muscular work is required and relaxation increases naturally. The method is adapted to suit individual needs, regardless of age or state of health. $20 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 10. M 8:30 AM-10:00 AM Sep 12-Oct 24 $102/6 sess 70515 Nov 07-Dec 12 $102/6 sess 70517 Runners’ Yoga is a dynamic stretching and strengthening program designed to help runners get fit for running and prevent or overcome injuries. The Yoga Made for Runners system will also restore balance to our body’s musculature, return flexibility and suppleness to muscles, open tight, compressed joints and strengthen our core muscles. $15.24 drop in, space permitting. W6:30PM-7:45PM Sep 14-Dec 14 $173.32/14 sess 74917 Instructor: Michael Dennison Instructor: Sharmeen Jacobs F 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Sep 23-Dec 9 $115.24/11 sess 75539 Instructor: Kristina Stasiulyte Yoga for Cyclists This class will help elongate and loosen tight muscles while building strength. Targeting the hamstrings, hips and back, Yoga for Cyclists will help prevent and alleviate lower back pain, knee pain, and help bring your body into balance. Improve concentration and overall body awareness. If you ride a mountain bike, road bike, or just commute around the city for fun or work, this class is for you! $13.33 drop-in, space permitting. Tu 7:15 PM-8:15 PM Oct 04-Nov 01 $60.95/5 sess 75493 Nov 08-Dec 06 $60.95/5 sess 75494 Instructor: Into Yoga 24 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Adult KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Exercise & Fitness Fit 4 Two® Prenatal Fitness Body Rolling Self Massage Can you do core exercise when you are pregnant? Absolutely! In fact, not maintaining a healthy core can lead to a sore back, unstable pelvis, urinary incontinence, loss of balance and a more difficult postpartum core recovery. Your certified pre and postnatal fitness specialist will lead you through breath work, core exercises and stretches designed to prevent and manage common prenatal discomforts. This class is suitable and beneficial for women with abdominal separation.www.fit4two. ca. $16.67 drop in, space permitting.Note: All participants must have a ParMED-X for Pregnancy signed by their doctor prior to participation (available at www.fit4two.ca). Give yourself a massage by rolling on a ball. Your weight creates a force that massages and releases muscles and myofascia tissue. Focus on breathing, which reduces stress, increases relaxation, releases tension, clears toxins, and improves circulation and joint mobility. If you love massages this class is for you! No session Oct 8 & Nov 12. W 7:15 PM-8:15 PM Sep 07-Oct 19 $103.33/7 sess 70540 Nov 09-Dec 14 $88.57/6 sess 70543 Instructor: Fit 4 Two Westside Sa 9:15 AM-10:15 AM Sep 10-Dec 17 $151.67/13 sess 71116 Instructor: Alejandra Aguirre Bermuda Triangle The Bermuda Triangle solves the mystery: changing the shape of your body. It will bring the waist in, flatten the belly, tighten the butt, firm up the thighs, tighten flabby upper arms and build a strong core. In an encouraging, non-competitive and supportive environment. All Levels Welcome! $13.57 drop in, space permitting. www. fitnessali.com. No session Oct 8 & Nov 12. Instructor: Alejandra Aguirre CALLANETICS Fit 4 Two® Tummies 4 Mommies/ Infant Massage Join us for 30 minutes of postnatal core rehabilitation and strengthening followed by 30 minutes of infant massage. Moms will strengthen their cores from the inside out, flatten their tummies, prevent injuries and improve self-confidence. Babies will enjoy the benefits of massage such as improved digestion, sleep and attachment. Sorry, no drop ins. Th 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Sep 08-Oct 27 $102.86/8 sess 70534 Nov 03-Dec 15 $90/7 sess 70536 Instructor: Fit 4 Two Westside This exercise method promotes deep muscle tone throughout the entire body increasing flexibility, strength and improving posture. Using a combination of mat work and ballet bar work, precise positioning and tiny movements, CALLANETICS exercises tighten, tone and lift muscles fast. You lose inches and you feel great! $17.14 drop in, space permitting. For more info: www.callaneticsvancouver.com. No session Oct 10. M 8:00 PM-9:00 PM Sep 19-Dec 12 $166.67/12 sess 69216 Instructor: Linda Shedden I can garden and ski again...I feel healthier and stronger than ever. Thank you Joyce and Flexercise!? A unique and fluid combination of dynamic stretching, core strength and building muscle mass. Developed by BCRPA instructor Joyce Resin, host of CBC’s “Alive: The Picture of Health” and Executive Director of the Healthy Heart Society, this course is designed to be safe, sustainable, fun and appropriate for all ages. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. Tu 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Sep 20-Dec 06 $123.81/12 sess 70512 Th 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Sep 22-Dec 08 $123.81/12 sess 70513 Instructor: Joyce Resin ADULT 18+ Sa 10:30 AM-11:30 AM Sep 10-Dec 17 $151.67/13 sess 71119 Flexercise Osteofit Level 1 Provided in partnership with BC Women’s Health Centre, this exercise program is for people with Osteoporosis. Emphasis is on building strength & improving balance to prevent falls. $10.48 drop in, space permitting. Seniors’ rate available. No session Oct 10. M 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Sep 19-Oct 31 $48.60/6 sess 76230 Nov 07-Dec 12 $48.60/6 sess 76231 W 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Sep 21-Oct 26 $48.60/6 sess 76232 Nov 02-Dec 7 $48.60/6 sess 76233 Instructor: TBA Statuatory Holidays There will be no classes on Monday, October 10th, and Friday, November 11th. TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 25 Adult www.kitscc.com Martial Arts & Meditation Kelly Maclean Tai Chi Basic Form Learn the traditional Yang style Tai Chi from a certified coach. Relaxed and gentle exercise suitable for all ages and gender. Deep relaxing of body and mind, meditation coupled with movement, tendon/ligament stretch exercises will bring health, vigor and energy. $22.86 drop in, space permitting. Kelly Maclean has been practicing Chinese internal arts since 1988. She has won many medals internationally, and was the first woman to win the title of Grand Champion at the USA All Taijiquan Championships. Her teachers include some of the world’s greatest masters of Chinese martial arts: Shouyu Liang, Chen Xiao Wang, Yang Zhen Duo, Yang Jwing Ming and others. Her practice is a blend of movement, sitting and standing meditation, and Qigong. Sa 12:00 PM-2:00 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 $133.33/7 sess 73356 Instructor: Rainier Taiji Association Tai Chi Power Training ADULT 18+ This class will make you better understand and use “power.” Training will include low-posture standing, advanced form training, and basics of self-defence (push hands). You will learn about rooted stance (gen), sensing and responding to opponent’s power (tingjing), and expanding yet elastic power (peng) which are all basic elements of Tai Chi power. $22.86 drop in, space permitting. Sa 2:00 PM-4:00 PM Sep 10-Oct 22 $133.33/7 sess 73357 Instructor: Rainier Taiji Association Qigong Tai Chi - 48 Form Part One ‘Qi’ is energy. ‘Gong’ is skill or training. Qigong is the ancient Chinese practice of cultivating vital energy in the body. Qigong involves breath work, movement, posture, sound, visualization and meditation. Various forms are done sitting, standing, reclining, or walking. Qigong reduces stress, increases mobility, improves health and develops concentration. $14.29 drop in space permitting. No session Oct 9, Nov 13. The 48 Form is an exceptionally beautiful, well-balanced routine, combining the 4 most important styles of Tai Chi. There are smooth movements from the Yang style, explosive movements from the Chen style, spiraling movements from the Wu Style, and active stepping from the Sun style. Part Two will follow. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 9, Nov 13. Su 9:30 AM-10:30 AM Sep 18-Dec 04 $133.33/10 sess 71505 Energy Bagua Walking Meditation is derived from ancient Chinese culture and philosophy. As a practice of balancing Yin and Yang, cultivating inner energy of your body, it was developed by Master JinBodhi. Practicing Energy Bagua helps to relax your body and mind, enhance your health and improve your life quality. $5.71 drop in, space permitting. Instructor: Kelly Maclean Instructor: Kelly Maclean Tai Chi - 48 Form Review Tai Chi - 108 Traditional Yang Form Part Two Energy Bagua Th 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Sep 22-Dec 8 $160/12 sess 71506 In this course, we will be studying the second section of the long form. Part One is a prerequisite. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. No sessionOct 8, Nov 13. In this course we will complete the 48 Form with plenty of time for review. We will focus on the latter part of the form and any difficult passages. Parts One and Two are prerequisites. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. No session Oct 9, Nov 13. Su 10:30 AM-11:30 AM Sep 18-Dec 4 $133.33/10 sess 71504 Su 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Sep 18-Dec 4 $133.33/10 sess 71502 Instructor: Kelly Maclean Instructor: Kelly Maclean Tai Chi - 24 Form (Beginners) Mindfulness for Beginners Tai Chi is a martial art, a gentle form of exercise and a moving meditation. The slow and graceful movements of Tai Chi improve balance, coordination and wellbeing. Emphasis on proper alignment promotes Qi flow through the body. This simplified Yang style is suitable for beginners. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. No class Su Oct 9 & Nov 13. A beginner class for those new to mindfulness meditation or wishing to refresh their practice. Also welcome those who have difficulty calming the mind or are simply curious. Mindfulness meditation improves inner peace, health and quality of life while relieving stress, anxiety, depression and craving. Also, it slows aging. LearnMindfulness.org. Sorry, no drop ins. Su 12:30 PM-1:30 PM Sep 18-Dec 4 $133.33/10 sess 71503 Th 7:00 PM-8:00 PM Sep 22-Dec 8 $160/12 sess 71507 Instructor: Sung Yang Th 7:30 PM-9:00 PM Sep 22-Sep 22 $20.95/1 sess 73108 Instructor: Kelly Maclean M 10:00 AM-11:30 AM Sep 12-Dec 19 $64.29/15 sess 73302 Instructor: Connie Song 26 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Adult KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Sports Badminton: Int/Adv Basketball: Co-Ed League (KBL) Volleyball: Int/Adv This competitive program is for the intermediate to advanced player. Players must have good skills and knowledge of the game. Drop in $5.71. Please bring your own racquet. Spots are held for registered participants for 15 minutes after start time; after 15 minutes spots may be sold to drop-in players. For inquires on how to join a team or submit a team for thIs league, contact Biraj at 604-738-2333. Please do not register this program if you have not already set this up with Biraj. Players must have excellent and safe ball control at the net, be able to make clean and legal plays, have a good knowledge of the rules of volleyball and be comfortable playing against other advanced players. There will be a two week trial period, if a player is deemed not at an advanced level by the supervisor, he/she would be given a pro-rated refund. Spots are held for registered participants for 15 minutes after start time; after 15 minutes spots may be sold to drop-in players. Drop-in: $5.71, space permitting. W 8:00 PM-10:45 PM Sep 07-Dec 07 $63.84/14 sess 69639 Badminton: Recreation Come out with a friend and enjoy an evening of recreational badminton. All levels welcome. Please bring your own racquet. Drop-in: $5.71, space permitting. Spots are held for registered participants for 15 minutes after start time; after 15 minutes spots may be sold to drop-in players. Th 7:30 PM-9:30 PM Sep 08-Dec 15 $68.40/15 sess 69636 Su Sep 18-Feb 19 $676.19 1:00 PM-9:30 PM 71002 Pickleball - Int/Adv Players need to play at a 3.5+ level. Check player ratings at the International Federation of Pickleball website: www.ipickleball. org. Still not sure? Ask a ‘facilitator’. Players must be capable of playing a competitive and aggressive game. $4.76 drop in, space permitting; senior’s rate available. No session Nov 13. Su 10:45 AM-12:45 PM Sep 11-Dec 18 $53.33/14 sess 72699 Facilitators: Rochelle de la Giroday & Mark Bullen Instructor: Barry Trofimenkoff Pickleball - All Levels Play & Learn Tennis Beginner to Novice Plus Our Beginner to Novice 10 hour course is designed to show you and develop all the fundamentals of the game. Players are grouped by skill level at a ratio of 6:1. We coach weekly themes on techniques and tactics while developing your match skills with a great bunch of people. For more info or questionable weather check: www.gordhaukastennis.com. Maximum 6 Players. M&W Sep 06 to 19 5:30 PM-7:30 PM $120/5 sess 76565 Novice Plus to Intermediate Our 10 hour course is designed to help you improve skills you already have and add spin, speed and evil to your techniques and tactical planning. Our goal is to get you ready for the summer tournaments from Stanley Park to playing the local court champ. For more info or questionable weather check: www. gordhaukastennis.com. Maximum 6 Players. M&W 5:30 PM-7:30 PM Sep 06 to 19 $120/5 sess 76566 Tu 3:15 PM-5:15 PM Sep 06-Dec 13 $57.14/15 sess 69624 Th 6:45 PM-8:45 PM Sep 08-Dec 15 $57.14/15 sess 69627 Facilitators: Rochelle de la Giroday & Mark Bullen Soccer: Indoor Recreation This program is for all levels of play with the emphasis on sportsmanship, fun and fitness. Spots are held for registered participants for 15 minutes after start time; after 15 minutes spots may be sold to drop-in players. Drop-in $5.71 space permitting. No session: Oct. 10 M 9:15 PM-10:45 PM Sep 12-Dec 12 $59.28/13 sess 69645 Soccer: Master’s Co-Ed (30+) The Masters Co-Ed Soccer is a Recreational League for men 35+ and women 30+. The emphasis is on sportsmanship, fitness and fun! Registered participants must show up at or before start time or risk losing their spot to drop-in players. No session Oct. 10. M 7:45 PM-9:15 PM Sep 12-Dec 12 $59.28/13 sess 69647 Instructor: Lisa Tam Volleyball: Recreation This program is for all levels of play with emphasis on sportsmanship and fun. Spots are held for registered participants for 15 minutes after start time; after 15 minutes spots may be sold to drop-in players. $5.71 drop-in, space permitting. Tu 8:00 PM-10:45 PM Sep 06-Dec 13 $68.40/15 sess 69648 Women’s Indoor Soccer Rec Play (Beg/Int) ADULT 18+ This game combines elements of badminton, tennis and table tennis. It is played by 2-4 players on a badminton-sized court using large paddles and whiffle balls. Beginners are welcome. $4.76 drop in, space permitting; senior’s rate available. F 7:00 PM-9:00 PM Sep 09-Dec 16 $45.71/15 sess 69649 Come out, have fun and get fit. Women of all ages and levels are welcome; soccer moms who have always wanted to try playing or women looking to have some competitive fun as an alternative to the gym. Spots are held for registered participants for 15 minutes after start time; after 15 minutes spots may be sold to drop-in players. Drop-in $5.71, space permitting. No session Oct 8. Sa 3:15 PM-4:45 PM Sep 10-Dec 17 $64/14 sess 69653 Instructor: Lisa De Vita Women’s Recreation Ball Hockey This program is for all levels of play. The focus is on fair play, sportsmanship, fitness and fun. Personal hockey sticks must be wrapped with white hockey tape or plastic blades accepted. Shin pads are highly recommended. Spots are held for registered participants for 15 minutes after start time; after 15 minutes spots may be sold to drop-in players. Drop-in $5.71. Th 9:00 PM-10:30 PM Sep 08-Dec 15 $62.86/15 sess 69658 Instructor: Lisa De Vita TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 27 Adult www.kitscc.com Aerobic Class Schedule September 5-December 31, 2016 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Low Impact Classic Stretch 8:00-9:00 AM Cardio Combo Classic Stretch 8:00-9:00 AM Low Impact Classic Stretch 8:00-9:00 AM Cardio Core 9:00-10:00 AM 9:00-10:00 AM Dance Studio Gentle Fit 10:10-11:10 AM Core Strength Plus 5:30-6:30 PM Total Body Conditioning 6:30-7:30 PM 5:30-6:30 PM 20-20-20 5:30-6:30 PM Cardio Circuit 5:30-6:30 PM Total Body Conditioning 5:30-6:30 PM Cardio Interval 6:30-7:30 PM Class Descriptions ADULT 18+ 9:30-10:30 AM Dance Studio Gentle Fit Muscle Fit 10:10-11:10 AM 9:00-10:00 AM Gentle Fit 10:10-11:10 AM Cardio Core 9:00-10:00 AM Dance Studio Gentle Fit (mild) Perfect for beginners, returning to fitness, or recovering from an injury talk to your instructor about any concerns. Low Impact (mild to moderate) Great morning class to get you going - no jumping, easy on the joints. Classic Stretch (moderate) This no cardio class will focus on increasing flexibility and calming the mind. Core Strength Plus (moderate) Get those untrained muscles back into shape. Primary focus is on core exercises for lower back and abdominals. Class has some short cardio intervals. Cardio Interval (moderate to challenging) You’ve heard about it, now come and try it! High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.)This class combines short intervals of intense exercise with short periods of rest to burn fat more effectively. 20-20-20 (moderate to challenging) This hi energy class is divided between 20 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes of muscular work and 20 minutes of core and stretch. This workout will leave you exhausted but you will be back for more. Aerobic Class Fees Adult Student/ Youth Senior Drop in $5.10 $3.81 $3.57 Strip of 10 Tickets $45.71 $34.29 $25.48 Fit Card (1, 2, 3, 6 or 12 month) $40.95 and up $31.19 and up $29.24 and up Fees (GST not included) The Fit Card allows you to attend unlimited number of classes on the Aerobic Class Schedule. *Note: Schedule & Fees are subject to change without notice. Classes with insufficient attendance will be subject to cancellation Muscle Fit (moderate to challenging) Experience a complete strength training workout that focuses on all major groups. No cardio component. Total Body Conditioning (moderate to challenging) An excellent class to tone, strengthen, and sculpt entire body! Cardio Combo (moderate to challenging) The ultimate cardio combination class. A mix of high/low power moves on the floor combined with muscle conditioning and core stability focus. A complete full body conditioning class designed for all fitness levels. Cardio Core (moderate to challenging) Intervals of bootcamp style cardio and core strengthening exercises. All levels, exercises can be modified. Cardio Circuit (moderate to challenging) The ultimate cardio combination class. A mix of high/low power moves on the floor followed by circuit training stations and some Tabata thrown in for good measure. A complete full body conditioning class designed for all fitness levels. 28 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Older Adult KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Exercise, Health & Wellness Gentle Yoga A Gentle Hatha Yoga class with a balanced creative approach. Enjoy learning yoga postures to improve body awareness, alignment, flexibility and strength. Focus is on breath and visualizations. You are encouraged to explore and experience the freedom of movement in the poses (asana). Yoga helps you feel more energized, less tension and pain with improved concentration and circulation. $9.80 drop in, space permitting. No session Nov 11. Chair Yoga Chair yoga is a gentle individualized therapeutic yoga practice for people who are not comfortable with getting down on the floor. It combines simple breathing techniques with gentle movements and basic modified yoga postures while seated, leading to relaxation. Other benefits of yoga: increased strength, balance and flexibility both mental and physical. Yoga can be a great tool to connect body, mind, heart and spirit! $14 drop in, space permitting. F 10:30 AM-12:00 PM Sep 16-Dec 16 $144.37/13 sess 72738 Tu 1:30 PM-2:30 PM Sep 20-Oct 25 $65.71/6 sess 72416 Nov 01-Dec 06 $65.71/6 sess 72418 Instructor: Natalia Nimetz Instructor: Bobbie Seale-Cobiskey Minds in Motion Minds in Motion® is designed for people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia accompanied with a friend, family member or care partner. Enjoy light exercise conducted by a certified fitness instructor, followed by activities or games and social time in a relaxed atmosphere. Light refreshments will be provided. Note: spouse/caregiver can attend for free. No session Oct 10. Instructor: Audrey Darling/Kate Turnbull FREE CLASS - Thu Sep 08, 1:00PM #69335 Zumba Gold This low-impact dance-fitness class is for beginners and seniors. Dance easy-to-follow moves to zesty Latin music like salsa, cha cha and merengue and Rock & Roll (including the Twist and Charleston). Improve your balance, strength, flexibility and most importantly, heart in this feelhappy workout that is great for both the body and the mind. $8.57 drop in, space permitting. Th 1:00 PM-2:00 PM Sep 15-Oct 27 $49.35/7 sess 69336 Nov 03-Dec 15 $49.35/7 sess 69339 Instructor: Zumba Vancouver Senior’s Strength and Stretch Achieve maximum efficiency and maintain flexibility, by joining this gentle stretch and strength chair fitness class.Workout includes a warm up to raise the body’s temperature and prepare the muscles for the workout, 20 minutes of strength training with light weights and a cool down and stretch to bring the body back to a resting state. You will finish your workout with relaxation. Drop-in: $3.50. Flexercise “I can garden and ski again...I feel healthier and stronger than ever. Thank you Joyce and Flexercise!” A unique and fluid combination of dynamic stretching, core strength and building muscle mass. Developed by BCRPA instructor Joyce Resin, host of CBC’s Alive: The Picture of Health and Executive Director of the Healthy Heart Society, this course is designed to be safe, sustainable, fun and appropriate for all ages. $14.29 drop in, space permitting. OLDER ADULT M 1:00 PM-3:00 PM Sep 05-Oct 24 $37.52/7 sess 72712 Oct 31-Dec 19 $42.86/8 sess 72719 Zumba Gold Tu 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Sep 20-Dec 06 $123.81/12 sess 70512 Th 6:00 PM-7:00 PM Sep 22-Dec 08 $123.81/12 sess 70513 Instructor: Joyce Resin W 11:45 AM-12:45 PM Sep 14-Dec 21 $37.14/15 sess 69211 Instructor: Evelyn Legault TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 29 Older Adult www.kitscc.com Multicultural Events September to December 2016 September Canada Multicultural Presentation Multiculurism is a way of life in Vancouver. We will be celebrating some of the many cultures who live here. Our program will feature talks by friends and families who will tell stories of settling and working here. Enjoy savouries and sweets from some of our favourite cuisines. W 1:00 PM-2:30 PM Sep 07 $1.90/1 sess 71073 Canada Multicultural Cooking Class Canadian food spans so many cultures. Come and join us as one of our many international cooks teaches us how to make a simple dish that we will help prepare and enjoy. Sweets and a drink will also be served. OLDER ADULT W 1:00 PM-2:30 PM Sep 21 $2.86/1 sess 71077 Canada Multicultural Luncheon Our luncheon will be made up of delicious Canadian foods. This will include a main entrée, mixed vegetables, salad and dessert. Canadian Word Bingo and prizes will make this a special celebration. F 12:30 PM-2:30 PM Sep 30 $8.57/1 sess 71092 October Central America Presentation Central America is a region formed by the 7 Latin American countries of Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Come learn from people who have lived there as well as from those who have visited. Sweets and savouries will be served. W 1:00 PM-2:30 PM Oct 05 $1.90/1 sess 71093 30 Central America Craft Class Our Central America craft will feature the painting of a unique pottery bird. All supplies will be provided. Come and enjoy delicious Central American snacks as you spend a pleasant afternoon with friends creating your own gift. W 1:00 PM-2:30 PM Oct 12 $2.86/1 sess 71094 Central America Dance Class A local costumed dancer will not only entertain us with traditional dances but will also show us how to dance a few simple steps. Come and join us along with the preschoolers for a very entertaining afternoon of music, dance or snacks. W Oct 19 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM $2.81/1 sess 74891 Central America Cooking Class Because of Central America’s diverse Spanish, American, Afro-Caribbean and indigenous influences, their cuisine is varied. One of the characteristics is the use of fresh ingredients, from meats and vegetables to tortillas and breads. We will be teaching an easy dish using the many ingredients available locally. Drinks and sweets are included. W 1:00 PM-2:30 PM Oct 26 $2.86/1 sess 71099 Central America Luncheon Our Central American luncheon will feature Costa Rican food complete with a special entree, rice, vegetables, salads and a dessert. Our Word Bingo and prizes will complete our very popular event. F 12:30 PM-2:30 PM Oct 28 $8.57/1 sess 71101 November Southern Germany Presentation The 2006 Canadian census put the number of Canadians of German descent at 3,179,425. Come join us as we listen to stories from our friends who immigrated here and how they have fared since their arrival. Recent tourist travel will be included, too. Favourite savouries and sweets will be served. W 1:00 PM-2:30 PM Nov 09 $1.90/1 sess 71102 Southern Germany Dance Class One of the traditional folk dances of Germany will be featured. Along with our preschool class we will be entertained by a costume dancer and learn some simple dance steps. Come and enjoy a pleasant afternoon with German snacks and sweets. W 1:00 PM-2:30 PM Nov 16 $2.86/1 sess 71103 Southern Germany Cooking Class German food is very familiar to many of us here in Canada. A simple German recipe will be taught by one of our friends using local ingredients. Come and enjoy the sweets and savouries of this popular region. W 1:00 PM-2:30 PM Nov 23 $2.86/1 sess 71104 Southern Germany Luncheon As the regions of Germany feature such varied food, we will be featuring a meal selected from the Munich area. Entrees, salads and desserts. Our Bingo Word Game with prizes are always a fun part of our afternoon. F 12:30 PM-2:30 PM Nov 25 $8.57/1 sess 71105 Winter Renewal Luncheon Winter is a time for celebrating many festivals of light. We will be celebrating Christmas, Hannukah, Winter Solstice and Persia. F Dec 16 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM $8.57/1 sess 74909 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Older Adult KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Social Alzheimer’s Early Stage Support Group For people with dementia who want to inform themselves with current information and share their experiences with others. Prior to registering, please contact us at 604-675-5150 or email: info.vancouver@alzheimerbc.org Tu 1:00 PM-2:30 PM Sep 06-Dec 20 FREE/8 sess 72664 Instructor: Alzheimer Society Fun Scrabblers Come and join the Fun Scrabblers and have a wonderful gaming experience. Learn new words and expand your vocabulary. A gentle and relaxing way to spend your afternoon. Nibble on a snack, sip a hot drink and meet new friends. This program is free but space is limited. Please register. Th 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Sep 08-Dec 15 FREE/15 sess 68778 Multiple Sclerosis Self Help Group For individuals diagnosed with MS. Join this informal group in sharing & caring. For further information, please contact Wendy St. Marie at 604-7361240. No session Nov 11. F 1:00 PM-3:00 PM Sep 09-Dec 23 FREE/15 sess 72666 Tu 7:00 PM-10:00 PM Sep 06-Dec 13 $1.90/15 sess 68771 F 7:00 PM-10:00 PM Sep 09-Dec 16 $1.90/14 sess 68775 Tu 9:30 AM-2:00 PM Sep 13-Dec 13 FREE/14 sess 68786 Kitsilano Book Club Participate in lively discussions in a friendly and informal atmosphere. Limited to 16. Please pre-register. We meet on the second Wednesday of each month in Maddie’s Lounge at 3PM. Books selected are from the Vancouver Public Library Book club sets when they become available. W 3:00 PM-4:30 PM Sep 14-Dec 14 FREE/4 sess 68784 Instructor: Wendy St. Marie Duplicate Bridge Come out and join our friendly group of Duplicate bridge players. Drop-in $1.90 per session. No session November 11. Kitsilano Walkers This volunteer organized walking group meets every Tuesday at 9:30AM. Copies of the walk schedule are available at the front desk. This group operates independently from Kitsilano Community Centre. M 12:00 PM-3:00 PM Sep 12-Dec 12 FREE/14 sess 68788 Tu 2:00 PM-3:30 PM Sep 13-Dec 13 $9.33/14 sess 68780 OLDER ADULT Great Books Discussion Group Enjoyable, rewarding discussions on a wide range of topics using recent and historical short stories, essays and other literary materials. Focus on one short selection weekly, chosen from volumes produced by experts at the Great Books Foundation. These books ($35-$45 each) generally provide material for 4-5 months. Mah Jong Come and play this popular centuries old Chinese game of skill, strategy and calculation. Our group welcomes players with some or a lot of experience. No instruction given. Please pre-register. Honoring Anton’s Coffee Break Join us every Wednesday in Maddie’s Lounge to share a chat over a cup of tea or coffee. Enjoy meeting new friends. W 12:45 PM-2:00 PM Sep 07-Dec 14 FREE/15 sess 68782 Older Adult Monthly Lunches Seniors are invited to attend our social gatherings on the first Friday of the month (Sep 9, Oct 7, Nov 4 and Dec 2) to learn more about older adult programs on site and within our community. Complimentary lunch is provided at 11:30AM. Please call the Front Desk at 604-257-6980 no less than one week in advance to reserve your meal. Christmas Greenery Workshop An opportunity to make festive décor just in time for the holiday season. All materials will be provided. Coffee, tea and snacks to share too. Please register in advance as this class is limited to 15 participants. W 12:30PM-2:30 PM Dec. 21 FREE 74921 TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 31 Older Adult www.kitscc.com Out Trips Bus Company: Enjoy the Life Experience Register at least one week in advance please. OLDER ADULT Secret Cove/Sunshine Coast Explore the Sunshine Coast and see why BC is called “Best Place on Earth”! Visit Porpoise Bay, stroll the long wooden fishing pier at Davis Bay and enjoy a delicious lunch at the well appointed Rockwater Secret Cove Resort. Explore the resorts incredible property and take afternoon free time to discover Gibsons Landing’s charming stores, art galleries and cafes. Please Note: Additional $8 ferry fee applies to those under the age of 65 and to non BC residents. Activity Level: Easy PACKAGE INCLUDES: • All ferry fees • Lunch at Rockwater Secret Cove Resort • Porpoise Bay • Davis Bay • Gibsons Landing • Relief driver • Bottled water Th 7:15 AM-7:00 PM Oct 06 $113.33/1 sess 73317 Enjoy Tour And Travel Harrison River Eagle Tour Harrison River has one of the largest concentrations of bald eagles in North America with a count of over 10,000 eagles in 2015. This may be the best eagle viewing in BC history! Travel to the Chehalis/Harrison River Estuary to view large numbers of Bald and Golden Eagles at Eagle Point Community Park and Sandpiper Golf Resort where a delicious lunch is included at Rivers Edge Restaurant. This tour is hosted by the organizers of the annual Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival and includes a stop at Inch Creek Salmon Hatchery home to two resident giant sturgeons Henry and Al. Activity Level: Easy PACKAGE INCLUDES: • Guided Eagle Walk • Fraser Valley Bald Eagle Festival host • Inch Creek Salmon Hatchery • Rivers Edge Restaurant lunch Polar Express Kick off the Holiday season aboard the 9th Annual Polar Express! West Coast Railway Heritage Park in Squamish operates Canada’s only Polar Express designed to delight and inspire as it makes it’s magical round trip journey to the North Pole. The one-hour train ride is filled with magic, music, stories and on board refreshments Polar Express style. Includes coach ticket, one mini train ride and entry to the “North Pole Workshop”, the “Gingerbread Village” and lunch on the Squamish River at the Watershed Grill in Brackendale. Activity Level: Easy PACKAGE INCLUDES: • Polar Express coach ticket • Admission to North Pole Workshop and Gingerbread Village • Mini train ride • Lunch Watershed Grill Tu 8:00 AM-5:30 PM Dec 03 $103.81/1 sess 73321 Enjoy Tour And Travel Tu 8:00 AM-5:00 PM Nov 22 $84.76/1 sess 73319 Enjoy Tour And Travel 32 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Prices do not include GST. Ice Rink KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Kitsilano Public Skating Schedule Sunday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 50 and Better Parent and Preschool 10:00-11:30am Public Skate 11:00-12:30pm Coed Adult Drop in Hockey 11:45am-1:15pm For more information about Public Skating, visit our website vancouver.ca or call 311 Stick & Puck 11:45am-1:15pm 10:00-11:30am Public Skate 11:45am-1:15pm Friday Ice Rink Fees Coed Adult Drop in Hockey Description 11:45am-1:15pm Single Fee 10 visit pass Adult (19-64 years) $6.15 $49.20 Adult Drop in Hockey $6.15 $49.20 Discount Skate Public Skate Youth (13-18 years) $4.40 $35.20 3:15-4:30pm 12:15-1:45pm Children (3-12 years) $3.10 $24.80 Senior (65+ years) $4.40 $35.20 Public Skate 6:30-8:00pm Family $3.10 Preschool (2 yrs and Free with paying adult under) Family Fun Hockey Ice Rentals 7:00-7:30pm Public Skate Adult Skate 7:30-9:00pm 8:15-9:30pm Public Skate 9:15-10:30pm Skate Rental Fee 10 tickets Public $3.05 $24.40 9:30-10:00pm Skate sharpening $6.25 Learn to Skate Program Skate Lessons Begins SET 1 Online & In-Person Friday, August 19 at 9:00am Saturdays October 1-November 24 SET 2 Online & In-Person Friday, November 25 at 9:00am Saturdays November 26-February 4 , 2016 No class Dec 22, 24, 29 & 31. If you are not registered in the correct level the instructors reserve the right to place you in the appropriate level if space is available. If the lessons you want are full, please register your name on the waiting list. Discount Public Skates ½ price admission Stick & Puck 50 and Better: 50 years and up Parent & Preschool: minimum Family rate is two child admissions ($6.10) Discount Skate: 50% off regular rate Family Fun Hockey: plastic sticks and pucks provided, helmet and gloves required, practice only. Adult Stick & Puck: 19 years and older, helmet and gloves required, all players must sign a waiver form. Practice only, no scrimmage or shinny. Must sign up at the rink office 30 minutes prior to start. Adult Co-ed Drop in Hockey: 19 years and older, same day reservations and full gear is required. Reserve your spot by calling 604-257-6980 after 10:15am on the day of the program. To keep your reservation, you must pay and sign in by 11:30am or risk losing your spot. Goalies play for free and can call at 10:00am to reserve their spot. Maximum 20 players and 2 goalies. Starts October 4. Registration * All family members must be present at the time of admission Co-ed Adult Public Skate Descriptions Please refer to Vancouver.ca or call 311 for schedules on Dec 24, 25, 26, 31, Jan 1 & 2. 50 and Better 10:00-11:30am Visit vancouver.ca/parks/rec/ rinks/rentals.htm for rental fees, instruction and availability. Schedule subject to change Saturday October 1-December 31, 2016 All fees are subject to change. Fees listed include tax. • OneCards & Flexipasses can be used for all public skating AND drop In hockey. • Group rates; 20% discount on admission to groups of 10 or more (all 10 people must be present) • Children 7 years & younger must be accompanied on the ice by a parent or guardian over the age of 16yrs Sledge Hockey Vancouver Park Board – Now at Hillcrest! Come try Sledge Hockey for FREE @ HILLCREST Rink on: Wed Sep 21 at 4:45-5:45pm Sun Sep 18 & 25 at 1:15-2:15pm Want to learn how to play an exciting Paralympic sport? Learn how to move you sled, shoot the puck and play fun games with enthusiastic instructors and volunteers. This is a perfect program for children, youth and adults wanting to learn something new! For more information please visit vancouver.ca/parks-recreation-culture/icerinks.aspx For a detailed lesson schedule go to recreation.vancouver.ca or pick up a lesson handout at the Kitsilano Community Centre To register online for skating lessons, go to recreation.vancouver.ca PARK BOARD SKATE LESSON REFUND AND CANCELLATION POLICY A full refund will be given if cancellation notice is received five or more days before the start of the program. If a cancellation notice is received one to four days before the start of the class, the participant can either transfer to a future lesson set, if available, or the refund amount will be the activity fee minus the cost of one class. If cancellation notice is received after the first class date and five or more days before the second class date, the refund amount will be the activity fee minus the cost of one class. If cancellation notice is received less than four days before the start of the second class date, the refund amount will be the activity fee minus the cost of two classes. No refunds are issued for requests received after the second date of the program. Fees for one or two-day programs (private lessons) are non-refundable. TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 ICE RINK CSA approved hockey or snowboarding helmets are required for skate lessons (no bike helmets allowed). A limited number of hockey helmets are available to use for free. Parents and guardians are not allowed on the ice unless authorized by staff. 33 Fitness Centre www.vancouver.ca/kitsilanofitness Fitness Centre Hours Fitness Centre Consultations Monday-Friday ............. 6:00 am-11:00 pm Saturday....................... 7:00 am-10:00 pm Sunday......................... 7:00 am-10:00 pm Stat Holidays.................... 7:00 am-10:00 pm Fitness Centre Admission (Includes GST) ADULT Drop In 10 Visit Pass $6.15 $49.20 YOUTH/ SENIORS $4.40 $35.20 Equipment & Facilities The Flexipass Membership Enjoy flexible and affordable recreation with our no contract all access pass. Purchase a monthly Flexipass at any Park Board fitness centre and receive unlimited access to our 15 fitness centres, 9 indoor pools, 4 outdoor pools and 8 ice rinks. For more information and locations visit vancouverparks.ca. YOUTH/ SENIORS 1 Month $47.54 $33.28 3 Months $126.05 $88.25 12 Months $401.80 $281.25 GST is included in the above fees. ADULT Kitsilano Fitness Centre is a fully equipped 5,000 square foot facility. We offer a wide range of cardio equipment including stair climbers, elliptical cross trainers, AMTS concept II rowers, treadmills, upright, recumbent, Keiser indoor cycling bicycles Kitsilano Fitness Centre also has a broad selection of Life Fitness, Apex machines, squat racks, bench press stations and free weights. If you are more interested in functional training we have 2 kinesis machines, stability balls, exercise tubing and balance boards. Complete your workout by relaxing in the sauna or whirlpool. Indoor Cycling Burn calories, build muscle, relieve stress! Indoor cycling is a group exercise performed on a specialized stationary bicycle. It is fun, accessible and effective! Monday FITNESS CENTRE Cycle Express: Cycle Express 6:15am7:00 am 45 mins of riding, including a quick warm up and cool down; designed to get your workout in and to get you on your way. Cost: Drop in $6.15; 10 visit pass $49.20; see vancouver. ca/kitsfitness for registration information 34 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Cycle Express 6:15am7:00 am Cycle Fit 9:00am10:00am Cycle Fit: 60 mins of indoor riding, with a longer warm up- and cool down. Tuesday Cycle Fit 6:30pm7:30pm Schedule is subject to change without notice. Reservation Procedure for Drop In Spots: Call the Community Centre Front Desk at 604-257-6980 the day before your class to reserve a bike. • • • • • Check in at the Front Desk to pay and collect your tag. For early morning classes enter and pay through the Fitness Centre. No voicemail or e-mail reservations are accepted. Participants can only register themselves and 1 other person. Waitlist spots will be released 5 mins before class start time. KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE Take advantage of our free fitness consultations Reach your fitness goals with our new consultation package. Call ahead to book up to 3 sessions with our highly trained Fitness Centre staff. Free with drop-in admission or included with your pass. In your first session, learn how to use the equipment, get a personalized fitness program, and receive a card to track your progress. At your next session, our staff will monitor your exercise technique and answer any questions about your fitness program. Book a third session if you need additional support or motivation. Personal Training Improve your health and wellness with support from our qualified and experienced personal trainers. Our trainers will work with you to develop a customized fitness plan designed to meet your fitness goals and fit your busy schedule. Whether you are a beginner, overcoming a plateau, rehabilitating from an injury or looking for sport-specific workouts, our trainers will motivate and support you in each one hour session. Older Adult Weight Training The first half of this session is spent strengthening and toning muscles in the fitness centre. The last half of this session focuses on stretching and strengthening your core muscles. The cost is the Senior’s Drop-In rate or FREE with a valid Flexipass. All participants must have a signed PAR-Q and consent and release on file. Small Group Personal Training Friends and family can be very powerful in helping you stay on track when trying to attain your fitness goals. A small group training setting provides a comfortable support system where you can encourage one another and foster some healthy competition. Group sessions offer the same intimate coaching experience as a personal training session but at a reduced cost. You may register as a group of three up to a maximum group of four. Package Private Semi Private Small Group 1 sess $52.00 $78.00 $112.00 3 sess $140.00 $210.00 $300.00 5 sess $234.00 $365.00 $440.00 10 sessions $425.00 $678.00 $800.00 Prices do not include GST. Special Events EVENTS KITSILANO COMMUNITY CENTRE 604-257-6976 ext. 1 Family Toy and Clothing Sale Sunday, November 13, 10:00 AM-1:00 PM $20/table Free Admission Course #76765 A perfect chance for families to buy and sell used children’s clothing and toys. Great bargains for parents with growing children. One table per vendor. Table reservation registration is in person (so table selection can be done) beginning, August 15th at 9am until tables sell out. Vendor tables are $20. Free admission for bargain hunting customers on event day. In Our Community… Free Events at the Library Enjoy performances, author readings, films, book clubs, and events for children and families at the library. Discover more at classes and workshops that cover topics such as writing, career development and technology. For upcoming events, see vpl.ca/events. For more information, visit your neighbourhood branch: Kitsilano Branch 2425 MacDonald St. 604.665.3976 | vpl.ca Kits House Autumn Fair 2016 Saturday, October 22nd 10:00 am-3:00 pm FREE EVENT at 7th + Vine Everyone Welcome! Pancake breakfast, local musicians & artists, carnival games, food trucks, kids activities, farmers market, face painting, costume contest and more! West Side Family Place presents The Circle of Security Tuesdays, September 20 to November 1, from 3:30 to 5:00pm. The Circle of Security, a new program, which is relationship based and is designed to enhance attachment security between parents and children. Childminding is provided. For more information call 604.738.2819 or visit westsidefamilyplace.com BIG DRAW Vancouver Saturday, October 1st FREE The BIG DRAW, a world-wide drawing festival is coming to Vancouver Community Centres! This global event works to reconnect EVERYONE on the planet with the power and pleasure of drawing. Join us for an all ages drawing workshop led by an artist at Kitsilano Community Centre. Fun. Inspiring. Get drawn in. For more information and workshop times visit: www.drawvancouver.ca TO REGISTER: KITSCC.COM OR CALL 604-257-6976 EXT. 1 35 gymnastics sports education development creative arts martial arts community kitchen cooking Special Events Halloween Howl (2-8 yrs) Saturday, October 29, 10:30 am-12:30 pm $5/child Course #74724 Calling all ghosts and goblins! Enjoy Halloween tricks, treats, crafts, and games at this popular, annual event. Register early as this celebration sells out every year. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Costumes are encouraged. Breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 10 9:00 am Seating: Course #74734 10:15 am Seating: Course #74735 $6/person A traditional pancake breakfast with sausages, berries and whipped cream served by Santa’s Helpers from the Kitsilano Community Centre Association and our neighbourhood partners, including White Spot. Join the elves for a sing-a-long, crafts, a photo with Santa, and a special Parent & Tot Gym at no extra charge. Please register early as this popular event sells out annually. Children must be accompanied by an adult. KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE COMMUNITY CENTRE 2690 LarchKITSILANO Street, Vancouver,WAR B.C., V6KMEMORIAL 4K9 Phone 604-257-6976 Fax 604-257-6996 Web www.kitscc.com 2690 Larch Street, Vancouver, B.C., V6K 4K9 Phone 604-257-6976 Fax 604-257-6996 Web www.kitscc.com 36 KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL COMMUNITY CENTRE COMMUNITY CENTRE KITSILANO WAR MEMORIAL computer training workshops social recreation youth programs outtrips music lessons aerobics dance performing arts yoga pilates ice skating fitness centre whirlpool sauna Prices do not include GST. learn a language singing theatre seniors’ programs preschool programs