the event show directory
the event show directory
2016 Directory We would like to thank ... Keep Me! SPONSORS OF 2015 NEW YORK VISUAL MEDIA EXPO Refer to this handy directory whenever you next need creativeinspirationorguidanceonstayingtherightside ofthelawwhenusingvisualmedia. Principal Sponsor You’llfindnicheandgeneralstockagencies,artistreps, productioncompanies,andinnovativesearchtools,all indexed by subject and media types at the end. Theleadingresourceforfindingcommercialphotographersandillustrators. Keynote Session DIGITAL MEDIA LICENSING ASSOCIATION Footage Session TheDigitalMedia LicensingAssociation behind DMLAsearch. One-stop resource for stockfootageinformation. Ways to connect online: Discoverevenmorestockagencies,artistrepsand productioncompaniesinouronlinedirectory. Tuneintoourblogfornews,interviews,insights andtipsforvisualmediabuyers. Wine & Wine Glasses Beer & Take Away Glasses Nespresso Machine » The business-to-business magazine for graphic designers since 1963. Connecting buyers & sellers of production & post services since 1960. ELLEN HERBERT Organizer of sessions program » SHARON FEDERICO Designer of all print materials Connectwith1,300+othervisualmedia professionalsinourLinkedInGroup. Media Partners ImageBuying:TheEssentials in Table of Contents PAGES 4–9 Directory of Agencies 10 – 26 Advertisements 27 – 29 PartnerOrganizations 30 – 31 Subject Index 32 – 33 Media Index 34 – 35 Reps & Producers Index Followupdatestoourblog. Follow 35 Image Buying: FAIR USE COPYRIGHT The fair use doctrine under US copyright law provides a limited exception to copyright’s legal monopoly where the copyright holder’s permission is not required to use a copyrighted work. Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides that reproduction “for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research” is not an infringement of copyright. This is not an exhaustive list. The Essentials Copyright law gives copyright owners a legal monopoly (with some limited exceptions) to control the use of their work for a limited period of time (see below). They can decide if and when to obtain commercial gain from their work by licensing any or all of these rights on an exclusive or non-exclusive basis: REPRODUCTION DISTRIBUTION DISPLAY PERFORM DERIVATIVE WORKS the right to make copies the right to sell or otherwise distribute copies to the public the right to display the work publicly the right to perform a motion picture or audio visual work publicly the right to create adaptations Who is the copyright owner? In most cases the copyright owner is the person who created the work, i.e. the photographer. However if the creator was employed to create the work as an employee or as a work for hire, the employer is the copyright owner. Any copyright owner may transfer all of their rights to another person or company, who becomes the new copyright owner. What images are in the public domain or available for public use? • Any work created by the US government. • Any work by US author first published or registered with the US Copyright Office more than 95 years ago. • Any image explicitly transferred for broad public use by its author under a type of Creative Commons license or the like. How long does copyright protection last? Unfortunatelythereisn’tasimpleanswer,butthistablewillhelpyou determineifaparticularUSworkmaycurrentlybeincopyright: ForcompletedetailsofUScopyrightduration,refertoCirculars publishedbytheCopyrightOffice( UniversityCopyrightInformationCenter( Copyrightlawsinothercountriesvary,butgenerallyprovidecopyright protectionforthelifeoftheauthorplus50–70years. *Theworkisonlyprotectedifformalitieswereobserved:e.g.publicationwithnoticewas requireduntilMarch1989andrenewalregistrationofpublishedworkswasrequired after28yearsuntil1964. A use may also be a fair use of another work if it does not replace the original work but adds something new, i.e. it transforms the original use and does not harm the market for the original work. Whether unauthorized use is fair use or copyright infringement is determined by the courts on a case-by-case basis by analysing four factors prescribed by the statute (see Copyright law and the courts aim to strike a balance between public interest and the rights of authors/artists. It is a difficult doctrine to apply as the statute provides guidelines and not rules. For example, reviewing a photograph that is part of a gallery opening is an example of fair use. To merely illustrate the subject of a blog or article with an image is generally not a fair use and would require a license from the copyright owner or authorized representative. ORPHAN WORKS tips: PublishingontheInternet is,forcopyrightpurposes, equivalenttopublishing in every country of the world,soobtaininga licensetouseanimage isasensibleprecautionif animagemaystillbein copyrightunderthelaws of some county. Anyunlicenseduseofan image under copyright risksacopyrightclaim: obtainingalicensemakes good business sense. An orphan work is one where the copyright owner is not known or not locatable. Even if an owner cannot be identified or contacted, the image may be protected by copyright. If you use the image and the owner emerges, the owner may seek damages for the infringing use of the work. Digital image and video files can contain textual information known as metadata, which may include the name of the copyright holder or his/her agent. If there is no credit with the image or in the metadata, you may need to engage a professional researcher or research service. MacOSFinder,Windows Explorer,Photoshop,and many other programs have anoptiontoshowthe ‘Properties’foranyimage onyourcomputer.Look foracreditline,copyright noticeorwebaddress. Usefulonlineresources • PicScoutPlatform( by image for a registered copyright holder. • DMLA’sOrphanSearchserviceinvitesyoutoemailanimagetoorphansearch@ digitalmedialicensing.organdDMLAwillforwardyourenquirytoallitsmembers and affiliated associations. • ThePLUSRegistry( ( offer free online search tools. • GoogleImageSearch( on the Web: click on the camera icon in the search box. • TinEye( For more detail and links, visit our InfoZone at Visual Connections accepts no liability for any inaccuracies in fact or interpretation in the information provided here, which does not constitute legal advice. 5 CATEGORIES OF USE EDITORIAL USE This is where a work is used to illustrate the content of a truthful article or news story of public interest published in a newspaper, magazine, book, documentary or news broadcast or other form of publication. If the main focus of the work bears a reasonable relationship to the content of the article or broadcast, releases from the subject are generally not required, under state right of privacy and publicity law. that that has no reasonable relationship to the content of the article or broadcast, a property release may be required. While state rights of privacy and publicity only applies to people, not personal or real property, some objects depicted in an image may be protected by copyright, and in some instances trademark or trade dress rights will apply depending on the context of the use (see next section). Copyrightedworks This is where a work is used in connection with the sale or promotion of a product or service, or used in merchandise. Releases are always required for identifiable persons and certain properties (see next section). Where a work depicts a copyrighted work (e.g. a painting, sculpture, graffiti, distinctive tattoo or unique furniture*) the permission of the copyright owner (typically the artist) is generally required for editorial or commercial use. Architecture built in the US after March1,1989isprotectedbycopyright,butthelawpermitsanyuseofanimageofa US building taken from a public location. (However the building may have trademark protection.) The same is not true of buildings in France, where the architect’s permission must be sought. RELEASES In the case of editorial use, if a copyrighted work is shown without permission, but is directly relevant to the article or broadcast, it may be a fair use to depict the subject. COMMERCIAL USE MODEL AND TALENT RELEASES Any person who is identifiable in an image or video has certain rights to privacy with respect to the commercial use of that image, and permission must be sought before publication. A person may be identifiable by something other than their face, e.g. a distinctive body part, hair style, tattoo, or clothing. For professional actors permission typically comes in the form of a talent release. For professional models and members of the general public, permission comes in the form of a model release. A stock model release typically permits unrestricted commercial use in return for a one-off payment (usually made by the photographer), but there are instances where the model or talent stipulates restrictions, such as no association with a political party or a controversial subject. Professionalphotographersandvideographersarrangemodelandtalentreleasesasamatter of course. Amateurs rarely do, and unless they recorded contact details for the people depicted, you will not be able to obtain a model release, limiting your use to editorial. PROPERTY RELEASES * Useful objects are not protected under US copyright law but some countries provide design protection for distinctive designs. Trademarks Where a work depicts a trademark or trade dress (distinctive packaging), registered or not, the permission of the trademark owner may be required for certain commercial uses. The key test is whether the presence of the property in the image or video might confuse or deceive the viewer as to the origin, sponsorship or association of the goods or services being promoted. Where the identifiable object or mark is peripheral to the main focus of the work, or part of a larger composition (e.g. a cityscape), permission is generally not required. Trademarked properties include all company logos and distinctive trade dress, such as theMcDonald’sgoldenarches,Cokebottleshape,TiffanyBluecolor,topoftheFender guitar, or Volkswagen beetle car. Some landmark buildings owners have attempted to assert trademark rights in recognizable features, such as the columns of the NY Stock Exchange, the radio city neon lights, and the top of the Transamerica building. Introducingamotionor depth-of-fieldblurtoan image or video can be a simplewayofrendering unidentifiablepeopleor propertiesinthework. Recognizableprivateproperty Where a work depicts an identifiable object or design, permission may be required for commercial use and, in some instances, editorial use before publication. Where a work depicts private property with attributes that make it recognizable as belonging to a particular person or company (such as a yacht with a legible name) the permission of the owner may be required for commercial use. In the case of editorial use, if the work bears a reasonable relationship to the article or broadcast, property releases are generally not required for editorial use. If however the work prominently features a property that that has no real relationship to the content of the article or broadcast, a property release may be required. Rightsofprivacyonlyapplytopersons,somostimagesofanimalsdonotrequire releases. Where an image depicts an animal that is a recognized commercial character (e.g.GeicoGecko),thepermissionoftheownerisrequiredforcommercial use based on trademark rights. If however the work features a copyrighted work, or prominently features a property tip: For more detail and links, visit our InfoZone at Visual Connections accepts no liability for any inaccuracies in fact or interpretation in the information provided here, which does not constitute legal advice. 7 LOCATION RELEASES Photographingonprivatepropertyrequiresthepermissionoftheownerofthelandor building. Even if photography or filming is permitted (say, in a museum), restrictions on commercial use of such photographs or videos may apply, requiring the owner’s explicit permission in the form of a location release (often termed a property release). tip: Itcanbedifficultto anticipateexactlywhat the usage parameters willbeforaproject: underestimateand youwillenduphaving tobuyanadditional license,whichmaynot havebeenbudgetedfor; overestimateandyoumay paymorethanyoucould have. It is therefore good practicetogetquotes at the outset for add-on licensesthatyoumay requirelater,muchlike youaskaprintertoquote a run-on or re-print cost when you are unsure how manycopiesyouwillneed. but restrictions still apply so you must read the permitted and unpermitted uses. 4) The license may not be transferred to another person or company. Alwaysreadthesmallprint inthelicensetermsand conditions.Lookoutfor: 5) The license is always non-exclusive. > Usageexclusions,suchas merchandisethatisresold; > Limitsonprintruns; A work depicting real property taken from a public location does not generally require a location release, but one may be supplied for reassurance. Microstock is a variety of royalty free, so called because of the low prices charged. The least expensive (‘standard’) licenses typically include restrictions on print runs and use in retail merchandise. A variety of more expensive ‘extended’ licenses with lesser restrictions are usually offered as well. LICENSING MODELS Subscription is a bulk licensing agreement that covers multiple images for a monthly or annual payment. The subscription agreement typically specifies: Licensesareanagreementbetweenthecopyrightowner,orhis/herrepresentative, and you. There are two principal licensing models: rights managed, where a license is granted for a defined use, and royalty free, where a license is granted for a broad range of uses. There are also various free licensing models, of which Creative Commons is now the best established (for content). • Thepermittedrangeofuses; RIGHTSMANAGED CREATIVE COMMONS The key characteristics of a rights managed license are: 1) The fee is determined by the details of the usage. 2) The usage is defined by a variety of parameters that may include image placement and size, publication medium, print run, duration, market sector, territories, and others. 3) The license restricts use to the pre-agreed usage parameters. If you need to use the work outside those parameters, you must purchase an additional license. Mostrightsmanagedcontentisavailableforlicensingonanexclusive basis, where you are guaranteed exclusive use of the image within, say, a specified industry, territory or time period. The licensor will charge a premium for this exclusivity to cover the value of potentially lost sales. A rights managed license for commercial use will typically include model or property releases applicable to the work, but you are still required to determine if the releases are adequate for your use. > Contextualexclusions,such ascontroversial,negative orderogatoryuses; > Additionalpermissions required: you may have to obtain model or property releases yourself. • Themaximumnumberofworksthatmaybedownloadedduringaperiod oftime; • Thenumberofuserswhomaydownloadanduseworks.Astandardlicenseis typically single user with the option to add additional seat licenses. Creative Commons is a very broad license that requires no payment, but typically requires attribution and may exclude commercial use. It may also forbid alteration (so no retouching or compositing). An owner of a work can select from a variety of licenses offered by Creative Commons so you must review the license restrictions to determine if the work is appropriate for your project. Acknowledgement Thebestroyaltyfreeworks getusedmanytimesby manydifferentusers. Choosing one for a high profilemarketingcampaign may confuse your audience (“WherehaveIseenthat imagebefore?”),especially ifacompetitorusesthe same image. It happens! Licensing a rights managed image on an exclusive basis can be a good investment. VisualConnectionswouldliketothanktheDMLAlegalcommittee,andNancyWolff, DMLACounsel,fortheirassistanceinwritingthisarticle. ROYALTY FREE The key characteristics of a royalty free license are: 1) A one-time fee covers multiple uses in multiple projects for an unlimited period of time. 2) The fee is determined by relatively few parameters, typically only the file size. Some licensors offer a choice of licenses at different price points, each covering a different bundle of uses. 3) The range of acceptable uses is broadly defined by the licensor in advance advance For more detail and links, visit our InfoZone at Visual Connections accepts no liability for any inaccuracies in fact or interpretation in the information provided here, which does not constitute legal advice. 9 directory MEDIA/ LICENSING 8666553733 123RF.comisyourone-stopRFphotolibraryoffering 45+millionphotos,illustrations,video,andaudioat themostaffordableprice! © 8555614584ex.110 Over6millionphotographersworldwide,databacked photos,committedtohelpingcreativesfindand licensetheperfectimage. ©MorganPhillips +27333459445 212 625 9000 Withovertenmillionfineartandhistoricalimages, includingstunningblackandwhitephotography, we’llhelpfindyourperfectpictures. RF M S P ©akg-images RM P I D F 8666717305 We’vegotthelargestonlinecollectionofcreative andeditorialphotographyintheworld. RF RM M S AC RF RM ©CavanImages / Alamy P 212 431 5117 P D SN AndersonHopkinsisamid-sizedagencythat representsphotographers,directors,andstylists+ producesphotoandfilmshootsworldwide. © Lisa Shin AC RM AC P D +442083181401 P I F WeofferamazingimagesofMammals,Birds,Pets, Reptiles,Amphibians,Fish,UnderwaterLife,Insects, Flowers,Trees,Habitats&Landscapes. agefotostockisageneralstockagencythatmanages licensingrightsofmillionsofcreativeandeditorial images,vectorsandvideos. ©PacoSinisterra / agefotostock +442076106103 P I F SN AfricaMediaOnlinesellsrightstoAfricanpictures fromsomeofAfrica’stopphotographers,picture librariesandarchives. ©GuyStubbs / AfricaMediaOnline P I ©ThomasMarent / Ardea RM RF RM P PHOTOGRAPHY I ILLUSTRATION D DIGITAL/COMPOSITES F FOOTAGE A ANIMATIONS FN FONTS SN SOUNDS SW SOFTWARE RF ROYALTY FREE RMRIGHTSMANAGED M MICROSTOCK S SUBSCRIPTION ACASSIGNMENT/COMMISSIONED 11 directory MEDIA/ LICENSING 888505866 SW +441491873011 P I SavetimeandmoneywithCapture’scooltechtoolsfor imagebuyersandsellers:mediamanagement,rights, licensing,metadata,royalties. ArtResourceisthelargestphotoarchiveoffineart intheworld,withimagesfrommorethan6,000 museumsandmonumentsworldwide. ©TheMetropolitanMuseumofArt.Imagesource:ArtResource,NY 212 420 9160 © image courtesy of MintImages RM P I 8887218810 RM AC RM 2128281238 F 8664624350 / collection CNNBranded,B-roll&Archivevideocontentin archivalSDandHDquality.Research,licensingand productionservicesavailable. RM S AC RF RM P I F ©CNNCollection P I D F 8002600444 Corbisisaleadingdigitalcontentandglobal entertainmentcompany.Wehelpelevateprojects, amplifybrandsandcaptivateanyaudience. World’sleadingsourceofart,cultureandhistorical stillsandfootage.Searchclipsalongsidestills tocreateacompletevisualpackage. ©GregHarlin / WoodRonsavilleHarlinInc / BridgemanImages ©RepresentedExclusivelybyCatch&Release P F BlendImagesistheworld’sleadingmultiethnic commercialstockphotographyagency. ©PeathegeeInc / Blend 5515870206 Catch&Releasebringsproprietarysearchtoolsand workflowstomakethediscoveryofcontentand licensingpossibleinawholenewway. ArtistsRightsSociety(ARS)isthepreeminent copyright,licensing,andmonitoringorganizationfor visualartistsintheUnitedStates. ©2015FrankStella / ArtistsRightsSociety(ARS),NewYork P D F RF RM AC RM P PHOTOGRAPHY ©JustinPaget / Corbis I ILLUSTRATION D DIGITAL/COMPOSITES F FOOTAGE A ANIMATIONS FN FONTS SN SOUNDS SW SOFTWARE RF ROYALTY FREE RMRIGHTSMANAGED M MICROSTOCK S SUBSCRIPTION ACASSIGNMENT/COMMISSIONED 13 directory MEDIA/ LICENSING 425 562 1543 DanitaDelimont’snicheagencyspecializesinevocative worldwidetravel,naturalhabitats,animalbehavior, landscapesandlifestyles. ©SteveKazlowski / 954 990 0075 Depositphotosisyour#1sourceforroyalty-freestock photos,vectorsandvideos.Flexiblepricingplans startingaslowas$0.99permonth. ©elenathewise 5082090347 P D F RF RM AC 8005186748 Thelargestmegameta-searchengineforlicensable stockimageryontheplanet.Withover180million images,allsearchablesimultaneously. RF RM M S P 8002843399 eStockPhoto.SpecializinginWorldTravel,Inspirational OutdoorScenics,Lifestyle,Landmarks,Outdoor Adventure,Naturescapes,andmore. RF M S RF RM ©GiordanoCipriani / Sime / eStockPhoto P I 2122558610x7122 P F EverettCollectionisanentertainmentarchiveoffilm, TV,musicandredcarpet.Alsofeaturesastronghistory &fineartcollection. ©CourtesyEverettCollection RM RF P I 8008805845 P F Weindexeverystockimageintheworldand bringyou“SearchByImage”tooltoexplorevast collectionsofleadingstockagencies. Footageandphotographyforcreatives. Over1,000,000carefullyselectedstockvideo clipsandphotographs. © Hero Images 7148158427 P I D F DisabilityImages.comistheonlycompanythat offerspositivelifestyleimageryofrealpeoplewith authenticdisabilities. ©Huntstock P I D F A RF M S RF RM P PHOTOGRAPHY ©tycoon101 / I ILLUSTRATION D DIGITAL/COMPOSITES F FOOTAGE A ANIMATIONS FN FONTS SN SOUNDS SW SOFTWARE RF ROYALTY FREE RMRIGHTSMANAGED M MICROSTOCK S SUBSCRIPTION ACASSIGNMENT/COMMISSIONED 15 directory MEDIA/ LICENSING 866.341.4482 P SW 7185761770 P I Haystackpartnerswiththeweb’sbeststockagencies andemployscutting-edgesearchtechnologyto deliveratime-savingvisualmeta-search. FoundFoliosistheleadingresourcefor creativebuyers;helpingartiststobeFound. RF RM © Robb Scharetg 8003311314 2013847715 GRANGER HISTORICAL PICTURE ARCHIVE 2124471789 We represent a diverse range of award-winning illustratorsandbringyouthelatestandmost excitingstyles. ©JacquelineBissett / AC RF RM F A SN P I SN 80089IMAGE Foundedin1999,ImageSourcecreatesRFandRM imagerythatisrelevant,creative,believableand designed to engage your customers. RF RM RF RM ©ZacharyMiller P F +541143345060 P I D ArgentinecreativestockPhoto-Footageagency. Otherservices:Productionbyassignments.Quality, experienceandpricesareourhallmark. RF RM M S AC Grangerspecializesinthehistoryoftheworld from before the Stone Age to the dawn of the Space Age and beyond. ©GRANGER,NYC 6468080205 F Footage—contemporary&archival.Rightsmanaged, rightsready&royaltyfree.Otherservices:footage& stillsresearch,musicclearances. ©GlobalImageWorks ©Haystack I A Framepoolisastockfootagecollectionfor professionalsfromadvertising,broadcastingormovie production.Licenseonlineanddownload. ©Framepool HAYSTACK RM P PHOTOGRAPHY ©ImplementarFilms I ILLUSTRATION D DIGITAL/COMPOSITES F FOOTAGE A ANIMATIONS FN FONTS SN SOUNDS SW SOFTWARE RF ROYALTY FREE RMRIGHTSMANAGED M MICROSTOCK S SUBSCRIPTION ACASSIGNMENT/COMMISSIONED 17 directory MEDIA/ LICENSING 514 323 2123 6462234358 TheUK’sleadingspecialisthistoricalimagesource. REPRESENTS INC. 2128408100 ©MaryEvansPictureLibrary / PeterandDawnCope RM AC P F P D F 6173694338 MFAImagesisaleadingsourceforfineartand imagery with a vast archive of renowned masterpieces and undiscovered treasures. ITNSourceprovidesaccesstofootage&stillsfrom partnersacrosstheglobe.Over2.8millionclips, programs&filmsfrom1896-present. © ITN Source 8664379381 I A BoutiqueStockandLicensingHousespecializedin exclusiveCultural,Architectural,NatureandUrban PhotographyfromaroundtheGlobe. ©BenjaminCarlier / InTransitImages P I ©MuseumofFineArts,Boston RM RM P I 8316615551 P I D F A Distinctiveimagesofanimalsandearth:overhalfa millionrights-protectedimagescoveringeveryaspect ofthenaturalworld. Fullservicetalentrostertomeetcreativevisualneeds ©JasperDoest / MindenPictures RM © M Represents Inc. 8003344291 RM AC 8885600986 I mother image™’sessentialmomentsinpictures. Alifestylephotographycollectionandagencyoffering assignmentandproductionservices. FullylayeredAIvectormapsthatworkwithAdobe Illustrator.Exceptionalqualityandwellorganizedfor completeeditingcontrol. © Map Resources P F RF RM AC RF P PHOTOGRAPHY ©MotherImage / CaitieMcCabe I ILLUSTRATION D DIGITAL/COMPOSITES F FOOTAGE A ANIMATIONS FN FONTS SN SOUNDS SW SOFTWARE RF ROYALTY FREE RMRIGHTSMANAGED M MICROSTOCK S SUBSCRIPTION ACASSIGNMENT/COMMISSIONED 19 directory MEDIA/ LICENSING 8189978292 2028577537 360 739 5401 P Nimiaisre-imaginingthewayyouarchive,license, anddistributevideo.RobustPlatform+Renowned Directors=CompellingFootage. Forover25yearswe’vebeenhelpingvisuallytell storieswithoneoftheworld’smostexclusive collectionsofentertainmentphotography. ©MarkShaw / F RM P I F RF RM ©ElliotLindsey / Nimia P I D F A 8009520703 Historyspecialists—events,portraits,discovery, historicsites,reenactments—asillustrations, photography,animationandvideo. Photography,Motion&Talentspanning125years thatembodiestheglobalvision,spiritofadventure, andcredibilityweareknownforworldwide. ©WilliamAlbertAllard / NationalGeographicCreative +441179113601 RF RM AC P I F Werepresenttheworld’sbestnatureandwildlife photographers,withrareanduniqueimages,specialist research,andgreatfeatures. ©AndyRouse / 8015843927 Unique,stunning,digitalmediatohelpyoutell yourstoryandsellyourproducts.RoyaltyFree and Rights Managed. ©FelixKaestle / dpa / picture-alliance / Newscom © North Wind Picture Archives RM P I F +861059212998 50millionhigh-qualitynature,culture,business,travel andlifestyleimages,within-depthcoverageofChina and Asia. RF RM M S RM P I F ©PanoramaStock P I F 8889783082 DisabilityInclusiveStockImages— RealPeople,RealLives,RealProgress. RF RM M RF RM P PHOTOGRAPHY ©PhotographerWForresterModelDeborahDavis I ILLUSTRATION D DIGITAL/COMPOSITES F FOOTAGE A ANIMATIONS FN FONTS SN SOUNDS SW SOFTWARE RF ROYALTY FREE RMRIGHTSMANAGED M MICROSTOCK S SUBSCRIPTION ACASSIGNMENT/COMMISSIONED 21 directory MEDIA/ LICENSING 8085997773 917 374 5374 picturemaxxistheworld’slargestnetworkof professionalcontentportals,empoweringusersto efficientlyfindandpurchasemediafiles. © my-picturemaxx 8015843927 Newscomofferscustomersone-stopaccessto multimediacontentfrommorethan200oftheworld’s foremostpublishersandcontentcreators. ©DAIKUROKAWA / EPA / Newscom 214 922 7072 Werepresent42award-winningillustratorsworld wide.Ouragencyhandlesallcommissionsand inquiries directedtoourartists. RF RM AC RM AC ©GoniMontes P D 917 763 6554 P I D F SN SW RF RM M S AC RobBacallRepsoffersassignmentphotographersas wellasstock&motionfromtheworldsleadingtalent inallcategories&industries. RM AC ©SatoshireppedbyRobertBacall P F 8008782970 P I F roberthardingisaleadingproviderofoutstanding travelimagesforcreativeprofessionals. RF RM M S P I A FN Fullserviceartistrepresentationagencyfeaturing stockphotography,illustrationaswellasproduction services and custom assignments. ©FredrikBrodenPhotography 212 223 9545 P D PhotoResourceHawaiihassoldstockphotosof theislandssince1985withover20,000+images fromover85ofHawaii’sbestphotographers! ©TorJohnson / I RF RM S ©JohnAlexander P I F 8008339033 ® ScienceSourceImagesspecializesinbothRM& RFMedical,ScienceandNaturestockphotos, illustrations,andvideofootage. RF RM AC RM AC SCIENCE SOURCE P PHOTOGRAPHY ©LivingArtEnterprises / ScienceSource I ILLUSTRATION D DIGITAL/COMPOSITES F FOOTAGE A ANIMATIONS FN FONTS SN SOUNDS SW SOFTWARE RF ROYALTY FREE RMRIGHTSMANAGED M MICROSTOCK S SUBSCRIPTION ACASSIGNMENT/COMMISSIONED 23 directory MEDIA/ LICENSING +442072935383 323 333 5022 8009971287 RM StormStock ® 8172769500 I 8008978666 Over120,000NewYorkercartoons,allavailable forlicensing. ©RobertMankoff / TheNewYorkerCollection / TheCartoonBank RM RM P I 8004758801 P Anindependent,editorialagencywithover2million curatedonlinehistoricalandcontemporaryimages andaccesstoover45millionmore. RM AC RF ©TheImageWorks P I 8885058666 P F Fromtheearliestsilentstotoday’sbiggest blockbusters,ourcollectionofover1,500,000 imagescelebratesthefinestmomentsincinema. StormStockiseverythingweather-hurricanes, lightning,tornadoes,stormyskies,climate change-shot on premium formats. ©MartinLisius / StormStock ©DonWhite / SuperStock P I F Stocksyishometoacuratedcollectionofroyalty-free stockphotographythat’sbeautifulanddistinctive. ©MarijaMandic / StocksyUnited Photographer-ownedandoperated,SuperStockis committedtodeliveringthemostcompellingcontent forpublishing,advertisinganddesign. RF RM S StockPotImagesischangingthepublicviewofthe cannabiscommunitythroughqualityrights-managed photography,illustration,andvideo. ©JustinMcIvor / StockPotImages,LLC 8008284545 P I Compellingimageryfromthefineand decorativeartsandbeyondincludingtheexclusive CecilBeatonStudioArchive. ©TheCecilBeatonStudioArchiveatSotheby’s P I MGM / TheKobalCollection / ArtResource RM RM P PHOTOGRAPHY I ILLUSTRATION D DIGITAL/COMPOSITES F FOOTAGE A ANIMATIONS FN FONTS SN SOUNDS SW SOFTWARE RF ROYALTY FREE RMRIGHTSMANAGED M MICROSTOCK S SUBSCRIPTION ACASSIGNMENT/COMMISSIONED 25 directory MEDIA/ LICENSING 2124314480 Assignmentstill&videophotography&production, illustration,cgi,andanimation.Stockphotographyand illustrationforselectimages. ©KanNakai2015 617 300 3939 P I D F A RM AC P I F A HISTORY HAS NEVER LOOKED BETTER WITH OVER A CENTURY OF IMPECCABLY PRESERVED FOOTAGE, AND DELIVERY IN ANY FORMAT YOU NEED. StockfootagelicensorofcontentfromWGBH,the publictelevisionpowerhouse,includingfootage,web content,animation,textandmore. ©NOVA / WGBHEducationalFoundation 610 260 0200 RM P Wehelpphotographerswiththeirbrandingand marketingandwecanhelpcreativessourcestock directlyfromourphotographers. ©BrookeHummer RM AC Formoresourcesofinspiringvisualmediafrom aroundtheworld,consultouronlinedirectoryat NFB.CA/IMAGES Production Industry pros turn to SHOOT Magazine,, The SHOOT>e.dition, The SHOOT Dailies and The SHOOT Publicity Wire to keep abreast of the latest commercial and entertainment production industry news, new work, creative techniques, talent and applications. Market your company with SHOOT to let decision-makers at Production, Editorial, Post, VFX, Animation, Music & Sound cos; TV, Cable & Online Networks; Movie Studios & Independent Filmmakers; Ad Agencies & Major Brands know why they should connect with your company for their visual media and motion footage licensing needs. AX077815 Connecting Buyers & Sellers of Creative, Production & Post Services since 1960 Print & Digital Marketing Info YO U D O N ’T K N OW U S Post a Publicity Release on the SPW Receive SHOOT e-Pubs (free) For more information, please contact But you’ve seen our work. For over 25 years, Corbis has magazine online publicity wire operated behind the scenes to deliver groundbreaking image, entertainment and digital content for the creative industry. V I S I T U S a t V I S UA L CO N N E C T I O N S , B O OT H E 5 - 6 . © 2 0 1 5 C O R B I S C O R P O R AT I O N partner organizations ACSIL ›› ACSIL is a not for profit Trade Association representing the stock footage/ archive/deep content industries. Members include the leading film/television/ news/stock and music archive houses in the US and Europe. ACSIL provides a wide support system in copyright, technology issues to all professional users of stock footage. We have a vibrant Educational Outreach Committee focusing on students and young film makers. ACSIL is a one-stop resource for stock footage information. ASPP ›› ASPPisacommunityofimageexpertscommittedtosharingourexperience, knowledgeandexpertise.Ourfivechaptersproducearichvarietyof educationaleventsandprofessionalnetworkingopportunitiesformembers —thecreators,researchers,editors,buyers,managersandpublishersofvisual contentwhocollaboratethroughouttheimageindustry.ASPPalsopublishesa beautifulquarterlymagazine,ThePICTUREPROFESSIONAL,within-depth photographyportfolios,articles,guestcolumns,bookreviewsandmember features.Advertisingisseenbyphotobuyers,editors,researchers,agents, photographers,andpublishers—largeandsmall. CEPIC ›› CEPICisaEuropeanEconomicInterestGroup(E.E.I.G.)notforprofit representingtheinterestsofpictureassociations,agenciesandlibrariesin Europe,intotal800pictureagenciesandlibrariesfromEurope,fromthe smallesttothelargest,thesoletraderandglobalcompany,coveringall aspectsofphotography,news,stock,heritage.CEPICorganizeseachyearan AgencyCongress,enablingAgentsfromallovertheworktomeet. DMLA (formerly PACA) ›› members.Inthiseraofcontinuouschange,wehaveremainedanactivecommunitywherevital informationissharedandcommoninterestsareexplored.Inaddition,DMLAeducatesandinformsits membersonissues includingtechnology,tools,andchangesinthemarketplace.Wealsoconnectour membersthroughwebinars,ourannualconference,industrynetworkingevents,andbybringingtogether buyersandsellerswithDMLAsearch(formerlyPacaSearch). GDUSA ›› GraphicDesignUSA—GDUSAhasbeenthebusiness-to-businessmagazinefor graphicdesignerssince1963.Inadditiontotheregularmixofnews,people, projects,ideas,andcommentary,GDUSAiscelebratingits52ndyearwitha series of in-depth surveys on the state of graphic design. PLUS ›› PLUSisaninternationalnon-profitorganizationfocusedexclusivelyon simplifyingthecommunicationandmanagementofimagerights.In additionaltoindustrystandardsforimagelicensing,theCoalitionas developedthePLUSRegistry,aglobalnon-profitresourceconnectingimager torightsholdersandrightsinformation.FormoreinformationaboutPLUS, visit SHOOT ›› Coveringentertainment&commercialproduction,SHOOTiseditedforexecs/ artisansatproduction/postcos,TV/Onlinenetworks,moviestudios,ad agencies&brands.Connectingbuyers&sellersofproduction&postservices since1960,readersturntoSHOOTMagazine,,The SHOOT>e.dition,TheSHOOTDailies&TheSPWtokeepabreastofproduction industrynews,work,talent&techniques. WORKBOOK ›› Workbook,inprintandonline,istheleadingmarketingresourcefor commercialphotographersandillustrators.Fornearlyfourdecades, Workbookhashelpedtopartistsconnectwiththecreativeswhohirethem whileprovidingexpertisetotheindustryatlarge. DMLAForover60yeartheDigitalMediaLicensingAssociation(DMLA), formerlyknownasPACA,hasdevelopedbusinessstandards,promotedethical businesspracticesandactivelyadvocatedcopyrightprotectiononbehalfofits 31 ArtistsRightsSociety Catch&Release RobertBacallReps StocksyUnited SuperStock TheImageWorks Watson&SpiermanProductions WGBHStockSales »backgrounds/patterns ART / CRAFTS / HOBBIES subject index ABSTRACT / OTHER Photo Resource Hawaii »concepts Renee Rhyner & Company »humor TheCartoonBank ALL SUBJECTS 123RF 500px ACSIL agefotostock Alamy Catch&Release Depositphotos DMLAsearch FoundFolios Framepool GlobalImageWorks IllustrationUSAInc. Image Source ImplementarFilms-Productions Newscom PanoramaStock PixationImages Renee Rhyner & Company RichardSolomonArtistsRepresentative akg-images Art Resource ArtistsRightsSociety Bridgeman Images IllustrationUSAInc. MFA Images Sotheby’s Picture Library »paintings/sculptures SuperStock »entertainment/performingarts EverettCollection Mary Evans Picture Library mptv Images TheKobalCollectionatArtResource Corbis Dissolve Image Source M REPRESENTS INC. PhotoAbility PixationImages WonderfulMachine »lifestyles BUSINESS / INDUSTRY 123RF AfricaMediaOnline BlendImages Image Source ITN Source StockPotImages TheCartoonBank WonderfulMachine »environment ARDEAwildlifepetsenvironment Minden Pictures Nature Picture Library WeatherVideoHD.TV PEOPLE mptv Images 123RF 500px BlendImages Catch&Release CNNCollection Corbis Depositphotos Dissolve M REPRESENTS INC. MFA Images Mother Image NationalGeographicCreative Newscom Nimia PhotoAbility Sotheby’s Picture Library StockPotImages WonderfulMachine »food/drink Watson&SpiermanProductions NATURAL WORLD ARDEAwildlifepetsenvironment Minden Pictures Art Resource Capture In Transit Images DanitaDelimontStockPhotography »fashion/glamour AfricaMediaOnline agefotostock Alamy BUILDINGS / STRUCTURES »countryside/seaside »plants LIVING RichardSolomonArtistsRepresentative PLACES / MAPS akg-images Art Resource Bridgeman Images CNNCollection eStockPhoto Framepool In Transit Images Map Resources PanoramaStock robertharding AndersonHopkins ImplementarFilms-Productions PanoramaStock Renee Rhyner & Company Watson&SpiermanProductions 500px ACSIL agefotostock Alamy ARDEAwildlifepetsenvironment Corbis DanitaDelimontStockPhotography Depositphotos Dissolve eStockPhoto Framepool In Transit Images MFA Images NationalGeographicCreative Nature Picture Library Nimia Minden Pictures PixationImages robertharding Science Source Images WGBHStockSales »illustrations/posters Nature Picture Library »animals StockPotImages »weather WeatherVideoHD.TV »babies/children Mother Image »adults/families Mother Image »famouspeople EverettCollection GRANGER-HistoricalPictureArchive mptv Images TheKobalCollectionatArtResource NationalGeographicCreative Newscom PhotoAbility Sotheby’s Picture Library TheCartoonBank TheImageWorks TheKobalCollectionatArtResource WGBHStockSales WAR / DISASTERS North Wind Picture Archives »cities »education Map Resources ITN Source »touristdestinations »history DanitaDelimontStockPhotography eStockPhoto Map Resources Photo Resource Hawaii robertharding EverettCollection GRANGER-HistoricalPictureArchive Mary Evans Picture Library »historicalscenes Mary Evans Picture Library North Wind Picture Archives SCIENCE / TECHNOLOGY BlendImages GlobalImageWorks M REPRESENTS INC. Science Source Images SuperStock TheImageWorks »medical ImplementarFilms-Productions Science Source Images SOCIETY / CULTURE ACSIL AfricaMediaOnline akg-images ArtistsRightsSociety Bridgeman Images CNNCollection GlobalImageWorks GRANGER-HistoricalPictureArchive ITN Source North Wind Picture Archives SPORTS / ACTIVITIES AndersonHopkins Nimia »adventure Photo Resource Hawaii TRANSPORT AndersonHopkins 33 media index ANIMATIONS DMLAsearch Global ImageWorks Illustration USA Inc. M REPRESENTS INC. North Wind Picture Archives Renee Rhyner & Company Watson & Spierman Productions WGBH Stock Sales Workbook DIGITAL / COMPOSITES Africa Media Online Alamy ARDEA wildlife pets environment Catch & Release Corbis Danita Delimont Stock Photography Depositphotos DMLAsearch GRANGER — Historical Picture Archive Graphic Design USA M REPRESENTS INC. MFA Images North Wind Picture Archives Photo Resource Hawaii picturemaxx Robert Bacall Reps Watson & Spierman Productions Workbook FONTS Renee Rhyner & Company Workbook FOOTAGE 123RF ACSIL age fotostock Alamy Blend Images Bridgeman Images Catch & Release CNN Collection Corbis Danita Delimont Stock Photography Depositphotos Dissolve DMLAsearch Framepool Global ImageWorks Graphic Design USA Implementar Films - Productions ITN Source M REPRESENTS INC. MFA Images Mother Image National Geographic Creative Nature Picture Library Newscom Nimia North Wind Picture Archives PanoramaStock PhotoAbility picturemaxx Pixation Images robertharding Science Source Images Stock Pot Images Watson & Spierman Productions WeatherVideoHD.TV WGBH Stock Sales Workbook ILLUSTRATION PHOTOGRAPHY 123RF age fotostock akg-images Alamy Art Resource Artists Rights Society Bridgeman Images Corbis Depositphotos DMLAsearch Everett Collection FoundFolios GRANGER - Historical Picture Archive Graphic Design USA Illustration USA Inc. Image Source M REPRESENTS INC. Map Resources Mary Evans Picture Library Minden Pictures National Geographic Creative Nature Picture Library Newscom North Wind Picture Archives PanoramaStock PhotoAbility picturemaxx Pixation Images Renee Rhyner & Company Richard Solomon Artists Representative Science Source Images Sotheby’s Picture Library Stock Pot Images SuperStock The Cartoon Bank The Image Works The Kobal Collection at Art Resource Watson & Spierman Productions WeatherVideoHD.TV WGBH Stock Sales Workbook 123RF 500px Africa Media Online age fotostock akg-images Alamy Anderson Hopkins ARDEA wildlife pets environment Art Resource Artists Rights Society Blend Images Bridgeman Images Catch & Release Corbis Danita Delimont Stock Photography Depositphotos Dissolve DMLAsearch eStock Photo Everett Collection FoundFolios GRANGER — Historical Picture Archive Graphic Design USA Image Source Implementar Films — Productions In Transit Images ITN Source M REPRESENTS INC. Mary Evans Picture Library MFA Images Minden Pictures Mother Image mptv Images National Geographic Creative Nature Picture Library Newscom North Wind Picture Archives PanoramaStock Photo Resource Hawaii PhotoAbility picturemaxx Pixation Images Renee Rhyner & Company Robert Bacall Reps robertharding Science Source Images Sotheby’s Picture Library Stock Pot Images Stocksy United SuperStock The Image Works The Kobal Collection at Art Resource Watson & Spierman Productions WeatherVideoHD.TV WGBH Stock Sales Wonderful Machine Workbook SOFTWARE / ONLINE SERVICE Capture DMLAsearch picturemaxx Workbook SOUNDS 123RF Africa Media Online Global ImageWorks Image Source picturemaxx ASSIGNMENT / COMMISSIONED 500px ACSIL Africa Media Online Anderson Hopkins Catch & Release CNN Collection Corbis Danita Delimont Stock Photography Illustration USA Inc. Implementar Films — Productions M REPRESENTS INC. Mother Image National Geographic Creative picturemaxx Renee Rhyner & Company Robert Bacall Reps Science Source Images The Image Works Watson & Spierman Productions Wonderful Machine Workbook 35 The finest photography and illustration talent all at your fingertips. Get creative. Dive into the creative network.
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