Maple Happenings for January 21


Maple Happenings for January 21
Follow Us
@Maple PTO
@ Chardon_Maple
Vol unt eer Needed
Attention parents and Chardon residents,
Maple Elem en tary Sch ool
305 Maple Ave, Ch ardon
Maple Elementary is in need of a head crossing guard. We pride
ourselves on being able to ensure safety for our students and
families as they arrive and depart from school each day and want
you to be a part of the team in this effort! If you would be
interested in this position, please contact Sarah Strawinski at or (440) 678-7019. The time
commitment is minimal, but the reward you receive from giving
back to the school is immeasurable. Here's your chance to jump
on that New Year's Resolution you set for yourself to start
Dian a Th om pson - Secretary
Dan a Sh utty - Clercial Assistan t
The m ission of M aple
Elem entar y School is to
educate all students to
becom e r esponsible
citizens equipped w ith the
skills necessar y for
success in an
ever -changing, highly
diver se, technological
w or ld thr ough a
com m itted par tner ship
w ith students, staff,
par ents and com m unity.
Chardon Board of Education Monthly Board Meeting
Kelly Moran , Ed.D. - Prin cipal
Mrs. Gil l et t e - 1st Grade
Mrs. Monsman - 5th grade
Mrs. Picone - 2nd grade
Cal endar
Januar y
20 Par ent Teacher Conf er ences
21 PTO Meet ing
28 Par ent Teacher Conf er ences
28 - Feb 3 Book Fair
29 Ter r if ic Kids Br eakf ast
Febr uar y
Jan 28 -Feb 3 Book Fair
5 Spir it Day
6 PTO Fam ily Dance
12 Valent ines Par t y
PTO Fam ily Movie Night
15 NO SCHOOL - Pr esident 's Day
26 Ter r if ic Kids Br eakf ast
Mar ch
4 Spir it Day
18 Ter r if ic Kids Br eakf ast
19 PTO Tast e of Char don
Mar ch 24 -Apr il 1 Spr ing Br eak
Apr il
4 Classes Resum e
7 Music Concer t (Grades 3-5)
8 PTO Movie Night
29 Ter r if ic Kids Br eakf ast
30 PTO Car nival
InkCartridge- Recycling
Drop off any used cartridges into
school office.
Weekof Jan. 18th- 22nd
NEW 2016 MENU NOW AVAILABLE For saf ety reasons pl ease
For a complete menu click here.
- Chicken Patty on
- Tater Tots
- Corn
- Fruit & Vegetable
- Stuf f ed Cheesy
- Caesar Salad
- Rice Krispie Treat
- Fruit & Vegetable
French Toast Stix
Fruit Juice
Hash Brown
Fruit & Vegetable
do not send f ood i n cans
or gl ass bottl es.
Fr iday
- Orange Popcorn
- Rice
- Broccoli
- Fruit & Vegetable
- Big Daddy's Pizza
- Frozen Treat
- Fruit & Vegetable
All lunch m eals include m ilk and 2 selections fr om the side bar. Side bar options include: an assor tm ent of celer y sticks,
baby car r ots, assor ted fr esh fr uit and canned fr uit, fr esh r om aine salad, sliced cucum ber s, 100% fr esh juice cup. M ost of
the br ead and gr ain item s ser ved at lunch contain w hole gr ain as the fir st ingr edient.
We ser ve fr esh Sages apples.
EVERYDAY ALTERNATIVES: PB & J, Salad, Yogur t & Gr aham Cr acker s.
Student Lunch $2.75
Startin g Kin dergarten
The Expectations?
The Process?
The Questions?
What : An informative night for?
Who: All parents of potential Chardon Kindergartners and local preschool representatives for the 2016-2017 school year.
When: Wednesday, February 3rd , at 6:30 p.m.
Where: Chardon Middle School, LGIR 424 North Street
Why: Chardon Local Schools believes in communicating and helping people to understand the process of Kindergarten
enrollment, the State Kindergarten guidelines and expectations, Chardon?s Kindergarten policies, and Kindergarten readiness,
and in providing Kindergarten information that will help make students successful learners, socially, emotionally and
Join Us at our
Fr ee Sunday t ast ing fest ival s!
Januar y, 24 & Januar y 31
Saturday, February 20, 2016
The Pond Arena, 9999 East Washington Street, Bainbridge
*Must bring a helmet (bike, ski, hockey, lacrosse, etc.). Winter gloves and athletic
clothing recommended. For kids ages 4-9 years old.
Can you help us?
Cole H.
Austin W.
1st Grade
Max D.
Alexis G.
Sarah I.
Ashton P.
Kai R.
Nathanael T.
2nd Grade
Ava H.
3rd Grade
Share information about this event with EVERYONE!!This event is one-of-a-kind
affording children an opportunity to get physically active, try something new, and
learn about the greatest sport on ice!
Did you know? ? ?
This past November 12,602 boys and girls participated in USA Hockey's Try
Hockey for Free Day.486 locations, representing 48 states, provided a chance to
experience youth hockey for the very first time.20% of participants nationally are
girls.This February 20 th is a part of Hockey Across America Weekend.
Friday, February 19 th is ?WEAR YOUR HOCKEY JERSEY?day.February 20 th is Try
Hockey for Free across the USA.February 21 st is ?Celebrate a Local Hockey Hero
Day.?Learn more about the weekend at:
http:/ / www.hockeyweekendacrossamerica.comThis is the 6 th consecutive THFF
event Geauga Youth Hockey has hosted in the past 3 years.We have reached over
300 local youth and 58 kids tried hockey this past November!
WWW.TRYHOCKEYFORFREE.COM is a national website that gives people
anywhere in the country the chance to locate a participating rink. You are helping
grow hockey across our nation when you share this website. GYHA has been
distinguished as one of the Top 3 programs in the nation for our THFF efforts to
Grow the Game! ?THFF is VOLUNTEER RUN. People from all across our hockey
community help in large and small ways to make this event a success! GYHA
collaborates with the Lake Erie Monsters, 5 local high school Varsity Hockey
teams, and The Pond Staff to host our event.See highlights from November's THFF
on USA Hockey's
website:https:/ / watch?v=jpbgX30PVJs&
Thank you for taking a moment to help give a child a chance to TRY HOCKEY!
Ethan D.
Boys/ gir l s 3r d - 8t h Gr ade
Get Ready Now t o Pl ay
"TheFast est Gameon Two Feet "
Char don High School
v isit
www.char donl acr
Lak e Eri e Li ght ning - Lacr osse Open House
For Par ent s and Pl ayer s
Wednesday, December 16t h at 7 pm
Heri t age middl e School Gymnasium
135 Cedar br ook Ave
Painesvill e, Ohi o 44077
Mor e inform at i on at : Lak eEri eYout hLacr
Winter classes are available at
Geauga Theater
Register online today
Chardon Fast Pitch Softball League - Registration Now OPEN!
Divisions: Teeball, 8U, 10U, 12U &14U
Registration Ends 3/ 20
USFTLYout h f l ag f oot bal l and nf l f l ag pr esent s
2016 spri ng Ch ardon non-contact Youth f l ag f ootb al l l eague
si gn up today at w w w .USFTLYyouth f l
A ges 3-17 are Wel come!
Regi strati on i s open th rough Feb ruary, 22nd
Th e ch i l dren l earn f ootbal l i n a saf e, f un, and most i mportantl y a concussi on f ree
env i ronment. Pl us i t's a great w ay to mak e new f ri ends!
Registration form can be downloaded from
the Maple School Web site